How to check the license for Windows OS in several ways. Check Windows license from XP to Windows 10 A program that checks Windows for authenticity

Large corporations They are fighting piracy every hour. And we are not talking about robbery on sea routes. Copyright infringement on the Internet remains a serious issue. Despite the fact that many users prefer licensed programs, some still receive a notification on their PC that Windows 7 has not been authenticated.

Microsoft against piracy

The corporation has conducted research on this topic more than once and continues to fight the problem. In 2011, it was announced that piracy caused $63.4 billion in losses to the company. More than $3 billion did not reach the corporation due to Russian users who implemented the software bypassing the copyright holder.

Representatives Microsoft We are convinced that the law is not the main driver in the fight against copyright infringement. It is much more important to carry out educational activities, which is what the corporation is doing. Representatives of the company try to inform users of various types of technological, financial) when installing pirated software.

But the corporation cannot keep track of everyone. Therefore, it tries to run automatic authentication of a copy of Windows 7 in order to warn the user about the installed unlicensed version of the system.

operating system

Windows 7 is an operating system developed by Microsoft. It was first sold in 2009. Until 2017, this OS was the leader in the number of users. By the end of last year, the Seven's share was 26%. Now she ranks second after the “Ten”.


What happens when the system is authenticated? Windows 7 and any other version are paid operating systems. But many of us know where and how we can get free packs that can be easily installed on our PC ourselves. In this case, of course, the user is unlikely to check whether the version installed via Torrent from an unknown source is licensed.

But there are also cases when suddenly a notification appears that copy of Windows 7 was not authenticated, but the user is confident that he purchased and installed a licensed version.

So, if you are not sure that your OS or software from Microsoft is real, you can check it. The system independently searches and confirms the activation result. It also conducts special diagnostics that can reveal whether a hack was carried out or one of the components was tampered with.


How to authenticate Windows 7? There are special services for this that can scan the system online. For example, Microsoft Genuine Advantage. You can also do this in other ways.

If you are just purchasing a computer, and the store convinces you that the package includes a licensed version of the OS, you should not blindly believe it. Take a closer look at the system unit or laptop case. Since not all devices have an operating system installed right away, manufacturers try to highlight this point with a sticker as an advantage.

The sticker says which version is installed inside. It also shows the key and assembly. But what if you buy a device without an OS, but ask the store to install it? How does Windows 7 authenticate in this case?

Identification by key

After the store downloads the new OS for you, a key will appear in one of the system sections. To view it, you need to go to “My Computer”. Afterwards, you need to left-click on the free area and select “Properties”. A new dialog box will open containing all the information about the computer.

The system processor, video card, quantity are indicated here random access memory etc. At the very bottom there is information about the OS. Most sellers when install on PC operating system, then hand over the key to the buyer. In case of any unforeseen circumstances or problems, the user will be able to restore Windows functionality.

The information in the dialog box will need to be checked against what they give you in the store. The keys must match sign to sign. It will immediately say that the system is activated.

Piracy in action

It just so happens that during its existence, Windows 7 has received a huge number of copies that are considered illegal. They are still distributed on various sites. When the user finds a build that works for him, he creates bootable USB flash drive and can pass it on to his friends. All this, of course, is illegal, but can almost never be verified.

The so-called hackers have long learned to “break” the license and create their own versions, which are supplemented with advertising, affiliate programs, and sometimes viruses. And if the pack is really high quality, then it will pass the authentication test. In this case, you can still try to check Windows 7 for originality.

To do this, just go back to “My Computer” and click LMB, selecting “Properties” from the list. Very often in pirated versions you cannot find the “Activation” line. The key to the OS may not be indicated here, and in the corner it will be written that the version has not passed the test.

System update

Some users also believe that Windows 7 authentication can be achieved through a system update. This is not always an effective method, but very often it indicates a pirated OS.

To update, you need to launch the Update Center and activate all the required processes. The system will begin downloading all the necessary upgrades, and then restart the computer. Along with this process, the computer also starts OS authentication. If a pirated version is installed on your PC, then you will receive a corresponding notification.

Disabling verification

Again, it is important to recall that using licensed software is not only a “plus to karma”, but also payment for the developers. In addition, copyright infringement is punishable by law. As mentioned above, piracy has legal, technological and financial aspects.

But if you have already decided to “sin” and installed a non-original product, then sooner or later you will be faced with the fact that notifications will interfere with your work. How to remove Windows 7 authentication to get rid of annoying messages, black screens and system crashes? There are several ways:

Security policy

To disable automatic OS authentication, you need to go to the Local Security Policy menu. To do this, go to “Control Panel” through “Start”. A list will open in which you need to find the “Security System” menu. In it we find “Administration” and the section we need.

Now you will need to specify the path to the system document: “C:\Windows\System32\Wat\WatAdminSvc.exe” (without quotes). Next you need to disable the security level and create another hash rule. For it you need to specify the path to another document: “C:\Windows\System32\Wat\WatUX.exe”. We disable the security level again and you can reboot the system.

Manual lock

To ensure that Windows 7 authentication no longer interferes with your work, you can manually block it. To do this, disable the antivirus program and the Firewall, and then you can begin the process itself.

Through “Start” go to “Control Panel”. In the list of sections we look for “Update Center”. There will be several options on the left. You need to select “View Log”. A long list will appear in which you need to find the update for Microsoft with the code KB971033. It needs to be removed.


If you installed the operating system from the Internet, then most likely the package contained a special software activator. If for some reason the so-called pirated “license” fails, you can run this utility and it will generate a key itself.

If there is no such program, you can install it. Among popular activators, users note Chew7 or Daz. These are custom programs that are named by the nicknames of their developers. To use them, you will still have to block authentication using one of the methods described above.

Majority Windows users do not have a genuine system, but install unlicensed versions of the operating system. If such a copy is not activated using a key or a special utility, the system will periodically generate errors, minimize active windows and delete the desktop background. The easiest way to solve the problem is activation using a genuine copy of the key. If you do not want to purchase an expensive key, then you need to disable authentication and the update responsible for it. This article focuses on Windows 7 and describes how to disable system authentication.

Security policy

The first way to disable authentication attempts is to use . To do this you need to do:

Using the above simple steps, you can permanently disable Windows authentication.

Manual lock

If you wish to bypass authentication of the original copy this way, you will need to remove several system files and prohibit one Windows update.

First you need to temporarily disable antivirus programs and brandmauer. There is nothing complicated about disabling the antivirus, but we will look at the firewall in detail. At the bottom of the screen, to the left of the time and date (this area of ​​the screen is called the tray), find the icon network connection. Click on it and select "Control Center" shared access and networks." At the very end of the menu on the left side of the window, click on the inscription “ “. In the same menu on the left, select “Disable and enable.” In both categories, check the boxes next to “disable brandmauer”.

Now you need to disable authentication update. To do this you need to do the following:

So you have removed the update that is responsible for authentication.

Removing system files

Now that the update is turned off, you need to delete files from system32. Before that you have to stop Windows service"software protection"

Now you can start deleting system files:


Now that authentication is blocked and its updating is disabled, it costs . To do this, download the Chew7 utility, the program from Daz, or any other popular activator. There is no need to perform any complex actions with them, just launch and confirm your intention to activate the system. Next, the computer will restart.

After completing all the steps to bypass the verification of the original copy, you can install your desktop wallpaper back, turn on the antivirus and resume the firewall.


  1. FPP (Full Product Package), Retail, Box or boxed version, in early versions before XP an optical disk, later a flash drive with Windows installation files.
  2. ESD

  3. ESD (Electronic Software Delivery) or E-key, electronic key. You buy an electronic key on the Microsoft website and download the system distribution to install it on your computer. You can also download the necessary documents from the manufacturer’s website.
  4. OEM

  5. OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is the most limited type of license in terms of use. Installed on new PCs, laptops, tablets and other computer devices upon purchase computer device complete with it, is tied to the device to a specific hardware configuration.
  6. How genuine is your Windows?

  7. From version Xp to Windows 7, this can be done on the Microsoft website. It is not possible to check new versions of products that were released after Windows 7 on the website. They check themselves and if your copy of Windows is not licensed, you will be shown a message on your desktop (Your copy of Windows does not have license key, is not under line), perhaps your version was activated but the activation failed due to an error.
  8. How does activation occur when switching from an earlier version of the OS to Windows 10. If you have a Linux version of Windows linked to specific device oem, as we said earlier. Then when you update your OS to Windows 10 on Microsoft servers your account is overwritten, which contains the device identifier, key, and OS version. This update was available when Windows 10 was released.
  9. You can view the Windows 10 license by typing winver in the command line and pressing enter. If the version is not activated, you will not receive data for this version. Otherwise, in the opposite case, you will see a message like the picture below:
  10. You can also check the authenticity of your version of Windows after 7 by pressing the Win + X key combination and in the menu that opens, click “System”
  11. In the system window that opens, at the very bottom, we look at how the activation proceeds:
  12. I highlighted with an arrow in the picture above what Windows activation completed. If there are problems activating the operating system, you will be shown a message:
  13. In others Windows versions starting after 7 there will be similar messages in the same window.
  14. How to determine the Windows license type?

  15. The command in the command line will help you determine the type of operating system; first, press the key combination:
  16. Win+R
  17. In the "Run" window that opens, type "CMD" and press "Enter". When the command line opens, type:
  18. slmgr.vbs/dli
  19. Confirm by pressing "Enter", those who do not know how to work with the command line can read. There is also a wonderful article on this subject,. You can read the article
  20. Let's return to the license type and after confirming the entered command in the command line with the "Enter" key, a window with information will open:
  21. Methods for checking the Windows operating system license on the Microsoft website:

  22. Check Windows xp and Win7. Authentication checks to see if your key is locked.
  23. View all Windows license options and questions.
  24. How to find out whether Windows is pirated or licensed, real, genuine?

  25. Well, actually, if you follow the methods used above, then the mouse will not slip through, let’s say re-activate and everything will become clear. Only do it with command line and not different activators! Well, if you want software that is in service with you know where, without giving away the secret, the name is Defacto. If this name doesn’t mean anything to you, then you can go to the website, everything is explained there. I’ll tell you how to use this program, since it’s clear what it’s for. Defacto can detect not only Windows for pirated copies, but also other paid software. The program connects to product activation servers and checks whether the product is activated or not, thereby recognizing whether it is a pirated version or a real one. Here is an example of a message about signs of pirated copies on a PC:
  26. In general, the program looks like this, picture below. To start scanning, three options are offered, I think everything is clear with them, but I’ll break it down:
  27. 1.) Scan this computer. It is clear that everyone will be installed programs on a running PC, scan for license violations.
  28. 2.) Scan the directory. Select the folder that the program scans and if it finds programs in it, it will notify you about it.
  29. 3.) Scan network computers. Computers on a local network in the office or at home if you have configured the local network, you can scan all computers on the local network from one computer.
  30. Look at the picture below:
  31. At the bottom of the program in the footer, let's say, there is information on the selected program after scanning, and there is also information on the icons. Let's say the license or free software is violated. Look at the picture below:
  32. Well, there’s simply nothing that’s incomprehensible, there’s nothing in this program, that’s how I initially told you that it exists. The program is paid, but there is a free trial period, which is enough to learn about several computers. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below or search on the website by clicking on the button below.

Many users are interested in how to check Windows license 7. This question is of interest to everyone, because it is always good to understand your own computer. And if you consider that now licensing and piracy are two huge competitors (with their own advantages and disadvantages, of course), then you wouldn’t really want to be deceived. Sometimes even branded stores sell fake software. And for this reason, it is important to know how to check the Windows 7 license. There are several methods that will definitely help you.


The first scenario is to carefully look at the computer you are purchasing. In truth, you will have to muster some courage, because buyers are usually embarrassed to examine the product from all sides. However, if you want to understand how to check the Windows 7 license, then do this action simply necessary.

The point is that on every laptop and computer ( system unit) there is a special sticker. Its presence indicates that the operating system installed is legal and not pirated. As a rule, they indicate the key and, of course, the version of the operating system, as well as its so-called build. That's all. Now you know how to check your Windows 7 license using the sticker. But there are other options for the development of events, and not everyone knows about them.

Purchase separately

What to do with the authenticity of the operating system if you decide to purchase it separately? There are no problems here at all, because you will have a special activation code printed on the box with the disc. It confirms that the system is licensed. Plus, the version and build will also be indicated there. Almost the same as in the case of a sticker on a computer.

How to check Windows 7 license by key? Just look at it and then check the combination in the properties of the My Computer service. Click on the shortcut right click mouse, then select the desired item. In the window that opens, check the code on the box with the code under the “Activation” item. If they match, then everything is in perfect order- you really have a license installed. Otherwise, it will be written that activation failed, and you will see how much time is left until the end of the initial key. Usually 30 days are given for activation. After this, you will periodically receive a message stating that the license has not been activated, and many services and features will be disabled. But that is another story. Now you know how to check your Windows 7 license. However, there are other options for the development of events. Some of them are already familiar to many users.

Pirate version

No matter how it sounds, lately even pirated versions of operating systems need to be activated and at the same time confirm their authenticity. It used to be difficult to do this, but not now.

How to check Windows 7 for authenticity of the license if you have a pirated version of the system? Through the same “My Computer” and its properties. Sometimes you will have to activate using a key. But often nothing is written in the “Activation” section. This is one of the signs that you have a pirated version of the system, but it is vaguely considered licensed. In other words, you can easily and simply use all Windows functions without keys or activations.

Thus, do not be alarmed if there are no inscriptions in the “Activation” field. This is a normal sign, but only for pirated versions. If you purchased a license and then noticed this case, then you have been deceived. It’s difficult to call this a true test, but it’s easily a sign that all programs will see the system as licensed.


Well, if you firmly believe that you have a licensed version of Windows, then you can suggest checking its authenticity a little in a non-standard way. To be honest, almost all users avoid it, because they will have to update the operating system.

How to check Windows 7 license using this method? Open Update Center on your computer, and then activate it. Perform a full update. Then restart your computer. In fact, many will think that no verification will happen. But, as practice shows, if the license is confirmed, everything will be in perfect order with the system. Otherwise, failures and problems will begin. Sometimes a message even pops up stating that authentication failed. This is a cunning and slightly dangerous scenario.

Today we will talk to you about what Windows 7 authentication is, as well as possible options for bypassing this system. In addition, let's take a look at some of the pitfalls that may appear while working in Windows.

What is this?

But first, let's look at what Windows 7 authentication is. Probably, almost every modern user has heard about this concept. If not, then now we will find out what it is this process.

Authentication is nothing more than confirming that your Windows is licensed. In other words, activation or a method for detecting pirated copies. If you are using just not licensed version, then it’s better to think about how to disable Windows 7 authentication. Otherwise, minor problems with your computer may occur. More precisely, with the operating system. Let's try to figure out why we should be so “afraid” of this process.

Why is it scary?

If you are using a purchased version of the Windows operating system, then, of course, you do not need to be afraid of our today's process. The situation is different with the so-called pirates. For them, this phenomenon can be not only unpleasant, but also somewhat dangerous.

Windows 7 authentication now requires you to authenticate multiple times. Everyone can bypass the first collision - this is the so-called activation of the operating system. It usually pops up during the installation process. Activation failed - 30 days, and the computer is blocked! And no problems.

But the second Windows 7 authentication is a more unpleasant “thing”. Sometimes the user may not even suspect that his computer is going through this process. Instead, a person turns on his computer one fine day, and instead of a desktop he sees a black screen. In the lower right corner there is a message about a failed verification. It won't work like that. And there is a high probability of losing some data. Therefore, many people think about how to disable Windows 7 authentication. Let's try to figure out what to do.

Honest way

Let's start with perhaps the most simple and common points. This is about activating your operating system. There are a huge number of options here. Let's see what needs to be done so that Windows 7 authentication is not scary for you.

So, the first method, which is not particularly pleasing modern user- this is a license purchase. This pleasure is not so little. And if you take into account the fact that now they live everywhere dangerous viruses, capable of “breaking” the operating system, then the desire to buy Windows disappears completely. It won’t be particularly convenient to take your computer (it’s good if it’s a laptop) to a specialist every time problems arise. service center so that you can have the system reinstalled in a few days. Thus, users are not very often inclined towards this scenario. Advanced people were looking for ways to avoid purchasing, and also not run into problems with activation. And now they have been found.

If you decide to use the operating system only for home use, without using any licensed or important programs, then you can use the “pirated” version. Not the best the best option, but many users adhere to it. Let's get to know him a little better.


Windows 7 authentication on first encounter can be easily passed. Especially if you already have installation disk and connection to the World Wide Web. Make sure you have the so-called activator for Windows in advance.

As a rule, this program will come bundled with a pirated installation disk of the operating system. True, you can download the By Daz crack in advance. Be sure to look at what bit depth (number of bits) this or that version of this activator is suitable for. Now let's see how to use it.

When installing the operating system, select trial version, without activation. Don't worry, access to the system will not be closed after 30 days. Wait for the process to complete and then launch the By Daz application. Now you will need to select the brand of your processor, as well as the bitness of the operating system. After that, click on the "Install" button. When a message about successful installation pops up, simply close the window and restart your computer. That's all. Now you can't say that your Windows 7 is authenticated. As a rule, when using a crack this function it simply turns off. Quite convenient. But there is one little surprise for the pirates, which appeared not so long ago. Let's get to know him too.

Underwater rocks

Okay, we took the dishonest route and activated the operating system. For the time being, you can use it without any problems. True, if you don't know about Microsoft's little trick, most likely working with activated copy you'll run out in about a few days.

It's all about the so-called update center. This application turned out to be painfully tricky. The fact is that when using it, Windows 7 authentication is updated. That is, an unsuspecting user downloads the next update package, reboots the computer, and in response receives a message that his computer has not passed the authentication check.

Frankly, Microsoft's idea is pretty good. True, not for modern “pirates”. They found several ways to bypass this system. Let's see what can be done in this situation.

How to get around

Since the update center downloads some files for us, we can simply not install them. This will prevent the Windows 7 authentication update from penetrating the system. What should I do for this? There are several options here. The first method is not to download any “updates” (except for drivers, and signed ones) to the computer. This way you will definitely not run into a problem. You can disable automatic file scanning, as well as installation without user knowledge. Want to update something? You went to the update center yourself, started checking, ticked only what you needed, and then installed it. No problem.

True, there is another option for the development of events. The thing is that you can disable Windows 7 authentication by deleting a specific file responsible for this process. In the Update Center, find KB971033, and then simply delete it. Remember this name and do not download it for yourself. That's all. Now you know that Windows 7 authentication isn't that scary.