How to hide an application using a keyboard shortcut. How to hide a program from the list of installed programs in Control Panel How to hide a program from Control Panel

Hi all!

This feature is simply necessary when someone else is using your computer.

After all, this “someone” can “accidentally” spy on your personal information.

Or children use the computer - their “activities” can generally lead to the destruction of personal data.

I'll tell you how to hide files on your computer, using the example of the currently most popular operating system for personal computers– Windows 7. I use it for both work and entertainment, and I think most readers do too.

Established funds

So, let's get straight to the point. The first method is based on using the capabilities of Windows itself - those tools that are created to hide important files operating system from the user to avoid causing harm to it. The method allows you to make arbitrary files and directories invisible. The important thing is that in this case any conflicts with Windows are excluded, since everything is done using its own means.

How it's done? For experiments it is better to create a new folder:

  1. select a free area on the desktop,
  2. click right click mice,
  3. click “Create”,
  4. then - “Folder”.

That's it, a “New Folder” has appeared on the desktop. Now open its properties (again through the right button) and check the “Hidden” attribute, click “Ok”.

As a result new folder should either disappear or become translucent. In the second case, additional manipulations need to be done.

We turn to the “Control Panel” (through the menu opened by the “Start” button), where in the “Folder Options” section, open the “View” tab and check the box next to the line “Do not show hidden...” (at the bottom of the list of options). Click “Ok” and that’s it, the new folder on the desktop has become invisible!

To “return” it (as well as any other hidden directories), that is, to make it visible and accessible, you just need to set it to “Show hidden files, folders and drives.”

The method is proven and reliable, does not require additional programs and some special knowledge.

There is only one minus - a person who is well versed in computer intricacies can easily find your personal files if desired, by disabling hiding in the settings. But those who do not know how to find what is hidden will try to “dance” from the search, however, even after entering the name correctly hidden file, he will not receive any information about him from the operating system - there is no file, and that’s it!

A tricky way to hide information

If you want to make it so that some video file on your computer cannot be watched, then you can simply change its extension (the icon of the video file will change and it will not be possible to play it with a simple click).

To do this, select “Rename” in the menu with the right mouse button, edit the file name - replace (or remove) all the characters after the period, usually there are three of them. Although... it’s better not to change it, but to add one more dot, and after it put three new symbols, which obviously will not match any standard extension.

For example, the following are suitable: 00A, 11B, 5AB... (with numbers). In the future, to return the normal extension, you will simply need to remove the added one.

This method works with files of any type (but not with folders): Word documents, pictures, executable files...

The problem may be that the extensions are not showing operating system. Then you need to go to the settings before renaming (as described in the previous paragraph), turn off hiding extensions, and turn it on again after renaming.

A knowledgeable person, of course, will be able to figure this out, but this may take a lot of time.

You can hide it in the archive

A good option might be to use . An appropriate program, for example, WinRAR or 7-Zip, will help you securely hide documents or photos. As a rule, there is no need to select strong compression in the settings, but assigning a password to the archive is mandatory.

By moving files and folders to a password-protected archive, you will leave no chance for anyone to use them. Write down the password so you don’t forget.

The network is full of software, problem solver if not hiding files, then prohibiting or restricting access to them. As a rule, these are encryption programs. I strongly advise you to use such programs carefully (and!), otherwise your files may become inaccessible to you.

For those who want to understand this topic thoroughly, or simply become a more experienced PC user, there is a training course “ Computer genius" I advise you to take it, as a result of training you can learn a lot of useful and interesting things from the world of computers.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Security of your data – the main task for many users. Private information needs to be protected, but how can you do this if you don’t want to lock your entire phone? Great way– this is to hide the application icon. If the shortcut is not visible, then no one will be able to launch this program. In this regard, many users are interested in how to hide an application on Android. This is quite easy to do using standard functions or third-party software.

When will you need to hide shortcuts?

Every user has some private data on their phone. These could be personal photographs, any documents or accounts in in social networks or banks. Of course, you can, but you will have to enter it every time, which is very inconvenient. In this regard, some users prefer to simply hide the shortcuts so that scammers or very curious friends cannot get to your private data.

Removing the shortcut from the desktop

If you just need to hide some icon from the page on the main screen, you don’t have to install anything or go into the phone settings. All manipulations are performed directly on the desktop. To hide an application on Android, follow these steps:

After these steps, you will clear the screen page of this shortcut, but keep in mind that the icon will not disappear anywhere in the list of all programs.

Hide completely

But how to hide an application even from the general list of programs? This can also be done using standard settings V Android versions from 4 and above. Some phone manufacturers do not provide this feature. To hide applications, use the following instructions:

The same list will display hidden apps, a check mark will be placed opposite them. Finding hidden shortcuts will not be possible until you return them back.

How to hide pre-installed programs

The above method allows you to hide any applications. If you have problems with standard software, you can try an alternative option. Users will have to go into the settings of this app and then disable it. Don't know how to find a specific application page on your phone? Follow a few simple steps:

This method allows you to hide the application icon of most standard Google services such as “Press”, “Movies”, “Maps” and more. Now you know how to hide pre-installed and downloaded applications on Android. But if the standard phone functions do not work for some reason, you can try to perform these manipulations using third-party applications.

File managers and specialized programs

If you could not find the application menu or its specific settings, you can use AppMng 3. This is a functional program distributed free of charge in Google Play. With its help, you can clear the cache, view the memory status, or hide programs. To do this you need:

The program will automatically redirect you to the settings page. This is very convenient and will save your time. In the second tab you can find a list of hidden programs.

No less effective is specialized software called AppHider. It will also help you remove a program from your watch list, but to use it you will need to open Root rights. You can find AppHider in the official Play store Market. The main advantage of this program is that the user can set a password to unlock the visibility list. Thanks to this, even advanced users will not be able to restore the hidden application.

To hide the desired icon, follow these steps:

  1. Run the program and then give it superuser rights.

  2. Click on the “+” icon to add the program to hidden ones.
  3. Select the required application (or several) from the general list.
  4. When prompted to set a password, click Set it to select a password.
  5. Enter the number combination and then click Continue.
  6. Confirm your address mailbox recovery.

Now, to make the program visible again, you will have to enter the PIN code. This software will provide high level security of your data.

About all versions Windows removal software performed through the standard Control Panel applet "Programs and Features". If the program was installed in "for all users", every user can uninstall it. But it may happen that you will need to protect the program from deletion. The easiest way to protect yourself is hide it from the list installed applications.

Of course, an experienced user will immediately understand what's going on here, but "teapot" The absence of a program in the list of installed applications will certainly be puzzling. To hide an entry, a small edit of the registry will be enough. Open Registry Editor and expand the following branch:


In the catalog Uninstal you will see many subsections, each of which will correspond to some kind of software component. With some exceptions, the names of these subsections have the same names as those registered in the program's Control Panel applet. Let's say you need to hide a record about Mozilla Firefox . Find the catalog Mozilla Firefox and create a new one inside it DWORD parameter with name and value 1 .

There is another way. Find the string parameter in the application directory DisplayName and rename it to QuietDisplayName. The result will be the same. Without closing the Registry Editor, press F5 to refresh the applet list "Programs and Features" and make sure the application has been hidden.

This applies to cases where you installed the program yourself. If you need to hide the entry of an application installed with the rights simple user, you need to edit the indicated parameters from this branch:


If you use 64-bit system, and the application whose entry you want to hide is 32-bit, then all manipulations must be performed in this registry section:


In this post we will show how to hide any program from the list of installed ones in the Control Panel. Instructions apply to everyone Windows versions, starting with Windows XP and ending with the latest builds of Windows 10.

How to hide a specific program from the Programs and Features list in Windows

Let's say our task is to hide the entry about the installed 7-Zip archiver. Open Control Panel, go to section ProgramsandFeatures(Programs and Features) and make sure that the entry 7-zip 16.04 (x64) is present in the list of installed software.

In order to hide an entry about a program, you will need to make small changes to the registry. For this:

The application is also hidden from the list installed programs in a modern panel Windows management 10 (Settings -> Applications).

If you need to hide a program within a certain scenario or script, you can use the following command:

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-zip" /v SystemComponent /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Advice. There is another alternative way hide the program. To do this, just change the key name in the same branch DisplayName on QuietDisplayName.

To disable the hiding mode for a program, just delete the SystemComponent parameter or rename the DisplayName parameter, removing the word Quiet, changing the value of the SystemComponent key to 0 (command: REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-zip" / v SystemComponent /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f), or by deleting it.

Advice. If, in addition to an entry about a program, you need to hide the service corresponding to it, you can use the information from the article.

In the specified way can't be hidden system programs, such as a set of C++ libraries or the .NET Framework.

Hiding all installed programs from the user

If you want to completely prevent users from showing the list of installed applications in Programs and Features, you can do this using the gpedit.msc policy editor. Launch the policy editor, go to the section User Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Control Panel –> Programs and enable the policy Hide the Programs and Features page.

Update the policies using the gpupdate /force command and check that the Programs and Features window in Control Panel is not accessible to the user. The control panel will display the entry “ System administrator"Disabled the Programs and Features component."

Free program for hiding programs and active windows called, first of all, it will be very useful for office workers who do not like to work at work, as well as simply secretive people.

The thing is that HiddeX allows you to instantly, by pressing a button on the keyboard or mouse, hide (namely hide, and not minimize to the taskbar) certain items specified by you running programs or simply active Windows Explorer windows, and leave unspecified ones visible on the computer desktop. At the same time, she herself hides perfectly.

How to quickly hide programs and windows from the desktop

Eh, if this program had been installed on my work colleague’s computer, he wouldn’t be flying “on the ground” in any weather now, but would continue to shoot balls on the monitor while sitting in a warm office and his boss wouldn’t catch him doing this.

The official website of HiddeX has a very short guide to the program for hiding programs. I, in turn, will now try to describe it to you in more detail. So…

The program is portable (no need to install). Downloaded unzipped and let's launch...

We immediately click on “RU” and get the Russian program interface...

How to use HiddeX

In the upper section of the program for hiding programs we see all of our active windows. We find those that need to be hidden by pressing the magic hot button and by double-clicking on their lines we send them to the lower section of the HiddeX program...

Now we set the “panic button” on the keyboard for allocated active windows or programs...

...or on the mouse...

Now, when you press a specified button, the specified active windows or programs will instantly disappear. And they will not be minimized to the taskbar, but will be hidden completely.

If in additional settings check the box for “Hide in tray”...

...then the HiddeX program itself will be completely hidden along with the windows.

You can return it from the other world (and send it there again) using a combination of keys on the keyboard (by pressing them in sequence, without the plus signs, without releasing the previous one) Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12.

By unchecking the checkbox in the list of hidden windows, you can temporarily remove a specific program or active window from participating in this mess...

That's all the program for hiding programs and active windows HiddeX. I hope that it will be very useful to someone.

Until new useful ones computer programs And .