How to properly set up a monitor for gaming. Top Tips: How to Change Monitor Screen Resolution

Correct monitor screen settings it is needed so that later you can work comfortably at the computer, and there is no need to talk about high-quality processing of images and photographs. Often the standard settings with which the monitor is sold to you in the store are too high. Brightness and contrast should definitely be adjusted by users themselves, who very often do not even suspect it.

To calculate the monitor diagonal, you can use the monitor diagonal calculator in inches and centimeters.

Here we will talk about simple setup, professional calibration is too complicated.

Customize display This is possible either using the operating system installed on the computer (software setup), or directly using the control keys located directly on the monitor (hardware setup).

Hardware screen setup.

After reading the instructions, learn the monitor buttons. If everything is clear, let's move on to configuration.

It is important that screen settings was carried out in a properly lit room. If the monitor is positioned so that the screen is exposed to direct sunlight or light from strong lamps, you can forget about normal screen settings. Try to use the recommendations below:

  • The monitor should not be exposed to rays from a bright light source;
  • The light should not blind the eyes;
  • Use, if possible, uniform illumination, which can be provided, for example, by an LED strip.

Setting up the montor image and assessing its quality.

When working on a monitor equipped with a low-quality matrix, in most cases, when processing photographs and images, errors occur when choosing colors and their shades.

Using the picture below, you can easily assess the correctness your screen settings. Each half contains numbers from 1 to 5.

If you can clearly see all the numbers on both stripes, then monitor settings good. If you see only 3, then this is a satisfactory setting, but if only 1 and 2, then the setting is completely useless.

Adjusting the contrast on the screen.

This option helps differentiate between light colors and their details.

The picture shows screen contrast settings, to configure, select the quality at which the buttons and folds become clearly visible against the whiteness of the shirt. You should set the contrast to zero and then slowly increase it. If the button details start to disappear, go back a little.

Adjusting the gamma on the screen.

Setting this option to perfection may not be possible on every display, but it's worth a try. A good setting would be to make the light and dark spots disappear in the center of the image.

Adjusting the gray tint on the screen.

This option will save you from unnecessary shades that distort the other colors of the monitor. Both using the program and using the monitor menu keys, the option is configured by adjusting the primary gamma colors - red (red), green (green) and blue (blue). At best, a picture with gray stripes should not be clogged with other shades. Only gray shades.

Ideal setting

Setting up the screen using a program on your computer.

Launch the calibration tools (Description for Windows OS users).

In Windows 7, click “Start” and type “calibration” into the search bar. The test menu will light up. We pass them and monitor settings completed.

In Windows 10, also enter “cttune” in the search. ClearType starts. We turn on and select the images that are most convenient for your vision. Enter the command "dccw". We get to the page for calibrating the gamma of various visual options. It is written there how to pass the test, you just need to follow the instructions.

To calculate the TV diagonal, you can use the TV diagonal calculator in inches and centimeters.

Checking the result. Let's return to the beginning of the article and look at our images with numbers. If at first your settings were useless, now you will definitely see at least one digit more than at the beginning.

When you're right customize your screen, you will be surprised by the capabilities of your monitor!

Almost all users of computer systems want to see a clear, rich picture on the screen while working. Color is one of the components that greatly influences the image and also does not tire the eyes. But not everyone knows how to properly set up a monitor for correct color reproduction and check the settings made. Of course, in each specific case it all depends on personal preferences, but some general advice can still be given. Let's look at some basic tools.

Setting color rendering: related parameters and factors

So, the user was faced with the problem of checking the set parameters for correct color rendering. What to do first? First, you need to clearly understand that adjusting just these parameters may not give much improvement.

The fact is that in this case many related factors play a role. For example, before calibrating colors, you need to decide on the place where the monitor itself is constantly located, what the illumination is in this place, whether it changes during the day, whether direct sunlight or electric light falls on the screen, etc. Depending on this, the settings can be completely different.

In addition, it is worth considering that brightness, contrast, and many other factors have a great influence on color settings. In addition to all this, the question of how to set up a monitor for correct color reproduction on a laptop or perform similar actions on a desktop device or television panel to which a computer terminal may be connected may have completely different solutions. More on this later.

Dependence on the type of matrix and graphics adapter

Another challenge in deciding how to set up a monitor for correct color reproduction is the variety of modern types of matrices. Setting the same parameters on monitors with CRT, TN or IPS matrices is not the same in terms of the resulting image.

For example, IPS matrices can be easily configured without the use of software methods, since they are made using such technology that when looking at the screen at an angle, the image practically does not change. But other screens may produce glare or change colors.

In the same way, screens can be configured differently depending on what video card is installed. Typically, manufacturers supply special configuration utilities for them in a pre-installed form, so it is better to perform color calibration with their help. In addition, it is precisely these utilities that allow you to change parameters in relation to normal operation or for playing computer games. As a rule, access to color settings and other parameters is carried out from a menu called up by clicking on the adapter icon in the system tray. And, I must say, they can make installations automatically.

Visual determination of image quality

Finally, before you start directly deciding how to configure the monitor for correct color rendering (use software or limit yourself to system tools), you need to evaluate how feasible this is.

The most important scourge of all screens is a change in color or contrast when viewed from the side. First, you should move a few meters away from the screen and see how the image changes. Along the way, it is worth paying attention to the presence of horizontal stripes changing in the vertical direction. If they are visible too clearly, you will have to do some adjustments (this can be done in the adapter properties on the “Monitor” tab). The higher the frequency, the better. As a rule, the default setting is initially set to the optimal setting, but a free-standing computer monitor or laptop screen may support higher settings. Therefore, you need to test each of them by selecting the appropriate frequencies in the drop-down menu.

How to set up your monitor for correct color reproduction: desktop devices

Now about the setup itself. As a rule, most modern computer monitors (not laptop screens) are already equipped at the time of manufacture with their own means for setting the necessary parameters.

To solve the question of how to set up your monitor for correct color reproduction, in the simplest case you need to press a special menu button on the front panel or side to enter the corresponding menu. When you select the desired section using two buttons, you can adjust all parameters. But, as is already clear, such settings are primitive, and the monitors themselves are clearly limited in their ability to fine-tune all the necessary parameters.

How to properly adjust monitor color rendering using Windows?

Although you can access color adjustments on Windows systems through personalization or screen settings (both sections can be accessed from the right-click menu on an empty space of the Desktop), it is still better to use a special calibration tool. The easiest way to call it is through the search bar of the Start menu, where the word “calibration” is written. You can also access this tool, for example, in Windows 10 through the screen options, where additional settings are selected. You should first set it to optimal (recommended) or use higher settings if supported.

Next, you will need to follow the recommendations of the “Wizard,” changing certain settings along the way. Particular attention should be paid to setting the number of displayed colors and depth. You don’t have to experiment with the quantity, but the color depth for displayed graphic objects for almost all modern devices should be set to 32 bits.

Testing and configuration using RealColor

It is believed that one of the most optimal solutions to the problem of how to set up a monitor for correct color reproduction is to use special wallpapers called RealColor, which is somewhat reminiscent of the adjustment grid that was previously used on TVs.

You just need to download the wallpaper with a resolution corresponding to that installed on your computer monitor or laptop screen, and then open it in full. Next, you should look at the screen from a normal distance. But it is better to use a special picture, in which, with optimal color settings, a smooth gray gradient should be visible. If streaking is visible or other colors are mixed in, the monitor is not calibrated. A similar result should be observed for images with colored letters and circles on a gray background.

In most cases, the result will not live up to your hopes, so you will have to use special utilities. One could, of course, recommend the special Atrise Lutcurve application, but the program is paid ($25), and most users simply cannot afford it.

Image calibration in Adobe Gamma

Thus, if you decide how to set up your monitor for correct color rendering using software, you can use Adobe Gamma as a testing utility, however, this program is basically designed for color calibration when working in Photoshop (so that the image on the screen does not differ depending on what will be printed).

When starting the application, it is better to select a special “Wizard” (step by step) and create a description of the new profile. Next, as in the case of calibration in Windows, you need to follow the instructions and recommendations, changing the parameters manually.

We set the glow type to HDTV (CCIR 709) or our own, leave only one checkbox for consideration and determine the so-called color temperature of the white point (for daylight the value is set to 6500K). Next, three light squares will be shown, from which you will need to choose the most neutral gray. At the last stage, all that remains is to set the point display as hardware and save the profile. If you need to make changes, editing the profile or launching a new test can be done from the system tray.

Using online services

In principle, you can evaluate the correctness of the set color rendering parameters using special web services like, however, they do not have their own configuration tools, but in the test results they provide fairly detailed descriptions of problems and recommendations for eliminating them.


As a conclusion, we can only note that fine-tuning color rendering is quite a difficult task, especially since these parameters depend on a huge number of third-party factors and conditions. Therefore, in different situations, the settings used may differ sharply from each other.

But many will ask, what should I use? In the simplest case, you can limit yourself to Windows tools. Well, in software terms, it is better to configure it through the utilities supplied with the graphics adapters (if such programs exist). In most cases, they save the user from changing settings manually and can optimize all parameters based on the selected operating mode.

From settings screen resolution The clarity of text and images depends. Typically, the larger the diagonal of the monitor, the higher the screen resolution (DPI) it supports. However, the ability to increase screen resolution is also affected by the video adapter (video card).

As stated above, more high screen resolutions details look sharper. This is especially noticeable on LCD monitors of desktop computers and laptops. On such monitors, the clearest picture is obtained when setting the so-called own or "native" screen resolution. In this case, one pixel (point) on the screen corresponds to one physical pixel on the monitor.

With CRT monitors the picture is somewhat different. There the screen resolution is lower (often 1024 x 768 pixels) and the setting of a “non-native” screen resolution is not so noticeable due to the peculiarities of the image output technology.

Reference: The “native” screen resolution is always indicated in the documentation for your display. Almost all modern monitors display a message on the screen indicating optimal (“native”) settings in case the system is configured to output in a different mode. Also, sometimes the native resolution is indicated in the settings available through the monitor's OSD menu.

What is the actual picture setup like?

Beginning with Windows 7, the system, immediately after installation is completed, tries to configure the most optimal screen parameters(screen resolution, refresh rate and color depth). These parameters can vary greatly, both for different types of monitors (LCD monitor or CRT display), and for different models even from the same screen manufacturer.

Install some additional drivers for video cards and especially monitors in the first stages (immediately after installing the operating system) it is not necessary. But this does not always happen, unfortunately.

There are times when automatic setting crashes. The OS runs with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 (and sometimes 800 x 600) pixels. In this case, you can try to configure all the settings manually.

Manually adjusting screen resolution

To change settings displaying an image on the screen you need to do the following:

  1. Press the button " Start", select " Control Panel»;
  2. Enter the section " Design and personalization" and select the command " Setting the screen resolution»;
  3. In the first drop-down list next to “ Screen"The name and model of your monitor must be indicated. If it says " Universal PnP Monitor" or " Universal non-PnP monitor", try selecting your monitor from the drop-down list. If your monitor is not on the list, then further steps are indicated below in the article;
  4. A little lower in the window opposite the inscription “ Permission» Click on the drop-down list and use the slider to set the desired screen resolution. If there is no “native” screen resolution, then most likely your monitor has been identified incorrectly (see point 3 above) or there are problems with setting up the video adapter (for example, the drivers were not installed or were installed incorrectly);
  5. After changing the screen resolution using the slider, you need to click the " Apply»;
  6. After all, you need to click on the “ Save" to confirm the selected new screen resolution or the " button cancel changes" to return to previous settings.

Reference: If you select a screen resolution that is not supported by your monitor, the screen may go blank. In this case, you need to wait a few seconds, after which the original screen resolution will be restored.

Manually adjusting the monitor did not help. What to do?

Usually you need to install drivers for video cards from the manufacturer. They can be found either on disk, if you had one when you purchased the video card, or downloaded from the Internet. It is better to give preference to the website of the manufacturer of your video adapter. From other sites it is very easy to download some malicious program instead of a driver.

Install the driver and reboot. Nothing changed? Then we try to repeat all 6 points that were described above.

Video card drivers are installed, but the picture is not clear

If after all the manipulations nothing helps, then you most likely have in the parameter “ Screen" indicated " Universal monitor (not) PnP" The OS simply doesn't know what resolution your display supports.

In this case, some computer forums and websites recommend trying to install a driver for the monitor. Maybe this helped someone. But more often than not, such drivers simply do not exist. Especially it concerns Windows 7 or newer Windows 8 or Windows 10- monitor drivers are simply not needed for these OSs (especially for older monitor models).

A simple and quick solution to the screen customization problem

The problem is almost always fixed very, very simply. See:

  1. Your video card most likely has two DVI outputs. Try connecting the cord to a different connector;
  2. If the monitor is connected via a DVI-VGA adapter and step 1 does not help, try another adapter. It happens that you come across “inadequate” adapters;
  3. If steps 1 and 2 did not help, you should check or replace the cord;
  4. If possible, you need to get rid of the DVI-VGA adapter altogether. Connect immediately via DVI or HDMI interface, if available on the video card and monitor;
  5. There are even recommendations online to reverse the cord (insert the connector from the monitor into the video card and vice versa). It didn't help me, but it still might;
  6. On the contrary, connect via an adapter DVI-VGA. I had a real case when the video card had 2 outputs - VGA and DVI. IN Windows 10 The monitor was detected only after connecting the monitor via an adapter. Nothing else helped.

After completing each of these six steps, you need to reboot and repeat manually setting the resolution again, if this did not happen automatically.

In 8 out of 10 cases, it is enough immediately after installing the OS not to waste time fiddling with drivers, but to make sure that the whole point is that the OS was unable to automatically detect the monitor model (installed “ Universal PnP Monitor" or even " Universal non-PnP monitor") and complete the last 4 steps.

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The average PC user spends 1 to 3 hours a day in front of a monitor. Time 12-14 hours - this also happens.

Of course, modern LED LCD monitors have a much smaller negative impact on well-being than their CRT ancestors. But still, this fact should not be ignored.
Damage to the eyes can be minimized if properly adjusted. A properly calibrated screen is not only less likely to strain your eyes and affect your vision, but it also looks much brighter and clearer.

Today we’ll tell you how to set up the screen so that your eyes don’t get tired and the picture looks as attractive as possible.

Settings panel

The necessary parameters can be configured using a special panel. It is located on the outside of the monitor. Turns on by pressing a specific button. It disappears on its own after some time, after you have completed the necessary actions.

To do this, you do not need to close all tabs or turn off the computer. All settings are displayed on top of open windows as a new layer.

In most cases, the settings do not differ between monitors.


Most users are switching to new types of monitors. They have three different operating modes that adapt the settings to the type of activity you do.


    Text documents. In this mode, the brightness is reduced to a level at which eye strain is minimal.

    Graphic arts

    Images and comp. games. Brightness and contrast reach the level where all colors and shades of the image are most accurately conveyed.


    Movies. Brightness and contrast have been increased. The monitor is configured so that the user can comfortably watch a movie from a distance.


Click “Start” – “Control Panel” – “Appearance and Personalization” – “Adjust screen resolution”. Next, select “Resolution”. Define it and click “Define”. Then “Save” if everything was done correctly, or “Cancel” if you are not sure.

  1. Screen 19 inches – 1280 x 1024 pixels;
  2. 20 inches – 1600 x 1200;
  3. 22 inches – 1680 x 1050;
  4. 24 inches - 1900 x 1200.

Colorful temperature

Not many people know that the white color on the monitor is not white: its shades range from red-white to blue-white.

The color temperature set by the user must necessarily correspond to the starting point of the spectrum, which is most pleasing to the eye.

Very often there is a standard value of 9300 K - this, in turn, means that the white color will have a blue tint. But most users prefer warmer tones. In this case, it is necessary to set the color temperature in the range of 6500 K.

Color balance

We determine the optimal darkness level.

This is a very important setting point, because if the brightness is too high, even deep blacks will appear in shades of gray. Well, if this parameter is too low, gray shades will become pure black.

To determine the optimal value for this parameter, go to and drag and drop the grayscale table.

To make your computer screen settings as comfortable as possible for your eyes, you need to know how to change the screen resolution of your personal computer or laptop monitor.

Screen resolution is an indicator that determines the clarity of the display of all icons, pictures, that is, graphics in general. It is important to determine what will be best for the monitor.

Changing an extension using built-in OS features

The higher the resolution, the better the clarity of the display. For example, a 22-inch display will have a standard resolution of 1680*1050, which is optimal and maximum for this screen.

All available sizes are available in the settings; it is advisable to choose the largest one offered.

Follow the instructions to change the image resolution of your display:

  • Go to the operating system desktop. Right-click on it and select screen options, as shown in the figure below;
  • In the window that opens, you can adjust the size of text, icons and other system elements in real time. You can also adjust the screen orientation. To go to the selection tab, enter the word “resolution” at the top in the search bar;
  • Select “change screen resolution”;
  • Click on the drop-down list as shown in the figure and select the standard recommended one. Save the new settings.

Important! It happens that the recommended resolution is higher than the display. That is, the size of the final image does not correspond to the screen size, so some elements of the desktop may disappear from the user's field of view. Adjusting your monitor will resolve this issue. In the selection options, choose not the recommended one, but the one that fully displays all the elements of the desktop. At the same time, all graphics must be clear.

Several common types of expansion and corresponding display sizes:

  • 1024*768 – perfect for screens of 15 or 17 inches. In a display with a resolution of 1024*768 pixels, the color depth is 16 bits;
  • 1280*1024 – intended for displays whose size is 19 inches;
  • Types of monitors measuring 24 inches most accurately convey the image at a resolution of 1920*1080. All displays with these parameters are FullHD.

Adjusting the screen refresh rate

The higher the display refresh rate, the correspondingly better the image quality. That is why, in addition to size, it is necessary to pay attention to this parameter. To change the refresh rate follow the instructions:

  • Go to the control panel. In the search bar, enter “Screen” (without quotes);
  • In the proposed search result, select the item that is responsible for the screen refresh rate, as shown in the figure;
  • Set the refresh rate to the highest possible. This will eliminate possible periodic flickering of the monitor.

NVIDIA Software

How to find out the right resolution for your display? This can be done on the official website of the manufacturer or in the instructions that come with the device.

On the boxes of monitors and laptops from Samsung there is information on how to set the correct resolution and what to do if the real one does not match the declared one.

Using a special program that is preinstalled on all computers equipped with an Nvidia family video card, you can also adjust the resolution of the user's monitor. Follow the instructions.