How to work with the hdd program. How to use HDD Regenerator to check your hard drive

So, let's get down to business. Let's see how to use hdd program regenerator 2011. First, download and install the program. Before using the program, disable all programs whose work is related to hard drive. For more comfortable use of the program, you can download and install the crack. It should be accompanied by instructions on how to use hdd regenerator 2011 rus, which will help you install the crack without any problems. We strongly recommend that you strictly follow the instructions, otherwise the uninterrupted operation of the hdd regenerator program is not guaranteed.
After starting the program, a dialog box appears. In order to check and repair the HDD in the system shell, you must click the top button "Click here to repair bad sectors of the disk directly from under Windows (XP/Vista/7)". In the window that appears, select the partitions of the disk that should be restored.

Sometimes the system notifies that the SATA HDD is in ANCI mode. To fix this, we restart the computer through the BIOS and select SATA IDE as the mode. Often this is not possible, and a dialog box constantly pops up during the check. Select the "Cancel" button, the console appears command line with 4 points:

  • Calculation and regeneration bad sectors and sections.
  • Full disk scan with/without data recovery
  • Software version.
  • Information about the work done by the regenerator program.
  • Select item 2 and Start, the HDD check process has begun.

Note that recovery is not always hard drive in this way gives excellent results. What to do in this case?
A bootable flash drive will help us.
To work, you need a flash drive with a capacity of at least 1 GB. Having launched the hdd regenerator program, select "Create a bootable USB flash drive" and wait until it is formatted and boot data appears on it. We restart the computer. In this case, you need to go into the BIOS and select the priority for loading the OS through a USB flash drive.
A DOS window appears. It is necessary to select sections for diagnostics and regeneration. After selecting the required one, click Start. The process has begun.
To interrupt the scan, you need to press "Esc", but what results will be unknown. Therefore, it is best to wait for the process to complete.
If the HDD has suffered significant damage, then the hdd regenerator will "slow down" when processing sectors, while the operating time may last for several hours. Then you have only one way out - to buy a new HDD and transfer to it the information that still remains thanks to the hdd regenerator 2011 program.

We will tell you about easy way how to repair bad sectors using the HDD Regenerator program from under Windows 10 and previous versions.

This version of HDD Regenerator can repair bad sectors (bad blocks) from under Windows any version and bitness. The program allows you to work with multiple hard drives at the same time, as well as with portable USB drives.

Recovering a hard drive with HDD Regenerator

Attention: disks that need to be restored, connect only after booting operating system Windows and do not use them while the program is running.

The first thing to do is HDD Regenerator, run the program as an administrator and by clicking on the "Regeneration" menu, select "Start Process under Windows" from the list (run from under Windows)

If the program asks you to switch to "IDE mode" and reboots, then click the "No" button, since your Windows system may not start in IDE mode.

Then a new window will appear with text menu HDD Regenerator software. By using number keys Let's make a choice of necessary actions. Select 2. "Normal scan" and press "Enter"

In the next window, we are prompted to select the mode of operation of the program. We are interested in "Scan and repair" (scan and restore). To do this, select item 1 and press "Enter".

In the next window, select "Start Sector 0" (start scanning from the very beginning of the disk), press 1 and then "Enter".

After the done actions, the process of scanning and restoring the disk will start. red letter " B» bad sectors will be marked with a green letter « R” will mark recovered sectors, and sectors with a read or write delay will be marked with a white letter “D”.

After scanning, you will be shown a window with the results of the work: the number of damaged and restored sectors, as well as sectors with delays.

Important: P take care of uninterruptible power supply the computer on which you will restore the data.

The HDD Regenerator program perfectly restores bad sectors on hard drives, but we strongly recommend that you save all valuable information from the restored hard drive and do not use it in the future, as it can fail at any time.

The official website of the program is located.

Purpose of the program: testing and repair hard drives.

Let's see what they offer us.

We start the program, select a disk for work. Double clicking on a disk line launches a console window with the actual program.
A DOS-like window opens, somewhat outdated, but it's probably easier to do program updates this way - you have to rewrite less. Select the type of scan. Confirmation of choice - enter.

  • Quick search (in the description there is no explanation of what this means, perhaps scanning of certain areas of the disk)
  • Full scan with or without recovery
We choose the second item.

Then the following menu is displayed. You need to choose how to scan.
  • Scan and restore.
  • Scan without recovery.
  • Regenerate (do you believe in miracles?) all sectors, even good ones.
Let's choose the first item, we will refrain from regeneration ...

And the last menu.

You need to specify the scan range. You can start from the beginning - from the zero address, you can continue the interrupted session, you can set the range of sectors manually. We will scan the entire disk first - select 1.

The disk surface check begins. From the current data, only the percentage of the elapsed and, approximately, the remaining time. What other options are there? When paused (Esc), an additional menu is displayed.

Let's see what's there.
  • Continue.
  • Show statistics.
  • Change scan boundaries.
  • Change scan mode.
  • Exit the program.
The most interesting point here is the statistics. But unfortunately, useful information here a little.

It shows the number of sectors checked, sectors with a delay, but there is no breakdown by delay time, how many sectors did not recover, the number of sectors recovered, the number of newly appeared bad sectors. Oddly enough, but all free analogues (Victoria (dos & win), MHDD, HDDScan (win)) display much more current information about scanning, which allows you to more accurately assess the state of the disk and the prospects for its recovery.

What is paid in this utility? This becomes clear when she stumbles upon the first bad. One she processes as a demonstration of the possibilities. And on the second bed it displays such an enticing message.

The disc contains Recoverable Damage and you need to pay for it to fix it. full version programs.

It would be appropriate to compare HDDRegenerator with its competitors, for example with Victoria for windows. An example of how to use it we have a "link". Here we show how it looks and what it can just for comparison.

Getting started with the program.

The disk is selected from the list of devices in the system. The disk passport is displayed in the working window. The regenerator does not issue a passport. With some malfunctions, the disk displays an incorrect passport. The program features are visible in the Test tab.

Here only at first glance it seems that it is difficult. After reading the description of the practical application, everything quickly becomes clear. For example, the notorious regenerator delay sectors here in Victoria are sorted by response time and highlighted in colors for clarity.

As for the restoration of sectors, there is also a complete set of tools.

Remap- analogue of repair in the Regenerator.

Erase- an analogue of regenerate, yes, it is overwriting, no information will remain in the sector.

If Vitoria seems overloaded, then there is also HDDScan, very handy program and an example of its use is "link".

The principle of the regenerator is that it repeatedly overwrites poorly readable sectors until the disk itself replaces them from the reserve zone. It will simply overwrite soft-bads, and for hardware-bads it will launch the remap procedure provided for by the ATA standard, i.e. nothing supernatural is applied. All these procedures are fatal for data contained in slow-reading sectors.

If you use this program or any other with a similar purpose on a damaged disk with important data, then you must remember that all operations to repair the drive are fatal for the information on it, because. write during operation, which is not allowed in DataRecovery procedures.

But all programs, except hddregenerator "and honestly warn about the danger of data loss. And only the regenerator promises miracles without warning that it actively uses writing to problem sectors and that this can lead to loss of user data.

HDD Regenerator can be used to rid a disk of soft-bad blocks. He will cope with this task. But given that this product is paid, if available free utilities, its use is extremely limited.

Among all possible ways data storage, despite their great variety, the hard disk does not lose its popularity today. Not everyone dares to upload important information to the cloud, no matter how tempting the terms of using the service may seem, external media also not always suitable for certain tasks, many users prefer to store personal information on internal drives due to the reliability of devices. At the same time, HDDs are also prone to malfunctions, which in many cases provokes failures in the operation of the operating system installed on the disk, or lack of access to user data. Neither one nor the other options are acceptable, so the issue requires an immediate solution. In the event of a complete failure of the hard drive, everything is easier, it will need to be replaced, but most often users are faced with the problem of bad sectors, which are not readable. To diagnose and restore the hard drive, specialized software is used. One of the most successful software solutions– HDD Regenerator.

Setting up and working with the HDD Regenerator program.

The HDD Regenerator application is a simple and effective tool for recovering bad sectors and the surface of a magnetic hard disk. The software uses a special surface magnetization reversal algorithm, while the structure of the data recorded on the disk remains the same. Winchester or Hard Disk Drive being mechanical device, consisting of several round plates, an electric drive and a head for reading / writing information, wears out over time. Disks made of magnetic material on which information is applied rotate at high speed during HDD operation, and the head moves over their surface, performing data processing. In the event that some sections have lost their properties, writing to them becomes impossible, and reading of previously recorded files is not carried out.

The HDD Regenerator program can detect damaged areas on the disk and repair. When uncorrectable sector errors are detected, the task is to reassign the address of the failed memory cell (one of the reserved values ​​is assigned). Thus, writing will not be carried out on bad sectors, which will slightly reduce the size of the hard disk, but also reduce the likelihood of errors. During a deep scan, the software detects and fixes problems with the surface, with the help of HDD Regenerator, a complete regeneration of the surface is performed using the magnetization reversal algorithm. You can also use the application to diagnose digital media (USB flash drives, memory cards, SSDs, etc.).

Main functions of the program

The software differs in that scanning is performed at the physical level, which ensures interaction with unrecognized, unformatted HDDs and all popular file systems. The media to be recovered retains all existing data. After installing the software, it is possible to create a bootable CD / DVD or flash drive, in order to use it if the operating system cannot be loaded. The developer improves the functionality of the product with each update, latest version HDD Regenerator 2018 offers comprehensive hard drive diagnostics and recovery. The main features of the program are:

  • Low-level access for diagnosing the physical surface of the HDD.
  • Detection and treatment of bad sectors, checking for errors and correcting them automatically.
  • Identification of physical damage to the surface of the HDD, elimination of detected problems, regeneration by the remagnetization method.
  • Possibility to pause the recovery process if necessary.
  • Real-time monitoring of the hard disk status, notification of changes.
  • The S.M.A.R.T function allows you to evaluate the current HDD status, operating time, etc.
  • HDD Information Display ( General characteristics, temperature, devices, degree of fragmentation, and other data).
  • Detailed statistics of performed procedures.
  • Create bootable media for use in situations where, due to problems with the HDD, it is impossible to boot the system. When starting from the drive, the program starts and operates in DOS mode.
  • Ability to work in a Windows environment, regardless of the OS version (starting with XP).

It is easy to use the program of any version, whether it is HDD Regenerator 2011, 2016-2017 or 2018. You can download the software in a shareware version, but activation is required to use all the features. In the presence of license key HDD Regenerator the user will have access to full functionality for an unlimited period. The HDD Regenerator program has a convenient and intuitive interface, not overloaded with numerous submenus and unnecessary elements, the Russian language is supported, the functionality is easy to learn, which allows even an inexperienced user to use the tool.

Installing HDD Regenerator

To take advantage of the software features by running it from a flash drive or in Windows environment, first you need to download the distribution kit and install HDD Regenerator on your computer. The key and crack are in the archive along with the installer. In general, the procedure is similar to installing any other software, so there are no difficulties with this. We perform the following actions:

  • Download the program and run the installer.
  • The installation wizard will prepare the application for installation, after which we start the procedure by pressing the “Next” button.
  • We agree to the terms by marking the desired item, and click "Next".
  • By default, the program will be installed to the Program Files folder located on system drive, if desired, the installation path can be changed by specifying a different directory. Click "Next" and wait for the procedure to complete.
  • If you check the box "Launch the program", the program will start when you click the "Finish" button. An application icon will also appear on the desktop.

You can run HDD Regenerator directly from the Windows environment or write to external drive to start from it.

How to use HDD Regenerator

Thanks to clear interface, not burdened with many settings, and convenient system navigation to work with the program is easy even without the crack. There are several options for launching the software: from a shortcut on the desktop, from a USB flash drive or an optical disc. Let's take a closer look at how to properly use the HDD Regenerator program. The interface offers several tabs, when you switch to each of them, functions are available that allow you to check and restore HDD, as well as write the software to the media.

The technology allows you to diagnose the HDD, which should be done before the recovery procedure. It is possible that the hard drive is fully functional and the cause of operating system errors or other software problems not at all in it. To do this, go to the S.M.A.R.T section, the program will analyze the state of the HDD and display information about the health of the hard drive. If you see a status other than “OK” in the status, you will need to perform the recovery procedure.

How to recover a hard drive

In the program window, you will see an offer to scan the hard drive, as well as create boot drives. When it comes to troubleshooting a hard drive, there are a few steps that need to be taken. First you need to close everything active programs except HDD Regenerator and terminate processes. Recovery instructions:

  • Go to the “Regeneration” section and select “Start Process under Windows” from the list.
  • In the next window, you need to select the hard drive so that HDD Regenerator starts the recovery procedure, then click "Start Process".
  • A window will open with a user interface based on text input from the keyboard and text output of the results. To select the type of scanning and recovery of the disk from the list of available actions, press "2" on the keyboard (Normal scan) and the enter key.
  • Now press "1" (Scan and repair) and Enter to check and fix the found bad sectors.
  • In a new window, you need to select the starting sector by pressing "1" and the enter key, after which the scanning process for errors will be launched, the progress of which is displayed in the program window. If errors are found during the check, HDD Regenerator will correct them. The process will take some time. Upon completion of the procedure, the user is provided with reporting information on the work performed (the number of bad sectors, fixed and not subject to recovery).

How to burn a flash drive

The program also offers the option to create a bootable USB stick or disk. To carry out the procedure, we connect the USB flash drive to the USB connector on a computer or laptop and perform the following steps:

  • In the main window of the HDD Regenerator application, click the "Bootable USB Flash" button.
  • We select the USB flash drive that should be made bootable (if several USB devices are connected to the device, they will be displayed in a list) and click "OK".
  • A warning window will appear informing you that all information from the USB drive will be erased, we agree with this by confirming the action with the "OK" button.

At the end of the process, you will have a boot drive where you can copy the program to boot with the possibility of treatment outside the operating system of the computer.

The procedure is similar to the previous one, only to burn a disc, you need to insert a CD / DVD disc into the drive and press the “Bootable CD / DVD” button in the main application window. Next is selected required disk and clicking "OK" starts the process. For application software tools from a bootable drive, be it a USB flash drive or a disk, you need to specify the boot priority from removable media in the BIOS.

Advantages and disadvantages

The HDD Regenerator software solution provides the user with the opportunity to independently deal with problems with the HDD without resorting to the services of service specialists. Among the advantages of the software:

  • Intuitive, user-friendly interface and ease of use (even in English version).
  • Russian language support.
  • Work in Windows OS of any version, starting with XP and independence from the file system.
  • The ability to work both in the Windows environment and outside it (using a boot drive).
  • Recovery of damaged sectors.
  • View statistics about recovered hard drive sectors.
  • Monitor HDD status in real time.
  • Creating a full-fledged boot device from an optical disc or USB flash drive.
  • The ability to pause the process of scanning the hard drive, so that later they will return to the procedure.
  • Security of the recovery procedure for user data.

The disadvantages include the following points:

  • The full version of the product is paid.
  • The absence of the Russian interface in the official release.

At the same time, you can also use free version, its functionality is quite enough for basic tasks, and for those who want to use the program with the Russian interface, it will not be difficult to use the crack.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in working with HDD Regenerator; you don’t need to study the settings in depth. By using this software you can restore the hard drive to working capacity without much effort in just a few clicks, as well as create a bootable drive, which helps a lot in case of force majeure.

Hdd Regenerator is designed to recover sectors that do not work correctly. The developers claim that the program copes even with severe cases with a probability of more than 50%.

Hdd Regenerator Working Principle

The program generates and alternately sends to the damaged hard drive high and low signals. Thus creating remagnetization of the disk. Most often, this helps to restore sectors, because they become inoperative due to improper magnetization of the disk.

When using the program, system files and user folders are not affected. Thus, the information that is on the restored disk will not be affected.

How to work in Hdd Regenerator

To get started, you need to download the program. It does not require material resources - Hdd Regenerator is distributed absolutely free of charge.
The downloaded archive contains the "Read me" file, which must be used as instructions for installing the program. Here is the patch and crack.

After installation, the Hdd Regenerator icon will appear on the desktop.

Launch the program by clicking on the icon.

A program window will appear on the screen, where you are prompted to start scan hard disk or , disk.

We proceed immediately to the recovery process: click the "Regeneration" button in the top tab bar, and then in the drop-down list - "Start the process under Windows".

In the next window, select the hard drive to restore. It is visualized by numerical characteristics: capacity and number of sectors.
We click on the "Start" button, which is located in the middle of the active window.

After clicking the "Start" button, a window may pop up that contains information about disk usage by programs running on the computer. To continue the process, you must close these programs or processes. If you see a window as shown below, then you need to click the "Retry" button.

Another variation of the message is shown below. In this case, click "OK".

After that, a window typical for DOS should appear on the screen.

It proposed four options for further actions with the hard drive:

1 Perform disk diagnostics and further restore it.

2 Run only diagnostics with the output of the results at the end.

3 Perform recovery of specific sectors of the hard drive.

In the next window, specify from which sector the analysis should be started.

Once selected, the program will scan your hard drive. At the end of the process, a window with the results will appear on the screen, where you can see: the number of bad sectors, the number of fixed sectors and sectors that cannot be restored.

As you can see, the recovery process using the Hdd Regenerator program takes a little time and does not require special knowledge from the user. With a small weight of the program, which is only 8.8 Mb, it copes with its work quite successfully.