How to flip the screen on a laptop using the keyboard. Three ways to flip the screen to its original position How to rotate the screen on a laptop

Don't panic right away if your laptop or computer screen flips over. This problem in the vast majority of cases is not related to the hardware and can be solved in just a few minutes. Don't believe me? Then just read this article, and you will see for yourself. By the way, the methods presented below are universal and are suitable for any version of the operating system. Windows systems.


So, the most common reason that the screen on your computer is flipped 90 degrees (or any other angle) is that you accidentally pressed the so-called hot keys. You may have simply caught them while wiping the keyboard, and then found that the image on your monitor is displayed upside down.

It is logical that to solve the problem you should use the same combination of buttons that led to its occurrence. And there are several options. First of all, simultaneously hold down the “Ctrl” and “Alt” keys, and then, without releasing them, click on one of the arrows. Wherein:

  • The Up and Down arrows will rotate the image 180 degrees.
  • The Left and Right arrows will flip the monitor 90 degrees according to their direction.

In this simple way, gradually rotating the picture on the screen, you will return it to its original position. It is worth saying that this method does not always work, but you need to try it first, since this procedure will not take much of your time.

Operating system settings

If the previous method did not help you, you can use the operating system settings and try to make the computer screen flip back over. For this:

  • Click on any empty area on the desktop with the right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select “Screen Resolution” (in Windows 10, this option was renamed “Display Settings”).
  • Select the monitor you want to configure. If your laptop screen is upside down or you only use one monitor, then you can simply skip this step.

  • Under Orientation, select Landscape (suitable for most monitors).

If the upside down screen issue is gone, save your changes. Otherwise, just try choosing a different display orientation.

Video card settings

Another way to solve a problem that causes the screen to flip over on a laptop or computer is to change the video card settings. It has its own nuances, but, in principle, it is very similar to the previous one. So, you need to do the following:

  • Go to your video card settings. Most often, this can be done by clicking on the corresponding icon on the taskbar. Also, you can find the desired program via the Start menu.
  • Next, you need to find the option responsible for rotating the display. Unfortunately, its name may differ depending on the model of your video card. When searching, focus on “Rotate desktop”, “Rotate display” and other similar names.

Having found and selected the desired option, rotate the screen either using the “Orientation” section or using the arrows. Returning the display to its normal position, confirm the changes and close the video card settings.

other methods

If the screen on your laptop has flipped over and does not want to return to its normal position, then you can use one of alternative ways troubleshooting:

  • Reinstall your video card driver. You can try installing an earlier version of the software.
  • Sometimes there are laptops equipped with an accelerometer. If your device has it, then the reason for the inverted display may lie in its malfunction.
  • As a last resort, you can always reinstall the operating system.

Also keep in mind that the problem with an inverted screen may occur due to a malfunction of your monitor or other hardware. In this case, it is better not to try to fix it yourself and contact a specialist.

How to return it back and is it difficult to do? These are the questions most often asked by laptop users. But there is nothing terrible in this phenomenon. If this happens, do not rush to call the technician and do not panic. Try to correct this misunderstanding on your own. The recommendations in this article apply to Windows 7, 8 and 10.


The Windows operating system has many settings that the user is not even aware of. What to do if the screen on your laptop suddenly flips over? How to get it back and why did this happen? The fact is that one of the “hidden” system settings is to rotate the image up to 270 degrees. You can flip the picture yourself, but it happens that Windows crashes and displays the image on the monitor in a twisted form. There are several reasons why the screen on the device turned upside down.

This happens due to user carelessness. Enabling "hot keys" responsible for rotating the screen (Ctrl+Alt + arrow) accidentally leads to similar consequences. Software problems can also cause the screen to flip. If this happens, then your laptop may need diagnostics to help eliminate the cause of the upside-down image. Another cause of this phenomenon is viruses. The orientation changes from landscape to portrait if the laptop is hit. What to do if the screen on your laptop turns over due to viruses? How to get the image back? First, you need to check your computer antivirus program; secondly, restore the system; thirdly, reinstall Windows.


If the screen on a laptop is flipped, how can I get the image back? There are ways to fix the problem. The picture can be flipped back using hot keys, the usual settings of the installed OS and flipping in the video card software. All these methods are effective and solve the problem quickly and without the help of a specialist.

How to flip

What to do if the screen on your laptop flips over? How to get the image back? In addition to hotkeys, image reversal is possible using OS settings. The following solutions to the problem are relevant for Windows 7 and 8.

The user should right-click on an empty desktop field and select the “Screen resolution” line. A menu should open with various options. Find the "Orientation" column. Select landscape orientation or another, in case of non-standard settings, and save the changes.

For the Windows 10 operating system, there are several ways to change the orientation. On the Start icon, second-click and select “Toolbar” and “Adjust screen resolution.” Set the orientation to landscape and click "Apply" and "Save Changes". Another method that is relevant for the tenth version of the operating system. On the desktop, click the second mouse button and find the line “Display settings”. In the appeared system menu Set the orientation to landscape, which is standard for all versions, and save your changes.

Now users know what to do if the laptop screen turns over. How to return back from Windows 10 if this OS is installed on laptops that combine the functions of a tablet and a computer? In this case, make sure your device has an accelerometer. It is responsible for auto-rotating the screen depending on the position of the laptop. This function is available in modern smartphones and tablets.

Settings in the video card

What to do if the screen on your laptop flips over? How can I get it back? Windows 7 and later versions of the operating system provide the ability to customize the screen using a video card. If the laptop has a discrete video card installed by the manufacturer, then it has its own software. It is the video card that is responsible for displaying the image on the device screen, so if it is upside down, you should look at its settings. If the video card is from the manufacturer AMD, click on the desktop field with the 2nd mouse button and select AMD, find the line “General display tasks” - “Rotate desktop”. Apply the changes and save. If the video card is installed from the manufacturer NVIDIA, click as already described, call up the settings, select “Display” - “Rotate display”. Next, set the required orientation. As you can see, the problem of screen flipping is easy to solve on your own and without outside help.


What to do if the screen on your laptop flips over? How can I get the image back to the correct orientation quickly? There is a simple "hot key" method for this. This option is suitable for modern operating systems Windows 7,8,10. Press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+ left, down, right, up arrow depending on the direction. This combination may not work on some laptops due to the lack of appropriate settings.


What to do if the screen on your laptop flips over?

March 2, 2018

Don't panic right away if your laptop or computer screen flips over. This problem in the vast majority of cases is not related to the hardware and can be solved in just a few minutes. Don't believe me? Then just read this article and you will see for yourself. By the way, the methods presented below are universal and are suitable for any version of the Windows operating system.


So, the most common reason that the screen on your computer is flipped 90 degrees (or any other angle) is that you accidentally pressed the so-called hot keys. You may have simply caught them while wiping the keyboard, and then found that the image on your monitor is displayed upside down.

It is logical that to solve the problem you should use the same combination of buttons that led to its occurrence. And there are several options. First of all, simultaneously hold down the “Ctrl” and “Alt” keys, and then, without releasing them, click on one of the arrows. Wherein:

  • The Up and Down arrows will rotate the image 180 degrees.
  • The Left and Right arrows will flip the monitor 90 degrees according to their direction.

In this simple way, gradually rotating the picture on the screen, you will return it to its original position. It is worth saying that this method does not always work, but you need to try it first, since this procedure will not take much of your time.

Operating system settings

If the previous method did not help you, you can use the operating system settings and try to make the computer screen flip back over. For this:

  • Click on any empty area on the desktop with the right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select “Screen Resolution” (in Windows 10, this option was renamed “Display Settings”).
  • Select the monitor you want to configure. If your laptop screen is upside down or you only use one monitor, then you can simply skip this step.

  • Under Orientation, select Landscape (suitable for most monitors).

If the upside down screen issue is gone, save your changes. Otherwise, just try choosing a different display orientation.

Video card settings

Another way to solve a problem that causes the screen to flip over on a laptop or computer is to change the video card settings. It has its own nuances, but, in principle, it is very similar to the previous one. So, you need to do the following:

  • Go to your video card settings. Most often, this can be done by clicking on the corresponding icon on the taskbar. Alternatively, you can find the program you need through the Start menu.
  • Next, you need to find the option responsible for rotating the display. Unfortunately, its name may differ depending on the model of your video card. When searching, focus on “Rotate desktop”, “Rotate display” and other similar names.

Having found and selected the desired option, rotate the screen either using the “Orientation” section or using the arrows. Returning the display to its normal position, confirm the changes and close the video card settings.

other methods

If the screen on your laptop has flipped over and does not want to return to its normal position, then you can use one of the alternative troubleshooting methods:

  • Reinstall your video card driver. You can try installing an earlier version of the software.
  • Sometimes there are laptops equipped with an accelerometer. If your device has it, then the reason for the inverted display may lie in its malfunction.
  • As a last resort, you can always reinstall the operating system.

Also keep in mind that the problem with an inverted screen may occur due to a malfunction of your monitor or other hardware. In this case, it is better not to try to fix it yourself and contact a specialist.




The main advantage of a laptop is portability. It can be used, for example, for presentations and conferences. For ease of perception of information, graphics and photographs are turned upside down. 90-180 degrees. Accordingly, you have to flip the screen on a laptop in the same way. This operation can be performed quite quickly. If technical capabilities If your monitor does not allow you to flip the image, you will have to use third-party applications.

How to turn the screen to its original position on a laptop using a key combination

The easiest way to flip the screen on a laptop is to use the key combination:

  • Alt + Ctrl + Down Arrow– flip the image upside down, that is, +180 degrees;
  • Alt + Ctrl + Up Arrow– returns images to an upside-down state, that is, -180 degrees;
  • Alt + Ctrl + Left Arrow– flip the screen 90 degrees to the left;
  • Alt + Ctrl + Right Arrow– flip the screen 90 degrees to the right.

How to return the screen to its original position using utilities

Download special application for laptop.

Install the application on drive C.

After the installation process is completed, the program shortcut will appear in the notification area.

Click on it with LMB to bring up the program menu. You can flip the screen on your laptop 90/180/270 degrees or return it to the standard orientation. The user just needs to select the appropriate menu option.


With EEERotate you can not only flip the image, but also change the orientation of the touchpad to side control. The application operates on the same principle. After installation, a program shortcut will appear in the notification area. Just launch it and select the option to display information on the screen.

Pivot Pro

Pivot Pro is a more feature-rich application. Using it, you can adjust monitor parameters: orientation, color rendition, brightness, contrast, etc. You can change the image position using a key combination on multiple monitors. The image rotation parameters are standard: 90/180/270 degrees.

Changing the screen position using built-in Windows tools

The operating algorithm depends on the version of Windows OS. In Windows 7 and Vista you need to call context menu by right-clicking on free space desktop. In the menu that appears, select “ Screen resolution", and then use the sliders to change the display settings.

Rotating the screen is done through the menu item "". The user only needs to select one of the options:

  • Landscape - provided by default.
  • Portrait - rotated 90 degrees.
  • Landscape inverted - rotated 180 degrees.

After making changes, click OK.

In Windows 10, orientation settings are displayed in the "" - " section System» - « Screen».

How to flip a laptop screen using NVIDIA and AMD Radeon video adapters

To flip the screen on a laptop running Windows XP, you will have to use the video adapter settings. The same method is suitable for working on a PC with any OS version.

To call the menu for adjusting the NVIDIA video card, click on the shortcut in the tray or call the context menu and select the item “” – “” - “ at 90/180/270 degrees».

When working with AMD Radeon, the context menu will differ from the previously presented one. In this case, the user will need to open the settings panel " Display Manager" and select the option " Standard landscape" with a zero value.

The option of switching settings using a key combination was described earlier. If this method does not work, perhaps this function disabled in the video adapter. To activate it, go to the same menu item “ Graphics options" - choose " Keyboard shortcuts» - «».

Turn off PC screen rotation in Intel graphics settings

You can also restore the original screen orientation through the video adapter control center. The control panel interface may differ from that presented below, but the operation algorithm remains the same.

On the right side of the control panel you should find the section " Display" Next, select the sub-item “ Rotate the display", and in it is a type of orientation. To return the standard image display mode, just specify the option “ landscape».

On PC with AMD video card the process is different. In the control center you need to select the item " General tasks", and then " Rotate desktop" Messages with the desired rotation option will appear on the screen. The user just has to choose the appropriate one.

You can rotate your laptop screen using an Intel adapter. The shortcut is located in the tray. LMB click on the shortcut and select “”.

In the "" section of the "" area, select the image display option and click OK.

Possible causes of this problem

Rotating the screen on a laptop can happen accidentally, that is, if the user did not set any special settings, but the image orientation still changed.

There may be several reasons for this error to appear:

1. Inattention. The user accidentally pressed the desired key combination on the PC. Very often this error occurs during a computer game.

2. Software problems. System errors, malfunctions can also cause the PC's orientation to change unintentionally. Return back standard settings the user himself cannot. To confirm or exclude this option, just boot your PC into safe mode. The screen orientation should be standard.

3. Viruses. Malware changes the operation of not only the screen, but also the hardware as a whole. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly check your laptop for such dangerous software.

4. "Beta" drivers. It is better to download the software from the manufacturer's website. Moreover, they always post the latest release there. It is quite easy to verify that the problem is with the drivers. If you can’t change the orientation, you can change the extension or any other indicator. If the drivers are faulty, the picture on the screen will remain the same.

5. Laptops equipped with an accelerometer usually have auto-rotate enabled. If this feature is enabled, the screen on your laptop may rotate unintentionally. To solve the problem, just disable the option in “All parameters” - “System” - “Screen”.

What to do if none of the methods helped

If none of the options for changing orientation worked, then there is a problem with the hardware. The issue can only be resolved at the service center.

Hello! Today we’ll look at how to flip the screen on a laptop? A similar situation happened to me once, but fortunately the problem was solved with the help of the Internet. Function buttons helped! Now I’ll tell you about them right away!

Typically, a standard key combination is used to flip the desktop.

Here she is: ctrl + alt + arrow. This combination allows you to rotate the screen 90 degrees!

As you know, there are four arrows on the keyboard and it is not clear which one to press. Here's a simple breakdown:

  1. Clicking the bottom arrow will flip the screen upside down.
  2. Press up and the image will return to its original position.
  3. The left arrow will rotate the monitor to the left.
  4. The right one will rotate the display to the right.

This way, the hotkey combination will rotate the screen 90 degrees! And in principle, it’s now clear how to rotate the screen on a laptop. But it may happen that the buttons may not help, they simply will not function. You click but nothing happens. ☹ This situation can be corrected using various applications and built-in functions of the Windows 7,8,10 system.

How to flip the screen on Windows 7?

This can be done on a laptop using the hotkeys discussed above! Now let’s consider another method and use the system tools.

Step #1.

To flip the screen, select an empty area on the desktop and right-click on it. This action will cause a special menu to pop up. In it you need to select the tab “ Screen resolution»!

Step #2.

Select "Orientation". A list of options will appear. Click the one you need. The default orientation is landscape.

After that, click the “apply” button to save the settings. After that, click “OK” - this will close the window.

So turn the worker over windows table 7 using the above method can be quite simple!

The second way to maximize the screen on a laptop in Windows 7

If the screen on your laptop has turned upside down and you don’t know how to get it back, try the next method!

Most computers come with video card software installed. It allows you to rotate the monitor in a couple of seconds. To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step one!

Open the tray in the lower right corner.

A window like this will appear:

Click on the icon of your graphics device, for example, NVIDIA. Then click on the inscription: “Open NVIDIA Control Panel”.

Once you do this, the configuration panel will open. Next, select the display item and actually set the degree as needed!

Now just press " Apply"and all settings are saved!

How to flip the screen on a Windows 8 laptop?

Flip the desktop on this operating system possible thanks to the built-in tools. For example, almost every computer has graphics from Intel. Below is a graphical instruction

First step.

In the tray, find " Intel HD Graphics“Usually this icon resembles a desktop PC monitor. Double-click on it with the left mouse button and find the graphic characteristics.

Second step.

Check main mode and click "OK"

Third step.

Go to the Display menu and select the tab Basic settings" In chapter " Turn"You can choose the position of the monitor that you need! After this, left-click on “ OK» The work table should turn over according to the selected position.

Thus, turning the screen on Windows 8 will not be difficult! Video cards from AMD and NVIDIA also have similar functions.

How to flip the screen on a Windows 10 laptop?

In order to flip the screen on Windows 10, first try function keys, which I talked about at the beginning of the article. If this method did not help, we try to use the system tools.

Here's what to do:

Step #1.

Click right button mouse and a menu will appear as in the picture below. You need to click on the section “ Screen Options» left mouse button.

Step #2.

As soon as you do this, a window like this will open:

Shift your gaze to the section labeled “orientation.” Usually the default is Landscape, but if this is not the case for you, click on the arrow as shown in the screenshot and change it.

So make a turn windows screen 10 can be done using hotkeys. In addition, you can turn the desktop over using the method described above!

Programs that help you flip the screen on a laptop

This section will cover three main applications.


This simple utility and here are its features:

  1. Distributed free of charge
  2. Suitable for Windows XP, 2000, 98, as well as other systems.
  3. The desktop can be turned 180, 90, 270 degrees.
  4. Compatible with graphics cards such as XGI, Matrox, ATI, S3n, Intel, Vidia.
  5. Supports many languages.