How to use Skype? Instructions for using Skype. How to use Skype on a computer or laptop How Skype works in Windows 7


This article will discuss how to use Skype. The installation process, main features and some features will be presented. Those who have never used this program are recommended to read this information before proceeding with the download. So, next you will learn how to use Skype.

Key Features

What to expect from Skype programs? Nothing supernatural! This application allows you to make video and audio calls. There is text chat, through which you can send files to your interlocutor. Notable is the ability to create a multi-participant conference, meaning you can communicate with 2 or more people at once. Among additional functions There is a screen demo. So, your interlocutor will be able to observe all the actions taking place on your computer. Communication via Skype can be carried out using mobile phones, tablets, TVs, home phones and other devices. Using Skype you can call regular numbers. You only have to pay for this opportunity. Otherwise, this application is completely free.


The registration process is as easy as possible. All you need is a computer and, of course, an Internet connection. When registering you will be asked to enter your email. You must enter a valid and working address. it will be received important information about the account. Administrators offer you quick registration through social networks. For example, through Facebook. In this case, you will not need to fill out the “First Name”, “Last Name” and other data fields. You will only need to allow access via social network. After registration, you will be able to log into your account through the program client.

First start

The Skype instructions do not contain information about turning on the application for the first time. But I decided to highlight a few here important points. For example, equipment testing. If you have a webcam, you will be asked to allow access to it. You can immediately take a test photo and use it as your avatar. IN notebook you will have a contact like Echo/Sound Test Service. It is necessary to test the performance of the microphone. You call this contact and say any phrase. Then you have the opportunity to listen to what was previously said. This way you will know how your interlocutors will hear you.

No image

Previously, you learned how to use Skype and what its main functions are. Let's look at the most common problem. Namely, the lack of image from the webcam. The first step is to test the device through another program. Or better yet, on another computer. After all, it may simply not work. But more often than not, the driver for the webcam is simply not installed on your computer. In this case, you need to find the necessary software. Drivers may be installed automatically the first time you connect your webcam to your computer. In such a situation, try restarting your PC.


Skype is truly one of the most useful programs that exist on the market. this moment. Each user should experience all the functionality of this application on their own. I hope you will now be aware of how to use Skype.

Modern technological progress allows any owner to make maximum use of all the advantages of the popular Skype service. Its main advantages are in this case is the cost, since free video calls are comfortable and convenient, and all users are given a unique opportunity to make calls to landline phones.

Getting started with Skype

To start working on Skype, you need to use a special Android service Market download the program.

If you already have a personal account, then it will be enough to simply enter your personal data: login and password, but if you don’t have one, you need to register.

After completing the process and successfully logging into your account, Skype usually offers to synchronize the program with all contacts in the gadget’s phone book. You can communicate with these people through the Contacts section.

Important: This will be very convenient for those Android owners who use Skype as their main method of communication.

Add contacts to your Skype list

All experienced Android Skype users know exactly how to add a contact to their list. To do this you need:

Important: to simplify the search process, you must enter all the data that you know about the person: first name, last name, login, country and city of residence, etc.

  • After you have found the person you need, you need to send him a corresponding request.
  • The subscriber will confirm your application and his details will immediately appear in your contacts list.

To make a call on Skype using Android, just select the desired user from your contact list and confirm the appropriate command Call to Skype.

How to delete history on Skype

After a long conversation, many Skype Android users are unable to delete their history. Although, many professional programmers recommend several very effective methods. The simplest of them is: go to the list of recent conversations - find the required contact - click on it until the menu appears - click on the Remove from recent button - confirm all actions.

Important: This way, the communication history with only one person will be deleted, so to get rid of the entire history, you need to take more drastic measures.

Method No. 1

If there is no longer an urgent need for communication, there is effective method How to disable Skype on Android. To do this, you need to go to the personal profile menu by clicking on the picture of your avatar, which is located in the right top corner Skype program windows.

Then you need to go to the service menu of your phone or select a special button on the control panel, which is located at the bottom of the screen. Then a special menu will appear in which you need to select Exit. After completing all necessary actions skype program will be guaranteed to be disabled.

Thus, every user operating system Android can easily install, configure, and, if necessary, quickly remove useful program Skype.

Today for a computer under Windows control 10 3 versions of Skype are available:

After installing and registering your profile, it's time to learn how to use Skype on your computer. Step-by-step instruction described below will help you navigate.

Login and first acquaintance

Launch the program. To login use your registered profile:

Wait a while for your first login.

Before making calls, let's check if everything is ok with the sound and microphone:

If you have a webcam, you can also check its operation in test mode:

  • in the same “Settings” window, open the “Video Settings” tab;
  • if everything is set up correctly you should see yourself (or whatever the video is capturing).

Advice! If the camera is connected but does not work, the article will help correct the error: “What to do if the camera does not work on a Windows 10 laptop.”

After completing the audio and video verification stage, it’s time to replenish your contacts to make a call.

Adding a contact and calling

The interlocutor can add you or you to the interlocutor’s list of contacts. To do this, you will need to enter your Skype login into the search. Your interlocutor will tell you this. If your friend does not remember his login, you can see it:

Of course, you can search by other data, for example by first and last name. But this will make the task much more difficult, since there are a lot of “Ivanov Ivanovs” on Skype. To add a user to your contacts:

  • enter his login into the search and press Enter;
  • select a profile, click “Add to contact list”;
  • after your interlocutor confirms the addition (the icon will change from a question mark to a green circle), you can start a conversation with him;
  • select new contact, and press call or video call (the webcam will turn on);
  • your interlocutor will receive a call (as with a regular telephone) and as soon as he “picks up the phone” a dialogue will begin;
  • You can end the dialogue by clicking on the “red button”. Over time, you will master other features of Skype as you get used to its interface.

    If errors like “Sorry, we couldn’t connect to Skype, check your connection” appear, you can always find ways to solve the problem in the articles on our website.

Today, there are 3 versions of Skype available for a computer running Windows 10:

After installing and registering your profile, it's time to learn how to use Skype on your computer. The step-by-step instructions described below will help you navigate.

Login and first acquaintance

Launch the program. To login use your registered profile:

Wait a while for your first login.

Before making calls, let's check if everything is ok with the sound and microphone:

If you have a webcam, you can also check its operation in test mode:

  • in the same “Settings” window, open the “Video Settings” tab;
  • if everything is set up correctly you should see yourself (or whatever the video is capturing).

Advice! If the camera is connected but does not work, this article will help you fix the error:.

After completing the audio and video verification stage, it’s time to replenish your contacts to make a call.

Adding a contact and calling

The interlocutor can add you or you to the interlocutor’s list of contacts. To do this, you will need to enter your Skype login into the search. Your interlocutor will tell you this. If your friend does not remember his login, you can see it:

Of course, you can search by other data, for example by first and last name. But this will make the task much more difficult, since there are a lot of “Ivanov Ivanovs” on Skype. To add a user to your contacts:

  • enter his login into the search and press Enter;
  • select a profile, click “Add to contact list”;
  • after your interlocutor confirms the addition (the icon will change from a question mark to a green circle), you can start a conversation with him;
  • select a new contact and press call or video call (the webcam will turn on);
  • your interlocutor will receive a call (as with a regular telephone) and as soon as he “picks up the phone” a dialogue will begin;
  • You can end the dialogue by clicking on the “red button”. Over time, you will master other features of Skype as you get used to its interface.

    If errors of the type appear, you can always find ways to solve the problem in the articles on our website.

Thanks to a simple program, seeing and hearing a person at a great distance has become very simple, although it once seemed like something impossible. Skype is the most worthy program for these purposes. The interface is designed in the most convenient way, so that even first-time users will figure out how to use Skype.

Skype is designed for conversations around the world. Its main functions are:

  1. Chat using instant messages
  2. Analogue of a telephone conversation
  3. Video calls

The advantages of Skype are obvious - stable communication during conversations, good quality images and free ownership of most features. With introduction latest updates even group video conferences have become available free of charge. Undoubtedly, Skype has analogues, but it is especially popular and reliable. In addition to communicating on the Internet, you can call landlines and cell phones from Skype.

Skype doesn't work emergency calls(112, etc.).

Let's start getting acquainted

An obvious and logical step for understanding how to use Skype would be to visit the official website this application. There you can study in more detail all paid and free features Skype, register your account and .

Let's start installing Skype on your computer. The process of getting acquainted with the program starts from the official website - downloading Skype, selecting the necessary parameters. Then run exe file and follow the installation instructions. Here you may be offered additions to the program and additional settings.

Programs that are additionally installed with the main application may not always be useful to you, so carefully study this list and uncheck the boxes if you do not want them on your PC.

You can use Skype at any time, just have good internet compound. After installation is complete, you should see a blue and round icon in both the Start panel and Desktop. Skype icon. Let's launch it.

On a blue background we see two fields: . Have you previously registered on the site? Enter your registration details here. If not, then there is a registration button to the right. There are no difficulties here, just follow the instructions and have a working and usable email address.

Scanning the interface

After clicking the “Login to Skype” button, the program itself will launch directly. We will be able to observe a window divided into two sectors. The left column will display a list of contacts, while there should only be one contact by default. On the right in the large field there will be popular contacts (those with whom you communicate most) and some kind of status feed of friends.

Communicate text messages you can immediately after you add any person you know who also uses Skype. To do this, there is a search bar above the contact field. You can enter your email address into it. your friend's email or login. In the results window we find the person we need and.

It is worth noting that neither the support service nor anyone else can or should ask for your password. account. Adding suspicious contacts and communicating with them is dangerous for the integrity of your account.

What you need to make a call

We will look at how to talk on Skype a little later, until we decide what is needed for this:

  1. Headphones
  2. Microphone
  3. Webcam

Communicating on Skype only by text is boring, and that’s not what it was invented for. A video camera, microphone and headphones will allow you to call not only one person, but even a whole group. Several dozen users can simultaneously exchange text, data, documents and call each other.

First, let's study the settings of all those parts that were named in the previous paragraph. You won’t have to set up the headphones for a long time – just set the optimal volume level. There shouldn’t be any questions about how to use them either.

The most necessary element for communication is a microphone. There are no tricks to installing it either.

You need to install a webcam; if one voice is not enough, you need a picture. Useful feature Skype - video calling - allows you to do this. Enough modern devices will handle the installation in a matter of minutes. Connect the webcam via a cord to the computer and the drivers will be found and downloaded by the computer itself.

In the Calls tab we can find Sound settings and Video. After installing the equipment on your computer, in these sections you need to make sure that Skype has selected the desired microphone and camera.

Making the first call

We select an interlocutor from our contact list and, if he is online, we begin communication. To call the user you need to click the Call button. To make a video call, click on the Video call button. Hearing the treasured beeps, like on a regular phone, you can rejoice - you have learned how to call on Skype.

It will not be possible to call a person who is not online, and the user may not pick up the phone on time. In this case, you should call again, but only after making sure that the subscriber is there and ready to communicate.

Calling a landline

As mentioned earlier, on Skype you can communicate not only with Internet users, but also call landline or Cell phones. This service is paid, but talking within the Skype network is free.

To talk from a computer in this situation, you need the same thing. Small instructions:

  1. Find the handset icon above the search field.
  2. The numeric keypad will open.
  3. Let's select the subscriber's country (where the national flag is).
  4. Let's dial the phone number.
  5. Click the Call or Send SMS button.

Please note that you can only call landlines by topping up your Skype account.

Living surrounded by the most modern technologies and services, it’s hard not to use them, especially if they make life easier. Every person should know how to use Skype. It is very useful. Previously, we did not see relatives from the far corners of our vast country for a very long time, now we can meet online with one click.