How to set a private profile on Instagram. How to make a private profile on Instagram? Hidden and closed account

You still don't know how to do it closed account on Instagram? Then read this post, in which we will explain as clearly as possible how you can quickly make a regular Insta account private at the beginning of 2019. In addition, in the article we will talk about business accounts on Instagram, and see if they can be closed from prying eyes. Sit back - it will be interesting! Surely, many of you cannot understand why users make their Insta pages private. There could be a huge number of reasons for this, which we will not go into in this publication. It is enough to know only that such a possibility exists. And while other Instagrammers want to add subscribers, we’ll talk about closing the profile.

IN useful tips On the resource we have already talked about how to protect yourself from prying eyes. But it was a long time ago. At the beginning of 2019, the developers changed the application a little, and it’s probably worth repeating the entire procedure of closing a profile again. Essentially, nothing much has changed. Only visually it became a little clearer. Now the parameters are divided strictly into sections, and you don’t have to spend a long time looking for the desired setting. Now you will see everything for yourself. We start almost all of our posts about Insta by logging into the mobile application. This post will be no exception. We launch the client on the phone. Now click on the profile avatar in the lower right corner (1). Then there are three stripes (horizontal), as shown on the slide above (2). At the bottom of the menu that opens, click on settings (see 3 in the top image).

If you recently visited this section, then after updating the application it began to look a little different (see the bottom picture). Now everything is better structured, all settings are divided into separate categories or sections, and not all in a row, as it was before. Let's visit the settings section called: “Account” (1 – in the bottom image). Here you can switch to the company profile at the very bottom, that is, make a business account on Instagram. But keep in mind that in this case you will no longer have the opportunity to hide publications from prying eyes.

In general, such a concept as account confidentiality, which is inherent in an ordinary personal page, will disappear. This is understandable, because business profiles were invented specifically for better promotion their goods or services. Obviously, to promote such pages you need to actively attract followers as much as possible, and with closed pages this is simply impossible. Finding a switch from a personal page to a business page is quite simple. To do this, tap on the section of the same name with the image of a lock. Now tap the topmost item as shown at the top of the slide (3).

A window will open in front of you, where there will be only one single item - Closed account. On the right you will see a switch, by clicking on which (see 1 in the bottom picture) you will make your profile private (2 - below). The system will also display a warning below that this type of account will not allow all users to see your posts. Be it photos, videos or stories. If you want to familiarize yourself with all the privacy settings in more detail, you can click on the link: “More details” (3). Next, a help window will open where you can read everything about managing the visibility of both the account as a whole and individual types of content or subscribers (4). By the way, if you don’t yet know how to hide followers on Instagram, then you will find it very interesting.

Without a doubt, keeping your account private will prevent you from getting likes on your posts, so think carefully before enabling this option. Let's now briefly summarize all of the above. Let's see how a closed account differs from an open one.

  • The first is the invisibility of posts for unsubscribed users.
  • Second. Your posts will not appear in the search results when searching using hashtags.
  • Third. A closed account cannot use all the features of business pages. That is, a closed account is a personal account.
  • Subscribe to closed page takes a lot of time, because before this you need the owner to approve you personally.

And finally. Don't worry if you closed your profile but changed your mind. You can open an account in the same way by clicking on the above mentioned switch. You can do this very often. There are no restrictions, such as when blocking your page.

Closed Instagram account allows you not to put your life on display, because not everyone likes it, and we will tell you how to close your Instagram profile from prying eyes. If you are one of these people, you probably want to close your profile. By the way, this may even help you get more subscribers, because now for users, subscribing will be the only option if they are interested in your page.

Is it possible to do this?

If you are interested in privacy settings, you will have to run mobile client on an Android device, Windows Phone or iOS. To do this on your computer, you need to use our instructions for installing BlueStacks). So, let's move on to the privacy settings.

All or nothing!

We must warn you that you cannot block an individual photo. This can only be done with the entire page. If you need to show individual photos, then use Instagram Direct. In this case, only those for whom they are intended will see them. And now we will deal with complete confidentiality.

Closing the profile

On all operating systems, the answer to the question of how to make your page private (set up privacy) looks approximately the same, but in our screenshots you will see Android - it just so happened that it was at hand.

To set privacy settings on Instagram, open the application and look for the settings button in it, on Android it’s the “three dots”, on iPhone it’s the “gear” button:

By clicking on it, we get the following window in which you need to enable the “Closed account” item:

That's all, now you know how to block access to Instagram and set up privacy from strangers. Now, when one of the “left” people tries to open your page, something like this will appear before his eyes:

Privacy settings on Instagram have been made. Congratulations! Now you know how to close your profile!

Read in another review.

So you want to make it private? A good move - especially if you're posting content that you wouldn't want to share with everyone. Creating a private account on Instsgram is quick and very simple. Just follow the points below:

The example was produced on Android platform, I think that for iOS it will look similar, maybe with a few variations.

How to make your Instagram profile private.


Launch Instsgram and go to options (three dots at the top right).


I have created a company account, but according to the rules social network, companies cannot be closed. So I need to switch my account to personal.


After I switched to personal account, I now have the “Private account” option. We drag the slider to the right and that’s it, my account is closed (see screenshot below). As long as your profile is private, only those users who follow your profile will be able to see your content. Also, all new subscriptions to your account will be moderated. You will be able to approve or reject your subscription request.

Most people who use the social network Instagram create a personal page to share photos and videos with other users. But there are also “friends only” accounts, when new materials are seen only by approved subscribers. Study our material to find out how to close your Instagram account. Simple step-by-step instruction, containing explanatory screenshots, will help a novice Insta user get acquainted with the capabilities of the resource.

Modern social networks have advanced privacy settings. The user himself decides whether to show others the entire contents of the page or limit himself to a list of friends/subscribers. Instagram was no exception. Everything here is arranged intuitively and as simply as possible.

You can access your profile from mobile application and web versions on your computer. The first option is preferable, since the social network is designed for smartphones and tablets, and accordingly, all manipulations will be performed on a portable device.

During 2020, the developers and creators of the resource released many updates. If you haven't visited your personal page for a long time, you will be surprised by the new features. The question arises: is it still possible to make a private account after all the innovations? Yes, you can still change account statuses on Insta. The action is completed in several steps; it will take you a couple of minutes to make a private account.

First you need to install Instagram app to your mobile device. If the client is already ready, go straight to the instructions for restricting access. The scheme is the same for all devices, regardless of the mobile platform. The only difference will be the store where you download the application from.

There is a store for the lucky owners of iPhone and iPad App Store. Owners of phones and tablets with operating Android system download new content from Play Market. For gadgets on the Windows Phone platform, there is a Market Place.

  1. You have opened the application, you must enter your login information, phone number or email and password.
  2. The main menu will appear. To get to the settings, you need to go to the profile page, the button is located in the bottom panel, it is highlighted in the screenshot below.
  3. In the left top corner page there is a menu button, it looks like an ellipsis, in this version it is the “Edit profile” tab. Click on it and get to the settings menu.
  4. You will see a list of sections and features offered on Instagram. We lower it and find the “Account” section.
  5. There is a “Closed Account” mode here. Initially, the slider is in the “Off” position.
  6. If you switch it to the “On” position, your social network profile will become private.

Done, all you have to do is confirm your action with the “OK” button that will appear on the screen. Now you know how to close your profile on Instagram. As you can see, the procedure has not changed during the existence of the Insta client, so in 2020 you can safely activate the function. There is no need to reload or re-enter your profile; you can immediately go to publications and subscribers.

The system allows you to return to the standard open status at any second. To do this, you need to perform the same steps, only now the slider will be moved to the “Off” position. Instagram will again ask whether you really decided to open your page to all users. Click “OK” again. There are no restrictions on changing from one status, change your privacy settings when necessary.

How to make a private account on Instagram

Done, now your Insta page's privacy settings have been changed. It is important to know how a closed account differs from an open one:

  • To follow you, the user must submit a request. You can confirm a new follower or reject their offer.
  • Only people who subscribe to your page will be able to view your photos, Stories, videos and reports. Also, pictures and videos will not be displayed in hashtag searches.
  • Your account will be displayed in the general search. Other people will only see the avatar, the number of subscribers and posts made on the page. If necessary, the user can submit a request to be added.