How to reinstall licensed 1c on another computer. Old platform on a new computer

The easiest way to activate a basic 1C Enterprise 8 license is via the Internet. At the same time, few users think about what changes occur on their computer after activating the program. Hence the question indicated in the title of the article.

When activating 1C:Enterprise (basic license), . This is normal text file with extension *.lic. This is the file that needs to be transferred to another computer so that the program can work there too - this is what more “advanced” 1C users think.

And here is the file itself.


You, of course, can try to copy this file to another computer after installing 1C on it, but it is better to use two backup licenses.

And some users begin to mindlessly copy this file to all sorts of folders. Should not be doing that. The fact is that if 1C finds a license file in more than one folder in which it usually looks for it, it will add this license to the black list. And this is already bad.

So after transferring the 1C database to new computer, it’s better to just get a new license from the remaining two for this computer. This is the most acceptable option. The program must be registered on the 1C website.

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Let's sum it up

Do you want 1C to work normally on a new computer and don’t want to screw up your license? Then it’s better to re-read the license agreement for the basic version again and don’t split hairs.


How to transfer the 1C:Enterprise 8 Basic version program from one computer to another.

For small organizations, 1C Company releases Basic versions of its programs, which differ from PRO versions of software products of the same name in their affordable price and support conditions, for example:
  • 1C: Accounting 8 Basic version,
  • 1C: Simplified,
  • 1C:Entrepreneur,
  • 1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version,
  • 1C: Retail 8. Basic version,
  • 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8. Basic version,
  • 1C: Managing our company 8. Basic version

In this article we will look at the procedure for transferring a basic version of a 1C program from one computer to another. The procedure for transferring the PROF version is described in the article "How to transfer the 1C:Enterprise 8 version PROF program with a software protection system from one computer to another"

Please note the following points:

  • All of the following is true for the Basic versions of standard 1C:Enterprise software products developed and published by 1C itself. The procedure for reinstalling Basic versions of specialized configurations may vary.
  • We will consider the option of reinstalling the 1C program on a local computer running Windows OS without using virtualization technologies.
  • In this article we do not consider the initial installation option, because:
    • the initial installation of most 1C software products in our company is already included in the price and is carried out by our specialists on-site or remotely via the Internet using remote access tools;
    • The delivery package of new software products includes detailed “Instructions for obtaining software licenses”;
    • The initial installation of 1C programs is performed only once, and reinstallation can be performed twice.
So, in order to transfer the basic version of the 1C program with all credentials from one computer to another, you need to complete three main steps:
  • Install the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform on a new computer
  • Transfer a database from an old computer to a new one
  • Activate software license on a new computer
How to install the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform on a new computer

If you bought the 1C program a long time ago, then installation distribution The 1C:Enterprise platform on the disk included with the program has long been outdated, so it is best to download the latest release on the 1C technology support website in the “1C: Program Update” section.
Users of basic versions have the right to download all distributions from the 1C website for free.

Select the required release, which must be no lower than the platform release that is used on the “old” computer from which the database is being transferred (you can find out how to view the platform release).

From the list of available distributions, select "1C:Enterprise Technology Platform for Windows" (even if you are using Windows version We can recommend the 64-bit version of the 1C 64-bit client only for specialists who understand what they are doing and are aware of the possible consequences).
Download the archive with the distribution kit, unpack the archive, run setup.exe, then follow the installation wizard. If you don’t know which of the items means what, then leave everything as default, otherwise problems may arise when activating the basic version, because Basic versions of 1C have restrictions on the composition of installed components compared to the PROF version.

How to transfer a database from an old computer to a new one

There is also nothing complicated here - you copy the entire directory with the database from the old computer to the new one. You can find out the path to the directory with the database by clicking on the “Change” button in the infobase selection window.

A window will open in which the path to the directory with the information base will be indicated.

Copy this directory to a new computer in any way.

Then you launch 1C on the new computer and in the infobase selection window, click the “Add” button.

In the window that opens, select “Add an existing database to the list.”

In this form, indicate the name of the database, indicate the type of location "On this computer or in local network", in the "Infobase directory" field, indicate the path to the directory with your database on the new computer.

Leave the remaining fields as default. Next > Done.

How to activate a software license on a new computer

As practice has shown, greatest number questions when transferring a 1C program to a new computer arise precisely at this stage, especially if the program was purchased a long time ago and the instructions from the program package were lost.

We launch the program in "1C:Enterprise" mode and the message "No license to use the program was found!" should appear.

You will be offered three options for obtaining a license: “Automatically”, “Manually” or “Entering previously requested license data”. Select "Automatic".

A window will open with a field for entering a 16-digit PIN code.

Enter the PIN code supplied with the program. The program checks the entered PIN code at the licensing center for validity and the number of remaining activations; if the PIN code is correct and the number of activations has not been exhausted, then a license is obtained for a new computer.
When you are finished obtaining a license, click Finish. The received license is written to your computer as a file with the extension lic.

Congratulations, you have activated the 1C program on your new computer and can now work in the 1C program on it!

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Tags: How to transfer the basic version of the 1C program to another computer, how to transfer the 1C Basic version database to another computer, How to transfer the license of the 1C Basic version program to another computer

It's simple: copy the folder with 1C installed.
When using version 8.1, follow the path to the file C:\Program files\1Cv81\
If version 8.2 is used, the path is C:\Program files\1Cv82\.

Please keep in mind: some minor functions, for example, COM connection, will be unavailable.

Transferring the 1C configuration

Let's prepare a copy with the existing DB (database). Step by step about copying the configuration:

Open 1C on your computer (for example, at work in the office). It is important that there is a database there. 1C always has a list of databases. From this list, select the one you need and click CONFIGURATOR. Keep in mind that you must have access to log in and work in the configurator, otherwise nothing will work with the copy.

Once you enter the configurator, you will see a menu and an empty window. In such a situation, you need to select the menu item CONFIGURATION - OPEN CONFIGURATION. 1C will think for a long time (maybe up to 5 minutes), then, finally, the long-awaited “Configuration” window will open with the structure of the configuration components. If you, as a user, log in next time, the actions described in this paragraph will no longer be needed.

Finally, you can begin to directly create a copy. Select the menu item CONFIGURATION - SAVE CONFIGURATION TO FILE. An option is to obtain a copy of the entire database. In this case, find it in the menu and click ADMINISTRATION - UPLOAD INFORMATION BASE.

The result at this stage will be the file or 1cv8.dt. Transfer the extracted file to another computer using any known method; as a rule, a flash drive is useful here. Save the transferred file anywhere. To create a database, we will choose a different method. Keep in mind that this way you copied the configuration, but you didn't copy many of its elements, including external reports, help, fonts and whatnot.

Note: cf file, this is the configuration, it no data, i.e. the database is empty, and the dt file is a configuration with data (a complete copy of the 1C database).

The second version of preparing the 1C configuration for transfer

If your office has a file version of 1C, then your actions are simple: open 1C, select the database we need in the menu, the path “File =”Database directory” will be displayed under the list of databases, copy the entire folder with the database.

Please note: if your colleagues are working in the 1C program at this moment, all files will definitely not be copied. But we only need the 1Cv8.1CD file, it contains the database, the remaining files do not need to be copied at all. But this method is less reliable, because... There is a possibility that at the time of copying, someone wrote new data to the database, and you will only have part of this data, as a result, since the data is not completely recorded, errors will appear in the database.

We create a database from the received copy of 1C

The first method is the simplest: If you managed to get a copy of the entire directory or the 1Cv8.1CD file, then add the database to the list of 1C databases (opens when you start 1C) and indicate the entire copied directory or the directory with the 1Cv8.1CD file.

Second method: You only have the downloaded configuration ( or database (1cv8.dt).

Open 1C; if you launch the 1C platform for the first time, it will indicate “There are no configurations in the list. Add?" Click “Yes”, if this computer is running 1C, then select “Add”. Find “Add to the list of an existing database”, click “Next”.

Enter user friendly database name. It will be reflected in the list of all databases when opening 1C. This could be called, for example, “Training Configuration 1”. Determine the location of the database. Select the option “On this computer or on a computer on the local network” and indicate in which folder you will store the database (any folder you want).

The database (folder) is empty yet, but it is already present in the list of databases. Select it and click CONFIGURATOR.

The message “Infobase not found, create a new one?” appears, click Yes.


After a little thought, 1C will open the “Configuration” window with the structure of configuration elements.

We download a copy of the CONFIGURATION according to the usual scheme. To do this, select the menu item CONFIGURATION - LOAD CONFIGURATION FROM FILE.

Another option

If there is a copy of the entire database, then select the menu item ADMINISTRATION - LOAD INFORMATION BASE.

At the last stage, after loading the database or configuration, the 1C program itself prompts you to “Update the database configuration.” If this dialog box does not appear on its own, find the menu item CONFIGURATION - UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION. If it is inactive, then don't touch it.

You can order a 1C transfer from freelancers, which is much cheaper than 1C farches. Just add new tasks in the section.

In this article we will look at how you can transfer the 1C 8.3 or 8.2 information base from one computer to another while maintaining the license.

If your information base is file-based and stored on local computer, from which you need to transfer it, follow further instructions. Otherwise, you can immediately start connecting the base.

Unloading the database

To transfer a database from one computer to another, it must be uploaded to a special archive. This is done standard means configurator in the “Administration” menu, as shown in the figure below.

The unloading time depends on both the size of the configuration itself and the amount of data. After downloading the database, we received the 1Cv8.dt file. Name this file can be arbitrary, as can the location where you save it.

Please note that the database can only be downloaded with administrator rights. At the same time, at the time of unloading there should be no running sessions, that is, the work of all users must be completed. If you made any changes to the information base after you performed the upload, these changes will not be transferred.

Connecting the base

The next step is to create an empty database on the new computer. Pre-install the 1C:Enterprise platform, preferably the latest version.

Launch 1C and in the list of infobases that opens, click on the “Add” button.

If you are reinstalling 1C from one computer to another by unloading, then in the next Add Assistant window, indicate that you are creating a new information base.

note that if the database is not transferred and is already located on a computer on a local network or server (client-server option), then you will add the existing database to the list indicating the location address. In the case of a client-server option, the version of the 1C:Enterprise platform on your computer and server must match.

In this example, we are still transferring the database itself from one computer to another, so in the next step we will indicate that the creation will be carried out without configuration.

Now all that remains is to indicate the name of the database we are creating, which will be displayed in the list. After this, the program will automatically create a clean (empty) configuration.

After adding an empty configuration to the list, you need to enter it in configurator mode. Uploading is done in the same way as uploading from the Administration menu.

The program will ask you to select the file with the infobase you downloaded earlier. In our case it is 1Cv8.dt.

After some time, which depends on the amount of data stored, the information base will be loaded. You just need to update it and you can start working.

Transferring a license

If you are using a network license that is stored on the server, you do not need to transfer anything additional. In some cases, it is enough to just specify the license server address in the corresponding settings file.

Hardware key

If you are using hardware key– a device similar to a regular flash drive; transferring a license will not be difficult. In this case, when installing the 1C:Enterprise platform, you need to check the “Install security driver” checkbox.

In the future, you will only need to insert the key into the USB port of the computer and the driver will connect the license.

Software key

If your old computer used a software key, you will need to do a little more work.

The fact is that when such a license is configured, it is bound to the hardware. Even if several computer parts are replaced, the license may need to be registered again. In this case, it is formed special file, which will only fit one computer due to being tied to PC components.

1C company stipulates that when replacing all personal computer, and its individual significant parts will be able to use reserve licenses. They (pin codes) are located in a box with software product, where the main key was. Typically, the number of reserve licenses is 3 pieces.

When registering a new backup license, you need to enter exactly the same data that was originally entered when entering the very first PIN code out of the box. This data has already been transferred to 1C and if there is a discrepancy, the license may not be activated. Next, you will need to activate it, which can be done via the Internet, by e-mail and by phone.

If you have run out of backup licenses, then this problem can only be solved by contacting 1C. Please also note that in order to avoid blocking your key, it is highly not recommended to register a backup PIN code if the computer with the main license is connected to the Internet.

No enterprise can exist without a properly constructed accounting base. In turn, no accounting department can imagine life without the most common program - the 1C program. But what to do when the database needs to be moved due to a computer replacement? We certainly recommend it, especially since our prices are quite low.

If you still want to solve this problem yourself, then the instructions below will help you.

Instructions for transferring the database to disk

Instructions for transferring a database from disk

  • enter the “Administration” application menu;
  • copy the “1C: Enterprise” database;
  • stop at the “Recover data” item;
  • set the path to the archive;
  • recover data.
  1. Data from the disk or card must be moved to the archive. If the information was stored on a computer, you need to extract files from it. To copy the database and accompanying reporting forms, you will need to make a copy of the 1SBDB folder. As a rule, it can be found in a folder named C:/Program files/1C.
  2. The next important step is to delete the 1SBDB folder from the device where the 1C database was copied. Insert the folder saved on the flash card into the free space.
  3. It happens that the task is complicated due to the absence of 1C in the folder with program files. In such a situation, you need to determine its placement by clicking right click to the program shortcut located on the desktop. By selecting the “Properties” option, you will see how you can access the program files.

We also invite you to purchase licensed versions 1C programs on our website.