How to make the start panel transparent in windows 10.

Windows 10 has a feature on "Make Start, Taskbar and Action Center transparent", but using this feature adds an Aero Glass effect that blurs the background of the menu Start. We use the same option plus some minor adjustments in the editor Windows registry 10 to make menu transparent Start without blur effect.

In addition, you can return the normal transparency mode for the menu Start according to your needs. The screenshot below clearly shows that the menu Start It has transparent background. This is done through the settings in the Registry Editor.

Now look at the screenshot below, where you can see the transparent menu Start in the usual way. The background remains blurred.

So if you want to make a menu Start transparent without blur effect, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Step 1: Open V Parameters.

Step 2: Menu contains a section Colors, where you need to enable the option .

Step 3: Now open Registry Editor in Windows 10 (you can type in the search bar for programs and filesregedit) and find the key Personalize. It is located: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize.

Step 4: Registry key Personalize contains EnableTransparency DWORD type value. The default data value should be set to "1". You need to double click on this value and set the data value to "0".

Save changes and click on the button Start. You will notice that the menu Start became transparent, but the background remained clear.

Note: Setting the EnableTransparency data value to 0 will disable the option Make Start, Taskbar and Action Center transparent. However, if you manually disable this option, the background will not become transparent.

Step 5: To return the menu Start transparency with blur effect, follow Step 2 and turn on Make Start, Taskbar and Action Center transparent.


Using the transparent menu Start convenient when you need to keep track background application, a web page or folder placed behind the menu Start. Small change in the registry editor and menu Start Windows 10 will become transparent.

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There is such a trick in the operating room Windows system 10: ability to create a transparent start menu. All this miracle is created using the system itself - so no complicated adjustments or downloads third party software: easy and clean.

A few clicks on the buttons and you're done! If you change your mind about using such a design feature, then all experiments can be easily canceled! return to its original state.

In general, be that as it may, working with OS settings is useful in terms of learning personal software.

Let's get started:

Text by points:

how to change the appearance of the start menu

Current work will be carried out in the “Personalization” section. Let's open...

In the section we will find the “Colors” option... click... and there... (as in the screenshot below - circled) “On” we turn on transparency.

Now open the “Run” interpreter using the Win+R button and enter the command - (can be copied)

All this must be done to open the Windows System Registry.

The system registry panel will open...

how to make start menu transparent

Now attention: in the right window you need to click on the corresponding registry names... clicking... its internal subfolder will open... and so on...

That is, you need to follow this path: (also called: follow the registry branch).


...from 1 to 0 (one to zero). Screenshot above.

...don't forget to click "OK".


in some system settings (for example, BIOS), “one” and “zero” can be designated as enabled or disabled. Don't get confused!

enabled - enabled,

disabled - disabled

Start menu transparency is enabled.

Everything is simple, accessible and easy... and in exactly the same way, you can simply roll back... That is, all you need to do is change 0 to 1. ... and that's it...

This concludes my story decisively!..

And of course, read the articles on the site: I share my bitter experience for your sweet well-being))

If anything is not clear and you still have questions, share them in the comments...

Fully or partially) transparent panel Windows tasks 10 , lack of search field in explorer windows, different options start menu design... - all this (and much more) can be easily brought to life with the updated version absolutely free program Classic Shell.

Agree that the taskbar in the new operating system does not shine with the number of settings for its design; we can say that there are absolutely none.

Table of contents:

Transparent Windows 10 taskbar

Maybe manufacturers will change their attitude to this issue over time (hard to believe), but I'm not going to wait. I searched half the Internet and found a solution - the Classic Shell program.

Detailed options for customizing the Start button menu using this program I already described it to you, so in today’s article I will only describe how to create a transparent taskbar in Windows 10 (this feature appeared in latest version Classic Shell).

By the way, the taskbar does not have to be completely transparent (the clock and tray icons will become invisible) - you can use a slight transparency to give a soft tint to any color. For example, this way I made my taskbar more airy and at the same time with all the icons visible...

Read also on the website:

Making the Windows 10 taskbar transparent

So, you can make the Windows 10 taskbar transparent very easily and quickly - just go to the Classic Shell settings...

...check the box “Show all parameters” and switch to the “ tab Windows Settings 10" …

Here set the point to “Transparent” and set the transparency value to “0”. You can also assign absolutely any color to the taskbar, and not be limited to the standard choice...

Congratulations - you have a transparent Windows 10 taskbar.

It is advisable to reboot the system (changes are not always applied immediately).

Other Classic Shell features

You can also remove the search field from Explorer windows...

...change the size of icons and panels, the appearance and style of the menu, do some magic on the Start button, etc. — there are a lot of different settings (look also at “Classic Explorer Options” and “Classic IE Options”).

Windows 10 is feature rich operating system, compared to previous predecessors. Rich customization gives beautiful view menu, taskbar, home screen, etc. For example, if you have beautiful wallpaper or, then transparency will be the ideal solution to preserve the appearance and visual appearance of the start menu. Of course, the readability of the shortcuts on the start screen will be inconvenient, but those who know where everything is usually open programs based on the picture. So we’ll look at how to increase the transparency of the Start menu in Windows 10.

Not transparent.

With blur.

Transparent without blur.

Enable transparency effect in settings

The methods below through the registry do not work, microsodt changes values ​​and paths all the time. So far it’s not possible to get good transparency through the registry; when I find it, I’ll definitely update the article, but for now, using the utility below.

There is a special utility TranslucentTB in the Windows Store to make the taskbar completely transparent.

Temporarily the method does not work

Press start and click on gear " options".

Enable the slider in the row Transparency effects. Now we have a transparent start menu, but it is blurry, next we will remove the blur and make it more transparent home screen.

Remove blur from start menu

We included a transparency effect, which in turn is retouched and blurred. Let's make the start screen in Windows 10 more transparent using the Registry Editor. Open the editor by pressing the button combination win+R, and write regedit. (Administrator rights may be required).

Navigate to the following path in the registry:


  • Select the destination folder Personalize.
  • On the right, find the value, double-click on it and assign the value 0 .

The transparent window design, which many users liked in Windows 7, disappeared when the G8 was released. Before the release of Windows 10, there was a chance that Aero technology would appear again among the visual effects (after all, the developers returned the long-awaited “Start” button), but this did not happen.

In Windows 10, Microsoft decided not to return to old design methods, happily forgetting about Aero technology. But you don’t have to put up with this order: you can add the effect of transparent windows to the system yourself.

Using the Aero Glass program

Since there are no built-in tools to resolve the issue of how to enable Aero in Windows 10, you will have to resort to the possibilities third party program. Meet Aero Glass, an application that allows you to create a glass effect for the classic Windows 10 interface.

Aero Glass is designed for Windows 8.1, but it latest version works correctly on the “ten”.

Advice! Before installing Aero Glass and changing the interface, it is recommended to create an additional restore point.

Let's see how to activate Aero in Windows 10 using the specified utility:

After the installation wizard completes, you will see that the windows have become transparent. Changes will be made automatically, you don't need to change your theme to enable Aero.

To change the degree of transparency, press Win+R and enter the command “rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,Advanced,@Advanced”. A color changing window will appear, where by changing the intensity level, the transparency level also changes.

After installing the program, a watermark appears in the lower right corner of the screen.


For clarity, we suggest watching the video instructions, with detailed description enable window transparency effect.


When solving the problem of how to activate Windows 10 Aero, do not forget about the stable operation of your computer. Using tweaks and making potentially dangerous changes may result in data loss. Therefore, when installing Aero Glass, do not enable the effect to spread to universal applications and do not forget to create a restore point for a quick system rollback.