How to clean your Samsung phone from unnecessary files. We work with third-party programs

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src=" 450w, content/uploads/2015/09/chistka-pamyati-300x179.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> If you are not a beginner, but more or less experienced Android user, then you probably already know a rather unpleasant fact: of the gigabytes of memory stated on the box with the phone, not all are available for installing applications.

But before rushing headlong to correct this injustice, it is worth finding out why this happens and how exactly you can clean the system.

Android File System Structure

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="File system structure Android" width="200" height="356" srcset="" data-srcset=" 168w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> !} One thing worth understanding: file system Android is not nearly as versatile as, say, Windows. If on Windows your programs and media files are in the same space, then on Android each type of file has its own section.

System programs - separately, auxiliary files and music - separately. The first partition is called the system memory, while the last one is called the media partition.

Why is this necessary? First of all, to make the OS as secure as possible. If you combine these sections, it turns out that a regular media player can accidentally delete data important for the operation of another program, crash the system, or simply fill it to capacity with its files, without leaving even a byte for the necessary system programs.

Moreover, these two sections have at different levels access. In the media section, the user and third-party programs can do whatever they want. To section system programs Android has no use for anything other than these programs.

Because of this order of things, sometimes a rather curious situation occurs: the media section has several gigabytes free, but the phone stubbornly reports that it cannot install an application of a couple of tens of megabytes in size. This happens because the section for third-party programs is already full.

In such cases, there is nothing left but to try to clear the system memory in the hope that you will be able to free up these megabytes.

You can see the amount of free system memory in the settings, in the “Memory” section. The first scale shows exactly this value. In addition, it is worth considering that the system requires leaving a certain amount free - from 50 to 600 megabytes, depending on the Android device model and OS version.

Cleaning system memory without superuser rights

If you have not opened root access on your smartphone, then your cleaning options system partition will be seriously limited. On the other hand, the warranty on the device will remain intact. Is it worth it? You decide.

Read also: How to install flash player on Android - instructions

If you want to clear system memory, do the following:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Go to the "Applications" section.
  • Next, go to the “Third Party” tab.
  • Click the Menu button (three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the screen).
  • Select sort by size.

.png" alt="List of Android phone applications" width="300" height="169" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> !} After a couple of seconds, you will see a list of the largest applications on your device. If there is something among them that you do not use, then click on it and select “Delete”. If the button is not available, it means that the application is a system application and cannot be erased without superuser rights.

Then select “Uninstall updates”, this way you will free up at least some space. It is also advisable to disable the program by clicking on the corresponding button. But this must be done carefully and only with applications like Facebook that are not part of the system.

The above method does not take into account the fact that Android calculates the volume of the application over the entire internal memory. If it takes up 1.2 GB per internal map memory and only 40 MB on the system partition, it will still be shown with a size of 1.2 GB.

If you have already carried out such optimization and there is still little space, you have little choice: get superuser rights or try to transfer applications to a memory card. The latter will only work if your system is version 4.0.4 or lower, so the chance is slim. But if you really are a user of a device that is at least three years old, then next to the “Delete” button you will have a “Move to SD card/USB drive” button. Click on it, and part of the data of this application will leave the system partition and will be transferred to the memory card, freeing up space.

Some Android programs are used only by some third-party applications, so they can be erased even without superuser rights. For example, deleting " Google Services Play" allows you to free up to 150 MB in the system partition, in return closing the possibility of direct synchronization between devices. If you don't use programs like Pushbullet or MightyText, you can safely delete this. And if some program suddenly needs something, it will offer to download it again. The second candidate for deletion is Google search, but along with its 40-60 MB you will lose Google Now and the command “Ok, Google!”

Cleaning system memory with superuser rights

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Cleaning memory on Android root"width="70" height="69" srcset="" data-srcset=" 150w" sizes= "(max-width: 70px) 100vw, 70px"> With superuser rights, clearing system memory is much easier. And although we will further discuss unstable solutions a la Xposed App2SD, which, for example, allow you to replace the application section with a memory card, root users still have more options.

Read also: How to increase internal memory on an Android phone or tablet

Removing pre-installed programs

If your Android already had third-party applications installed when purchased (Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, MTS Assistant), then most likely you will not be able to remove them without superuser rights. This is quite a shame, because they often have significant sizes of 40-160 MB.

.png" alt="Titanium Backup application" width="70" height="70" srcset="" data-srcset=" 150w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 70px) 100vw, 70px"> !}
The solution is the Titanium Backup program, which allows you not only to make a complete backup of all your applications with their settings, but also to clean the closed system partition from such garbage. To do this, simply select the desired application on the second tab of the program and click “Delete”.

Mounting an SD card as internal memory

As mentioned above, 1.5 GB of a game does not always go completely to the system partition. But for those who have internal memory of a couple of gigabytes, this does not make it any easier.

Jpg" alt="Folder Mount program" width="150" height="119"> !} The solution is the FolderMount program, which allows you to transfer cache files (that’s what these one and a half gigabytes are called) to a memory card, leaving a shortcut in their place. In this case, the system will still consider that the files are in the old location, which leads to funny oddities in the “Memory” settings section: for example, you can see that you have 8.2 GB of 3.6 GB occupied, while another 0.98 of these 3.6 are completely free.

If FolderMount cannot create a folder on the SD card, do it yourself with any file manager and specify it in the program. You can also immediately copy the files of the transferred program there, deleting them later from the internal memory - it’s more reliable. And if you see a message that mounting is impossible, turn on “Autostart” or “Mount at startup” in the settings and restart your smartphone.

Other partition extension methods

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="App2SD App Manager Save Space" width="100" height="100" srcset="" data-srcset=" 150w" sizes="(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px"> !} There are other ways to transfer data from the system partition to a card or internal memory. However, most of them are extremely dangerous in the hands of inexperienced users, are suitable only for a certain model/manufacturer, or require high level technical skills.

What to do if your phone starts to slow down and freeze? How to clear the internal memory of Android and unload the RAM? Such questions are very relevant, because now many people have an Android phone or tablet. But there is a way out, and it is located below.

Why is there not enough memory?

Memory on a phone and tablet, like on a computer, is divided into 2 types: for data storage and operational memory. They should not be confused, as this different types and they perform different tasks.

RAM is temporary memory that stores temporary data and commands. If the device is turned off, this information will be deleted. Also, the amount of simultaneously processed data, or in simple terms - performance, depends on the RAM. Every user has probably noticed that the phone sometimes starts to think for a long time and freezes. This means that the RAM is overloaded, and normal work she's missing. To prevent this from happening, you need to clean RAM. This will make Android work better.

The reasons for the lack of RAM are as follows:

  • many heavy applications are open;
  • accumulated a large number of unnecessary temporary files;
  • programs that run in the background.

Data storage memory is designed to store information. Physically, it is presented as the internal memory of the phone or as external memory - on a flash card. The reason for the lack of such is banal: there is too much information on the medium (not necessarily necessary).

How to clean the internal and phone?

The answer to this question is very simple: just don’t delete required file s, pictures, videos, music, etc. But before you clear the internal memory of Android, you need to find these files. For example, ES Explorer or Total Commander. We go in, select files, delete. If there is no such program, then you definitely need to download it, since it will definitely not be superfluous. The easiest way is to download from Play Market.

If the location of unnecessary data is unknown, and the problem of how to clear the internal memory of Android has not gone away, then you can use a specialized program, for example, CCleaner. We turn it on, click “Analysis” and wait for the results, after which we delete everything unnecessary.

It would also be a good idea to move all unimportant applications from the phone memory to the memory card. Go to settings\applications\downloaded, click on options and sort by size. Next, select the right application, click “Move to SD card”.

Cleaning RAM

This kind of phone problem is much more serious than clearing space on a flash drive, since RAM is responsible for the performance of the system, and therefore for the normal operation of the device as a whole. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned much more often. You can do this in several ways:

  • First of all, you will need a specialized program, at least CCleaner. The procedure is the same: start it, click “Analysis”, then “Cleaning”, but do not mark the data from the memory card. This program removes cache and temporary files that interfere with normal operation.
  • Go to settings\applications\all, sort by size. Then select the application, click “Erase data” and “Clear cache”. You shouldn’t clean everything in a row, since after this not only temporary files are deleted, but also saved passwords, saves in games, etc.

  • Close unnecessary running programs. We click on the house, after which a list of previously launched and running programs appears. With a slight movement of your finger to the side, close those that are not needed.

Cleaning programs

There are a great many programs that are designed to cope with issues such as clearing the memory of an Android tablet or smartphone, optimizing the device and speeding up its operation. Like everywhere else, there are favorites, and the most effective utilities are also available here.

(Cleanup Wizard)

A popular and very common program that can easily clean junk files, cache and data from internal memory. In addition, it has very useful features, such as speeding up games, cooling the processor, finding viruses and spyware and many others.


An application already known to us. In addition to cleaning, it has the following useful functions: deleting SMS and call logs, applications, optimization and unloading of RAM. Very easy to use.

If the previous options did not help in this matter, there is still a way out. The Cleaner - Boost & Clean is a great answer to frequently asked question, how to clear the internal memory of Android. It will clear the cache without any problems, unnecessary trash, will clear the RAM and increase the speed of the device. In addition, you can use it to delete applications, clear entries in contacts and SMS.

Closing background programs

Quite a lot of RAM is consumed by programs running. Solving this problem is not difficult, since special utilities to save battery power will again help clear the phone’s memory.

One of the most popular battery saving tools. It is useful because it closes background programs that load the RAM and thereby slow down the mobile device.

An application with the same function - saving battery power by closing unnecessary background programs. It has a simple and nice widget on which, by clicking on the silver circle with arrows, cleaning will be started.

However, these utilities do not close all unnecessary background processes, and if they close, then temporarily. There are completely unnecessary pre-installed services such as Facebook, Gmail, navigators and others. But you cannot delete or disable them. To do this you need to have super administrator rights, or root rights. But you shouldn’t rush out and run to get them. Because through carelessness or ignorance you can demolish important files, responsible for the normal operation of the operating system, after which all that remains is flashing or Therefore, you need to be careful with this.

Each smartphone has a limit on installed memory. Part of it is used necessary for work system resources, the rest of the space is allocated for user-downloaded programs, photos, videos, audio files. The more actively you use your smartphone, the faster all free memory fills up, and the need arises to clear it. To understand how to clear phone memory on Android, you need to understand its types, understand where they are stored. system files, what internal and external resources you can use for your information.

Types of memory on Android

A modern gadget on the Android system is a small computer that has all the inherent this device modules – processor, permanent and random access memory, power supply. There are built-in and external storage devices for storing used programs. The built-in consists of a read-only memory and a random-access memory. External – additionally connected in the form of an SD card.


The storage chips that are located on the main board are called embedded memory. Mandatory for the functioning of the device are a read-only memory device (ROM or ROM) and a random access memory chip (RAM or RAM). ROM capacity is one of the main characteristics of the device. It determines the number of programs, applications, other user information, which can be placed on a smartphone without the use of additional devices. RAM affects the speed of simultaneous execution of several programs.

External storage

Expand the capabilities of the gadget to store user files and additional programs Can connect an external storage device (SD card). For this purpose, the device has a special slot (or connector), which can be hidden under the cover of the device or displayed in the end panel. The dimensions of external drives have several standard sizes, which depend on the manufacturer and volume. The memory sizes of external drives can be selected to suit the user’s tasks, his needs for storing audio, photos, videos, texts, and additional programs.

Operational (RAM)

The random access memory chip is integral part built-in memory. Its volume is divided between system programs and applications launched by the user. The larger the amount of RAM, the more of it can be used to launch and constantly run several programs in active mode. If there is not enough RAM to run all the running programs, the system has the ability to reserve part of the permanent storage device for operational tasks. When you turn off the device, all information in RAM is erased.

Read Only Memory (ROM)

All the main system programs of a smartphone or tablet of the Android system, programs installed by the user, are placed on a permanent storage device. Part of its volume is occupied by system files, which are accessed by the device’s processor when turning it on, off, rebooting, and other user actions. The remaining volume upon purchase of the device is free for the purposes and purposes of the buyer. When the device is turned off, all information on the ROM is saved.

How to find out how much memory

You can determine the used volume of the built-in and external storage by performing a few simple manipulations with the device:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Go to the “Memory” section
  3. We see its total volume, list of sections, volume free space.
  4. To determine the free amount of RAM and ROM, press the “Menu” button.
  5. We see what part is occupied by system modules, cache - temporary files, various executable programs. At the bottom there is a button indicating how much volume is free and available at the moment.

How to clear memory on Android

Every user of an Android device is faced with the need to obtain additional memory. This happens when you try to install a new application - the device displays a message that there are not enough resources, requests permission to delete some installed programs to free up space on your Android. There are several ways to free up space - you can delete content on Android, transfer some programs or information from internal devices to external ones, copy information to a computer, or use cloud services.

Internal and external

One of the main methods that provides the opportunity to clear the memory of an Android phone is to transfer programs to external card. This transfer can include pictures, videos, music, and files that are not involved in maintaining the functionality of the device. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Open Explorer.
  2. Go to internal memory
  3. Selecting an object to transfer
  4. Hold your finger on the object you want to move for a couple of seconds.
  5. Click the scissors icon to cut the file
  6. Go to the MicroSD section
  7. Insert the cut object using the “Insert” button
  8. We do this with all objects.

If you have difficulty cleaning your device, use the ES Explorer file manager. Open the program, side menu, select the “Tools” category, “SD Card Analyzer” function. After this, the memory will be scanned and detailed information will be provided about all objects on the gadget in different categories. And the whole list is completed by the function of global cleaning of the cache, duplicates, commercials, gallery thumbnails, which can be configured to run in automatic mode.

System memory

Freeing up system memory is done by clearing RAM and ROM. In order to unload RAM and ROM manually from unnecessary processes that are slowing down your work, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Menu button to open the list running applications.
  2. Click the broom icon to close them all at once.
  3. Open the phone settings, “Applications” section, “Running” subsection.
  4. You need to select items that can be stopped without losing the functionality of the device. You can remove some of the pre-installed applications you don't need.
  5. Click the “Stop” button for each such program.
  6. Go to the list of applications that use the cache by clicking the icon in the right top corner screen.
  7. Stop unnecessary applications.

Using Built-in App Features

In order to clean your Android phone from unnecessary files, you can use the built-in functions of the Android system. All basic operations for setting up and managing the device are located in the settings section. After clicking the “Settings” icon, a menu opens, in which the “Memory” section is located. It provides the opportunity to see its entire size, loading with programs for various purposes, evaluate the free space, and decide whether it is necessary to clean it in order to free up space for new programs.

Clearing cache

The area of ​​permanent storage that is occupied by temporary files or files modified by programs to speed up work is called a cache. It often contains unnecessary fragments related to deleted or rarely used programs. In order to run a program that deletes the cache, you must follow these steps:

  1. Go to settings
  2. Go to the “Memory” section
  3. Click on the “Cache” button
  4. Confirm deletion of cache objects.

What is other in android memory

Many users discover a large amount of memory with the name "Other". These are files of installed applications. They can be deleted by checking the boxes and then clicking the trash can icon. To facilitate this process, you can install the Clean Master utility. It will show what is occupied by the storage space and help clean it. To clean the device itself, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Go to the “Miscellaneous” section
  2. We mark applications whose files you don’t mind deleting
  3. Click the trash can icon to delete data.

Transferring files to an SD card

Moving objects from internal memory to an SD card is possible using File Manager. After opening this utility, you will be presented with a window with two sections: “Device” and “SD card”. Having opened the “Device” section, we see the contents of the internal memory and find the objects necessary to move. Mark the required file or folders with checkmarks, click the “Move” icon in the lower left part of the application. By clicking on the SD card section, open the contents of the card, select the appropriate folder to save and insert it.

Cleaning Android memory using a computer

Mine Personal Computer can be used as an external storage device. To transfer items from phone to PC, follow these steps:

  1. We connect the device and computer using USB cable
  2. On the computer, open File Explorer and go to the contents of the device.
  3. We cut out and transfer all files, except those that support the operation of the device.

Transfer apps to external storage

To fully complete the task of transferring applications to an SD card, you must obtain root administrator rights. If you already have root access, you can do this by installing the Link2sd utility. Most applications are automatically installed into the internal memory of the device, and without administrator rights (root) the transfer will be difficult. IN Play Store there is a possibility of installation Android applications Assistant, which contains 18 tools for controlling Android. To transfer from this utility, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Android Assistant
  2. Open the “Toolkit” and select “App2Sd”
  3. Opening “Maybe”, we see a list of applications available for transfer to the SD card
  4. Having selected the desired item, open “Application information” and transfer it by clicking “To SD card”.

How to free up memory on Android using special programs from “garbage”

To clean Android from garbage, there is a simple and functional tool - the Clean Master utility. Launch Clean Master, select “Garbage” and “Clean” in the settings menu. After this, the utility will offer advanced cleaning. This procedure must be carried out carefully, choosing files to delete, so as not to accidentally delete the necessary system files and programs. It is possible to configure automatic cleaning of the device from unnecessary files according to a schedule.

Another program that provides quick cleaning of Android is CCleaner. Its unique algorithm analyzes the number and size of files and deletes only data that is unnecessary for the user. The program offers two main tabs - “Analysis” and “Cleaning”. After analysis, the application will display the level of free memory of the device with an approximate calculation of free space after cleaning.

Using cloud services

Using various cloud storage, you can not only clear the internal memory of your Android device and free up the SD card, but also access files from any device connected to the Internet. One of these free services is Yandex.Disk, which can be downloaded from Google Play. For this:

  1. Installing Yandex.Disk
  2. Click the “Upload file” button, select the desired element on your gadget
  3. After downloading, you can delete the file from your phone; it will remain on Yandex Disk.


The Android operating system in various modifications is an ultra-modern and popular shell, widely used in portable mobile devices leading brands. It doesn’t matter what version of the platform your smartphone, tablet or e-reader is running on: sooner or later you will begin to wonder how to free up memory on Android without deleting super-needed and important files, accumulated photos and videos. This harsh reality - expanded for user comfort functionality(animated wallpaper, super-fashionable interface, working with videos and posting on YouTube, etc.) automatically create an acute shortage of free space. Is it possible to clear memory on Android without purchasing flash cards? My answer is yes.

The pop-up warning about full memory every time you save is terribly annoying. Which path do owners of portable mobile equipment generally follow when wondering how to free up memory on Android? They begin to frantically clear cookies, drop applications onto the card, and permanently delete videos and photos. If a smartbook or tablet is used for work, then you think about budget ways to increase memory on Android by purchasing a flash card. But this is a temporary solution. After "mechanical" increase free space It also fills up quickly and the issue of clearing memory on Android again comes up.

But real way, how to increase memory on Android without deleting anything at once 1GB exists! It was tested on several Samsungs and no changes other than freeing up memory occurred.

Two-click algorithm for quickly cleaning and increasing memory in Samsung running Android:

1. Open settings, memory tab. Find the "other files" folder

2. Open it and boldly remove all the debris in it. Including files of the same name with popular applications (for example, like mine - vkontakte, its removal did not cause any damage to VK).

I suspect that something else disappeared after this procedure, maybe some accidentally downloaded music or videos. But nothing was missing from what was saved in the corresponding folders of galleries, videos, etc. not detected. That is, if a pop-up message prevents you from quickly saving something important and relevant, my method of how to free up memory on Android in just two clicks by selecting all files in the “other folders” folder will definitely be useful to you!

Smartphones and tablets on operating system Android actively uses the device's RAM. Some firmware and shells allow you to clean it standard means, for others you have to use third party software. The more RAM is free, the faster the device itself works. In addition, users often clog the internal storage, leaving no free space on it (games, videos, photos, etc.) and forgetting about the need to clean it. As a result, performance problems, system errors, random reboots and freezes occur. In this article you will learn how to clean an Android phone, what tools to use and why to do it.

First, let's look at the types of internal memory that affect the phone's performance. Mobile devices, like computers, use two types of memory: RAM and ROM.

  • RAM)– a random access memory device that stores data only while the device is in direct operation. Launched games, browser tabs, running applications - all these processes consume some of the RAM;
  • ROM (ROM)- a permanent storage device. The memory stores all data until you delete it yourself. This category includes all files on the hard drive, application cache and the like.

When both types of memory run out, the device begins to slow down and malfunction. To eliminate it, you need to clear the RAM and ROM of “garbage”.

Cleaning methods

You can use all the cleaning methods presented absolutely free. Choose the appropriate method depending on the manufacturer of your device and the version of the operating system.

You can clean up unnecessary files using the following methods:

  • Using built-in functionality;
  • Third-party software for a mobile device;
  • Via a personal computer.

We will also understand methods for clearing caches and viruses using special programs.

In many modern devices Samsung, Lenovo, Fly, Meizu, etc. (regardless of the company and country of manufacture), you can check the status of the RAM like this:

  1. Press system key(it can be located on the left or right). In the window that opens, you will see a list of all active applications (1), the amount of filled RAM (2) and the ability to clear it (3).
  1. Click on the cross, after which all RAM occupied by applications will be cleared. System memory, used by the OS, cannot be cleared.

How to clean manually?

If you do not want to resort to third-party programs, or you do not have free space for installation, then you can clean it manually. After all the procedures are completed, the phone will work much faster:

  • clearing browser and application caches;
  • deleting messages;
  • removing old and unnecessary applications;
  • cleaning files saved on the phone (photos, videos, etc.).

All steps will take longer than cleaning with an app, but the results will be much better.

Application cache

First, let's figure out what a cache is in a phone. The cache is an intermediate buffer with information that may be requested in the near future. Because of this, time is saved on calculating tasks and solving problems, and accordingly, the performance of the device increases. The file cache accumulates, storing information for each installed and used application. If clogged, you need to free the entire cache.

To do this, follow the presented algorithm:

  1. Open your device's settings menu.
  1. Find the section in the settings.
  1. In the manager that opens, you can see information on cache memory, system and third party applications. Sort the list of all programs by size.
  1. Open one of the programs. In a new window you can "Erase all data"(deletes stored information on the hard drive) and . Click on the second button.

This procedure must be repeated with everyone installed applications to completely clear the cache.

How to remove "garbage" in the browser?

  1. Go to the browser you are using and open the side menu. Select item from the menu.
  1. In the window that opens, click on .
  1. Set the settings that suit you (what to delete, for what period of time, etc.) and click on .

Cleaning is discussed using an example Google Chrome, since it is one of the standard browsers on the operating system Android system. In other browsers the procedure differs slightly.

Deleting messages

This item will not be mandatory if we are talking about a relatively new device. A tablet or phone used for several years stores several thousand, or even tens of thousands of messages. Over time, their number (including MMS with multimedia data) may take up some space on the internal memory. You can completely delete messages like this:

  1. Click on the messages icon in the menu or on the desktop, hold one of the messages with your finger and select .
  1. Take action.

Uninstalling apps

If you cannot install new programs or games, then the phone's permanent memory is full. To clean, you must remove unnecessary programs through the Android menu.

If your device has firmware without a full menu (for example, Xiaomi or Meizu phones), then you need to delete applications directly on the desktop. To do this, hold your finger on the required icon and drag it to the trash can at the top of the screen.

If your Android shell requires a full menu (for example, Samsung Galaxy or Sony Xperia), then deleting it from the desktop will only lead to the disappearance of the shortcut. For complete removal you need to go to the menu and also hold down on the application icon, then move it to the trash.

Deleting files

You can get rid of garbage from your internal storage using a standard file manager. Since the interface on each phone is different, let's look at cleaning files using the convenient ES Explorer.

  1. On Android, go to the Play Market, enter the name of the application in the search bar and click on the information page.
  1. Launch ES File Explorer and check out the initial tips. At the top of the screen there is information about the occupied/free space on the internal memory (1), a button for analyzing the need for cleaning (2). Click the button "Cleaning" (3).
  1. After this, the program will analyze the unnecessary information and provide you with a list. At the bottom of the screen, click .
  1. Now go to the side menu. Go to subsection (1) and then click on "Device" (2).
  1. A window will open in front of you with all the folders on the built-in storage. Here you can check their contents and remove anything unnecessary. To do this, hold down the file for 2 seconds, then click on in the bottom panel of the pop-up menu. You can clear the SD card in the same way.
  1. Through ES Explorer you can also clean libraries with images, music, etc. To do this, go to the menu again, select a subsection and go to the desired tab (3):
  1. To empty the trash on Android, go to the section through the menu:
  1. Be sure to check availability hidden files, which can occupy a significant volume. To do this, turn on the item in the menu, then go to the folder again and check for their presence.

We figured out how to manually remove excess debris using an ES conductor. Now let's move on to using other software.

What programs should I use?

Through third-party software, you can automatically clear RAM and ROM of unnecessary data, thereby speeding up your phone. Use the following programs:

  • SD Main;

With their help, you can free up space, clean up RAM and protect your phone from viruses. In addition, each of the utilities is suitable for different smartphones - from modern to devices on older versions of Android. This will become clear later. All applications are installed in the same way as ES Explorer - you can find instructions above.

On the main screen you will find the following tools:

  1. Junk – cleans the device of unnecessary files after scanning (advertising, outdated applications, system cache etc.).
  1. Antivirus – will scan your device for malicious software and files. The functionality includes a social network protector, checking the memory card, galleries, and blocking applications.
  1. Phone speedup – the tool scans for the need to optimize running processes.
  1. Cooler – optimizes the operation of running processes to reduce the processor temperature.

SD Main

Once the scan is complete you will receive detailed information about each of the sections: garbage, system, applications and databases. Afterwards, you can clear each of them separately by clicking on the trash can, or run complete cleaning. SD Main also has a built-in file manager, in which you can personally manage files on the internal memory and microSD:

– a convenient one-click cleaning tool. Upon entry, the program immediately scans the system and offers to perform cleaning in the following form:

The Deep Clean button starts a deep scan. When the process is complete, click « Clear":

This application will be an excellent alternative for those who own old smartphones (for example, the Fly model or Samsung Duos from 5-6 years ago). For such devices, the simple Mobile Boost assistant is suitable as it supports older versions of the Android OS.

To clean, simply launch the application and press the button « Clear":

How to clean your phone via computer (via USB)

The last option for removing unnecessary files from the phone’s internal memory is connecting to a computer. To do this you will need a miniUSB cable. Connect your device to your computer and follow these steps:

  1. On your phone, select an action.

Does it need to be cleaned?

How do you know if your phone/tablet needs this procedure? The first indirect sign is a decrease in productivity. If the technical side of the phone is fully functional, then the problem is precisely the clutter of the RAM and ROM.

You can also verify this using built-in applications. On different devices this can be done in different ways. Each device has a standard file manager, where the size of all files on the internal memory is indicated. Knowing the total ROM capacity on the phone, it is easy to understand when the internal storage is completely full.

Now you know how to clean your phone via a computer, via USB, how to view memory usage statistics, how to delete the cache using standard and third party programs. At least one of the methods will definitely be suitable for you, so you can bring your device to full functionality and serviceability!

Video instruction

You can also watch a thematic video.