How does the charger work? Charger for a car battery: how to choose and make it yourself

Battery problems are not that uncommon. To restore functionality, additional charging is necessary, but normal charging costs a lot of money, and it can be done from improvised “trash.” The most important thing is to find a transformer with the required characteristics, and make a charger for car battery do it yourself - it takes literally a couple of hours (if you have all the necessary parts).

The battery charging process must follow certain rules. Moreover, the charging process depends on the type of battery. Violations of these rules lead to a decrease in capacity and service life. Therefore, the parameters of a car battery charger are selected for each specific case. This opportunity is provided by a complex charger with adjustable parameters or purchased specifically for this battery. There is a more practical option - making a charger for a car battery with your own hands. To know what parameters should be, a little theory.

Types of battery chargers

Battery charging is the process of restoring used capacity. To do this, a voltage is supplied to the battery terminals that is slightly higher than the operating parameters of the battery. Can be served:

  • D.C. The charging time is at least 10 hours, during this entire time a fixed current is supplied, the voltage varies from 13.8-14.4 V at the beginning of the process to 12.8 V at the very end. With this type, the charge accumulates gradually and lasts longer. The disadvantage of this method is that it is necessary to control the process and turn off the charger in time, since when overcharging the electrolyte may boil, which will significantly reduce its working life.
  • Constant pressure. When charging with a constant voltage, the charger produces a voltage of 14.4 V all the time, and the current varies from large values ​​in the first hours of charging to very small values ​​in the last. Therefore, the battery will not be recharged (unless you leave it for several days). The positive aspect of this method is that the charging time is reduced (90-95% can be reached in 7-8 hours) and the battery being charged can be left unattended. But such an “emergency” charge recovery mode has a bad effect on service life. With frequent use of constant voltage, the battery discharges faster.

In general, if there is no need to rush, it is better to use DC charging. If you need to restore battery functionality in a short time, apply constant voltage. If we talk about what is the best charger to make for a car battery with your own hands, the answer is clear - one that supplies direct current. The schemes will be simple, consisting of accessible elements.

How to determine the necessary parameters when charging with direct current

It has been experimentally established that charge car lead acid batteries(most of them) required current that does not exceed 10% of the battery capacity. If the capacity of the battery being charged is 55 A/h, the maximum charge current will be 5.5 A; with a capacity of 70 A/h - 7 A, etc. In this case, you can set a slightly lower current. The charge will continue, but more slowly. It will accumulate even if the charge current is 0.1 A. It will just take a very long time to restore the capacity.

Since the calculations assume that the charge current is 10%, we obtain a minimum charge time of 10 hours. But this is when the battery is completely discharged, and this should not be allowed. Therefore, the actual charging time depends on the “depth” of the discharge. You can determine the depth of discharge by measuring the voltage on the battery before charging:

To calculate approximate battery charging time, you need to find out the difference between the maximum battery charge (12.8 V) and its current voltage. Multiplying the number by 10 we get the time in hours. For example, the voltage on the battery before charging is 11.9 V. We find the difference: 12.8 V - 11.9 V = 0.8 V. Multiplying this figure by 10, we find that the charging time will be about 8 hours. This is provided that we supply a current that is 10% of the battery capacity.

Charger circuits for car batteries

To charge batteries, a 220 V household network is usually used, which is converted to reduced voltage using a converter.

Simple circuits

The simplest and effective method- use of a step-down transformer. It is he who lowers 220 V to the required 13-15 V. Such transformers can be found in old tube TVs (TS-180-2), computer power supplies, and found at flea market “ruins”.

But the output of the transformer produces an alternating voltage that must be rectified. They do this using:

The above diagrams also contain fuses (1 A) and measuring instruments. They make it possible to control the charging process. They can be excluded from the circuit, but you will have to periodically use a multimeter to monitor them. With voltage control this is still tolerable (just attach probes to the terminals), but it is difficult to control the current - in this mode the measuring device is connected to an open circuit. That is, you will have to turn off the power every time, put the multimeter in current measurement mode, and turn on the power. disassemble the measuring circuit in reverse order. Therefore, using at least a 10 A ammeter is very desirable.

The disadvantages of these schemes are obvious - there is no way to adjust the charging parameters. That is, when choosing an element base, choose the parameters so that the output current is the same 10% of the capacity of your battery (or a little less). You know the voltage - preferably within 13.2-14.4 V. What to do if the current turns out to be more than desired? Add a resistor to the circuit. It is placed at the positive output of the diode bridge in front of the ammeter. You select the resistance “locally”, focusing on the current; the power of the resistor is larger, since excess charge will be dissipated on them (10-20 W or so).

And one more thing: a do-it-yourself car battery charger made according to these schemes will most likely get very hot. Therefore, it is advisable to add a cooler. It can be inserted into the circuit after the diode bridge.

Adjustable circuits

As already mentioned, the disadvantage of all these circuits is the inability to regulate the current. The only option is to change the resistance. By the way, you can put a variable tuning resistor here. This will be the easiest way out. But manual current adjustment is more reliably implemented in a circuit with two transistors and a trimming resistor.

The charging current is changed by a variable resistor. It is located after the composite transistor VT1-VT2, so a small current flows through it. Therefore, the power can be about 0.5-1 W. Its rating depends on the selected transistors and is selected experimentally (1-4.7 kOhm).

Transformer with a power of 250-500 W, secondary winding 15-17 V. Diode bridge assembled on diodes with an operating current of 5A and higher.

Transistor VT1 - P210, VT2 is selected from several options: germanium P13 - P17; silicon KT814, KT 816. To remove heat, install on a metal plate or radiator (at least 300 cm2).

Fuses: at the input PR1 - 1 A, at the output PR2 - 5 A. Also in the circuit there are signal lamps - the presence of a voltage of 220 V (HI1) and a charging current (HI2). Here you can install any 24 V lamps (including LEDs).

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Charger for a car battery with your own hands - popular topic for car enthusiasts. Transformers are taken from everywhere - from power supplies, microwave ovens... they even wind them themselves. The schemes being implemented are not the most complex. So even without electrical engineering skills you can do it yourself.

It is difficult to predict what we can all expect in a few years, since technological progress is developing incredibly quickly, not by leaps and bounds, but rushing at incredible speed. Fantastic ideas are born in the minds of engineers, which after a short period of time become reality. Charging phones without any wires is now quite possible. However, many users still cannot figure out how a wireless phone charger works, believing that such manipulations are on par with fantastic acts.

You can now charge your smartphone using a wireless device.

If you're tired of untangling cords every time you need to charge your smartphone, then it might be worth considering an alternative form of power transmission. In order to consciously approach such a process, eliminating any doubts, it is useful to understand what the principle of direct operation of wireless charging is.

Having heard for the first time that there is a wireless phone charger, many smartphone owners begin to fantasize on their own, convincing themselves that energy will be distributed at any distance. Of course, this is an incredible misconception. Under no circumstances should a wireless phone charger be compared to Wi-Fi.

Trying to figure out how it works wireless charger, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with additional information, from which it will become clear that charging, which excludes the use of wires, is a type of magnetic induction charging.

If you decide to get a wireless charger and start using it actively, it won’t hurt you to understand the principle of how wireless phone charging works.

Wireless power transmission technology

Scientists are actively searching for innovative technologies that expand the capabilities of users focused on the constant use of modern gadgets. In particular, modern researchers are ready to declare that electricity can be successfully distributed using lasers, sound waves and many other physical phenomena. However, most of these technologies are still under active development.

Among them, there is one technology that is already actively used and used for commercial purposes with great success. It is the transmission of electricity using electromagnetic induction that formed the basis of modern innovative developments that have made it possible to practically implement the principle of wireless charging for a phone.

In any technical field, there are certain standards, which are important to take into account when inventing or improving devices aimed at maintaining the functionality of modern gadgets.

Seven years ago, the Wireless Power Consortium developed a standard focused on the transmission of electricity wirelessly. This standard is called the Chinese word Qi.

Most smartphone manufacturers not only actively welcome such a unique standard, focused on charging the gadget without using wires, but also use the Qi standard in the production of their products.

For this reason, being at bus stations, railway stations, and airports in economically developed countries of the world, a person has the opportunity to charge his smartphone without burdening himself with searching for free sockets. In such crowded places, special charging stations are installed, allowing everyone in need to use wireless charging.

How wireless charging works

If you understand how wireless phone charging works, it becomes clear that to ensure contact between the receiving and emitting devices, they are equipped with special induction coils. Of course, no matter how you try to recharge your mobile phone old model, being in close proximity to such a dispensing station, you will not succeed, since the gadget was not directly equipped by the manufacturer with such coils.

The principle of wireless phone charging is to form magnetic field. In particular, after connecting charging station to the electrical network, the induction coils located in it create a magnetic field. If a device that supports the Qi standard enters this magnetic field, it begins to actively absorb electromagnetic waves, and then, using the built-in induction coil, converts them into energy, ensuring a reliable battery charging process.

It is important to understand how to use wireless charging. You cannot assume that you can charge your smartphone while being at a decent distance from the charging station. It is recommended to place the discharged gadget at a distance not exceeding five centimeters.

Even if you place your smartphone directly on the wireless charger itself, the coefficient useful action such charging will be about 80%. Of course, those who are accustomed to getting the maximum benefit from the manipulations carried out will easily notice that charging a phone using a wire still has a higher efficiency.

If you conduct a practical experiment and calculate how different the charging time is when using traditional and alternative charging, it becomes clear that in order to fully charge the battery when using wireless technologies, you will have to count on additional time of about one hour.

Qualitative characteristics of the device

If you have studied the question of how to use wireless charging for your phone, it doesn’t hurt to become familiar with its advantages and disadvantages, and its impact on human health. Armed with this knowledge, making the final decision will be much easier.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage is that you no longer have to connect wires to the smartphone itself, which often get lost, twisted, fall into the paws of pets, and are therefore seriously damaged.

Unfortunately, it’s still not possible to completely forget about wires. Wires are excluded only in relation to the smartphone, but the charger itself is still connected to the outlet using wires and an electrical plug.

Another drawback that can cause disappointment to the purchaser is the sufficient charging time of the mobile device.

If you decide to purchase such an innovative device, you will also have to be prepared for the fact that the cost of wireless charging is several times higher than its wired counterpart.

Health effects

Every working mechanism emits electromagnetic waves. A modern person who cares about his health is concerned with the question of how harmful such radiation is, and whether the risk of pathological changes in the body is eliminated when being in close proximity to a working wireless charger.

The alarm is quite understandable, since articles appear in the media from time to time that focus the reader’s attention on the dangers that modern technical means. However, experts assure that these are nothing more than myths, since the danger to human health is completely excluded.

IMPORTANT. The electromagnetic waves involved in the wireless charging process are accompanied by a low frequency, so any negative impact on humans is excluded.

The same waves pass through a person every day, but technical progress has nothing to do with this. The sun emits exactly the same waves in strength and frequency.

In addition, it is important to understand that it is unlikely that anyone will constantly stand near the charger throughout its entire operating cycle. For this reason, engineers, doctors and other specialists confidently refute the myth regarding the harm of chargers to human health.

Types of wireless chargers

Having become familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of chargers that exclude the use of wires, many users have an active desire, despite the high cost, to still become its owner.

Currently, manufacturers are ready to offer several options for such devices, so before making a purchase, it is useful to understand them distinctive features to understand which model can rightfully be considered the best.

Popular chargers

The Samsung company, accustomed to surprising consumers, has not ignored the issue of creating a wireless charger. As a result of the company's work on such technical problem stands samsung device Wireless Charging Pad.

Many users welcome it because it allows you to charge your smartphone, which can be in any position relative to the top surface of the charger itself.

Samsung Wireless Charging Pad provides charging for smartphones that support not only the WPC standard, but AW4P and PMA.

Another device that is very popular is the PowerBot. It is welcomed by the consumer because:

  • it itself can be connected not only to the mains, but also to a laptop;
  • has an acceptable cost;
  • accompanied by high level reliability;
  • The manufacturer guarantees a long operational period.

Another wireless device, Nokia DT-910, provides fast charging for smartphones. In addition, the manufacturer has endowed it with many additional and very useful functions, any person who becomes the owner of such a device will be able to deal with them.

So, you can easily find and, if desired, purchase a wireless charger of a certain type in the retail network. Since there is no risk to health during further use of such a product, if you have the appropriate amount, you can purchase such a device in order to subsequently allow yourself to expand the possibilities for recharging your smartphone.

Sooner or later, any car enthusiast is faced with the problem of a dead battery, especially when the temperature drops below zero. And after a couple of starts using the “lighting up” method, there is a firm belief that an automatic charger is one of the essential items. The market today is simply replete with a variety of such devices that literally makes your eyes wide open. Various manufacturers, colors, shapes, designs and, of course, prices. So how do you make sense of all this?

Choosing an automatic charger

Before you go shopping, you need to decide which battery you want to charge. They are the most different types: maintained and unattended, dry-charged or flooded, alkaline or acidic. The same applies to chargers: there are manual, semi-automatic and automatic ones. The latter are preferable to choose, since they practically do not require outside intervention, and the entire charging process is controlled by the device itself.

They provide the most optimal mode without causing overvoltage that is dangerous for the battery. Smart electronic filling will do everything according to the correct, predetermined algorithm, and some devices are able to determine the degree of battery discharge and its capacity, and independently adjust to the desired mode. This automatic charger is suitable for almost any type of battery.

Most modern chargers and jump starters have a so-called fast charging mode (BOOST). In some cases, this can really help out a lot when, due to a weak battery charge, it is not possible to start the engine with a starter. In this case, it is enough to charge the battery in BOOST mode for literally a few minutes and then start the engine. Do not charge the battery for a long time in BOOST mode, as this can significantly reduce its service life.

How does an automatic charger work?

Typically this device, regardless of manufacturer and price category designed for charging, as well as cleaning plates from lead sulfate (desulfation) twelve-volt batteries, having a capacity from 5 to 100 Ah, as well as a quantitative assessment of their charge level. This charger is equipped with protection against incorrect connection and from short circuit terminals The use of microcontroller control allows you to select the optimal mode for almost any battery.

Basic operating modes of the automatic charger:

It should be remembered that a properly selected automatic charger for a car battery can not only ensure its reliable and uninterrupted operation, but also significantly extend its service life.

Your new ones iPhone smartphones 8/8 Plus and iPhone X, Apple called support for the Qi standard wireless charging function almost the main feature of the devices. Also introduced was the Air Power wireless charging mat, which allows you to simultaneously charge your smartphone, Apple Watch And wireless headphones AirPods. Wireless charging is slowly becoming a standard feature for A-brand flagships and beyond.

But is Apple's solution so revolutionary? How does wireless charging work in practice? This will be discussed in the article.

How wireless charging works

Most wireless chargers use magnetic induction and magnetic resonance. They suggest placing the gadget on a special surface for automatic charging, without the need to connect a cable to the device.

Of course, wireless charging isn't truly wireless. Your phone, smart watch, tablet does not need to be connected to the charger, but the wireless charger itself still needs to be connected by cable to the power adapter or USB port.

How Apple's opinion on wireless charging has changed

When Apple introduced the iPhone 5 without support for wireless charging, at the same time in smartphones on competing Android platforms and Windows modules were built into many flagship models. But Apple's Phil Schiller that "creating a separate charger that you have to plug into an outlet is actually, for most situations, more complicated." That is, in Cupertino they didn’t even think about wireless charging, dismissing this possibility in the bud.

Five years later, Apple changed its mind. With iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X, Apple includes support for wireless charging using the open standard Qi (pronounced "shi" because it's a Chinese word that refers to the "life energy" in living things.).

Qi wireless charging

Wireless chargers in this moment use the phenomenon of magnetic induction. Simply put, they use magnetism to transfer energy. First, you place a device, such as a smartphone, on a wireless charger. Current from the wall outlet passes through a coil in the wireless charging module, creating a magnetic field. The magnetic field creates a current in a coil inside the smartphone. This magnetic energy is converted into electrical energy, which is then used to charge the battery. Devices must have the appropriate hardware to support wireless charging. That is, a device without the necessary coil inside the case cannot be charged wirelessly.

While the Qi standard's operating range was originally limited to a small magnetic field range, it now also supports the use of magnetic resonance phenomenon. It works in a similar way, but the gadget being charged can be located up to 45 mm from the surface of the wireless charger, and not touch it, as was before. This method is less efficient than the magnetic induction method, but there are some advantages - for example, the wireless charger can be installed under the surface of the table, and you can place the gadget with the receiver on the table to charge it. It also allows you to place multiple devices on one charging pad and each of them will be charged in parallel.

A little about the system's power consumption. When gadgets are not charging, the Qi charger does not consume a large number of electricity. A special low-power module monitors this moment and turns off the current to the coil, but when it detects that a gadget that requires charging is placed on the charger pad, it increases the output power of the magnetic field.

Competitors of the Qi standard

Wireless charging is becoming more common and more thoroughly standardized. And this time Apple didn't create its own wireless standard. Instead, it decided to support the existing Qi standard, which also supports many third-party devices.

Power Matters Alliance (PMA)

However, Qi run by the Wireless Power consortium, the most widespread at the moment, but it is not alone. In second place -Power Matters Alliance, or PMA standard. It uses magnetic induction, just like Qi. However, these two standards are incompatible. New iPhones and other Apple products cannot be charged using the PMA wireless charger.

But some devices on the market are compatible with both standards. Modern smartphones, such as Galaxy Note 8, Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S7, in fact, support both Qi and PMA, so they can be charged from any charger. Starbucks company (global cafe chain)previously relied on PMA, but now there is an option that it can rethink the situation, since the iPhone only supports Qi.

Apple is confident that in the near future many airports, hotels and other public places will also rely on Qi. That is, most likely there will be devices from other manufacturers that support wireless charging of this standard. As practice shows, this will probably actually happen.

Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP)

There is a third competitor to the Qi standard. This Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP), which uses Rezence technology in its work. The essence of the operating principle of the standard is to use the magnetic resonance effect, which will expand the charging area for several devices. You can place multiple gadgets on one charger, move them around, and even charge them through an object such as a book. Rezence technology requires a Bluetooth connection to your device to work.

AirFuel Alliance

Realizing that the Qi standard is the most popular on the market, the competitors decided to unite. This is how a new education appeared AirFuel Alliance, which has been promoting its wireless charging technologies since 2015. The consortium included 195 companies. The most interesting thing is that the AirFuel Alliance has secured support Intel, which suggests that everything there is serious and for a long time. Well, competition is always good for users, because it is the engine of progress.

What devices can you use wireless charging with today?

I am sure that many users ask themselves this question. After all, everyone wants to try how wireless charging actually works, and whether it is as convenient as the developers say.

I have quite a lot of experience using wireless charging. You will be surprised, but it’s been almost 5 years. My good old Nokia Lumia 820 supports wireless charging. Back in December 2012, when I purchased a smartphone, I received an additional accessory that made it possible to use wireless charging for this smartphone.

True, in order for the Nokia Lumia 820 to be charged wirelessly, it was necessary to buy a special back cover. From personal experience I can say that using wireless charging is very convenient and practical. Place your smartphone on a special surface and it will begin to receive energy to charge the battery. It is worth noting that there are also unpleasant sides to using wireless charging from Nokia. Let's start with the fact that in this case the smartphone body heats up quite noticeably, and the charging process itself is much slower than when charging via a cable.

Unfortunately, the story of Microsoft smartphones seems to be over. But you still have the opportunity to try wireless charging.

Over the past few years, Android smartphone manufacturers have been increasingly installing wireless charging in their devices. For example, Google does not offer it on its Pixel smartphone, although some Nexus devices previously supported this function. Of the A-brands, only Samsung has retained wireless charging capabilities in its latest flagship models.

But with Apple's move to give the Qi standard a vote of confidence, wireless charging may become more common, including on Android devices.

However, you can already buy a smartphone that supports wireless charging. This Samsung Galaxy Note8 and Galaxy Note 5,Galaxy S8, S8+, S8 Active, S7, S7 Edge, S7 Active,LG G6 (US and Canada version only) and LG V30,Motorola Moto Z, Moto Z Play, Moto Z2 Force, Moto Z2 Play (only with wireless charging module), and of course the new iPhone 8, 8 Plus, X (10). As you can see, there is quite a large selection, from different brands and on different platforms.

Even if your smartphone does not support wireless charging, you can add support for this function using a special case. Also in some cases it is possible to use wireless adapter charger, which is attached to the back of the gadget and connects to the power port.

And now the most important thing. In order to charge your smartphone using wireless charging, of course, you first need to purchase a charger that will support the Qi standard. You can find such devices in various online stores such as Amazon, Aliexpress, eBay and others. After purchasing a device in a store, connect it to a power outlet and place your smartphone on a special platform. Now it will charge wirelessly, just like you wanted.


Something tells me that the appearance in new iPhones wireless charging functions will give impetus to the development of this segment of the IT industry. Very soon we will see a situation where all flagship smartphones will begin to support wireless charging technology by default. And then it may come to budget devices. So we're in for some interesting times.

Frequent short trips with constant cycles of starting and stopping the car’s engine make it very difficult for a charged battery to work, especially in winter, when the stove, headlights, and various types of heating are on most of the time: windows, mirrors, seats, steering wheels, etc. All this is because the latter are very voracious, and greatly discharge it, while the generator simply does not have time to charge the battery, and the starter, which starts the engine, puts the last stop, especially if it is used too often, and leaves virtually no the chances of such a discharged battery surviving in such a small private world of voracious consumers. We are exaggerating this, of course! However, in winter (but also in summer) there is a big risk that one day the battery simply will not have enough strength to once again power the most electricity-hungry element of the car - the starter, and the car will not start, as a result of which you will have to " light a cigarette."

But such cases can be avoided if you have a special battery charger - a relatively cheap but very useful accessory that allows you to make up for what the battery did not get from the generator - charge it. But how does a charger charge a battery?

This is what a typical battery charger looks like

It's actually quite simple - it uses electricity from the outlet to charge the battery using the positive and negative leads that connect to the corresponding terminals of the battery, charging it. The average car battery has a capacity of about 48 ampere hours (Ah), which means that a fully charged battery will provide 1 amp of current for 48 hours, 2 amps for 24 hours, 8 amps for 6 hours, and so on. And the job of the charger is to transfer these amps to the battery for storage, so that it can subsequently give them to the components of our car.

Typically, the charger charges the battery at 2 amps, so the same battery is charged for 24 hours to reach the 48 amps required to fully charge the battery. But there is also a wide range of chargers with different adjustable charge rates on the market - from 2 to 10 amps. The higher the charge, the faster the battery will charge. Fast charging, however, is most often undesirable, as it can simply burn out the battery plates (you know what these plates are if you read).

The loads that are placed on the battery can be determined by the amount of current used in the various electrical components of the car: for example, headlights with low beams on average draw 8 to 10 amps, and the rear window defroster is about the same.

Theoretically, a fully charged battery, without receiving current from the generator, should turn the starter for about 10 minutes, provide headlights for eight hours, and rear window heating for 12 hours. However, as the battery discharges, this time drops significantly.

The average household battery charger includes a transformer and rectifier that can change 220 Volts AC from a wall outlet to 12 Volts. direct current, and also allow the power supply to provide charging at a rate determined by the condition of the battery itself. In the case when the battery is still fairly new, the charger can increase the current to 3-6 Amps, and thus charge the battery much faster. But a battery that has served its purpose simply will not hold a charge at all and therefore will not even accept charging from the charger.

So, how to charge the battery - step by step instructions

First of all, the battery must be removed from the car by disconnecting 2 wires with a negative and a positive charge from the corresponding battery terminals (you can charge the battery directly under the hood, the main thing is to disconnect the car wires from the terminals, otherwise you may lose the generator). Make sure everything electrical devices in the car are turned off (including the ignition key is turned to the “Off” position, when not a single light on the instrument panel is on and the radio is not working) - otherwise, when removing and then connecting the charged battery to the power wires of the car, the contact point will be spark strongly.

After removal, clean the contacts of the battery terminals and wires for better contact.

Connecting the charger

Before charging the battery, always check the electrolyte level using the special measuring window on the battery. If necessary, add electrolyte and clean and wipe the battery terminals.

In addition to the charger itself, it is advisable to also have a device such as a hydrometer - a special, simple device for measuring the density of the electrolyte. This way you can determine when the battery is charged (the electrolyte will no longer change (increase) its density), although, most likely, your charger will tell you when the battery is fully charged.

Most batteries have special ventilation holes with covers that cover them just for the charging process. It is advisable to remove these covers before charging.

Place a clamp (or any other method of attaching the charger wire to the battery terminals) of the positive (+) lead from the charger - this is usually colored red - onto the positive terminal of the battery - this is usually noticeably larger than the negative one. Connect the negative wire to the negative terminal in the same way.

Connect the charger to the mains and turn it on. An indicator or sensor (ammeter) will show that the battery is currently charging. The gauge may initially show a high charging rate, but it should gradually drop as the battery charges. If your charger does not have an automatic change in current, then you need to set it manually - its maximum value should be 10% of its rated capacity, and the optimal value for charging is 5% - so, with a battery capacity of 60 Ah, the current at the charger is /y when charging should be set to 3 Amps, and if this value is set to exceed 6 Amps, it is more likely to damage the battery. Remember that the lower the amperage, the longer the battery will take to charge, but the longer its service life will be with periodic charge-discharge cycles.