How to get remote access to someone else's phone. Remote access to smartphone

Let's be clear: stealing personal information on the Internet is illegal (and ugly). The sole purpose of our editorial experiment was to show how dangerous public Wi-Fi networks can be. All information received (as well as all spyware) was deleted from the computer immediately after the end of the experiment.

Users are now so careless that accidentally losing confidential data is a piece of cake for them. We set out to show how many “holes” there are in public Wi-Fi networks. And they themselves were afraid of how easy it is to leave a complete dossier on yourself to an unfamiliar but interested person.

"Only use if you are fully aware of your actions"

We prepared thoroughly for the experiment. We installed several programs at once. They differ slightly in functionality, but their essence is the same - to collect everything that passes through the network to which the computer is connected. Even via Wi-Fi. Even from other people's devices.

None of the programs position themselves as “pirated”, “hacker” or illegal - they can be downloaded online without any problems. True, the antivirus immediately tries to remove one as malicious, but it reacts calmly to the other.

Reading the instructions:

“Use this monitoring mode only if you are fully aware of your actions,” asks one of the “spies.” And he adds that its technology is based on the weaknesses of the ARP protocol. Are we aware of our actions? Yes, sure!

I go to a cafe in the middle of a Minsk shopping center, taking with me my “victim” partner and two laptops. It’s immediately obvious that the cafe has free Wi-Fi, there are about five people sitting outside with gadgets, and even more inside.

I instruct my partner: he must access the Internet via Wi-Fi and behave like a regular user. His computer has Windows 8 installed with a built-in antivirus and firewall - a standard option; few people bother installing more advanced protection software.

I set up a computer with spyware at the table and try to monitor what the “victim” is doing on the Internet.

Computers - by list, other people's data - by time

We connect to Wi-Fi: there is no password, the name of the network contains the word “free”. I start scanning, one of the programs immediately finds 15 network connections. For everyone you can see the IP address, MAC address, for some - the name of the device manufacturer: Sony, Samsung, Apple, LG, HTC...

I find my partner’s laptop among the devices. I connect to it and data that passes through the network begins to appear on the screen. All information is structured by time; there is even a built-in viewer of intercepted data.

We look at each other with our partner, he understands that the surveillance was a success and decides to change the site.

The “victim” sits a couple of meters away, and we stare at her photo on the Internet

I continue to watch. An online game has clearly started on his partner’s laptop: program commands are constantly being sent to the network, information about the situation on the battlefield is being received. You can see the nicknames of your opponents, their game levels and much more.

A message arrives from "VKontakte". In one of the detailed message specifications, we find that the user ID is visible in each of them. If you paste it into the browser, the account of the person who received the message will open.

We open the partner’s VKontakte page: the page contains the first name, last name and a whole bunch of other information.

At this time, my partner is writing a response to the message, and clearly has no idea that we are staring at the photos on his account with all our might. One of the social network applications gives a signal - we, sitting two meters away, can listen to this sound in the player.

Beyond: functions for intercepting passwords and messages

Photos and sounds are not all that can be “transferred” to available Wi-Fi. For example, one of the programs has a separate tab to track correspondence on social networks and instant messengers. Messages are decrypted and sorted by time of sending.

Showing someone else's correspondence is beyond good and evil. But it works. As an illustration, here is part of the dialogue of the author of the text, caught by the tracking computer from the “victim” device.

Another program separately “stores” all cookies and user information, including passwords. Fortunately, in encrypted form, but it immediately offers to install a utility that will decrypt them. We firmly decide not to do this, even though a lot of “good” is gained over several sessions.

"Interception attempt detected"

It turns out that almost any information can be lost via Wi-Fi. Although everything is not so bad: similar programs do not work everywhere. For example, in another cafe the insidious plan was immediately discovered. The program, instead of the MAC addresses of the neighbors' computers, gave only one address - mine - with a comment that an attempt to intercept traffic was detected.

But this is an isolated case. Many public networks do not provide any protection at all, and sometimes even a password. This means that anyone can intercept the traffic of colleagues, friends or strangers.

The most reliable way out of this situation is one: do not transmit any important information through public networks. For example, do not send phone numbers and passwords in messages and do not pay with a payment card outside the home.

It is also advisable to be more responsible about protecting your device, otherwise you need to be ready to say goodbye to personal information.

We are used to having a smartphone at hand. In fact, it was conceived as a thing that should almost never leave one’s hands: a kind of portable electronic assistant that accompanies the owner everywhere. And in fact, even now the desired functionality has not yet been fully implemented - and as soon as the main problem of mobile electronics (insufficient battery capacity) can be eliminated, a lot of new useful functions will be added to the smartphone. However, even now, when we reach for a smart phone and suddenly cannot find it, many are seized by real panic.

Partly this is a force of habit (we also realize when we don’t find a watch on our hand), partly the need for functions that we cannot perform without a smartphone (not just making a call, but, for example, remembering someone’s phone number! Electronic assistants have become unlearned us from remembering such little things). In short, there are a lot of situations in which the “magical” ability to use a smartphone without being able to touch it could be useful. But why is it magical? In fact, technology has been allowing this for a long time.

“Scientifically” using an electronic device from afar, without touching it, is called remote or remote access/control. And in general, it assumes the presence of two auxiliary programs. One must be pre-installed on the smartphone itself, the second must run on the computer from which access is organized (very often lately, this second program has been a browser).

And of course, there must be some kind of communication channel between the devices: in most cases this is Internet access, although sometimes just the ability to receive/send SMS messages is enough. You call your smartphone from your computer and can do almost the same things on it as if you were holding it in your hands. What’s also noteworthy is that from the outside, such use of a smartphone may not be noticeable.

This is how it looks in the general case - and before moving on to specific scenarios, it is worth mentioning one thing that is not obvious. It is legally permitted to install a remote access program only on your own device or with the permission of the device owner, if it is someone else’s. By installing such a program on the smartphone of a person who will not know about it (whether it is a colleague, a wife or a stranger), you will immediately violate at least Articles 272 and 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: unlawful access to computer information and use of programs for unauthorized copying of computer information . Be careful, this is not a joke at all!

Now let's look at typical scenarios in which remote access can be useful. A list of the programs themselves is given below.

The most popular: anti-theft. As one American actress accurately noted, losing a mobile phone today is worse than losing your virginity: there is so much information stored there that can compromise the owner, so much information that the user cannot afford to lose! And then suddenly the smartphone is stolen!

Well, it will be good if it has a remote access application installed. By contacting it via the Internet or even simply sending a command in an SMS message (not all programs support it), you can force it to perform several useful actions in this situation: secretly take pictures of any of the cameras (there have already been cases when it was possible to photograph thieves or new owners), activate the microphone (that is, turn it into a listening device), block the smartphone and/or delete all data from it, find out its current geographic coordinates, contact the thief with text from the screen, and maybe turn on a loud alarm to attract attention those around you.

In most cases, these functions will be available only until the thief “resets” the device, that is, removes all user software from it, rolling back the state to the factory state. So act quickly and don't waste time. At the same time, some applications (for example, Cerberus) have the ability to be registered in system programs - and thus remain operational even after resetting the settings to factory settings.

By the way, the simplest remote control functionality is built right into Android and iOS: you will find it in the system settings, respectively in the “Options/Security” tab and the “Find My iPhone” tab.

It’s better, of course, if the smartphone is not stolen, but simply lost or forgotten. When they forget it, they usually don’t remember where exactly. Therefore, you can remotely turn on a sound signal or vibration, request geocoordinates: you, of course, will find it when it “beeps” from under the sofa, or at least remember where you left it, receiving the location on the map with an accuracy of a few meters.

But even until it is found, you can request contacts from it, enable temporary call forwarding, read SMS, view documents. The ability to remotely influence system settings is also useful: for example, turn off vibration and sound notifications so that a forgotten smartphone does not disturb your family in your absence.

If it is lost and is already in a stranger’s pocket, the journal function will come in handy - in which all actions performed with the smartphone will be automatically recorded. However, this scenario smoothly develops into a theft scenario, so again, do not waste time, act quickly: if you cannot immediately agree on the return of the phone, notify your telecom operator and the police.

You can turn your smartphone into a webcam. This is especially useful for devices that have expired, the memory and performance of which are no longer sufficient for normal operation. So reset them to factory settings (thus removing everything unnecessary), install a remote access application - and you will get a smart camera with which you can organize surveillance of an area that interests you: a garden plot, for example, or a children's room. Such a camera is capable of automatically detecting motion and automatically adjusting shooting parameters to the current lighting conditions.

Related task: sharing files with a smartphone. It is not always convenient to receive documents stored on it via USB, as well as to “upload” files to a smartphone. A special case of remote access will help solve this problem: launching an FTP server on the phone, which will turn the device into a file archive - which can be accessed through any FTP client (for example, built into Total Commander). This may also be useful for playing files from a smartphone - say, photos - on another device, without first copying them.

Another parallel scenario: helping a friend. In this case, you need to remotely access a smartphone that does not belong to you in order to see what the other person is doing wrong or show the correct actions. There is also a whole class of applications for this. It is important that you need to ask your friend to install such an application himself. Be aware of the problem of unauthorized access!

Finally, the opposite scenario: remote control of a computer from a smartphone. It is unlikely that many of you will need this, but if suddenly the need arises (for example, to remotely change the parameters of a program left running while you are away), know that there are tools for this too.

And here is the list of the applications themselves:

* Cerberus (one of the most powerful anti-thief applications)

Today we will talk about how to independently connect to the webcam of another computer via the Internet. We will also consider methods and programs for remotely connecting to webcams of PCs, laptops, tablets and phones

Advanced users also suggest the following option: install a terminal server on the computer with the camera (to spy on it unnoticed, i.e. if someone is working on the computer so that they don’t get kicked out), connect the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and use any program that works with the camera. An indicative list of programs is available on However, no one bears responsibility for the possible maliciousness of the programs. Therefore, be vigilant, check sites on the online service trustvset.rf and do not neglect antiviruses.

A way to secretly monitor the situation through someone else's webcam is using Skype. Create a new account in the program, add this contact to your list on Skype. On the computer to which the camera is connected, log into Skype under this account, in the video settings, in the “Automatically receive video and share the screen for” field, select “only people from my contact list.”

To make it more convenient for you to watch videos from your tablet, phone, laptop or other computer, you can download the application. To do this, either add to your wishlist and install the Ivideon application, as shown in the screenshot, or exit the gadget to “google play” and find it through the search bar.

The Internet portal optimally implements the ability to remotely connect from any device to web cameras, IP cameras and analog cameras. On the “Tariffs” tab, you can familiarize yourself with the characteristics of possible options for connecting to the service and select the appropriate one.

To register on the site, you only need your email address: enter it in the “Your email” field, create a password and click “Register”.

Video instructions for connecting to someone else's WEB camera:

YouTube Video

Click on the “Add camera or DVR” button, select the appropriate type of camera to connect, read the instructions in the next step and click “Continue”. Now you need to download and install the program on the computer to which the camera is connected; to do this, select your operating system. The standard installation will begin, just select your language and follow the installation wizard instructions
The setup wizard will start automatically. Click “Next”, then enter your e-mail that you specified during registration and select the camera location from the list. This formality is created for your convenience (if the list of cameras is large, these groups will be easier to navigate).

Make sure your camera is connected and working properly, click “Next”. If active cameras are detected, you will see a list of them, otherwise try to “reconnect” the working camera again and click “Repeat search”, if everything went well - “Next”. If you want the video to be saved in the archive, check the “Include in archive recording” checkbox; if you are only interested in online broadcasting of images from cameras, uncheck it. To prevent the program from starting automatically when you turn on the computer, uncheck “Start Ivideon Server when the OS starts,” and then click “Finish.”

If the “Log in to your Personal Account” checkbox remains active (by default), your page on the website will automatically open in the browser. In the list on the right, select the active camera, marked in green, and you will immediately see the live broadcast.

iSpy is an updated version of a specialized tool that is very lightweight and not difficult to use, its main purpose is to monitor premises, for these tasks either web cameras or a regular microphone are used, or you can do all of them at once and second. The idea is simple, you connect the camera to your computer, launch the development, it instantly intercepts the image from it and displays it on the monitor, any movement in the camera’s field of action will be recorded on the hard drive, after which you can familiarize yourself with the recordings.

In addition, iSpy allows you to view live (real-time) or stored videos via the Internet or mobile devices. All data is compressed and saved in flash video format. It is possible to work on several computers simultaneously, as well as control the program remotely, protect it with a password, create groups or join existing groups (on the developer’s website) and give group members access to your web cameras and microphones

How to independently connect to a remote webcam via the Internet on other computers, video surveillance systems and smartphones. Methods and programs for remotely controlling webcams on a network and viewing through a remote someone else’s webcam. Sometimes users of personal computers of various classes may need to remotely connect to a webcam. The reason for this may be the desire to observe a certain point where the camera is installed and, accordingly, be aware of what is happening there.

You will need

Personal computer, webcam

Articles on the topic "How to connect to a remote webcam" How to set up a webcam How to turn on a webcam on a laptop How to take photos with a laptop camera

First of all, in order to connect to the webcam and view videos or photos, you need to create a local network connection. To do this you need to have a switch, i.e. a special network switch that allows you to create several connections at once, and at least two Ethernet cables. After this, connect all devices using Ethernet cables.

Now, using the installation program that is usually included in the initial package, determine the IP address for the camera. You will enter it into the address bar of your browser or other program. It is best to create a static IP address, as this is much more convenient for work. Then you need to open an Internet browser and type the IP address in the address bar. If you are using a modern browser, then no software will be downloaded, as it necessarily supports video streams.

This is how you connect a webcam to a computer, but if you want to connect to a camera located at a very long distance, then for this you need special programs, for example, WebCam Monitor 4.20 or Webcam Surveyor 1.7.0, in which you also need indicate the IP address and some other data. The process of setting up programs of this kind is extremely simple, since you only have to answer questions. But, despite their simplicity, they offer many important advantages, since you will be able to detect illegal entry into your home or other troubles in time. As you can see, connecting remotely to a webcam is not so difficult, and thanks to this you can always be aware of what is happening in the observed area.

To observe events taking place in a certain place, you need to have a camera installed there, connected to the Internet and a personal computer from which you can control it. By connecting to it, you will see everything that happens in real time.

You will need

Network switch.

Create a local network connection to connect to the remote camera. To do this, you will need a special network switch. It is needed in order to create several connections at once. Take two Ethernet cables and connect all your devices.

Use the installation program. As a rule, it is included in the basic package. If not, then download it from the Internet and install it on your personal computer. Using this program, determine the IP address of the remote camera. Subsequently, you will enter it into the address bar of your browser or any other program convenient for you.

Create a static IP address so that you can turn on the camera remotely later without any problems. Open your browser. Enter the IP address of the camera in the address bar. Use modern browsers that support video streaming to avoid the need for additional software. .

Use special programs if you want to connect to a camera located at a fairly large distance from you. To use a remote camera, install WebCam Monitor 4.20 or WebCam Survevor 1.7.0 on your personal computer. Using this program, specify the IP address of the camera you are interested in. What follows is a fairly simple setup procedure. You will only need to answer the questions that the program will ask.

The function of viewing a webcam via the Internet will help you always be aware of events both at home and at work. Remote online viewing will allow you not to worry about the baby, check the child’s perseverance while completing school assignments, and monitor the work activities of employees. Using a remote access program, you can always check whether your household is safe, their well-being, and the nuances of how your family spends time during rest or work. Of course, your employees should be notified about the possibility of monitoring.

Setting up a function in the remote access program

To be able to view webcams over the Internet, you need to connect the program to your account in the settings. Click the "Settings" button in the main program window, then select "View via Internet" and enter your NeoSpy account login and password. Connecting the program to an Internet account is similar to that described in the article “Viewing the screen via the Internet”. No additional configuration required.

Viewing pictures via the Internet

To view the camera remotely via the Internet, go to and log in to your account.

After this, you should open the “Your computers” menu and click on the selected computer. In the "Image sources" field, select your webcam or the "default webcam" item. After that, click the "Connect" button.

Do not forget that when using a webcam as a source of images for a remote access program, it will become unavailable for other user programs (for example, Skype) for the duration of shooting.

If your computer is already turned off or you want to view your photo history for the day, click

“View history”, then after selecting the required date and time for generating the report, click on the “View actions” link.

As a result, a report viewing window will open, in which you can go to the “Webcams” ​​tab and view images for the desired period.

Enabling local saving of photos

Sometimes you need to save pictures to your local computer instead of viewing them over the Internet.

Let's take a closer look at how you can enable saving pictures from webcams to your local computer, in addition to Internet viewing.

The first method is if you have access to a PC

The standard method of activating a webcam setup through the NeoSpy program is described in detail in the article “Tracking via a webcam”.

The second way to set up is through an online account

To set up viewing webcams via the Internet, you need to log into your Internet account on the official website and go to the “Your computers” page

Then, click on the desired computer in order to see full information

To configure the function, click on the “Manage program settings” link. After this, the settings page will open (Fig. 3) on which you will be prompted to obtain program settings. Please note that in order for all changes to take effect and you to be able to open the program, you must have administrator rights.

After clicking on the “Get program settings” button, you should wait (from 10 to 30 seconds). During this time, the remote access program will download the settings. In this case, you should take into account 2 mandatory nuances: first, on the “Your Computers” web page, the required computer must have the data collection function activated (by default, the function is enabled), second, the NeoSpy spyware program must be launched in hidden mode. As a result, the settings will be loaded as text commands

In our case, the required line of code responsible for the function of viewing webcams via the Internet: “...WebCam=1;...”. The line is located in the (Tracking Settings) section. In this case, the program saves pictures from the webcam, but if the value is “...WebCam=0;...”, the pictures are not saved. The designation and functionality of the remaining lines can be studied by clicking on the link and reading the article “Remote installation of a spy”. After any changes, be sure to save them by clicking on the “Apply Settings” button located at the bottom of the website. s.

If the installed program is not Russified, download the Russifier, or use a translator to correctly configure the software. After this, you will be able to use the remote webcam, if this use is legal and the administrator of the computer to which this camera is connected will grant you the appropriate rights.

Click on the “Add camera or DVR” button, select the appropriate type of camera to connect, read the instructions in the next step and click “Continue”. Now you need to download and install the program on the computer to which the camera is connected; to do this, select your operating system. The standard installation will begin, simply select your language and follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

The setup wizard will start automatically. Click “Next”, then enter your e-mail that you specified during registration and select the camera location from the list. This formality is created for your convenience (if the list of cameras is large, these groups will be easier to navigate). Make sure your camera is connected and working properly, click “Next”. If active cameras are detected, you will see a list of them, otherwise try to “reconnect” the working camera again and click “Repeat search”, if everything went well - “Next”. If you want the video to be saved in the archive, check the “Include in archive recording” checkbox; if you are only interested in online broadcasting of images from cameras, uncheck it. To prevent the program from starting automatically when you turn on the computer, uncheck “Start Ivideon Server when the OS starts,” and then click “Finish.”

To make it more convenient for you to watch videos from your tablet, phone, laptop or other computer, you can download the application. To do this, either add to your wishlist and install the Ivideon application, as shown in the screenshot, or exit the gadget to “google play” and find it through the search bar.

The second way to monitor the situation is using Skype. Create a new account in the program, add this contact to your list on Skype. On the computer to which the camera is connected, log into Skype under this account, in the video settings, in the “Automatically receive video and share the screen for” field, select “only people from my contact list.” Power supply for IP video cameras can be organized as follows: using separately installed power supplies, and using video cameras that support the PoE standard.

Network equipment that supplies power to video cameras using the PoE standard is divided into classes based on the amount of power supplied (Table 3).

To increase the length of the interval from the IP video camera to the switch, PoE injectors are used.

PoE injectors are designed to power IP video cameras via a standard UTP Cat.5e or 6 cable at speeds of no more than 10/100 Mbit/s. Gigabit networks do not have the ability to use PoE power mode.


Network equipment - devices that make up a network that combines information flows from IP video cameras.

There are two types of network equipment:

■ Active network equipment - equipment that is capable of processing or converting information transmitted over the network. Such equipment includes network cards, switches, routers.

■ Passive network equipment - equipment used to transmit signals at the physical level. These are network cables, connectors, repeaters and signal amplifiers. The main elements of active equipment used to build a network are switches and routers.


One of the important characteristics of a switch is the number of ports. This determines how many network devices can be connected to it.

To determine what maximum speed a single switch port can provide, you need to find the “switch fabric bandwidth” parameter, say 32 Gbps, and divide it by the number of ports (16) multiplied by 2. For example: 32 / (2 x 16 ) = 1 Gbit/s.

Now in the menu on the left, activate the “Calls” item, click on the “Open additional settings” button located in the window on the right. In the “Receive calls” field, select “only from my contacts” and check the remaining boxes so that the video broadcast will automatically start as soon as you call your additional account. Advanced users also suggest the following option: install a terminal server on the computer with the camera (to peep unnoticed, i.e. if someone is working on the computer, so as not to be “thrown out”), connect the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and use any program that works with the camera. .

The simplest option for using “IP Webcam” from a computer is as follows: launch the browser and enter the IP address and port of the device in the address field. For example, on my home Wi-Fi network, the link looked like this: “”, where is the phone’s IP address, displayed on the display of the mobile device after starting the broadcast.

There are several possible ways to watch the broadcast. The simplest is to use a computer browser. While testing the application on my computer, it turned out that allowing the JAVA plugin to run was sufficient. Moreover, in the future you can allow the launch of this plugin without additional requests. If the plugin is missing, you can download it from the hyperlink displayed on the “Smartphone Camera Service” page. It also contains the settings necessary for watching video and listening to audio in any third-party application. The resulting network topology is presented in Figure 8. We see that with an estimated load created by video cameras on one port of 8.14 Mbit/s, the actual scheme allowed us to get exactly the same flow on one port - 8.14 Mbit/s.

In the considered example, ports for connecting servers, NAS drives and workstations of video surveillance post employees were not taken into account.


The physical topology of the network is strictly connected with the installation locations of video cameras and the routes for laying cable communications to the server room or monitor security post. In this regard, the physical topology of the network begins to be designed using a floor plan or a site plan, where the installation locations of video cameras are indicated.

The main problems that arise in the process of developing a physical topology are the following:

■ The length from the camera to the switch exceeds the permissible distances of 80-100 meters.

■ PoE is limited over long distances or the network does not support PoE.

If the length from the camera to the switch is more than 80-100 meters, first of all, you need to try to group the cameras according to the principle of the minimum distance to the active equipment locations or move the active equipment to another place, closer to the video cameras.

If it is impossible to solve the problem in this way, you need to use special devices that allow you to increase the distance from the camera to the active equipment. Depending on the distance over which you want to increase the signal transmission, you can use fiber optic cable inserts and RF shielded cable inserts.

One of the viewing options is to use a video player that supports video streaming, for example, the free VLC player recommended by the authors. Moreover, everything is quite automated - when you click on the “view in external player” hyperlink, an m3u file will be downloaded to your computer, which can simply be opened with the player.

To connect an IP camera to Skype or other applications that work with web cameras, you will need to install the appropriate drivers on your computer. This operation is described in sufficient detail on the “Connect to a Windows computer for use with video chats” page (the link to it is on the “Smartphone Camera Service” start page). I would like to note that everything actually works quite correctly, but for compatibility with Skype 5.x I had to install the “IP Camera Adapter”. Also, using the appropriate links in the web interface, you can take a full-size photo and upload the current video frame as a picture. An interesting feature of “tinyCam Monitor” is viewing pictures from random public cameras. And it is convenient enough to evaluate the capabilities of the application. To configure the web cameras used, click the “Settings” button. Cameras" in the main program dialog box and select the desired camera. To change camera settings, press the button with a pencil icon located next to its name. Using “tinyCam Monitor” you can view both cameras with open access and those that require authorization using a login and password.

In the settings for recording images from the camera (available in the paid version) to a memory card, ftp or cloud services, you can set the frame rate and limit the maximum amount of space occupied (for an SD card). Another useful feature of the pro version is the ability to scan cameras available on the network. Recommendations for setting up “tinyCam Monitor” for using a software web camera created using “IP Webcam” are given on the start page of the web interface of the software camera. Consider an example of building an information network topology for 49 IP video cameras with a frame size of 1920x1080:

■ Set the frame rate and codecs used for each camera. Frame rate - 24 fps. Codec - H.264. We will assume that the selected parameters are the same for all cameras.

■ From Table 1 we find that for the given parameters the flow rate from one camera is 6.51 Mbit/s.

■ The total stream from 49 video cameras is 49 x 6.51 = 318.99 Mbit/s. Taking into account a 25% margin for unforeseen changes in traffic intensity in front of the video cameras, the total flow is 318.99 x 1.25 = 398.74 Mbit/s.

■ The switch port to which the video camera is connected must provide a flow rate of at least 398.74 Mbit/s / 49 = 8.14 Mbit/s.

■ We build the network on twisted pair cable UTP Cat.6 with a maximum speed of 1000 Mbit/s. Taking into account 80% of the network load from the maximum value, the permissible flow is 1000 Mbit/s 0.8 = 800 Mbit/s. The total stream from all cameras (398.74 Mbps) does not exceed the maximum speed in the UTP Cat.6 cable (800 Mbps). Consequently, the video surveillance system will operate on one physical network without creating additional subnets.

What is important is that the Ivideon service is free for personal use, and the minimum configuration required to work with it is a computer with Internet access, the Ivideon Server application installed and a web camera connected to it. Moreover, the service developers offer branded IP cameras, where Ivideon support is integrated into the software. The free version of the service is limited to 1 video server “Ivideon Server” with two connected cameras or 1 IP camera. A static external IP address is not required to use the service.

Registration with Ivideon is quite simple - just enter your email address and enter the desired password to access your personal account. After registration, the required instance of “Ivideon Server” (or an IP camera that supports the service) is “linked” to your personal account. At this point, the setup is complete and you can proceed to viewing the recording, and even the archive is recorded on the Ivideon servers.

The scope of mobile Internet use is becoming wider. At the dawn of the era of mobile Internet access, its capabilities were limited to working with email and wap sites, and the ability to view regular HTML sites from a mobile device seemed like a real breakthrough. Over the past time, the Internet on mobile devices has become faster and more accessible, so now you won’t surprise anyone with Internet radio or an online cinema with a huge catalog of legal videos.

The popularization of the use of mobile devices to work with IP cameras or in their role is not at all surprising - with a fast Internet channel (we are still talking, most often, about Wi-Fi), organizing a video broadcast from a mobile device is quite simple. However, as well as making a smartphone or tablet part of a video surveillance system that allows you to view what is happening in your home, country house or office from anywhere in the world. And it's really convenient. And as 4G networks develop, the popularity of this use of smartphones will only grow.

It all started in one of the computer laboratories in Cambridge back in the early 90s of the last century, when the Global Wide Web was just beginning its victorious march across the planet. A group of scientists, about 15-20 people, worked on a project in the field of network technologies. The working conditions were spartan - there was only one coffee maker for the entire team, which could not meet the needs of the entire team. The main work was carried out in the laboratory; the staff lived in the same building, but in a different part of it. To spur their thinking process with a cup of invigorating drink, participants in the scientific project were forced to frequently visit the corridor located on the floor above, where the coffee maker was located. Often such trips failed, since some colleagues had already managed to empty the coveted container. The situation required a non-standard solution, and it was found.

One of the computers in the laboratory had a frame grabber. A camera was connected to it, which was aimed at the object of observation. The same computer played the role of an IP server using specially written software. Those who wanted to know whether there was coffee had to run client software on their computer that connected to the server. As a result, a black and white image was displayed on the remote computer in a small window, updated three times a minute. A note about this interesting complex was published in Comm-Week magazine on January 27, 1992. Not much time has passed since the first prototypes of IP cameras appeared, but they have already turned into a fully formed, separate class of devices that make everyday life easier, more convenient and more fun.

How does an IP camera work?

It consists primarily of a sensor.
Very often, instead of standard CCD matrices, cheaper CMOS sensors are used for video surveillance. Although they have lower sensitivity and not very good color rendition, their use can greatly reduce the cost of the device, since these sensors are “all in one chip” with digital data output.
Next: the network camera includes a microprocessor for video compression and motion detection (or simply a compressor chip). The most popular is JPEG, as it is the simplest and cheapest; MPEG4 is also used quite often, MPEG2 is the rarest and most expensive. With the expiration of the arithmetic encoding patent, WaveLet gains popularity. Finally, the network camera includes a 10/100 Mbps network controller.

Design and principle of operation of the IP camera:

A modern IP camera is a digital device that captures video, digitizes, compresses and transmits video images over a computer network. Therefore, the IP camera includes the following components:
- CCD matrix
- lens
- optical filter
- video capture card
- video compression unit
- central processor and built-in IP server
- flash memory
- network interface
- serial ports
- alarm inputs/outputs
As a photodetector, most IP cameras use a CCD matrix (CCD - charge-coupled device) - a rectangular light-sensitive semiconductor plate with an aspect ratio of 3: 4, which converts the light incident on it into an electrical signal. The CCD matrix consists of a large number of photosensitive cells. In order to increase the light sensitivity of a CCD matrix, a structure is often formed that creates a microlens in front of each of the cells. The technical parameters of an IP camera usually indicate the format of the CCD matrix (diagonal length of the matrix in inches), the number of effective pixels, scanning type (interlaced or interlaced) and sensitivity. A typical IP camera contains a lens, an optical filter, a CCD sensor, digital image processing circuitry, image compression circuitry, and an IP server for connecting to the network. Each network video camera has its own IP address, computing functions, and built-in software, allowing it to function as an IP server, FTP server, FTP client and e-mail client. Most modern network cameras also include many other attractive features such as motion detection, alarm input/output and e-mail support.

Advantages of a network (IP) camera over a PC-based camera

With a built-in IP server, the network camera does not need a direct connection to a computer or any other hardware or software to transmit the captured image over the network. T

Network camera

PC based camera


By placing the camera anywhere, you can connect it to the network using a modem, cell phone, or wireless adapter.

The attached PC camera must be within 3 meters of the computer.


All video is quickly transmitted over the network without any delays or additional equipment.

In addition to the camera, you always need a computer and software.


You set only the IP address and the camera is ready to work

Installing drivers and software on a PC is complicated.

Easy to use

You can manage and view images using a standard IP browser on any PC.

You will need certain software and you will not have the ability to administer remotely.


The camera works without any additional components, giving greater stability.

In addition to the camera, its stability also depends on the stability of the computer and software.


High quality when using MJPEG.

The components used are not of high quality, hence the low resolution.


The cost of a network camera is just the cost of a network camera.

Cost of solution = Total cost of camera + computer + software.

How to connect an IP camera over a local network.

You will need the following components: a computer, a switch, a network camera and an Ethernet local network. There are also wireless options

Example of organizing video surveillance in an Office behind the front door

Step 1: Identify your needs

Do you only want to use the camera indoors? Or for outdoor use?

Do you want a fixed-angle camera or a variable-angle camera that allows you to pan, tilt or zoom remotely?

Will you need additional options, such as motion detection, alarm notification, camera power via Ethernet, audio?

Do you want to simply observe or also record what is happening?

Do you need to protect your camera from external influences?

Determine how many cameras you will need for your needs.

Step 2: System Requirements

If your building does not yet have a local network installed, which allows you to simply connect the network camera to the network output, then you will need the following equipment:

A switch that will serve as the central connection point between your network camera and your local computer

At least two Ethernet cables: one to connect your network camera to the switch and another to connect the local switch to your computer.

Step 3: Installation.

Connect all devices to each other via a switcher

Step 4: Assign an IP address to the network camera.

You must assign an IP address to your network camera so that you can access it through an IP browser on your local computer. You can choose between automatic and static IP address. A static IP address is recommended because you won't have to look up the camera's IP address every time.

To set the IP address of the network camera. You can use the software that is on the CD that comes with the product, or can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website or using the IP address protocol or ping utility. In any case, you will find all the information in the installation manual for the network camera.

Step 5: Finish the network camera installation.

Once the IP address has been assigned, you can open the IP browser on your local computer and enter the IP address of the network camera in the address field. For new visitors using the Internet Explorer IP browser, the browser will ask if you want to download the camera software. This program is required in order to watch live video from a video server or video camera. It also provides control of MPEG-2, MPEG-4 formats, audio streams, motion detection and pan/tilt/zoom in the browser window. (Other IP browsers may have native video streaming support and do not require additional components to be installed.)

Click the "Yes" button to install the program

How to access an IP camera over the Internet

Example: After you have already received an image from an IP camera on your computer, you decide that it would be nice to be able to access the camera wherever there is Internet. For example, as a store owner, you want to control the activities in the store from your home, instead of having to be present every minute at the workplace

Step 1: System Requirements

Scenario A)

If your building (where the camera should be located) is already connected via Ethernet to an ISP (Internet Service Provider), simply set up an account, plug the network camera into the switch via the network output, and you should have a dynamically assigned public IP for the network camera -address. Follow the installation commands for the network camera. Special software or utility for the IP camera will be useful in identifying the IP address.

Since the assigned IP address may be changed by your ISP (due to the limited supply of IP addresses shared among its clients), see Step 4 below for how you can assign cameras to a specific IP address.

Scenario B)

If your building is not equipped with Ethernet access, then in most cases you may need the following devices:

Broadband modem for connecting asymmetrical digital subscriber line (usually supplied by your Internet service provider) or cable television

Broadband Router, which may also be called an Internet Gateway, (A Broadband Router allows local network users to share a single Internet connection. It also serves as an interface between the Internet, the ISP and the Local Network.)

A switch that allows different devices on the network to communicate directly with each other and allows devices on the local network to have separate IP addresses),

NOTE: Most broadband routers have a built-in SWITCHER function, so no separate hardware is required

Network camera

Local computer

Computer for remote monitoring

Step 2: Assign an IP address to your camera p.

Since a broadband router typically assigns automatic, local IP addresses to devices on the local network, such IP addresses are subject to change. A static (permanent) IP address is recommended for the network camera. To assign a static IP address, find out the router's IP address range, which, for example, could be from to If you choose to use an out-of-range IP address, such as, as a static IP address for the camera, it is likely that you will not risk your device conflicting with other devices that receive automatic addresses.

Setting the IP address for your camera can be done in three different ways, as indicated in the camera manual. Once the IP address is assigned, set the subnet, and gateway (this information can be obtained from the router), and configure the camera settings: password, registered users to ensure access restrictions to the camera.

Step 3: Port Forwarding

The broadband router, as mentioned earlier, provides the interface between the Internet, the ISP and the Local Network. The router obtains an external IP address from the Internet service provider and supplies internal (local) IP addresses to devices on the local network.

To access a network camera that resides on a local network, you must identify the external IP address of your router (see your router's manual), and configure your router so that the external IP address is directed to the static, local IP address of the network camera . This process is called opening a port; that is, when you type the router's external IP address from any network computer, the Internet locates your router, in turn forwarding your request to the local IP address that is assigned to the network camera.

Launch an IP browser and log into the router's built-in IP pages via Login to Router Configuration Pages.

Find the menu item "port forwarding" (or similar), with a table approximately as shown below:

Service name

Start port

End port

Server IP address

Not configured

HTTP (Network)

Since the camera sends its video over HTTP, you must configure the HTTP service like this:

Service name

Start port

End port

Server IP address

Not configured

HTTP (Network)

Unofficial port

Save the configuration to the router and exit the configuration pages. The configuration is complete. Any requests reaching the router's external IP address on port 80 will now be sent to the camera's IP address:

If you want to make more than one network camera accessible via the Internet, then you must use additional (unofficial) router ports, such as 80xx, and associate them with the network address of the IP camera.

Step 4: What can you do if your ISP frequently changes Dfi external IP address

Create an account in the DNS service that serves and registers domain names (for example, etc.) and bind it to an external IP address. A domain name, such as, is clear to the user, easy to remember, and you can assign each domain its own network device, i.e. its IP address. Whenever the router's IP address changes, it will be automatically registered by the DNS service to update your IP address so that you can access your network camera using the same address.

Most broadband routers have native DNS support, such as

Another alternative: You can buy or rent a static external IP address from your Internet service provider.

How to build a security system using IP cameras.

An effective way to expand security systems in a building, factory, hospital or university campus is to use existing infrastructure:

During the day, guards watch a monitor in the control room

At night and on weekends, monitoring can be performed remotely at a central monitoring station serving several companies

Built-in motion detector can trigger an alarm and start recording the alarm event

In the event of an alarm, the security manager can view the images on the computer closest to him or remotely via an Internet connection.

The images may be stored on a computer at the enterprise or on the server of the Internet service provider (ISP). Storing images in remote locations eliminates the risk of an attacker destroying evidence of crimes.

The cameras can also send images automatically to the host computer, or the host computer itself can retrieve images from the cameras. If your host computer is running Windows, you can use special software designed for network cameras. The program can display a picture in real time or work with archives. When the storage period for video images reaches, for example, two weeks, the program automatically erases them.

tinyCam Monitor

In addition to turning your smartphone into an IP camera, it can also be used to view images from existing cameras. In particular, the developers of the “IP Webcam” discussed above suggest using the “tinyCam Monitor” program, which exists in free and paid (about 125 rubles) versions. The functionality of this application includes:
Support for M-JPEG IP cameras/video servers and webcams from all well-known manufacturers, incl. Axis, FOSCAM, D-Link, Edimax, Panasonic, Pixord, TRENDnet, Mobotix, Vivotek, Beward. The full list is available on the official website;
Supports viewing up to 4 cameras simultaneously (16 maximum);
3 types of multi-screens;
Sequential mode;
The function of exchanging settings by email and importing/exporting them to a memory card or Dropbox;
Pan/Tilt/Zoom camera control;
Digital image enlargement;
Saving pictures to SD card.

Available in the paid pro version:
Additional multi-screens;
Loop video recording to SD/FTP/Dropbox;

Unlimited number of devices;
Sound (for devices from some manufacturers);
Search for cameras on the local network;
SSL support (https protocol);
Motion detection support (for some manufacturers);
Technical support for developers.

You can’t even imagine how easy it is to find yourself in the image of Big Brother and watch through the camera the actions of any person. Of course, if there is a “webka” next to him. To do this, you need to know the IP address of the “enemy” laptop and have access to special programs.

How to connect to someone else's webcam: methods

  1. Download onto your computer one of the programs designed specifically for these purposes: espionage using the web. For example, Remote Administration Tool or Remcam. Both are freely available on the Internet. In some cases, you will be asked to enter your mobile phone number to download them.
  2. Watch videos on how to connect to someone else's camera recorded on YouTube. Hackers will do this before your eyes with precise descriptions and instructions in a maximum of 5 minutes. Usually, to be able to connect, they suggest: asking Google with the subject: inurl:MultiCameraFrame?Mode=, in the list that opens, select the required URL and camera...motor...recording! In our case - surveillance.

For those who do not have enough specific information, they can additionally look for advice from professionals (large-scale hackers) on specialized forums. For example, on the pages of the Internet magazine “Hacker”.

However, before you start spying, remember: intruding into a person’s personal space using a webcam is a criminal offense. For example, in America, a real judicial scandal broke out when it turned out that the students of one of the schools were being spied on by the system administrators of the educational institution through web cameras installed on the children’s laptops.

If our Android device is far away and we do not have the opportunity to pick it up, but we really need to, then there are no special problems if we first install one of the applications for remote access on it.

AirDroid- one of the best and most universal applications for remote access to a smartphone or tablet running Android via the Internet (

  • A full-fledged web application that works through a browser, so it doesn’t matter from which computer you connect to your gadget - Windows, OS X, Chrome or Linux.
  • By setting up an AirDroid account, you can access your device both through your home network via a direct IP address, and via the Internet by going to from your account.
  • AirDroid gives direct access to all contacts stored on the remote device, SMS message history, screenshots, files and everything else. You can view all installed applications and delete any of them, turn on the camera, take photos and control the flash, open the browser and view the contents of the clipboard, get data on memory, battery and network usage, and much more.
  • As a security feature, the front camera is included; In addition, if the unlock password is entered incorrectly on the device itself, it will take a photo of the attacker.

Android Lost- similar in functionality, but much simpler in interface and setup, an application for remote control of a device running Android, free ( and ( haven't updated for a long time))

  • The application is advertised solely as a means of finding a lost device: you can turn on a ringer, vibrate alert, or choose some other method of locating a smartphone; set an SMS alert to another number in case the SIM card in the lost device is replaced. Finally, use the GPS receiver on your phone so that it sends you its coordinates.
  • You can also set up automatic activity logging, which will record calls made and received, SMS messages, status data, maps, and even photos taken. This log will be automatically sent to your email address.
  • It is also possible to send a text message to the device, which will be read out loud, set up call forwarding, and record from the microphone and built-in cameras. Of course, Android Lost allows you to access any files stored on a remote device.
  • To use Android Lost, you need to register on the official website, through which all settings and control of your smartphone or tablet are carried out.

Agastya- access the device via SMS (and not the Web interface opened in the browser) (

  • Agastya works with all devices running Android version 2.2 and above. After installation, you need to enter your email address and select a four-digit PIN code for remote data access.
  • There are many ways to use Agastya. For example, you went to work in the morning and forgot your phone at home. In order not to disturb your family or neighbors and not waste the battery, you can send an SMS message to it that turns off the ringer and vibration motor. Of course, if necessary, you can turn on a disabled call by sending a different code.
  • Another situation: you urgently need a number from the device’s address book, which is not at hand. It is enough to borrow a phone from someone and send an SMS with the appropriate command to your handset - in response you will receive a message with the desired number. Agastya can also send text messages about the last five calls received and five SMS messages.

FTPServer- get remote access to a device running Android using the FTP protocol. There are many FTP servers for Android, but almost all of them are designed exclusively for accessing files and folders in the memory of a smartphone or tablet. The FTPServer program does a little more (

  • After installing FTPServer, you need to select an ID, password and a special port (above 1023) to access your smartphone via FTP. When the application is running on your phone, you can connect to the device via FTP via a local network or via 3G, or configure port forwarding in your router, and the device will be accessible outside the local network.
  • Having established an FTP connection, you can, as usual, write and read files, or by entering the “SITE SHUTDOWN” command, turn off the phone remotely: usually “android” FTP servers do not have this option.

IP Webcam- allows you to turn the camera built into a smartphone or tablet into an IP camera capable of broadcasting images via the Internet (

  • After starting IP Webcam, you can configure background operation by disabling the processor to go into sleep mode when the screen backlight is turned off. If you select the “Stream on device boot” mode, that is, “Enable streaming when the device boots,” we get a full-fledged automatic IP video camera.
  • To see the picture, you need to enter the camera's IP address. IP Webcam's web interface gives you several options to choose from, including viewing the stream in a media player, browser, another Android device, Skype, recording the stream, and saving full-size photos with or without autofocus.
  • --- text in English ---
  • You can also additionally install a remote monitoring application on your PC - for example, the now free Webcam Watcher program (, which works without problems on the slowest computers.
  • There are a lot of uses for this and other similar apps: you can install a surveillance camera to keep an eye on your child's nanny, monitor the situation around your home, or what your teenage children are doing in your absence (however, in the latter case, most likely, nothing will work: teenagers will definitely quickly find your camera).

More about this, and even with pictures and comments: computerra.r u ( everything?) //

You can also use Google, somewhere in the services there is a control option, but in case of loss or theft only...

Outputting images from smartphone to smartphone( - The need to display an image from one smartphone to another can arise in different situations: multiplayer games using split screen, remote assistance in setting up a program or device, broadcasting an image from a smartphone to a large screen, etc.

  • TeamViewer- .. The disadvantages of TeamViewer include the lack of management support. You can only see what is happening on the display and use the cursor to point the user to the desired item. This option is not suitable for games, but helping to sort out some problem is easy.
  • RemoDroid- another program for broadcasting images. It differs from the previous one in that it also allows you to organize management. The image on the display is active, when you press buttons and menu items, they are activated. It’s perfect for games, and it’s also suitable for control.
  • To use RemoDroid, you need to install it on both smartphones. Then, on the device that will transmit the image, press the “stream” key. At the same time, Root access may be required, and this is an important drawback, since it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain it every year. On the receiving gadget, press the “connect” button and wait until the device you want to connect to is displayed.
  • The second disadvantage of RemoDroid (besides root access) is the direct interaction of devices, without the intervention of a third-party server. It allows you to do without registering and connecting accounts, but it works 100% only if both devices are on the same local network (connected to the same router). Otherwise, you need to have a static IP on the network to which the smartphone broadcasting the image is connected, and configure port forwarding on the routing.
  • If the device that will transmit the image is connected via 3G or 4G, then you need to find out the temporary IP assigned by the operator (for example, using a service like 2IP). The connection to receive an image, in this case, must be done manually by entering the IP address of the host device.
  • Inkwire Screen Share + Assist- similar in functionality to TeamViewer, but differs from it in its simplicity and the ability to create voice chat. To transfer an image from one smartphone to another, you do not need to register or create accounts. Just install it on both devices and run it.
  • On the smartphone transmitting the image you need to select “Share”, on the receiving smartphone - “Access”. To gain access, you must enter the 12-digit code displayed on the host device. After this, you can view the image from the display and communicate by voice. It's not the most convenient option for gaming, but it's good for remote assistance. You can tell another person what to do in order to help figure out the settings or suggest something else.
  • MirrorOp- a program that has similar functionality to the previous ones and allows you to display images on a smartphone. The program is shareware, but without activation the session time is limited to 5 minutes. To use it, you don’t need to register, but if the smartphones are on different networks, you’ll have to do a little magic with access by IP address, as is the case with RemoDroid. If both devices are connected to the same network, then creating a connection is done in a couple of clicks.
  • You need to install the “MirrorOp Sender” program on the sending device, and “MirrorOp Receiver” on the receiving device. After launching the applications, the receiving device will see a list of devices transmitting images; you should connect to the one you need. Like RemoDroid, root access may be required to support remote control.