How to clean your laptop from viruses yourself. Cleaning your computer from viruses: tidying up the RAM and registry

In this article we will talk about computer viruses and ways to get rid of them. Follow simple steps Follow these instructions and you will definitely succeed! We will carry out a range of measures, from updating the antivirus to removing unwanted software.

Step 1 Antivirus

If you are using a paid antivirus that was successfully downloaded from torrents, remove it. And the point here is not that we are promoting the fight against piracy. Such an antivirus most likely will not be able to fully protect your computer. In addition, as a result of hacking, it could have been modified and not in the direction of improving protection. Take a great free one Avast antivirus. Before installation, be sure to remove your old antivirus.

Antivirus update

You also need to make sure that the antivirus has up-to-date virus signature databases.

The update was completed. The antivirus is ready to work.

Scan your computer for viruses

It's time to run a virus scan.

The antivirus will automatically fix all detected problems.

Step 2 Removing malware

We will remove all unwanted and malware. First, I will show you how to properly remove applications, and then I will give recommendations on how to identify them.

Procedure for removing unwanted programs

We remove all unwanted programs.

List of programs that need to be removed from your computer

Removing malicious software is not difficult. But he still needs to be found among everyone installed programs. Here are some signs you can use to identify unwanted software:

  • All programs whose name contains the word “Toolbar”.
  • All programs whose name contains the word Cleaner, except cclear and adwclear.
  • All programs whose name contains the word Java, unless you are a developer for this platform.
  • Amigo and similar applications. This also includes everything that contains the words Mailru, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

Feel free to remove all programs that fall under the above parameters. Also at this stage, we recommend removing programs that you do not use.

Step 3 Remove malicious browser components

These components quite often cause various advertisements to be displayed. Let's use the AdwCleaner program (

Hi all! I have already developed a clear structure of how to properly and effectively clean a laptop from viruses, and today I’ll tell you about it, and my background is as follows... Once I was faced with the problem of my laptop not working properly. Programs froze, the system slowed down, various errors appeared, and a bunch of ads and glitches appeared in the browser. Write in the comments if you experienced something similar!

In general, I immediately realized that the laptop could not have been infected with viruses. As usual, I completely scanned my disks for malware and deleted what was found. There was also a difficult situation when the computer was completely blocked by some kind of banner. It said that I needed to send an SMS to some number. Overall it was hard!

It’s good that there are methods that essentially allow you to clean your laptop from any viruses, and now you will see for yourself. We'll start with the simplest and end with the more complex, so be prepared for that!

Clean your laptop from viruses using the utility from Doctor Web

The most popular way to clean your laptop from viruses yourself is to use free utility from Doctor Web. It's called CureIt! ( quickly finds and removes viruses).

You can download this program on the official website: Click the Download button.

The antivirus weighs about a hundred megabytes. Launch it immediately after downloading ( By the way, this program works without installation).

After launching CureIt, check the box to accept the terms of the program improvement and click Continue, then click Start scan.

The virus scan will take about 15 minutes. Upon completion, you will need to click the Disable button and all viruses will be removed.

Clean your laptop from viruses in the browser with ADW Cleaner

- This good program to remove various virus scripts, browser extensions that steal passwords, and others unnecessary files. The program is very simple and now you will see it.

So, let's go. First of all, download from the official website.

Run installation file and install the program.

After launch, all you have to do is click Scan to find all the junk and malicious code.

Wait a few minutes while the search is in progress.

For correct treatment, all programs will be closed, and as soon as the program runs - the computer will restart.

Remove all viruses on a laptop using Dr.Web LiveDisk

Briefly about what Dr.Web LiveDisk is?

Dr.Web LiveDisk is a program for checking, treating and removing malware that cannot be removed from Windows.

This is the most effective method clean laptop from viruses. The point here is that we download fresh antivirus Dr.Web LiveDisk and write it to a flash drive. Then before loading Windows We find viruses and remove them.

Download LiveDisk and launch it.

We insert a USB flash drive into the computer and start recording the antivirus. IN running program indicate your flash drive, check the format box and click Create Dr.Web LiveUSB. When recording is complete, click Exit and restart the computer.

We go into the BIOS and set the USB flash drive to first place in the boot priority. If you suddenly don’t know how to do this, then I advise you to learn it quickly. Read my article on this topic.

We boot from the flash drive and immediately select the Russian language using the arrows on the keyboard.

Launch Dr.Web LiveDisk by pressing Enter.

This is not just a program for cleaning your computer from viruses, although its main purpose is precisely that. This is a complete set of tools to ensure security and optimize the operation of your operating system. To make it clear to you, here are the 3 main benefits of 360 Total Security from other freeware programs and most paid software:

  • A combination of several antivirus engines, including our own developments and algorithms such as Avira and Bitdefender. Some data processing occurs using cloud service 360 Cloud, for which your processor and RAM will thank you and respond with faster performance. It is difficult to figure out how to clean your computer from viruses more effectively;
  • Scanner for inactive and background programs or processes that do not carry a useful load, but only slow down the computer. Such applications are closed, after which useful resources are released;
  • Search junk files and remaining “tails” after removing previously installed programs. Remember, for normal operation It’s not enough to clean your computer of viruses; you also need to keep its hard drives under control!

Periodically cleaning your computer from various viruses present in its system is a necessary and important task. Otherwise, the performance of the OS may drop significantly, and in the worst case, the computer is in danger of being repaired.

To diagnose a computer for infection with virus programs and its further treatment, there are many specially developed software, both paid and free. One of the free and high-quality applications is the AVZ program. It can be found on our website and downloaded to your PC.

Detecting viruses using the AVZ program

  1. Before starting the virus cleaning process, start your computer in security mode. To do this, when you turn it on, use the F8 button to call the context menu.
  2. Then, in the window you see, check the Safe Mode option.
  3. After your PC boots, launch the AVZ utility.
  4. Find the line about system recovery in the File menu.
  5. Mark all available lines and give the command to perform the operation.
  6. Next, through the Tools tab, go to the Process Manager and exclude all lines that do not have a green highlight.
  7. After that, using the Troubleshooting Wizard, in the File menu, start the system cleaning process.

Viruses found by the utility used will be detected and neutralized. Now you need to remove them from the system.
Download another antivirus program - Dr.Web CureIt! . It is also free and effective. Launch the program and perform a full scan. After malicious files will be detected, the utility will make a request to treat or delete them.

Removing viruses using a third-party computer

There is a way to remove virus programs from a computer using another PC. To do this, you will need a virus-free computer with pre-installed anti-virus software. Before turning on your PC, you will need to disconnect HDD from an infected computer and connect to an uninfected one. Then start the system as well as the antivirus application. After the program is finished and the viruses are removed, connect the hard drive back.

How to clean RAM

In order to clear RAM, launch the Task Manager application on your computer. In the window indicating ongoing processes, remove programs that you do not need by marking them with the cursor and giving the command to end the process.

Cleaning the registry (for advanced users)

To perform the task of cleaning the system registry, from the main menu of the computer, click the Run line. In the line that opens, enter the command regedit.

After this, you will see a window in which you will need to find the item with the letters HKEY CURRENT USER and open it. Then in the list you see, look for the word Software and click on it. Study the entire registry of programs that will appear before you and remove unnecessary ones. After this operation, it is recommended to reboot the system.

Viral infection computer system- the situation is not the most pleasant, especially considering that some modern threats are capable of operating system disable, and destroy or steal the user’s personal data. Next, it is proposed to learn how to clean a computer infected with a virus using several options and the tools used accordingly. Looking ahead a little, it should be noted that completely relying on modern antivirus programs not worth it, since in some cases manual intervention by the user may be required to remove or neutralize the virus threat.

How to clean your computer from viruses yourself: tools and steps to use

Despite a fairly wide variety of protective equipment and tools in the form of specially developed programs, sometimes many of them turn out to be completely powerless against certain types of threats. IN in this case we are talking about the fact that cleaning your computer from viruses using conventional means can be problematic only because some types of threats are disguised as trusted applications, supposedly representing partner software, installed by the user in parallel with the main application. In addition, many such applets also have certificates of authenticity confirming safety, and even digital signatures. In other words, standard or portable scanners may not detect such viruses. This applies to both an immediate threat and potentially unsafe or unnecessary software.

In this regard, several standard methods and tools can be proposed:

  • standard anti-virus modules;
  • portable treatment programs;
  • boot disk utilities;
  • manual virus removal (most often applied to browser hijackers);
  • drastic actions.

How to clean your computer from viruses in Windows 7 or another OS using standard means?

Most users do the absolutely right thing by not trusting the security tools built into Windows systems, but by installing antivirus packages third party developers, which in their own way functionality head and shoulders above those developed by Microsoft. Why is that? Yes, only because the company itself is positioned precisely as a developer of operating systems and some other software products, and certainly not a manufacturer of computer security products.

Thus, from viruses the most in a simple way possible by calling the on-demand scan function. In this case, it is advisable to use the in-depth scan mode, otherwise complete cleaning will not work.

Portable apps and online scanners

Unfortunately, many desktop antivirus programs can quite often miss threats, especially those that are embedded in Internet browsers in the form of add-ons or additional extensions. In this case, you can clean your computer from viruses without using standard modules (which have already missed the threat) using portable programs, among which you can find antiviruses, antispyware, and anti-advertising tools.

The most well-known and effective means for all occasions are programs used in parallel like Dr. Web CureIt!, KVRT and AdwCleaner. For them, one of the main conditions for fully functional work is updating antivirus databases at every start. Just like in inpatient programs, in them you can select the objects to be scanned, including boot and hidden areas hard drives and any removable media, independently. The advantage of using them is that they can be “clean”, while even a standard antivirus can be infected.

Disk Utilities

If we talk about how to clean a computer with Windows 10 on board (or with a lower version of the system) from viruses, when the above methods did not produce results (it is known for sure that there is a virus, but it was not found, the threat cannot be removed or neutralized, etc.) .d.), as one of the most powerful tools I can recommend programs like Kaspersky Rescue Disk.

Their peculiarity is that when recording on removable media It stores special independent bootloader files. In other words, by setting the device with the program first to boot through the BIOS, you can launch the antivirus itself and scan the computer before Windows starts. It is worth noting that such applications are capable of detecting viruses that choose RAM as their habitat (neither standard nor portable programs can even dream of this).

Principles of manual cleaning

Finally, to remove some types of threats that are only partially classified as viruses (group unwanted programs Hijackers), you can also use manual removal.

As a rule, such software applets (with rare exceptions) are not particularly disguised in the system, and you can find their processes in the same “Task Manager” or delete the main application files through the programs and components section in the standard “Control Panel”.

Approximate procedure

Let's try to consider exactly what actions will be needed in order to clean the computer from viruses that the user has identified in the system on his own (for example, by viewing processes in the Task Manager and determining the location of the virus files and folders on the hard drive).

So the order could be like this:

  • ending virus processes in the Task Manager with a preliminary determination of where the threat files are saved on disk;
  • disabling virus applets in startup (if any) through the system configurator (msconfig);
  • standard deletion the main components of the virus through the Windows Programs and Features section;
  • search by virus name and remove residues in system registry(regedit);
  • search and delete residual files and folders in Explorer (or delete objects from a previously defined location);
  • for browsers - checking the program shortcut (path to executable file should end only with the EXE extension without any additional additions);
  • Note: to simplify all the steps described above, you can use the uninstaller utility iObit Uninstaller (the program allows you to clean your computer from viruses in no time, and it finds and removes remnants of applications automatically). If you still use manual removal, sometimes you first need to delete registry keys, and only then proceed to uninstall the main program.

    Complete cleaning using drastic methods

    As for how to completely clean your computer from viruses, there are two options: either Windows recovery to the moment when there was no virus in the system yet, or format it hard drive(fast or full).

    Keep in mind that you can recover files after a quick format, but this also applies to objects associated with deleted virus threats.

    Instead of an afterword

    In general, if we sum it up, it is not difficult to realize that there is nothing particularly difficult even in manually cleaning the system from all kinds of virus threats. By the way, the above procedure for independently neutralizing, say, browser hijackers is almost always used and is a universal option if nothing antivirus utilities the embedded threat is not detected or cannot be removed.

    However, it is worth paying special attention to the use of uninstaller programs. They are good because they remove applications, find keys with files and folders, and allow you to uninstall add-ons or various additional panels of any browser. Even applets built into the operating system will not be difficult to remove with their help.