How to disable images in chrome. Using the Animation Inspector in Chrome Developer Tools

Google Photos is perfect for creating simple animations from multiple images. Sometimes the service does this automatically, offering you options for your creativity, but you can create a GIF yourself.

To do this, you just need to go to “Assistant”, select animation creation from above and mark the necessary photos. You can use from two to 50 images. The finished GIF file is automatically saved in Google Photos.

This feature is also found in the Assistant menu. In collages, you can use from two to nine photographs, which will be automatically stitched together and distributed over different areas of the image.

3. Quick photo editing

Google Photos, of course, will not replace a serious one, but it still has basic image editing tools. Users have access to various filters, cropping, rotation, as well as brightness, saturation and detail settings.

To access these functions, you need to open a photo and click on the icon with sliders located at the bottom. You can also use standard smartphone tools for editing. You can access them by selecting the appropriate item in the image menu above.

To view a whole stack of photos, for example from a vacation, the slide show mode is perfect. When you turn it on, the pictures automatically change after a few seconds. This feature will be especially useful in the case of the web version of Google Photos, which allows you to turn your PC screen into a photo frame.

The slide show mode is activated from the menu of any photo; just click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select the desired item. This is true for both the web version of the service and the mobile application.

5. Scanning printed photos

Through the side menu of the Google Photos mobile client, you can go to the “ ” application, which allows you to scan printed photos and create digital copies of them. This automatically crops, corrects, removes highlights, and rotates the photo to the correct position.

Google Photos stores all pictures from your smartphone in , so you can safely delete them from your device’s memory if you have constant access to the Internet. IN mobile application The service even has a special “Free up space” function.

It allows you to delete from the gadget all pictures that have already been uploaded to the cloud. Google Photos will first estimate their number and total weight and request confirmation of deletion.

Google Photos can automatically apply filters to photos, create movies and animations, and remind you of what this day was like a year ago. The results of such a creative can be saved or deleted, and if necessary, such tips can be abandoned.

To do this, you need to open the side menu of the service, go to “Settings” and click on the “Assistant Hints” item. There you can choose which recommendations to keep and which to remove.

Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, Google Photos can recognize what is shown in uploaded images. For example, it could be food, a document, a sunset, mountains, a building, and so on. You can quickly find the desired frame among thousands of other photos by specifying in the search what is captured on it.

Similarly, the service will be able to sort photos by events and cities. This will already allow you to move on to pictures taken on last year’s vacation or on some of the past holidays.

Photos and videos from Google Drive can be viewed and edited in the Google Photos app. To do this, you need to enable synchronization in the settings. This can be done in any of the services.

In Google Photos, the switch you need is at the bottom of the main settings. In the Google Drive settings, which open after clicking on the gear, you need to check the box next to the “Create a folder for Google Photos” item.

Many images on your smartphone are automatically saved in separate folders, especially pictures from and simple downloads. By default, all of them are not included in Google Photos, but this is easy to fix.

In the service settings in the “Startup and synchronization” section there is an item “Folders on the device”. There, for every folder that contains at least some images, a switch is available. It is this that allows you to start automatic downloading of all the pictures they contain.

All photos from Google Photos can be downloaded to any device in one large archive. There is a separate web service for this, Google Takeout. With its help, you can download all the data associated with you from all Google services. If necessary, you can limit yourself to just photos.

To do this, go to the special page of the service, click on the “Cancel selection” button and activate the switch just opposite “Google Photos”. All you have to do is click “Next” at the bottom of the page, select the archive format, its size and acquisition method. It can be downloaded to cloud storage or sent to you via a link.

The next time you're creating some CSS3-based animations, you might find it useful to head over to Chrome's Developer Tools and take advantage of the animation inspection and customization features. In this short article, we'll tell you what animation tools are available in Chrome, how to access them, and how they can help you.

If you want to test your CSS3 animations using these tools, you can use the ready-made code from our course: 10 CSS3 Projects: Interface and Layout.

Here is the full version of the page.

Opening the Animations tab

On the page with the CSS3 animation running, first open the Chrome Developer Tools by going to View > Developer > Developer tools. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut: F12 or CTRL + SHIFT + I.

With Developer Tools open, go to the menu indicated by the three vertical dots in the top right corner, then select More tools > Animations, as below:

When you first open the animation tab, you won't see any content associated with your animation, you'll just see a message Listening for animations... The reason for this is that for the tool to work, the tab must already be open when the page is first loaded.

To have the panel read information about your animations, refresh the page and you will see the following:

The little colored icon in the top left corner represents an animation of your page elements. Click this icon to open the Animation Checker Tools:

Playhead and Keyframes

As the animation plays, you'll see a red playhead moving along the timeline. This cursor can be moved to Right place using the mouse.

Each line of the interface represents a separate animation element on the page. You may notice that each row has an area of ​​darker saturated color. It shows the length of the animation, and the lighter segments that follow it represent a repeat of the animation.

You will also see several small circles along each animation line. They correspond to animation keyframes. The dark circles represent the start and end of the animation, and the hollow circles represent the intermediate keyframes in between.

Intermediate Keyframes

Intermediate keyframes (the keyframes between the start and end of each animation cycle) on each row can be dragged to different positions, and as you move them, you'll see the timing of the animation change in the browser window. This good tool to experiment with what percentage should be allocated to each keyframe in between.

The tricky part, however, is that you won't see any code updates in the Styles tab while you're running these experiments. Instead, once you get your intermediate keyframes placed at the correct point, you can manually determine what percentage value to use for the keyframe.

Place the playhead directly above the keyframe in question and you'll see a timestamp in the top left corner of the panel telling you how far along the animation you are in seconds. You can then figure out what percentage this time is of the total animation duration. In the example below, the play cursor is at about 1 second of a 2 second animation, so we know that this keyframe is 50%.

Animation Delay and Duration

You can make other changes on the tab Animations which will update your code on the tab Styles, so you can see exactly what values ​​to put into your CSS. The first of them is the delay before the animation starts playing, and the second is its duration.

To apply a delay before the animation starts playing, hover your mouse over the animation line until you see a hand-shaped cursor, then drag horizontally. You will see the delay value update on the tab Styles:

To change the animation duration, hover over your last keyframe until you see a bidirectional cursor, then drag horizontally. Again, the value will be visible in the update tab Styles.

Animation timing function

You can also use Chrome's developer tools to change the speed curve, which controls the timing of the animation. Start by checking the element that the animation is being applied to. To the left of the one indicated in this moment Timing function you will see a small icon with a “tilde”. Click on it to open the bezier curve editor:

A window will open showing a Bezier curve that displays current function timing. Here, you can select an existing preset by clicking one of the thumbnails on the left, or you can drag the handles of the main curve image to create a custom bezier curves value, which you can then copy into your CSS:

As you change, you will see a small purple ball moving from left to right at the top of the editor, indicating the current changes to your timing function.

Visualization of rotating layers

Another one useful feature- The ability to visualize the layers used in your animation, including the ability to rotate said visualization and view it from different perspectives to better understand how everything works.

To open the panel layers, go to the Chrome Dev Tools menu and select More tools > Layers.

When the tab Layers open, select tool Rotate mode in the top left corner:

You can now use this tool to rotate your layer rendering to any angle you need to better see how parts of your animation work:


Let's take a quick look at Chrome's animation tools:
  • Open Animation Tools by first opening Chrome Dev Tools, then from the dev tools menu select More tools > Animations.
  • The Animations panel must be open when the page loads to display animation information - refresh the page to achieve this.
  • Click the little colored graph thumbnail to view animation information.
  • Each line represents an animation.
  • Filled circles represent starting and ending keyframes.
  • The hollow circles represent intermediate keyframes.
  • Intervening keyframes can be moved, but you won't see the corresponding code update in the tab Styles, instead manually calculate the percentage point they fall on.
  • Change the animation delay value by hovering it over the line until you see the hand cursor, then drag it horizontally.
  • Change the animation's duration value by hovering over its last keyframe until you see a double-outlined arrow cursor, and then dragging horizontally.
  • On the tab Styles Click the icon to the left of the existing timing function to open the bezier curve editor.
  • Choose from time function presets or create your own by changing the main curve image.
  • Open the panel Layers by going to the Chrome Developer Tools menu and selecting More tools > Layers.
  • In this panel use Rotate mode to view your animation layers from any angle.
Sometimes creating the perfect animation can be a very precise and delicate process. These tools can provide much needed information about your animations as well as feedback in real time to help you achieve excellence.

"GIFs" filled the Internet. More and more sites are posting intrusive animations as advertisements or simply to entertain users.

What is the problem: pages with several “gifs” will take longer to load and take up more random access memory and get bored with the looping flashing.

Let's put an end to Gif once and for all. any Mac.

How to pause a GIF in Firefox

It’s strange, but only the creators of this browser took care of the users’ nerves and added a built-in option to disable animation. You just need to follow 3 simple steps:

1. write in the address bar about:config and press Enter (we promise to be careful);

2. using the search bar, find the parameter image.animation;

3. double-click on the value and change it to “once” (the animation will play once and will not loop) or “none” (the animation will be completely disabled).

You will need to restart your browser for the changes to take effect.

An alternative method to solve the problem is the SuperStop add-on. After installing it, the keyboard shortcut Shift+Esc will disable animation playback on the page.

How to Stop and Turn Off GIFs in Safari

The standard browser on a Mac is the least equipped to deal with GIF animation. There are no means of shutting down, and third party developers are in no hurry to release corresponding extensions.

On the Internet you can only find the Deanimator add-on, which has been abandoned by the developer for several years, but still saves you from “GIFs”. The author has not provided any settings or parameters.

P.S.: Owners don’t have to worry about GIF animation modern Mac, a few megabytes of used RAM will not affect the overall performance of the computer.

Please rate it.

Images on the Internet tell people a lot interesting facts, but it is not always possible to take a closer look at them. Due to the lack of sufficient traffic, users world wide web you have to save money by viewing exclusively textual information.

But not all users find the right way to delete or disable images from the most popular browser. To carry out the operation of neutralizing images, it is worth considering the points that allow you to do it correctly.

Changing Google Chrome settings - disabling images correctly

To make it impossible to display graphic elements in the specified browser, the user should find the settings panel of his browser and follow these instructions:

Graphics do not always turn off immediately after performing such actions. If the user, after adjusting the settings, opens Google Chrome, and graphic elements are present, it is worth doing this:

  • restart the program used to log into the network;
  • reboot Personal Computer or mobile device– turn it off and on again;
  • go to the general settings of the device you are using, disabling the ability to display pictures.

If the question is how to disable pictures in google chrome remained unresolved, perhaps the person has an outdated version of the computer or mobile program. This case suggests the need to update or reinstall the program.

Disable images in the menu of a computer or mobile device

There are no exceptions when it is impossible to turn off the image in the program menu. Such a case is a clear indication requiring the following actions:

  • open the menu of a smartphone or personal computer device;
  • go to the application management system;
  • open the general settings menu, an item that allows you to control the operation of programs and open the desired application;
  • Find the option to turn off pictures and check the box there.

After these steps, the network user should turn off the device and turn it on again. After this, you should launch the previously disabled browser. The situation should improve completely.

If these steps do not provide adequate assistance, the Internet user should seek professional help from service center servicing computer equipment. Specialists will definitely be able to fix this problem quickly and efficiently.

Not all Internet users have access to unlimited traffic. Sometimes precious megabytes and sometimes kilobytes cost a lot of money or the user uses Mobile Internet. What to do?

You can disable the display of pictures; this will reduce traffic costs and make pages load much faster.
We'll show you how to do this with an example. Google browser chrome.

So the first thing you need to do is get into the settings of the Google chrome browser. To do this, click on the settings icon (three dots or straight lines). It is located at the top right of the browser. By selecting from the menu, the “Settings” item will open.

The next step is in the “General” section, look for the “Show” link additional settings“To do this you need to go to the end.

Then in the “Personal Data” section you will have to click the “Content Settings” button.

In the window that opens, you need to find the “Pictures” section and click on the “Do not show” switch; the default is “Display”.

If on some sites you still need to view graphic content, then click on the “Set up exceptions” button below

where you will need to register the addresses of sites for which blocking will not work.

Remember that links must be complete.

So, let's look at how to disable loading images in Internet browsers Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

First, let's look at the Mozilla Firefox browser. To disable loading images in this browser, go to the “Tools” menu and select “Settings” from the drop-down list.

Google Chrome has a special feature called "Traffic Reduction". To activate it, go to Settings -> Traffic Reduction.

To easily and securely disable images in Chrome, you need to follow these steps:

1. Go to the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” menu (the desired button is in the upper right corner of the screen).

2. In the window that opens " Google Options Chrome" select the "Advanced" tab and click on the "Content Settings" button.

3. Here we finally select the “Do not show images” option.

To return to viewing sites, click on the “Close” button.

By the way, disabling the display of pictures in Google Chrome (Google Chrome) is useful when browsing the Internet both from a modem and from a mobile phone.

If you use the Opera browser, disabling pictures is very simple. For this purpose, special options are provided in the settings. To use them, follow these steps: Go to your browser; Open the "Settings" menu and go to " General settings" Or you can press the hotkey combination “CTRL+F12”. The “Browser Settings” menu will open; Click on the "Web Pages" tab;

From the drop-down list, select “Images”, then click the line “No images”; If you want to disable pictures to save bandwidth, you can click “Show cached ones only.” Then the Internet browser will not load new images. Only those that have already been downloaded will be displayed;

Open the Page menu in your browser window if you only need to disable images on the one page you're currently on. Go to the “Images” item and select the option you need to disable the picture. To immediately disable images on pages, you can use a special browser function.

To do this: Right-click on the toolbar if you need to place a button to quickly activate/deactivate graphics on it; Hover your mouse over the menu item (there will be only one) and select the “Design” line in the additional submenu; Then open the “Buttons” menu and select the “Browser: View” section on the left side of the window. Here you can select the button design option (where there is a drop-down list and where it is not).

Drag your selection to the toolbar. Clicking on it with the left mouse button. Now you can turn off any pictures on the page with one click. You can also disable graphics in other browsers. Let's take a closer look at how to do this in the browsers Mozilla, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and others.

Disabling graphics in the Mozilla browser If you need to disable pictures in Mozilla, do the following:

Open your browser and select “Tools” in the control panel; From the drop-down list, select “Settings”; Next, click on the “Content” line; Uncheck the “Automatically download images” option; Click "OK"; Refresh the page by clicking on the special button in your browser or by clicking the F5 key. Now the pictures will not be displayed on the website. If you need to restore the display of pictures, return the checkbox to automatic download images and click OK.

Option for new version Mozilla

But if you have a new Mozilla, then you won’t be able to use such an algorithm, since you won’t find the corresponding options on the control panel. However, the function itself is present in the browser, it’s just now hidden. To enable it, do the following: Open your browser and enter the following “about:config” in the address bar; A message appears warning you that your browser may be damaged. Click to confirm that you will perform all actions carefully; A table of parameters will open. In it, find the value “javascript.enabled” and click on it with the left mouse button. The value "false" will appear; Now pictures in Mozilla will be disabled.

To restore the display of graphic elements, just click on the value “false”, the value “true” should appear. Disabling graphics in the Google Chrome browser In this Internet browser, you can disable images very simply. To do this: Open your browser and enter the following in the address bar: “chrome://settings/content”; Press "Enter"; Select Don't Show Images, then OK. If you often use this function, bookmark the address you pasted into address bar.

Disabling graphics in the Internet Explorer browser

To deactivate pictures in this program, do the following: Open your browser; Select the “Tools” button on the control panel, then “Internet Options”; Open the "Advanced" menu; Uncheck “Show images”; Press "Enter" and refresh the page. Now all images in the browser will be disabled.

Disabling graphics in the Yandex browser

To disable pictures in this program, use the following algorithm: Open an Internet browser; On the control panel, click the wheel icon; Select "Settings", then "Show advanced settings"; Find the line “Personal information” and click on “Content settings”; In the “Pictures” section, check the “Do not show images” line; Confirm by pressing the Enter key.

Disabling graphics in the Safari browser This is not a regular browser.

First you need to download and install the Cydia program. This special application For operating systems on iOS, with which you can install various software. If you already have the program installed: Open Cydia; Install "imaSafari"; Go to Settings, then select Safari; Disable "Show Images". Using the instructions described to different browsers, you will quickly learn to turn off pictures. Usually, turning off graphics in the browser is required for some time, for example, while the Internet is slow. Enabling the feature is just as easy as deactivating it. Usually it is enough to check the box where you unchecked it.
Disabling loading images in Firefox is quite simple. To do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

open this browser and go to its menu;
you need to go to the “Tools” tab, and from there to “Settings”;
after that, a new window will open in front of you, in which there will be many tabs and subheadings. The one you need is “Content”;
in this menu you will see several lines with or without checkboxes. Your task is to uncheck the box next to “Automatically load images”. After completing these steps, click “OK”.
Disabling images in Mozilla Firefox

Other options

You can pause the display of pictures in Firefox in other ways; it is not necessary to use the browser settings for this. I would like to make a reservation that the ability to disable pictures in the settings, that is, what I described above, is only valid for the old version of the browser - up to the 23rd. The fact is that subsequent versions do not provide such a possibility, that is, there is simply no such function. However, you can also use old version, if, of course, you can find it on the Internet, but before that you will have to completely remove Mozilla Firefox from your PC.

Of course, you can keep track of all updates and periodically update Mozilla Firefox to latest version in the hope that the developer will expand the functionality and add this feature, but you need to be prepared for the fact that this may not happen soon. That is why I suggest using another option - downloading an add-on that would block the loading of pictures. For example, the “Block image from ad.sites” plugin or similar ones. Their operating principle is similar, the interface is, in most cases, simple, so it won’t be difficult to figure out the installation.

In order to disable Chrome images (if you want to speed up page loading in this way), copy the line chrome://settings/content
Paste it into the address bar.
In the window that appears you need to select "Do not show images - Done".
For the future, for convenience, you can add to Chrome bookmarks chrome://settings/content page for faster access to settings.
In general, if you need speed, then pay attention to new versions of IE.
There was a time when I recommended Safari.