How search engines work - snippets, reverse search algorithm, page indexing and features of Yandex. What search engines are there on the Internet besides Yandex and Google: educational section A search engine for a wide variety of

Hello, dear readers!

There are currently quite a lot of search engines in the global Internet space. Each of them has its own algorithms for indexing and ranking sites, but in general the principle of search engines is quite similar.

Knowledge of how a search engine works in the face of rapidly growing competition is a significant advantage when promoting not only commercial, but also informational sites and blogs. This knowledge helps you build an effective website optimization strategy and, with less effort, get to the TOP of search results for promoted query groups.

How search engines work

The purpose of the optimizer’s work is to “adjust” the promoted pages to the search algorithms and, thereby, help these pages achieve high positions for certain queries. But before starting work on optimizing a website or blog, it is necessary to at least superficially understand the peculiarities of the work of search engines in order to understand how they can react to the actions taken by the optimizer.

Of course, the detailed details of the formation of search results are information that search engines do not disclose. However, for proper search efforts, an understanding of the main principles by which search engines operate is sufficient.

Information search methods

The two main methods used by search engines today differ in their approach to information retrieval.

  1. Direct search algorithm, which involves matching each of the documents stored in the search engine database with a key phrase (user query), is a fairly reliable method that allows you to find all the necessary information. The disadvantage of this method is that when searching large data sets, the time required to find the answer is quite long.
  2. Reverse Index Algorithm, when a key phrase is associated with a list of documents in which it is present, is convenient when interacting with databases containing tens and hundreds of millions of pages. With this approach, the search is not carried out in all documents, but only in special files, including lists of words contained on website pages. Each word in such a list is accompanied by an indication of the coordinates of the positions where it occurs and other parameters. It is this method that is used today in the work of such well-known search engines as Yandex and Google.

It should be noted here that when a user accesses the search bar of the browser, the search is performed not directly on the Internet, but in pre-collected, saved and currently relevant databases containing blocks of information processed by search engines (website pages). Fast generation of search results is possible thanks to working with reverse indexes.

The text content of pages (direct indexes) is also saved by search engines and used to automatically generate snippets from the text fragments that are most suitable for the request.

Mathematical ranking model

In order to speed up the search and simplify the process of generating results that best meet the user's request, a certain mathematical model is used. The task of this mathematical model is to find the necessary pages in the current database of reverse indexes, assess their degree of compliance with the request, and distribute them in descending order of relevance.

Simply finding the desired phrase on the page is not enough. When determined by search engines, the weight of the document is calculated relative to the user request. For each request, this parameter is calculated based on the following data: frequency of use on the analyzed page and a coefficient reflecting how rarely the same word appears in other documents in the search engine database. The product of these two quantities corresponds to the weight of the document.

Of course, the presented algorithm is very simplified, since search engines have a number of other additional coefficients at their disposal that are used in calculations, but this does not change the meaning. The more often a single word from a user’s query appears in a document, the higher the weight of the latter. In this case, the text content of the page is considered spam if certain limits are exceeded, which are different for each request.

Basic functions of a search engine

All existing search systems are designed to perform several important functions: searching for information, indexing it, qualitative assessment, correct ranking and generating search results. The primary task of any search engine is to provide the user with the information he is looking for and the most accurate answer to a specific request.

Since most users have no idea how Internet search engines work and the ability to teach users how to search “correctly” is very limited (for example, with search tips), developers are forced to improve the search itself. The latter involves the creation of algorithms and operating principles of search engines that allow one to find the required information, regardless of how “correctly” the search query is formulated.


This is tracking changes in already indexed documents and searching for new pages that can be presented in the search results for user requests. Search engines scan resources on the Internet using specialized programs called spiders or search robots.

Scanning Internet resources and collecting data is carried out automatically by search bots. After the first visit to a site and its inclusion in the search database, robots begin to periodically visit this site to monitor and record changes that have occurred in the content.

Since the number of developing resources on the Internet is large, and new sites appear every day, the described process does not stop for a minute. This principle of operation of Internet search engines allows them to always have up-to-date information about sites available on the Internet and their content.

The main task of a search robot is to search for new data and transfer it to the search engine for further processing.


The search engine is able to find data only on sites represented in its database - in other words, indexed. At this step, the search engine must determine whether the information found should be entered into the database and, if so, in which section. This process is also performed automatically.

It is believed that Google indexes almost all information available on the Internet, while Yandex approaches content indexing more selectively and not so quickly. Both search giants of the Runet work for the benefit of the user, but the general principles of operation of the Google and Yandex search engines are somewhat different, since they are based on unique software solutions that make up each system.

A common point for search engines is that the process of indexing all new resources takes longer than indexing new content on sites known to the system. Information appearing on sites that are highly trusted by search engines ends up in the index almost instantly.


Ranking is an assessment by search engine algorithms of the significance of indexed data and arranging them in accordance with factors specific to a given search engine. The information received is processed to generate search results for the entire range of user queries. What information will be presented above and below in search results is entirely determined by how the selected search engine and its algorithms work.

Sites in the search engine database are divided into topics and query groups. For each group of requests, a preliminary output is generated, which is subject to further adjustment. The positions of most sites change after each SERP update - a ranking update that occurs daily in Google, and every few days in Yandex search.

A person as an assistant in the struggle for quality of delivery

The reality is that even the most advanced search engines, such as Yandex and Google, currently still require human assistance to generate results that meet accepted quality standards. Where the search algorithm does not work well enough, its results are adjusted manually - by assessing the page content according to multiple criteria.

A large army of specially trained people from different countries - search engine moderators (assessors) - have to perform a huge amount of work every day to check the compliance of website pages with user requests, filtering results from spam and prohibited content (texts, images, videos). The work of assessors allows for cleaner search results and contributes to the further development of self-learning search algorithms.


With the development of the Internet and the gradual change in standards and forms of content presentation, the approach to search also changes, the processes of indexing and ranking information, the algorithms used are improved, and new ranking factors appear. All this allows search engines to generate the highest quality results that are adequate to user requests, but at the same time complicates the life of webmasters and specialists involved in website promotion.

In the comments below the article, I invite you to speak out about which of the main RuNet search engines - Yandex or Google, in your opinion, works better, providing the user with a better search, and why.

They have long become an integral part of the Russian Internet. Search engines are now huge and complex mechanisms that represent not only an information search tool, but also tempting areas for business.

Most search engine users have never thought (or thought about it, but did not find an answer) about the principle of operation of search engines, the scheme for processing user requests, what these systems consist of and how they function...

This master class is designed to answer the question of how search engines work. However, you will not find here factors that influence the ranking of documents. Moreover, you should not count on a detailed explanation of the Yandex algorithm. He, according to Ilya Segalovich, the director of technology and development of the Yandex search engine, can only be recognized “under torture” by Ilya Segalovich himself...

2. Concept and functions of a search engine

A search system is a software and hardware complex designed to search the Internet and respond to a user request, specified in the form of a text phrase (search query), by producing a list of links to sources of information, in order of relevance (in accordance with the request). The largest international search engines: "Google", Yahoo , MSN . On the Russian Internet these are Yandex, Rambler, Aport.

Let's take a closer look at the concept of a search query using the Yandex search engine as an example. The search query should be formulated by the user in accordance with what he wants to find, as briefly and simply as possible. Let's say we want to find information in Yandex on how to choose a car. To do this, open the Yandex main page and enter the text of the search query “how to choose a car.” Next, our task comes down to opening the links provided at our request to sources of information on the Internet. However, it is quite possible that we will not find the information we need. If this happens, then either you need to rephrase your request, or the search engine database really does not have any relevant information on our request (this can happen when asking very “narrow” queries, such as, for example, “how to choose a car in Arkhangelsk”)

The primary goal of any search engine is to deliver to people exactly the information they are looking for. And teach users to make “correct” requests to the system, i.e. queries that comply with the operating principles of search engines are impossible. Therefore, developers create algorithms and operating principles for search engines that would allow users to find the information they are looking for.

This means the search engine must “think” the same way the user thinks when searching for information. When a user makes a request to a search engine, he wants to find what he needs as quickly and easily as possible. Receiving the result, he evaluates the performance of the system, guided by several basic parameters. Did he find what he was looking for? If he didn’t find it, how many times did he have to rephrase the query to find what he was looking for? How much relevant information could he find? How quickly did the search engine process the query? How convenient were the search results presented? Was the result you were looking for the first or the hundredth? How much unnecessary garbage was found along with useful information? Will the necessary information be found when accessing a search engine, say, in a week, or in a month?

In order to satisfy all these questions with answers, search engine developers are constantly improving search algorithms and principles, adding new functions and capabilities, and trying in every possible way to speed up the operation of the system.

3. Main characteristics of a search engine

Let us describe the main characteristics of search engines:

  • Completeness

    Completeness is one of the main characteristics of a search system, which is the ratio of the number of documents found by request to the total number of documents on the Internet that satisfy the given request. For example, if there are 100 pages on the Internet containing the phrase “how to choose a car,” and only 60 of them were found for the corresponding query, then the completeness of the search will be 0.6. Obviously, the more complete the search, the less likely it is that the user will not find the document he needs, provided that it exists on the Internet at all.

  • Accuracy

    Accuracy is another main characteristic of a search engine, which is determined by the degree to which the found documents match the user's query. For example, if the query “how to choose a car” contains 100 documents, 50 of them contain the phrase “how to choose a car”, and the rest simply contain these words (“how to choose the right radio and install it in a car”), then the search accuracy is considered equal to 50/100 (=0.5). The more accurate the search, the faster the user will find the documents he needs, the less various kinds of “garbage” will be found among them, the less often the found documents will not correspond to the request.

  • Relevance

    Relevance is an equally important component of search, which is characterized by the time that passes from the moment documents are published on the Internet until they are entered into the search engine index database. For example, the day after interesting news appeared, a large number of users turned to search engines with relevant queries. Objectively, less than a day has passed since the publication of news information on this topic, but the main documents have already been indexed and available for search, thanks to the existence of the so-called “fast database” of large search engines, which is updated several times a day.

  • Search speed

    Search speed is closely related to its load resistance. For example, according to Rambler Internet Holding LLC, today, during business hours, the Rambler search engine receives about 60 requests per second. Such workload requires reducing the processing time of an individual request. Here the interests of the user and the search engine coincide: the visitor wants to get results as quickly as possible, and the search engine must process the request as quickly as possible, so as not to slow down the calculation of subsequent queries.

  • Visibility

4. Brief history of the development of search engines

In the initial period of Internet development, the number of its users was small, and the amount of available information was relatively small. For the most part, only research staff had access to the Internet. At this time, the task of searching for information on the Internet was not as urgent as it is now.

One of the first ways to organize access to network information resources was the creation of open directories of sites, links to resources in which were grouped according to topic. The first such project was the website, which opened in the spring of 1994. After the number of sites in the catalog increased significantly, the ability to search for the necessary information in the catalog was added. In the full sense, it was not yet a search engine, since the search area was limited only to the resources present in the catalog, and not to all Internet resources.

Link directories were widely used in the past, but have almost completely lost their popularity at present. Since even modern catalogs, huge in volume, contain information only about a negligible part of the Internet. The largest directory of the DMOZ network (also called the Open Directory Project) contains information about 5 million resources, while the Google search engine database consists of more than 8 billion documents.

In 1995, search engines Lycos and AltaVista appeared. The latter has been a leader in the field of information search on the Internet for many years.

In 1997, Sergey Brin and Larry Page created the Google search engine as part of a research project at Stanford University. Google is currently the most popular search engine in the world!

In September 1997, the Yandex search engine, which is the most popular on the Russian-language Internet, was officially announced.

Currently, there are three main search engines (international) - Google, Yahoo and, which have their own databases and search algorithms. Most other search engines (of which there are a large number) use in one form or another the results of the three listed. For example, AOL search ( uses the Google database, while AltaVista, Lycos and AllTheWeb use the Yahoo database.

5. Composition and principles of operation of the search system

In Russia, the main search engine is Yandex, followed by,,, Moreover, at the moment, uses the Yandex search engine and database.

Almost all major search engines have their own structure, different from others. However, it is possible to identify the main components common to all search engines. Differences in structure can only be in the form of implementation of the mechanisms of interaction of these components.

Indexing module

The indexing module consists of three auxiliary programs (robots):

Spider is a program designed to download web pages. The spider downloads the page and retrieves all internal links from that page. The html code of each page is downloaded. Robots use HTTP protocols to download pages. The spider works as follows. The robot sends the request “get/path/document” and some other HTTP request commands to the server. In response, the robot receives a text stream containing service information and the document itself.

  • Page URL
  • date the page was downloaded
  • Server response http header
  • page body (html code)

Crawler (“traveling” spider) is a program that automatically follows all the links found on the page. Selects all links present on the page. Its job is to determine where the spider should go next, based on links or based on a predetermined list of addresses. Crawler, following the links found, searches for new documents that are still unknown to the search engine.

Indexer (robot indexer) is a program that analyzes web pages downloaded by spiders. The indexer parses the page into its component parts and analyzes them using its own lexical and morphological algorithms. Various page elements are analyzed, such as text, headings, links, structural and style features, special service HTML tags, etc.

Thus, the indexing module allows you to crawl a given set of resources using links, download encountered pages, extract links to new pages from received documents, and perform a complete analysis of these documents.


A database, or search engine index, is a data storage system, an information array in which specially converted parameters of all documents downloaded and processed by the indexing module are stored.

Search server

The search server is the most important element of the entire system, since the quality and speed of the search directly depend on the algorithms that underlie its functioning.

The search server works as follows:

  • The request received from the user is subjected to morphological analysis. The information environment of each document contained in the database is generated (which will subsequently be displayed in the form, that is, text information corresponding to the request on the search results page).
  • The received data is passed as input parameters to a special ranking module. Data is processed for all documents, as a result of which each document has its own rating that characterizes the relevance of the query entered by the user and the various components of this document stored in the search engine index.
  • Depending on the user’s choice, this rating can be adjusted by additional conditions (for example, the so-called “advanced search”).
  • Next, a snippet is generated, that is, for each document found, the title, a short abstract that best matches the query, and a link to the document itself are extracted from the document table, and the words found are highlighted.
  • The resulting search results are transmitted to the user in the form of a SERP (Search Engine Result Page) – a search results page.

As you can see, all these components are closely related to each other and work in interaction, forming a clear, rather complex mechanism for the operation of the search system, which requires huge amounts of resources.

6. Conclusion

Now let's summarize all of the above.

  • The primary goal of any search engine is to deliver to people exactly the information they are looking for.
  • Main characteristics of search engines:
    1. Completeness
    2. Accuracy
    3. Relevance
    4. Search speed
    5. Visibility
  • The first full-fledged search engine was the WebCrawler project, published in 1994.
  • The search system includes the following components:
    1. Indexing module
    2. Database
    3. Search server

We hope that our master class will allow you to become more familiar with the concept of a search engine and better understand the main functions, characteristics and operating principles of search engines.

With the rise of censorship and surveillance, alternatives to Google and Yandex are becoming more and more interesting to users. We will tell you about three no-holds-barred search engines that do not collect personal information about you, but, on the contrary, protect your privacy.

Startpage: The World's Most Discrete Search Engine calls itself "the world's most discrete search engine." Since 2016, the service has been merged with the Ixquick website. As proof of the security of its search, bills itself as the only search engine with an EU privacy certificate. promises not to store user IP addresses and, according to the service,does not use cookies for tracking. Additionally, is accessible from the Tor network.The search engine servers are located in the Netherlands.

The site has a convenient feature:Search results can be viewed using the Proxy option, which encrypts the connection to the corresponding web page using a proxy server. Thus, this is a real search engine without restrictions: you can safely view what your provider blocks.

Search proxies: Startpage easily bypasses Yandex.DNS blocking

Search proxies are the main feature of Startpage, which make it a search engine without censorship. If you need to search without blocking, this service is for you.

DuckDuckGo: anonymous search engine from the USA

DuckDuckGo is the most widely used secure alternative to Google with over ten million searches per day.Even though the search engine's servers are located in the US, still offers some interesting features.

When searching through, your IP address will not be saved. The system alsoDoes not use cookies for tracking.DuckDuckGo uses HTTPS encryption. You can also enter a query into a search engine via the Tor network. You can also use different themes to customize the appearance of your search page.

You cannot open websites through a proxy here. But taking into account the fact that the system is outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, it is not subject to, for example, the “right to be forgotten” in the sense in which it is understood in our country.The search results may not be perfect, but they are still quite useful.

The right to be forgotten: DuckDuckGo finds sites with compromising evidence blocked in the Russian Federation. Google - news only

This service is more suitable for those who primarily value anonymity and search without tracking. Or for those who want to find information excluded from search results in the Russian Federation. However, we should warn you: in Russia, DuckDuckGo has become a partner of Yandex, so you can expect everything.

notEvil: Internet search that doesn't exist

The notEvil search engine allows you to search the Internet using the anonymous Tor network. To do this, you do not need to install any additional software (although you will need it in order to open search results).

This search engine allows you to search on the so-called darknet - that part of the Internet that is usually inaccessible to the average user. Due to blocking, useful services are gradually moving into it, for example, for downloading content.

Most web search engines on Tor shamelessly make money from advertising: you get results from Tor, and in addition - a handful of advertisements and tracking for free. notEvil fundamentally does not do this. It is clear that we are not talking about IP tracking and the use of cookies here at all.

notEvil: helps you find things in Tor that may not exist on the Internet

The site will be useful for those who want to get acquainted with the contents of the invisible Internet; hardcore anonymity guaranteed. By the way, we recommend that you immediately save the link to your bookmarks - URLs in the “Tor-to-web” category are very unfriendly in terms of remembering.

Anonymous search engines as a safe alternative to Google

All three search engines do not log your IP address or use cookies for tracking. Encryption using HTTPS is provided by all named providers.

The DuckDuckGo search engine showed the best search results in the test, and you will receive guaranteed security when choosing an alternative search engine with the system. EU data protection certification confirms that the search engine stands by its promise of search anonymity. NotEvil, in turn, is useful for searching the darknet.

What is this

DuckDuckGo is a fairly well-known open source search engine. Servers are located in the USA. In addition to its own robot, the search engine uses results from other sources: Yahoo, Bing, Wikipedia.

The better

DuckDuckGo positions itself as a search engine that provides maximum privacy and confidentiality. The system does not collect any data about the user, does not store logs (no search history), and the use of cookies is as limited as possible.

DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal information from users. This is our privacy policy.

Gabriel Weinberg, founder of DuckDuckGo

Why do you need this

All major search engines are trying to personalize search results based on data about the person in front of the monitor. This phenomenon is called the “filter bubble”: the user sees only those results that are consistent with his preferences or that the system deems as such.

Forms an objective picture that does not depend on your past behavior on the Internet, and eliminates Google and Yandex thematic advertising based on your queries. With DuckDuckGo it is easy to search for information in foreign languages, while Google and Yandex by default give preference to Russian-language sites, even if the query is entered in another language.

What is this

not Evil is a system that searches the anonymous Tor network. To use it, you need to go to this network, for example by launching a specialized .

not Evil is not the only search engine of its kind. There is LOOK (the default search in the Tor browser, accessible from the regular Internet) or TORCH (one of the oldest search engines on the Tor network) and others. We settled on not Evil because of the clear hint from Google (just look at the start page).

The better

It searches where Google, Yandex and other search engines are generally closed.

Why do you need this

The Tor network contains many resources that cannot be found on the law-abiding Internet. And their number will grow as government control over the content of the Internet tightens. Tor is a kind of network within the Internet with its own social networks, torrent trackers, media, trading platforms, blogs, libraries, and so on.

3. YaCy

What is this

YaCy is a decentralized search engine that works on the principle of P2P networks. Each computer on which the main software module is installed scans the Internet independently, that is, it is analogous to a search robot. The results obtained are collected into a common database that is used by all YaCy participants.

The better

It’s difficult to say whether this is better or worse, since YaCy is a completely different approach to organizing search. The absence of a single server and owner company makes the results completely independent of anyone's preferences. The autonomy of each node eliminates censorship. YaCy is capable of searching the deep web and non-indexed public networks.

Why do you need this

If you are a supporter of open source software and a free Internet, not subject to the influence of government agencies and large corporations, then YaCy is your choice. It can also be used to organize a search within a corporate or other autonomous network. And even though YaCy is not very useful in everyday life, it is a worthy alternative to Google in terms of the search process.

4. Pipl

What is this

Pipl is a system designed to search for information about a specific person.

The better

The authors of Pipl claim that their specialized algorithms search more efficiently than “regular” search engines. In particular, priority is given to social network profiles, comments, member lists, and various databases that publish information about people, such as databases of court decisions. Pipl's leadership in this area is confirmed by assessments from, TechCrunch and other publications.

Why do you need this

If you need to find information about a person living in the US, then Pipl will be much more effective than Google. The databases of Russian courts are apparently inaccessible to the search engine. Therefore, he does not cope so well with Russian citizens.

What is this

FindSounds is another specialized search engine. Searches various sounds in open sources: house, nature, cars, people, and so on. The service does not support queries in Russian, but there is an impressive list of Russian-language tags that you can use to search.

The better

The output contains only sounds and nothing extra. In the settings you can set the desired format and sound quality. All sounds found are available for download. There is a search by pattern.

Why do you need this

If you need to quickly find the sound of a musket shot, the blows of a suckling woodpecker, or the cry of Homer Simpson, then this service is for you. And we chose this only from the available Russian-language queries. In English the spectrum is even wider.

Seriously, a specialized service requires a specialized audience. But what if it comes in handy for you too?

What is this

Wolfram|Alpha is a computational search engine. Instead of links to articles containing keywords, it provides a ready-made answer to the user's request. For example, if you enter “compare the populations of New York and San Francisco” into the search form in English, Wolfram|Alpha will immediately display tables and graphs with the comparison.

The better

This service is better than others for finding facts and calculating data. Wolfram|Alpha collects and organizes knowledge available on the Web from a variety of fields, including science, culture and entertainment. If this database contains a ready-made answer to a search query, the system displays it; if not, it calculates and displays the result. In this case, the user sees only nothing superfluous.

Why do you need this

If you're a student, analyst, journalist, or researcher, for example, you can use Wolfram|Alpha to find and calculate data related to your work. The service does not understand all requests, but it is constantly developing and becoming smarter.

What is this

The Dogpile metasearch engine displays a combined list of results from search results from Google, Yahoo and other popular systems.

The better

First, Dogpile displays fewer ads. Secondly, the service uses a special algorithm to find and show the best results from different search engines. According to the Dogpile developers, their systems generate the most complete search results on the entire Internet.

Why do you need this

If you can't find information on Google or another standard search engine, look for it in several search engines at once using Dogpile.

What is this

BoardReader is a system for text search in forums, question and answer services and other communities.

The better

The service allows you to narrow your search field to social platforms. Thanks to special filters, you can quickly find posts and comments that match your criteria: language, publication date and site name.

Why do you need this

BoardReader can be useful for PR specialists and other media specialists who are interested in the opinion of the masses on certain issues.


The life of alternative search engines is often fleeting. Lifehacker asked the former general director of the Ukrainian branch of Yandex, Sergei Petrenko, about the long-term prospects of such projects.

Sergey Petrenko

Former General Director of Yandex.Ukraine.

As for the fate of alternative search engines, it is simple: to be very niche projects with a small audience, therefore without clear commercial prospects or, conversely, with complete clarity of their absence.

If you look at the examples in the article, you can see that such search engines either specialize in a narrow but popular niche, which, perhaps, has not yet grown enough to be noticeable on the radars of Google or Yandex, or they are testing an original hypothesis in ranking, which is not yet applicable in regular search.

For example, if a search on Tor suddenly turns out to be in demand, that is, results from there are needed by at least a percentage of Google’s audience, then, of course, ordinary search engines will begin to solve the problem of how to find them and show them to the user. If the behavior of the audience shows that for a significant proportion of users in a significant number of queries, results given without taking into account factors depending on the user seem more relevant, then Yandex or Google will begin to produce such results.

“Be better” in the context of this article does not mean “be better at everything.” Yes, in many aspects our heroes are far from Yandex (even far from Bing). But each of these services gives the user something that the search industry giants cannot offer. Surely you also know similar projects. Share with us - let's discuss.

A search engine is a database of specific information on the Internet. Many users believe that as soon as they enter a query into a search engine, the entire Internet is immediately crawled, but this is not at all true. The Internet is scanned constantly, by many programs, data about sites is entered into a database, where, according to certain criteria, all sites and all their pages are distributed into various types of lists and databases. That is, it is a kind of file cabinet of data, and the search takes place not on the Internet, but on this file cabinet.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world.

In addition to the search engine, Google offers many additional services, programs and hardware, including an email service, Google Chrome browser, the largest YouTube video library and many other projects. Google is confidently buying up many projects that bring large profits. Most of the services are not aimed at the direct user, but at making money on the Internet and are integrated with a focus on the interests of European and American users.

Mail is a search engine that is popular mainly because of its email service.

There are many additional services, the key of which is Mail, at the moment the Mail company owns the social network Odnoklassniki, its own network “My World”, the Money-mail service, many online games, three almost identical browsers with different names. All applications and services contain a lot of advertising content. The social network VKonatkte blocks direct transitions to Mail services, justifying them with a large number of viruses.


Wikipedia is a search reference system.

The non-profit search engine, which operates on private donations, therefore does not fill its pages with advertising. A multilingual project whose goal is to create a complete reference encyclopedia in all languages ​​of the world. It has no specific authors and is populated and run by volunteers from all over the world. Each user can both write and edit an article.

Official page -

Youtube is the largest library of video files.

Video hosting with elements of a social network, where each user can add a video. Since their acquisition by Google Ink, separate registration for YouTube is not required, just register in the Google email service.

Official page -

Yahoo! is the second most important search engine in the world.

There are additional services, the most famous of which is Yahoo mail. As part of improving the quality of the search engine, Yahoo transfers data about users and their queries to Microsoft. From this data, an idea of ​​the interests of users is formed, and a market for advertising content is formed. The Yahoo search engine, like , is engaged in the acquisition of other companies, for example, Yahoo owns the Altavista search service and the e-commerce site Alibaba.

Official page -

WDL is a digital library.

The library collects books that provide cultural value in digital form. The main goal is to increase the level of cultural content of the Internet. Access to the library is free.

Official page -

Bing is a search engine from Microsoft.

Official page -

Search engines in Russia

Rambler is a “pro-American” search engine.

Initially it was created as an Internet media portal. Like many other search engines, it has search services for images, video files, maps, weather forecasts, a news section and much more. Publishers also offer a free browser, Rambler-Nichrome.

Official page -

Nigma is an intelligent search engine.

A more convenient search engine due to the presence of many filters and settings. The interface allows you to include or exclude suggested similar values ​​in the search to obtain better results. Also, when receiving a search result, it allows you to use information from other major search engines.

Official page -

Aport - online product catalog.

In the past, a search engine, but after development and innovation were stopped, it quickly lost ground and . Currently, Aport is a trading platform where the products of more than 1,500 companies are presented.

Official page -

Sputnik is a national search engine and Internet portal.

Created by Rostelecom. Currently in testing stage.

Official page -

Metabot is a growing search engine.

Metabot's tasks are to create a search engine for all other search engines, creating results positions taking into account data from the entire list of search engines. That is, it is a search engine for search engines.

Official page -

The search engine has been suspended.

Official page -

KM is a multiportal.

Initially, the site was a multiportal with the subsequent introduction of a search engine. The search can be carried out both within the site and across all monitored RuNet sites.

Official page -

Gogo - does not work, redirects to a search engine.

Official page -

The Russian multiportal, not very popular, requires improvement. The search engine includes news, television, games, and a map.

Official page -

The search engine does not work, the developers suggest using the search engine.