How to turn off the sound signal in the VK application. How to turn off notifications for any app on Android

By installing each application, the smartphone owner agrees with requests for access to certain data and device capabilities, including a notification system. Thanks to this, you can be sure that you do not miss really important messages and reminders, but some mobile software abuses this by distributing advertising or frequent irrelevant alerts.

There are two ways to get rid of annoying notifications - either by means Android systems, or through the settings inside the application itself. The first case is only suitable for smartphones based on version 4.1 and higher, while the second does not depend on the OS modification.

System disable notifications

The ability to configure alerts has begun to be implemented from devices on Android based Jelly Bean, on such devices you can either completely disable notifications for each individual application, or enable them all. In Android 6 there are already more fine tuning, allowing you to adjust frequency, sound and other parameters.

For users latest versions All you have to do is press and hold on the annoying pop-up notification until you can manage it.

In just two steps you can transfer all notifications from the application to silent mode or block it altogether. If this is not enough, you should go to “Other Settings”.

Turning off auto mode By clicking on the letter “A”, you can adjust the level of importance by moving the slider. Depending on its position it changes:

  • Sound and vibration mode;
  • Priority of notification relative to others;
  • Permission to show messages on the lock screen.

Below are available additional options, allowing you to determine what information will be available on the locked screen - this way you can allow the display of all data, with the exception of personal data (for example, the contents of messages) or block notifications of this nature and not show them without unlocking the device.

Also, notifications from this application can be moved to the “Important” category, and in this case they will make themselves known even in “Do not disturb” mode. By setting a frequency limit, you will not hear more than one alert within a specified period of time (from 10 seconds to 30 minutes).

How to go to the notifications section?

There is another way to go to the same menu to set up notifications for each application.

Go to your phone settings. The gear icon is located in the general menu or on the right side of the curtain.

Under the “Device” heading, click on “Applications.” Having selected the appropriate utility from the list, click on the “Notifications” section.

In versions earlier than Android 6, there is no such section; you can check or uncheck the “Enable notifications” item in the settings of the selected application.

If this option is not available on your phone, you should update the shell or go to the settings of the application itself.

Disable notifications in applications

Most popular applications allow you to configure all incoming notifications using your own means - first of all, you should use them, and only if they do not solve the problem, go to the system settings.


One of the main system applications often notifies you about the current weather, traffic jams and much more. To turn off notifications from Google:

  • Launch the application;
  • Open the menu by swiping from left to right;
  • Select “Settings”;

  • Open the “Notifications” section;

  • Select “Feed”;

In the window that opens, you can set the ringtone and vibration signal for important notifications, select the data of interest for notification, or disable everything.

Important notifications (for example, when logging into your account from a new device) cannot be completely disabled.

Social network

To stop receiving more messages from Facebook, open the application and click on the far right “Menu” icon. At the very bottom, in the “Help and Settings” section, open “Notification Settings”.

At the top you choose what notifications you want to receive, at the bottom - in what ways (among the available ones are push, email and SMS).

To turn off unwanted notifications, go to one of the categories and select "None". At the very bottom is the item “ Additional settings", where you can change standard sound messages, indicator color and other parameters.


Setting up notifications in most instant messengers is usually the same. For example, in WhatsApp you need:

  • Click on the “Menu” icon;
  • Select “Settings”;
  • Go to "Notifications".

To turn off all notifications, change the sound from Standard to Silent, set Light to None, and disable pop-ups.

Hello everyone, my dear friends. You know? I have already subscribed to quite a few channels and joined several chats on Telegram. Do you know what this means? The sound from messages will simply burst, and this, to be honest, is a little annoying. I don’t want to unsubscribe from these dialogs, but I was happy to turn off the notification signals for some of them. Therefore, today I want to tell you how to turn off the notification sound in a telegram so that it does not annoy you. Go!

Chats and channels have slightly different shutdown specifics, so the actions on them will be slightly different from each other. So, let's go in order.

To mute the sound in any of the telegram chats, you need to enter it and click on the menu (three dots in the right top corner). This is where the function we are looking for will appear. "Disable notifications".

Well, if you want to shut up the tweeter (Sorry for my French, I just spent the whole day with notifications) for one of the channels, then enter it and click on the huge rectangular button at the bottom of the correspondence, where the line is usually located to write messages.

If you want to return it to how it was, then you just need to do exactly the same steps for both cases. Well, for the computer we perform all the actions in exactly the same way.

And if you suddenly want to turn off the sound in the entire telegram, then to do this you will need to go to the main settings (Menu - settings) and uncheck the necessary functions. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

And if I were you, I would make sure to quiet some channels or chats so that I go there as needed, and watch it myself when I need to. In principle, this is what I do.

Well, this is where I end my article for today. I hope you liked it, so don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates so you don’t miss anything interesting. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

In operating rooms Windows systems notifications are displayed differently. And if in Windows 7 messages appear in the lower right corner and are accompanied by a light second sound, and sometimes not even that, then in Windows 10 notifications can scare, wake up and just irritate. Their sound is so loud that sometimes it simply interferes with normal operation. And in Windows 10, as you know, notifications appear very often. And if you are afraid of missing something important, then you don’t have to turn off notifications, just deactivate their sound.

Turn off notification sounds through the Windows 10 Control Panel

Notifications refer to system sounds. Therefore, they can be disabled through the Control Panel. To do this, just follow these steps:

  • Click right click mouse on the Start icon and select Control Panel.
  • A new window will open. Set the viewing mode to “Large” or “Small icons”. We look for the “Sound” section in the list.

  • Let's open this section. A new window will appear. Go to the “Sounds” tab and in the “Program events” section we find “Notifications”. Set this parameter to no sounds.

  • Once you save your apology, notifications will appear silently.

IMPORTANT! System notifications will be disabled. Messages from programs will still occur. Their disabling must be set in the settings of the software itself.

Turn off notification sounds through the Settings section

By using this method you can remove notifications for individual programs desktop and applications from the Windows Store. To do this, do the following:

  • Click “Start”, “Settings”. Select the “System” section.

  • In the menu on the left, select “Notifications and actions”.

  • Scroll the slider down to the list of programs for which notifications are allowed. Pay attention to the light letters under each software. If you click on them, a settings window will open where you can turn off sound notifications.

If you want to prevent sounds from playing for most applications and services, you should turn off the sound for the Security and Service Center.

To learn how to turn off sounds in Windows 10 notifications, watch the video:

Working in Windows 7, we are bombarded by the OS dozens of times a day with “tips” and system notifications along with annoying sounds. This isn't a nuisance at first, but over time when you want to focus on work or play, the multiple notifications can become annoying. How to disable them?

Windows 7 is known for its excessive desire to notify us about almost every possible action and event. This is quite annoying, and in the case where we have numerous programs installed and active, running in background, the number of notifications can simply be overwhelming. Fortunately, it is possible to disable pop-up notifications, although this requires intervention in the registry, so we warn novice users - the error can damage the operating system!

How to turn off notifications in Windows 7?

The process of disabling the toast notifications that Windows 7 generates through all the programs running in the background is quite simple, but novice users who have never edited the registry should be very careful.

First of all, open the Registry Editor. To do this, go to the Start menu, then enter “regedit” in the search field and press Enter. Then we follow the path:


At the next stage, in the right window, right-click and from the context menu select “New” -> “DWORD value (32 bits)”. Remember to name the new value “EnableBalloonTips” and give it a value of 0 (zero).

After completing these steps, close the Registry Editor and restart the computer. From now on, all notifications will be disabled. If you want to enable them, just go to the registry editor and delete the entry you just created.

How to disable or change system sounds in Windows 7?

If, in addition to notifications, we also have quite a lot of sounds, we can change them or turn them off completely. To do this, right-click on the speaker icon in the system tray, and then on context menu select “Sounds”.

After some time, a list of all active accounts will appear in the window that opens. this moment sounds that are played when a certain action occurs, for example, when turning on or off the computer, when emptying the recycle bin, etc.

To change or turn off the sound, just click on a specific position in the list, and then select the sound from the disc from the menu under the list section (by clicking on “View”) or select “None” from the drop-down menu if we do not want this option have no beep.