How to synchronize an old iPhone with a new one. How to Sync Apps on iPhone and iPad Without iTunes

Good afternoon friends. Many users want to control their iPhone via PC. iTunes is perfect for this purpose. It is through this software we will carry out synchronization.

How to sync an iPhone with a computer via iTunes without losing data? So, first, let’s download iTunes from the official website. Next, let's synchronize the computer with the iPhone.

Let me remind you that synchronization is the process of connecting an iPhone to a computer, which we carry out using the iTunes program, since this software makes it possible to transfer data both to the iPhone and from the iPhone to the computer. For example, you can create backup copies of your gadget’s system and transfer them to your PC. Most often, people transfer various music tracks, uninstall or transfer programs from a PC to a gadget. Transfer photos, videos, etc.

How to connect iPhone to computer via USB?

So, first let’s launch iTunes, then connect the gadget to the computer via USB cable. During the connection, the program will see your Apple gadget, and if this procedure is carried out through iTunes for the first time, the message “Do you want to allow...” will appear on the PC display. Click “Continue”.

Next, the software will also request a similar response from your gadget. Let's continue, the iPhone will ask you if you can trust this PC and connect the two devices. If your phone is locked, you will need to unlock it. We answer the question “Trust.”

Then, you will need to authorize the computer so that your gadget establishes a trusting relationship with it. To do this, select “Account” at the top left of the program window. Next, select “Authorization” from the drop-down menu. After that, select “Authorize this...”.

A new window will appear where the user must provide a username and password for the iPhone. Let's do it.

A little below the menu, you will see a sign that looks like an iPhone. Let's click on this icon.

A window will appear on the monitor with which we will control the phone. In the left column we see the control menu, on the right the program shows information from the selected menu.

For example, if we go to the "Programs" menu, we can customize the phone screen, add new software or delete the old one.

Using the "Music" menu, it is possible to transfer a decent number of music tracks that iTunes contains. You can also transfer the necessary playlists.

In the “Browse” menu of the “Backups” block, you can place a checkbox above the “This computer” command. In this case, iTunes will start creating a backup copy of your phone's system on your PC. This is a very convenient thing, because in case of any iPhone failures, you can simply data backup, and there are no problems. Besides, this function useful if you just want to transfer all your data from old to new phone.

How to sync iPhone with iTunes?

So, all we have to do is synchronize the phone with the computer. Otherwise, everything that we have entered into the program will not come into force. To synchronize, at the very bottom of the program, click on the “Synchronize” button.

So, we have begun the synchronization process. Its duration depends on the amount and volume of data that is involved. When synchronization is in full swing, of course, do not even think about disconnecting the gadget from the PC.

We can see that synchronization is complete from the top of the window, where the apple sign appears and the blue extending bar disappears.

Video of what synchronizing iPhone with iTunes allows you to do

Conclusion:— Synchronizing an iPhone with a computer via iTunes is quite simple. This process has its differences from synchronizing a computer with Android phones. But, having carried out a similar process three times, you will carry out further synchronization relatively quickly! Good luck!

Often, owners of Apple gadgets are faced with the problem of how to synchronize an iPhone. Having once purchased a smartphone from this manufacturer, the user often returns to it again and again, replacing outdated model new. In such a situation, the need arises to transfer files from one gadget to another.

To figure out how to synchronize an iPhone with an iPhone, and which tools are best to do this with, you need to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the iTunes and iCloud programs.

One of the most popular ways to synchronize data is Apple’s cloud service – iCloud. Only those users whose mobile device operates on the iOS operating system will be able to take advantage of the ability to transfer data from one gadget to another using this service.

Synchronization in iCloud includes 2 stages:

  1. Create a backup copy of your data.
  2. Restoring information from a backup copy.

Steps to create a backup include the following:

  1. Connect your iPhone to the Internet.
  2. Carry out the copying procedure, the duration of which will depend on the Internet speed and the amount of information being copied.

Restoring data from iCloud service consists of the following steps:

  1. Activation of a new gadget, including selection of geolocation, country of location, language, etc.
  2. When you open the window for setting up a new iPhone, you need to select the “Restore from iCloud copies» and enter personal data.
  3. Select the backup copy of your old iPhone and click “Restore”. The necessary data will be downloaded, after which you will need to restart the iPhone.

Attention! Using the iCloud service, you cannot transfer multimedia files from one iPhone to another. For this purpose, the user needs to contact iTunes program.

Exchange of data between two Apple gadgets using the iCloud service has both positive aspects and disadvantages.

The positive points are as follows:

  • full automation of the synchronization procedure;
  • always receive the latest information.

The disadvantages lie in such nuances as:

  • small storage size (maximum 5MB);
  • connection options exclusively via WiFi;
  • inability to copy music and video files.

Sync iPhone using iTunes utility

iTunes program owners mobile gadgets from Apple have been used for many years. And it should be noted that most of them note the high functionality and convenience of this utility.

The process of transferring information from one gadget to another via iTunes occurs through the following stages:

  1. Launching a utility that must be the most new version.
  2. Creating a backup copy of the database from the device that will be the source of information transfer.
  3. Disconnecting this machine from the PC/laptop.
  4. Removing the SIM card from the old iPhone and transferring it to the new phone.
  5. Connecting a new iPhone via a USB cable to a PC/laptop.
  6. Recovering data from the iTunes utility.

Note that the main thing when synchronizing data between two iPhones using iTunes is to have a PC or laptop, and when using the iCloud service, a high-speed Internet connection.

Attention! Please note that if 2 gadgets between which data will be exchanged have different versions operating system iOS, synchronization will not be possible.

Like iCloud, iTunes is not perfect.

The advantages of iTunes are:

  • the ability to copy information of any volume, which is limited solely by the size of the hard drive;
  • using the utility without connecting to the Internet;

The only drawback of iTunes is that all stages of synchronization are performed manually by the user, while iCloud almost completely automates all stages of data transfer.

What to do when incomplete synchronization is required?

To solve the problem of partial data transfer from one gadget to another, when it is necessary to transfer not all files, but only some of them, the iPhone owner will have to resort to other methods. To begin with, the user must decide what type of files and information he will transfer - a game, a music track, a video, etc. The method of data transfer will depend on this.

Below are the main ways to transfer a certain type of file from one iPhone to another:

  • photographs, links from browsers, bookmarks can be transferred via the AirDrop service;
  • In order for a previously purchased game on the AirDrop service to work on a new gadget, you need to log into this service using your account and resume access;
  • Copying regular phone contacts is done directly and very simply.

In conclusion, we should state the unpleasant fact that directly transferring video and other media files from one gadget to another is impossible.

Upgraded iTunes: How to disable syncing

Many users who follow new products from Apple know that iTunes is constantly improving and today synchronization is not always necessary. To disable it, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Open iTunes.
  2. Go to the “Edit” section, and then to “Settings”.
  3. Click on the "Devices" section.
  4. Mark the prohibition of synchronization of iPhone, iPad, etc. devices by checking the appropriate box.

That's it, the procedure for disabling synchronization is over. Now the iPhone owner does not need to wait for the file transfer to complete. When books or other information is uploaded to iTunes, the data can be synchronized automatically.

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How to Sync iPhone to iPhone

Ability to transfer data from one Apple devices on another is one of the best features. Numerous users of Apple devices, despite some difficulties in performing everyday operations, remain loyal to the brand precisely thanks to synchronization. After all, it’s much easier to start using a new phone when mail, contacts, reminders, documents and other data can be moved in a few clicks.

Let's take a closer look at how to sync one iPhone to an iPhone using standard and alternative methods.


We will first analyze the methods that were created by the company’s developers, since with their help you can transfer maximum amount information. Next, let's imagine new feature iOS 11 called "Quick Start" and an alternative option using third-party storage.

How to sync iPhone to iPhone via iCloud?

At iCloud help It will be easiest to synchronize two devices, since there is no need to use additional equipment or programs. The advantages of the method include automatic execution of the operation and the constant availability of fresh versions of the data.

Will be useful

Among the negative aspects, there is a limitation on the volume of stored information (5 GB), the need to connect to high-speed Internet via Wi-Fi networks, as well as the inability to transfer music and videos.

The process of synchronizing two iPhones is divided into two stages: creating and restoring a backup. Let's look at each of them step by step.

Creating a Backup

To write a backup file, you must:

  • Open settings mobile phone and go to the “iCloud” section.
  • If you have not previously logged into your device, you must enter your ID and password. If you don't have an account, you can create one by using the "Get an Apple ID for free" link located at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click on the “iCloud” item. From the list provided, select the items you want to copy. You can sync here iPhone contacts, mail, calendar notes, reminders, Safari bookmarks, photos, documents and more. The more items are selected, the more free space will take a copy. If the free 5 GB is not enough, there is always the option to purchase additional space.
  • Return to the previous screen and go to the “Storage and copies” section. Click “Create a copy”. In the same window, you can activate the “Copy to iCloud” option so that the smartphone independently creates copies if three conditions are met: the device is locked, charging and connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  • Wait for the operation to complete.

When data is copied to cloud storage, you can start downloading them on the second phone.

Data recovery

To download saved information to a new phone you need to:

To sync your iPhone with an iPhone you're already using:

  • Reset settings and content by selecting the appropriate item in the settings menu. Attention! This will delete all data stored on the second instance of the phone, so it is recommended that you back it up on that as well.
  • Wait for the operation to complete and the device to reboot. Since all information has been reset, the setup wizard will launch on first boot. Next, you need to follow the steps described in the previous list.

This completes the process; the second smartphone will display exactly the same information as the first.

Using the program iTunes allows you to sync information without an Internet connection. In addition, the backup volume is limited only by the computer's memory.

To complete the procedure, you must:

  • Connect your smartphone to your computer using a USB cable.
  • Wait automatic start programs. If this does not happen, you should click on the shortcut.
  • Select the connected device by clicking the phone icon at the top of the window.
  • In the left column, select “Browse”. In the block on the right, mark the line “This computer” to save information on local disk. To synchronize the “Health” and “Activity” applications, you need to check the box next to the line “Encrypt backup” copy of iPhone" and set a password.
  • Click the “Create a copy now” button.
  • Wait for the operation to complete. During storage large quantity music and video may take quite a long time.
  • Check whether the file is saved by visiting the iTunes Settings, Devices tab. The table should contain the phone name and the time the file was created. If the recording is encrypted, there will be a padlock icon next to it.

To synchronize a second smartphone, you will need to perform similar steps, only this time press the “Restore from copy” button. The system will offer a list of records from which you must select the most recent one.


Following these steps will allow you to synchronize your iPhone contacts, documents, music and other information.

In some cases, you may need to full reset settings. Then When you first launch it, you should select “Restore from a copy of iTunes” in the setup wizard. Next, connect the smartphone to the PC and repeat the steps.

How to sync iPhone to iPhone on iOS 11?

The new version of the operating system has a special feature called “Quick Start”. With its help, you can quickly transfer settings from an old device to a newly purchased one.

It is important to know

The only condition for using “Quick Start” is the presence of iOS 11 on both smartphones.

To complete the procedure you must:


Until copying is complete mobile devices must be nearby. It is also recommended not to turn off Wi-Fi and put the smartphone on charge so that the automatic download media files from iCloud.

How to sync iPhone to iPhone via cloud?

Alternative option synchronization of two Apple devices will use third-party cloud storage. The method will allow you to continuously update specified files between two phones without using a recovery system backup copies.

Currently, the most popular services are:

  • DropBox – 2 GB free, can be expanded by inviting other users;
  • Yandex.Disk – 10 GB of free space;

Regardless of the cloud storage chosen, the process for setting up synchronization is almost identical. To start exchanging information between two iPhones you need to:

  • Visit the AppStore and install the appropriate application on both mobile devices.
  • Register in the cloud system on any of the phones.
  • Log in to your account on the second smartphone.
  • Select files or folders to sync. The information will be uploaded to the server and will be available for viewing on any device with the same account.

Changes made to files will be saved and updated, thus, when accessing them, the user will only have the current version of the data.

It is important to know

The advantage is space saving, which is achieved by storing it on the server: the document is downloaded to the device only at the time it is launched. To use a file without an Internet connection, you should set the “Offline use” option.

The methods discussed allow you to synchronize two iPhone devices for partial or complete transfer of existing information. The use of iCloud and iTunes implies a full transfer, which in most cases will require preliminary deletion of existing information. Cloud storage will provide synchronization and access to current version separate files.

Now the trend in the world is that every person has more and more various devices and gadgets that he regularly uses. Almost each of us has a laptop, smartphone and tablet at home, on which various programs are installed and all kinds of data are stored. This is not always convenient, because often you want to be able to work with any information, regardless of what gadget is in your hands. This problem is solved by synchronizing devices with each other. Among other companies, Apple has become the most successful in solving this problem. Therefore, in this article we will take a closer look at how to synchronize iPhone with iPad. Let's figure it out. Go!

Users want to have access to data from any home gadget

There are only two ways to solve this problem:

The easiest option for syncing an iPhone with an iPad is to create two accounts. The first is required to log into iTunes from an iPhone, and the second from an iPad. Then, using the “Data Transfer Wizard”, you can transfer data from one device to another. This approach would be appropriate if the iPhone and iPad have different accounts.

You can also create two separate storage areas. First, create a media library for iPhone and exit the program. Next, launch iTunes again, holding down the Shift key if you have Windows on your computer, or the Option key if you have a MacBook. A window will appear in front of you, asking you to select or create a media library. All that remains is to create a media library for the iPad, but under a different name. Using this method, information from calendars, contacts and other current information will be the same for both devices, while the data storage will be different.

In general, if you have both an iPhone and an iPad under the same account, then all changes made on one device will be reflected on the second. However, in this case, the iPhone and iPad will completely duplicate each other. In iTunes, you can configure synchronization settings so that only the data you think is necessary is duplicated.

In turn, the iCloud service also has quite wide capabilities for synchronizing various documents, mail, notes, contacts and other things.

As for applications, the situation is somewhat different. Simply duplicating applications is not enough. After all, all settings and saves will remain on each device separately. Synchronization will only make sense for those applications that store all their information in the cloud or on a server. More and more similar games and utilities appear every day. Of course, not everyone is happy with this, since the implementation of such a system requires an Internet connection, which is also not always convenient.

Now you know how to sync your iPad and iPhone. As you can see, this is done quite simply and does not take much time. Let me know in the comments if this article helped you and ask questions.