How to check who a person liked on VK. How to find out who a person likes on VK? How to find out who likes, what posts and groups a person likes on VKontakte using special programs “Who does my friend like?” and "SearchLikes"? How to see who is

Likes - marking “I like” in social network VKontakte, which allows users to express their tastes, interests and likes. You like new photo your grandmother VK? Give it a like. Do you want to attract the attention of your classmate? Give her a couple of likes on the photo. An indispensable tool, needless to say.

Statistics show that regular user, on average, gives at least ten likes per day. Of course, there are people who are many times more active. Well, we won’t mention those who are not very generous with likes in our article.

The most reliable way

Of course, it's best if you get access to the person's page. It will literally take you five minutes to see who he (or she) likes. For this:

  • While on the page of the user you are interested in, go to “My Bookmarks”;
  • Pay attention to the five tabs that are at the top of the interface: photos, videos, posts, people, links;
  • We are interested in the “Photos” tab. She's the very first. click on it;
  • A page will open showing all the photos that the user has liked. The most recent ones will be displayed first and so on.
As you can see, everything is quite simple. We also wrote about that on the pages of our website. But what to do if you don’t and never will have access to someone else’s page? Don’t despair, and in this case it is possible to see who another person likes on VKontakte.

Using the application

On the social network VKontakte there is special application, which can calculate other people's likes and show them to you. It’s called “Who does my friend like? Let’s find all the likes!” And you can install it on your page if you follow this link:

In the upper left corner you will see a special search bar in which you can enter the user’s name or insert a direct link to his page in Contact. Once this is done, select it and when you see the person's avatar with right side, click on the orange “Let’s start!” button, which is displayed here.

Now you should wait for some time so that the program can analyze this person's friends. It will search their pages for likes of the user you selected. Keep in mind that it will only show likes of photos that are on the profile picture! If a person, for example, liked a photo from a wall, the program will not be able to “catch” such an action.

After analysis, the application will show you on whose page the user left likes and how many specific photos he marked as “Like.” For example, 12 photos out of 35 or something similar.

That's all, as you can see, you can quite easily find out who a person likes on the VKontakte social network. You don't need to be a hacker to do this.

In the era of social networks, not only his page, but also his activity can say a lot about a person. On VKontakte, a person’s activity is manifested in likes, reposts and comments. The very concept of “like” implies that a person likes what he sees. You can like both wall posts and photographs.

Sometimes, giving a like can become a reason for jealousy on the part of a person towards someone he cares about. In addition, by finding out who the user likes, you can understand what he likes. In this article, we’ll look at how to find out who a person likes on VKontakte, fortunately this can be done using special programs.

Table of contents:

How to determine if a person liked a photo

Determining whether a person liked a photo is very simple. You need to open the photo and hover your mouse over the hearts and the inscription “Like”.

Next, click on the inscription “Liked by ... people” to expand full list those people who liked the photo. In the window that opens, you can see all the users who liked this photo, or only your friends who liked it by switching to the corresponding section at the top.

But in this way it is not possible to track all the photos that the user likes. There are special programs to do this.

How to find out who people like on VKontakte

Let's move on directly to the description of the method of determining which photos a particular person on VKontakte puts likes on.

Please note: Using the method discussed below, you can determine who a person likes, even if he is not one of your friends.

To see who a user has liked, you need to do the following:

Please note: You can see that information about found likes is displayed in the form of question marks enclosed in a diamond. This is how the application works, this is not a problem.

Video instruction

In this article, we'll look at how to find out which photos and posts your friends like.

People use the Internet both for work and for entertainment. Particular attention is paid to such a popular social network as VKontakte. In it you can not only communicate and exchange some information, but also like someone’s photos or posts. But for jealous people or just incredibly curious individuals, such little things can greatly alarm or captivate them. Therefore, we suggest finding out who your loved one likes.

How to find out who a person likes on VKontakte: simple ways

This method is often used by girls who want to find out who their guys like. Although guys are a little less common, they want to see from whom they receive signs of affection from their other halves. Sometimes they do this purely out of curiosity. Or, wanting to know about the taste preferences of your object of sympathy. In general, everyone will have their own reasons for such clarification.

The easiest way

We would like to propose an honest and harmless method. But this is also the longest option. More precisely, it is not the process of finding out that takes time, but the search for the desired photograph. But your conscience will be clear.

  • Find the supposed photo. Click on the heart and select the inscription in the top window “So many people liked it”. Among the list you can find your friend.
  • The method, on the one hand, is very simple and fast. But on the other hand, you need to have intuition top level to guess the desired photo. Or sit for days over the choice of a possible passion. And if there are several of them looming in your head, then the possibility of establishing the “correct” like is reduced to zero.

A little "dishonest" option

But it will allow you to really see all the likes, posts and even messages.

  • As you may have guessed, you need to get to the user’s page. Sometimes you can take advantage of chance and go to a page when a friend has forgotten to log out on your computer. Or catch the moment while he is distracted on business for a while.
  • You can also guess or find out the password and login in a clever way. After which, you will be able to log in under someone else’s VKontakte name and see “your” likes.
  • By the way, to do this you need to go to the photos section and follow the link "My bookmarks". After this, you will be able to see who your friend likes.

How to find out who a person likes on VKontakte: special programs

  • The following applications were created specifically to implement this manipulation: “Who does my friend like?” and "SearchLikes". If literally translated into Russian, the phrase means “search for likes.”
  • The first assistant can only show marks left on pages and photos of friends. But the second application has a much wider “range of action” and scope of work. But first things first.
  • The first service works on the following principle: to find the marks you have set, you just need to select the person you need. After this, the program itself will automatically scan his page and determine who he likes. Moreover, it will show not only the quantity, but also which pictures the chosen one liked.
  • The second program, at first glance, works on the same principle as the first. But there is one significant difference between them. In addition to the main purpose - searching for “I like” marks left by someone, there is an additional function.
  • And it lies in the ability to scan the existing likes of not only the object of your attention, but even friends of his friends.
  • Due to the fact that the scope of work increases significantly, the required scanning time also increases. This means in comparison with the first program.
  • Once the scanning process is complete, you can even package the scanned photos. For example, according to time frames. And find out which of your favorite photos was liked earlier or later.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with each option in more detail. And also analyze the principle of operation of each application.

“Who does my friend like?” or how does this application work?

  • This is the most simple program, which does not require installation. It is needed, but only on the user’s page. It downloads like a normal game. By the way, to run the program, you will need to look for it in this section.
  • Then open it like a regular game. After downloading, you need to enter your friend's name in the field provided. By the way, the application will help you choose after the first written letters. The system also allows you to enter a link to your friend’s page.
  • Having selected the desired person, an orange inscription will appear under his photo "Let's start". After this, you just have to wait for the end of the scanning process.
  • At the very end you will be asked where to save the data. But there is one “but” - nothing will be saved. No matter how much you want to present weighty arguments and evidence later.

Important: You can only see the likes of a person's friends. If the likes were not given to a friend, then you will not be able to see these likes even through such an application.

  • The results will be a little surprising and incomprehensible. After all, blue diamonds and question marks won’t tell you much. But don't be scared! From the list provided, just click on the person you want and look at his photos.
  • When you click on these diamonds, the page will reload and instantly show the liked photos. And if you don’t trust or want to make sure, go higher and use the “heart” method.

How can SearchLikes help?

  • This program also does not need to be installed or even uploaded to the VKontakte page. Just follow the link desired application and log in using the button "Entrance".
  • Next, from the list of friends, select the desired candidate and follow the photo to the following data. The program will already provide you with some information in the form of the number of photos, various records and mutual friends.

  • Select the menu you want to find. And press the button "Let's start" The program will immediately start showing photos. Select the desired like and scroll through the selected photos.
  • There is also a small disadvantage - you cannot go to the page of the user you like. Unlike the previous option.

Important: This program will even allow you to track comments under friends’ photos. Then it will definitely be possible to find real incriminating evidence, if it really exists. The algorithm of actions is the same as with photographs, only you go down to the bottom line. And keep in mind that the time will increase in direct proportion to the number of photos.

Is it possible to check the groups and posts of friends on VKontakte?

It was already said above that the second service has wider functionality and scope of “survey”. So, in addition to photographs, you can also scan posts (personal notes) of the object you need. And you can even find out what he likes and what he is interested in. As a result, it turns out that you can see a person’s actions, his preferences and tastes to the maximum.

  • But again, you need a lot of patience and free time. Because, as a rule, a lot of posts accumulate on the page. If you have already found what you were looking for (that very necessary mark), then at any time you can easily stop the search due to the irrelevance of the request.

  • You can also find out if your friend has likes in other groups. To do this you need to follow several steps:
    • First, look for the group you are interested in and go to its section. You can find the desired group through its special number (id) or by name;
    • everything else is done by the program itself. True, groups with big amount participants will be processed for a long time. Since the system also calculates the percentage of dogs ( deleted pages) among subscribers;
    • After completing this process, you just need to enter the user id and check whether he left likes in the group or not.

If you wish, you can explore every element of a person's page that interests you. But think about whether you need to do this, and why you should spend so much of your time. After all, if you don’t initially trust a person, then building a relationship with him in the future will be extremely difficult. And don’t forget that the most valuable thing is our time. And instead of checks, you could do it with your significant other!

Video: How to find out who a friend likes on VKontakte?

Many users don’t even realize that on VK you can see your previously given likes. Likes are also displayed for videos, photos, posts, etc.

Your likes are stored in the “My Bookmarks” section. If you don’t have this section in the menu, go to settings and check the box next to “My bookmarks”. It will appear in the menu.

Now let's go to the section itself.

Once you are bookmarked, you will see several tabs. The very first one is called “Photos”. All the images shown here have been liked by you before.

If you want, just click on the photo, and then click on the heart and the like will be removed.

Open the posts tab and... Everything is correct, we see the posts you like.

This is how easy it is to see your likes. Please remember that the “People” and “Links” tabs will contain links to people or communities that you have bookmarked.

is just a tag under a post or photo, and its purpose is to demonstrate attention or sympathy. However, all this is only part of the overall picture. Each like you give saves your favorite post to your account bookmarks. The problem is that most users of the social network are not even aware of this feature of VK. Some, in order not to lose a post they like, repost it to their wall, thereby cluttering it. After reading this article, you will find out the answer to the question of how to see who I liked on VKontakte.

There are only two ways to find out where you put the heart. They show exactly the same information. Choose the most convenient option and start viewing likes.

Method number 1 - bookmarks

The disadvantages of this option are that you will not be able to see the ones you like and that pre-configuration is required. To use this method, you will first need to add a new item to the menu on the left:

Now a new item with an asterisk will appear in your main menu. You can view all likes by going to the “Bookmarks” page. On it you can select one of the items in the right menu:

  • photos;
  • People;
  • goods;
  • video;
  • records;
  • links;
  • articles;
  • podcasts.

Just click on one of these lines and see all the content you've ever liked.

Method number 2 - news

This option is more convenient because you do not need to pre-configure menu items. And, unlike the bookmark method, you can view ratings in several categories at once. For example, combine videos and photos and see all the likes in one window. However, here you will not be able to see links, articles, podcasts and that you have bookmarked.

  • Go to the news section of your profile.
  • Select “Like” in the right menu. A page will open on which all the materials that you have ever rated will be mixed together.
  • Use the filters in the lower right corner to view likes for one or more categories that interest you. Remove unnecessary checkboxes to exclude uninteresting materials.

That's all. As you can see, likes can be used to save a useful article or beautiful photo bookmark it and then find it easily. And you don’t have to add all the interesting materials to your wall. This tool significantly expands the capabilities of the social network.