How to get your page up on Google. How to Improve Your Business Ranking in Google Local Search Results

by Terri Seymour (c) 2012

Translation: Anatoly Skalsky

Google is the most popular search engine in the world today. Today, this search engine has become the dominant one for finding information on the Internet. That's why, as the owner of a website, you want your resource to rank high in this search engine.

Google is constantly changing and developing, so you need to stay up to date with all the innovations. For example, a recent algorithm change called “Panda” caused many sites to suddenly drop in rankings.

Google's mission is to provide the highest quality information for every user query made. And this is the main principle on which this search engine is based.

In order to do this, there are many things that you must do and many that you should not do. About them below.

If your site is a mess or cluttered with ads, this can lower your ranking position. Google considers too many ads to be a sign of a “bad” site. And remember, Google's goal is to bring useful sites to the top of search results.

2.Google Webmaster Toolbar

It is very important to have an account with Google Webmaster, as this panel has a whole variety of functionality that will help you improve your position in the search results. The Google Toolbar can help you monitor your page position and will also find sites you link to or sites that link to you.

3. Relevant and high-quality content

One of the most important things to do to search engine optimization- this is providing the site with high-quality content with relevant keywords for which you want to be found in search results.

Quality is always more effective than quantity, so don't post a ton of low-quality articles on your site. Make sure that the articles you publish are relevant to the topic of your site and contain useful information.

4. Google +1 button

By registering with Google Plus and adding the Google + button to your site, you can also increase its position in the search results. Since the level of significance and usefulness of your site is one of the key points that Google takes into account when ranking. The more positives you collect, the more interest Google will notice and the higher it will rank you in search results.

5. Become a blogger

If you haven't already, add a blog to your work website. Blogging is extremely effective method improve your rankings in Google because a blog is useful for two things.

First, your site will add many pages of relevant, high-quality, keyword-rich content that will be noticed by Google. The more quality pages are indexed, the more chances you have to be on the first page. And secondly, a blog can increase the number of quality backlinks to your site.

The quality of incoming links is great way achieve significance in the eyes of search engines. Webmaster leaving comments on blogs High Quality- to some extent fulfills this task. Always use keyword rich posts and use relevant keywords for your links.

As with many aspects of internet marketing, social media plays a big role in SEO. Be active on your pages social networks. Don't let them lose their novelty. Participate in discussions, post regularly new information and attract visitors.

8. Analysis keywords

Keywords play an important role in search optimization, but using the wrong keywords can do more harm than good. Be sure to do keyword research to understand what search phrases people used to find your site. Google offers a keyword tool for this called Google Keyword Tool. This free tool will give you a list of keywords and tell you how often they are searched by a user.

9. Hidden text

Hidden text is text that is displayed on your site to search engine robots, but is invisible to visitors. The most common way to do this is to set the font and background to the same color. This is done in order to include a large number of keywords for search engines without making the content appear redundant to its visitors. Do not do that. Google recognizes this manipulation and may penalize your site.

10.Poor link placement

Incoming and outgoing links can be useful if you follow the proper steps. Don't link to everything. Be very selective and only link to sites that are relevant to your topic and contain quality content. Stay away from sites like Linkoferm - sites that contain a huge amount of useless links.

Check your internal links regularly to make sure they are not broken. It is also not advisable to connect with low-quality sites and sites containing spam. A few years ago, quantity would have helped you rise, but now it's only about the quality of links on the right sites, and NOT about quantity.

Getting high rankings in Google is the goal of every webmaster. This can be achieved, but you must be consistent and keep up with evolving algorithms Google search.

Nobody likes to work more than they should. As the famous saying goes: you need to work not 12 hours, but with your head. Today we are talking about just that.

Too many companies put a lot of effort into creating content instead of analyzing and updating existing articles or landing pages.

Most often, search engines (especially Google) are not predictable, and despite an excellent, clear technical specification for an article, optimized images and a bunch of other nuances, promoting a query is still a bit of a lottery every time. It is impossible to say with certainty which article for which request and in what time frame will appear in the TOP of Google.

Usually it happens like this: you post an article, wait for it to be indexed, monitor its growth dynamics in search results, and sometimes this process takes more than one month before the result seems satisfactory to you, and sometimes this may not happen at all.

It also happens that after spending a week collecting semantics in depth and, you are surprised to discover that in the Google results the article was surpassed by a post of only 300 words.

This situation can be very revealing and useful if you know how to further work with this data.

Selecting pages for content reoptimization

Not every publication on the site is suitable for reoptimization, let's figure out how to select those articles whose effect from reoptimization will have the maximum effect.

  1. Go to Google Analytics
  2. We fall into the “Traffic Sources” section
  3. Go to the “All traffic” section - “Source / channel”
  4. And select Google / organic

Then select additional parameter"Behavior" and "Login Page"

Thus, we will sort the most popular pages of the site, which account for the bulk of Google search traffic.

View the top 100 selected pages. Select the following pages:

  • Pages that contain little text but receive a lot of search traffic
  • Pages that have been published recently but are already generating a large amount of traffic

Now answer the question: is it possible to add to the selected articles in the form of instructions, extended information, reviews, etc.?

Those articles that meet all of the above criteria can potentially turn into a magnet for generating search traffic on Google.

How to properly edit articles to increase search traffic on Google?

Selecting the most popular entry pages to your site is the first step. Now we’ll look in detail at how to do it so that, thanks to them, we can attract the maximum possible amount of search traffic from Google to the site.

Here are the three most effective ways:

Increase the length of the article

If the length of the selected article is less than 2000 characters, then the easiest and most effective way to attract more traffic to it is to increase the number of words. Make sure the content you add also adds meaningful value. Do not write “watery” paragraphs, add new sections to the text that reveal the topic of the article as fully as possible.

Adding new information sections to an article will ensure that you attract traffic to it using an additional list of related keywords.

Related keywords

When adding related key queries to an article, focus on additional long-tail queries. For example, you have an article about CTR, add paragraphs to it containing clarifying low-frequency queries like “Which CTR is considered good” or “ctr for additional relevant phrases.”

This will allow you to increase your keyword density without the risk of over-optimization, and will also attract more traffic to your list of targeted low-frequency keywords.

Increase the number of keywords and their synonyms

Check at what position and for what queries in this moment The pages you selected are displayed. This can be done using services like serpstat

If the article is in the 5th position or lower, further optimize it by adding keywords and their synonyms to the text, metadata and subheadings, also do not forget to put contextual links containing key queries for thematically related articles on the blog, all this will allow you to raise the page in the search results .

Once in the TOP3 you will be able to collect up to 80% on it organic traffic on request!

It is much easier to promote a page from the top 10 to the top 3 than to immediately bring a new article to the leading position.

Track the dynamics of position growth in Google!

In any internet marketing strategy, it is important not to forget about analytics! Track changes in the positions of reoptimized articles. This will not only allow you to see the fruits of your efforts, but will also give you the opportunity to select a few more topics for future posts for the site.

To adjust your promotion strategy, pay attention to changes in the following indicators:

  • Change in search traffic volume
  • Change in bounce rate for reoptimized articles
  • Time spent on the site
  • New keywords in the ranking
  • Positions key queries from reoptimized articles

Local search results may appear in , when a user searches for stores or company offices located nearby. For example, if you search for "Italian restaurant" with mobile device, you're more likely to see local results. Google will suggest several nearby addresses that match your query.

You can improve your company's position in these results using the service Google My Business.

Is your business not showing up in search results? Provide more complete and accurate information about her

If your company does not appear in local search results, add information about it in the service Google My Business and update them promptly. Read further in this article about how to do this. This will increase your chances of showing up in Google Search and Maps for nearby users.

Advice. To change the data of several addresses at once (10 or more), create a .

Enter full company details

Businesses that most closely match a user's query appear in local search results. And determining your eligibility will be much easier if you fill out your business profile in Google My Business. Then potential clients will be able to find out what you offer, where you are located and what hours you work. Indicate your company's category and attributes, its address and telephone number. If any company details change, be sure to reflect this in its profile.

Confirm addresses

Verify the details of each store and company location so that they appear more often in local Google search results.

Set your opening hours and update them promptly

Up-to-date information on company hours (including holidays and promotions) will allow your customers to confidently plan visits to your stores or offices.

Read reviews and respond to them

By responding to customer reviews of your company, you will show them that . In addition, extensive positive user reviews will increase your company's rating and attract even more visitors. You can create a special link to add reviews.

Add photos

By uploading pictures of your products, storefronts, or office interiors, you can clearly tell potential clients about your business. High-quality and informative photos will help users ensure that you offer exactly what they need.

How Google Determines a Business's Ranking in Local Search Results

Positioning in local search results mainly depends on relevance, distance to your store or office, and company recognition. The combination of these factors allows you to select the most useful information. For example, a search algorithm may determine that a distant business more closely matches a user's needs than a nearby business.


Relevance is the degree to which it matches a search query. To Google algorithm defined it most accurately, add comprehensive information about your company.


The distance from your company to the location specified in the search query, or to the user's location, which Google calculates based on available data.


The company’s popularity outside the Internet is also taken into account. For example, famous museums, large hotels and popular brand stores tend to rank high in local search results.

Prominence is also influenced by information about a company on the Internet (for example, links, articles and directory entries). Google reviews are also taken into account: the more reviews and positive ratings a company has, the higher it will appear in local search results. The ranking is also affected by the position in the organic search results, which can be improved by search engine optimization technologies.

We cannot artificially increase your company's rating in Google services– neither paid nor free. It is calculated using algorithms designed to ensure equal opportunities for all entrepreneurs. Details about these algorithms are not disclosed.

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Hello friends. As the results of a survey of my readers showed, the topic that was most exciting in the minds and hearts of webmasters was search engine promotion website and SEO tricks. It’s not surprising, why do we create websites in most cases? That's right, to make money from them.

Earnings from a site directly depends on the number of visitors, which in 99% of cases also depends on the site’s position in search results.

Few of us want to buy traffic for ourselves contextual advertising and other similar instruments - it is very expensive and suitable for few. And even those who are suitable still dream of free traffic =)

So, today I will share with you several methods I have tested on how to get your website to good positions in search engines. They do not give a 100% guarantee that you will immediately get into the top 3 of Yandex for high-frequency keywords, but they will significantly increase your chances of getting to at least the 1st page and will definitely help improve your rankings for key queries.

7 methods to improve website rankings for keywords in Yandex and Google

To begin with, it is worth identifying the main points. We promote sites using a certain set of search engine optimization measures - that is, SEO. It can be external and internal.

External optimization website is work on the side - purchasing links, all kinds of runs, article promotion, various services, etc. As a rule, financial investments are required.

Internal optimization This is, accordingly, work on the most promoted site, which often does not require investment, you only need knowledge and time.

It would seem that where money is spent the effect should be greater. But according to my observations, the decisive role is played by internal optimization site, the external one only successfully complements, but not vice versa, so I pay much more attention to it. Well, now let's get down to business.

Ways to promote a website by keywords in search engines

1. Maintenance of the site code. You can’t imagine how many projects, good, interesting, promising sites, suffer due to the fact that people do not pay attention to technical details. Something that is not visible to the naked eye, but which definitely affects the site’s position in the search results. If you use a WordPress template on your website and have never looked at its code, then rest assured that there are many errors and shortcomings, both minor and critical.

Of the most common mistakes that I have encountered in my practice:

  • not valid code. It's easy to check, don't forget to set html5 in the settings, otherwise you'll be horrified by the number of errors =)
  • overload with scripts, non-working or incorrectly working scripts
  • incorrect or outdated layout, layout errors, crooked style sheets
  • no adaptation for mobile systems, which has recently also affected the positions of sites in search
  • incorrect arrangement of elements in the code, for example, a sidebar in the code above the content or a broken heading structure - H1-H6 tags are used anywhere and anyhow, 3-4 H1 headings can be stuck on one page, etc.
  • slow loading speed, overload with heavy elements, scripts, lack of caching and code compression plugins, use of heavy images or animations, slow hosting, etc. In general, I noticed that the loading speed of a site is one of the most important factors for the growth of its traffic and positions. You can check how quickly the site loads using the Google tool. There you will also find tips on optimizing download speed.
  • malicious elements - both in the template itself and in the plugins there can be malicious code, viruses, hidden links, which can destroy the project in the bud. I strongly recommend checking the templates for any special dirty tricks. plugins like and the entire site with antivirus services like AI-Bolit.
  • Incorrect engine settings - lack of CNC, Cyrillic URLs, replytocoms, etc.

All this can be found even in the most expensive and cool templates. As a rule, templates are made so that the buyer likes everything on the outside, it is beautiful and interesting, but few people think about how it all works from the inside when purchasing.

2. Linking. These are the so-called internal links on site pages, which distribute the weight of the link mass throughout the site and saturate the pages with anchor links. Thanks to this, you can improve your position in search results, especially for low-frequency keywords. Thanks to the illiterate, things can only get worse.

For small sites you can use manual method— insert 1-2 links in the text of the article to pages of similar topics. For projects with many pages, automated methods are used - these are special. plugins or custom scripts. But even in this case, manually added links will not be superfluous; among other things, such links provide natural transitions for visitors within the site, which improves behavioral factors and also has a beneficial effect on positions. It works one hundred percent - tested on this blog through experiments with linking.

3. Content optimization. This is direct work with text and images. Perhaps the most important point. When creating content, it is important to understand that you are not creating it just for search engines, or just for readers. Content is created for both readers and search engines at the same time; it is important to combine this if you want your pages to rank well.

Sometimes you will have to make compromises, for example, should article titles catch the reader or should they primarily tell search engines accurate information about the essence of the article?)

The text must use headings and subheadings, and in the correct order. You will need to use lists and selections. You will need to add pictures or videos. And much more. Even if you think that all this is not important and will only distract attention from your brilliant writing, you still have to =)

Don’t forget about the technical details - the content must be unique and high-quality, without errors and to the point, text sizes of at least 1500-2000 characters, competent implementation of keywords without spam, using synonyms and dilution, correct headings and keywords, use for adding title and description tags to both the text itself and images, etc. Pages should be easy to read, the most important things on the page should be highlighted somehow ( headings, font size, bold font, underlines, graphic elements, pictures, etc.), so that the eye catches and does not allow the visitor to float away to other sites.

4. Robots, CNC and site maps. Everything is clear with sitemaps - you installed the plugin and it will do everything for you. doesn't take long to do either. It’s also clear - I copied and pasted and now our links contain some kind of semantics and not a random set of numbers and letters. But with robots.txt, not everything is so simple. First of all, this file is needed to combat unnecessary duplicate content, of which there is plenty in WordPress. But you can’t just copy it from another site and be 100% sure that it will work for you as it should. It's like giving all people the same size clothes - some will fit, some won't fit.

Why is this happening? Because the correct setup of the robots depends on many factors - what kind of template you have, how the CNC is configured, what is the internal structure of the site and the level of nesting of pages with content, whether there will be unique content on the pages of archives and catalogs or not, whether tags are used, how you have configured linking, down to individual plugins that will also have to be taken into account.

It is important to set it up in such a way as to exclude all duplicate content, but not to include anything unnecessary - not to block from indexing what should be included in search engines. This applies not only to texts, but also to page design elements and scripts responsible for setting up the page structure. For correct settings you can use an excellent tool - Google for webmasters, View as Google-bot. There they will show you how the search engine sees your site, and below will be a list of blocked elements on the page. By the way, you can also send fresh pages to the Google index with one click.

I once looked at my site through the eyes of a robot, was horrified and included style sheets in the robots.txt lists allowed for indexing. On one of the young sites, after this, traffic increased from 20-30 people per day to 100+ in just a couple of weeks. Try to make sure that the search robot sees your site the way ordinary visitors see it, while blocking everything unnecessary. To do this, you may need to manually connect each script down to the individual plugin files, so as not to accidentally give the robot access to duplicates.

5. Social promotion. Just a couple of years ago, almost no one paid attention to social media. signals in the field of promotion, search engines were neutral about the number of tweets and likes on pages. However, everything is changing, today social. signals have a direct impact on the positions of pages in search results. In addition, social networks are a promising source of large traffic for many topics.

Where do you get tweets and likes from? First, of course, you need to install social media. buttons on the pages of your site. There are many services and plugins for this; I chose buttons from Yandex. At least I can be sure that the statistics will not float away somewhere else, and the block loads quite quickly.

In addition, if you rely on social. promotion then you need to create a representation of your site in all popular social networks. networks, in other words, create groups on VKontakte, Facebook, start a working Twitter, maybe even create a channel on YouTube. And develop them, add interesting content, organize competitions, and also engage in promotion and recruitment of subscribers. At first, services like and similar ones can help, which allow you to buy retweets, subscribers, or publications on the walls of your news and links for money.

Webmasters will have to think about content that will be primarily of interest to social media users. networks, at least sometimes.

6. Link mass. Yes, yes, it was 2019 and the links still worked, contrary to all the statements of the new Yandex algorithms and the forecasts of SEO experts over the past 10 years or so. But there is one big BUT. Only natural links or ones very similar to them work =) That is. links placed in articles and comments, links without anchors or with anchors “here”, “here”, “on this site”, etc., links to which are real transitions of interested visitors, thematic links and placed in articles with similar topics on trust resources.

The same links that are placed on your site from link dumps, over-spammed pages and sites with an active sales position =), links placed somewhere at the bottom of the pages or even in the footer, which no one will ever click on, and if they do, it will be accidentally and immediately will close the page, etc. all this will only contribute to the imposition of certain sanctions from search engines, and not at all to kilotons of traffic. Such links, if any, should be removed as soon as possible.

These can also be your guest articles on other sites with your backlink.

And of course you can buy them. If you decide to buy, I recommend not to waste time on trifles and immediately order the placement of your article with links, the effect will be much better.

A good option for external promotion is to use the services of SEO specialists on the Kwork exchange. There, for 500 rubles you can find normal options for link profiles and runs.

7. Usability. Our sites are overloaded with mass unnecessary elements, incomprehensible advertising that does not work and does not particularly generate income, all sorts of sliders that no one pays attention to, all sorts of decorations or links that no one ever clicks on, pages and banners that no one needs, plugins that you can easily do without or they can be replaced with one line of code and a bunch of other virtual junk. Everything that doesn't work must disappear. Everything complex must be simplified. By getting rid of unnecessary code and unnecessary elements, you will speed up the loading of the site and reduce the likelihood of errors and problems in these places.

The user must achieve the main goal in a couple of clicks - your goal, the reason why you attract him to your site. If something interferes with him or distracts him from this goal, then it is unnecessary.

The tool helps very well in this regard Webvisor, form analytics, click map in Yandex. metric. Analyze user behavior on your website, find weaknesses and eliminate them. This will help improve both conversion and behavioral factors, which will have a positive impact on rankings in search results.

For example, you may think that a picture on half the screen is beautiful and visitors really like it, or that you definitely need a slider on the main page, or that without this video in the sidebar everyone will spit on your resource and say that it is no longer what it was before. But you can get the real picture only after experiments - measure behavioral factors in metrics, look at the time spent on the page, bounce rates, and the number of internal transitions. Then remove it and watch how the PF changes over the course of a week. If the pf has not changed or even grown, then you can safely delete the element. If they get worse, we return them to how they were and try something else.

And only after you get rid of everything unnecessary and there is nothing left to delete, you can think about adding something. Everything follows the same scheme - with efficiency checked in the metric.

You may notice that these are not all the ways to improve a site’s position in search results, remember about boosting behavioral factors, about buying traffic, about some runs on trust sites, about answers on forums, about links in profiles, about article directories, satellites, etc. and so on. But all these are special cases, either they hardly work anymore, or they are strictly punished as manipulations with behavioral factors, for example. I tried to list only the most important and still relevant search engine promotion methods.

Often, having made a website, you don’t know where to start promoting it. Next, we will give you 10 tips on where to start.

1. Start slowly. If this is acceptable, then start with a new site that has never been registered in directories and search engines. Find the right domain and start optimizing your homepage.

2. Learn HTML. A large number of optimization techniques include editing HTML code. Your high rankings can often depend on knowing which codes are necessary and which are not.

3. Prepare a text of 250-300 words based on the selected keywords. This is a crucial part of achieving significant rankings and creating a good website. Search engines “read” keyword-heavy text on your pages in order to correctly categorize your site. Use key phrases in the text more often - this helps achieve best results.

4. Choose your keywords carefully. The ideal keywords for your site may be different from what users are actually searching for. To find the right keywords you need to use services like WordTracker (Yandex.Direct and Rambler Association for Runet). Select 3-4 most targeted phrases for each page of the site. Try not to pay attention to general queries like “vacation” or “tourism”.

5. Create appropriate TITLE tags. These tags are very important, as all search engines attach considerable importance to them. You need to place your keywords in this tag and try not to overload it with additional words. Don't use the TITLE tag to write your company name or phrases like " Home page" Try to think of it as a "key TITLE tag" and structure it accordingly. Add your company name at the very end of the tag if you absolutely need to use it.

6. The Keywords meta tag is not as important as the Description meta tag. Contrary to popular belief, the text you place in this tag will have little in common with the words that come to the site, and Google does not pay any attention to the content of this tag. Use this tag, but don't expect too much that it will help.

7. Write meaningful meta tags. They can be quite useful. Add a Description meta tag that will contain your keywords and characterize the site. The content of this tag often appears in search results.

8. To rank your site higher in Google, add additional goodies. Elements such as headings, alt parameters of img tags, H1...H2 heading tags, keywords in file names, links from other pages, keywords in hyperlinks can increase your ranking in search engines. Use whichever one you want or all of these elements where they make sense for your site.

9. Register carefully in directories such as the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) and Yahoo. The presence of a site in them is one of the criteria for successful indexing in Google. Mistakes made when registering in catalogs can cost you dearly later, since it is very difficult to change the description in the catalog. Therefore, it is important to read the registration instructions offered by the directories themselves.

10. Don't expect quick results. It takes time to achieve high positions, and there is nothing you can do about it. Once your site is added to a search engine or directory, its rankings may be low before it slowly moves up. Some search engines take into account “click-through popularity”, i.e. The more people go to the site, the higher its ranking becomes. Don't worry and give your site time to strengthen.

There is no need to constantly fix your site to achieve better results. It would be best to leave your optimized pages for about 4-6 months after registration. Search engines often spend a lot of time adding your optimized pages to their directory database. Register your site and leave it for a while!

If you followed these recommendations, wanting to know how to rank your site in Google, and still can’t find your site in search engines, the first thing you need to work on is the page texts. It's likely that pages with fewer than 250 words of visible text are causing poor results. In addition, check your keyword density several times and make sure that each page is optimized for 3-4 phrases. In the end, you will see the fruits of your labor - your site will be in the top ten for many queries in Google and other search engines!