How to open Device Manager in Windows? Changing registry settings.

The Device Manager tool is present in all editions of Windows(since 2000) from graphical interface. It provides the ability to manage everything connected to the computer peripheral devices: both external and hidden inside the case system unit or laptop. Let's take a closer look at how to open Device Manager in Windows 7 and what it is.

This tool is integral part(snap-in) MMC management console. It displays a tree of devices connected to the PC and is intended mainly for experienced users and administrators. The functionality of the equipment is as follows:

  • driver update/rollback;
  • connecting/disabling hardware components using software (it is useful to disable devices that have not been used for a long time or are not working);
  • displaying very detailed information about each element, including the resources allocated to it.

Computer components are displayed in the form of a tree with devices grouped into categories: ports, modems, drives, video adapters, etc.

Let's look at how you can call this MMC console snap-in in Windows 7.

Operating system interface

In general, all ways to open Device Manager can be divided into text (executing a command) and graphical. Let's start with the last ones.

Only those users who have administrator privileges in the system will be able to open the snap-in and see the list of equipment.

Control Panel

  1. Open it in any convenient way.
  1. Click on the “Hardware, Sound” icon if the settings for displaying elements have not been touched.
  1. In the next window, follow the link highlighted in the screenshot.

Changing the way pictograms are rendered to icons will only make things easier. The required icon will already be in the main window. Click on it and the problem is solved.

When trying to access the hardware components list window:

  • the required interface will appear in front of the administrator;
  • the user with his privileges will be prompted to click "Continue" in the UAC window (how to disable UAC);
  • account with limited rights you will have to be content with the ability to work with the tool in reading mode.

And this applies to any of the graphical methods of launching the equipment.

Computer management

There are several ways to open this window. Let's focus on the graphic for now.

  1. Expand “Start” and call the context menu of the “My Computer” directory.
  2. In the drop-down list, click “Manage”.
  1. If the “Utilities” branch is not expanded, double-left click on it.
  1. After this (or otherwise), you can go to the subsection of interest.

If you are working under a regular account, a notification will appear that you will not be able to make changes to the equipment configuration.

My Computer Properties

Device Manager also opens through the “My Computer” directory.

  1. Call “Properties” of this folder in “Start” or on the desktop.
  1. In the system properties there is the link we need. Let's activate it.

Direct call

The tool is an important part of the operating system and the management console in particular and is presented in the form of a small independent program devmgmt.msc. It is located in the directory along the path “%windir%\system32”, and in Windows 7 x64 also in “%windir%/SysWOW64”.

  1. Open Explorer, for example, using the keyboard shortcut Win + R.
  2. Let's go to this folder.
  1. Here you need to find the devmgmt.msc file and execute it.

If you use the tool quite often or don't want to constantly navigate through various menus and request administrator rights, create a shortcut to launch it.

  1. We minimize the window so that the desktop is visible.
  2. Hold down the right key on the object and drag it to the desktop.
  3. Release the right button, and select “Create shortcuts” in the drop-down menu.
  1. Enter the text “devmgmt.msc” in the line where you need to indicate the location of the object, and press Enter.
  1. Set the name of the element and close the window.

Text commands

The same, but in the console

Previously, we solved the problem using the Computer Management window. Now let's look at how it opens with the command interpreter.

  1. Press Win + R.
  2. Type “compmgmt.msc” and click Enter on your keyboard.
  1. Here we open the desired tree branch.

Command interpreter

The “Run” window will help you open a window where all the equipment used on/in the computer is displayed.

  1. Simultaneously press Win + R.
  2. Enter “devmgmt.msc” and run the command.

Also suitable for this purpose:

  • command line;
  • search integrated into “Start” (enter the text: “devmgmt.msc” and press Enter);
  • Task Manager - execute the command in the window that appears as a result of calling the item “ New task» through the “File” menu;
  • “Explorer” address line – insert the line as an address and execute the command.

Problems and their solutions

Some hardware components are not displayed in the Manager, and this is normal, although many users begin to think that the system does not see some of its components. Usually these are various kinds of ports and devices whose drivers do not support the automatic configuration function, as well as problematic devices.

Display hiding elements

  1. Call the “View” item from the main menu.
  1. Click "Show hidden...".

Hidden drivers

Removing the window startup ban

Due to negligence or deliberate activity of the administrator, calling the Dispatcher may be prohibited for everyone or the current account. If she has elevated privileges, this is a fairly easy fix.

  1. Double-click on the “DisableTaskMgr” parameter.
  2. In the window for editing it, change the value to “0” (zero) and save the configuration.
  1. Reboot the computer or log out and log back in.

Device Manager in Windows 7 is necessary to manage the operation of devices, update and roll back their drivers. There are a lot of options for opening it. We looked at the main ways to call it (in fact, there are more of them, but the meaning remains the same) and solving some problems when working with the tool.


Additionally, you can watch a thematic video.

« device Manager" is a component of the operating system that is used to manage connected equipment. Here you can see exactly what is connected, which equipment is working correctly and which is not. Very often the instructions contain the phrase “ open Device Manager" However, not all users know how to do this. And today we will look at several ways how this can be done in the Windows XP operating system.

Several ways to open Device Manager in Windows XP

In Windows XP, you can call the Manager in several ways. Now we will look at each of them in detail, and you just have to decide which one is more convenient.

Method 1: Using the Control Panel

The easiest and longest way to open the Manager is to use " Control panel”, since this is where system configuration begins.

1. To open " Control Panel", go to the menu " Start"(by clicking on the corresponding button in the taskbar) and select the command " Control Panel».

3. In the section " Select a task..."go to view information about the system, to do this, click on the item " View information about this computer».

If you are using the classic view of the control panel, you need to find the applet " System» and double-click on the icon with the left mouse button.

4. In the window " Properties of the system"go to the tab " Equipment" and press the button " device Manager».

To quickly jump to the window " Properties of the system"You can use another method. To do this, right-click on the shortcut “ My computer" and select the item " Properties».

Method 2: Using the Run window

The fastest way to go to " device Manager", is to use the appropriate command.

1. To do this, open the window “ Execute" This can be done in two ways - either by pressing the keyboard shortcut Win + R, or in the menu " Start» select command « Execute».

2. Now enter the command:

Mmc devmgmt.msc

and click " OK" or Enter.

Method 3: Using administrative tools

Another opportunity to access " Device Manager", this is to use administration tools.

1. To do this, go to the menu “ Start" and right-click on the shortcut " My computer", V context menu select the item “ Control».

2. Now in the tree click on the branch “ device Manager».


So, we looked at three options for launching the Manager. Now, if you come across the phrase “ open Device Manager", then you will already know how to do it.

Many users have difficulty answering the question of how to open Device Manager on their computer. The point is that when normal operation Windows operating system, the absence of any problems with drivers or peripheral devices, the user does not need to know anything at all about the presence of Device Manager on the computer.

When a malfunction occurs in the operating system or equipment, users have to look for answers to questions about the reasons for the incident by searching the Internet. Among the answers, there are often tips to look at some information in the Device Manager.

The management console includes a Device Manager snap-in that lists installed devices, dedicated resources, drivers. Device Manager displays information about devices, from here you can manage drivers, enable or disable devices.

Using special icons (in the form of question or exclamation marks) displayed next to certain equipment, the user is informed about problems that have arisen in the operation of certain devices. This data helps identify the cause of a computer malfunction.

For example, the sound on the computer does not work, or there are problems with other devices. The problem may be due to drivers or incorrect hardware configuration. Warning icons in Device Manager help you identify problematic hardware. In addition, there you can get technical data about all computer devices.

If there are no warning information icons in Device Manager, then all devices on your computer are operating normally.

How to open Manager Windows devices? Beginner users can easily cope with this problem. There are several ways to enter Device Manager directly from the operating system. Most methods are suitable for operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7.

How to open Device Manager using the Run command

Using this method, you can open Device Manager in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

To launch Device Manager, follow these steps:

  1. To launch the “Run” window, press the “Win” + “R” keyboard keys simultaneously.
  2. In the “Open” field, enter the command: “devmgmt.msc” (without quotes), and then click on the “OK” button.
  3. After this, the “Device Manager” window will open.

How to open Device Manager in Command Prompt

Using the command line, you can open Device Manager by entering a similar command as in the previous case. If you don't find Command Prompt where it should be in Windows 10, read the article.

Launch the command line in any convenient way, for example, by entering the expression “cmd” (without quotes) into the “Search in Windows” field.

In the command line interpreter window, enter the command: “devmgmt.msc” (without quotes), and then press the “Enter” key.

Launching Device Manager in Windows PowerShell

Device Manager is easy to launch in Windows PowerShell using a similar command. Launch PowerShell, enter the command: “devmgmt.msc” (without quotes), and then press the “Enter” key.

Opening Device Manager from Computer Management

This method for opening the Task Manager works in all operating systems. Windows systems.

With the default operating system settings, there is no “This PC” icon on the Desktop (My Computer, Computer). Therefore, most users, for ease of use, independently add the “My Computer” icon to the Windows desktop. Read on to find out how to do it.

  1. Right-click on the “This PC” icon (My Computer, Computer).
  2. In the context menu, click on the “Manage” item.
  3. In the Computer Management window, under Computer Management ( local computer)", in the "Utilities" list, click on "Device Manager".

Other ways to enter “Computer Management” are from the “Start” button menu by selecting the “Manage” menu item, or using the “Run” dialog box after executing the command: “compmgmt.msc” (without quotes).

Launching Device Manager from System Properties

In order to use this method, you will need the “This PC” icon (My Computer, Computer) on the Desktop.

  1. After right-clicking on the “This PC” icon (My Computer, Computer), select “Properties” from the context menu.
  2. In the “System” window that opens, click on the “Device Manager” item.

How to open Device Manager from Control Panel

An easy way to access Device Manager using the Windows Control Panel interface.

  1. Access Control Panel from the Start menu (in Windows 10, in the Windows Search box, type “control panel”).
  2. In the All Control Panel Items window that opens, in the Small Icons display mode, select Device Manager.

How to open Device Manager using search

A very simple way to open Device Manager on your computer using the search function from the Start menu in the Windows operating system.

In Windows 10, search is located on the Taskbar, near the Start button. However, search in Windows 10 can also be launched from the Start menu. Right-click on the Start menu and select Sign In.

  1. Type "device manager" into the Windows search box.
  2. Launch Device Manager on your computer.

This method works on all Windows operating systems.

How to open Device Manager in Windows 10

In the Windows 10 operating system, it is very easy to launch Device Manager directly from the Start menu.

After right-clicking on the “Start” menu, select “Device Manager” from the context menu.

Device Manager on Windows 10 will open.

How to open Device Manager in Windows 8.1

IN operating system Windows 8.1 added the Start menu, which includes the ability to launch the Device Manager snap-in.

To open the Device Manager, you need to right-click on the “Start” menu and select “Device Manager” in the context menu that opens.

Another way: press the “Win” + “X” keys, and in the window that opens, launch Device Manager.

How to open Device Manager in Windows 8

In the Windows 8 operating system, you can access Device Manager using the keyboard keys.

After pressing the “Win” + “X” keys simultaneously, a window will open in which you need to click on the “Device Manager” item.

After this, Device Manager will be opened on the Desktop Windows desktop 8.

Launching Device Manager from the Windows folder

Finally, I’ll tell you about one more method. If previous attempts are unsuccessful, you can try opening Device Manager directly from the Windows operating system folder.

  1. Login to system disk"C:", open the "Windows" folder and then the "System32" folder.
  2. In the “System32” folder, find the devmgmt utility (devmgmt.msc), and then double-click on the application.

Windows Device Manager will launch on your computer.

Conclusions of the article

In case of problems, in the operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, the user can open the Task Manager using different methods.

In order to manage devices built-in or connected to the computer, as in other versions, Windows 8 uses the Device Manager tool; do not confuse it with. You can launch it from the Control Panel or by pressing the Win+X combination. This application contains information about the connected equipment, its settings, availability updated drivers etc.

Ways to launch Device Manager

Let's take a closer look at where this program is located in Windows 8 and how to open it. So, on the desktop you can find the My Computer icon. The cursor is hovered over it and the right button is clicked. However, there is one peculiarity here. This should not be a shortcut, but rather the My Computer icon. Otherwise, such actions will not be possible. From the drop-down menu, select Properties-System Properties-Hardware, where Device Manager is located.

Alternatively, you can go to My Computer and select Manage. In the Computer Management section on the left is the tool we need. If you access the application from the Control Panel, then first you need to select System and its maintenance. From this section, go to Device Manager. If using the command line, you will need to enter mmc compmgmt.msc. You will learn how to open the command line in Windows 8.

Tabs in Device Manager

After we enter the application, we will see a list of devices about which information is contained here. To select a specific one, hover your cursor over it. If you right-click, you should select Properties from the menu. In the window that appears, you can select various tabs, each of which has its own purpose.

So, by going to Details you can select values ​​and properties. If we are interested in events related to the device, then we click on the tab of the same name. The Resources section is quite informative. Here, a list of conflicting devices is displayed at the bottom. This can often cause an error in the system. In addition, in the section you can change settings or return them to default.

To carry out the last operation, you should check the box next to Use automatic settings. If you need other parameters, then you need to click the Change button and clear the selection. After this, you will be able to independently set the input or output range of the device, as well as other configurations. When finished, confirm the changes by clicking OK. You will need it for the update to work.

The Device Manager toolbar also allows you to perform various actions. So, there are buttons by clicking which you can turn off or turn on the equipment, update its configuration, install available updates, etc. In addition, you can directly control the console of the application itself and change its appearance.

In order to indicate problems with a particular device, the Manager uses a special symbol system. With its help, you can easily figure out what exactly caused the error in the operation of the equipment. The tool allows you not only to obtain information about the availability of updated drivers, but also to roll back to the version that was installed before.

Thus, the Dispatcher is informative and convenient application, the purpose of which is to work with the equipment installed on the computer. There's enough here a large number of tools that can be used by both experienced users and beginners. The program interface is intuitive and you can easily figure it out on your own. The application provides the most complete information about devices, their operation, compatibility, settings, etc.

Device Manager provides users with information about all equipment connected to the computer (laptop) and allows you to manage its software. How is this useful in practice? Knowing how to enable the manager, you can check whether a device is detected and installed correctly, disable it, update, roll back or remove drivers, and perform a number of other useful actions.

This window system utility(or rather, the MMC console snap-in) contains a list of all detected devices, divided into specific sections. By expanding the tabs, users find necessary equipment and work with its software.

Launch methods

Now let's figure out how to open the device manager to take advantage of all the functions that it offers.

Important: if you do not have administrator rights, when you try to launch the snap-in, a message will appear stating that you cannot make changes to the operation of the equipment. Click "Ok" to open the utility in reading mode.

There are many ways to launch the system utility to work with connected equipment, so we will describe only the main ones:

Since we went to the “Computer” context menu, let’s explore another option at the same time:

You can take a longer route, which involves using the “Control Panel”. The launch differs depending on the version of Windows, but these changes are not significant. For example, on Windows XP:

  1. Switch to Classic View in Control Panel.
  2. Open the "System" item.
  3. Go to the "Hardware" tab and run the utility.

In Windows Vista, Windows 7 and all subsequent versions, the path has become a little shorter - here the utility icon for working with connected equipment is displayed directly in the control console window if you select the “Large Icons” display mode.

There is another option - go to the “Hardware and Sound” section and launch the manager from here.

Don't forget to use the built-in Windows search– write “Device Manager” in the line and the system will immediately show you a link to the required utility.

Using the Command Prompt, Run Menu, and Program Shortcut

If the methods described above do not satisfy your curiosity, and you want to know how else you can start the device manager, then we have a couple more methods in store. Let's start by running it via the command line:

  1. Find and open Command Prompt.
  2. Enter "devmgmt.msc".
  3. Press Enter.

Knowing the command to call the hardware manager, you can launch it through the “Run” menu. This method works in all versions, from XP to Windows 10.

By the way, devmgmt.msc is not just some command, but the name of the equipment manager. The utility itself for working with connected devices has a specific storage location - the C:\Windows\System32 directory. Knowing this, you can launch the dispatcher directly using its shortcut.

By the way, if you right-click on the shortcut, several more options for displaying it in the system will appear: pinning it to the Start menu or on the taskbar, sending it to the desktop. Use these tools to make launching the dispatcher faster and more convenient.

Adding an item to the context menu

When you right-click on the “Computer” icon, a context menu appears - you have already used it by calling the “Manage” tool. If you change it a little system registry, then you can add a link to the hardware manager directly to this menu.

All you have to do is change the “Default” parameter of the “command” section, assigning it the value “mmc devmgmt.msc”. After saving the changes and closing the registry, open the “Computer” context menu - you will see that the “Device Manager” item appears, clicking on which opens a utility for working with connected equipment.

Device Manager is present in all Windows versions and allows you to manage all devices connected to your computer. Thanks to it, you can work with drivers, connect or disconnect external and internal devices, and also find detailed information about them. To open it, built-in OS tools are used.

How to open Device Manager in Windows 7

In Windows 7, there are several ways to navigate to the Manager to get started with it. Most of the manager launch options are configured by default, but you can add one more manually to get the fastest access to the program.

Via My Computer

  • Expand the Start menu.

    Go to the Start menu

  • Right-click on the “Computer” block and select “Manage” from the menu that opens.
  • The computer management menu will open, in which you can go to the “Device Manager” item to find yourself in the desired window.

    Go to the “Device Manager” section in computer management

  • Through computer control

  • Expand your computer's control panel.
  • Select the "System and Security" block.

    Go to the “System and Security” section

  • In the “System” subsection, click on the “Device Manager” button.

    Go to the device manager through the “System and Security” section

  • Via Explorer

  • Open File Explorer via the Computer shortcut.

    Open the “Computer” shortcut

  • While on the main section hard drive on which the operating system is installed, go to Windows folder, and from it to the system32 subfolder.

    Go to the system32 folder

  • Open the devmgmt.msc file to open the manager.

    Open the file devmgmt.msc

  • Via quick access program

  • Hold down the Win+R keys on your keyboard and open the Run program.

    Press the Win+R keys

  • Execute the command devmgmt.msc

    Through command execution

  • From the Start menu, expand All Programs, go to Accessories, and select Command Prompt.

    Open the command line

  • Use the devmgmt.msc command to start the manager.

    Run the command devmgmt.msc on the command line

  • Video: opening the dispatcher

    Manually adding another method

    If you want the manager to be open directly from the context menu that appears when you right-click on the “Computer” icon, then follow these steps:

  • While in the Run window, use the regedit command.

    Run the regedit command

  • You've moved to the Registry Editor, now open the 20D04FE0–3AEA-1069-A2D8–08002B30309D folder using the folder tree on the left side of the Registry.

    Go to the path HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\(20D04FE0–3AEA-1069-A2D8–08002B30309D)

  • Right-click on the Shell subfolder and in the context menu that opens, go to “Create” - “Partition”. Name the section you are creating as convenient for you, for example, “Device Manager”.

    Click on the item “Create” - “Section”

  • In the created section, create another subsection named command.

    Create a command subsection

  • Create a parameter by right-clicking on an empty space in the commands folder and selecting New - String Parameter. Leave the name as default and assign the value to mmc devmgmt.msc. Done, a new context menu item that appears when you click on the “Computer” icon has been added.

    Create a parameter and set the value

  • How to show hidden devices

    Some devices are hidden in the manager by default for the following reasons:

  • The device connected to the computer was manufactured a long time ago, and therefore does not have a Plug and Play function that allows the dispatcher to recognize the device. In this case, the device can work fully if the corresponding drivers are installed, but it will be hidden in the manager;
  • the device was removed using an unsafe removal method, the “Remove Device” button was not pressed before it was pulled out. Or the computer turned off automatically after a power outage, and because of this, all connected devices were turned off incorrectly;
  • Let's say you had a modem plugged into one port, and then for some reason you moved it to another, and the computer recognized it as a new device. In this case, the “old” modem connected to the first port will be hidden, and the new one will be displayed in the manager;
  • The hidden group sometimes includes temporary storage devices: flash drives, phones and cameras connected in external storage mode.
  • To show all hidden devices, follow these steps:

  • While in Device Manager, expand the View tab.

    Expand the “View” tab

  • Turn on the "Show hidden devices" feature. Done, all previously hidden items will appear in the list, you may have to open and close the manager to update the list.

    Enable the “Show hidden devices” feature

  • What to do if it doesn’t open

    Some users experience that the manager does not open when they try to launch it different ways. Sometimes, the dispatcher disappears from all sections or stops responding immediately after launch. Follow the instructions below one by one to restore access to the registry.

    Diagnostics for viruses

    First of all, make sure that there are no viruses on your computer, as this is one of the most common causes of breakdowns. Open the antivirus installed on your computer and run a full diagnostic and remove any viruses found. After the analysis, restart your computer and try to launch the manager. If it doesn't help, then move on to the next step.

    Removing viruses from your computer

    Checking the startup file

    Perhaps a virus or careless user actions deleted the file responsible for launching the manager. It is located along the path Primary_disk:WINDOWS\sistem32. If the devmgmt.msc file is missing in the destination folder, then transfer it from another computer that has the same version of the operating system with the same bitness installed. If this file is in place, then proceed to the next step.

    Checking if the devmgmt.msc file is in place

    Disabling programs

    Think about what programs, games, processes or themes you have installed recently. Perhaps they are the ones blocking the dispatcher, intentionally or not, by conflicting with him. Remove elements that could be blocking the dispatcher and try to start it.

    Changing registry settings

  • Through the Run window, open the registry by running the regedit command.

    Use the regedit command to open the registry

  • Using the folder tree on the left side of the registry, navigate to the System folder. If it is not in the Policies folder, then create it manually.

    Go to the path HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies|System

  • In the destination folder, find the DisableTaskMgr parameter and change its value to 0.

    Change the DisableTaskMgr parameter to 0

  • Restart your computer and try opening the manager.

    Reboot the computer

  • Executing commands

    The manager may not open because some DLLs are damaged, to repair them, follow these steps:

  • Launch Command Prompt using administrator rights.

    Open a command prompt with administrator rights

  • Run cd C:WINDOWS\sistem32 one by one, and then one by one the commands Regsvr32 Msxml.dll, Regsvr32 Msxml2.dll, Regsvr32 Msxml3.dll. Please note that each command must be executed separately.

    Execute the command cd C:WINDOWS\sistem32 and the rest

  • Run the exit command to close the command prompt, then restart your computer and try starting the manager.

    Exit the command line

  • What to do if nothing helps

    If none of the above instructions helped you launch Explorer, then there is only one option left - reinstalling or restoring the system. When using the first option, you will lose all files stored on your computer, but you will receive a 100% guarantee that everything will work. When using the second method, you have a chance to roll back the system to the moment when the manager worked normally, and only those programs that were installed after the last working restore point were created will be lost.

    What to do if the manager is empty

    There are times when the manager is completely empty or very few devices are displayed. There may be several reasons for this, and if you do not know which of them is relevant in your case, then follow all the instructions below sequentially.

    Virus removal

    There is a virus called Apropos, which can cause an error in the device manager. To get rid of this virus, download the AproposFix program. Turn off the computer and turn it on in safe mode, to do this, at the very beginning of boot, press the F8 key on the keyboard, and then select from the list that opens safe mode downloads. Install the program, go to the folder where you installed it, and open the RunThis file with the bat extension. Program in automatic mode will get rid of the virus and provide you with a file with a report on what changes have been made.

    Turn on the computer in safe mode

    Activation of Plug and Play service

    The Plug and Play service is responsible for recognizing devices connected to the computer. If it is disabled, then all or some devices will not be displayed in the manager, so this function must be checked and activated manually:

  • From the Start menu, expand the Run shortcut program.

    Open the “Run” window

  • Use the services.msc command to navigate to managing services.

    Execute the command services.msc

  • In the general list, find the Plug and Play service and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

    Selecting the Plug and Play service

  • Start the service if it is deactivated and select automatic startup type so that it will turn on automatically in the future.

    Turn on automatic switching on Plug and Play services

  • Changing registry settings

    It may be that not all rights have been granted to your account or system. To change this, you will have to work in the registry editor:

  • Using the Run box, go to the editor by running the regedit command.

    Run the regedit command to go to the editor

  • Moving along the folder tree on the left side of the window, go to the CurrentControlSet folder.

    Go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet

  • Right-click the Enum folder and go to the Permissions section.

    Select "Permissions"

  • In the list of users, select “Everyone” and give this group read-only rights, and give the “System” user full access and read. If you don’t have a group, add it yourself by clicking the “Add” button.

    We issue permissions for the system and the “Everyone” group

  • Go to additional permissions.
  • Save all changes and reboot the system. Done, all devices should appear in the manager.

    Click the “Save” button

  • How to recognize an unidentified device

    The manager may detect a device that is not signed in any way. If you do not understand what kind of device it is, you will find out by updating its drivers via automatic search them on the Internet, or by searching for information about him using his ID on the Internet:

  • Open the properties of the unidentified device.

    Open device properties

  • Ports are not displayed

    COM and LPT ports may not be displayed in the manager for the following reasons:

  • working with ports is disabled in the BIOS; on some computers it is disabled by default. To fix the problem, go into the BIOS and change the SMART LAN parameter to the desired port, and not to Disable;
  • ports are physically absent from the computer, in this case there is only one way out - to purchase adapters for the ports you need;
  • For motherboard connected to the computer, the latest drivers are not installed, download and install the drivers from the official website of the company that created your board to get rid of the problem;
  • some programs created virtual ports that replaced real ones. Remove all virtual ports from the manager, reboot your computer, and the real ports will appear.
  • The manager does not see the device

    The manager may not see the connected device for the following reasons:

  • The connected device is not working. Connect it to another computer and see if it works there. If yes, then the problem is in the first computer, if not, then the problem is in the device, and you need to break it;
  • The port to which the connection is made is not working. Connect any other working device to it and check if it works with it;
  • the device is hidden in the manager, read about this above in the same article in the paragraph “How to display hidden devices”;
  • drivers are not installed for the device, fix this by downloading and installing drivers from the official website of the company that manufactured your device. Also, the drivers may not be updated or damaged, update them, and if they are damaged, then first remove the drivers and then install them again;
  • the device is disabled at the BIOS level, go into it and check the settings;
  • The device's place has been taken by an unknown or virtual device, remove all such devices, and after rebooting the real device will appear in the manager.
  • These reasons and solutions to them are relevant for all types of devices: video cards, mice, flash drives, monitors, printers, disk drives, etc. If you checked all the points, but they did not help you, then there is only one thing left to do - reinstall the system or roll it back to the moment when everything was fully displayed in the dispatcher.

    What to do if the drive does not see

    For disk drives, there is another solution to the problem:

  • While in the Run shortcut, use the regedit command to access the Registry Editor.

    Enter the regedit command and execute it

  • Device Manager - convenient standard program, which allows you to manage connected devices. Some devices in it may be hidden, and some may not be recognized, but these problems can be solved on your own. The main thing is, before delving into the system and the manager, make sure that the problem is not in the connected device itself.

    Device Manager is responsible for storing information about hardware computer. The manager contains data about all devices that were installed on the user's PC. Using this manager, it is possible to completely remove devices from the OS or update drivers for it.

    How to open Device Manager in Windows 7

    To open Device Manager, follow these steps:

    The following method to launch the manager in Windows 7 is even simpler:

    Another common method for calling the Windows 7 Device Manager involves the following sequence of actions:

    The above methods are also suitable for other versions of Windows.

    Where is Device Manager in Windows 10 and how to open it?

    To find the location of the utility responsible for the device manager, you should open the folder located in system partition OS, namely: “C:\WINDOWS\system32”. This folder contains the required tool, called “devmgmt.msc”; by opening it, you can manipulate the software of devices connected to the computer.

    How to open Device Manager in Windows 10 in other ways? Let's consider another launch option:

    • Using the “Start” menu or by entering the “Win ​​+ R” button combination, the “Run” system tool opens.
    • You should enter the name “devmgmt.msc” and after clicking “OK” the device manager interface will appear in front of the user. (Everything is the same as in seven)

    You can call the dispatcher using the command line, in which you should enter the same command “devmgmt.msc”. Pressing the “Enter” key will open a list with all connected devices.

    A system like Windows 8 has included improved functionality for a convenient navigation menu. Windows 10 has acquired an identical option, to activate which you need to press “Win ​​+ X”; in addition, you can call this interface in Windows 10 by clicking right button mouse on the Start menu. Naturally, the navigation functionality will contain an item with the necessary device manager.

    Where is Device Manager located on Windows XP and how to open it?

    The tool responsible for storing devices connected to the PC is located at “C:\WINDOWS\system32”, its name is “devmgmt.msc”.

    Having found out where the device manager is in Windows XP using the above method, you can open it.

    There is another way to launch this manager; to do this you will need to perform the following series of simple steps:

    • Right-click on the computer icon on your desktop and select the “Properties” option.
    • In the window that opens, go to the “Hardware” tab, which contains the item with the device manager.

    This software module appeared in the very first versions of the Windows OS, where it was intended to control and coordinate the first, not always stably identified plug devices and play for the PCI bus with older legacy bus devices that did not yet support plug and play. However, it turned out to be extremely convenient, and its use was not limited to this functionality. That's why it still exists in all versions of Windows, including the latest ones.

    What is Device Manager? This is a specialized utility that is included by default in the Windows operating system. With its help, you can manage computer components and monitor their status. It is available in every version of Windows and looks like a list of devices installed on the computer.

    Device Manager is an MMC snap-in, through which you can see the operation of all elements of any computer, no matter whether it is a “desktop” option, whether it is an old netbook or a sophisticated laptop of the latest model. The main thing is that the system is installed on the computer Windows any versions.

    Using this utility, you can find out both the name and some of the characteristics of all computer modules, see what condition they are in, find out what problems may arise in their functioning, install/update drivers, and also temporarily disable one or another module .

    In the manager, all computer components are distributed into various sections, which are opened in the same way as any other files - by double clicking the mouse.

    We will tell you about options for using Windows Device Manager and how you can find Device Manager to enter it in various ways.

    How to find Device Manager

    One of the features of any Windows OS is lack of “one right” way calls to its functions - any operation in it can be performed in at least two ways. Only one method, “because that’s how they were taught”, is used mainly by beginners. More experienced users usually choose the method that is more convenient for them in this particular situation. The device manager is no exception to this rule, which can be called in latest versions Windows can be done in more than a dozen ways.

    So what are these methods??

    Universal, suitable for any version of Windows:

    • First
    1. Win + R, and then release Win. Explanation: Win looks like the Windows logo key and is located at the bottom of the keyboard, between Ctrl and Alt (there can be only one to the left or two, both to the left and to the right of the Spacebar). Instead of R, you can press Russian K without switching the keyboard layout.
    2. A window will open in which to enter: devmgmt.msc and press “Enter”.
    • Second

    “Control Panel” - “System and Security” - “System” - “Device Manager”.

    • Third

    It also runs directly from the "system32" folder:

    1. Open “drivename:\WINDOWS\system32”. Explanation: “drive_name” is the system drive that stores your Windows files. Typically this is the C:\ drive, but variations are possible.
    2. Find and run the devmgmt.msc utility.
    • Fourth
    1. Open Start Menu
    2. In “Run” enter: devmgmt.msc
    3. Click "Ok".

    Using the Run menu you can easily disable any module installed on your computer, the main thing is to enter the correct launch command.

    • Fifth

    Right click on the icon (not the shortcut!) “My Computer” (“Computer”) on the desktop - “Manage” - “Device Manager”.

    • Sixth

    Using the hotkeys: “Win” + “Pause/Break”, then click “Device Manager”.

    • Seventh

    RMB on “Computer” - “Management” - “Device Manager”.

    • Eighth

    RMB on “Computer” - “Properties” - “Device Manager”.

    One of the oldest today, maintaining popularity to this day, more than 15 years after its release. It has become widespread due to the fact that it is easy and simple to use. This includes managing various PC parameters using Device Manager. You can access it in this OS in two ways:

    • First

    “Start” - “Control Panel” - “System” - “Hardware” - “Device Manager”.

    • Second

    LMB on “My Computer” on the desktop or in the “Start” menu - “Properties” - “Hardware” - “Device Manager”.

    RMB on “My Computer” - “Properties” - “Device Manager”.

    • Second

    “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Install small icons” - “Device Manager”

    • Third
    1. Start Menu
    2. In the “Search” line write “dispatcher” (without quotes!)
    3. Select the desired option and click on it with LMB.
    • Fourth

    “Start” - “Control Panel” - “System and Security” - “System” - “Device Manager”.

    • Fifth

    Right-click on the “Computer” icon - “Manage” - “Computer Management” - “Device Manager”.

    • Sixth
    1. "Start"
    2. “Find programs and files” write: devmgmt.msc
    3. Press "Enter".

    Device Manager in Windows 8

    Due to its small age, there are those among users who do not know how to enter the device manager here. But this is also not difficult to do on the G8, and in several ways:

    • First
    1. "Start"
    2. On the command line write: devmgmt.msc.
    • Second

    RMB on “Start” - “Device Manager”

    • Third
    1. Win+X
    2. Click the link to Device Manager
    • Fourth

    RMB on the “Start” button - “System” - “Device Manager”

    • Fifth
    1. Win+R
    2. In “Run” write: devmgmt.msc and press “Enter”.
    • Sixth

    If there is no “Start” menu, write “Device Manager” directly on the start screen, in the search form.

    Device Manager on Windows 10

    1. Open the folder “drive_name:\WINDOWS\system32”, where “drive_name” is the system drive that stores your Windows files. Typically this is the C:\ drive, but variations are possible.
    2. Find there and run devmgmt.msc.
    • Second
    1. Click on the Start menu or use the Win+R combination
    2. In the Run tool that appears, enter: devmgmt.msc.
    3. Click “Ok”.
    • Third
    1. Enter the Start menu
    2. In the command line enter: devmgmt.msc.
    3. Press "Enter".
    • Fourth
    1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click the magnifying glass icon
    2. Write “device manager” - it doesn’t matter whether it’s the whole phrase or just part of the phrase
    3. Press the “Enter” key.
    • Fifth

    Login through the “Control Panel”.

    Windows 10 PowerShell

    • First
    1. In the search window enter “powershell” (without quotes!)
    2. In powershell, type “devmgmt.msc” (without quotes!).
    • Second
    1. Start Menu
    2. In the “Command Prompt” enter “devmgmt.msc” (without quotes!)
    3. Press "Enter".
    • Third
    1. "Computer Management"
    2. Launch the dispatcher.
    • Fourth

    All this can be done through the “System” command.

    For some versions of Windows:

    RMB in the “Start” menu or on the “Computer” icon directly on the desktop - “Properties” - “Device Manager”.

    • Versions from Windows 7 and earlier:
    1. Click "Search"
    2. Enter “device manager” (without quotes!) into its window.
    3. When it is found, enter it.
    • For Windows 8, 8.1 and 10:

    “Start” - “Device Manager.

    You can select: “Control Panel” - view by “Categories” - “Hardware and Sound” - “Device Manager”.

    • Windows Vista, 7 and Server 2008 R2:

    There are several methods common to these versions, and any user can open it, but only administrators can change anything here.


    a) “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Hardware and Sound” - “Device Manager”

    b) In the “Start Search” and “Run” fields there is command lines. In any of them enter “mmc devmgmt.msc” (without quotes!)

    Then everything depends on the type of account:

    * Built-in Account“Administrator” - you can open it, and it will become available for viewing and making changes

    * Member of the Administrators group - You can access the manager by clicking Continue in the User Account Control window.

    * Regular user- you will receive a message like this: “You cannot change anything in the devices.” Device Manager will open in View mode when you click OK.


    1. Get to the transition area

    2. Click on “Device Manager”

    * Administrator - Device Manager will open and become accessible

    * Regular user - receive a message along the lines of: “You cannot change anything in devices.” The manager will open in view mode when you click OK.


    1. “Computer management”

    2. In the “Action” menu, click “Connect to another computer”

    3. In the “Select a computer” window that appears, two options are available:

    * in the “Other computer” text field, type its name in the group and click “OK”

    * click “Browse” - “Advanced”, and the required machine will be found. Then click "OK".

    If successful, you will see the computer name in the top left. But So you can open the manager only as a regular user.

    Why do you need a dispatcher at all?

    The device manager in all Windows systems provides all the necessary information about the computer’s hardware (it doesn’t matter whether it’s a desktop or a laptop). It is required to check the operation of all equipment installed on this machine. Also - to safely remove a particular component, as well as to install/update/remove drivers. In a word - sometimes you can’t go anywhere without him.

    For example, you reinstalled the system, and now you are installing drivers, and at the same time you do not have accurate information about what exactly they will be needed for. In this case, you should look into the device manager: a module without a driver will be marked exclamation point next to its name.

    Using Device Manager you can do the following:

    * Find out the status of any part of the computer

    You just need to open the appropriate section. For example, in order to obtain information about what is called installed video card, need to open double click mouse in the “Video adapters” section.

    For details about a component, you need to right-click once while hovering over it, and then click “Properties”.

    * Find out if there are any problems in the work

    Special icons are displayed next to those computer modules that have any problems. For example - a red cross, question/exclamation mark. So, as soon as you open the device manager, you will be able to notice them.

    * Install module driver

    To install a driver for a component of a computer, you need to right-click on it, and then select “Update drivers.” Then specify the address of the folder where the drivers are stored.

    * Reinstall the driver

    Sometimes certain modules of the machine refuse to work properly - for example, the sound disappears due to a problem sound card. Reinstalling the driver often helps. To do this, in the device manager you need to right-click on the faulty module, and then click “Delete”. Then - in its menu, click “Action” - “Update hardware configuration”.

    * Deactivate (disable) module

    To do this, right-click on it and select “Disable” in the context menu that appears. Then you can always turn it on again - just right-click on it and select “Enable”.

    It makes sense to disable those modules that will not be used for some time., For example, in laptops, to save battery power.

    How to use Device Manager

    The main page of the dispatcher is a list of categories. When you open any category, you can view everything that is in it. For example, in the “Video adapters” category you can see your video card - either discrete or built-in.

    To learn more about a particular component, you need to open a specific category by double-clicking. You can also use RMB and “Properties”.

    There are three or four tabs:

    * General - all information about the module: type, who made it, what is the placement, what condition is it in,

    * Driver is a program for supporting a device on a computer. Here you can update/replace the driver,

    * Information - you can find out the properties of the module,

    * Resources - information about how many resources and which ones are required for its operation. Some elements do not have this tab.

    Learn more about how to use Device Manager

    Among other things, it gives information about what code the computer module has— with the help of this information you can quickly find the necessary drivers on the Internet

    So what is the immediate purpose of the dispatcher window? In it you can either disable or completely delete this or that element of the computer. And the latter means complete removal drivers. More Here software modules can be updated, and either from the system itself or from the Internet - both options will be available.

    During the update process, the Hardware Wizard will open. Moreover, for automatic installation, Windows XP will offer to connect to the Windows Update site.

    Error codes

    It is not uncommon for Device Manager to display a very large number of error codes., and also offers possible options for correcting them. And so that you can understand what symbols mean what and make normal system settings, let’s talk about the most frequently pop-up ones:

    * Code 1. This means incorrect setting computer component. Occurs most often. It means that there is no firewood or that it is configured incorrectly, as it should be. You can fix the problem by reinstalling the drivers, for which you can use the hardware wizard in the manager itself.

    * Code 3. Either the driver is damaged, or there are too few resources, including system RAM. The damaged driver needs to be reinstalled. To check resources, you need to go to “Properties”, there click “Advanced” -> “Settings” -> “Performance”.

    * Code 14. This means that the system needs to be rebooted for the module to work as it should.

    * Code 18. You need to reinstall the system component drivers.

    * Code 44. Due to any open program work was suspended. A simple restart of the computer can fix this issue.

    * Code 31. Due to unsuccessful loading of drivers, the module has malfunctioned. This may occur due to the system being unable to load the driver. In this case, a driver downloaded from the Internet will fix the problem.

    How to change data in the registry

    The dispatcher can be launched through the “Computer” context menu, through the “Management” section. However, it is only needed if too large changes have been made to the system registry. If they are included, the “Device Manager” item is already shown in the context menu. You can make the necessary changes like this:

    1. Display the “Start” line (you can press Win+R)

    2. Enter regedit into it to launch the registry editor


    4. Make a subsection in the “shell” section

    5. Name it “Device Manager” (without quotes!)

    6. Make a second subsection in it

    7. Give it the name “command” (without quotes!)

    8. In command, double-click on the “Default” parameter

    9. Set the mmc value to devmgmt.msc

    And so - it is possible to open the equipment manager by right-clicking on the “Computer” icon without going into “Management”.

    So, now you know how and why you need to open the remote control, so now you can control how your computer and the programs that provide this work work. By the way, laptops have modules that are best turned off if you want the machine to work longer without recharging.

    All information about the equipment included in the computer is available in one system application, which serves to manage all PC components and monitor their condition. Below is a guide describing all the methods on how to open Device Manager in Windows XP.

    Brief description of the program

    This application, already built into Windows XP by default, is the central point for managing computer hardware. As can be seen from the figure above, the utility interface for user convenience is designed in the form of a regular list of PC components. The list is classified into sections, which can be entered by simply clicking on the “+” sign.

    In addition to the device name, this manager also contains all information about the main technical specifications equipment, as well as monitoring their functioning.

    Through this utility, you can identify problems with devices, install and upgrade their drivers, and disable and activate any PC component.

    Ways to open the utility

    In Windows XP, the program can be launched in several different ways.

    Method 1: Using the operating system control panel

    You need to do the following:

    Method 2: Through “My Computer”

    Several sequential steps are required:

    Method 3: Using a special command

    This technique is suitable not only for Windows XP, but also for other modifications of Windows.

    The algorithm for performing action steps consists of the following steps:

    Basic techniques for working in Device Manager

    Under the name PC there is a complete list of equipment sorted by type. If you quickly double-click on any of the devices of interest, a menu of its properties will open. You can also view this window by calling the context menu from any device and clicking on the “Properties” line.

    To identify problems in the functioning of equipment, you need to pay attention to special marks located next to the devices, for example, icons: “?”, “!” or "red cross". They always indicate difficulties encountered during the operation of a particular computer component.

    How to update or install hardware software?

    The procedure is very simple and only requires calling the context menu from the target device and clicking on “Update drivers...”. Next, you only need to show the location of the software on the computer.

    To reinstall the driver, the steps are similar, but in the context menu you must first click on “Delete”. Then go to the “Action” tab and click “Update hardware configuration”.

    Disabling equipment

    Often, in order to save battery power, owners of laptops and netbooks temporarily deactivate unnecessary devices.

    To do this, you need to perform the following several steps:

    1. Call the context menu from unnecessary equipment;
    2. Click “Disable”;
    3. When you need to activate the device again, you just need to click on “Activate” in the context menu.