How to make a presentation in powerpoint correctly. How to make a presentation on a computer: main stages of work

Every modern user Computer must be able to make a PowerPoint presentation. Schoolchildren and students can use a presentation to talk about their research or defend an essay, diploma, or course work. Working people may need a presentation to introduce their product. In any case, if you are here, it means you want to learn how to make a presentation.

We have prepared step-by-step instructions on how to make a presentation on a computer. Please note that some items may be called differently on your computer, depending on the version of PowerPoint. We wrote the instructions using PowerPoint 2007.

Step 1: Launch PowerPoint

When starting the program PowerPoint, you will be asked to select which document you want to create. Select " Blank presentation" to start making your presentation from scratch.

Step 2: Choose a design

The next thing you should do is choose a design for your presentation. To do this, go to the “ Design"at the top of the page. Look carefully at all the options and choose the one you like best. You can hover over a design to see how it will look in a presentation before it is applied.

You can also choose a different design for each slide. To do this, select a slide, then click right click mouse over the design you want to apply. A pop-up menu will appear in which click on " Apply to selected slide" This way you will change the design for one specific slide and the rest will remain the same.

Step 3: Add a title

Click on the first box that says " Click to add title". Here you can write the title of your presentation. Then click on the box below to add your name, job title and other details.

Once you have written text in the fields, you can change the font, size, color, etc. You can also move the field or change the size using edges and corners.

Step 4: Add Slides

You will most likely need several slides for your presentation. There are several ways to add additional slides. Notice the separate area on the left side of the screen where your first slide is located. Right-click on the slide, and select the option " New slide" This is the first way to add a new slide.

The second way is to select the " Insert" at the top of the screen, and click on " New slide" Here you can choose a layout for the slide, for example a slide with two text boxes and a title, one text field, name only, etc.

The new slide will appear on the left side of the screen below the first slide. The design you chose in step 3 will be applied to the new slide.

Step 5: Add charts, photos, graphs, etc.

If you want to insert a chart, picture, graph or any other graphic object, click on the tab Insert» at the top of the window. Here you will see all the available options that you can insert into your slide.

Once the graph or picture is inserted into the slide, you can add a frame or change options by clicking on the " tab Format».

Step 6: Add Transitions

To add transitions between slides, click on the " tab Animation» at the top of the window. Here you can hover your mouse over one of the transitions to see what it will look like. Next, select the slide for which you want to apply a transition, and then select the transition itself. You can choose one transition for all slides at once, or set up different transitions for each slide.

Step 7: Change the order of the slides

Once all the slides have been created, you can rearrange them in the presentation. To do this, click and drag the slide on the left side of the window.

Step 8: Launch your presentation

When all the slides are ready, you can start the presentation. Go to the " Slide show" at the top of the window, and select " At first" Switching slides during a presentation is done using the left and right keys on your keyboard.

You can also press the key F5 to quickly launch your presentation. Key ESC allows you to exit the presentation.

Congratulations! You have made a presentation in PowerPoint.

If you have any questions about our step-by-step instructions on how to make a presentation on a computer, write in the comments below. We'll be happy to help!

PowerPoint allows you to create memorable presentations that can help you deliver your speech. But, unfortunately, in inept hands, using the same program, an incomprehensible mosaic of scattered texts, pictures, videos can be created, which will be bright, but still a hindrance. Are you wondering how to make a presentation on a computer? Step-by-step instruction will be provided to you today.

By the way, for those who like to ask questions like: how to make a presentation at Windows computer 7. Let us explain: Windows7 is one of the many operating systems Windows family. PowerPoint is a program included in the MS Office package. You may have the latest Windows 10 OS installed, and Office 2007,2010,2013 or even 2003, and, conversely, Windows XP has a version of Office 2010 (though only 32-bit). What can be concluded? The appearance and functionality of PowerPoint does not depend on operating system, but on the version of the MS Office package. In our article we use illustrations made on the currently most common version - PowerPoint 2010.

Where do we start?

Of course from the main point. But the most important thing is the content of the speech. Remember, in most cases you are not creating a book with illustrations, not a cartoon that will be interesting in animation. Your task is to convey important information, but we will only enhance the transmission of its content using PowerPoint(a).

The following opens before you:

Figure 1. Appearance of an open window.

  1. Create a title slide and presentation plan.

The first slide is for creating title page. In the Slide Title area, write down the title of the speech; in the Slide Subtitle area, you usually enter Additional Information about the author of the slide film, time and place of creation.

To create a second slide, simply click on the New Slide command on the Ribbon in the Slides panel or go to the slide thumbnail area (left-click in this area) and press Enter. If the action is performed correctly, you will get something like this:

Figure 2. Creating the second slide

  1. Pay attention to the layout.

Slide layout depends on the layout. The first slide in the Presentation is automatically created as the title slide, the second as the Title and Object. This suits us, but if the markup needs to be changed, select the Layout item and indicate the required option.

Figure 3. Slide Layouts

  1. Customizing the Design.

Having a ready-made title slide and a slide with regular text content, you can move on to the external design of the movie slide. The Design tab, Themes panel will help you create a stylish design.

Open the list of topics and select the option you like.

If this is your first presentation, you should limit your design choice to this, but if you already have experience, you can experiment with a set of colors for this theme.

We create slides, place the main points of your speech on them, add illustrations, insert diagrams, tables, sounds and videos if necessary. How to create a presentation with these elements can be read in detail in the following articles.

  1. Go to slide show mode (press F5 or Shift+F5) . Let's look at the initial result.

If you quickly learned the first lesson on how to make a presentation on a computer yourself, you can move on to the next lessons, with the help of which you will not only create a slide movie, but also set up animation, set slide changes, and record the show time. All these settings will help make your work more interesting and brighter.

Knowing how to competently present your work is a high art. That's why it's so important to know the intricacies of creating a presentation on a computer. But if you have never encountered this “beast” before, we will tell you in detail and show you how to make a presentation in Word (as well as in Powerpoint) with step-by-step instructions.

What kind of presentation can you make yourself?

IN office suite(namely in Microsoft Power Point), which, most likely, all students have already mastered, you can make a very decent presentation - from several sheets (slides), with sound effects, with graphs and diagrams.

But before you start, you’ll have to stock up on the essentials—those without which no presentation will work:

  • high-quality text - it is better to write it yourself, taking into account the characteristics of the audience to whom you will give your presentation. A little humor (the main thing is not to overdo it) and beautiful design– and the presentation will go off with a bang!
  • high-quality pictures, graphs, diagrams, diagrams - it is best to use personal photos or drawings. But if there are none, feel free to use stock images from good resolution. If you don’t know which program is best for making drawings for presentation on a computer, use graph - it does an excellent job of creating graphs. If all this is too complicated for you, ok: take a piece of paper and a pen, draw it yourself, take a photo and paste it into a presentation as a drawing!
  • video (if necessary). If you don’t know how to shoot high-quality videos, then it’s better not to use them at all. In addition to filming, you also need to be able to process the footage well. However, long live youtube, where you can find a lot of useful things that have already been filmed by someone.

And of course, the most important thing you need to create a powerpoint presentation is a plan! No matter how beautiful your own presentation may seem to you in your thoughts, without a plan and a logical sequence of thoughts, it will be just a set of text, pictures and graphs. Think carefully about your target audience, as well as the time in which you will have to meet it.

Invaluable instructions on how to make a presentation in Powerpoint

Here you can create and delete slides, change their places if necessary, and give them titles.

If you're not happy with the default presentation look, play around with the slide layout options. Just right-click on the slide on the slide itself. An action will appear on the left where you select the “layout\...” setting.

Now is the time to work on the appearance of your powerpoint presentation. You can select a theme by opening themes - find the “Design” button in the toolbar and select “Themes” there.

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Do you see how the presentation has immediately changed? Now let's move on to the content of the slides.

After you have selected the desired type of chart, the program will open a window for you in which you will need to enter the main indicators to be displayed in the presentation. This is what it will look like:

It’s also easy to work with tables - in the tools, select “Insert/Tables”, immediately select the required number of rows and columns (everything is like in Word) and fill it out to your health!

We agree to the condition of the program that while viewing the slide, the video will play automatically and that’s it.

You can also play with different types animation, framing and other “tricks”, but we are looking at the basic creation, so some other time.

  1. Presentation directly. To start viewing your presentation, just launch it and press F5. Another way is to start the presentation, click “Slide Show” and select “Start Show Over”.

So you have created the simplest, but quite attractive presentation that will help you achieve the desired effect. If you don’t have the opportunity (well, let’s say, a computer) or the time to write it in Power Point yourself, you can always turn to !

To really get results quickly, you need to take advantage of the combined power of several office programs. We'll show you how this works using PowerPoint as an example.

Once you've uploaded your Word document, you'll have a nearly finished presentation that just needs a little polishing. Once you have chosen your topic and target group, you can begin.

1 Preparing a rough sketch in Word

Open a new blank document and write all the headings you will need in your presentation. In order for PowerPoint to work with this later, the headings need to be formatted according to the hierarchy. From "Heading 1" PowerPoint will create a new slide.

Subordinate formats (Heading 2, Heading 3, etc.) will be assigned to the first "Heading 1" and will end up on the same slide. Texts without headings will be completely ignored. Once you've created your plan, launch PowerPoint and select File | Open". Go to the location of the document, change "All PowerPoint presentations" to "All structures" and open the file.

2 Create a structure in PowerPoint

Of course, you can do the breakdown directly in PowerPoint, but it's a little more complicated. Go to the "Outline" tab or in PowerPoint 2016 select "View | Structure mode". Click the icon to create a new slide and enter a title. Use the key to complete the creation of the slide.

To add subheadings, click on . With the + keys you will go to the nearest high level. Create the required number of slides.

3 Adding breakdowns to presentations

If you need to expand an existing presentation, create new plan in Word, go to PowerPoint and on the Home tab, in the Slides category, click New Slide.

Using the "Slides from Structure" command, you can select your Word document and “Add” new headings.

4 Selecting a suitable design

On the "Design" tab, select one of the proposed options. As you move your mouse across the ribbon, PowerPoint displays the current slide in the appropriate design. You can use the arrow in the lower right corner to bring up additional templates.

To choose an option, click on it. If you want the theme to apply only to certain slides, right-click on it and select Apply to Selected Slides.

5 We develop individual design

If you don’t like any of the ready-made solutions, on the “Design” tab, in the “Options | " Extra options"", click on the "Colors" option and select "Adjust Colors". In the left part of the window, specify the desired color scheme, set a name and save the theme.

Now click on the “Fonts” button, select “Customize fonts”. After choosing the one that suits you, save your option. Now, in the Themes group, click on the bottom-right arrow and select “Save current theme.” You will find your own design in the “Custom” group.

6 Improving the appearance of content

Now add the actual content. Long texts you can highlight and design via “Home | Paragraph | Convert to SmartArt Graphic." Tools in the SmartArt category will improve appearance other elements of the presentation.

Finally, on the “Transitions” tab, in the “Transition to Slide” group, select the appropriate option. Skip the optical games and tone down the effect in the Effect Options if necessary.

Thanks to the “View” button you can evaluate the work done. In the Time group, click Apply to All. Your presentation is now ready to show.

Photo: manufacturing companies

In today's article we will look in detail at how to make a presentation, what problems arise during production, and what you should pay attention to. Let's look at some subtleties and tricks.

Actually, what is this? Personally, I would give a simple definition - it is a brief and visual presentation of information that helps the speaker reveal the essence of his work in more detail. Now they are used not only by businessmen (as before), but also by ordinary students, schoolchildren, and in general, in many areas of our lives!

As a rule, a presentation consists of several sheets on which images, diagrams, tables, and a brief description are presented.

And so, let's begin to understand all this in detail...

Main components

The main program for work is Microsoft PowerPoint (and it is available on most computers, since it comes bundled with Word and Excel).

Example of a presentation.


The best option is if you are familiar with the topic of the presentation and can write the text yourself from personal experience. This will be interesting and exciting for listeners, but this option is not suitable for everyone.

You can get by with books, especially if you have a good collection on your shelf. Text from books can be scanned and recognized, and then translated into Word format. If you do not have books, or there are few of them, you can use electronic libraries.

Besides books, good option essays may become, perhaps even those that you yourself wrote and submitted earlier. You can use popular sites from the catalog. If you collect several interesting abstracts on the desired topic, you can get an excellent presentation.

It wouldn’t hurt to just search for articles on the Internet on various forums, blogs, and websites. Very often you come across excellent materials.

Pictures, diagrams, graphs

Of course, the most interesting option would be your personal photographs that you took in preparation for writing the presentation. But you can get by with a Yandex search. Moreover, there is not always time and opportunity for this.

You can draw graphs and diagrams yourself if you have some patterns, or you calculated something using a formula. For example, for mathematical calculations, there is an interesting program for drawing up graphs.

If you can’t find a suitable program, you can create a graph manually, draw it in Excel, or simply on a piece of paper, and then photograph or scan it. There are many options...


Making a high-quality video is not an easy task, and it’s also expensive. One video camera is not affordable for everyone, and you also need to properly process the video. If you have such an opportunity, be sure to use it. And we'll try to make do...

If the quality of the video can be somewhat neglected, it will do just fine for recording. mobile phone(in many "average" price category mobile phones have cameras installed). Some things can be removed for them to show in detail some specific thing that is difficult to explain in a picture.

By the way, many popular things have already been filmed by someone and can be found on YouTube (or other video hosting sites).

And another interesting option for creating a video - you can record it from the monitor screen, and also add sound, for example, your voice telling what is happening on the monitor screen.

Perhaps, if you already have all of the above and are on your hard drive, you can start making a presentation, or rather, designing it.

How to Make a Presentation in PowerPoint

Before moving on to the technical part, I would like to dwell on the most important thing - the outline of the speech (report).


No matter how beautiful your presentation is, without your speech it is just a set of pictures and text. Therefore, before you start, decide on a plan for your speech!

First, who will be the audience for your talk? What are their interests and what would they like best? Sometimes success depends no longer on the completeness of the information, but on where you focus your attention!

Second, determine the main purpose of your presentation. What does it prove or disprove? Perhaps she talks about some methods or events, your personal experience etc. Different directions should not be mixed into one report. Therefore, immediately decide on the concept of your speech, think about what you will say at the beginning, at the end - and, accordingly, what slides and with what information you will need.

Third, most speakers fail to time their presentations correctly. If you are given very little time, then making a huge report with videos and sounds makes almost no sense. Listeners won't even have time to watch it! It is much better to make a short speech, and place the rest of the material in another article and copy it onto media for everyone interested.

Working with a slide

Usually, the first thing they do when starting work on a presentation is adding slides (i.e., pages that will contain text and graphic information). This is easy to do: launch Power Point (by the way, the example will show version 2007), and click “home/create slide”.

By the way, slides can be deleted (click on the one you want in the left column and press the DEL key, move, swap with each other - using the mouse).

As we have already noticed, our slide turned out to be the simplest: a title and text under it. To be able, for example, to place text in two columns (it’s easy to compare objects with this arrangement), you can change the slide layout. To do this, right-click on the slide in the left column and select the setting: “layout/...”. See the picture below.

I'll add a couple more slides and my presentation will consist of 4 pages (slides).

All pages of our work are still white. It would be nice to give them some design (i.e. choose the right theme). To do this, open the "design/themes" tab.

Now our presentation is no longer so lackluster...

Time to move on to editing text information our presentation.

Work with text

Working with text in Power Point is simple and easy. Just click on the desired block with the mouse and enter the text, or simply copy and paste it from another document.

You can also easily move or rotate it with the mouse by holding down the left mouse button on the border of the frame surrounding the text.

By the way, in Power Point, as in regular Word, all misspelled words are underlined with a red line. Therefore, pay attention to spelling - it is very unpleasant when you see gross errors in a presentation!

In my example, I will add text to all pages, it will look something like this.

Editing and inserting graphs, charts, tables

Charts and graphs are usually used to clearly demonstrate changes in some indicators relative to others. For example, show this year's profit relative to last year.

To insert a diagram, click in the Power Point program: "insert/diagrams".

To insert tables, click on: "insert/table". Please note that you can immediately select the number of rows and columns in the created table.

Working with media

It is very difficult to imagine a modern presentation without pictures. Therefore, it is highly advisable to insert them, because most people will be bored if there are no interesting pictures.

To begin with, don’t be shallow! Try not to place many pictures on one slide; it is better to make the pictures larger and add another slide. From the back rows, it is sometimes very difficult to see the small details of the images.

Adding a picture is simple: click “insert/images”. Next, select the place where your pictures are stored and add the one you need.

Inserting audio and video are very similar in nature. In general, these things should not always and everywhere be included in the presentation. Firstly, it is not always and not everywhere appropriate for you to have music playing in the middle of the silence of listeners trying to analyze your work. Secondly, the computer on which you will present your presentation may not have the necessary codecs or any other files.

To add music or a movie, click: “insert/movie (sound)”, then indicate the location on your hard drive where the file is located.

The program will warn you that when you view this slide, it will automatically start playing the video. We agree.

Applying effects, transitions and animations

Probably, many have seen at presentations, and even in films, that beautiful transitions are made between some frames: for example, a frame is like a book page, turns to the next sheet, or smoothly dissolves. The same can be done in Power Point.

To do this, select the desired slide in the column on the left. Next, in the "animation" section, select "transition style". There are dozens of different page changes to choose from here! By the way, when you hover over each one, you will see how the page will be displayed during the demonstration.

Important! The transition only affects one slide that you select. If you selected the first slide, then the launch will begin with this transition!

How to avoid mistakes

  1. Check your spelling. Gross spelling mistakes can completely ruin general impression about your work done. Errors in the text are highlighted with a red wavy line.
  2. If you used sound or films in your presentation, and are going to present it not from your laptop (computer), then copy these multimedia files along with the document! It would be a good idea to take the codecs that should be used to play them. Very often it turns out that the other computer does not have these materials and you will not be able to fully demonstrate your work.
  3. Follows from the second point. If you plan to print the report and present it in paper form, then do not add video and music to it - it will still not be visible or audible on paper!
  4. A presentation is not just about slides with pictures, your report is very important!
  5. Don’t be too small – it’s difficult to see small text from the back rows.
  6. Do not use faded colors: yellow, light gray, etc. It is better to replace them with black, dark blue, burgundy, etc. This will allow listeners to see your material more clearly.
  7. The last piece of advice will probably be very useful for students. Don't put off development until the last day! According to the law of meanness - on this day everything will go awry!

In this article, in principle, we have created the most ordinary presentation. In conclusion, I would not like to dwell on any technical points or tips on using alternative programs. In any case, the basis is the quality of your material; the more interesting your report (add photos, videos, text to this) - the better your presentation will be. Good luck!
