How to convert a scanned document to word. How to Insert Scanned Text or Images into Word


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An electronic version of a paper document can be obtained by scanning it. The format of scanned documents can be different, but pdf is considered the most common. Files recorded in this format can be easily opened using any image editor, but the resulting document cannot be modified. Scan document to pdf can be done using any office or professional device designed to convert paper copies into electronic view. As a rule, the default scanner settings require saving copies in this format. The resulting file is small in size and can be easily transferred via e-mail, write to a flash drive or CD.

Scanned document format pdf: history of development

The format first appeared in 1993 and was not widely used at the initial stage. Programs that could be used to work with pdf documents, were paid, as a result of which further development of the format was hampered. Over time, platforms have appeared for free work with pdf files and gradually the format managed to gain well-deserved recognition and distribution. Today pdf format scanned documents are the most common in the world.

Scan documents into Word: what to do when pdf is not suitable

However, scanning a document to pdf is not always convenient. If you need not only to get electronic copy document for viewing, but also edit it or make changes and edits, this format doesn't fit. In this case, it is much more convenient to scan the document into Word - text editor, with which you can easily perform all the necessary actions with the source.

Get electronic version a paper document available for editing can be done in two stages:

  • scan a document to pdf,
  • Using special programs, convert the resulting file into Word.

This method is optimal and simple; it is what is most often used in copy centers when required scan a document into Word .

How to translate a document from pdf to word

Currently there are a number online service ov for converting a document from pdf to word, however, working with them is not always convenient, there are restrictions on the number of free operations, and the percentage of errors in text recognition is high.

The best program option for converting files from pdf to word is a stationary one free program FineReader. With its help, you can easily convert any scanned file into text format. However, despite the fact that this software recognizes text well, the resulting document must be checked for possible errors.

Scanning large format documents at a copy center

Documents in A4 format can be converted into electronic form and then converted to doc format using a regular office scanner and computer. Drawings and design documents can only be scanned using special equipment in a copy center. Here you can also digitize drawings, as a result of which technical documents are translated into an editable format and changes can also be made to them. It also makes sense to contact a copy center if there are large volumes of scanning documents in standard A4 format. Our specialists will do everything quickly and without errors.

Before submitting documents for scanning to a copy center, they must be prepared: remove all paper clips, springs and other foreign objects that may interfere with scanning. If you don’t have time to do this yourself, you can order the appropriate service at a copy center.

You can scan not only black and white documents, but also color ones. At the same time, the quality of a professional scan will always be higher than that made using conventional office equipment.

At the copy center, the customer has access to a full range of printing and processing services for documents of any format.

Hello. Today I will tell you how scan text into Word document . Why do this? The answer is obvious, for further text editing. After all, the image will not be so easy to edit. What is better to use, a program or an online service to translate scanned text into a Word document? I will talk about this later in the article.

In order to speed up and simplify the task as much as possible, I was looking for sites where online you can convert a scanned document into Word format. To do this I had to scan first and then convert. I’ll say right away that many sites limit the number of translations in Word, and for unlimited conversion you need to pay. I managed to find a couple of sites that solve this problem in an unlimited way, but I won’t share it because convert scanned text to Word online turned out to be a waste of time. Text recognition percentage is very low, it would be easier to retype the document from scratch.

In that case, if online tools on this moment Translation of a scanned document into Word is poor, then how to do this as efficiently as possible? Read about this further in the article, I will provide clear instructions.

After walking around for a few more minutes, I found a program called ABBYY FineReader Professional. Surely you have already heard about her. Downloaded it here, easy to install and works great.

ABBYY FineReader can convert scanned documents not only into Word, but also into PDF and many other text and magazine formats.

It's very easy to use. Install and launch. On the monitor you should see a window like the one below in the screenshot.

There is nothing complicated here, it is intuitively clear that in our case you need to click on "Scan to Microsoft Word» . Then we will see the scanning settings window, in which you can not change anything.

Let's give the program a difficult task - scan and recognize a book page. Place a book or any other document on the scanner and click scan. The program starts scanning and then should automatically recognize the document. If automatic recognition does not occur, then press right click on the scanned document and click “Recognize”. Below in the screenshot you can see the result I got.

Further click on the Word icon at the top and the document will be saved in the text format of a Microsoft Word document. Of course, you need to take into account that the recognized text must be re-read, because in any case errors are possible.

Ask questions, write comments. Thank you for your attention.

If you have chosen the fast way of writing a theoretical chapter, which we talked about in paragraph 2.1., most likely you will not be able to do without scanning documents. Otherwise, you can skip this point and start taking notes on materials found in the library.

Before you start scanning, you need to decide what exactly you want to use when writing your work. And to do this, you first need to look through the available literature and highlight the necessary points with a pencil.
The first time I scanned a magazine article for my first coursework, I found the task incredibly difficult. As a result of several hours of working with the scanner and FineReader, the output was nonsense that could not be edited. In the end, I had to type everything by hand. To prevent this from happening to you, let’s take a closer look at all the technical aspects of scanning.

To scan you will need:

  • Book or magazine to be scanned
  • Computer with FineReader installed
  • High quality scanner

You don't have to buy a scanner. You can, for example, borrow it from a friend. I use a CanoScan Lide 60 scanner. Although it is not the most new model, but I really like this compact, fast and easy-to-use “device”. If you borrow a scanner, in order for it to work, you must first install the driver program. Drivers and installation instructions can always be found at installation disk, which is included with the device or can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. After installing the driver, connect the scanner to the computer using the connecting cord. Now you can start scanning directly.

But first, a little theory. You should know that the scanning process consists of two stages:

1. Directly scanning the document. At this stage, the scanner takes a photo of the surface of the document being scanned and saves the resulting image to the computer as a regular .jpg .gif file or in another format;

2. Document recognition. This is the process of converting text from an image taken by a scanner into a regular test, which can then be saved in Word and edited. Recognition is carried out without the participation of a scanner, using a special program (the most popular is Adobe FineReader). This way, you can first scan several sheets of text and save them as an image before converting them to text.

So, let's begin stage one - scanning:

Launch the scanner driver:

Start - All Programs - Canon - ScanGear(I indicate the driver name for my scanner). The driver window will appear:

Open the scanner lid and place the book. Place a book, magazine or whatever you have with the text facing down, as evenly as possible in relation to the edges of the scanner’s working surface:

It is very important to ensure that the scanner lid presses the document being scanned as tightly as possible, preventing external light from reaching the working surface of the scanner that is in contact with the document.

Let's make the necessary settings in the scanner driver.

The first step is to set the resolution at which the document will be scanned. Resolution is an indicator that determines the level of detail of an object when scanning and is determined in dots per inch (dpi, or dpi). The higher the resolution, the better the image quality. But, when scanning text documents, there is no point in setting the maximum resolution, since this will be of zero use. In addition, scanning at higher resolutions takes longer. I recommend setting the resolution between 400-500 dpi. With this setting, the images are of sufficient quality for good recognition, and the scanning process itself does not take much time. Look at the screenshot of my scanner settings:

First you need to go to “Advanced mode”. The source will always be "Tablet"(flatbed scanner). It is better to set the color mode “Black and white”, because we don’t need colors to scan text, and this will reduce the size of the output images. The resolution, as I said, should be set 400 dpi. Output image size – required “A4”. Now you can safely press the button "Scan". My scanner is designed in such a way that it first stores scanned images in internal memory, and only when closing the driver window offers to save them to the computer. All I have to do is indicate the location where the results of the work will be saved.

You should end up with files of this type:

When you enlarge such an image, the text should be clearly visible.


Second phaserecognition received images and convert them into text. As I already said, this will require special programFineReader. Download the program from this link (72MB). To download, click on the arrow on the right top corner window. Unzip the archive and in the folder afr_lrp find the file - ABBYY FineReader 12.0.101.exe. Double clicking on this file will install the program on your computer. This version of the program is quite new. I took all the screenshots below using more old version, so the program interface will be slightly different from the screenshots. Please keep this in mind when reading this manual.

Window FineReader has the following form:

After setting the language in which the documents you previously scanned were printed, you can begin recognition. If the text contains two languages ​​at once (for example, Russian and English), make the installation accordingly.

To start recognition, click on the arrow to the right of the first button Scan- and then - Open image:

The image selection window will open. Open the folder where you saved the scanned images, click CTRL+A(English) on the keyboard and press the button Open.

After that on the left in the window FineReader Thumbnails of the added files will appear, in the center - the currently selected thumbnail in an enlarged form, below - an even larger enlargement, and on the right the recognition result:

For example, I took only two images. The first of them is highlighted in the screenshot above; we can recognize it now. As you can see, the image was scanned vertically; in order to recognize the text, the image must first be rotated 90 degrees. To do this, use the and buttons. The next step is to tell the program which part of the image needs to be recognized, and also set the type of data that should be output: text, table or image. There are buttons for this, respectively: . For example, if you need to mark a text block, left-click on , then left-click in the upper left corner of the text block and, holding the left button, drag it to the lower right corner. For example, I have fully prepared one image for recognition:

As you can see, all the text blocks in the example above are highlighted in green, and the pictures are highlighted in red. Tables are prepared for recognition in the same way. This is what the button is for. To move to the next photo, left-click on its thumbnail on the left. In this way, all images obtained as a result of scanning are prepared for recognition. After the preparation of the images is completed, you should select them all. To do this, left-click in an empty space on the thumbnail panel (it’s called Plastic bag) and press Ctrl+A(English) on the keyboard. Next, click on the button and wait until FineReader converts images to text. After this, you can save the resulting text in Word using the button, after clicking on which a window will open Saving Results Wizard. In it you need to select the format for saving - Microsoft Word, and also check the box so that all pages are saved.

When working with paper documents, manuscripts or books, there is often a need to translate everything into electronic format. This opens up many more possibilities and greatly simplifies the editing process. If you have a scanner or digital camera with high resolution this is not difficult to do, but then the question arises: how to convert a scanned document into Word format? To avoid having to retype everything manually, you should use a specialized software.

Software solutions for converting scanned documents

Such a task should not cause difficulties. Modern programs allow you to either partially edit a scanned document or completely convert it into a convenient Word format. Moreover, this can be done in just a few minutes.

Tip: thanks high speed Internet you will easily find the desired program for editing scanned documents. Moreover, you can now use online text recognition services.

Among popular programs To perform such operations we can distinguish:

1. ABBYY FineReader (including online);

3. Readiris PRO;

6. online service OCR Convert, etc.

Rich functionality and ease of use make them quite popular. High reliability and performance are valued as ordinary users, and business representatives. Even an inexperienced person can quickly figure out how to scan a document in Word.

Text recognition and conversion of scanned documents

Usually you have to deal with pictures in .jpg, .tiff, .png, .bmp format - this is the result of scanning or photographing. How to convert a scanned document into Word for further work? The text cannot be edited in the usual ways. Some scanners support automatic conversion to .pdf format, but the capabilities are still limited.

To get a full-fledged text document, you should upload the file into the program through a special form (click “open” or “download”). To improve accuracy, you can specify a page range and select a specific area of ​​text. After some time, the preliminary result will appear. After this, all that remains is to save the .doc file so that you can later figure out how to edit the scanned document using MS Word.

When working with text documents Very often there is a need to type text from an already printed document. This kind of work is not very pleasant and takes a lot of time.

Fortunately, there are now programs that can significantly simplify and speed up the solution of such problems. Using these programs, you can quickly convert a scanned document into the Word text editor format and avoid the routine work of typing.

In this article we will demonstrate how this is done using the ABBY Finereader 12 Professional program as an example. If you do not have just such a program, then you can replace it with another version of ABBY Finereader or a completely different program from another developer. For example, you can use CuneiForm, Free OCR, Readiris Pro or SimpleOCR.

Step No. 1. Launch ABBY Finereader and open the scanned document.

The first step is to launch the ABBY Finereader program. After starting the program, you need to click on the “Open” button on the toolbar.

After this, a window will appear to open the scanned document. Select an image or several images and click the “Open” button.

Additionally, instead of using the Open button, you can simply drag and drop scanned images into ABBY Finereader.

Step No. 2. Wait for ABBY Finereader to analyze the selected image.

Next, you need to wait until the ABBY Finereader program analyzes the images you have selected and recognizes the text on them. The time required for analysis depends on the number of selected images and the performance of your computer.

When image analysis is complete, a message appears with a Close button.

Click on the “Close” button and proceed to the next step.

Step No. 3. Convert the scanned document to Word format.

Once the analysis is complete, the scanned document can be converted to Word format. To do this, ABBY Finereader has a “Save” button.

After clicking the “Save” button, a window will appear to save the scanned document in text format. In this case, you can choose one of many text formats(DOC, DOCX, RTF, ODT, PDF, HTM, TXT, XLS, XLSX, PPTX, CSV, FB2, EPUB, DJVU). In order to easily edit a document in the Word editor, select the format " Microsoft Document Word 97-2003 (*.doc)" or "Microsoft Word Document (*.docx)" format.

After saving the document in Word format, a word processor will open and you can start editing the scanned document.

What to do if it is not possible to install the program?

If you do not have the opportunity to install the programs described above, then you can use online analogues. The most advanced online service of this kind is. This service allows you to convert a scanned document into Word format, as well as other popular text formats.

The disadvantages of ABBY Finereader Online include the fact that this online service requires registration and only processes 10 pages of scanned text for free. For processing more pages you need to buy a subscription, which costs from $5 per month.