How to disable uefi in asus BIOS. Disable Secure Boot in BIOS

Secure Boot is a protocol that allows you to safely boot the operating system.

This protocol is a UEFI function that replaced the BIOS we are used to.

This technology makes it possible to verify the signatures of drivers and kernel modules, thereby calculating the presence of unsigned malicious code.

Therefore, Secure Boot quite effectively protects your computer from malware (bootkits) that overwrite the first boot sector of the hard drive.

Based on specific certified keys, Secure Boot will not allow in most cases to boot the laptop from any other boot device other than installation disk with Windows 8 or Windows 10.

If you purchased your laptop after 2010 (it was then that the BIOS was replaced by the UEFI system) - you will need to disconnect to install another operating system or to boot it from an installation flash drive Unified Extensible Firmware Interface(UEFI).

It is worth noting that the BIOS UEFI interface in different manufacturers laptops and desktops are largely different from each other, therefore How to disable Secure Boot we will look at examples with different models devices.

General rules for disabling the UEFI function

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You can use various methods to disable.

The first of which is possible if you have Windows 8 or higher operating system on your device.

In this case, you need to open the right panel and select the item "Parameters" and then go to the section for changing computer settings.

Then you should select the item "Recovery" In chapter "Update and recovery" and click on the button Restart Now using special options boot the computer.

V additional parameters select the UEFI settings and reboot the device.

Another way to enter the BIOS of your laptop is to use the Fn + F2 key combination.

After that, you will also have access to all BIOS settings.

On some operating systems, the hotkeys may differ.

So for stationary computers, this is most often the Delete key, and for most laptops - F2.

In order not to be mistaken with which keys allow you to enter BIOS settings on your device - you can see them on home screen at the time of launch.

To begin with, it is worth considering the BIOS settings InsideH20 setup utility with the available UEFI function, since this is a common set of firmware for most laptops.

This includes devices from brands such as Acer and Toshiba, the transfer of Secure Boot to an inactive state on which is somewhat similar.

Disconnect on Acer devices

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Using the F2 key at the very beginning of the operating system boot, open the BIOS window.

Going in this way to the settings BIOS UEFI you will need to go to the section "Main" and select the item from the list "F12 Boot Menu".

By default, this function is active, however, it should be deactivated by setting the parameter opposite to it.

In this case, after pressing the F12 key, you can get into boot menu your laptop.

After that, you need to use the arrow keys to move to the section "Security" and select item Set Supervisor Password.

Pressing the Enter key calls up the password setting field, the entry of which is required (then you can simply reset it).

After entering it, press Enter again to confirm.

In addition, you need to re-enter the same password in the bottom field of the window. Set Supervisor Password.

The result of these actions will be the appearance of a message stating that the changes have been saved, on which you press the enter button again.

Highlight it and activate the Legacy option and press Enter to confirm.

It remains only at the very beginning of the laptop reboot to press the F12 key to get into its boot menu, in which you can specify one of the options for loading the operating system.

Disconnect on Toshiba laptop

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Go to BIOS.

You need to find the section "Security" which is present in the upper menu list.

Do not forget that all movement in the list is done with the arrow keys.

Having selected the necessary item in this way, press the Enter key to enter its settings.

After that, go down to the option "Secure Boot" located at the bottom of the tab.

By default, this function is enabled and labeled.

When you click on this item with the Enter button, you will have the opportunity to select the option - disabled.

With these steps, you will disable the Secure Boot feature on your laptop, but in order to install a different operating system on it, this will not be enough.

You still need to activate compatibility mode with other OS, for this go to item Advanced using the same arrow buttons.

On this tab, among the available list, find the item "System Configuration" and press the Enter button.

Having entered the settings of this item, select the line "Boot Mode"(in some models there may be "OS Mode Selection") and in the menu that opens, go from the default position "UEFI Boot"(on some devices there may be "UEFI OS") into mode "CSM Boot"(there may be options such as "CMS OS", "UEFI and Legacy OS").

After making all the settings, press the F10 key for them to take effect, and in the window that opens Save & reset confirm your intention by selecting an item "Yes" and press the Enter key.

The final step will be to reboot the laptop, after which you can install any other operating system.

To do this, you will again have to enter the BIOS using the F10 or Esc key, and select the connected installation flash drive or bootable CD in its settings.

Disconnect on Samsung laptop

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The Aptio Setup utility program is installed on the devices of this manufacturer, it is opened at the time of launch by pressing the F2 key.

Having entered the BIOS in this way, you should open the section settings "Boot".

In it, you must select the item "Secure Boot" and transfer it from the state (enabled) to the position (disabled).

Move with the arrow keys and confirm the change with the confirm button.

At the end of this, you will be able to change the parameter located in the same section. "OS Mode Selection".

This item should be translated into position "UEFI and Legacy OS" or "CSM OS" and press Enter again on the keyboard.

You will again receive a message about possible appearance errors during reboot.

Ignore his keystroke Enter

One of these models is the HP Pavilion.

Initially, you should start the laptop and at the very beginning of the boot (as soon as the very first characters appear on the monitor screen) press and hold the Esc button for a while.

After that, it will appear "Startup Menu" which contains download options.

Entering it you have to select the menu section "System Configuration" located at the top of the window, navigated to using the arrow buttons.

By pressing Enter, you will be taken to the settings window for this item, in which you need to select an item from the available list "Secure Boot".

To disable it, set the value opposite it (disabled).

After that go to item « Legacy support» responsible for compatibility with other operating systems.

Set it to the state, as this function is disabled by default.

The system will issue a warning to your actions, which must be ignored and select the item "Yes".

In its process, a window will open with a warning that a change has been made to the safe boot mode of the operating system.

To complete the settings made, you will be prompted to enter a four-digit code and press the Enter key.

The computer will then continue to reboot and any existing UEFI BIOS changes will take effect.

When you start it again, you need to hold down Esc on the keyboard, which will allow you to enter the boot menu.

Let's break down the most simple language what is Secure Boot. Secure Boot is a UEFI module that prevents, thereby restricting the execution of unauthorized (unsigned) code during system kernel boot. That is, this function is not part of the operating system, so you will have to cope with it from under it.

Naturally, since we do not always use licensed software, in particular Windows, sometimes blocking the launch of the code can interfere.

Secure Boot aims to protect the owner from bootkits, from attacks such as Evil Maid, the best indicator of the reliability of this protection can be called the fact that the overwhelming majority have not even heard of them.

This is a double-edged sword, on one there is some kind of protection against global infection of the system kernel, on the other with Windows installation from a flash drive or disk, there may be problems with the Secure Boot function.

Secure Boot Issues

One of the most common problems, especially in Windows 8, 8.1, is "Secure Boot is configured incorrectly", sometimes users may be intimidated by such a message, but today we will put everything in its place. The article will be useful when installing the operating room. Linux systems, Ubuntu, or older Windows versions.

Problems associated with this service threaten mainly users who purchased their computer after 2010, since until that moment the BIOS was actively used, then, due to many restrictions associated with it, UEFI was introduced into mass production.

With the development of technology, the system has become widely used, since the 2 terabyte limit is already embarrassing many users, not mentioning hosting administrators.

Basically, such a function is disabled quite simply, but there are many options for installed UEFI, in connection with which you will have to follow the instructions not exactly, but adhering to the logic of the guide described below, we will try to explain everything in the most accessible way. In connection with the growing concern of users, due to the mandatory introduction of Secure Boot into systems, on suspicions that other manufacturers of operating systems, except for Windows, will be blocked, the availability of such functionality has become a prerequisite. The only exception to this rule is ARM tablets with Windows preinstalled.

UEFI is an intermediary between the operating system and machine code, it is installed directly on the motherboard, and this explains the differences in the interface of these firmwares.

Conventionally, the whole process can be divided into two parts: the first is to disable the Secure Boot itself, the second is to enable the ability to boot other operating systems on the computer.

Instructions for disabling Secure Boot

To do this, you should restart your computer and go to UEFI on your computer. You most likely know how to do this, most often Del or F2. Next, you should go:

1. How do I find the "Secure Boot" option?

1.1. For HP laptops, go to the "System configuration" tab, after which you will see the "Boot Options" option at the bottom. In the window that opens, it will not be difficult to find the required string and translate its value into "Disabled";

1.2. For laptops manufacturer Samsung select the "Boot" tab in top menu and "Secure Boot" is set to disabled, you will receive a warning after deactivating this mode;

1.3. The manufacturer Acer has some differences, by default you will not be able to change the boot value until you set a password on your UEFI. To do this, go to "Security" and specify the password in the "Set Supervisor Password" item. Only now you can change the "Boot Options" option, you should turn it off;

1.4. Toshiba notebooks do not differ from HP notebooks, except for the name of the tab to which you need to go, it is called "Security" so we will not consider it separately;

2. Next, you should set the computer permission to install any operating systems:

2.1. You should in the same tab "System configuration" find the setting that indicates compatibility with other systems "Legacy support", you need to activate it "Enabled"

2.2. In the same menu as in item 1.2. under the selected option, you will see "OS Mode Selection" and set the value to "UEFI and Legacy OS";

2.3. Samsung laptops, go to the "Boot" tab and you will see the "Boot Mode" option, possibly "OS Mode Selection" and set the value for it to "CMS OS";

2.4. Toshiba notebooks have the desired setting on the "Advanced" -> "Boot Mode" page, the desired value is "CSM Boot";

3. In all systems, after performing all the actions, you need to go to the main menu and click "Save and Exit" or something similar, often called by the F key

If you own a laptop of a different model, then you should find similar settings in your version of UEFI, if you cannot, then you can study the documentation for your model and do similar actions.

On personal stationary computers all actions are similar, even if there are no docking, most UEFI have a built-in Russian language, which makes it much easier to use.

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8 and 8.1, after installing the updates, we encountered system errors that are associated with the so-called "secure boot". What is it? This is a feature that prevents unauthorized OS and software from starting when the PC is turned on. It is needed for additional protection of your computer from viruses and rootkits that can harm the system at the moment it boots. But what if the specified function causes persistent errors? It's all about the specified parameters. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to properly configure Secure Boot. Let's figure it out. Go!

If there is such a problem, this article is for you.

There are a number of issues with Secure Boot mode. The most common error message is “Secure Boot is not configured correctly” or “Secure Boot Violation Invalid signature detected”. What to do in this case? It is often sufficient to simply enable the specified function through the BIOS. But some users do not have such an item in the BIOS at all. Then you should try to disable it. How to do this, further in the article.

Now you will know exactly what to do if Secure Boot settings are incorrect on your computer. As you can see, this situation is not difficult to fix. In just a few minutes, your system is working properly again. Write in the comments if the article helped you to deal with the error, and share with other users your experience in solving this problem.

Although in the overwhelming majority of cases the user does not need to disable Secure Boot (this is the part of the computer that it is better not to go into without needing to), sometimes you still have to disable this protocol. Most often, due to the need to install an old operating system (Windows 7, for example, or various Linux distributions), run the application from boot disk or install Windows from a distribution kit created for the Legacy BIOS (the image does not match the operating mode motherboard may be the reason why).

How to disable Secure Boot in Windows 10

Note that Secure Boot is not part of the operating system. It is a protocol that is part of UEFI (UEFI itself can be called an operating system that lives in small memory chips on the motherboard and is responsible for the operation of your PC) and is used to authenticate the system.

Before disabling Secure Boot on your computer, check if this protocol is activated on your computer and if it is supported at all. And yes, don't just do it. Disable this feature only if you know why you need to disable it, and also completely trust the software that the activated Secure Boot is swearing at.

Warning: On some computers, disabling Secure Boot may cause Windows to stop starting. You can restore Secure Boot in the same way as turning it off. If, after trying to turn Secure Boot back on, you do not achieve the desired result, try to factory settings. By default, Secure Boot is always enabled, so a reset may help, but you will have to re-configure the BIOS, including overclocking the processor, memory, or bridge.

Click on Win + R and enter msinfo32 ... On the main tab System information find the item Secure Boot State... It should be able to On... If your motherboard does not support Secure Boot, it will say Not Available or Not Supported. You can also check the status of Secure Boot in the Security Center Windows Defender... Click on the built-in icon Windows antivirus at the bottom right of the screen and then go to the tab Device security... Secure Boot will be listed in the list of security mechanisms (if supported).

For reference: If your computer does not support Secure Boot, but you want to take advantage of this technology, you will have to buy yourself a newer motherboard.

If Secure Boot is supported and enabled, you can try disabling it. To do this, restart your computer and enter the BIOS (it will correctly say “go to UEFI”, but “BIOS” has become a universal concept, implying both Legacy BIOS and UEFI).

For different manufacturers, the Secure Boot settings are located in different sections. You need to look for a page with settings for computer boot (Boot) or its security. For example, on maternal Asus boards you need to go to the Boot - Secure Boot - OS Type section and install Other OS instead of Windows UEFI. For other models, the Secure Boot option will be easier to implement and will offer only two clear options - enabled or disabled. On maternal Gigabyte boards look for the Bios Features section and the Secure Boot item. There are also computers (Acer, for example) on which the Secure Boot change will be available only after setting the Administrator password inside the BIOS. This option is available on the Authentication tab. On some motherboards, the Secure Boot setting is signed as OS Type. In this case, Secure Boot will be enabled when choosing Windows 8 (10) and disabled when Windows 7 or Other OS is selected.

Settings that are responsible for Secure Boot on an HP computer.

To boot from drives created for Legacy BIOS and MBR disks, you will also have to activate CSM (Compatibility Support Mode) support.

Because every year, every UEFI update and every new motherboard Since the developers are changing something in the UEFI interfaces and improving them, it is difficult to indicate in the article all the paths to the option to disable Secure Boot on all existing motherboards. For our part, we can only suggest which BIOS tabs to look into when searching. Search in sections System Configuration, Security, Authentication, BIOS Features, Boot etc.

Today we'll talk about what Secure Boot is. Most users using modern computers they don't think about protecting it. It's full now malware, which strive to disable some components of the system or computer. As soon as the main components of the system start up, the viruses begin to hunt their bad deeds. For example, the so-called bootkits are quite dangerous viruses - malware that changes the boot sector on the hard disk. The most interesting thing is that it is easy to detect a bootkit using a standard anti-virus software not always possible.

Still, there is protection against bootkits. There is a technology that is included in the UEFI 2.2 BIOS specification called Secure Boot, which protects your computer from various malware. The principle of this function is that if an uncertified software tries to boot, it blocks it. For example, some program or even the OS starts loading, then Secure Boot examines the boot code and verifies it with the keys that are embedded in the BIOS, if, thus, when checking the code, the signature verification fails, then the program is blocked.

The advent of Secure Boot technology has sparked a heated debate and controversy. For example, the introduction of this technology in Windows 8 in 2012. There was talk that with Secure Boot it would be impossible to install an operating system other than the one that is already preinstalled. But this is not a problem, since most devices, like computers and laptops, have the ability to disable Secure Boot, this is done. Disabling Secure Boot will not work only on tablets or other devices with ARM architecture.

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Let's now analyze the issue of disabling Secure Boot

Secure Boot, how to disable

Depending on which laptop or motherboard model you have, Secure Boot can be found anywhere. Most often, it can be found in the tab Boot or tab Security... There is an option that it is located along the following path: Boot Then Secure boot Further OS Type and choose Other OS... If you have a laptop from HP, then this option is located in System Configuration and paragraph Boot options... Dell Laptops Settings Boot options found in the tab Boot and UEFI Boot.

If you have a laptop from Lenovo or Toshiba, then in BIOSe you need to go to the section Security... In Samsung laptops, the situation is a little more complicated, firstly, Secure Boot is located in the section Boot, as soon as you try to disable the function, then a warning will be displayed that errors may occur when the computer boots, then you need to select the option OS Mode Selection and switch to CMS OS, or in the mode UEFI and Legacy OS... If you managed to turn off this function then now you need to enable compatibility mode Legacy, this is done on any device.

To make sure that Secure Boot is disabled, you can go to standard means "System Information", already there go to the section Secure Boot State, it should be in position "OFF".

To enter the system information, open the Run window using the Win + R keys and enter the phrase msinfo32... That's all, now you have disabled Secure Boot.