How to disable the password when turning on windows 10. What to do if I don’t remember my password

How to remove password from Windows computer 10? Knowing this You can simplify your login task.

By default, desktop PCs and laptops on which Windows 10 is installed require entering a password for their accounts or local accounts when turned on.

Typically, this combination of password characters is chosen during system installation to enhance security. confidential information, stored on a computer that is accessible to several users at once.

Therefore, if protection interferes and you want to disable the Password prompt, you should use one of the settings options automatic download Windows 10 to go straight to the desktop.

Pros and cons of passwordless login

The main advantage of passwordless login is quick access to the system.

No need to remember passwords and waste time entering them; PEvery time you turn on your computer, this saves valuable time, and most importantly, you will never lose your password and access to your data.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the simplification of access to the computer by other people - for example, there may be children at home.

Removing the password

Principles for setting up login Windows system 10 are not very different from the actions that are performed in previous versions– Windows 7 and 8.

At the same time, it is recommended to remove protection for the entire system and individual accounts only in cases where only one person uses the computer.

If there are several users, you should leave passwords on other accounts.

There are two main ways to remove a password in Windows 10:

  • through the registry;
  • through accounts.

In addition, the password can be removed not only for the account, but also for local recording. And also - remove a similar function when exiting sleep mode.

Method using accounts

Use of credentials Windows entries 10 is the most simple option to remove the password. The main actions will be as follows:

  • open the “Run” window by pressing the Win+R combination;
  • enter one of the commands in the dialog box - netplwiz or control userpasswords2;
  • press “Enter”;

  • select in the accounts window that opens the desired user and uncheck the box that requires entering a username and password;
  • click the “Apply” button;

  • in the automatic login window, enter the previously set password twice to confirm your rights to remove it;
  • Click "OK".

Advice! After completing all the steps, make sure that the checkbox for the password requirement has disappeared. The final way to check this is to reboot the system.

Removing a password through the registry

In cases where automatic passwordless login cannot be configured for some reason, you should use the second option - the registry editor.

To do this you need:

  • open the editor using the “Run” window, called by the Win+R key combination;
  • enter the regedit command;
  • press enter key;
  • When a window appears asking you to make changes to the system, select the “Yes” option.

  • in the registry go to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” section;
  • open the SOFTWARE, Microsoft, Windows NT, CurrentVersion and Winlogon subsections in turn;

  • find the DefaultUserName parameter in the right column of the editor, double-click on it and check whether the name is in the value field account, for which the password is changed;
  • select the option called “DefaultPassword” there or create it if it has not already been created. To do this, click the “Create” button and select the “String parameter” value. Enter the password in the “Value” field;
  • enable the ability to automatically log into the operating system by finding another parameter - “AutoAdminLogon”. This default value is zero and must be changed to one for passwordless entry.

After you restart your computer, Windows 10 should start without you having to enter passwords.

However, due to the complexity of this method and the possibility of changing the registry, it is better to use the first method first.

Disabling the password for local recording

Using a local account, which limits the user's capabilities, but is often necessary for a work computer, you can also remove the password when logging into Windows.

After this, even a system locked with the Win+L keys does not require entering a password. All that is required for this:

  • launch the command line (requires logging in with an administrator account);
  • enter the net users command and pay attention to how the user name is displayed;
  • repeat the input again using another command - “net user username”;
  • press Enter.

After command line will be closed Windows user 10 gets the ability to log in without using a password.

Removing the wake-up password

In addition to entering a password when logging in, the security requirements of Windows 10 lead to the need to request a fifteen-digit code when exiting “sleep mode”.

However, on home computer such protection is practically meaningless.

And in order to get rid of it, you should use a special setting in the accounts menu.

To change your login options, you need to set the time interval at which Windows asks for a password to never.

Now exiting sleep mode will be passwordless and quick.

There is another way to remove the password prompt when you turn on a temporarily dark screen - using the “Power Options” item located in the control panel.

To do this, when setting up the power supply scheme, you must select the item for changing unavailable parameters, change the value “Yes” to “No” and click “Apply”.


By using password disabling methods, you will have a system at your disposal that does not require entering a code.

However, if it is possible for others to access your computer, passwordless login is not safe.

And it’s best to leave the password, since saving a few seconds of time is not worth the violation of confidentiality.

In this article, I will tell you how to disable the password prompt in Windows 10 at login. This will allow you to log in faster and not waste time entering your password. If another person has access to the computer, it is better not to remove the password when loading.

Disabling your password on Windows 10 won't work if you're signed in with a Microsoft account. Therefore, first, make sure that you are logged in with a local account. If this is not the case, change the account type through the settings.

Checking the account type

Open Start → Settings → Accounts → Your Data tab.

The information will include the account name, avatar and type.
If it says “Local account” - everything is OK.

If it says that a Microsoft account is connected, click the “Sign in with a local account instead” button below.

The system will ask for a valid password, enter it.

In the next step, enter your username, New Password and a hint. I haven’t tested it, but previously the password field could be left blank - try it.

To save the settings at the last stage, you need to log out.

Disable password at login

Now you can start disabling the password.

Open Start → Settings → Accounts → Sign-in Options tab.

In the “Login required” option, select the “Never” option.

Open Start and type “netplwiz” in the search. Select your account and uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox. Click "Apply" and enter your password to save.

Sometimes this option is disabled, but the password is still requested. Turning the checkbox on and off again (with intermediate saving) helps.

Now after restarting your computer or waking up from sleep mode, you will no longer have a password. If you have any problems, write in the comments.

In progress Windows installations 10 on the computer you are voluntarily/forced to come up with a PIN code to log into your account. You won't be able to skip or ignore this setup step, but luckily, you can remove that annoying pin code later. Although I would not recommend leaving your computer unprotected if you have any important data stored there. But this is a completely separate topic, and today we will find out how to remove PIN and password in Windows 10.

How to remove PIN code in Windows 10

You can, of course, remove the PIN code in Windows 10 different ways(although not a fact, I just don’t rule it out). But I'll show you how I did it. You should like this method because it is simple and straightforward.

However, it is worth reminding you once again that by removing the PIN code from your computer, you leave it practically defenseless. On the other hand, if you are sure that no one else except you will have access to it, then why not? But you can save a little time by not entering your PIN code every time you turn it on.

Step-by-step instructions on how to remove a PIN code inWindows 10:

We figured out the PIN code, but there is one more small nuance. Now Windows 10 will ask you for your account password at startup. And a password, by the way, is even less pleasant and time-consuming to enter than a PIN code. Therefore, next we will show you how to disable the password when logging in in Windows 10.

How to disable password in Windows 10

Before you disable your password in Windows 10, make sure you have it written down somewhere or remember it well. Because if you rarely use a password, you can easily forget it. And then, when you need it to confirm some changes in settings in your account Microsoft records, you will not be able to remember the password. Of course, it can be restored, but this is an extra hassle that no one likes.

Disable passwordWindows 10 when logging in:

  1. To begin, press Windows + R. In this Windows case is a key on the keyboard with the Windows logo on it.
  2. In the window that appears, enter the phrase netplwiz to bring up the account settings item we need.
  3. Directly in the “User Accounts” settings window, uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox.

Next, click OK and restart your computer to make sure everything is applied. Oh yes, I almost forgot, to apply these settings, you will need to enter your password two more times to confirm that you are the one currently controlling the computer.

Personally, everything worked out for me. I'm almost sure you do too. Now Windows 10 will not ask you to enter your password or PIN when you turn on your computer. If something went wrong for you, write in the comments below, we’ll try to figure it out. If you managed to mess up very badly, then use it to return your previous state to operating system.

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Every day more and more PC users are switching to Windows 10. Either they have started to get used to it, or it has become fashionable. For some, Windows 10 is simply teeming with shortcomings. But, do not forget about some of its obvious and important advantages. The latter include fast loading speed. Turning on Windows would be even faster if it weren’t for entering the password.

Of course, a password is a necessary thing when you need to save information from prying eyes. But, if only you sit at the computer, then by and large you don’t need it. Moreover, some are annoyed by constantly entering a secret combination. Today I will teach you how you can remove the password when logging into Windows 10.

Don't forget about the danger

Before you learn and can remove the password when logging into Windows 10, think about whether it’s worth doing it at all. After all, all files will become publicly available to any user who sits down at your computer.

The password should not be removed if:

  • It stores important information and other family members use the computer, especially children or novice users.
  • You need to take your computer to a service center for repair.
  • You have decided to stop using antivirus programs(some types of Trojans realize their full potential only under passwordless accounts with administrative rights).

If you still decide to remove the password when logging into Windows 10, then we will tell you about three simple ways to do this.

Disabling the password through “User Accounts”

In order to launch the snap-in, you need to call the “Run” utility. The key combination Win+r will help us with this. After the “Run” window appears, you need to enter the “netplwiz” command in the data entry field and click “OK”.

After this, the “User Accounts” window will open. Click on your account and uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox. To save the setting, click “ok”.

In the newly appeared window, we again confirm our intentions to refuse to enter a password when logging into the system.

We restart the system to ensure that the procedure was carried out correctly. On subsequent startups, the OS will not prompt you for a password to log in.

Resetting the password.

This method does not remove the password entry form from the authorization window, but after it is completed, login to your account local admin will be available after pressing the "Enter" key.

Let's move on to zeroing:

Open the Start menu and launch the Settings application.

Now you need to go to the “accounts” section.

Open the “Login Options” subsection and near the “Password” item, click on the “Change” button.

Now, to confirm your actions, enter the current OS password in the password field.

In the window that opens next, leave the first and second fields blank. In the latter, enter a hint for a new, “empty” password.

After saving the settings, reboot the system to check the results of the work done.

Disable the password through the registry.

This method of disabling a password through the registry is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but still, it should not cause any difficulties. The main thing is to do everything as I say.

This method should only be used if the account management snap-in does not respond for some reason.

Let us remind you once again that you need to follow only the plan that I describe to you. After all, all changes in the registry are responsible for loading Windows. “Taking a wrong turn” will immediately disrupt the loading of the OS and Windows will have to be interrupted.

To start performing this procedure, you need to open the “Run” window, that is, the registry editor. In the “Open” input field, enter the following introductory “regedit” and click “ok”.

You will see a window divided into two parts. On the left side you need to go to the following path “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon”.

In the list of parameters on the right half, find “AutoAdminLogon”. Click on it right click mouse and select “Edit” from the menu.

In the “Value” field of the parameter change window, put one (instead of zero) and save the setting.

You can check whether the above procedure was successful after restarting the computer. If, when loading the OS, you no longer see the window for entering a password, but you already see the desktop, then you are great and did everything correctly.

If you are an inexperienced PC user and are afraid to go into the registry yourself, you can use one of the ready-made solutions: console command or reg file. Both solutions perform the same action: change the “AutoAdminLogon” value from 0 to 1.

Is it possible to disable password protection on a Microsoft account?

Because Microsoft account It is also needed to purchase various features in the Windows Store, to synchronize data between devices and to access account management through the corporation’s website, you must use a password. You can also do it through your account Windows activation. Therefore it is impossible to remove it.

If you find it very difficult to enter a password when logging into the OS using a Microsoft account, the corporation suggests replacing it with a PIN code (numeric device identifier) ​​or graphic password. This will be more comfortable for you.

Want to boot into your Windows 10 desktop quickly without skipping the sign-in screen? Do you want to skip entering your account password every time you boot the operating system (OS) when you turn on your laptop or system unit? This can be arranged! You can disable the password prompt at login and configure Windows operation 10 per load automatic mode desktop or start screen without entering a code.

What is the advantage of this? When logging into the software environment without a password, the account does not require entering it. Also, now you don’t need to remember the code and type it on the keyboard, spending a few seconds when loading. This way, Windows 10 will load the desktop faster, albeit only by a couple of seconds. What is the disadvantage of this approach? Information on your computer will now be easier to access without requiring a password.

The process of setting up an automatic login to Windows 10 is similar to the same steps in previous versions - Windows 7 and 8. Since both of the approaches below apply to both the local user and the Microsoft account user, you can use the same instructions.

We have already written about the disadvantage of disabling the password, and therefore we advise you to do this only if you are the only user of the computer. If your relatives use the PC, then you should not remove the password.

So, to enable automatic login to Windows 10 without a password, use one of the methods below. So, here's how to remove the password prompt when signing in to Windows 10.

Method No. 1 for automatic login without password

This the simplest way Remove the Windows 10 prompt from the login screen.

On the Start icon, right-click and select Run. The same window can be called up by simultaneously pressing the key with the icon Windows start and the R key. In the dialog box that appears, you need to enter Netplwiz. Then press the key to enter the Enter command.

(picture 1)
Now a window with “Accounts” will appear on the screen. Uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox. To confirm the action, click the “Apply” button. The “Automatic login” window will then open.

(picture 2)
In this dialog, you need to enter the current password and below it again and click on the “Ok” button.

(picture 3)
Make sure the bird in the window is gone. To see the changes in action, right-click (right-click) on the “Start” icon and select “Shut down or Exit” - “Exit” or “Reboot” with the left mouse button (lm).

(picture 4)

Method number 2 to windows registry 10 disable password at login

The Windows registry does not change much from version to version, unlike the external graphical shell. So this method allows you to achieve the same result.

To use it, open the registry editor. To do this, you need to get to the “Run” window, as described above. Press “Win” + “R” and enter Regedit, press the “Ok” key.

(picture 5)
In the editor that opens, proceed to the following subsection:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

(picture 6)
On the right side of the editor, in alphabetical order, there is the DefaultUserName parameter. To the right of it is the name of your account. By clicking (LMB) on it twice, you can see it in the “Value” field.

(picture 7)
Click “cancel” and returning to the main Registry Editor window, look for the DefaultPassword parameter on the right side of the window. This entry may not exist. If so, then create it by right-clicking on the empty space. Next, click the “Create” button, selecting “String Value”. Rename it to DefaultPassword. Double-click (LMB) on the created entry and enter the password in the “Value” field. Click on the OK button.

(picture 8)
Now you need to change the login to automatic. To do this, change the AutoAdminLogon entry. In the “Value” field, enter “1” instead of “0”.

(picture 9)
That's all! Restart your PC and check that your Windows 10 now opens the desktop without asking for a password. To avoid disabling anything unnecessary in Windows 10, it is better to use the first method.


Video "Login to Windows 10 without a password automatically"