How to make a feedback form in WordPress. WordPress

Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms where you can flexibly customize form and mail content with fairly simple layout. Forms have built-in support for Ajax submission, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filter and more.

Documentation and support



  1. Upload the entire contact-form-7 folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen( Plugins > Installed Plugins).

You will find Contact menu in your WordPress admin screen.


1) Do not use 2) Do not use 3) Do not use The forms seem nice and straightforward, but are riddled with glitches. There are more than 1000 support requests; most are unanswered. File uploads fail without an explanation. Forms also fail with no explanation. There aren't a useful solution or error messages, just lots of frustration. If you don't want to spend many hours of frustration only to later uninstall this plugin, don't install it in the first place. Try something that actually works, like Everest.

Participants and developers

"Contact Form 7" is an open source project source code. The following contributors contributed to the development of the plugin:


Change log

For getting additional information see Releases.


  • CSS: Adds an explicit LTR direction style rule for code inputs.
  • Accessibility: Uses Error instead of ERROR in warnings.


  • CSS: removes a style rule from the stylesheet that was unnecessary and conflicting with Twenty Twenty’s rules.
  • REST API: retrieves the contact form ID explicitly from the route parameters.


  • Config Validator: New test item for the unavailable_html_elements error.
  • Config Validator: New test item for the attachments_overweight error.


  • reCAPTCHA: Introducing the wpcf7_recaptcha_sitekey and wpcf7_recaptcha_secret filter hooks.
  • Adding $status parameter to wpcf7_form_response_output filter.
  • Generates a random code when the user is a registered user.
  • Introducing WPCF7_ContactForm::unit_tag(), a public method that returns a unit tag.
  • reCAPTCHA: issues a different message in the spam log in cases where the response token is empty.
  • Consent flag: Support label_first option in form consent tag.


  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the inability to deselect an option in the Mail tab.


  • Constant Contact: Introduced contact list selector.
  • Constant Contact: Presented additional customization constant_contact.
  • reCAPTCHA: Introduced wpcf7_recaptcha_actions and wpcf7_recaptcha_threshold filter hooks.


  • reCAPTCHA: Changes the response to empty response tokens.


  • The integration module Constant Contact has been introduced.
  • The reCAPTCHA module has been updated to support reCAPTCHA v3.
  • Adds Dark Mode style rules.


  • Fixed inconsistency issue between get_data_option() and get_default_option() in WPCF7_FormTag class.
  • Jams PHP errors, arising from calls to unlink().
  • Introduced wpcf7_is_file_path_in_content_dir() to support the UPLOADS constant.


  • Explicitly sets the power_type argument in the register_post_type() call to fix an issue with unauthorized privilege escalation.
  • Local file attachment - it is prohibited to specify absolute paths to files located outside the wp-content directory.
  • Configuration Validator - Adds a test element to detect incorrect attachment file settings.
  • Fixed a bug in the function backward compatibility JavaScript for legacy browsers that do not support the HTML5 placeholder attribute.
  • Consent checkbox - disables the do-not-store function of the form tag.


  • CSS: Applying "not allowed" cursor style when hovering over submit buttons in inactive state.
  • Consent flag: Overhaul of the tag generator user interface to encourage the use of better privacy options.
  • Implementation of wpcf7_anonymize_ip_addr() function.
  • Introduced consent_for:storage option for all form tag types.


  • Added a "Privacy Notices" section to the readme.txt file.
  • Updated content in the Information meta block.
  • Use get_user_locale() instead of get_locale() where more appropriate.
  • Consent flag: Resets the disabled status of submit buttons after successful application.


  • Fixed incorrect use of _n().
  • Configuration Check: Fixed incorrect number of warnings on the Advanced Options tab.
  • Configuration check: Fixed incorrect handling of the [_site_admin_email] special email tag in the From header field.
  • Acceptance checkbox: The specified class and id attributes were applied to the wrong HTML element.
  • Configuration check: If there is an optional mail header for mailboxes such as Cc or Reply-To, but a possible empty value, an "Invalid mailbox syntax" error will be returned.
  • Explicitly specify the fourth parameter to add_action() to avoid passing unintended parameter values.
  • Check if the target directory is empty before deleting it.


  • Additional settings: on_sent_ok and on_submit have been removed.
  • New additional setting: skip_mail.
  • Flamingo: The title of the incoming channel changes along with the title of the corresponding contact form.
  • DOM events. The entire API response object is accessible through the event.detail.apiResponse property.
  • HTML Mail: Adds language-related attributes to the HTML header.
  • File Upload: Sets the accept attribute in the upload field.
  • A new class WPCF7_MailTag has been introduced.
  • Allows you to abort an attempt to send mail using the wpcf7_before_send_mail action hook. Additionally, you can set a custom status and message via an action interceptor.
  • Acceptance checkbox: Allows you to specify conditions within the content portion of the form tag.
  • Acceptance checkbox: Supports the optionality parameter.
  • New special mail tags: [_site_title], [_site_description], [_site_url], [_site_admin_email], [_invalid_fields], [_user_login], [_user_email], [_user_url], [_user_first_name], [_user_last_name], [_user_nickname], and [_user_display_name].
  • New filter hooks: wpcf7_upload_file_name, wpcf7_autop_or_not, wpcf7_posted_data_($type), and wpcf7_mail_tag_replaced_($type)
  • New form-tag features: zero-controls-container and not-for-mail

From the author: Greetings, dear readers. If you need a form feedback to a WordPress site, then this article is just for you. After reading the article, you will learn how to make a feedback form on WordPress, and do it easily, quickly and efficiently.

So, to solve this problem we will use a feedback form plugin called Contact Form 7. I don’t know why the author chose this name, or rather the serial number in the name, perhaps this is his lucky number

Be that as it may, the Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress is one of the most popular plugins among plugins for creating a WordPress feedback form, and among any others. And indeed, more than a million installations - the figure speaks for itself. The plugin's rating is quite high - 4.5 stars, which eliminates all doubts about its use. In addition, the plugin is already Russified, so you don’t have to translate form fields and messages into Russian.


Well, let's go through standard process installations. By the way, if you have never installed plugins before, then be sure to read the article “WordPress. Installing plugins”, where you will find everything possible ways installing plugins.

In the site admin panel, go to the Plugins - Add new section and enter the name of the plugin in the search bar - “contact form 7”. The first feedback form plugin found is the option we need.

Click the Install button and activate the plugin. After installation, a new Contact Form 7 section with several items will appear in the menu.

The first Forms item contains a list of current forms on your site and allows you to manage them: edit or delete. The finished form is nothing more than a shortcode (short code) that can be inserted into a post, page, or even widget. This shortcode will be expanded on the page into full form code. The plugin already comes with an example of a feedback form, let's copy its shortcode and paste it, for example, onto the contact page. After that, let’s go to the page and see a ready-made working WordPress feedback form on it.

We can try to fill out the form and send it, the letter will be delivered to email address specified in the administrator profile settings. Please note that the Contact Form 7 plugin doesn't just offer the usual standard contact form. No, the plugin allows you to flexibly configure it. In addition, the form is sent without reloading the page, which is an additional plus. And, of course, validation of form fields, the ability to specify required fields, is another huge plus.


Well, we used a ready-made form. What about changing it? Is this possible and is it easy to do? The answer is yes to both questions. For example, I want to remove the Subject field from the form, how can I do this? Let's move on to editing the form in the Forms plugin menu and see the following picture.

In order to remove the topic, it is enough to remove the 2 corresponding lines circled in the screenshot. The second line is interesting here: . As you may have guessed, this is nothing more than a shortcode, which is deployed in the form field. IN in this case This is a field of type text with the value of the name attribute - your-subject.

If, for example, we are talking about the text area below, then its shortcode looks like this: . Here textarea is the textarea tag of the form, and your-message is the name of this form element. It's simple.

Here you can ask a completely logical question: what to do with other form elements? How to find out which shortcode is responsible for, say, a drop-down list? There is nothing complicated here either. There are buttons above the template field of the editable form, by clicking on which we will add the necessary elements to the form.

Well, if difficulties still arise, then the documentation for the plugin will help you, where you can find many examples.

So, as an example, let's remove the subject of the message and add a list with options for selecting the subject of the message. To create a drop-down list, click on the drop-down menu button. In the modal window that opens, fill out the form. The key is the Options field, in which we enter options for the drop-down list. Each option is on a new line. Other form fields should be intuitive. For example, if we check the Field type (Required field) checkbox, we will make the created form field required to be filled out. The Allow multiple selections checkbox allows you to create a list with the ability to select multiple options, and the Insert a blank item as the first option checkbox will create the first empty option in the list. The Id and Class fields speak for themselves - these are fields for adding id and class attributes, which allow you to further design the field.

After creating a list with the required options, a new field will appear in the form template.

We save the template and try to test the new feedback form. On the site, the form has indeed changed; instead of a topic text field, there is now a drop-down list with options for choosing a topic.

Let's try to fill out and submit the form. The form is sent, but oops... the received email does not have a selected subject option. How so? How to correct this misunderstanding? Don't worry, it's easy to fix. Go to edit the form and switch to the Letter tab.

In this tab, you configure the format of the letter that comes to email from the feedback form. In the screenshot, in the first circled area, we see a list of shortcodes (form field names) that are used in our feedback form. It is the values ​​of these fields that are substituted into the letter template. We see in the second marked area that the Subject field retains the name from the previous field. The Message Body field also contains the same shortcode. Let's replace them with the appropriate tag from the list above - . By the way, here we can also change the recipient’s email, it is written in the To field. We can also change other settings below, they are all signed and clear.

We save the changes and try to resend the letter. Now the feedback form works as expected - an email with the selected subject is sent to your email.

In the next Form Submission Notifications tab, we can configure success or error messages that occur when submitting the form.


What about spam, you might ask, is a reasonable question? The author of the plugin took care of this too. In the plugin settings section there is an Integration item.

Here we can set up Google's reCAPTCHA service. To do this, you will need to follow the specified link to the corresponding Google service and then follow the instructions to get the necessary key and integrate the captcha with your site.

For those who do not want to use the reCAPTCHA service, the plugin offers protection from robots in the form of a question/answer field. To add this field in the form template, click on the quiz button and fill out the form in the same way as we did for the drop-down list. Enter the question and answer through a vertical line.

After this, a new field will appear in the feedback form with one of the options for the questions that you typed. Now, for the form to be submitted, you must provide the correct answer to the question.

As you can see, creating a feedback form on WordPress is as easy as shelling pears. The Contact Form 7 plugin allows you to build a form for almost any purpose. This could be a feedback form, an application form, etc. Yes, as I said above, the form can be inserted not only into a post or page, but also into a sidebar widget. To do this, just create a Text widget and insert the shortcode of the desired form into it. Well, new forms, as you guessed, can be created in the Add New plugin menu.

That's all for me. Play around with the Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress, try creating different forms, believe me, there are still a lot of possibilities to explore. If you have any questions, then, as always, I’m waiting for them in the comments. Good luck!

If you came to this post looking for feedback for your site, then you are in the right place.

To be more specific, I have compiled a selection of the five best feedback plugins for WordPress. We all know how important it is, especially when you don't want to write your contact information or automate the process of receiving questions from your clients.

I present to your attention the TOP 5 WordPress plugins for creating feedback.

1. WPForms

WPForms is a young WordPress plugin for creating feedback forms.


The Drag&Drop visual editor is used, which makes this plugin even more “user-friendly” (easy to use).

The light version does not limit the installation of the plugin on an unlimited number of domains.

The paid version of the plugin includes such functionality as: multi-page forms, email subscription, payment forms, order forms, use of your own field logic, and so on.


Although the light version is free, you still need to upgrade the plugin to the Pro version to unlock the new functionality that was described in the “Pros” above.

The main task for WPForms is to make the plugin as convenient as possible for users. Since not everyone is familiar with HTML/CSS in order to directly correct form fields, etc. Therefore, it does not have some of the difficult-to-understand functions that other plugins have.

Gravity Forms is a premium plugin that provides as much functionality as you could possibly want.


Powerful plugin with unlimited functionality.

The plugin comes with premium support, as well as extensive documentation, FAQ and discussion forum.


Gravity forms does not have a free version and most likely it will be an expensive product for one site. If you have several websites (multi-site), then cost should not be a problem for you.

Ninja forms is the perfect solution for creating free forms in WordPress. Can also be used to create highly interactive forms.


The plugin is available for free from the official WordPress website. You can install it on an unlimited number of sites.

In addition to free version There is a premium one, which has even more features (such as SMS notifications, Freshbooks, Campaign Monitor and Salesforce).

Excellent community support, detailed documentation, and email support.


The main and only disadvantage of this plugin is that if you want to use add-ons for it, they must be purchased, since many of them are distributed on a paid basis.

Pirate is a free WordPress plugin written by the Themeisle team. Easy to customize and convenient for creating simple shapes.


Absolutely free to download and subsequent updates.

This plugin has all the many functions, for example: CAPTCHA for checking against bots and SMTP, to remove the possibility of the letter ending up in the Spam folder.


Use this plugin if you need to create simple form. If you need to create something more complex, this plugin most likely will not suit you.

Lack of addons (other plugins) that work together.

Fact! This plugin has the most downloads of all form building plugins.


The main advantage is that it is free and can be installed on an unlimited number of sites.

Due to its popularity, Contact Form 7 was able to attract many developers, who in turn wrote a large number of add-ons. Many of them are distributed free of charge.

It is a great addition for creating a simple feedback form for your blog.


Setting up the form can be a bit tricky for novice users as the interface is a bit confusing.

Due to its free nature, support for the plugin is minimal. You are getting free updates plugin, but to solve any problem you will need to go to the official WordPress repository forum or the general forum in the hope that someone will help.

Popup forms

Many of the plugins that were described above in this post have the ability to connect forms using shortcodes.

The official documentation of the WordPress site writes that “Shortcode” is a set of functions for creating special elements on the page used in the content of posts or pages.

To get started, take any shortcode and use Popup Maker to create a modal window where you need to add a form.

Essentially that's all you need to create modal window with a feedback form.


If you are looking for a plugin that will solve all your desires, then most likely you will not find it, because there will be something wrong with each one. In some places the functionality will not suit you, in others the design will not work.

Each of them needs an upgrade. Most likely you will have to find a developer who will add some functionality for you or correct the site's styles.

Quality has always sold, so I wouldn’t expect extensive functionality from free plugins. Use what you can still afford. As soon as you have the opportunity, update the plugin to the “Pro” version or buy another plugin (maybe you like one better).

Take your time with the purchase, analyze what really suits your needs, and only an informed choice and analysis will allow you to rejoice after a successful purchase.

The three most important pages on a business website are: “ Description of the site», « Services" And " Contacts».

You may not know it, but many high-profile businesses have clunky navigation on their websites. Such factors do not help attract customers.

Page " Our contacts» is the only means for your readers, visitors or other interested parties to contact you. Of course you can just paste your address Email. You could, but you'd actually be inviting thousands of spambots to crawl the Internet for email addresses. Your Mailbox will be full of spam. This is why you shouldn't leave your email address.

If you're thinking something like: Pochta (dog) gmail (dot) com was able to evade spam bots, then you are wrong! Today, spambots have become much smarter - they have adapted and learned these little tricks. Thus, it is important to use the contact without sharing your contact address Email.

WordPress doesn't have a built-in contact feature. But thanks to its versatility, we can easily add interactive contact forms simply by using a plugin. This article lists some of the contact form plugins for WordPress - free, free, and premium options.

Best Free Contact Form Plugins for WordPress


Probably the best free contact form plugin for WordPress with over 16 million downloads on Its main features include checkboxes, radio buttons, file upload features and anti-spam features such as captcha.

It also has special fields where you can enter phone numbers, email addresses, data, etc.


Jetpack is a plugin for a new WordPress website. It includes many features, including free CDN integration, spell checking, grammar modules, and a contact form.

Although the contact form has a very simple user interface, it is quite sufficient to get the job done.

Contact Form Contact Form for Wordpress

Don't let the simple name fool you. Being a free plugin, it offers you a fairly unique way to display your contact form through active engagement. In this module, the contact form is pre-loaded on each page, located in the lower right corner. Just one click and the contact form appears on the screen.

Don't worry, you also have traditional post entry forms - in the sidebar using widgets.


Fast Secure Contact Form is available in two versions - as a plugin for WordPress and PHP code for integration into other sites. A unique feature of this plugin is the ability to automatically block all spammers. This significantly reduces comment spam. It has the usual tools - checkboxes, radio buttons and backup/restore modules.

Also has styling of greeting and message confirmation. You can send each message to multiple email addresses.


Ninja Forms– a plugin that has a variety of functionality and a drag-and-drop interface. It has many features, including an optional AJAX handler, robust anti-spam modules, and data import/export capabilities. And this is only in the free version.

Extensions turn Ninja Forms into a game module. Modal Forms is one of the most popular extensions. Other useful extensions include PayPal, Stripe, MailChimp, Mad Mimi and Constant Contact integration, among others.


As the name suggests, this plugin has a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and has over a dozen useful fields. Anti-spam measures include message confirmation and the use of captcha.

The $20 premium version includes email design, analytics, and conditional logic modules. In my opinion, however, you're better off using a dedicated product like MailChimp for this.


This plugin uses a freemium payment option. For basic use has numerous functions. Formidable Forms uses a drag-and-drop interface and includes recaptcha and Akismet to combat spam.

The premium version, priced at $47, includes amazing additional functions, such as PayPal integration and email management, as well as registration options for visitors. Unfortunately the download file, which is free for most plugins, is paid for here.


This is a very simple and easy to use contact form plugin for WordPress with over 2 million downloads. It integrates with the Captcha plugin to combat spam. Its professional version, available for $15, includes additional features such as input validation - which is free in Contact Form 7.

Best Premium Contact Form Plugins for WordPress


The first name that comes to mind when it comes to premium contact form plugins for WordPress is Gravity Forms. Starting at $39 for one website, there are two other pricing models: $99 for three websites and $199 for a developer license.

It includes many features, the most significant of which are Multi-Page Forms, Visual Form Editor, Conditional Logic, and Order Forms.

Gravity Forms plugin– another source of surprise for this plugin. In addition to integrating with an email service, it also integrates with payment systems, such as, Striple, PayPal and accounting software, such as FreshBooks.


Quform has a beautiful drag-and-drop interface and has fifteen different field types, optional filters, and validation options. Quform comes pre-loaded with three unique themes, a theme customizer, and customizable email notifications. At $29, it is the most expensive contact form plugin for WordPress in CodeCayon.


True to its name (Skillful Shape), this WordPress plugin features a multi-dimensional shape and retails for $35. With this plugin you can create Various types forms, including newsletter forms, surveys and questionnaires.

Important features include conditional logic, analytics, auto-save form, simultaneous download several files, a convenient interface that allows you to instantly transfer both within one page and when moving to another page.

If you're just getting started with your website, you don't have to buy the premium version right away. However, a contact form is a strict necessity. Whether it is a simple website, a blog or even a corporate website, there should be an option to contact the site owner.

I would personally recommend Contact Form 7 as one of the best free contact form plugins that comes with a lot of features. Some of its features are paid for in other freemium plugins. However, if you want to purchase a premium plugin, I recommend Gravity Forms. Almost everyone I know uses Gravity Forms.

Which contact form do you prefer? Maybe we missed your favorite plugin? Let us know in the comments!

Web forms can be used for a variety of reasons, but their main purpose is to obtain feedback and collect requested information. However, their use goes beyond collecting information, and they are used for registration on the site, applications, and so on.

If your site is on WordPress and you are looking for a feature-rich form builder for creating forms for any purpose, take a look at the plugin Form Maker.

WordPress Form Maker

This is one of the most popular form building plugins in the directory and comes with a user-friendly admin panel, a built-in form builder, and many customization options. At the time of this review, the plugin has over 1.5 million downloads, 90 thousand active installations and an average rating of 4.6 stars.

Description Demo Download

Let's take a closer look at the Form Maker plugin and see what features and functionality are included in it.

The Form Maker plugin can be downloaded either from WordPress directory, or with official page plugin on The plugin comes with detailed documentation And demo version for the admin panel and the forms themselves.

Creating a Form

Creating forms with Form Maker is very easy and does not require much time. After installing and activating the plugin, you will find it in the side menu of your Console, where you can create and manage your forms.

Unlike other plugins where you have to create forms from scratch, Form Maker comes with 12 ready-made templates, which can later be edited and customized as desired.

In addition, the plugin allows you to edit and save the form as a copy, which means that the template will not undergo any changes.

Here, for example, is a template for a standard feedback forms. You can drag fields up/down, change order
and move them left or right to create columns in the form:

However, if you want to create your own forms from scratch, just click on the button Add New(Add New) and the plugin will direct you to the form creation page.

First, you will need to come up with a name, choose a theme for the form, and then you can start adding fields. Form Maker has an intuitive form designer, which allows you to add the desired number of fields in forms and view the changes you have made:

There are various field options, which can be added to forms. They are designed for entering text, time and date of sending files, integration with PayPal, Captcha protection, and more.

With available form fields, you can get any information from your visitors. The full list of field options is below:

Each parameter of each field can be configured, which allows you to adjust the properties of the fields according to your needs and see all changes when preview:

Setting up the form

Now let's talk about your form settings. You can give shape great view thanks to affordable design templates. Currently the plugin has 37 form themes, which can be edited using custom CSS.

In addition, the plugin allows you to create your own own themes from scratch.

To customize a form template, you need to go to its parameters (icon with a yellow pencil Edit).

After you uncheck the automatic layout creation box, you can edit the HTML code, as well as change the position, add in-line styling, and so on. Click on the appropriate buttons to add the field you need.

Form Options

There is a wide range of form parameters that the Form Maker plugin allows you to customize. For example, general form options, email options, payment methods, post-form actions, JavaScript, MySQL options, and conditional fields.

Under general parameters you can find some basic form settings and front-end options. Choose the form theme and where you want to save your data, and select the users who can access the front-end form submission.

In the settings section Email you can find settings for messages sent to users and administrator. Specify your email address, subject, and paste text into your message to the administrator.

IN sending section You can choose what happens when your visitors fill out and submit the form. You can choose from available options such as stay on the form, stop at a specific page or post, redirect them to a specific URL, or add custom text that will be displayed to visitors after submitting the form.

Form Maker also provides PayPal integration. IN payment methods section You can adjust payment settings, such as enabling PayPal, choosing the payment currency, tax rate, etc.

Conditional fields- this is one of the features of the Form Maker plugin. This feature allows you to hide or show form fields depending on the specific modes that you have set.

For example, you can set a conditional field to prompt for the name of the state if the user has selected the United States as their country. This will mean that the state name field will not be visible to other non-US users:

In the submission section you can find all submitted forms. A summary is available for each form analytical data such as the number of entries, number of form views, conversion rate and so on.

This section is also searchable, which means you can search the database for all fields on a given form. Additionally, you can edit or delete any content and rearrange the submission fields in an order that suits your needs.

The plugin allows you to export materials to CSV or XML-format for viewing data in Microsoft Excel.

Form Maker allows block IP addresses, if you are sent spam through your forms. To do this, you just need to go to the Blocked IPs section, indicate the IP address that you want to block in the appropriate field and click the Add IP button.

You can also block IP addresses from the submit section of the plugin. Blocked IPs can be unblocked at any time.


Form Maker is a feature-rich plugin that comes with a number of add-ons that will allow you to expand technical capabilities your form.

Here full list Form Maker add-ons:

  • Import/Export
  • Save Progress
  • Stripe Integration
  • Google PDF Integration
  • Mailchimp Integration
  • User Registration
  • Post Generation
  • Conditional Emails
  • Dropbox Integration
  • Google Drive Integration
  • Pushover Integration
  • Calculator


Form Maker- This great choice, if you are looking for an effective tool for creating responsive web forms of any complexity on WordPress. It is well designed and has a good technical support team that is ready to help.