How to make a flash drive bootable for password cracking. An easy way to reset an account password for any version of Windows! Using system recovery tools

How to reset your password in Windows 7 using the "Password & Registry Editor" program. As you know, anything can happen in life, you can even forget the password to enter Windows, and if it happened, then you can easily take and reset the password in Windows 7, the good news is that the whole procedure is not at all complicated.

If you have forgotten your password, and you do not have Win 7, but XP or Win 8, then the option discussed below will also suit you. If you are reading these lines and do not have forgotten password problems, then I recommend reading to the end and adopting the information received.

And who knows, you might need help pretty girl who forgot the login password. A great chance to visit and heroically return access to the PC to a nice lady, but after that .... And then I think it's clear. Young woman sits VK, and you smoke on the balcony! ;-)

Action algorithm:
- Create a bootable "USB" with a program that is only 4.12 MB in size.
- Password reset procedure in Windows 7.

As it has already become clear, you need a regular flash drive, pre-formatted in " FAT32". How to format a USB flash drive, you can read in the article (Creating a bootable USB flash drive with Windows).

Create a flash drive to reset your password.

Next, we need to select the partition where Windows is located. In my case it is " / dev/ sda1 ". Opposite each section on the left you can see the numbers (1 2 3 4). The desired section is selected with these numbers. That is, to choose my " / dev/ sda1 "and it is opposite the unit, I need to enter" 1 » and press « Enter»

As soon as you decide on the section, and press "Enter", let's see what happens next! As you can see from the last line, the program itself found the section " Windows/ System32/ Config"Okay, that's how it should be. This section contains the "SAM" file, and the program needs it, there are "Hash-s" of passwords.

Here we simply press Enter»

Then we look at what the program offers us. AT this case we are interested in (Password reset) that is, resetting passwords. This parameter is located under the number " 1 "So enter 1 and press as usual" Enter»

Now the program again offers several options for action. Namely, open the editor system registry, pressing " 9 “We don’t care at all!

We are interested in the first option, enter the number "1" and Enter

At this stage, the most interesting comes. The program brought us all the available users in the system. Our task is to select the user who needs to reset the password.
(Well, you should have decided on this a long time ago!)

Learn more about what and how: Here we see in the column " RID» unique number of each user. Below I will explain why we need this " RID» needed. Further in the column "Username" all available users in the system are listed.

Admin: Actually, soon this user, and reset the password. In a collumn " Admin? "You can see what he represents, in this case he has the rights" Administrator».

user: A normal account that does not have administrator rights.

4<8=8 AB@0 B>@ : This is our built-in administrator account. The inscription in this form, because of the Russian-speaking Windows versions.

> ABL: This does not interest us at all, since this is "Guest"

To reset a user's password, you need to enter it " RID” or his name, if it is in English. We will be resetting the password using "RID" since the name is easy to enter, and "RID" has a feature worth knowing about.

If you look at the penultimate line, then in it you can see such a piece of text " 0 x< RID> » means that the user number must be entered with « 0 x". That is, RID Admin is like this " 03 e8 " means you need to enter " 0 x03 e8 ».

I enter " 0 x03 e8 » and Enter

Now the program knows which user to work with and will offer us 4 options.

1 – Reset password, in other words, the user will not have a password.
2 – In this option, you can set a password for the user. Win 7 doesn't work.
3 – Promote the user to administrator if they are not.
4 – If the user is blocked by the admin, it can be unblocked.

In this case, we are interested in resetting the user's password, so we type " 1 » and Enter

We observe the message "" good!!! The password reset was successful. But it's still too early to reboot and break into the system without a password, since you need to correctly exit the program and save all changes!

Enter " Exclamation point(!)” and again, as always, Enter

The program again offers us to continue working, but we no longer need anything. Type "q" and enter.

Now the program prompts us to enter " n» Agree, enter and Enter

That's all, the work on resetting the password is over. It remains only to press the key combination "CTRL + ALT + DELETE" the computer will go into reboot. Now you can log in as Admin without a password.

As we see, in fact reset windows password It is not difficult and any user can perform these actions. I advise you to get yourself a flash drive with this program, just in case.

If you have any questions about this topic or additions, then write in the comments, I will be glad!

Unlike Windows 10, where you can reset your account ID over the Internet, Windows 7 only has local accounts that are not connected to the Internet. In this article, we will describe methods on how to reset a password on Windows 7. Standard password reset methods require the use of pre-recorded reset data on a floppy disk or flash drive, we will not consider them, since almost no one backs up the password. Unlike most articles where you need to perform actions with the registry or enter long commands on the command line, we will describe in simpler and easier ways. These methods are suitable for any computer and will also be relevant on a laptop (with it preferably turned off). secure boot).

How to reset a user account password on a Windows 7 computer if you have access to the system

The 1st option, let's say you have 2 accounts with administrator rights on your computer, you have lost access to one of them. Main Feature is the Administrator rights on the account from which the recovery will be performed. If you do not have Administrator rights, go to the next option.

Do the following:

  • Try logging in with a new password (or without it).

As we can see, there is nothing complicated, but if there is no access to the system, this complicates this situation a little, so we move on to the next option.

How to recover a password on a Windows 7 computer without access to the system

2nd option, in order to access the command line, we need to access the system data, but we cannot log in, so we need the Windows installation media (Windows 7, 8 or 10 does not matter) Live CD, to access the environment recovery.
Previously, there was a way to perform a recovery without installation media, but the problem has been fixed with system updates. Only a small part of users have such an opportunity, so we will not consider it.


  • Boot from installation media or Live CD

  • Choose System Restore

  • We open command line
  • We are met by a command line sent to X: \ Sources - this is the data from the installation media. To access system data, type notepad and press Enter.
  • Notepad will open, where you need to click File - Open

  • Explorer will open, where we need to set the File type - All files and go to system disk, in the case of the example, this is the disk marked with the letter D

  • We pass Windows - System32 and you need to do the following: Find the files cmd (Command line) and osk (On-screen keyboard) and rename them as follows - osk - osk.old and cmd - osk. Thus, we will replace the On-Screen Keyboard with the Command Prompt, which can be called up through the login window.

  • We restart the computer and get to the login screen. In the lower left corner, click on the Ease of Access button and check the box for Entering text without a keyboard (on-screen keyboard) and click OK.
  • The Command Prompt window will open.

  • Now we repeat the points from the previous version:
net user [name]

Net user [name] “”

How to reset the Windows 7 administrator password

On Windows, it is possible to enable the built-in administrator account with the following command:

Net user Administrator /active:yes

This command can be entered at point 10 of the 2nd stage, then, in addition to the user profile, the Administrator profile will also appear.

In some cases, it may already be with a given password. Therefore, if you were wondering how to recover the administrator password on Windows 7, then the following commands will help you:

Net user Administrator(Administrator for English version)

Net user Administrator(Administrator for English version) “”

Have a great day!

Good afternoon, dear blog readers, today I want to tell you how to create a bootable USB flash drive to reset the Administrator password in Windows. Earlier I talked about How to create a forgotten administrator password reset diskette in Windows, Now let's talk about creating a special bootable flash drive. We will create it using the Rufus utility and the Passware Windows KeyEnterprise 11 program.

To create a bootable USB flash drive, download the Rufus utility from the link above, the Passware WindowsKey Enterprise11 program can be . The program itself is packaged in iso image. With this program, you can reset the password on operating Windows systems since 2000 except Windows 8 .

Run the Rufus utility and select removable drive(flash drive)

We launch the Passware Windows Key Enterprise password reset program, for this you need to go into the BIOS , using the F2 or Delete key and in the BOOT section select the option "Boot from USB, press the F10 key and ENTER. At the first start, the program will detect the drive on which the operating system is installed.

Press 1 at the bottom of the window to continue. The next step is to specify the user who needs to reset the password.

Having selected the user at the bottom of the window, press the Y key (we agree) to reset the password. Confirm password reset Y and at the bottom of the window press the N key

We remove the USB flash drive, restart the PC and enter the system.

If you need to immediately ask New Password, then click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Manage". In the window that opens, select "Local Users" - "Users",

select the one you need, right-click on it and click on the item "Set password"

Friends, hello everyone! In this article, we will talk about how to reset the password on Windows 7 via a USB flash drive, as well as on the 8th and XP versions of this operating system. And fortunately, this procedure turned out to be quite simple and unpretentious.

After all, the method discussed in this article is not standard, where you need to know special operators and enter them correctly using . Here one will apply free program and a neighbor's computer.

And first of all, you need to download a utility called Recover My Password from the official site at this link. It is with its help that it will be created to reset the Win 7 password. Fortunately, it is small in size:

Then, of course, we install and run. In the window that opens, click on the single large button in the center:

The next step is to select the version of the operating system on which the password will be reset. But we will not change anything, it is the default setting that will allow us to do this on the entire Windows family except for the 10th:

After that, select the desired flash drive:

A message will appear stating that all data on the USB flash drive will be deleted. We agree with this:

As a result, the process of writing files will start, so you will need to wait a bit. When finished, select the "Finish" button below:

Okay, now let's see how much space does the program need to create such a password reset flash drive? And as it turned out, quite a bit:

Now it remains only to set it in BIOS and try to use our wonderful program in practice. Well, so be it. We boot from it and select the item indicated in the picture below:

At the next step, we check whether the "Reset Windows Password" option is indicated in the line and click the "Next" button below:

The program will ask about non-commercial purposes of use. Let's say "Yes":

Then the version of the installed Windows operating system will be automatically determined:

And here he is The final stage. A list will open in which you should select the name of the administrator account where you want to reset the password. After that, click "Next":

Well, that's all, it's done. It remains only to restart the computer and log in calmly. So now we can safely say that you know how to reset your Windows 7 password.

But on Win 10, unfortunately, this trick did not work. I could not this program master this system. But if you know such a program, then write about it in the comments to the article. And in the end, as always, an interesting video.

A terrible thing happened - you somehow managed to forget your account password. Windows entries 10. What to do now? Of course, you can act the old fashioned way - reinstall operating system. Or you can try to remove the password protection using a USB drive. You can learn how to create a Windows 10 password reset flash drive on a computer, laptop, tablet from this guide.

Creating a flash drive to reset the Windows 10 password in the official way

Windows provides built-in tools to create a USB drive that you can later use when you forget or lose your login password. However, this method has several drawbacks that make it less practical. The first drawback is that you can create such a drive only by going to Windows. It turns out that users should take care of preparing a USB flash drive in advance so that in the future. The second is a device prepared for password reset, which can help in the case of a local account. It will not be able to remove or replace the password from the Microsoft account.

If you are used to thinking ahead, or you have already learned from bitter experience and are now going to create a USB drive that will help you reset your password in the future, you need to do the following:

The end result should be a userkey.psw file on your drive. It contains all the data you need to reset your password. Interestingly, this file, if necessary, can be moved to any other drive and used in case of an unpleasant situation. To use a flash drive with it, you need to connect it to the computer, enter the wrong password on the login screen and click on the item that appears to proceed with the reset.

Using Online NT Password & Registry Editor to Reset Your Windows 10 Password

If you forgot or lost your password, and you didn’t have time to create a drive to reset it before this unpleasant event, then it makes sense to use third-party tools. In this case, the Online NT Password & Registry Editor utility. Like tools like it, it can reset passwords for user records, though only local ones. She can't reset her Microsoft account password. But on the other hand, it can help bypass the blocked entry and get into the system.

Before you can use the Online NT Password & Registry Editor, you need to burn it to a flash drive. To do this, you still have to get a computer somewhere. Next, do the following:

If something went wrong, you can download the archive marked cd, extract the ISO image from it and use the WinSetupFromUSB program. Please note that in your case, when setting up this utility, you need to check the box next to SysLinux bootsector/Linux distribution using.

So, you managed to create a password reset flash drive. What to do next? And here's what:

  1. Connect the USB drive to the computer that needs to reset the password or somehow get into the system.
  2. Turn on the computer and boot the flash drive by selecting it in boot menu. How to call this menu can be found in the instructions for the PC.

  3. A lot of different inscriptions should appear on the screen. Don't get lost. That's the way it should be. Press Enter to move on to the next step.
  4. The utility should now detect system partition hard drive and display some information about it. All you have to do is enter his number and move on.

  5. After checking the partition for the presence of all necessary files, a list of possible actions will appear on the screen. Since you are interested in resetting your password, you need to select the first option.

  6. In the next step, you must also select the first item.

  7. You will see a table with a list of user accounts. In the very first column, you can see the so-called RID number of each account. See what number is assigned to the record you need and enter it below. If you are trying to access a computer with a Microsoft account, you must select a hidden account Administrator.

  8. You are now presented with a list of actions to take with the selected user entry. In case of local account you need to enter the number 1. If you selected a hidden administrator entry in the previous step, you need to enter the number 2.

  9. As a result, a message should appear on the screen about a successful password reset, or about a successful attempt to activate the administrator account.

  10. Then you just have to press Enter, then enter q, and then - y to finalize the changes.

  11. This completes the work with the flash drive for downloading Online NT Password & Registry Editor. Take it out and hold it Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart your computer.