How to open Windows 10 user accounts. Creating a new account via the command line

If you need to see all the existing user accounts that are using your device, this guide will show you four ways to do so in Windows 10.

On Windows 10, you can quickly check full information about all user accounts. If more than one person is using your personal computer or you have more than one user account, if there is a need to check the complete information of all user accounts, then this article will help you. Additionally, in certain cases, you may also need to look at the hidden user accounts available on your system, such as the Administrator account, which is disabled by default.

To view all existing accounts in Windows 10, there are several ways to view this information using built-in tools and the command line.

In this guide, you'll learn four ways to see a list of all accounts available in Windows 10.

  • How to view all accounts using the Settings app
  • How to view all accounts using Computer Management
  • How to View All Accounts in Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

How to View All Windows 10 Accounts Using the Settings App.

The easiest way to see the accounts available on your device is in the Settings app:

  1. Open the application by pressing the Win I keys.
  1. Go to settings group "Accounts".
  1. Click the section on the left.

On this page you will find existing user accounts configured on your PC, but this page is limited because it does not contain built-in user accounts such as the built-in administrator account.

Additionally, you'll notice that the current user account isn't listed either, but that's because that information is displayed on the "Your Details" page.

How to view all accounts using the Computer Management console.

If you're using Windows 10 Pro, you can use the Computer Management console to view all the accounts on your device.

  1. Click right click mouse on the button "Start" and select from the menu "Computer Management".

  1. In the console, go to the following path:

Local Users and Groups → Users

You will see a list of all accounts created in Windows 10.

How to View All Windows 10 Accounts Using Command Prompt

In Windows 10, you can quickly check complete information about all user accounts using one command.

  1. Open command line, enter the following command and press Enter.

You will see the following details:

The very first account built-in admin account, the account is disabled by default - but you can enable this hidden admin account if you have a need.

Second account- User account managed by the system, as specified in the description. If you are using Windows 10.

Third account guest account.

The last user account used to access the computer. If you have multiple user accounts, you will find them below one by one.

There are several details that are visible on the command line screen. You will see the following:

  • Account type
  • Description
  • Full name
  • installation date
  • Local status account
  • Lockout status
  • Password Changeable
  • Password Expires
  • Password required or not
  • SID Type
  • Status

AccountType = 512 indicates that all accounts are regular. If your computer is domain joined, you may see other values ​​such as 256 (Temp Duplicate Account),2048 (Trust Account Interdomain), 4096 (Trust Account Workstation) or 8192 (Trust Account Server).

Disabled = FALSE / TRUE, indicates whether that particular account is active or not. If set to FALSE, this means that your account is not active and vice versa.

PasswordChangable = TRUE / FALSE indicates whether the password of this account can be changed or not. If set to TRUE, then you can change it.

PasswordExpired = TRUE / FALSE tells the password for this user account to expire after a specified amount of time.

How to View All Accounts Using PowerShell

Additionally, you can even use one command in PowerShell to view the list with detailed information about every account available in Windows 10.

  1. on behalf of the administrator.
  1. Type the following command to list all existing accounts and press Enter:
  1. You will see a list of all accounts configured on your device, with their description and activity.

If you need to export a list of accounts to text file, you can add the following to the command. For example:

Get-LocalUser > c:\path\to\output\folder\list.txt

In case one of the accounts was created using a Microsoft account, the account name will contain only the first five letters of the address Email.

These are the basic things you need to know to understand the details of all user accounts on Windows computer 10.

Having your own personal computer for some it is a luxury. It is not uncommon for more than two people to use a single computer in a home. But there is information that is better hidden from strangers. That is why in the Microsoft operating system it is possible to create several owners of a computer and set a password for any of them individually. Thanks to this, each person can store their own documents in certain folders, which other people cannot get into.

Quite often, purchased personal computers already have several PC owners. The reason for this is the limited ability to access the data. When customers come to a store and test laptops, they may specifically download malicious software. software. That is why a new person is created in an operating system without administrator rights, where the person does not have the ability to delete, edit or install files.

Adding a user via Start

You need to go to Start and, using the “” item, find a section with a list of all PC owners. This section has a subsection for family and other accounts. This is where you can create a new person to control the computer. When adding a new PC owner, you must fill in a name and create a password.

Adding a user via Command Line

To display Command line you need to right-click on the menu Start and select Command Line. You must run it as an administrator. It serves to perform various actions on a personal computer using specially designed commands.

IN Command line you need to enter the command net user Admin password /add where Admin is the name of the new person using the personal computer, and password is the password. If everything is done correctly, then Command line The message “Command completed successfully” will appear.

Adding a user via Control Panel

Of course, any adjustment in the operating room Windows system solved through Control Panel. You must select the item "", tab " Control Panel" and find the section " user accounts».

On the Users tab there will be an Add button. After this, you can add a new person, but you need to decide what kind of account you need to create:

  • Microsoft account;
  • local account.

When new Microsoft account will be created, the owner will be able to use the standard Windows store, automatically update standard applications and synchronize software applications.

When local recording The owner of the personal computer will be created, a new owner of the PC will appear in Windows 10. This method recommended for those who already have a Microsoft account and just need to differentiate access rights on their own computer.

When choosing any option, the PC owner will have to enter the account name and generate a password to log into the system.

Adding Local Users

When you press the Win + R key combination, the " Execute", in which you need to enter the command "". Click OK and see several folders in the window that appears: “ Users" And " Groups" In groups, rights to files and folders on the computer are created for various accounts. Here you can set up full access to all files and folders on the computer or prohibit this person from most operations, such as editing, installing and deleting new files. In folder " Users» everyone is present local records computer owners who are in Windows.

By clicking on the folder " Users", using the right mouse button, you must select the operation " New user" Next, you need to come up with a name for the new owner and generate a password. If it is required that the Windows user has full access to all files and folders in this operating system, then you need to go to the “ Users", select the created user and in the tab " Group Membership» assign the value to administrator. Then New user will be able to fully manage PC files and folders by installing new various programs, remove old ones, editing data and making all permissible system settings.

Adding new users in the Windows 10 operating system is not significantly different from other operating systems. Exactly the same through Control Panel It is possible to create new accounts in both the eighth and seventh versions.

Video on the topic

Many PC users often share their gadget with other users. Because of this, conflicts arise. Someone accidentally deleted the file, installed unnecessary program or performed some action that led to a system failure. To avoid such problems, you should add a new user to your PC in Windows 10. Let’s look at all the existing methods on how to do this.

Creating a new user in Windows 10 through the Settings section

The easiest way to add a user to Windows 10 is to use the options in the Settings section. In order to add another account on Windows 10, you should do the following:

  • Click “Start”, “Settings” and select the “Accounts” section.
  • In the menu on the left, select the “Family and other people” section. Click “Add a user for this computer.”

  • A new window will appear. The system will ask you to enter the user's name or phone number. If you want to create a new user in Windows 10 without specifying that the account belongs to a specific person, you should click “I don’t have this person’s login information.”

  • A new window will appear again. Click “Add a user without a Microsoft account.”

  • Next, you need to come up with a new user name and enter a password and password hint.

The creation of the new local user account is complete.

Creating a new account via Command Line

The second way to create a new user in Windows 10 is to use the command line. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Right-click on the “Start” icon and select “Command Prompt (Admin).”

  • The console will launch. You need to enter the following command “net user Username Password /add”, where “Username” is the name of the new account, and the password is a combination of numbers. In an example it looks like this.

  • Press “Enter” to add a new user.

  • Now, when you log in, you can select a different user.

Using Local Group to Add a New User in Windows 10

You can create accounts for users of one PC not only using the above methods, but also using the “Local groups and users” section.

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “lusrmgr.msc”.

  • A new window will open. Select the “Users” section. Right-click on an empty space and select “New User”.

  • A small window will appear. Enter the new username, password and confirm the password.

User added. You can log in using a new account in the standard way.

Adding a new user using the Run command

The last method for Windows 10 to get an account is to run the “control userpasswords2” command in the Run window.

The User Accounts section will appear. Click on the “Add” button.

A window for creating a new account will open, the same as in the method above (Creation through the Settings section). Enter all the data and follow the instructions. New entry will be created.

To learn how to add a new user in Windows 10, watch the video:

IN previous versions Windows users could be added and removed through the Control Panel. But in Windows 10 this feature was removed, which is why many users do not know how to add a new user to Windows 10.

If you are also interested in this issue, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this material. Here we will look at two ways to do this.

How to add a user through the Options menu

Perhaps the easiest way to add a new user to operating system Windows 10 is to use the Settings menu. To do this, press the combination Windows-I keys or open the Settings menu using the icon in the Start menu.

In the “Settings” menu, open the “Accounts – Family and other people” section and click on the “Add a user for this computer” button.

As a result, a window will appear in front of you for adding users to Windows 10. At the first stage, you need to enter the email address or phone number of the future user. You can enter this information or skip this step by clicking on the link “I don’t have this person’s login information.”

Quite often, two or even more users work on one computer. Typically, these users work with different files and programs, which makes it more difficult to work. To solve this problem, you need to create a separate account for each user who works on this computer. In one of the previous articles we talked about how this is done in . Here you will learn how to create an account in Windows 10.

So, in order to create an account, you need to open the Settings window. This can be done using the Start menu. Open it and select "Options".

After this, the “Options” window will open in front of you. Here you need to go to the “Account” section.

After this, your account settings page will open in front of you. Here you can manage your account Microsoft entry, install avatars, etc. Here you should go to the “Family & other users” section. The link to this settings section is in the left side menu.

After this, a window will open in front of you to create a Windows 10 account. If you want to add a user who has an account with Microsoft, then simply enter his email address in the Microsoft service and click on the “Next” button. Then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

If the user you are adding does not have a Microsoft account, but you want to create one, then simply click on the “Register a new email address” link, and then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

If you want to create an account Windows entry 10, which will not be associated with a Microsoft account, then you need to click on the “Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended)” link.

After this, a window will appear in which you need to click on the “Local Account” button.

After this, a completely inoculating window will appear to create an account in Windows. Here you need to enter your username and, if necessary, a password with a hint. After entering this data, you need to click on the “Next” button.

After this, your Windows 10 account will be created and all you have to do is click on the “Finish” button.