How to draw diagrams in Word. How to make a diagram in Word

In Word, a diagram is understood as an object that is a drawing showing the relationship of some quantities. It is usually useful when writing scientific papers for students of technical universities, when preparing presentations, etc. In our article we will look at how to make a diagram in Word using several methods. In addition, here we will consider the option of working in several versions of Word: from 2007 to 2016.

Reports, coursework, diplomas, abstracts, dissertations, presentations - any of these works may require drawing up a diagram. Some users have the opinion that it is much more convenient to do this in Excel, however, not everyone knows how to work in it, therefore, today we will look at several methods applicable to working in the Word text editor.

How to make a diagram in Word 2010?

This version's text editor allows you to add several types of diagrams to your document. These include bar charts, donut charts, scatter charts, etc., as well as histograms and graphs. How to add any of the listed objects to the text? It is enough to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Find the “Insert” tab on the toolbar.
  2. Next, go to the “Illustrations” group.
  3. Now select the object called “Diagram”.
  4. The Insert Chart dialog box allows the user to select the desired object type.
  5. Select the most suitable option and confirm all actions by pressing the OK button.

Creating a diagram in Word 2016

How to make a diagram in a newer version of Word? In order to make a diagram in a document from scratch, the first thing that is required from the user is to go to the “Diagram” section in the “Insert” tab. Then you need to select the desired chart type: pie, scatter, stock, histogram, radar or combination.

Next, a spreadsheet will appear on the screen, where the user needs to enter the data that needs to be reflected in the chart. When everything is entered, the dialog box should be closed. Also, Word functions allow you to edit the placement of the diagram and its size, all this is done in the “Layout Options” section.

Formatting the created chart

The user can not only select an existing chart template, but also format it. Change the color of outlines and fills, add special effects, etc. How to do it?

To do the formatting, the user can do the following:

  1. For example, fill the chart elements. This will draw attention to some elements of the object.
  2. Change the color of the chart outlines. For example, change the thickness of the outline, its color, etc.
  3. Add special effects to your chart. For example, add shadow, glow, smooth edges, etc.
  4. The user can also format the text and numbers present in the chart. You can also apply WordArt styles to them.

How to make a chart in Word 2013 and 2016?

To begin, on the Word program toolbar, select the “Insert” tab, then “Diagram”. Next, the user selects the desired chart type and then clicks OK. In the proposed spreadsheet, the user must provide all the data that needs to be reflected in the chart. With each new information entered, the diagram will update itself.

How to title a chart in a Word document?

In this section we will look at how to create a title for a diagram placed in a Word document. To begin, click on the diagram, then click on the “Plus” button. In the proposed list, check the box next to the “Chart name” item. In the “Chart Title” field that appears, enter the required text. This method is applicable for text editor 2013 and 2016.

The second method is used in the 2007 and 2010 programs. Click on the diagram. After this, the “Chart Tools” panel will appear on the screen, where the user needs to select the “Layout” tab. In the group called “Captions”, click on the “Chart Title” item. In the text field you must enter the text of the object name. To format text, you need to select the desired options on the mini toolbar.

In this article, we examined a question that tells how to make a diagram in Word of various versions and modifications: from 2007 to 2016. As practice shows, this is absolutely not difficult and even a novice user of the Word text editor can cope with this task. The main thing is to strictly follow the specified algorithm, only in this case the result will not disappoint you, and the work itself will not cause trouble.

A chart is a graphical representation of data. This type of information presentation allows you to quickly compare values ​​relative to each other. The visual approach to presenting material is perceived faster and easier, therefore it is often used when writing educational papers and in the daily work process of an employee. In order to learn how to make a diagram in Word, just follow a few simple steps.

Determine the version of Microsoft Word

Find out which version of Microsoft Word you are using. The method for constructing a diagram in Word depends on the year the program was released. Files with the extension “.doc” are used in versions 1997-2003, and with “.docx” - in later versions.

Diagram in Word 1997-2003

1. Select the “Insert” tab from the main menu, then “Drawing” and “Diagram”.

2. The classic chart template appears:

4. As a result of simple manipulations, the task of how to make diagrams in Word has been completed.

Chart types

There are several options for diagrams, which depend on the meanings, methods of presenting the material and the taste of the author of the text. To select “Chart Type”, click on the right mouse button, a context menu will appear. Select the "chart type" section.

A window will appear with the ability to select standard and non-standard diagrams. Previously entered data into the table remains the same, only its visual presentation changes.

For example, we will show how to make a graph in Word. Select the “Graph” type and its “View”.

We get the following picture:

By clicking anywhere in the document, we get a diagram without a table with data. Add a title. A simple and accessible presentation of information is ready.

Creating diagrams in later versions of Microsoft Word

Let us explain how to make a diagram in later versions of Word.

1. In the menu, select the “Insert” tab, move the cursor over the “Diagram” picture, and press the left mouse button. Select the type. We focused our attention on the first histogram.

is a desktop user program that is in great demand among people of different professions. It has a lot of possibilities, a large number of which remain unexplored areas even for people who work in Word regularly. Today we’ll try to figure out what a diagram is and what its use is.

Very often, when creating documents, it is necessary to clearly illustrate some data, and the most common solution to this kind of problem is.

Diagram Creation Process

In modern versions of a text editor, creating a diagram is quite easy. The following list of actions will help you understand how to make diagrams in Word:

Let's look at the main types of charts:

  • — allows you to clearly illustrate the dynamics of any changes in certain values ​​depending on another indicator;
  • pie chart - shows the relationship between several quantities that are combined by a common indicator;
  • histogram - illustrates changes in the ratios of stable groups of specific values ​​depending on a certain factor;
  • stock charts - allow you to visually monitor the relationship of several parameters at once, depending on the selected factor, the role of which is often played by time;
  • surface - can display 3-dimensional models of various processes.

How to build a histogram?

Let's imagine that you need to conduct a sociological study and then present its results. For clarity, you have to build a diagram. A histogram will help you with this.

Scheme for constructing a histogram:

Proper use of diagrams in Word significantly increases the chances that the information presented will be understandable to everyone.

The text editor Microsoft Word 2007 is a fairly convenient application for creating various diagrams, allowing you to graphically display the necessary information for easier perception. To build charts, you must have Excel 2007 or the Microsoft Graph add-in.

Constructing a diagram consists of several simple steps:

Step 1 From the "Insert" menu -> "Illustration" -> "Diagram"

On the Word 2007 tool ribbon, select “Insert” and go to the “Illustrations” section. Among the proposed options, click on the “Diagram” icon. There are quite a large number of different charts, including: graph, histogram, scatter, area, pie, etc.

Step 2 Select a chart option

We select the most optimal diagram option, which will fit most organically into the existing document, and then enter the values ​​in the graph area. At this point, Excel 2007 or the Microsoft Graph add-in starts.

Step 3 Set the data

Step 4 Appearance

After entering the data, you can begin editing the appearance of the chart. To do this, go to the “Working with Charts” section, which is activated by clicking on the chart area. The Design tab has 4 subsections: Chart Styles, Chart Layouts, Type, Data. The newly created diagram can be saved in template format.

Step 5 Excel Integration

Using the "Design" - "Data" - "Select Data" command, you can integrate data from an existing Excel 2007 document.

Step 6 Choose a style

The “Designer” - “Chart Styles” tab allows you to change the style of the chart: background, color scheme, outlines.

Step 7 Editing part of the diagram

The “Layout” section, activated by executing the “Working with Charts” - “Design” - “Layout” command, allows you to edit a specific part of the chart - the horizontal or vertical axis.

Diagrams in Microsoft Word are an excellent tool for visualizing and visualizing difficult-to-understand amounts of numerical information in text. Diagrams allow you to clearly trace patterns, relationships between actual values, and identify trends and logical sequences in data sets. Microsoft Word from the Office suite provides enough tools to quickly create all common types of diagrams.

How to make a diagram in Word
In modern versions of the Microsoft Word text editor, diagrams are created as follows.
  1. Place the cursor at the place in the document where you want to add the diagram.
  2. In the main menu of the program, select the “Insert” item, in which activate the “Diagram” tab.
  3. On the right side of the window that appears, select the desired chart type. The main types of charts available, which are most often used depending on the goals:
    • Charts– a diagram in the form of a graph will allow you to clearly demonstrate the dynamics of changes in a certain value depending on a certain indicator. Changes in income by month and productivity by year are typical uses for graphs.
    • Circular a diagram is used to show the relationship of several quantities united by a certain common parameter. For example, it can be used to show the shares of people of different nationalities within one state, the ratio of various sources of income in the total profit.
    • bar chart– will allow you to show changes in the ratio of stable groups of certain values ​​depending on any factor. For example, the ratio of the value of the euro to the dollar, the dollar to the ruble today, a week ago, two weeks, three, and so on. This is a rather complex type of chart, which is formed based on the values ​​of five columns, which contain information on volume, the lowest rate, the highest rate, the closing rate and the opening rate.
    • Exchange the chart is used by brokers to visualize changes in the rise and fall of company stock prices, or exchange rates. Stock charts allow you to track relationships between several quantities at once, depending on the selected indicator, which is most often time. For example, on one chart you can present the daily dynamics of sales volumes, while simultaneously monitoring the maximum and minimum sales prices, indicating the value of the tracked positions at the time of closing.
    • Surface in the form of a diagram, it is most often used in scientific activities to display three-dimensional models of various processes.
    Other types of diagrams are either variations of those already discussed or are used much less frequently.

  4. After selecting the chart type, click on the “Ok” button, after which an example chart will appear in your document. At the same time, a sheet of values ​​will open in Excel, on the basis of which this chart was built. Your task is to edit the data on the sheet, replacing the indicators with your values. After entering each new value in Excel, the graph in Word will be automatically rebuilt and you only need to ensure that the information is entered correctly. After entering all the data, the Excel window can be closed.

  5. The final stage of creating a diagram is design. You can add a title to the chart and fine-tune various chart design parameters. To do this, place the cursor in the diagram area and when it looks like a cross of arrows, click the right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select the required item.

By using diagrams in Word correctly and in a timely manner, you significantly increase the chances that the information you provide will be clearly understood and clearly presented in comparison with tabular or text forms of presenting the same material.