How to minimize all windows. "Collapse all windows" button in windows xp

Many open windows can sometimes slow down your computer. This applies to both browser windows and the applications themselves. Closing them one by one is quite tedious and not very convenient. Also, a large list of windows makes it difficult to access the desired application.

To solve this problem, developers have created, with which you can easily work with open applications. You can quickly close them (all or selectively), and also find what you need for work. For those who do not want or cannot perform commands using the keyboard, operations are available using the mouse.

It takes a long time to work with the mouse; for these purposes it is best to use the keyboard. There are several key combinations:

If the user needs all windows, except the one in which he is currently working, to be out of the way, press the “Win ​​+ Home” buttons. For a reverse reversal, select any of the combinations presented above or repeat the same.

How to minimize windows with your mouse

If the user does not want to use the keyboard, then the operation can be performed using the mouse. On Windows 7, 8, 10 there is an empty rectangle at the bottom right, when activated, windows will be minimized and minimized to tray. To turn them back, just press again.

On Windows 8 and 10, this rectangle does not stand out, but it is there. To minimize windows you need:

In the old XP system, this rectangle is not provided, so it will not be possible to minimize applications this way. On the other hand, there is a shortcut for such tasks. By default, it is located next to the Start button on the taskbar.

If for some reason it is not there, you can add it yourself:

  1. Using Notepad, you need to create a document in which the following command is written, which can be copied.

  2. Then it is saved through the “File” - “Save As” tab (any name), but always in the “scf” format. It is advisable to specify the desktop as the shortcut location address.

  3. At the final stage, the resulting document is dragged to the quick access panel. The shortcut is ready.

Important! Unlike the standard one, this shortcut will not appear next to the Start button. It will be on the quick access panel.

Despite the fact that a special tray has been added for users of later versions of the system, if desired, you can create a shortcut to work with them using the same scheme.

Minimize windows in MacOs

In order to minimize windows when working on a MacBook, you first need to check what settings are installed.

On a note! If instead of F11 the user assigns another key, then in the second option it changes to the established one (for example, F12 and Fn).

You can also minimize by simply pressing the “F11” button, but it is necessary to note the use of function keys as standard.

Done, the “F11” key is now responsible for minimizing windows.

There is another way. Mission Controls installs a feature called Hot Corners.

In addition, you can minimize applications in MacOs using the track pad. It performs “gestures” with different functionality. To work with windows (minimize/expand), you must simultaneously move four fingers (including your thumb) toward the sides of the pad.

Find out also detailed information about what tools exist for quick and easy computer management from our new article.

Hotkeys for other operations

In addition to minimizing, hotkeys can be used for other window operations and more.

For example, combinations with the “Win+” button:

  • left, right arrow – the selected application is attached to the left and right edges of the screen, respectively;
  • up, down arrow – expands and collapses the selected window;
  • “T” – switching shortcuts on the taskbar (one by one);
  • numeric keys – expands/collapses the window to which a particular number is assigned.
  • “E” – launch the file manager;
  • “S” – start search;
  • “R” – “Run” command.

You can also work with windows using the “Alt” button:

  • by holding it and the “F4” key, it completely closes the window in which the user is working;
  • combination with the tab button “Tab” it is possible to switch between running applications.

Combination with the “Ctrl+” key:

  • “Shift+Escape” - this is how the “Task Manager” starts;
  • “A” – select everything (in a document, on a browser page, on the desktop);
  • “C” – copy selected;
  • “V” – this combination pastes what was copied from the clipboard;
  • By simultaneously holding down the key and scrolling the wheel, you select the appearance of the folders (icons, tables).

For the most part, these combinations are used in Windows 10, but some of them are available on all versions of the system.

Some Windows operations are available without using a mouse. The video shows some of them.

Video - How to control the cursor without a mouse

There is a button that, when pressed, minimizes all windows. A very convenient thing. But the problem is that some users manage to remove it while working at the computer. What to do? Who is guilty?
Let's look at options for restoring the button:

Option 1. Just download
Just download this file, unzip it and put it, for example, on your desktop, then grab it with your mouse and drag it to the taskbar. Download file ""

Option 2. (for advanced users)

Open notepad and copy these lines:



Moreover, the lines must begin on a new line, i.e. not in one line, without hyphenation.

come up with a file name, for example:

File Type: All Files

Everything is as in the picture

We also transfer the created file to the taskbar.

All these steps are valid for Windows XP.

For Windows 7 users, the button is located in the system tray (lower right corner where the clock is) and is difficult to remove.

For those who like to use hotkeys, use this combination

key with the Windows logo (Microsoft flag) + key with the English letter D (Russian letter B). It's much easier and faster, and always at hand (even if the Collapse all windows file is deleted)

Another way: – pressing the Windows logo key + M (b) – minimizes all windows; – pressing the Windows logo key + SHIFT + M (b) – restoring minimized windows.

"Minimize all windows" button in windows xp

In general, it got me hooked on the topic “Taskbar in Windows XP” :)
So I'll tell you in small parts :)

"Collapse all windows" button
This pretty button minimizes all your open windows at once and returns you to your desktop.

Alternative keyboard shortcut Win+M.
For those who don't know what this button is Win:
Button with windows icon. Located in the bottom row, on the left (but there is also one on the right), between Ctrl And Alt:

We decided on this. But the main theme is the button, like this one on the taskbar:

In principle, everyone has it by default, but it’s not displayed. Because it is in “quick launch”, but as far as I remember, it is not visible initially :)
We won’t get into the terminology, maybe another time, but let’s get down to business right away.
First, let's make this “quick launch” visible.

Step one
Click on our panel (blue stripe below, if you don’t understand what we’re talking about :)) with the right mouse button, select Properties:

After which, a window will open. In it, put a tick in the arrow and click Apply And OK:

If nothing appears on our panel, then we do “step two”

Step two
Right-click on our panel and select Toolbar --> Quick start(As a result of this, "quick launch" will now have a checkmark):

That's it, made visible :) Now near the button Start you should have all sorts of icons. Including our “collapse all windows” button icon. Actually, we got what we wanted. The post could have ended here, but I’ll write a couple of additions, if anyone is interested, take a look :)


How to remove unnecessary icons from the Quick Launch panel?

Just like any other file. Right-click on the icon and select Delete:

How can I restore the “minimize all windows” button if I deleted it?

Well, anything can happen, they deleted it and what the hell with it :) We will restore it :)

Open notepad (start, all programs, standard, notepad). And we write the following “text” in it.

He was a great original... Even the button "Collapse all windows" on his computer was on worker table

Users who love to “clean up” their Desktop and on Quick Launch Toolbars, often “sweep away” the icon (button) Collapse all windows/Shows Desktop. Removing it is easy, but restoring it is a little more difficult!

IN Windows XP "Collapse all windows"- this is a team Windows Explorer (Windows Explorer Command), for which a kind of shortcut has been created - a file Collapse all windows.scf(extension .scf means Shell Command File). This file (79 bytes) is located in the .

File contents Collapse all windows.scf:




IN Windows Vista icon Collapse all windows present - according to tradition Windows- on Quick Launch Toolbars, but the disadvantage XP not fixed: this file (its disk address is ; size 258 bytes) can be deleted permanently as easily as in Windows XP.

IN Windows Vista Collapse all windows (Shows Desktop) is a file with the contents:

L A FE ’ayay Ђ зчЂ0ЧШЧ Ѕ ”( W) @ % S y s t e m R o o t

% \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ s h e l l 3 2 . d l l , - 1 0 1 1 3 " % S y s t e m R o o t % \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ i m a g e r e s . d l l

At the same time in the file desktop.ini (\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\) there should be lines:

Shows Desktop.lnk=@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-10113

How to recover a file Collapse all windows/Shows Desktop

Right-click on an icon-free surface Desktop;

– from the window that opens, select New –> Text Document;

– the icon of the created document will appear, give it a name Collapse all windows(or Shows Desktop);

– open the document and enter (or simply copy) the following lines




– save the file;

– now so that the system “understands” that this file runs the command Collapse all windows, you need to change the file extension from .txt on .scf. This can be done in two ways:

a) run Windows Explorer, by opening any folder, for example, by clicking on the icon My computer. Select menu Tools –> Folder Options…;

· in the dialog box that opens Folder properties open the tab View;

· in scrollable list Extra options uncheck the line Hide extensions for registered file types –> click OK;

· change the extension .txt on .scf;

· A system warning will appear: “After changing the file name extension, the file may no longer be accessible. Are you sure you want to change the extension? Not really";

· authorize the extension change by clicking Yes;

· check the box back Hide extensions for registered file types (My Computer –> Tools –> Folder Options... –> View –> Advanced Options): this is necessary so that you do not have any inconvenience in the future with renaming files;

· put the file in a folder \Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch(For Windows XP) or to a folder \Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch(For Windows Vista), and place the label on Desktop- on Quick Launch Toolbar;

b) in an open text document Collapse all windows select menu File -> Save As…;

· in the text field File name after the name Collapse all windows add a dot and an extension scf (Collapse all windows.scf);

· on Desktop except for text document Collapse all windows.txt, a characteristic icon appeared Collapse all windows.scf;

· Text Document Collapse all windows.txt can be deleted;

· icon Collapse all windows.scf put it in a folder \Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch(For Windows XP) or to a folder \Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch(For Windows Vista), and place the label on Desktop- on Quick Launch Toolbar.


1. XP-shny file Collapse all windows works great in Windows Vista And Windows 7 .

2. For the same purposes ( Collapse all windows) you can use hotkeys: logo key Windows (checkbox Microsoft) + English letter key D(Russian letter IN). It's much easier and faster, and always at hand (even if the file Collapse all windows removed)!

Let's imagine a situation where you have many active windows open at the same time. These can be either regular folders or various programs, for example, etc. And now you need something like this (file or folder) on the Desktop. As a result, you minimize all running windows one by one in order to get to the Desktop. In this article I will show you how to quite easily and quickly minimize all windows so that the Desktop opens and everything is minimized.

How to minimize all windows in Windows XP

Windows XP has this wonderful thing called Quick start. This area is Taskbars, which contains frequently used programs and utilities.

On a note:
If you still don’t have it, then right-click on the free space on Taskbars and check the box as shown in:

As a result, this area will appear next to the Start button with the shortcuts already present (most often).

And further. If you want to add something to the Quick Launch toolbar, simply drag the file shortcut directly onto it.
If everything doesn’t fit, then right-click on the Taskbar again and uncheck Pin the taskbar, then move the Quick Launch slider to the right or left and you can check the box again.

Here we are interested in only one button, clicking on which will minimize all windows:

The taskbar is always displayed, so the area with this button will always be visible and you can click on it at any time and minimize all windows.

How to minimize all windows in Windows 7 and 8

In these operating systems this icon is also present, only it has changed its icon and moved to the very bottom right corner, next to the clock:

In Windows 8, this button even lost its icon, but the functionality remained. Therefore, you can also safely click on this right corner and everything will collapse:

By the way, in Windows 7 you can also create a Quick Launch bar, just like in XP. This is described in the article. I don’t know if this method is suitable for Windows 8; I haven’t tested it.

How to minimize all windows in Windows using the keyboard?

This method is relevant for all versions of Windows and to use it you need to press a hotkey combination Win + D:

When you press these keys again, all windows will again expand in the order in which they were active.

On a note:

  • If when you click on the minimize icon it doesn’t work right away, then don’t click it several times. Everything will work out, but sometimes it takes time. It depends on the speed of your computer.
  • If you want to minimize a game or program, some will not allow you to minimize it this way. To do this, you can use hotkeys: Alt + Tab

    That's all for now. Thank you for your attention and leave comments.