How to disable password entry in Windows 10. Local accounts

Disable password prompt in Windows 10

Requiring a password when logging in is the main and, often, the only protection of your computer from unauthorized access. However, some users neglect this protection for the sake of convenience and prefer to log in without a password.

On the one hand, this is unsafe, but on the other hand, everyone has the right to choose for themselves whether they need security or not. Therefore, today we will look at several options on how to disable the password prompt when logging in.

Starting with Windows 8, there are three types of user account - local, domain and account Microsoft entry. Regardless of the entry type, a password is required to log in. For a local account, you can simply specify a blank password, but for others this number will not work. However, there is a way out, and although it is impossible to completely remove the user’s password, you can set up automatic login, in which the password for a specific account will be entered automatically.

For local and Microsoft accounts, you can use the User Accounts snap-in. To open the snap-in, click Win+R and execute the command netplwiz or control userpasswords2.

In the window that opens, select the desired user, uncheck the box “Require username and password”

and enter the user password and confirmation. Then we restart the computer and automatically log in under the selected user.

The previous method is not suitable for computers that are members domain Active Directory. In this case, you can disable the password request only by editing the registry. To do this, open the registry editor with the command regedit, go to the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon section and perform the following actions:

Change parameter value AutoAdminLogon on 1 ;
In the parameter DefaultDomainName enter the name of the domain or computer (if the computer is not in the domain);
In the parameter DefaultUserName enter a username that must log in without a password;
Create string (REG_SZ) parameter DefaultPassword and specify the current user password as the value.

After this, we reboot and log into the system under the specified user.

This method is suitable for any type of account - domain, local and Microsoft. However, you must understand that this method is less secure, since the user’s password is stored in the registry in clear text.

Disable password prompt when waking from sleep

So, we can disable the password prompt when the system boots. However, if you use sleep mode, the system will still require a password when you wake up. There are two ways to disable the password prompt when resuming from sleep mode.

The first method is power settings in the classic control panel. You can quickly open the desired section by running the command control /name Microsoft.PowerOptions and selecting "Power Button Actions".

By default, the desired option is inactive; to enable it, you must click on the “Change parameters that are currently unavailable” button.

And then in the “Password protection on wake-up” field, switch to the “Don’t ask for a password” option.

The second method is to set up accounts in the new control panel. To do this, open the Start menu, select Settings - Accounts - Sign-in options and in the “Sign-in required” field, select “Never”.

After this, your computer will wake up without a password. But you should understand that this is not safe, because... anyone with access to a computer will be able to easily access your account.


In conclusion, there are a few important points to note.

As already mentioned, passwordless login allows anyone with access to your computer to easily log in and gain access to your data and other resources, both local and accessible over the network. Therefore, you should use automatic login only if you are confident in the integrity of your computer;
Disabling the password request only applies to interactive login, when remote access to the computer (for example, accessing a file share) you will still need to enter a password;
The article is focused on Windows 10, but all methods also work successfully on Windows 8 and Windows 7.

Do you want to remove the login window for entering your username and password? If you are sure that nothing threatens the security of your computer, you can disable the password entry window and configure Windows 10 to boot into automatic mode desktop or start screen. The only advantage of not having to enter your login password is that it loads a few seconds faster and you don't have to remember your account password. So, here are a few options on how to remove the password when windows input 10.

If you use multiple accounts on your computer, it is better not to enable passwordless login in Windows 10. Leave the password entry as default.

Way to disable password when booting windows 10 through user accounts

This one will probably be the most in a simple way disable password when logging into windows 10.

Step 1: Press the Win+R key combination to launch the command prompt window. In the input line, enter the Netplwiz command and click OK.

Launch the program launch window “Run”

Step 2: After starting Netplwiz, the User Accounts window will open. In the “Users” tab, you can configure user properties, add a new user, or delete a user. To disable the requirement to enter a username and password, you must uncheck the box (2). This option will enable login to Windows 10 without entering a password for all users. Click the "Apply" button.

Step 3: In the “Automatic login” window, you must confirm the deactivation by entering your account password twice and the “Ok” button.

Step 4: We check that there is no checkmark, which means the password was entered correctly and the function is disabled. Additionally, you can check by rebooting the system and making sure that the desktop has loaded.

Option for how to set up login to Windows 10 without a password through the registry

Try using this method only if the above did not work for some reason or if you want to use advanced methods of system management.

Step 1: First of all, launch the registry editor. To do this, press the Win+R key combination and in the Run window enter regedit.

Step 2: If you have User Account Control enabled, the system will ask you to confirm starting the Registry Editor program. We confirm and see the registry editor running. In the Registry Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon and find the name in the window on the right DefaultUserName, the value of which must match your login. There should be a variable in this section DefaultPassword. If the variable name is missing, you must create it. Right-click on a free field and click “Create -> String parameter”. Enter the name of the variable and enter your password.

Step 3: Now we can create a variable that will allow us to disable the request windows password 10. In the same way as in the previous step, we find the variable AutoAdminLogon, double-click with the left button and in the value field change the parameter from 0 to 1.

We reboot and make sure that you can now boot freely without having to enter a password.

At Windows startup 10 or 8, you will be asked to enter a password to be able to log in. This allows you to protect your computer from unauthorized access. But if you're the only person using the computer and you don't want to be prompted for a password every time, you can get rid of this process and log in Windows system automatically without entering a password.

In this article, we will look at three ways in which you can disable the login screen and automatically login Windows 10 without entering a password.

Method 1.

Automatic login to Windows using the commands - control userpasswords2 and netplwiz.

To turn off the login screen and have Windows 10 sign you in automatically, follow these steps:

Step 1: Press the keyboard shortcut Win+R by opening the dialog box " Execute", enter one of the two commands below:


Step 2: Press Enter to open the " User accounts" And With Uncheck the box, click the button Apply" → "OK".

This action opens a window in which you must enter your account password. If the account is local recording and does not have a password, just leave this field blank.

Step 3: Restart your computer.

Once you do this, you will find that you can sign in to Windows 10, 8 automatically and there is no need to enter your password or your Microsoft account details.

Step 4: All that remains is to disable the password request after sleep; you can read the instructions in our article:

Method 2.

Automatic login to Windows using the Microsoft “AutoLogon” utility.

Microsoft Autologon it's small, free utility offered by Microsoft, which can be used to configure the built-in automatic login mechanism of Windows 10. Similar to the utility netplwiz, you can save credentials for any local or MSA Microsoft account. The most important advantage of Autologon is that it encrypts the password before saving it to the registry.

Step 1: Download the utility AutoLogon, unpack the archive and run the file autologon.exe and accept the license terms.

Step 2: Fill in the required information: login, password and click the " Enable" to enable password bypass for the selected user account. A message will appear on the screen confirming that Autologon has been successfully configured.

You can also use the AutoLogon utility from the command line using the syntax below:

autologon user domain password

Step 3: Restart your PC.

Method 3.

Automatic login to Windows using Registry Editor.

Setting up Automatic login in Windows 10 using Registry Editor.

Step 1: Create a system restore point and then click Win+R on the keyboard to launch the " Execute". Enter regedit.exe and press the key Enter to open Registry Editor.

Step 2: Navigate to the following path in the left sidebar of Registry Editor.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Step 3: Now, on the right, find the parameter “ AutoAdminLogon" and change its value to 1 .

After this, you need to create some additional string parameters to store the account data values. Just click right click mouse on section Winlogon and select " Create" → "String parameter" and fill them with the appropriate values ​​depending on the name assigned.

If the String parameter already exists, you just need to change the value accordingly.

Step 4: After all values ​​are filled in, save the settings and close the Registry Editor.

I should note that one of the disadvantages of using Registry Editor to log in automatically is that your password is stored unencrypted. Any user with access to the registry can view it. Therefore, we recommend that you use the Method with netplwiz or Autologon, your password will be securely encrypted and will not be stored in the Registry Editor.

I hope this advice is helpful to you.

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Want to quickly boot Windows 10 faster by skipping the login screen? Don't want to enter your account password every time you turn on your computer? There is a solution - you can set Windows 10 to automatically log in without entering a password!

Main advantage Windows settings 10 per login without password - you won't have to remember a password, which also means that your system boot time will be reduced by a few seconds.

The procedure for setting up automatic sign-in in Windows 10 is very similar to the same procedure in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

The methods below work for both a local account and a Microsoft account. In other words, whether you use a Microsoft account or a local user account, you can use this guide to enable automatic sign-in in both cases.

Warning: Enable automatic login only if you are the only user of your computer. If someone else can use the computer besides you, then they can log into your account without knowing the password.

Use one of the methods below to enable automatic sign-in in Windows 10.

Automatic login without password

This is the easiest way to automatically log into Windows 10 without entering a password.

Step 1: Open a window Execute by simultaneously pressing the Windows and R keys (Windows + R). In the Run dialog box, enter Netplwiz and press Enter.

Step 2: In the window that opens user accounts first select your user account and then uncheck the option Require username and password. Click Apply, after which the window will be displayed.

Step 3: In the Window Automatic login enter your password and then re-enter it to confirm.

Click to finish OK.

If for some reason you were unable to configure Windows 10 to log you in automatically by following the method above, then use this method.

Step 1: Open Registry Editor. To open it, enter Regedit in the search bar of the start menu or in the window Execute (Windows key+ R) and press Enter. After this a window will open Account Control, select in it Yes.

Step 2: In Registry Editor, find the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Step 3: C right side find the entry called DefaultUserName and double left click on it to make sure your Microsoft account or local account appears in the box Meaning.

Step 4: Then again on the right side, find the entry with the name DefaultPassword. if the entry does not exist, create it by right-clicking on Winlogon and selecting the item Create, and further String parameter. Rename it to DefaultPassword and enter your password in the field Meaning. Click OK.

If you are tired of entering your password every time you turn on your computer or wake up from sleep mode, then in this article you will find a solution. Indeed, for many users, setting a password is not necessary, since few people store information on their computer that is similar in level of secrecy to state secrets, and entering a password each time you log in to the system is a waste of time. So, below are described several reliable methods that will help you remove the password in Windows 10. I will tell you several ways to remove the password when logging into Windows 10, and decide for yourself which one you choose. I recommend considering all the options described in this article to understand which method is the fastest and most memorable for you.

You should also take into account that if you are going to perform these operations on a computer that is located in your office, and you do not hold a high position, then there is a high probability that System Administrator prohibited you from doing this on your system. Of course, not all administrators do this (usually on a whim from above or according to company regulations), but you should still be aware of this fact. If you do not have access to remove the password, then you will have to contact your administrator and ask him to remove the password. To change a password or remove a password for another user, you must have administrator rights. Otherwise, you will not be able to manage other users. If you need to change the password for your profile, then this can be done without any problems. I wrote this introduction so that you understand what to do next if you are unable to change your existing password.

A quick way to remove a password

This method is the simplest and therefore this option should be suitable for everyone. Open “Start”, then “Settings”:

Go to the “Accounts” section:

Your next step is to go to “Login Options”:

In the window that opens, find the “Password” section and click the “Change” button:

In the change password window, you will first need to enter your old password. After the password has been entered, you must click on the “Next” button to go to the window where you need to specify a new password.

To remove the password completely, leave the lines “ New Password", "Retype Password" and "Password Hint" are blank, then click "Next".

Once the password has been changed, click on “Done” in the tracking window, close all programs and restart the computer to check that the password has indeed been changed to a new one. If everything was done correctly, then after rebooting your computer will no longer ask you to enter a password.

Some users may not be able to change their password because Windows 10 will strongly ask you to provide a password. In this case, continue reading the article.

Resetting your password via the command line

You can also remove the password in Windows 10 via command line. Right-click on the “Start” button and click “Command Prompt (Admin).”

After opening it, write “net users” and press “Enter”. A list of users who are in this system will appear:

Now enter the command “net user username ""” (instead of “username” you need to specify your own), thus setting an empty string as the password.

Now you won't need to enter a password when logging into Windows. You can close the command line and check whether you have a password or not.

Remove password via Windows 10 accounts

Another way to disable the password when logging into Windows 10 is through the account settings. First, go to the settings, you can do this in two ways:

Find the “Magnifying Glass” button in the lower left corner of the desktop next to the “Start” button and click on it. In the window that appears, write the command “netplwiz” and click “Run command”.

You can access these settings in another way: press the “Win” + “R” keys on the keyboard, the “Run” window will appear. In its line we write one of two commands: “netplwiz” (opens a window with account settings) or “control userpasswords2” (does the same thing) and press “Enter”.

So, we went to the account settings. Now select our account and disable the “Require username and password” option.

IMPORTANT: if the PC is connected to a domain, this checkbox will not be available to change. In this case, disabling the password is only possible through the registry; more on this below.

After the changes, you must click the “Apply” button. To confirm the change in settings, the system will require you to enter your old password. After entering and clicking “OK”, you can restart the computer - you will be able to log in without a password, which is what we needed.

Disabling the password through the Windows 10 Registry Editor

This method is not as secure as the previous ones, since, firstly, you need to approach working with the registry editor with special care, and secondly, your password will be stored in clear text in one of the registry entries, and any anyone with certain skills and knowledge will be able to watch it. But, as I said earlier, if you decide to disable the password when logging into Windows 10, you are unlikely to be very interested in the issues of protecting your computer from unauthorized access.

So, first, let's launch the registry editor. You can do this as follows: press the “Win” + “R” buttons and in the window that opens, in the line, write the command “regedit”, then press “Enter”.

The “holy of holies” of Windows will open - the registry, every parameter that is there can be changed, but every change will affect the operation of the system in the future, possibly fatally if you do the wrong things. That is why registry changes must be approached with special responsibility and only if you know exactly what you are doing. I will describe this method in as much detail as possible and therefore nothing will happen to your system.

We need to find the item “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” - “Software” - “Microsoft” - “Windows NT” - “CurrentVersion” - “Winlogon”. To log into Windows automatically from now on without a password, you will need to find the AutoAdminLogon value, open this parameter(by clicking 2 times with the left mouse button) and change its parameter to “1”.

Next, change the DefaultDomainName value to match the domain name or local computer(to find them out, you need to right-click on “This PC” and click “Properties” in the drop-down menu). If you suddenly do not find such a value in the registry, you will need to add it: right-click on an empty space, select “Create” - “String value”.

Now create new parameter(“Create” - “String parameter”, above I showed a screenshot of how to do this) DefaultPassword, open it and enter an empty password in the field.

Disabling the password when waking from sleep mode

Entering a password every time after “waking up/sleeping” your computer or laptop is not always convenient. Perhaps this is why you want to remove the password in Windows 10. The system has a setting to disable password verification. To do this, you need to go to the settings (next to the clock, click on the notification icon and then select “All settings”):

And one more option on how to disable the password when “waking up” the PC: you must go to the “Control Panel” and open the “Power Options” item. Find the power plan you are currently using and click “Set up power plan.”

Then in the window that opens, click on “Change” Extra options nutrition" (located below). Next, find the “Require password on wakeup” option, change the value to “No” and click “Apply” to save the changes.

I can’t keep silent about the importance of passwords. A password is required when there may be children near your computer who, by the wildest accident, can delete important files, for example, a file from your desktop named “It’s important not to delete” or “My report for this month.” If you have a password, then your household members simply will not be able to delete such files. Another important point, which I wanted to mention - some viruses really “love” it when there are no passwords on your computer or laptop. This way they can perform all the necessary actions on your computer. Of course, provided that your profile is not an administrator, but regular user, who does not have permission to edit important system files and other important directories in the system.