How to put password protection on a rar archive. How can I put a password on a WinRAR archive? How to use the WinRAR archiver program to store files

Archiving is a great way to save disk space and also better organize your files. But, some files require additional protection. Therefore, many users are interested in how to set a password for an archive. If you are also interested in this question, then you have come to the right place. In this material you will learn how to put a password on an archive using such popular archivers as WinRAR and 7zip.

How to put a password on an archive using the WinRAR archiver

First, it should be noted that you can set a password for an archive only at the time of creating the archive itself. If you already have an archive for which you want to put a password, then you will have to.

And so, in order to put a password on the archive, right-click on the files that you want to add to the password-protected archive. After this, in the menu that opens, you need to select the “ ” item.

After you have selected the “Add to archive” menu item, a window will appear in front of you. Here you can configure all the parameters that are relevant to the archive being created.

In order to access the archive we create, you need to go to the “Advanced” tab and click on the “Set password” button.

After this, a small window will appear in front of you to enter your password. To avoid errors, the password must be entered twice, in the upper and lower fields.

If you do not want to enter your password twice, you can check the box next to “Display password as you type.” In this case, the lower field for entering the password will disappear, and the password itself will be displayed normally, and not in the form of dots as before.

Separately, we need to talk about the “Encrypt file names” function. This feature hides the names of your files. If you do not enable this feature, your archive can be opened and the file names can be viewed. In this case, in order to open the files themselves or completely unzip the archive, you will need to enter a password. If you enable name encryption, the archive will be completely protected with a password. In this case, without entering the password, you won’t even be able to look at the file names. After entering the password and enabling (or not enabling) the encryption function, the small window with the password must be closed by clicking on the “Ok” button.

After this, the creation of an archive with the password you set will begin. The time it takes to create an archive depends on the performance of your computer and the size of the files being archived. After archiving is completed, the created archive will appear in the same folder as your source files.

How to put a password on an archive using the 7zip archiver

Another very popular archiver is the 7zip archiver. Unlike WinRAR, this archiver is completely free. In order to put a password on an archive using 7zip, you need to right-click on the files and select the menu item “7zip – Add to archive”.

After this, a window with archiving settings will open in front of you. In the 7zip program, the interface is much simpler and clearer. There are no tabs and all functions are located in one window. In order to put a password on the archive, you need to enter the password in two fields that are located under the inscription “Encryption”.

After we have entered the required password, we can change other archiving parameters. If you are satisfied with everything, then click on the “Ok” button.

After clicking the “Ok” button, the process of archiving your files will begin. As with WinRAR, this process may take some time, depending on the amount of data and the performance of your computer.

Good day, dear friends. The security of personal data is an extremely important and relevant thing! We have previously talked about how:

In this article we decided to tell you how to set a password for a rar or zip archive.

Archiving files and password protection is a fairly reliable way to store information. It is extremely difficult to hack an archive. The main thing is to use strong passwords consisting of a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and various symbols.

  • An example of a strong password: GjfgieE_15f.
  • An example of a password that is easy to crack: 1234, Dima93.

To work with archives, we will use one of the most popular archivers - WInRar. Most likely you already have it installed, but if not, download and install it.

How to create a new archive with a password

Now, when you try to open a file in the archive, you will be asked for a password. The * after the file name means it is password protected.

At the same time, as you probably already noticed, without a password you cannot see the contents of the files, but you can see the names and types of files in the archive. If you want to hide the list of files, then at the password task stage, check the “Encrypt file names” checkbox.

How to add a password to an already created archive.

If the archive has already been created, it is not necessary to archive the files again, especially if they are large and archiving will take a long time.

  • Open the desired archive.
  • Drag any file into the archive (you can then delete it). As a result, you will see the same window as when creating the archive.
  • Click on the "Add Password" button.
  • Set a password and, if necessary, set encryption.
  • Click OK.

The next time you open the archive, you will be asked for a password.

In today's article I decided to show you using the very convenient Total Commander file manager. Despite all the apparent complexity, you can set a password in just a few mouse clicks; for this you do not need deep computer knowledge.

Hello, my dear readers! I continue to share with you useful tips and my best practices that may be useful to you when creating and developing your website and just in everyday life.

In this article I will discuss in detail the method of setting a password for an archive in .zip or .rar formats. At the end of the article, I posted a video in which I discussed in detail how to set a password.

How to set a password for an archive

To set a password, you will need the Total Commander program; you can read about how to install it and how to archive files and unpack archives using it.

Let's get started. Let's say you have a folder with a set of files that you need to protect with a password.

Open Total Commander so that in the first window there is a folder for archiving, in the second window we open a folder in which we will place the finished archive.

With the left mouse button, select the folder that you are going to archive and click the “Pack files” button.

In the window that opens, select the format in which the future archive will be saved. There is no fundamental difference in rar and zip archives, but you should remember that archives in zip format are opened by the standard built-in Windows archiver, while opening rar format requires an additional program. Keep this in mind if you are going to distribute a password-protected archive of materials to your subscribers.

After selecting the archive format, you must check the box next to the “Encrypt” line and click the “OK” button.

In the password entry window, you must enter the password you created. Attention! Be sure to write down your password!

After entering the password, click “OK” and in the next window, enter the password again.

Total Commander automatically creates an archive.

Now, if you try to open the archive, it will open unhindered, however, when you want to open any file located in the archive, the system will ask you for a password, and if you enter the wrong password, you will see a message something like this:

So, in the article we looked at the technical aspects how to set a password for an archive . I also recorded a video for you in which I once again showed the sequence of actions.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer! Also leave your feedback, was the information from this article useful to you?

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Sometimes it happens that we need to transfer files (via the Internet or just on a flash drive), but with a guarantee that unauthorized persons will not be able to access them. In this case, you can place the files in an archive and close the archive with a password. Today we will figure out how to put a password on an archive with files.

For example, I created a folder on my desktop called Proba and placed three files of different types in it:

  1. Graphic;
  2. Text;
  3. Sound.

Now you can add the Proba folder to the archive. By default, in operating systems of the Windows family, the ZIP archiver is installed, but it does not allow you to set a password for archives. In order to set a password, we need the archiver developed by Evgeny Roshal Win RAR, which can be downloaded for free from the official website of the program using this link (64-bit version).

After installing the RAR archiver, you can start creating an archive with a password.

Step 1. Right-click on the folder that you want to add to the archive. In the context menu, select the item Add to archive.

Step 2. Change the archive name if necessary and click on the button Set password.

Step 3. Enter the password twice and press the button OK.

Step 4. Click on the button OK in the start window.

Done, a password-protected RAR archive has been created on the desktop.

Let's try to open the archive. The archiver makes it possible to see a list of files placed in the archive, but when you try to open any of the files, you are asked for a password (a password entry form appears).

You can open the archive only if you enter the correct password.

If you have any questions regarding closing the archive with a password, ask them in the comments.

Setting a password for a WinRAR archive is not difficult at all even for the most inexperienced user, because the password is set in just a few clicks. Detailed instructions:

  1. First, you need to download WinRAR itself from our soft portal and install it if you have an old version.
  2. Click right click on the file you want to archive, then click on "Add to archive" or in English “Add to archive”(in my case this is File 1).
  3. Then in this window click on the tab "Additionally"(“Advanced”), then click on the button "Set password"(“Set password”). In newer versions, this button is located in the “General” tab.

  4. Here already enter the password in the field, which you want to put (in my case it is 123). It’s even better to check the box additionally “Encrypt file names”, that is, when opening the archive, its contents will be hidden.
  5. Next, press the buttons twice “OK”.
  6. Your file is now in a password-protected archive, which should be checked. To do this, open the archive and in this window first enter the wrong password (we dialed 122) click "OK".
  7. Should come out error message, which means that the password you specified is incorrect. Click “Close”.

  8. Open the archive again and enter the now correct password (we have the correct one - 123). Next click "OK".
  9. If the password is correct, then the archive is complete will open.