How to use Skype: instructions for working with Skype from A to Z. Using the Skype program What is Skype and how to use it on a computer

Thanks to a simple program, seeing and hearing a person at a great distance has become very simple, although it once seemed like something impossible. Skype is the most worthy program for these purposes. The interface is designed in the most convenient way, so that even first-time users will figure out how to use Skype.

Skype is designed for conversations around the world. Its main functions are:

  1. Chat using instant messages
  2. Analogue of a telephone conversation
  3. Video calls

The advantages of Skype are obvious - stable communication during conversations, good quality images and free ownership of most features. With introduction latest updates even group video conferences have become available free of charge. Undoubtedly, Skype has analogues, but it is especially popular and reliable. In addition to communicating on the Internet, you can call landlines and cell phones from Skype.

Skype doesn't work emergency calls(112, etc.).

Let's start getting acquainted

An obvious and logical step for understanding how to use Skype would be to visit the official website this application. There you can study in more detail all paid and free features Skype, register your account and .

Let's start installing Skype on your computer. The process of getting acquainted with the program starts from the official website - downloading Skype, selecting the necessary parameters. Then run exe file and follow the installation instructions. Here you can be offered additions to the program and additional settings.

Programs that are additionally installed with the main application may not always be useful to you, so carefully study this list and uncheck the boxes if you do not want them on your PC.

You can use Skype at any time, just have good internet compound. After installation is complete, you should see a blue and round icon in both the Start panel and Desktop. Skype icon. Let's launch it.

On a blue background we see two fields: . Have you previously registered on the site? Enter your registration details here. If not, then there is a registration button to the right. There are no difficulties here, just follow the instructions and have a working and usable address Email.

Scanning the interface

After clicking the “Login to Skype” button, the program itself will launch directly. We will be able to observe a window divided into two sectors. The left column will display a list of contacts, while there should only be one contact by default. On the right in the large field there will be popular contacts (those with whom you communicate most) and some kind of status feed of friends.

You can communicate via text messages immediately after you add any person you know who also uses Skype. To do this, there is a search bar above the contact field. You can enter your email address into it. your friend's email or login. In the results window we find the person we need and.

It is worth noting that neither the support team nor anyone else can or should ask for your account password. Adding suspicious contacts and communicating with them is dangerous for the integrity of your account.

What you need to make a call

We will look at how to talk on Skype a little later, until we decide what is needed for this:

  1. Headphones
  2. Microphone
  3. Webcam

Communicating on Skype only by text is boring, and that’s not what it was invented for. A video camera, microphone and headphones will allow you to call not only one person, but even a whole group. Several dozen users can simultaneously exchange text, data, documents and call each other.

First, let's study the settings of all those parts that were named in the previous paragraph. You won’t have to set up the headphones for a long time – just set the optimal volume level. There shouldn’t be any questions about how to use them either.

The most necessary element for communication is a microphone. There are no tricks to installing it either.

You need to install a webcam; if one voice is not enough, you need a picture. Useful feature Skype - video calling - allows you to do this. Enough modern devices will handle the installation in a matter of minutes. Connect the webcam via a cord to the computer and the drivers will be found and downloaded by the computer itself.

In the Calls tab we can find Sound settings and Video. After installing the equipment on your computer, in these sections you need to make sure that Skype has selected the desired microphone and camera.

Making the first call

We select an interlocutor from our contact list and, if he is online, we begin communication. To call the user you need to click the Call button. To make a video call, click on the Video call button. When you hear the treasured beeps, like on a regular phone, you can rejoice - you have learned how to call on Skype.

It will not be possible to call a person who is not online, and the user may not pick up the phone on time. In this case, you should call again, but only after making sure that the subscriber is there and ready to communicate.

Calling a landline

As mentioned earlier, on Skype you can communicate not only with Internet users, but also call landline or mobile phones. This service is paid, but talking within the Skype network is free.

To talk from a computer in this situation, you need the same thing. Small instructions:

  1. Find the handset icon above the search field.
  2. The numeric keypad will open.
  3. Let's select the subscriber's country (where the national flag is).
  4. Let's dial the phone number.
  5. Click the Call or Send SMS button.

Please note that you can only call landlines by topping up your Skype account.

Living surrounded by the most modern technologies and services, it’s hard not to use them, especially if they make life easier. Every person should know how to use Skype. It is very useful. Previously, we did not see relatives from the far corners of our vast country for a very long time, now we can meet online with one click.

The important question for many people, how to use Skype, has a very simple answer. The process of using this messenger does not require special knowledge. 12 years ago, the developers of this program set themselves the goal of creating a functional type software for cheap communication, they took into account that complex approaches to managing the program only reduces the number of its users. Since the task was to create a program for everyone, the menu, interface, everything had to be understandable even to a schoolchild. Thanks to this program, now the whole world communicates with each other by installing this software. To learn how to use Skype for free, it is important to understand what Skype is in general, and what requirements it imposes in order to be able to use its functions for free.

How to use Skype on a laptop or computer?

This program provides all its users with free communication if each of the communicating people has a stop. It allows for free shipping various files, photos text documents, videos. It allows you to correspond in real time, as well as communicate in voice and video. The first and most important thing to do is to register for free with Skype.

Communication is possible with subscribers of this software located thousands of kilometers from each other. But it is not at all complicated, and does not require significant space in the system where it is installed. This application can be installed on a computer, laptop, or any gadget that has an OS and access to the Internet, the parameters of which allow you to use all the functions of this program most effectively.

Key features offered by Skype:

  • instant transmission of text messages;
  • the use of a microphone and headphones provides voice communication;
  • A video camera will allow you not only to conduct visual communication in real time, but also to make a conference call.

This application is designed for installation on almost all types of existing operating systems, allowing file exchange even between computers. Moreover, even having the question of how to use skype on tablet, computer or laptop, the answer will be practically no different. In addition, you can make calls to phones from Skype. True, here you will need to pay and top up your personal account in this system. This using Skype, most often caused by necessity, which does not raise complaints about the cost of calls.

The main question is how to use skype on computer, always requires that the program be already installed on the hardware itself. Only then can all its possibilities be considered.

  1. First, you need to download Skype from the official website by clicking on the link, which is done completely free of charge.
  2. When unpacking the resulting file, you must specify the location on the computer where the program will be stored, run the exe file, select the desired language in the window that opens, and decide whether the program needs to autorun or not.
  3. Now a Skype shortcut will appear at the bottom of the work area, which is used to log into the program. In order to use the application for the first time, it is advisable to immediately correctly connect all the necessary elements of the headset and video camera.
  4. The launch of the program will be marked by the requirement to register, where you need to select a login and password, and specify a mailbox for work.
  5. Next, the program’s working window will appear, in which there is work zone at the top, where you can manage the program settings. They are initially installed by default. But in the process of work, everyone can use their own by entering this menu and working with its controls. First of all, the microphone is set up. In the “Tools” section, select “Sound Settings”, where the model of the already connected device is selected. Next – “Save”. To figure it out , how to use Skype video, it is enough, if you have the necessary accessories - a webcam, headphones and a microphone, to make preliminary settings for the program, the first time you try to make a video call with working system programs. This option provides the ability to adjust image and sound quality. Moreover, the menu has additional settings for video, which can be used by anyone who uses this program. If the camera is properly connected, the user's video should appear on the desktop. After completing all the setup operations, you must make a save. Otherwise the settings will not be applied.

By the way, question: how to use skype on laptop It practically disappears on its own. Everything in it will be identical, with the exception of the right to choose built-in or external audio speakers, as well as the camera. It's time to find your friends online. And here, to communicate with the interlocutor, it is important that he is online, since without this you will not be able to call.

Now the time has come to tell you what Skype is and how to use it. We will also look at the main functions Skype programs. In the century information technologies, telephone conversations do not allow people to fully satisfy their communication needs. You can’t live without virtual communication in its various forms. Of course, both tools have their strengths and weaknesses and successfully coexist with each other. The main disadvantage of telephone communication is its cost. Especially if we are talking about long-distance conversations, and even more so if about long-distance calls on a cell phone. Here the virtual way of talking is significantly ahead of its opponent.

After good old email, the most popular means of communication on the Internet is instant messaging. One of the most common means of communication is the Skype service. The project began its existence back in 2003. The first versions attracted users with the ease of installation and account registration. Today it is used all over the world for business and personal communication. The number of registered accounts is more than half a billion.

Download Skype

To work with the system, you need to install the system client, Skype, on your computer. Download installation file you can do it for free, and don’t forget about the page on my blog, which is located. Skype stores the message history, contact list and other information not on the user’s computer, but on its server. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry about losing them due to problems like reinstalling the operating system and others. Also it does convenient work on several computers, for example, as is usually the case, at home and at work.

Skype allows you to communicate in four ways. But with any of them, before starting a conversation, you need to find an interlocutor in the system. This can be easily done using a unique ID, name or email address. Once found, the user is added to your contact list, after which it will be easy to resume communication. You will also see the status of the added user (“Online”, “Offline”, “Away”, “Do not disturb”).
The first and most common is instant text messaging. IN this mode you can create multi-user chats with big amount participants or correspond one-on-one. To add users to a conversation, you need to click the “Conversations” - “Add people” button in the menu.

After this, a window will appear in which you can select users from your contact list. You can also transfer files in this mode. You should not transfer large files (more than 50 MB), since the program is not intended for this and the procedure is not carried out effectively enough for a large volume. This function involves the quick transfer of small files such as photographs, text documents, so to speak, without interrupting the conversation. But I’ll tell you a secret, I was able to transfer files of almost 100 megabytes in size via Skype. The second way is voice communication. This means that if you have speakers and a microphone connected to your computer (or you have a laptop), you can call your interlocutor using Skype. In this case, you will communicate in real time as you would on the phone. In this case, you can minimize the program window and continue doing your business at the computer. This can be very convenient when you need to explain to a friend how to use a program. The convenience is that you can open this program on both computers at the same time and study without being distracted by typing. In this mode you can also organize conferences. But the number of its participants is limited.

A separate sub-item is the very convenient ability to share your screen with your interlocutor. This function can be useful in the learning situation already mentioned above, or if your interlocutor is helping you solve a problem with your computer. To activate this feature during a voice call, you need to click in the “Calls” menu - “Screen sharing...”.

The third method of communication is video calling. With this method of communication, you not only hear, but also see the interlocutor, and he you. Naturally, for this your computers must be equipped with web cameras. Up to 5-10 people can participate in a video conference. During the video and voice communication, the ability to send text messages and files also works. This can be useful for sending difficult to pronounce phrases, such as web links.

The fourth is calls to landline phones. In order to use it, you need to credit money to your virtual account. To do this, click on the “Skype” menu - “Deposit money to your Skype account...”. Tariffs for calls to landlines from Skype are usually significantly more profitable than telephone calls.

But in each specific case (calling a landline or cellular telephone) you should always check the tariffs for a given country. Due to the peculiarities of legislation, the prices for Skype calls may be somewhat exaggerated. This function is very popular, and this is understandable given its convenience and benefits.

You can use Skype not only using a computer; there are also versions for phones and tablet computers.

So, we understand what Skype is, now we need to understand how to work with this program. I have already published information about this program on my blog several times. I think it will be useful to you:

News: Dear readers of the site, soon there will be mega interesting interviews on the blog from the program developers themselves (who will be visiting is still a secret). Negotiations are currently underway, and after a while you will be able to learn a lot more about them than anyone else. One thing I can say for now is that most users have these programs installed.

Glitch in Skype.

Skype is a convenient free Internet messenger with which you can communicate with users around the world via the Global Web. Calls to mobile and landline phones are also available, but for this you will have to top up your balance. If you don’t yet know how to use Skype on a laptop, these instructions will help you understand the intricacies of the program. Please note that for comfortable use You will need Internet access at a speed of at least 56 Kb/s for voice communication and at least 512 Kb/s for video communication.

Installing Skype

In order to use Skype for free and chat with friends, you must first download and install it on your laptop. This can be done on the official website of the developer. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Enter in address bar browser. You will be automatically redirected to the Russian version of the site.
  2. Click the “Download Skype” button.
  3. Select the device on which you will use Skype. In the case of a laptop, go to the “Computer” section.
  4. Choose operating system. If Windows is installed on your laptop, click the “Download Skype for Windows” button. Otherwise, select the appropriate OS.

After this, the installer will begin downloading, by running which you will install Skype and be able to use it. The installer will download the missing files from the Internet, and after a while you will proceed to register an account.

Each user of the program It has unique identificator, which can consist of Latin characters and numbers. When you first launch the program, you will see an authorization window in which you must enter your username and password. If your Skype account If you don’t have one yet, you need to create it by clicking the “Register” button.

Please note that authorization is possible using an account social network Facebook. This, on the one hand, is convenient, since there is no need to come up with a beautiful login. On the other hand, this is unacceptable if you want to use the program while maintaining anonymity.

When coming up with a login, consider the following:

  • No matter how rare the combination of your first and last name may be, the login consisting of them is most likely taken for a long time. This is due to the fact that Skype already has several million users.
  • In this case, the program will automatically substitute certain numbers for your login. It is not necessary to register such a login - you can substitute any others, provided that such a nickname is not taken.
  • You should not set your date of birth as a password. Anyone who knows it can easily access your account.
  • It is best to write down your username and password and store them in a safe place so you don’t forget them.

Program settings

So, you launched Skype, how to use the program further? First of all, after logging in, you will be asked to configure your headphones and microphone, and if you do not use them, then the microphone and speakers. Most modern laptops are equipped with a built-in microphone, which allows you to communicate via Skype without using an additional headset.

To avoid getting confused with the settings, just check the sound of the speakers and the microphone signal level. If the microphone does not work, check whether the drivers for this device are installed. The laptop camera is configured in the same way. . If all drivers are installed correctly, when setting up the program you will see your image.

The next step is to set an avatar (a picture that other users will see next to your name). You can use your own photo or any other picture you like.

Skype features

Search contacts

To find friends with whom you want to chat on Skype, enter your login or username in the line with a magnifying glass located above the contact list, then press the Enter button. Please note that users who log in by number mobile phone, search does not find. Also possible search for contacts by email address. Having found the contact you are interested in, click on it and in the window that opens, click the “Add contact” button. The user will be asked to add you to their contact list.

Calls and video calls

To make a call, click on a contact from your list. In the window that opens, click the “Call” or “Video call” button, after which the call will begin. The connection will be established only after the subscriber accepts the call. The image broadcast by the camera, as well as the sound of the microphone, can be muted during a call by pressing the corresponding button. To answer incoming call, click the green handset icon. To interrupt a call, click on the red tube.

Transfer messages and files

Using the program you can also send text messages and files. H to start a conversation, click on a contact from your list. Messages are sent after pressing the Enter button. To insert an emoticon, click on the corresponding icon in the lower right corner of the dialog window.

To send a file to your interlocutor (this could be, for example, a photo or video), click on the image of a paperclip in the lower right corner of the dialog window and select “Send file” in the pop-up menu, then find it on your computer in the Explorer menu that opens. You can also send a file by simply dragging it using the mouse cursor while holding down the left button into the dialog window.

Deleting contacts

To remove a contact from your list, click on it right click mouse and select “Remove from contact list”. You can also block an unwanted caller by selecting the appropriate option. The user who got into your Black list, will no longer be able to call you or send messages. This can be useful for blocking spammers or people you no longer wish to communicate with.

By clicking the star next to a contact's name in the conversation menu, you will add it to your Favorites. Such contacts are always displayed at the top of the list, which is convenient if your list of friends is “swollen” and you have to scroll it.


From the video you will learn how to install Skype and register in it.

Before you start using the Skype program, you need to register, download the program, install and launch it.

NOTE: on a laptop and a computer, as well as on Windows 7 or Windows 8, there are no differences in starting to use Skype - everything is identical and free.

Some individual problems, of course, arise - they relate to the program settings.

How to eliminate them, you can find the answers in the “contents” menu (at the very top) or use the search - top right.

If you have registered, downloaded and installed the Skype program, let’s start learning how to use it.

Step by step instructions: how to start using Skype

The first step is to check the sound. To do this, in the milestone itself, click “tools” and go to “settings”.

You will be asked to check whether the sound is configured correctly - follow the instructions of the wizard. If you can't hear your conversation, there's a problem with the microphone.

If everything is configured correctly, you can start using Skype. There are actually a few more settings in it, but they are already individual.

NOTE: the Skype program by default is configured in such a way that if you call someone or someone calls you, you will not be able to communicate right away.

First, you will receive a message (to you or your interlocutor) asking for permission, only after that (if you allow) you can make video calls.

How to start using new Skype for free

If you have Skype from scratch (new), then it is natural that you do not have friends’ contacts. You can send them your login so that they call you, and you give them permission, or knowing the logins of your friends, look for them yourself.

How to search? Almost at the very top there is a search bar. Enter your friend's login there. Let's take, for example: kybik555.

After this, a line will appear below: “find skype users” - click on it. The service will instantly find (depending on Internet speed) your friend.

Click on it with the right mouse button. In another window you will see the inscription: “add to contact list” - add, and in the window that appears below, click: “send”.

Your friend will receive a message and if he adds you to his list as well, then next time you will be able to make video calls smoothly.

If you don’t know the login, you can also search by last name. After you have the contacts of your friends, click on the person you want to chat with and click on “video call”.

Immediately after this, you will hear beeps, like on a telephone - this is a call from a subscriber, just make sure that there are no red crosses on the video camera and microphone icons.

If they are, and the Skype program is configured correctly, then when you click on them, they should go away.

How to use Skype comfortably

Few people know that you can use the Skype program with some conveniences.

During a video call, you and your interlocutor (boyfriend, girl) can listen to your favorite music. .

That's all, although this small instruction: “how to use Skype” will not solve all problems (many people have them), it will still give you the basic foundation.

REMEMBER: if any incomprehensible situations arise when using Skype programs– comments below, yours best friend. Good luck.