How to disconnect Hamachi from the network. Complete removal of Hamachi program

Gamers regularly erase games from their personal computer after all the results have been achieved. In some cases, people do not know how this process is carried out. So, users are often interested in how to remove Hamachi completely.

Many gamers are interested in how to properly remove Hamachi

This need may also arise due to the fact that this toy takes up space on the hard drive, which a person needs to store other data. Find out how delete any application you can on our portal.

Instructions for completely removing Hamachi

To eliminate this toy, you must first use the standard means of the system. The whole process is carried out as follows:

  • The “Control Panel” window opens. Through it you can also remove hiberfil, which is a file that uses hibernation mode.
  • You will be taken to the subsection called “Programs and Features”.
  • A search is carried out for the program to be eliminated in the list that appears, and then it is highlighted.
  • The “Delete” button is pressed.
  • The same button in the confirmation window is activated.

These manipulations allow you to launch the toy master. It requires you to follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation. Next, the game folder is erased. It can be found in the Program Files directory. However, it can be located not only in this place, but also somewhere else.

In the Program Files folder, find the Hamachi folder

The location of this folder must be looked for in the directory where Hamachi was installed. In addition, it is recommended to look for residual files of the toy. To do this, you need to go to a folder called Documents and Settings.

The final deletion of files is done in the Documents folder

It is, naturally, located on drive C. Then you need to open the folder with the username. Then you go to Application Data or Appdata depending on the OS version. Here you need to erase everything related to the game. At the end of the entire process, the trash can is emptied.

Cleaning the registry

This procedure is carried out to remove the "tails" of Hamachi. This operation is always carried out with extreme caution, since you need to avoid making mistakes and not eliminating unnecessary files. Otherwise, the system will be unstable or stop functioning altogether.

Then you will have to reinstall it. Therefore, it is recommended to use special utilities for such an operation. One of them is CCleaner. It is available to users for free on the developer's official website.

At the same time, this software is convenient and completely safe. It will 100% cleanse the system of all junk. The algorithm for working with this program is as follows:

  • The software is downloaded, installed and launched.
  • The “Register” button is pressed. It is located on the left side of the software window on a gray background.
  • Click on the “Search for problems” button.
  • The “Fix” button is activated after the registry scan is completed.
  • After all the manipulations, all that remains is to close the auxiliary software window.

Hello, I came across a situation - when I connect LogMeIn Hamachi, which is installed on Windows 7, to the network, the computers on the network are not accessible, and a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark is drawn against them. I want to show how you can fix this error.

If you go into the node connection details, an error will be written next to the VPN status parameter.

If you go to the settings, in the VPN domain the status information says an error - Failed to connect to the network adapter. The peer is not reachable via VPN.

In my case, the problem was with the installation of the Hamachi network driver. If you go to the device manager (computer properties - device manager), you can see an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle for the Hamachi Network Interface driver. If you go to the properties of this driver it will be written that the driver does not have a digital signature.

Because of this, the system does not have a Hamachi network interface, and Hamachi cannot connect to computers on the network.
To fix this, you can take a difficult and simple route.

The difficult one is to put the system into test mode and disable mandatory verification of driver digital signatures in group policies. But I didn’t do that, and I don’t advise you to.

Simple - download Hamachi version - Hamachi

After Hamachi is downloaded, you need to remove the version that you have installed. And just install the version that was downloaded. In this version, everything is fine with the digital signature of the driver, and after installing it, everything worked for me.

After starting the program, you can update it from the program itself (for help - check for updates), or you can download the latest version from the developers website. When you run the installer, the program will be updated. And there should be no problems with the driver and connecting to computers.

By the way, I installed the latest version of the program on Windows 10, it worked fine for me, but if suddenly you have the same problem that I wrote about above, then you can try installing version

With it, I had a situation where the driver in the device manager works fine, there are no exclamation marks, but there is no network interface in the network and sharing center. A simple reinstallation of LogMeIn Hamachi helped, meaning this version needs to be installed 2 times. After which everything works fine.

Logmein Hamachi, like any other program, can be removed through the standard Windows Add/Remove Programs tool or manually. You can also use third-party utilities to uninstall software from your PC. Close Hamachi and follow the instructions.

Method 1

If you want to remove Hamachi completely from your computer and are trying to do so for the first time, use the free CCleaner program. Download it from the official website, install and run. In the " Service» - « Uninstalling programs» find Hamachi.

Click on the button Uninstallation"(on it, and not on “Delete”, this is important, do not confuse it!), the uninstaller window will launch with a proposal to remove Logmein Hamachi. Check the box to delete user settings, as shown in the screenshot, and click the " Delete».

Wait for the process to complete; a reboot is usually not required after this.

Method 2

If you cannot remove Hamachi, it is not removed from network connections, it leaves behind a network adapter, services and a bunch of other “tails”, you will have to remove it manually.

First, uninstall the program, as far as possible, using standard means, then delete all folders with the name “Hamachi” (and also preferably with the name “Logmein”, if you are sure that there are no more programs of this developer installed on the computer) according to the following addresses:

C:\Program Files (x86)\



*directories are shown using Windows 10 64 bit as an example.

Then you need to remove the Hamachi network (or rather, the network adapter) from the device manager.

* when working with the registry, be very careful and do not delete anything unnecessary!

Attention! Before deleting all Hamachi entries from the registry, you need to rename one folder in it, which belongs to the program installer and may subsequently interfere with the installation of a new version of Hamachi. Do the following:

Open the following branch in the registry editor (regedit):


There you will see several folders with long names consisting of numbers and letters. Select the first folder and move down to the next using the arrows on your keyboard, while looking at the ProductName.

You need to find a folder where the ProductName says "Logmein Hamachi". Rename this folder by adding 2 letters X (for example) to the end of its name.

Now you can start deleting the remaining entries. To do this, use the search by program name ( CTRL +F).

Lastly, remove the Logmein Hamachi Tunneling Engine service. To do this, start the service manager (“ Win+R» - « services.msc"), find it and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

A window with the properties of the service will open, copy its system name from there and click on the “ Stop».

Then run the command line (" Win+R» - « cmd»)

and enter the command sc delete Hamachi2Svc

* Hamachi2Svc is the service name you copied, you can paste it into the command prompt window to avoid typing it manually.

After removing the service, restart your computer.

Hamachi is a popular program used to connect several different computers from any location into one single local network. If the program is configured incorrectly, the user cannot avoid problems in its operation. In particular, the following will discuss the situation when Hamachi reports a problem in the tunnel.

What is causing the problem?

As a rule, problems in the Hamahi tunnel are associated with two reasons: either the connection is inactive in Windows OS, or the program is not configured correctly. Below we will look at ways that will allow you to work with the program.

Method 1: Activate Network Connection

First of all, you should suspect that the Hamachi network connection on your computer is simply disabled. And turning it on won't be much of a problem.

  • To do this, open "Control Panel" and go to the section.

  • In the left area of ​​the window, open the section.

  • A list of available networks will appear on the screen. If the Hamachi network is gray, right-click on it and select the item "Turn on".

  • Method 2: Reinstall the program

    You can try to solve problems with any program by simply reinstalling it.

  • First, you will need to remove Hamachi from your computer. To do this, open "Control Panel", proceed to the section "Programs and Features", find Hamachi in the list of installed programs, right-click on it and select "Delete".

  • Complete the uninstallation of the program. After this, it is recommended to restart the computer.
  • Follow the link at the end of the article to the main website of the product manufacturer and download the latest distribution of the program. Perform a fresh installation of the program on your computer.
  • Method 3: Configure Hamachi Network Settings

  • To do this, open "Control Panel" and proceed to the section "Network and Sharing Center".

  • In the left area of ​​the window, click on the button "Change adapter settings".

  • Right-click on Hamachi and navigate to "Properties".

  • Select an item "IP version 4", and then click on the button just below "Properties".

  • At the bottom of the new window, click the button "Additionally".

  • In the block "Main gateways" highlight the gateway and then click on the button "Delete". Below, uncheck the box next to the item "Automatic metric assignment" and set the value below "10". Save your changes.

  • Method 4: Editing Hamachi Settings

  • Launch the program. In the upper left corner click on the button "System", and then select the item "Options".

  • In the left area of ​​the window, go to the tab "Options", and then click the button "Additional settings". Set the following parameters:
    • Encryption – any;
    • Compression – any;
    • Traffic filtering – allow everything;
    • Online presence – enable;
    • Use a proxy server - no.

  • Save your changes and close the settings window. Now click on the power button to activate the program.
  • Method 5: Add Hamachi to the Antivirus Exceptions List

    In more rare cases, an antivirus installed on a computer may mistake Hamachi and its activities for a virus threat.

    To check this, you will need to disable the antivirus and then resume the program. If the problem goes away, you will need to go to the antivirus settings and add the Hamachi program to the exclusion list.

    Sometimes during the process of uninstalling Logmeln Hamachi in order to upgrade to a new version or clean up the OS, errors occur. “The older version... cannot be removed” (it is impossible to remove the old version), “...trying to use is on a network resource ...Click OK to try again” (the network resource is not available, try again), “The resource with installation files is not available” - All these messages indicate that the application is not being removed.

    In such cases, the system deletion function alone is not enough. It is necessary to additionally use third-party utilities, a registry editor, or a special patch from Microsoft.

    But, as they say, first things first. Let's consider each method separately.

    Method No. 1: Soft Organizer

    Using Soft Organizer, removing Hamachi is very simple and quick. Download this utility from the official or trusted site, install it on your PC and run it. And then do the following:

    1. In the program window, in the list of software installed in the OS, left-click on Hamachi (once!).

    2. At the top, above the list, click the “Uninstall a program” button.

    3. The “native” uninstaller of the application is activated. In its panel, check the box next to the “Delete all settings...” option. And then click on the “Delete” button.

    Attention! If an error occurs when activating the built-in uninstaller or a message appears indicating the reason why Hamachi is not uninstalled, close the additional window that appears (“OK”, “Cancel”) and continue the cleaning procedure in Soft Organizer.

    4. Upon completion of standard deletion, in the “In progress...” window, click the “Find” button.

    5. After scanning the system, the program will report the remaining Hamachi elements found and offer to get rid of them. To continue cleaning, click “Delete”.

    Wait until the operation is completed. If it is successfully completed, the “Hamachi network” icon will disappear from the tray.

    Method number 2: standard removal + registry cleaning

    Uninstalling program elements

    1. Open the “Start” menu (click on the “Windows” icon).
    2. Select Control Panel.
    3. In the “Programs” block, activate the “Uninstall a program” option.
    4. Select the Hamachi application in the list of software by clicking the mouse.
    5. Click “Delete” in the top panel.
    6. Follow the uninstaller instructions.

    If the uninstaller does not activate and errors appear, do the following (for Windows 7/8):

    • turn off the Hamachi network connection, close the program (right-click on the tray icon → Exit);
    • open the directory: Windows → system32 → config → systemprofile → localsettings → appdata → locallow;
    • delete the LogMeIn Hamachi folder in it.

    Deleting keys in the system registry

    1. Open the editor:

    • press “Win+R”;
    • In the “Run” line, enter - regedit;
    • press Enter.

    2. Delete the following entries in the registry (if any):

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → LogMeIn Hamachi HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SYSTEM → CurrentControlSet → Services → Hamachi2Svc
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SYSTEM → CurrentControlSet → Services → hamachi

    Right-click on the folder you want to remove from your computer. And then click “Delete” in the context menu.

    Method No. 3: software tool from Microsoft

    1. Open the page in your browser - (Microsoft technical support site).

    2. Under the heading “Unable to install...”, in the “Fixit” block, click the “Run now” button.

    3. Wait for the download to finish (it will only take 5-10 seconds) and run the utility as administrator.

    4. Wait a little while the utility module loads.

    5. Select a troubleshooting method:

    • “Identify problems...” - automatic mode (recommended);
    • “Find problems…” - diagnostics and selective correction.

    6. Specify the type of problem - “Removal”.

    7. Select LogMeIn Hamachi from the list of programs (turn on the radio button) and click Next.

    8. In the window with the request “Delete and clean?” select "Yes, try to delete."

    9.If Hamachi is successfully removed, the “Troubleshooting Complete” window will display the “Fixed” status.

    11. Report the result of the procedure to Microsoft technical support (select a response from the list) or close the utility window without sending a message.