How to put a file in windows startup. How to add a program to startup

Hello, boys and girls, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. Today I took a day off from work to attend to personal matters. And as soon as I did everything, I decided to write an article for you. The topic came to mind immediately as soon as I came across one of the articles on my own blog.

The fact is that I wrote about . Yes, this is definitely a necessary thing, but I forgot something. Namely, I forgot to tell you how to add a program to startup. This function is no less useful, since it often happens that I need some program to be launched immediately from Windows, or a file to be opened.

Previously, when I didn’t know about the desktop, I got so sophisticated that I loaded a text document with a list of reminders and to-dos into autorun. Thus, every time I loaded Windows, this document automatically opened for me.

I don’t know why you want to do this, but let me show you the process:

Using the "Run" line

The second way to get to the startup folder, in my opinion, is much faster, since you don’t have to look for long paths, but just type the magic word into the “Run” line.

As you can see, a completely different folder has opened for you, which is located along the path C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp. By the way, you can also go into this folder without calling “Run”, but as I said earlier, using a line is more convenient and faster.

In addition to the points described above, you can add files to startup using the registry editor or third-party programs. But do you need it when there is a simpler and more reliable way? Standard tools will allow you to do everything quickly.

In general, it’s convenient to use any features that will allow you to work on the computer much faster and optimize the work process. That's why I recommend you watch video course on productive computer work. Everything is neatly organized, told in a language that any user can understand, and most importantly, the information is very necessary and useful. Highly recommend.

Well, this is where I end my article for today. I hope that you will benefit from the information I have given you here, or at least just find it useful and interesting. In any case, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and tell your friends on social networks. All the best and good luck. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

The next time you turn on your computer or laptop, pay attention to which processes are automatically loaded along with the operating system (you can do this, for example, using the task manager). As a rule, these are essential programs such as antivirus, without which your PC may be subject to attack. That is why it is important that it starts automatically without your request.

True, programs are not always able to load automatically; often such a function is not even programmed into them. However, you can always resort to a small hack that will allow you to run any program together with the operating system. Right now I will tell you how to do it correctly.

In general, there are three different ways to resolve this situation. I will give examples based on Windows 7.

First way

Launch the required program and go to the settings section. Perhaps there is an option here that allows you to launch the software along with the OS startup. You just need to check the box next to this item. With a subsequent restart of Windows, the program will start automatically.

The simplest example is uTorrent. If you wish, you can make the application run along with Windows. To do this, you just need to check the box in the right place.

Second way

In cases where the software does not contain additional functions, you can move on to another method. In this case, you need to first create a shortcut for the program. To do this, on the desktop or in any folder, right-click and select “Create” - “Shortcut”. For the latter, you must immediately specify the location of the final object. Let’s say, if you want it to start at the same time as Windows starts, you need to go to “My Computer” - “Disk C” - Program Files - Mozilla Firefox - firefox.exe. Then click ok. If you double-click on the shortcut, the browser will open.

If this happens, great. Now all that remains is to move the shortcut to the folder. For many users, it is located directly in the Start menu, but in some cases it simply is not there. So just open the address C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup and place the shortcut there.

Third way

If for some reason the previous two methods do not work for you, then you can use the third solution, which, however, is designed for more experienced users - I’m talking about editing the registry. Getting into the registry is as easy as shelling pears - open the Start menu, in the Search programs and files field, write the word regedit and press Enter. In the window that opens, follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Run. In the Run folder, create a string parameter using the menu that appears when you right-click. After the parameter has been created, move the cursor over it, right-click and select “Edit...”. A small window will appear where in the “Value” field you need to specify the full path to the required program, as we did a little earlier when creating the shortcut.

If the software does not start at startup, you can try specifying the value in quotes.

For those who have not worked in the registry before, you need to be extremely careful, since incorrectly made changes can lead to various problems, including the collapse of the entire system! Don't forget in advance!

I hope my simple tips will help you. I strongly recommend using the second method, fortunately, it works great.

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Autoloading programs at system startup allows the user not to be distracted by manually launching those applications that he constantly uses. In addition, this mechanism allows you to automatically launch important programs running in the background, which the user may simply forget about activating. First of all, this is software that monitors the system (antiviruses, optimizers, etc.). Let's learn how to add an app to autostart in Windows 7.

There are a number of options for adding an object to Windows 7 startup. Some of them are carried out using the OS’s own tools, and the other using installed software.

Method 1: CCleaner

First of all, let's take a look at how to add an object to Windows 7 startup using a specialized utility for optimizing PC functioning CCleaner.

Using CCleaner to add items to startup is very convenient, and all actions are intuitive. The main disadvantage of this method is that using these steps you can enable autoloading only for those programs for which this feature was provided by the developer, but was later disabled. That is, you cannot add any application to startup using CCleaner.

Method 2: Auslogics BoostSpeed

A more powerful OS optimization tool is Auslogics BoostSpeed. With its help, it is possible to add to autorun even those objects in which this function was not provided by the developers.

The main disadvantage of the described method is that the Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​set of utilities is not free.

Method 3: System Configuration

You can also add objects to autorun using Windows’ own functionality. One option is to use the system configuration.

This option for completing the task is also quite convenient, but it has the same drawback as the CCleaner method: you can only add programs to startup that have previously had this function disabled.

Method 4: Adding a shortcut to the startup folder

What to do if you need to organize the automatic launch of a certain program using built-in Windows tools, but it is not listed in the system configuration? In this case, you should add a shortcut with the address of the desired application to one of the special startup folders. One of these folders is designed to automatically download applications when logging into the system under any user profile. In addition, there are separate directories for each profile. Applications whose shortcuts are placed in such directories will only launch automatically if you log in with a specific username.

  1. To move to the startup directory, click on the button "Start". Go by title "All programs".
  2. Look for the catalog in the list. If you want to organize the application to autostart only when you log in to the current profile, then right-click on the specified directory and select the option from the list "Open".

    It is also possible to move to the directory for the current profile through the window "Run". To do this, click Win+R. In the window that opens, enter the expression:

    Click "OK".

  3. The startup directory opens. Here you need to add a shortcut with a link to the desired object. To do this, right-click on the central area of ​​the window and select from the list "Create". In the additional list, click on the inscription "Label".
  4. The shortcut generation window opens. To specify the address of the application on the hard drive that you want to add to autorun, click "Review…".
  5. A window for browsing files and folders opens. In most cases, with very rare exceptions, programs in Windows 7 are located in a directory with the following address:

    C:\Program Files

    Go to the named directory and select the desired executable file, if necessary, going to a subfolder. If there is that rare case when the application is not located in the specified directory, then go to the current address. Once your selection is made, click "OK".

  6. We return to the shortcut creation window. The object's address is displayed in the field. Click "Further".
  7. A window opens in the field of which you are asked to give a name to the shortcut. Considering that this label will perform a purely technical function, there is no point in giving it a name different from the one that the system assigned automatically. By default, the name will be the name of the previously selected file. So just click "Ready".
  8. After this, the shortcut will be added to the startup directory. Now the application to which it belongs will automatically open when the computer starts under the current user name.

It is possible to add an object to autorun for absolutely all system accounts.

Method 5: Task Scheduler

You can also arrange automatic launch of objects using the Task Scheduler. It will allow you to run any program, but this method is especially relevant for those objects that are launched through User Account Control (UAC). The shortcuts for these items are marked with a shield icon. The fact is that it will not be possible to automatically launch such a program by placing its shortcut in the startup directory, but the task scheduler, with the correct settings, will be able to cope with this task.

  1. To go to the Task Scheduler, click on the button "Start". Navigate through the entry "Control Panel".
  2. Next, click on the name "System and safety".
  3. In the new window, click on "Administration".
  4. A window will open with a list of tools. Select in it "Task Scheduler".
  5. The Task Scheduler window opens. In the block "Actions" click on the name “Create a task...”.
  6. The section opens "Are common". In area "Name" Enter any name convenient for you by which you can identify the task. Near the point "Run with highest priorities" be sure to check the box. This will allow automatic loading even when the object is launched under UAC control.
  7. Go to section "Triggers". Click on "Create…".
  8. The trigger creation tool starts. In field "Start task" select from the drop-down list "When you log in". Click "OK".
  9. Move to section "Actions" window for creating a task. Click "Create…".
  10. The action creation tool launches. In field "Action" value must be set "Running the program". Right of the field "Program or script" click on the button "Review…".
  11. The object selection window opens. In it, move to the directory where the file of the desired application is located, select it and click "Open".
  12. When you return to the Create Action window, click "OK".
  13. Returning to the task creation window, also click "OK". To sections "Conditions" And "Options" no need to switch.
  14. So, we have created a task. Now when the system boots, the selected program will start. If in the future you need to delete this task, then, having launched the Task Scheduler, click on the name "Task Scheduler Library", located in the left block of the window. Then, in the upper part of the central block, find the name of the assigned task, right-click on it and select from the list that opens "Delete".

There are quite a few options for adding the selected program to Windows 7 startup. This task can be performed using the built-in system tools and third-party utilities. The choice of a specific method depends on a whole set of nuances: whether you want to add an object to autorun for all users or only for the current account, whether the application is launched by UAC, etc. Convenience of the procedure for the user also plays an important role when choosing an option.

It’s no secret to many that you need to remove all unimportant applications from startup. Well, what should you do if you need to add this or that program to startup so that it starts along with the Windows 7 operating system?

In this article you will learn how to add a program to Windows 7 startup without installing third-party programs.

Startup folder in the Start menu

If you expand the “Start” menu and click “All Programs” in it, then scrolling a little lower, you can find a folder named “Startup”.

It was specially created to automatically launch programs whose shortcuts are located in it.

Thus, adding a program to startup in Windows 7 consists of copying the shortcut of the desired program to this folder.

To do this, right-click on the Startup folder in the Start menu and select Open.

This will open the startup folder for the current user in a new window. If you want the added program to run under all users, then you need to select “Open a menu common to all.”

Open folder for startup programs in Windows 7

Now all that remains is to place in this folder a shortcut to the program that should turn on itself along with Windows. If there is no shortcut, then you need to create it.

The easiest way to do this is to go to the folder with the desired program, click on the file that you use to launch the program with the right mouse button and select “Send to” -> “Desktop (create shortcut)” in the context menu.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I am often asked how to create autorun for Windows 7 programs so that every time you turn on the computer it starts, plus with certain parameters. Nothing is impossible. We'll look at several ways to do this.

The first is the simplest and perhaps the most correct - look in the parameters or settings of the application that you want to add to startup. Most likely, for most there will be a “Run when Windows starts” option or something similar. This method is also correct because the program can specify specific variables to run, which in the case of the manual method you simply may not know.

The second method is to add the program shortcuts we need to the Startup folder. It works both for the user under whose login you usually log in, and for specifying the launch for all users on your computer. However, for the second option, you must have administrator rights.

The third method is to add a startup string to the Windows registry. We looked at how to open the registry.

And the fourth way is to use the task scheduler built in Windows.

How to add a program to Windows 7 startup

Autostart Windows 7 programs for the current user

Since the early operating system Windows 95, Microsoft has taken care of the convenience of adding programs and shortcuts to startup. This happens by moving or copying shortcuts with parameters or just shortcuts to a folder specially created for this. It is called StartUp (in the Russian version of Windows it is called “Startup”). The full path to it looks like this: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp.

You can use File Explorer to move the shortcuts you need to this folder, but by default it is hidden and you won't see it. To make it visible, you need to open Windows Explorer and go to the system drive (on which your operating system is installed). In the top menu, select “Tools” and then “Folder Options”. If the top menu is not displayed in Explorer, you need to press the “Alt” key once.

Next, select the “View” tab and at the very bottom of the options find the “Show hidden files, folders and drives” switch. Switch it and click “Ok”. All hidden items will appear in the Explorer list for the folder you were in, including the ProgramData folder.

Please note that you need to navigate by folder names in Russian, although the full path looks like in English as mentioned above.

Now we copy into it all the shortcuts for programs that need to be loaded automatically at startup.

The method above was a little more complicated than it can be done, but it is useful for general knowledge of the startup structure. The easiest way to get to the StartUp folder is through the Start menu.

1. Open the “Start” menu and click “All Programs” in it. In the list we find the “Startup” bookmark we need and click the right mouse button. Select “Open” from the drop-down list.

2. As a result, the same Windows 7 startup folder will open as in the example above. We take all the necessary program shortcuts and move (copy) to this folder. All these operations will be performed only for the user under whose login you are logged in. To add programs to startup for all existing users, you need to open the folder a little differently.

1. Open the “START” menu and click on “All programs” in the list. Find the “Startup” tab and right-click on it. In the drop-down menu, instead of “Open”, click “Open a common menu for all”. Unlike the previous opening, the folder will contain the entire list of shortcuts for auto download for all users. Add the necessary shortcuts to this folder.

Open the startup menu common to all

For example, you can see the difference for my computer in the figure below.

To check whether the launch of the programs that you added actually works, you need to restart the computer and see if the applications start. Everything worked correctly for me and everything loaded on startup the first time.

Option for Windows 8

This instruction applies to Windows 7. If you want to do the same with Windows 8, you will most likely encounter the problem that the start button is not in its usual place. For this case, you can do the following.

Right-click in the lower left corner of the Windows 8 desktop and select “Run” from the list or press the keyboard shortcut Win+R.

As a result, a window for launching commands and applications will open. In the input field, type or copy the text from here without quotes: “shell:Common Startup”. Click “Ok” and the startup folder window for Windows 8 will immediately open. In the same way as before, copy all the shortcuts necessary for loading and reboot to check.

Autorun programs through the registry

This method is no more difficult than all the previous ones. We will create autoload in the registry.

1. Press the “START” button and type “regedit” in the quick search bar. Then click on the file that appears in the list or press the “Enter” button. Or you can press the Win+R key combination and in the Run line type “regedit” and click “OK”. As a result, the Windows 7 Registry Editor will open.

2. In the window we need to find the required section. It will also be different for the current user and for all users. If necessary for the current one, then we find the following section: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. For all users the section looks like this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.

2. In the selected section in the right half-window, right-click and select New -> String parameter

3. Choose an arbitrary name for the parameter (any name that you understand, for example, the name of the program that you add with the word Run).

4. Right-click on the created string parameter and select “Edit”.

5. A window will open for adding (changing) a value for the parameter.

This is all! Now your application will load when Windows starts.

Using the task scheduler to create startup

This method is not at all trivial, not many people know it at all, although it is a standard application with the function of launching applications for the Windows 7 operating system. With its help, you can create a lot of useful tasks with all sorts of parameters (for example, time, day, delay, etc. .). To get acquainted, we will create an application launch along with the system launch, and you can continue further study and use yourself.

1. Press the Win+R key combination and enter the command in the application launch bar: mmc.exe taskschd.msc

2. Select the menu item “Create task”

3. In the “General” tab, enter the name for our task. I called "Launch Chrome Browser". Briefly and clearly in Russian.

4. Go to the “Triggers” tab and click “Create...”. Select “Create task:” - At startup and click OK.

Filling out the “Triggers” tab

5.Go to the “Actions” tab and click “Create...”. Select the action type “Launch a program”, click browse and select the application to launch in Explorer. At the end, click OK.

6. As a result, your created task should appear in the list of active tasks; after a reboot, programs will autostart when you turn on the computer.
