How to come up with a nickname for a girl. What kind of memorable nickname can you come up with?

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Nickname(from Greek false name) is an invented name that a person uses in public activities instead of the name given at birth (recorded in official documents).

Most often, pseudonyms are used in literature, art, religion and the occult.

If a person becomes famous, the pseudonym often displaces his real name. And even the person himself begins to perceive himself under a pseudonym.

They take a pseudonym if they want:

Choose a name with a certain energy (program) for success in a specific profession

Have a bright, memorable name

Replace long name with shorter one

Hide national roots

Hide your real name to protect yourself from attention

Literary pseudonyms

Alexander Green – Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky

Alexander Serafimovich – Alexander Serafimovich Popov

Anatole France – Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault

Andre Maurois – Emil Salomon Wilhelm Erzog

Andrey Bely – Boris Nikolaevich Bugaev

Anna Akhmatova – Anna Andreevna Gorenko

Arkady Gaidar – Arkady Petrovich Golikov

Boris Polevoy – Boris Nikolaevich Kampov

Veniamin Kaverin – Veniamin Aleksandrovich Zilber

Voltaire – Marie Francois Arouet

Guillaume Apollinaire – Wilhelm Apollinary Kostrovitsky

Gleb Arsenyev – Sorokin Yuri Alexandrovich

Grigory Gorin – Grigory Izrailevich Ofshtein

Daniil Kharms – Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev

Demyan Bedny – Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov

Jack London – John Griffith Cheney

George Sand – Amandine Aurora Lucille Dupin

Igor Severyanin – Igor Vasilievich Lotarev

Kir Bulychev – Igor Vseevolodovich Mozheiko

Korney Chukovsky – Nikolai Vasilievich Korneychukov

Lesya Ukrainka – Larisa Petrovna Kosach-Kvitka

Lewis Carroll – Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

Maxim Gorky – Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov

Maxim Tank – Evgeniy Ivanovich Skurko

Mark Twain – Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Mikhail Svetlov – Mikhail Arkadyevich Sheinkman

Mikhail Koltsov – Mikhail Efimovich Fridlyand

Moliere – Jean Baptiste Poquelin

O. Henry – William Sidney Porter

Pablo Neruda – Naftali Ricardo Reyes Basualto

Paul Eluard – Eugene Emile Paul Gredel

Panas Mirny – Afanasy Yakovlevich Rudchenko

Prus Boleslav – Alexander Glowacki

Sasha Cherny – Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg

Stendhal – Henri-Marie Bayle

Teffi – Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lokhvitskaya (Buchinskaya)

Sholom Aleichem – Sholom Nokhumovich Rabinovich

Eduard Bagritsky – Eduard Georgievich Dzyubin

Erasmus of Rotterdam – Gerhard Gerhards

Yakub Kolas – Konstantin Mikhailovich Mitskevich

Janis Rainis – Janis Plieksans

Artistic aliases

Woody Allen – Allen Stewart Koenigsberg

Harry Houdini - American illusionist - Eric Weiss

Greta Garbo – Greta Gustafson

Jean Gabin – Jean Alexis Moncorger

Yves Montand – Ivo Livi

Smoktunovsky Innokenty Mikhailovich – Smoktunovich Innokenty Mikhailovich

Pencil: Mikhail Nikolaevich Rumyantsev

Madonna – Madonna Louise Ciccone

Marina Vladi – Maria-Louise Polyakova-Baidarova

Marlene Dietrich – Maria Magdalena Dietrich

Marilyn Monroe – Norma Jean Baker

Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna – Feldman Faina Georgievna

Simone Signoret – Simone Kaminker

Sophia Loren – Sofia Scicolone

Utesov Leonid Osipovich – Lazar Iosifovich Weisbein

Fred Astaire – Frederic Austerlitz

Fernandel – Fernand Contandin

Cher – Sherilyn Sarkisyan

Pseudonyms in art

Sandro Botticelli - Italian painter - Alessandro Filipepi

Titian - Italian painter - Tiziano Vecellio

Giorgione - Italian painter - Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco

Le Corbusier - architect - Charles Edouard Jeanneret

Parmigianio - Italian painter - Francesco Mazzola

Pinturicchio - Italian painter - Bernardino di Betto di Biagio

El Greco - Spanish painter - Domenico Theotocopouli

Singing aliases

Grigory Leps - Russian singer - Grigory Viktorovich Lepsveridze

Mario Lanza - American singer (tenor) - Alfredo Arnoldo Cocozza

Maria Callas - American singer (soprano) of Greek origin - Sofia Cecelia Kalos (Kalogeropoulos)

Mark Bernes – Otto Neumann

Mylene Farmer - French singer - Mylene Gautier

Sting – Gordon Sumner

Tina Turner – Anna Mae Bullock

Charles Aznavour – Varenag Aznavourian (Aznauryan)

Pseudonyms in science

Paracelsus - German physician, naturalist and philosopher - Philip Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim

Nicolas Bourbaki is a group of French mathematicians created in 1935.

Nicknames in fashion

Coco Chanel - French designer, trendsetter of women's fashion of the 20th century - Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel

Collective nicknames

The Vasiliev brothers - film directors, screenwriters, namesakes Georgy and Sergei Vasiliev, creators of the film "Chapaev"

Kozma Prutkov - Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, Alexey Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov, Vladimir Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov, Alexander Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov

Kukryniksy – Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilievich, Krylov Porfiry Nikitich, Sokolov Nikolay Alexandrovich

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov - writers, co-authors Ilya Arnoldovich Faizilberg and Evgeny Petrovich Kataev

Political pseudonyms

Lenin - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. Lenin had more than 146 pseudonyms.

Martov: Yuliy Osipovich Tsederbaum

Stalin: Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

Trotsky - Lev (Leiba) Davidovich Bronstein

Kamenev: Lev Borisovich Rosenfeld

Willy Brandt – Herbert Carl Frahm

Rudolf Abel – William Genrikhovich Fischer

Arseny – Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze

Voinov - A.V. Lunacharsky

Grach: Nikolai Bauman

Kirov – Kostrikov Sergey Mironovich

Zinoviev - O.A. Appelbaum

Molotov - V.M. Scriabin

Sablina - N.K. Krupskaya

Sports nicknames

Pele - Brazilian footballer, striker - Edson Arantes do Nascimento

Black Kyrgyz – kickbacker – Alen Ofoyo

Tiger of Madras – chess player – Vishy Anand

Iron Mike - boxer - Mike Tyson

Selecting a nickname


Hello Oleg Petrovich and Valentina Vladimirovna! Help me, please, in choosing pseudonym for creative activities. I do DJing (play music). I just can’t think of a creative pseudonym for myself. I really like Latin music, Latin countries, sun, beach, carnivals. I would like a pseudonym from this topic. Thank you in advance. Tell me what else is required from me to help you.

With all respect, Andrew


For those who want to choose a pseudonym, we can offer a pseudonym in three options:

Name (name options)

Last name (surname options)

First and last name.

Please write what set of programs (energies) your pseudonym should include:

For creative activities

For success, fame, fame

For money, business, increasing income

To attract the opposite sex

For love and creating a family

Other programs (write which ones)

A combination of several of the above programs (energies).

For example, a pseudonym for creative activity can help in creativity, give inspiration, ideas, but at the same time not bring money. Or money will come and go.

It is much easier to choose a nickname based on only one program. Because creativity and business at the same time is a rare combination. Creativity and fame are programs close to each other.

And also write examples of nicknames that you like so that we can focus on your taste.

Selecting a nickname

We can find a nickname for you. To do this, the following data is required:

Your photo (but not portfolio), without retouching. Several photos are possible.

Date and place of birth (optional).

In what creative direction do you plan to develop?

What surnames (first names, combination of first and last names) do you like? Please write a list (10-20 options) if you have one. We will consider your options first, maybe some of them will be suitable for you. If you have no options, we will select the options ourselves.

Which egregor to choose a pseudonym from - Russian, European, etc.

Where do you plan to make your career - in Russia, Europe, etc.

We will offer you at least 5 harmonious options with good programs for creativity, fame, success, career, money. If you want any other programs in the pseudonym (besides those listed) - write.

Typically, preparation of a consultation takes at least 5-7 days.

In Russian, in addition to your options, we offer our options.

Nicknames in another language(except Russian) we select and diagnose only from your options.

After the consultation, you can order diagnostics of new options, but diagnostics of new options will be paid additionally.

Therefore, before the consultation, we always ask you to send a list of your options (the more, the better) so that at least 1-2 options turn out to be successful.

Therefore, if you want to consider new alias options after consultation, you will need to pay for the diagnosis of each alias.

On our website we offer a huge selection of names...

Prices for services are approximate and may change. Therefore, before making a translation, please first write a letter ordering any service (consultation, diagnostics).

To understand what a new name (full name) is, let's give an example:

A person needs to participate in a car race. He wants to win. He orders a car with excellent technical characteristics, pays for the development of such a car, and receives it.

But buying a great car doesn't mean it will win the race.

Firstly, he needs professional qualities as a racer.

It is clear that a good professional racer will not win in a bad car.

But if the driver is bad, and his car is great, he won’t get 1st place either.

In other words, if a person wants to succeed in business, he must have some qualities of a businessman. If he does not have such qualities, then a new (even very successful) name will not make him a good businessman.

A name can activate and strengthen a program that a person already has. But you need to understand that it takes time to strengthen and activate the program.

Some people will need a week to feel an improvement in their business, while others will need much longer. Maybe a year or two. It all depends on the individual’s individual achievements. And the name (full name) only helps or slows down.

If a person has the necessary energy (character qualities), then he himself can choose a suitable name (full name) with the necessary programs.

If a person does not have the necessary qualities, then he cannot fully objectively evaluate the new name (full name) proposed to him.

An inexperienced car enthusiast cannot objectively choose a suitable car. He may like a car with a beautiful design, but with weak filling.

Therefore, it is advisable to seek help from professionals.

From this page look:

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]

At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there is nothing like this freely available on the Internet. Any of our information products is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and publication of them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

Nicknames. Selecting a nickname


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Everyone has their own. The main thing is to choose a harmonious, memorable author's name that emphasizes the individuality and dignity of the owner. Many celebrities went down in world history under a pseudonym. Millions of fans remember Marilyn Monroe, Bruce Lee, Mark Twain, Freddie Mercury, Botticelli, without knowing their real names.

Most often, writers, actors, singers, artists, athletes, and politicians use pseudonyms in their work activities. It is obvious that the majority are people of bohemian professions. Freelancers can also be classified as creative individuals who need self-expression. It is not as difficult to choose a pseudonym that will lead the author to success as it seems at first glance. It is enough to use a few useful tips.

Tip #1. A pseudonym can be made from variations of a real last name and first name, or you can use the names of relatives. For example, Demetria Jean Harmon shortened her name, kept her first husband's surname and is now known as Hollywood actress Demi Moore. Children's writer and poet Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov signed his works with the pseudonym Korney Chukovsky.

Tip #2. Successful pseudonyms are obtained by replacing your own last name and/or first name with more “speaking” ones. A new name can be associated with an occupation, positive qualities, or simply beautiful words. So the Soviet pop artist Lazar Weinsbein became Leonid Utesov, and the singer David Bowie was born David Robert Jones. The name Bowie comes from the name of a knife.

Tip #3. A pseudonym can be decorated with noble and national preposition particles “von”, “la”, “de”, “poppy” and others. Fashion model Heather Renee Sweet chose the pseudonym Dita Von Teese for filming in Playboy magazine, under which she continued her shocking career. Singer and composer Chris de Burgh's real name is Christopher John Davison.

Tip #4. A new name is not always a name in the usual sense. It can be any interesting word or any set of letters. British musician and leader of the rock band Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner chose the pseudonym Sting (translated from English as “sting”). Singers Glucose and Pink (from the English “Pink” - pink) were born under the names Natasha Ionova and Alisha Beth Moore, respectively.

Tip #5. Before choosing a nickname, you should think about what it will sound like in 10, 20, or 30 years. The name should not focus on fleeting fashion, should not be too “childish” and, of course, the owner should not get tired of it over the years.

Tip #6. If there is no interesting story associated with the appearance of a pseudonym, then it is better to invent one. Clients and acquaintances will definitely ask about the origin of the nickname. It would not be superfluous to thoroughly study the etymology and meaning of the concepts that gave rise to the pseudonym. A beautiful sound can have a very repulsive meaning.

Tip #7. The nickname should not be too common or similar to an already known first or last name. A unique name is very useful from the point of view of Internet search engines and is remembered more quickly by users.

Tip #8. Before you start using a nickname, you need to check its pronunciation and translation into other languages. In foreign countries, the chosen nickname may mean something funny, vulgar, or even forbidden. This point is especially relevant for freelancers planning to work with foreigners.

Tip #9. After the final choice of a pseudonym, you can begin to popularize it. Now all Internet activities should be linked to the new name - social networks, email, domain, profiles on forums, etc.

Tip #10. Some pseudonym owners go further and change their passport and other documents under their new name. This is what pop artists Valeria (Alla Perfilova), Katya Lel (Ekaterina Chuprina), Dima Bilan (Viktor Belan) did. This phenomenon has become most widespread among show business stars, but freelancers also have something to think about.

People take a pseudonym for a reason: some - in order not to give out real data, others - to sign analytical and professional works, as well as to characterize their name from a certain point of view, for example, for a children's program a pseudonym with magical or fairy tales is perfect notes, and for a fashion magazine, of course, with a fashionable and stylish name.

How to choose a pseudonym? You can use your imagination and come up with a sonorous name for yourself, you can consult with friends or use other methods. However, one of the effective ways to find your “name” is to use the help of numerology.

To do this, you need to calculate the number of your name. For example, your name is Irina Shmatko, we count and get 12 letters: 1+2=3. This means that the pseudonym should be chosen so that in the end you get a three. If you already have a pseudonym, then thanks to numerology you will be able to find out what it means, because problems in the professional field may arise due to the wrong name.

You can calculate your nickname number and find out what it means below:

If your real name corresponds to one, then when choosing a pseudonym, stay alone, imagine yourself in front of a large crowd. Very soon you will come up with the right phrase that will bring success. By the way, the unit is shrouded in mysticism and magic, so you can choose a new name associated with literary and film characters, as well as the names of famous people, you can change a couple of letters, for example, Pinocchio can be turned into Butarino.

Before you make a choice, look at yourself from the outside, imagining how other people see you, evil or kind, white or black, warm-hearted or cold, and then choose a pseudonym. But we should not forget that it must be double, for example, Mamin-Sibiryak, Pankratov-Cherny, etc.

The main thing is that when choosing a pseudonym, “troika” people should think about their best quality and proceed from it. For example, you are clean, which means you can call yourself Clean, cheerful - Vesyolkina, etc. This pseudonym is often used by television presenters, models, and fashion bloggers.

When choosing a pseudonym for “fours”, be sure to pay attention to the fact that it is suitable for creative people, for example, writers, actors, artists, etc. Just be sure to imagine yourself surrounded by admirers who glorify you, hear the name pronounced by them.

Before you start choosing a pseudonym, think about whether everything suits you in your life, since thanks to a new name you will be able to make serious adjustments that will bring success and luck to your creative and business endeavors. A nickname should not be playful and cheerful - conservatism and clarity are two important components when choosing a name.

Among those who received the “six” there are many helpful and submissive people, so the pseudonym should have the opposite meaning, of course, if there is a desire to change your life. These could be the names of rebel people, you can rearrange a couple of letters, but maintaining their number, for example, Mayakovsky can be replaced with Rayakovsky, here the letter R will add an even greater rebellious effect.

The nickname should be associated with animals, then everything planned will be accomplished easily and simply. It is only important what you choose a name for, for example, for a fashion magazine something graceful, associated with cats, panthers or the sounds they make, is suitable; for a political blog it is good to choose a large animal - Elephants, Verlyudenko, etc. Imagine who you associate yourself with and use your imagination. She will suggest the correct option.

The infinity number is a symbol of people of a philosophical mindset, so it is advisable to find mystical and magical names, even if the pseudonym is chosen for everyday life, for example, for chatting. It is this name that will bring good luck and attract a large audience of admirers. However, you should definitely keep the letter of your real name. For example, if your name is Natalya, then your nickname should begin with the letter N.

If the number is 9, then you need to write nine different nicknames that come to mind first, hang them around the room and periodically look at what you have written. You may like the pseudonym you came up with, or you may change it, but the basics will remain the same. Intuition will tell you what suits you best. The main thing is to believe in it and not give up on the invented name, otherwise you should not expect good luck. Quite the contrary.

The topic of today's article: “How to come up with a pseudonym.” We hasten to warn you that there are a huge number of original methods, but we will try to tell you all about them!

Everyone who is associated with a certain subculture or creativity would like to take a pseudonym. For what? There are many reasons for this. Firstly, if a person is a high figure in his field, then, of course, he wants to glorify his name.

But what to do if he is unlucky with the name or it sounds extremely unoriginal, for example Ivan Ivanov.

There is only one solution - choose a pseudonym. It is also used if a person wants to hide his real identity (often on various social networks). Dmitry Larin, a famous blogger on YouTube, also has a pseudonym. His real name is, but his last name is Utkin. Agree, “Larin” sounds much more aesthetically pleasing than “Utkin”.

How to come up with a nickname for yourself

What is a pseudonym? This is changing your name to a fictitious one in order to present yourself to the public in a different guise. You will be surprised, but the names of priests are also to some extent pseudonyms.

Firstly, first you need to look at the main mistakes when choosing a second “Alter Ego”. Please note that they occur frequently in life.

  • Never choose the nickname your best friends call you as a nickname. “Pakhan”, “Sanek”, “Dimych” are no good! Moreover, it is unlikely that people will appreciate you with such a pseudonym.
  • Secondly, choose a name for yourself that can be pronounced without errors or difficulties. It is advisable that it be short. Let's say aspiring blogger Diana Elias often gets offended because her viewers mispronounce her fictitious last name. What was written in the comments under her video! “Alice”, “Elies”, “Elise” - this is what her new subscribers usually call her.
  • Also, choose an adequate pseudonym for yourself, within the bounds of decency! Your subscribers or readers will not take you seriously, and may not even want to see your work. Remember the old saying: “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail!”
  • It is not recommended to use several words for a nickname, the limit is a maximum of 2 or 3 words. Although, sometimes there are long nicknames, one of them is “Lonely Old Lady Hip-Hop.” Quite an unusual read, isn’t it?
  • You can't choose a nickname that doesn't suit you. If you are a guy, then the female nickname “Alevtina” or “Beautiful Chick” is unlikely to suit you. Although if this reflects you as a person, then you can experiment. An example is the performer Sonya Marmeladova, who is a man.

Now let's look at how to come up with a creative name . Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down!

Which individuals used fictitious names?

It's no secret that many creative figures used pseudonyms. They are still called by fictitious names. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the names of these people.


So our article has come to an end. In it you learned how to come up with a pseudonym. In addition, the text highlighted examples of real pseudonyms of various people from certain cultures.

Top tip: choose a name that is as unique and easy to read as possible. We hope you liked the article. Remember one expression: “It’s not the name that makes a person, but his actions and talent!” Whatever nickname you have, it will not make you any better. Thanks for reading and for your attention!

Coming up with an original and sonorous nickname is not at all difficult. But first, you should decide for what purposes you will use it. This can be a name for communicating on the Internet. If this is a creative pseudonym, it will be significantly different from the previous one. How to come up with a nickname so that it is beautiful and memorable? There are several rules that will help you quickly and with interest “make” a new name for yourself.

Where to begin?

First, let's find out what kind of nickname you can come up with. Anything, as long as you like it and sound good. However, there are rules and they are worth sticking to if you want to create a truly interesting nickname that will last you a long time.

  • So, the first rule: it must be unique. Of course, it is difficult to achieve one hundred percent uniqueness, however, try to avoid banal words like: Angel, Flower Kitty, etc. And in general, it’s better not to use already existing words, but to create something of your own by playing with rearranging syllables and letters. For example, the well-known name Ani Lorak is simply Caroline, written in reverse order and divided into two parts.
  • The nickname should not be too long or, on the contrary, too short if you use it on the Internet: as a rule, when registering on the site, you can enter a maximum of 4-7 characters.
  • If you are creating a name for chats, websites and forums, translate it into English, because Latin characters are most often used on the Internet.
  • You can come up with a beautiful phrase in English, although there is a high probability that someone equally resourceful has already noticed this name. However, you can choose a non-standard combination of words by changing their order or even replacing them with other letters. Remember that when creating a pseudonym it is not at all necessary to adhere to spelling standards - here you can show your imagination without fear of judgment!
  • You can come up with a pseudonym based on the type of your activity, for example: writer (that is, a writer), but even here you will not be able to achieve one hundred percent uniqueness unless you come up with an interesting phrase. You can play with words, partially changing their letters, without changing the sound. For example: Ghost Rider – Ghost Writer, Falling Angel – Calling Angel.
  • To create your nickname, you can use the names of your favorite characters from books and films. But do not forget that you are creating YOUR pseudonym, so here it is better to experiment with the sound and spelling: Rose Tyler - Rose Syler, Doctor Who - Doctor Oh.
  • To come up with a pseudonym, you can use the names of mythological and mystical creatures. For example: Hercules, Hermes, Isis, Iris, Hydra, Ghoul. But first, study the meaning of a particular name in order to avoid unpleasant associations with it.
  • Many people take their name as the basis for a pseudonym, altering it in a Western way. For example: Natasha - Natalie, Nika - Nicole, Andrey - Andrew, Alexander - Alex. You can do this, but still think about how many such “Natalies” or “Alexes” already exist! If you want to be original, don't use standard names that look sophisticated but sound like a broken record.

Now you see that coming up with a pseudonym is not at all difficult. You don't need to have the imagination of a bestselling writer to do this. All you have to do is open a dictionary, use your wits and go ahead – fantasize to your heart’s content!