How to use the autoruns program. Managing automatic downloads using Autoruns


Insert the disc into the drive and wait for the information to load on it. When the program autorun window appears, select the desired action. If this window does not appear when you start the disk, it means it was blocked for various reasons. In this case, launch it manually.

Open “My Computer” and select the drive with the disk you need and double-click on it with the left mouse button. If no changes have occurred this time, right-click on it and select “Open” from the context menu. A disk browsing window will appear - find autorun.exe among the files and folders and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

If you need to install any program that is on your hard or removable disk, open the directory and find autorun.exe in it and run it, after which you will see the main installation menu. Please note that in some cases, autorun may not start due to the use of a limited account on the computer.

If you log into the operating system under an account with limited rights, right-click on the autorun and select the “Open as administrator” context menu item. You will see a window where you will need to enter a password, if one was set when initial setup parameters operating system.

Log into the operating system under an administrator account, open the directory containing AutoRun, and run it. Sometimes problems when opening an autorun may be due to the fact that the media or drive does not cope well with reading discs. Try copying it from the disk to your computer along with the rest of the content, or downloading another distribution of the program or game.

Helpful advice

Disable autostart on your computer, this will help avoid viruses from removable media.

If you need to create a startup file for a disk or for any other purposes, it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialized programs. The simplest autorun file can be made in text editor without the use of additional knowledge. Autorun file (Autorun.inf) – used by Windows to automatically launch any application.

You will need

  • Any text editor.


After you have downloaded the required Windows version, format your flash. After that, download the UNetbootin program. It will help you burn Windows. After downloading, install the program. Launch it. Find the "Disk Image" line and select the ISO value. Opposite “Image” there is a file browsing button. Click this button and enter the path to Windows image.

Find the “Type” line in the program window and specify the value “ USB device" Opposite the “Media” line, select the flash drive on which Windows will be installed, and then click OK. The process of writing the operating system to the flash drive you specified will begin. Finishing Windows process will be set to .

Now enter the BIOS and enable the ability to boot from USB drive. Also select a flash drive as the first source for starting the system. Save to BIOS settings and log out. The computer will restart and the operating system startup process will begin.


Please take into account the fact that an operating system launched from a flash drive will run slower than from hard drive. Moreover, the functionality of the operating system is also reduced. This Windows has basic programs and functions, nothing more.

A flash drive is a very convenient storage medium. Unlike disks, it is much better protected from mechanical damage. It is much faster and more convenient to record information on a flash drive. In addition, it is much more functional. With its help, you can not only transfer information, but also open programs installed on the flash drive. This is very convenient because you always have it with you required program, which can be opened on someone else's computer.

You will need

  • Computer, flash drive, Alcohol 120% program, UNetbootin application, Internet access.


The procedure for installing programs on flash drives is slightly different than programs on a computer. When installing a program on a flash drive, information is not only written down, but also added to the device registry. Therefore you will need to create a bootable flash drives(Live CD.)

To create an image, download program Alcohol 120% and install it on your computer. After the first launch, it will create virtual drives. After this there will be a program menu. Insert the disc with the program you want to burn onto the flash drive. On the left in the Alcohol 120% window, click on the “Image Creation” line, then on the “Start” line. The application will create ISO image programs. Now this image needs to be written to a flash drive.

Download and install the UNetbootin application. Launch it. Pay attention to the toolbars in the lower window running program. In the "Disk Image" line, select ISO. To the right of the “File image” line, click the button and specify the path to the required file.

Now in the “Type” line, select “USB Device”, and in the “Media” line - the flash drive on which the program will be written, then click OK. Wait until the process of unpacking and installing the program is completed. You can now run the recorded program directly from the flash drive. To do this, you just need to insert a flash drive.


The computer can also be started from a flash drive on which a Linux-based distribution, for example the Ubuntu operating system, is specially stored. Ubuntu boots quickly from a flash card and, if desired, can be installed on your computer at any time.


  • starting a computer from a flash drive

Autorun is a file with which the system automatically launches the contents of the storage medium. By using autorana Any PC user can make sure that after mounting the disk, the system starts the file needed for execution. This is useful when creating a menu for a disc or when recording installation files for Windows.

You will need

  • - autoplay menu studio.



In this case cos this file autorun launches a DOS batch file, which in turn opens the files to be displayed, using the program designed to open such files by default. The DOS batch file code must contain the following value:

echo off
@start%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

If you want to fully control the operation of applications, services and services on your computer or laptop, then you definitely need to configure autorun. Autoruns is one of the best apps, which will allow you to do this without much difficulty. It is this program that our article today will be devoted to. We will tell you about all the intricacies and nuances of using Autoruns.

How well autoload is optimized individual processes your operating system depends on its loading speed and overall performance. In addition, it is in startup that viruses can hide when infecting a computer. If in the standard editor Windows startup While you can manage mostly already installed applications, Autoruns has much wider possibilities. Let's take a closer look at the functionality of the application that may be useful to the average user.


Before we start using Autoruns features directly, let's first configure the application accordingly. To do this we do the following:

  1. Launch Autoruns as administrator. To do this, simply right-click on the application icon and select the line in the context menu "Run as Administrator".
  2. After this you need to click on the line "User" in the upper area of ​​the program. An additional window will open in which you will need to select the type of user for whom autoload will be configured. If you are the only user of a computer or laptop, then simply select one account, which contains the username you selected. Default this parameter is the very last one on the list.
  3. Next, open the section "Options". To do this, simply left-click on the line with the corresponding name. In the menu that appears, you need to activate the options as follows:
  4. Hide Empty Locations— put a tick next to this line. This will hide empty parameters from the list.
    Hide Microsoft Entries— by default, there is a checkmark next to this line. You should remove it. Disabling this option will allow you to display Extra options Microsoft.
    Hide Windows Entries— in this line we highly recommend checking the box. This way you will hide vital parameters, changing which can greatly harm the system.
    Hide VirusTotal Clean Entries— if you check the box next to this line, you will hide from the list those files that VirusTotal considers safe. Please note that this option will only work if the corresponding option is enabled. We will talk about this below.

  5. After the display settings are set correctly, we move on to the scanning settings. To do this, click on the line again "Options", and after that click on the item "Scan Options".
  6. You need to set the local parameters as follows:
  7. Scan only per-user locations— we advise you not to check the box next to this line, since in this case Only those files and programs that relate to a specific system user will be displayed. Other places will not be checked. And since viruses can hide absolutely anywhere, you should not check the box next to this line.
    Verify code signatures- this line is worth noting. In this case, digital signatures will be verified. This will allow you to immediately identify potentially dangerous files.
    Check— we also strongly recommend checking this point. These steps will allow you to immediately display a file scan report on the VirusTotal online service.
    Submit Unknown Images- this subsection relates to the previous paragraph. If data about a file cannot be found in VirusTotal, it will be sent for verification. Please note that scanning items may take slightly longer in this case.

  8. After checking the boxes next to the specified lines, you must click on the button "Rescan" in the same window.
  9. The last option in the tab "Options" is a string "Font".
  10. Here you can optionally change the font, style and size of the displayed information. After completing all the settings, do not forget to save the result. To do this, click the button "OK" in the same window.

These are actually all the settings that you need to set in advance. Now you can go directly to editing autorun.

Editing autorun parameters

To edit autorun items, Autoruns has various tabs. Let's take a closer look at their purpose and the process of changing parameters.

  1. By default you will see open tab "Everything". This tab will display absolutely all elements and programs that start automatically when the system boots.
  2. You can see lines of three colors:
  3. Yellow. This color means that only the path in the registry is specified for a specific file, and the file itself is missing. It is best not to disable such files, as this can lead to various kinds of problems. If you are not sure of the purpose of such files, then highlight the line with its name, and then right-click. In the context menu that appears, select "Search Online". Alternatively, you can highlight a line and simply press the key combination "Ctrl+M".

    Pink. This color indicates that the selected element does not have a digital signature. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, but most modern viruses spread without such a signature.

    White. This color is a sign that everything is in order with the file. It has a digital signature, the path to the file itself and to the registry branch is registered. But despite all these facts, such files can still be infected. We will talk about this further.

  4. In addition to the color of the line, you should pay attention to the numbers that are located at the very end. This refers to the VirusTotal report.
  5. Please note that in some cases these values ​​may be red. The first number indicates the number of suspected threats found, and the second number indicates the total number of checks. Such entries do not always mean that the selected file is a virus. Errors and errors in the scanning itself should not be ruled out. By left-clicking on the numbers, you will be taken to a website with the test results. Here you can see what you suspect, as well as a list of antiviruses that were scanned.
  6. Such files should be excluded from startup. To do this, just uncheck the box next to the file name.
  7. It is generally not recommended to permanently delete unnecessary parameters, since returning them to their place will be problematic.
  8. By right-clicking on any file, you will open an additional context menu. In it you should pay attention to the following points:
  9. Jump to Entry. By clicking on this line, you will open a window with the location of the selected file in the startup folder or in the registry. This is useful in situations where the selected file needs to be completely removed from the computer or its name/value needs to be changed.

    Jump to Image. This option opens a window with the folder in which the file was installed by default.

    Search Online. We have already mentioned this option above. It will allow you to find information about the selected element on the Internet. This item is very useful when you are not sure whether to disable the selected file for startup.

  10. Now let's go through the main tabs of Autoruns. We have already mentioned that in the tab "Everything" All startup elements are located. Other tabs allow you to control autorun parameters in various segments. Let's look at the most important of them.
  11. Logon. This tab contains all applications installed by the user. By checking or unchecking the corresponding checkboxes, you can easily enable or disable autoloading of the selected software.

    Explorer. In this thread you can disable unnecessary applications from the context menu. This is the same menu that appears when you right-click on a file. It is in this tab that you can disable annoying and unnecessary elements.

    Internet Explorer. This point most likely needs no introduction. As the name suggests, this tab contains all startup items that relate to the browser.

    Scheduled Tasks. Here you will see a list of all tasks that were scheduled by the system. This includes various update checks, defragmentation hard drives and other processes. You can disable unnecessary scheduled tasks, but do not disable those whose purpose you do not know.

    Services. As the name suggests, this tab contains a list of services that are automatically loaded when the system starts. Which of them to leave and which to disable is up to you, since all users have different configurations and software needs.

    Office. Here you can disable startup items that relate to software. Essentially, you can disable all elements to speed up the boot time of your operating system.

    Sidebar Gadgets. This section includes all additional gadgets Windows panels. In some cases, gadgets may load automatically but do not perform any practical functions. If you installed them, then most likely your list will be empty. But if you need to disable installed gadgets, then you can do this in this tab.

    Print Monitors. This module allows you to enable or disable various elements related to printers and their ports for autoloading. If you don't have a printer, you can disable local settings.

These are actually all the parameters that we would like to tell you about in this article. In fact, there are many more tabs in Autoruns. However, editing them requires more in-depth knowledge, since thoughtless changes in most of them can lead to unpredictable consequences and problems with the OS. Therefore, if you decide to change other parameters, then do it carefully.

If you are the owner of an operating room Windows systems 10, then you may also find our special article useful, which touches on the topic of adding startup items specifically for the specified OS.

If you have any additional questions while using Autoruns, then feel free to ask them in the comments to this article. We will be happy to help you optimize the startup of your computer or laptop.


(not to be confused with autorun - the function of automatically opening programs from a connected disk or flash drive) needed so that after turning on the computer, they start as programs necessary for Windows operation, and third-party programs. For example, an antivirus must be one of the first to launch in order to get ahead of possible threats. The desktop (explorer.exe) is also a program, part of the operating system, and launches almost the very first, even before antiviruses.

There are many ways to automatically launch programs, they can be tracked special programs. About the best one later, but first about which programs are most often registered in Windows startup.

What happens in startup

Antiviruses. This is the most frequent programs, which sit in the startup of most computers. Of course, provided that you care about the security of your computer.

Driver components. For example, driver Intel video cards they prescribe programs with obscure names hkcmd And igfxtray, designed to operate hotkeys and display the settings icon in the tray (near the clock). AMD and nVidia also have similar programs.

Drivers for digital cameras They like to add programs to startup that track the fact that the camera is connected and offer to do something with the photos.

Driver sound cards Realtek gives registration to the program RAVCpl64.exe - this Realtek Manager HD, without which the sound in some cases will not be sent to the connected headphones.

The usefulness of a lot of software that comes with drivers is questionable, but you need to be careful. Fortunately, everything can be turned back on.

Programs for the correct operation of the laptop from the manufacturer. If Windows is installed on a laptop, then the startup will contain the nth number of programs for Wi-Fi control, hotkeys, energy saving and so on. Some things can be given up, some things are necessary.

If after Windows reinstallation On the laptop, half of the functions did not work even after installation necessary drivers- the problem is precisely the missing auxiliary software. Go to the manufacturer's website and download what you need from the page for your laptop model.

Programs for the correct operation of a desktop PC. Owners of PC builds from renowned manufacturers Acer, Dell and others can find software similar to laptop support. Most often these are encryption programs and Reserve copy information, the removal of which will not interfere with the operation of the computer.

Toolbars, adware, viruses. Frequent guests on the computers of even advanced users. Do ads pop up when you launch your browser? Does the computer promise profit from investing money in the next pyramid in a sugary voice? Is your VKontakte password constantly stolen? These are all Trojans and advertising crap.

They stand apart services. Programs we don't see doing important (and not so important) work. Standard Services Windows is better do not disable it, because it is possible for third parties. For example, the popular PowerDVD player installs the PowerDVD RC Service (PDVDServ.exe). It is needed to control video playback from the control panel. But it’s not always there; the service can be disabled.

System programs. Without them, your computer will not work as it should. This includes the Explorer program (explorer.exe), which is also the Desktop, services and drivers that are part of the system. They are easy to distinguish from strangers and should not be disabled.

Why clean startup?

Maybe we should leave everything as it is?

If you are lazy, afraid, or are happy with everything, close the tab and move on with your life. But if you have a rebellious spirit in you that wants your computer to boot faster, so that strange programs stop appearing, cleaning your startup will be the right step. Just be careful and do it with a fresh mind.

By learning how to clean startup, you can make the work of any computer (or laptop) that comes into your hands easier. This requires a little of your time, as well as a program like or Autoruns.

Autoruns program

The free Autoruns program will allow you to find out about all the programs that start after you turn on your computer.

Continuing the series of articles about freely distributed utilities, we bring to your attention an overview of the Autoruns utility, which allows you to control the startup of components, services and applications at system startup. You can download the utility at . The archive size is 139 kilobytes.

The utility does not require installation. Just unpack the archive and run autoruns.exe. An example of the utility's main window is shown in the figure below.

After launching the utility, the main window lists objects that are automatically launched when the system starts. To disable the launch of a specific object, simply uncheck the box next to its name. Disabling does not remove autorun, but only disables it. Later, you can enable autorun by returning the checkbox next to the name of the previously disabled autorun component.

To remove a component from startup, you can use context menu, which is called by clicking right button mouse on the name of the object or select the object and click Ctrl+D.

To view the shortcut to launch an application or the registry key that launches it, you can use the menu item Entry Jump to. Explorer or Registry Editor will open and you will be taken to the location where the application is running.

Autoruns makes it easy to get Additional information about the application or service that is shown in the main program window. To do this, select the application you are interested in and click Ctrl+G or select from the menu Entry Google. Autorun will generate a request and send it to search engine Google, the results of which can be viewed in a browser.

To view file properties, automatic start which is executed when the system boots, just highlight the item of interest in the main Autoruns window and select from the menu Entry Properties. A file properties window will open, similar to the one that opens by right-clicking a file in Explorer and selecting Properties.

If necessary, you can view information about startup libraries, Explorer extensions, services, and libraries that are registered to display events that occur when you log in. To obtain all this information, you need to check one of the boxes Show AppInit DLLs, Show Explorer Addons, Show Services, Show Winlogon Notifications on the menu View. You can manage the autorun of the listed objects in the same way as described above.

Autoruns allows you to view those folders and registry keys that can be used to autostart applications, but in this moment not involved. To display these places you need to select from the menu View Include Empty Locations.

At large quantities entries in the main program window, it may be useful to hide those that have digital signature Microsoft ( View Hide Signed Microsoft Entries). Disabling the display of such entries will allow you to quickly find an autoloading object.

The Autoruns utility can also be run from command line. The file used for this is autorunsc.exe, which is located in the same archive as autoruns.exe. Keys for working with Autoruns from the command line are given in the documentation for the utility.

Autoruns can be very useful when “cleaning” your computer of self-installed modules that can open pages, replace home page in the browser, when treating certain types of viruses and when optimizing the loading speed of the system as a whole. The utility relieves the user of the need to have before his eyes a list of places from which the application can be launched when the system boots and relieves him of the need to manually check all such places.