How to properly charge a new battery on a smartphone. How to properly charge a new smartphone battery for the first time to extend its life

Correctly for its longevity, the situation with batteries needs to be clarified. The whole point is in their types. Previously, portable laptops were equipped with iron-nickel and nickel-metal hydride batteries, but now laptops and smartphones have lithium-ion batteries.

Nickel batteries have a so-called “memory effect”. The essence of this phenomenon is as follows: if you charge a battery that is 30% full, the remaining 70% is remembered by the device as “full charge,” and it is clear that the original capacity is reduced. That is why the principle of charging a nickel battery has become widely known. Chemical changes when recharging a full battery result in reduced capacity in the future.

Modern portable ones are equipped with lithium-ion batteries that do not require full recharging.

How to charge your smartphone correctly

The device requires regular charging. Do not allow your smartphone to discharge completely, to 0%. Even draining the battery to 50% is not good option. When the charge drops by 10-20%, it is already necessary to recharge the device.

The device cannot be left on. Modern lithium-ion devices do not require constant 100% recharging. The best option recharging – from 40 to 80%. Try to stay within these boundaries. If the battery is fully charged, 100%, then it should not be left on charge; it is precisely such actions that lead to a reduction in the service life of electronic devices.

How to charge a smartphone if this process occurs at night

To ensure the service life of lithium ion batteries calculated over the years, to maximize their service life, it is best to purchase energy-saving sockets. When you charge the device overnight, special sockets automatically turn off the charger after a specified amount of time.

If the phone or laptop is not of Chinese origin, then it already has a native charge controller, which, upon reaching 100%, will automatically turn off charging, and in some cases even report that it is fully charged sound signal. Naturally, such normal devices can be left online for a long time.

How to charge your smartphone to increase its service life

Once a month, but not more often, you should completely discharge the electronics, and then charge them 100%. These steps are necessary to calibrate the device. The fact is that the devices show the remaining charge in minutes or percentage; these functions can become confused with frequent small recharges, and therefore they should be adjusted monthly in this way.

It is unacceptable to allow the device to overheat, this will significantly shorten its service life. For this reason, you should not work with your laptop on your lap.

How to properly charge your phone? Whether it is new or old, whether its battery is worn out, branded ( Samsung, Xiaomi, Apple) or Chinese “noname” - in 2019, the battery charging rules for all mobile devices are the same from a scientific point of view.

Find out what is best for recharging your phone, tablet or any other modern portable gadget based on evidence and scientific claims.

How to extend battery life and service life?

The most common questions concern the features and rules for using autonomous mobile device. So, how can we extend the life of any battery, regardless of the type of battery used (Li-Ion, Li-Po, NiMH, NiCD)?

2. Deep discharge- remember that a partial discharge is safe, but a full discharge wears out the battery; it is optimal to keep the charge level from 30% to 80% (what is a deep discharge).

3. Hard work- choose phones that have a fairly powerful battery if you want to use your mobile device for games (like Pokemon Go) or resource-intensive tasks.

4. Fast charging - use only original chargers when your phone supports one of the proprietary technologies (Qualcomm Quick Charge, Pump Express, VOOC, Super mCharge and others). But if you want to extend the battery life, then in everyday use with high power adapters, try not to exceed the charge level of 80%.

5. Battery storage- the worst factors are elevated temperature and high voltage, so it is optimal to place the phone or other gadget with a Li-Ion battery in a cool place partially charged (for example, up to 50%).

How to properly charge your phone and any other mobile device?

The instructions are equally suitable for all modern gadgets that use a Li-Ion or Li-Polymer battery:
smartphones (iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry - on any platform);
phones (Java MID2.0, Symbian, Nokia, all kinds of Chinese dialers);
tablets (on Windows based, iOS, "Android");
GPS navigators, hand-held, portable, for cars;
smart watch (Xiaomi Mi Band, Android Wear, Apple Watch, Samsung Gear and so on);
laptops (from netbooks to ultrabooks and gaming PCs);
other autonomous high-tech products.

1. How to properly charge a new phone?

Simply plug in the charger and recharge before first and all subsequent uses. A full cycle or long charge is not required for Li-Ion and Li-Polymer - they are ready for use from the factory.

2. What bad things can happen to the battery?

Storing with a low charge level leads to the protection circuit being turned off and failure (the phone does not turn on, the percentage of the energy level “jumps”, and so on). Physical damage and external factors (especially heating) can lead to depressurization of the case and self-ignition of the battery (remember the story of the exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7).

3. Does the phone need to be fully charged?

From a scientific point of view, partial charge of Li-Ion and Li-Polymer cells is more effective than full charge (up to 100%).

Maintain charge level between 30% and 80%.

4. Is it possible to interrupt battery charging?

Partially filling the battery capacity does not cause any harm - this is the most practical way to keep a smartphone or other mobile device offline.

5. Do I need to completely discharge my phone to the end?

Deep discharge (up to 0%, and sometimes even attempts to turn on a gadget with a discharged battery) leads to premature wear and aging.

6. Does the phone battery have a “memory effect”?

There is no “memory effect” in the batteries of phones, smartphones, tablets and laptops. Li-Ion and Li-Po technologies do not have the reversible loss of capacity without “training” cycles, like NiMH and NiCd batteries.

7. How to calibrate the battery in your phone?

If the charge percentage indicator begins to show erroneous data, then calibration will help correct the problem. The procedure can be repeated every 3 months with unnecessary functions turned off (switch to energy saving mode).

8. Should you unplug your phone when it is already charged?

It is advisable - in most situations it is dangerous to leave another consumer in the outlet unattended. The battery expert community provides evidence that the charging process in the phone is completely controlled and cuts off the power supply from charger, when the battery capacity is already full, but it doesn’t hurt to be safe here.

9. Does a non-removable battery in smartphones last less than a removable one?

There is no difference - in both cases there is no need to remove the battery even during storage. It is enough to fill it at least halfway and put the device in the closet.

10. How can I safely store my phone and battery when I’m not using it?

To avoid damage to Li-Ion and Li-Polymer cells, the manufacturer requires that batteries be kept partially charged. But the temperature factor is even more important - it should be a cool place indoors.

11. Is it normal for the phone to get very hot while charging?

It also leads to overheating of the phone and battery (and its wear, see point 2). wireless charger with a coil and low-quality electronics - when purchasing, check the reviews for the words “heats up the phone.”

12. Can I charge my phone outdoors?

Yes - it is safe, provided that the air temperature is not lower than 0°C with relatively low humidity.

13. How to choose the right charger for your phone?

Check the specifications for voltage and current in your phone manual. It’s very easy to find out whether a charger is of high quality or not - it will charge the device slowly (that is, more than three or even four hours). You should also suspect something is wrong if the adapter or battery gets hot. This charger should not be used.

We will help you solve any problems with the autonomy of your smartphone, laptop and other devices with batteries, and we will also select a high-quality replacement battery with a 12-month guarantee:
contact email(email: );
by toll-free (for residents of Russia) phone number: 8 800 555-86-57 (24 hours a day);
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29.12.2017 20:02:00

Our editors are so often asked how to properly charge a smartphone on Android that we decided to dwell on this topic in more detail. First, let's answer the main question - operating system does not affect the charging methods of the mobile phone. In fact, only the type of battery and the degree of wear are important. We will tell you how to properly charge a new Android phone in this article.

The variety of types of batteries for smartphones can be reduced to just two technologies: nickel and lithium. And, despite the general principle of operation, each of them has own operating rules when charging.

Nickel-metal hydride batteries

Nowadays, a nickel-metal hydride battery for a phone can only be found in very inexpensive models, where there are few functions and energy consumption is minimal. This old technology modern smartphones practically not used. However, it is important to understand how to charge nickel-metal hydride batteries, as devices using such batteries are still available.

The main thing to remember about such batteries is the so-called “memory effect”. That is, if you start charging a nickel-metal hydride battery before it is discharged to zero, its capacity will decrease. Hence, a strong belief arose among the people: any, even the most modern touchscreen phones, must be tortured, bringing the charge to zero, and then charged to the maximum. Especially if the battery is only from the factory (new). But in fact, this applies exclusively to nickel metal hydride batteries, and with lithium batteries it is a completely different story.

Lithium ion batteries

Lithium-ion phone batteries are more powerful than their predecessors and easier to use. Therefore, they are now installed in almost all portable equipment. Below we will give some tips on how to properly charge your phone battery.

How to charge a lithium-ion battery:

  • First of all, do not allow complete discharge. Yes, yes, don’t listen to those advisers who talk about full discharge - they still live in the last decade, although the reality around has changed a lot.
  • Charge your smartphone as often as possible. Do not bring the discharge below 20%, and if possible, connect even earlier. Discharging to zero is one of the reasons why an Android phone quickly discharges. At the same time, avoid constantly leaving your smartphone on the charger, this is also harmful to the battery.
  • Sometimes, once every few months, it is necessary refurbish lithium-ion batteries. That is, discharge the phone to a critical limit and then charge it again, and the charging time should be 12 hours. We emphasize that this procedure can only be carried out once every two to three months!

Focus on accessories!

It is best to charge the device using the included device. Especially if we are not talking about a mobile phone, but, say, a camera, where to charge the battery is removed from the device and inserted into the charger. Original accessories reduce the likelihood of battery failure due to too high currents, extend the life of the gadget and reduce charging time.

Storing lithium-ion batteries

Storage lithium-ion batteries- also a separate procedure that requires its own approach. It is best to store the battery at a temperature of about 15 OC, and the charge level should be about 50% or slightly less. This way we will avoid degradation of the battery capacity, which will inevitably occur if we put it into storage fully charged.

Remember that proper use of lithium-ion batteries will extend their service life. And, therefore, it saves you money.

Why does my phone die in the cold?

Now that we know how to charge new battery phone, let's talk about why the phone dies in the cold. And in general about the effect of temperatures on batteries.

Rapid discharge in cold weather occurs due to slowing down of chemical reactions inside lithium-ion batteries. This releases less energy and, therefore, the battery exhausts its resource faster.

Which smartphone is most resistant to low temperatures? Look for the answer in our article “A thin smartphone for winter.”

Things get even more complicated in the summer heat, as high temperatures pose a risk of damaging or completely destroying the battery. Therefore, our editors do not recommend leaving your smartphone in direct sunlight for a long time - this is dangerous for the device!

crazy hands

And finally, here are some ways to charge mobile phone In the woods:


Thus, there is no single charging algorithm for all types of batteries and smartphone models. It all depends on what kind of mobile device you purchased: a long-lasting phone with an advanced battery or an inexpensive mobile phone with a simple, small-capacity battery.

Consider the battery type, environmental conditions and intensity of use. And of course, do not disdain the energy saving mode, which can significantly extend the life of your smartphone.

By the way, many smartphone users encounter a problem when the mobile device heats up and quickly consumes battery power. What could cause this problem and how to deal with it? You can read about this in our article.

After purchasing a new smartphone, the first thing the user does is connect the gadget to the network via a charger. At the same time, few people think that when charging for the first time it is necessary to follow certain rules. And then you will notice that the phone has to be recharged more and more often.

A decrease in battery capacity occurs for two reasons: improper handling of the gadget and violation of the rules for first installation for charging. In our article, we will talk about the main types of batteries and teach you how to properly charge a smartphone battery for the first time. In this case, the phone battery will last much longer than the warranty period.

On the pages of technical forums and websites, it is customary to talk about 4 main types of batteries for phones. However, in 2017, you can completely limit yourself to two types. The fact is, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride were used in gadgets 10-15 years ago and are no longer used now. This is due to the fact that such batteries are difficult to use - they have to be charged only after they are completely discharged, and they can also be very toxic.

In recent years, mobile device manufacturers have used two main types of batteries:

  • Lithium-ion;
  • Lithium polymer.

Such batteries can be charged to at least 50 or 20% charge. In addition, they are much more convenient to use. The advantage of using lithium-polymer batteries is that such batteries can withstand large quantity charge cycles, and thanks to the polymer electrolyte they can be made lighter and thinner.

Speaking about how to properly charge a smartphone battery for the first time, many technical experts recommend performing the so-called pumping or calibration of the battery:

  1. Completely discharge the phone before turning off the phone. This can be done by simultaneously launching several resource-intensive modules (Wi-Fi, GPS, flashlight, and so on);
  2. Connect the charger. The user manual should indicate how long it takes to fully charge the phone;
  3. Leave the phone to charge for several hours, for example, overnight. By the way, it is recommended to charge your smartphone when it is turned off so that the battery does not waste power maintaining the operation of the main systems;
  4. Carry out a similar procedure 2 or 4 times.

After such a build-up, you can charge the battery at any time, without waiting for complete discharge, and leave it connected to the network even when the battery indicator scale is 100 percent. This is another advantage Li-Ion batteries and Li-Pol: the battery is not overloaded.

Observe simple tips to ensure your phone battery lasts as long as possible:

  • Don't let your phone's battery drain completely. It is enough to bring the indicator level to 10%, and you can connect the charger;
  • It is not necessary to fully charge your phone. It is recommended to alternate the charge from 70-80 to 100% several times a month;
  • Do not leave your smartphone online for a long time. Modern batteries, of course, can cope with excess charge, but you should not abuse this opportunity;
  • Be careful not to leave your phone in hot or cold weather. Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are very capricious in relation to high and low temperatures;
  • If you do not use the phone for a long time, it is better to remove the battery, since an unused battery may soon, as techies say, “fade away.”

Which smartphone with a powerful battery is best to choose?

Mobile gadget modern user rarely lies idle for more than 5 minutes. Moreover, calls and SMS do not account for the largest share of active use. Internet access via Wi-Fi or mobile traffic, geolocation, working with applications, games, watching videos and launching audio - all this has an impact heavy load even for the most capacious battery.

Considering these factors, it is preferable to choose a smartphone that combines large battery capacity with hardware performance. A big plus in this case is the accessibility of the gadget. It is incorrect to assume that a smartphone with powerful battery should cost tens of thousands of rubles. Thus, the British company Fly has been new model smartphone proves that it is possible to produce a productive and long-lasting device and at the same time adhere to the budget price category.

The most powerful smartphone in terms of battery capacity in the brand's model line is . The 4000 mAh battery demonstrates high battery life:

  • up to 15 hours of talk time;
  • up to 350 hours of standby;
  • up to 8 hours of video playback and surfing the Internet via Wi-Fi;
  • up to 70 hours of music listening.

In addition, the smartphone battery supports XLife technology. This means that Fly Nimbus 12 can be used as an external battery to charge another smartphone or tablet. The smartphone didn’t let us down in terms of technical features either. A powerful 1.3 GHz 4-core processor will ensure long-term and stable operation of applications, and high-quality video and photo display occurs on a bright and contrasting 5-inch IPS display in HD resolution.

If the user needs a lithium-polymer battery installed in the smartphone, the gadget itself meets all modern technical requirements, and at the same time is accessible, we recommend paying attention to the new product for the spring-summer season 2017 -. Largely due to the use of a compact 2400 mAh Li-Pol battery, the smartphone in a metal case was made thin and light.

By combining various modes, for example, accessing the Network via Wi-Fi, watching videos, calls, SMS and working with applications, you can safely forget about the charger from morning until late evening.

Now you know how to charge your phone correctly for the first time. Choose the most suitable, reliable and powerful gadget for yourself, don’t forget about our recommendations - and you won’t have to think about buying a new smartphone for a long time.

Overcharging has a negative impact on the battery and phone. When purchasing a new device, you should adhere to certain rules for initial use. Otherwise, the phone will start to discharge very quickly. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly charge a new smartphone battery. This procedure is figuratively called “pumping”.

Pumping is necessary to keep the charge as long as possible. There are several instructions for this procedure, but in order to choose the right one, you need to decide on the type of battery.

Mainly used in mobile devices:

  • lithium-ion;
  • lithium polymer ;
  • nickel-cadmium .

Nickel ones were used on older push button phones. They are significantly different from new gadgets. The latter already use lithium. They are small in size, safe and have excellent power. Lithium batteries do not have a “memory effect”, which can lead to loss of capacity if the battery is not charged correctly.

New devices also have their own characteristics. Lithium batteries react negatively to low temperatures, so in cold weather it is better to use your smartphone less often. You need to make sure that the battery is not completely discharged. Lithium ones do not like charging to capacity. The optimal option is 80-90 percent.

First charge versions

There is an opinion that a new phone battery must be calibrated the first time it is charged. Indeed, this is important. The duration and quality of operation of the gadget depends on proper charging.

There are several versions of how to charge a new battery:

  1. Smartphone sellers recommend initially discharging your smartphone and then fully charging it. . There is a version that for good calibration the procedure must be repeated three times. The same steps are performed when purchasing a separate new battery.
  2. According to another method, the gadget is initially completely discharged . Then the battery must be filled with the mobile device turned off for 12 hours. At this moment, charging is accomplished through direct current. This procedure is carried out only once. Then all the “pumped” gadgets are charged as usual, as long as needed.
  3. There is an opinion that for the first time the battery should be filled with the smartphone turned off for at least a day . After such a long calibration, the device will work perfectly. The procedure only needs to be done once.
  4. Another version: the initial charging of the battery must take place strictly with the mobile device turned on . And it’s not worth keeping it connected to the network for a long time. Before using the phone, you only need to completely discharge it once, but you need to plug it in to refill the battery before the smartphone turns off completely.

Some sellers assure buyers that thanks to modern technologies New charged batteries do not need calibration at all. Each version is partially true. The choice of method directly depends on the type of battery installed in the smartphone. The most common types of batteries are Li-Ion. For Ni-MH batteries, the initial calibration is carried out up to five times, no less.

Regardless of the smartphone, there is a rule that everyone should follow when buying a new phone or battery for a device. It needs to be completely discharged until the mobile switches off on its own. However, until calibration is completed, you need to monitor the charge level. Its excess is harmful to any type of battery.

The phone needs to be charged with 5 percent of the energy remaining in the battery. Some smartphones have a built-in notification function when the battery needs to be refilled. This helps to properly calibrate the new device. If, after 100% charging, the phone remains plugged in for a long time, the “pumping” period is interrupted. The initial calibration of the battery is violated.

“Native” chargers do not allow them to be filled with excess energy. Some gadgets have a built-in power-off function when they are 100 percent full. However, Chinese models often do not have this service, so you need to monitor the initial calibration and turn off the phone on time yourself.

The alternation method helps to properly charge a new battery. First, the battery is filled to 100 percent, then to 80, then again to 100. This procedure is best done after the 3rd cycle of initial charges. Otherwise, the calibration will be lost.

To preserve battery health (if you do not plan to use the mobile device for a long time), the smartphone turns off when the phone has 40 percent charge left.

Instructions for the first battery charge

Against the background of all the versions listed above, you can use general instructions how to charge new phone and how many times this needs to be done for proper calibration. After purchasing a mobile device, you need to turn it on immediately and completely discharge it to zero. Then the gadget is put on charge, and the battery is filled with 100 percent energy. In this case, the phone itself must be turned off.

Once fully charged, the phone is activated and the entire procedure is repeated again. Complete discharge and then filling. This calibration must be repeated at least three times, and preferably 5 times. This will help maintain the functionality of the battery for a longer time. If the seller does not provide a method for charging the battery for the first time, use general recommendations.

If you still have doubts about how to properly charge the battery, you can ask the seller about this when purchasing a mobile device. Smartphones should also come with instructions that indicate the type of battery, how to charge correctly, and how many times “pumping” is performed.

There is no need to calibrate the new charger. However, in this case, after a few months of operation, you may need a new battery for your phone. If you do not carry out the initial calibration, the risk increases that after 100-150 days the device will only work when plugged into the network.