How to switch to tone mode on your phone. Do you know how to put your phone into tone mode?

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Often, in order to communicate with a company's customer support answering machine, we need to figure out how to put the phone on tone. When the robot at the other end of the line asks us to switch its device to tone dialing mode, then we must switch the dialing mode from pulse to tone. There is no difficulty in this; we can make such a switch without leaving home.

What is tone mode

Exist two types of dialing modes from telephones:
  • Pulse, an already outdated dial, which is characterized by the appearance of clicks when dialing a number (you can hear them by turning the dial of the device, if you still have such a model).
  • Tonal (tonal)– when you press a number, a certain sound signal is heard. Moreover, each number corresponds to its own sound, different from the others.
To switch your phone to touch-tone dialing, you must first find out what mode the device is in at the moment. This is easy to do, just listen to the sounds that the buttons of your device make when you press them. Clicks mean pulse mode; sound signals – tone.

Let's assume that you have a disk machine and want to figure out how to turn the machine into tone mode. Then know that without a special set-top box that will generate tone signals to the network, this is impossible to do if it is an old disk drive.

Switch to tone mode

So, during a conversation with the answering machine, when it asks you to switch the device to tone dialing mode, press the " * " while holding her about two seconds(on a mobile phone - a little longer - about 5 seconds). In most cases, telephone numbers are translated this way.

If this button does not switch your machine from pulse mode, it may other actions required:

  • Sometimes the phone switches with the " # ».
  • There may be a switch key on the device body (bottom or side), on which you will see “ tone" or " T" Switch it to the desired position.
  • Perhaps your device switches in a completely different way as provided by its manufacturer. In this case, refer to the instructions, which show which buttons are used to switch it to the mode you need.

Enabling the phone's tone mode is necessary to navigate through the menu system when making outgoing calls to service numbers and hotlines that provide services. Navigation through the menu of such systems is carried out by turning on the phone's tone mode and selecting the required item by pressing the corresponding key.

All modern smartphones support tone dialing mode; depending on the platform, it is enabled in one way or another.

Enable dialing

In the Android operating system, you can configure tone dialing. It is designated in the menu as DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency).

We go to the call settings menu and see the following:

You can read about how to turn on the phone's tone mode in the instructions for the device; in addition, depending on the phone's operating system, the tone mode is turned on by pressing one or more keys.

If your smartphone runs on the Android operating system, you must complete the following steps during an outgoing call:

  • open the main menu;
  • select the icon with the numeric keypad in the menu;
  • press the required key.

Periodically entered numbers can be deleted using the cross in the right corner. If you entered the command incorrectly, just return to the main menu of the system and select the required item again. Please note that tone mode also works in conference mode; if a call to a touch-tone system is active, all other calls do not support the touch-tone system. Tone mode, depending on the features of your device, supports entering numbers from the touch keyboard and a regular keyboard. If necessary, you can return from tone dialing mode by opening the icon with an active call in the system menu.

Set on Windows and iOS

Users of modern smartphones on Windows and iOS often wonder how to enable the phone's tone mode when making calls to numbers that support touch-tone dialing. To enable tone mode on smartphones with the specified operating system, you will need to perform several steps:

  1. during an outgoing active call, press the green key;
  2. select the required number key on the keyboard;
  3. if necessary, erase the entered data and hide the numeric keypad.

Navigation through the menu systems on numbers with tone dialing support is carried out using numeric keys, as well as a voice input system, depending on the design of the menu system. Please note that several seconds pass from the moment you enter numbers until the system responds; most often, during an active call, a proximity sensor protects against accidental entry of numbers, which turns off the screen when approaching the ear. If you need to dial, you need to remove the phone from your ear, turn on tone dialing, enter the required command and continue working with the automated system.

You can return to the main menu of any automated system using the star or hash key. If the system supports a connection with an operator, just listen to all menu items or select a connection with an operator by pressing the corresponding number key.

By default, all mobile devices support touch-tone functionality, please note that it may not work for outgoing calls to numbers that do not support menu navigation using the touch-tone function. As a rule, this concerns telephone numbers of consumer service hotlines. Tone dialing can be enabled according to the above principle for an incoming call, if it is active and the automated system supports tone dialing mode.

You can find out about the availability of tone mode support when making a call by listening to the points of the automated system. If you are offered navigation using the phone keys, it means that the system supports touch-tone dialing mode. If you have keyboard sounds enabled on your device, when you press keys after touch tone is activated, you will hear the keyboard sounds that are generated when you dial a number.

Features of tone dialing

Tone dialing on a phone works on the principle of new call during an incoming or outgoing active call to a number that supports navigation through an automated system using tone dialing. Until the call key is pressed, the entered commands are transmitted to the automated system and are recognized by it as navigation commands.

Please note that tone dialing mode for navigation only works when you make a call to a number with an automated menu navigation system. When making a regular call, tone dialing will allow you to connect a new subscriber to the conversation, send commands to activate services, and write down the phone number in the phone book. The tone dialing mode allows you to independently select the necessary items in the automated system when calling a number that supports tone dialing.

September 9, 2013

A landline telephone (also called a home telephone) can operate in two provided dialing modes: pulse and tone. By default, home phones use pulse mode. However, sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to switch a landline telephone to tone dialing mode, for example, so that you can press keys to select number options that are listed to you by the service support service or some other automated system. Today's article will tell you, how to switch phone to panasonic tone mode.

Initially, you need to determine what mode your landline phone is currently operating in. If you hear certain clicks in the handset when dialing a number, this means that the device is operating in pulse mode. If tonal sounds are heard that have different pitches, then the phone is operating in tone mode.

There are models of landline telephones that have a certain special button that changes the current mode. Usually this button is called “TONE” or “TONE”. To put your Panasonic phone into tone mode, you need to use the “+” key. If you are using a Panasonic model mini automatic telephone exchange, then you should press the “*” key in succession, and then the “#” key. The “T” symbol should light up on the display of the landline system telephone.

How can I put my Panasonic phone into tone mode? models KX-TS2365RUW? By default, this machine operates in pulse dialing mode. First, look, there may be a special small lever on the side of the phone that switches the operating modes of the device. If you do not find such a lever, then use the button with an asterisk, that is, “*”. However, in this way you will switch your stationary device to tone mode only temporarily. As soon as you hang up, the device will return to the pulse operating mode of dialing telephone numbers, which is set by default.

So, to switch the phone to the panasonic tone mode of the KX-TS2365RUW model, you must perform the following steps:

A) First press the button called “PROGRAM”.

B) After that, press the button called “MUTE”.

B) then press the “three”, that is, the “3” key.

D) to select the tone mode (i.e. “TONE”), press “one”, that is, the “1” key. If you are interested in the pulse dialing mode (that is, “PULSE”), then press “two,” that is, the “2” key.

E) After that, press the “PROGRAM” button again.

Please note that the stationary device must have batteries, otherwise the settings you set will not be saved and will be deleted as soon as you hang up the phone.

Now, if you are asked,

on Sep 13, 2018 947 Views

Often, when contacting support or calling a hotline, the subscriber is urged to switch to touch-tone dialing. As a rule, this happens when trying to call a multi-channel number, which requires pressing numbers on the handset of the phone to confirm the choice. It’s not difficult even for a beginner to understand such nuances.

Telephone communication is a complex thing, but at the same time incredibly interesting. For this reason, before switching the phone to tone mode, it is worth understanding its essence and considering what other dialing options are available. Telecommunication technologies are moving far ahead every year, and even now modern devices only support tone type. For devices released earlier, you still have to switch between two:

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  • pulse, which involves closing the telephone line in a special way, where each dialed digit corresponds to the number of pulses.
  • tone, using an analog signal to dial the required combination of numbers.

A user who does not understand the intricacies of this topic will be able to distinguish these methods of entering numbers by ear. Remember the old rotary phones: when you scrolled the disk, you heard some clicks that differed depending on the number. Some devices released even 10-15 years ago still have the ability to switch to pulse mode. Another input method will give itself away as a difference in the pitch of the signal, which will depend on the key pressed. The advantage of tone digital input over pulse input lies primarily in the speed of dialing and connecting with the subscriber.

Tone mode on a landline phone

With the passage of time and the development of internal telephone networks, the abandonment of outdated pulse dialing seems quite logical. Multifunctional office phones, similar to those produced by Avaya, do not even have the ability to change modes. This is understandable, since in large companies work is constantly in full swing, and the speed of dialing to a client or partner is important.

Home devices will make you worry about how to enable tone mode on your phone. For example, the list of characteristics of the wired model of a Panasonic device states that both options are available. In some cases, pressing buttons is not enough to switch between them, and you should contact your communications service company for help. It is a mistake to believe that absolutely all radio telephones, unlike wired telephones, have only tone dialing. Voxtel Select series devices support both methods of transmitting a telephone number.

Tone mode on a mobile phone

It is more profitable to make calls to long-distance hotlines, where you have to listen to an answering machine for a long time, from a mobile phone. Most devices are equipped with only one input method, so the question of how to switch a cell phone to tone mode does not arise. To switch to the extension line of the desired operator, you will need to press keys with certain numbers, which is only possible with the tone option. A person dialing a call center number will hear a characteristic signal, indicating that communication has been established with the selected operator.

There has never been a pulse connection on mobile phones, since this is a feature of telephone networks for landline devices, and the modernization of Russian telephone exchanges has made it possible to abandon this option forever. However, it may not be necessary to switch between input methods, but to enable the desired type of connection that was disabled for some reason. Without activating this function, some devices will not allow you to dial a number.

How to put a mobile phone into tone mode

If we answer this question in general and in relation to each gadget, but there is only one answer - nothing! By default, all phones support and operate in tone mode and do not provide any other selection options. However, there are exceptions to the rules: you cannot transfer to another set, but you can simply turn off the existing tone set. This instruction explains how to switch to tone mode on a mobile phone with touch controls:

  1. Dial the phone number.
  2. Once the connection is established, bring up the on-screen keyboard.
  3. Press the star or plus key. For different gadget models, you may need to hold these buttons for a while.

This algorithm will also be effective for owners of push-button phone models. Here the situation is even somewhat simpler: you don’t need to open the keyboard on the screen. Having reached the dialed number and heard a request to turn on tone input, which was probably turned off, you only need to press and hold one of the keys (usually “star”, “pound” or “plus”) until a characteristic signal.

Switching a landline phone to tone mode

The internal structure of home communication devices, like telephone lines, determines the choice of mode change method. In most cases, this can be done without leaving the apartment or private house. How to put your phone into tone mode in the classic way is described in the following instructions:

  1. Pick up the phone if you have a corded one, or press the call key on your radiotelephone.
  2. Hold the star button for a second.
  3. Try pressing the number keys: if they make sounds that are different in tone, then everything is done correctly.

Another option is suitable only for some models:

  1. Inspect the tube from all sides for the location of additional levers on it.
  2. If you notice a switch with the Latin letters P and T, meaning pulse and tone dialing, then move the lever to the T position.
  3. You can check by pressing the number buttons.

Video: Tone mode

How to put your phone into tone mode - what is it? Switching to tone mode on the phone - high technology news on the site"

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Often, when contacting support or calling a hotline, the subscriber is urged to switch to touch-tone dialing. As a rule, this happens when trying to call a multi-channel number, which requires pressing numbers on the handset of the phone to confirm the choice. It’s not difficult even for a beginner to understand such nuances.

What is tone mode on a phone?

Telephone communication is a complex thing, but at the same time incredibly interesting. For this reason, before switching the phone to tone mode, it is worth understanding its essence and considering what other dialing options are available. Telecommunication technologies are moving far ahead every year, and even now modern devices only support tone type. For devices released earlier, you still have to switch between two:

  • pulse, which involves closing the telephone line in a special way, where each dialed digit corresponds to the number of pulses.
  • tone, using an analog signal to dial the required combination of numbers.

A user who does not understand the intricacies of this topic will be able to distinguish these methods of entering numbers by ear. Remember the old rotary phones: when you scrolled the disk, you heard some clicks that differed depending on the number. Some devices released even 10-15 years ago still have the ability to switch to pulse mode. Another input method will give itself away as a difference in the pitch of the signal, which will depend on the key pressed. The advantage of tone digital input over pulse input lies primarily in the speed of dialing and connecting with the subscriber.

Tone mode on a landline phone

With the passage of time and the development of internal telephone networks, the abandonment of outdated pulse dialing seems quite logical. Multifunctional office phones, similar to those produced by Avaya, do not even have the ability to change modes. This is understandable, since in large companies work is constantly in full swing, and the speed of dialing to a client or partner is important.

Home devices will make you worry about how to enable tone mode on your phone. For example, the list of characteristics of the wired model of a Panasonic device states that both options are available. In some cases, pressing buttons is not enough to switch between them, and you should contact your communications service company for help. It is a mistake to believe that absolutely all radio telephones, unlike wired telephones, have only tone dialing. Voxtel Select series devices support both methods of transmitting a telephone number.

Tone mode on a mobile phone

It is more profitable to make calls to long-distance hotlines, where you have to listen to an answering machine for a long time, from a mobile phone. Most devices are equipped with only one input method, so the question of how to switch a cell phone to tone mode does not arise. To switch to the extension line of the desired operator, you will need to press keys with certain numbers, which is only possible with the tone option. A person dialing a call center number will hear a characteristic signal, indicating that communication has been established with the selected operator.

There has never been a pulse connection on mobile phones, since this is a feature of telephone networks for landline devices, and the modernization of Russian telephone exchanges has made it possible to abandon this option forever. However, it may not be necessary to switch between input methods, but to enable the desired type of connection that was disabled for some reason. Without activating this function, some devices will not allow you to dial a number.

How to put a mobile phone into tone mode

If we answer this question in general and in relation to each gadget, but there is only one answer - nothing! By default, all phones support and operate in tone mode and do not provide any other selection options. However, there are exceptions to the rules: you cannot transfer to another set, but you can simply turn off the existing tone set. This instruction explains how to switch to tone mode on a mobile phone with touch controls:

  • Dial the phone number.
  • Once the connection is established, bring up the on-screen keyboard.
  • Press the star or plus key. For different gadget models, you may need to hold these buttons for a while.
  • This algorithm will also be effective for owners of push-button phone models. Here the situation is even somewhat simpler: you don’t need to open the keyboard on the screen. Having reached the dialed number and heard a request to turn on tone input, which was probably turned off, you only need to press and hold one of the keys (usually “star”, “pound” or “plus”) until a characteristic signal.

    Switching a landline phone to tone mode

    The internal structure of home communication devices, like telephone lines, determines the choice of mode change method. In most cases, this can be done without leaving the apartment or private house. How to put your phone into tone mode in the classic way is described in the following instructions:

  • Pick up the phone if you have a corded one, or press the call key on your radiotelephone.
  • Hold the star button for a second.
  • Try pressing the number keys: if they make sounds that are different in tone, then everything is done correctly.
  • Another option is suitable only for some models:

  • Inspect the tube from all sides for the location of additional levers on it.
  • If you notice a switch with the Latin letters P and T, meaning pulse and tone dialing, then move the lever to the T position.
  • You can check by pressing the number buttons.
  • Video: Tone mode