How to write a sample letter of appeal to the administration. How to send a letter to the President of Russia

In the life of any citizen, a situation arises when, in order to combat injustice and arbitrariness of local officials or resolve a complex issue, the only authority that can help restore violated rights is the President of the Russian Federation.

Many, faced with injustice and gross violation of their civil rights and freedoms in Russia, do not appeal to higher authorities with an official request. This is either due to fear, mistrust, or simply being lazy. In fact, write to V.V. Putin. Not only realistic, but also necessary.

Reporting the excesses and arbitrariness of local officials, which are already commonplace, is also necessary because it is thanks to such news that the highest state power can restore order in our country and restore the trampled rights of Russians.

Some people are stopped by ignorance of how to correctly write a letter to V.V. Putin. Now anyone can appeal to the President. And organizing this is easy thanks to the achievements of modern information technology.

A letter to Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich can also be written in the usual way on a piece of paper and bring it to the Presidential Administration. You need to make sure that it is processed and assigned an incoming identification number.

You can send a letter by mail to the following address:

index 10132, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, no. 23

The return address must be indicated on the envelope, otherwise the letter will not be considered.

How to write a message to the President online

One of the ways to send a letter to the President of the Russian Federation is the official website of the President Russian Federation http://www. Anyone who wants to write to the President can take advantage of this opportunity by going to the special “Appeals” section at: Write a letter and send an email directly to the President or his Administration.

The main requirement in order to write a message to Putin is to have your email address.

Electronic Mailbox You need it not only to send a message to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, but also to receive a response to your letter.

Before writing a message, you need to carefully read the rules for writing letters to the President.

Volume email should not exceed four thousand characters. You can find out the size of the letter in the “Statistics” section in Microsoft Word. Try to briefly state the facts on the topic of the letter and at the end write what decision you want from local governments that have violated the law.

You can attach materials or documents to the letter in xls, pcx, doc, bmp, mp3, ppt, pdf, txt, mp4, wma, jpg, tif, avi, pps, mkv, png, wmv, rtf, mov, flv format. Files must not be archived; the size of the attached file cannot be more than 5 MB.

Complaints to the President of the Russian Federation

Complaints V.V. Putin on the actions or inaction of an official are also sent to the address: Write a complaint

When writing an appeal, remember that a letter will not be accepted for consideration if:

  1. it contains obscene speech or offensive language
  2. the text is entirely in capital letters
  3. the text runs as a continuous canvas without division into separate sentences
  4. the text is typed in Russian and printed in Latin letters
  5. The email address indicated in the application form is incorrect or incomplete

Many Russians, faced with problems in resolving their issues through administrative structures, ask the question: “How to contact V.V. Putin personally?” As a rule, we are talking about complaints, requests or reports, for example, about corruption or inaction of local authorities. But the topic of appeals to the main official of Russia is in fact much broader. We will tell you about the procedure for filing a complaint with the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the rules for writing it.

Everyone's right to appeal

Citizens of the Russian Federation can appeal personally to the president of the country. This is approved by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is the main legislative document that contains information about freedom of speech and the opportunity for everyone to appeal to absolutely any government agency on issues within their competence. Including a complaint to the Administration of the President of Russia. So write an appeal to the president in any way in an accessible way(and we will list them below) every resident of the country has the right.

Ways to contact Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Any appeal to the President of Russia will definitely reach the addressee. The Presidential Administration works effectively and as quickly as possible with appeals from the population. Moreover, in order to simplify communication between ordinary citizens and higher ranks, not only traditional (regular mail) operates, but also electronic methods communications. Let's list all the options that exist.

  1. You can deliver your complaint in person to the reception office of the Presidential Office for handling appeals from citizens and organizations. Reception is carried out five days a week, starting from Tuesday and ending with Saturday inclusive. Reception hours for requests are from 9:30 to 16:30.
  2. The most common option so far is sending a registered (or simple) letter by mail. The address to be indicated on the envelope is 103132, Moscow, Russia, st. Ilyinka, house 23.
  3. There is another option to contact the Presidential Administration with a complaint - this is a special website. It is considered the most convenient and in a modern way send a request. And the least energy-consuming, because in order to fill out the form on the website and contact V. Putin, you don’t even have to leave your home. Of course, there will be a mandatory registration procedure, then you will find a form to fill out a complaint. And by calling 8-800-200-23-16 you can find out information about the deadline for a response to your application.
  4. Also, in the administrations of almost any locality in the country, as well as in the headquarters of the United Russia party, there are special terminals through which you can send a complaint. You will need to identify yourself by filling out your passport information, after which the terminal services will become available to you.
  5. The mobile reception desk is a whole team of specialists who, moving around different parts of Russia, collect requests from ordinary citizens. Through it you can contact not only the president of our country, but also the Prosecutor General’s Office, the State Duma and other authorities. In fact, this reception area is a kind of mobile office equipped with the necessary equipment. There are professional employees who are ready to help resolve all formalities in a short time. If a person with disabilities (vision, hearing) contacts them, then a specialist is assigned to work with him who will help him compose a letter correctly.

How to write a complaint to the president online?

To send a complaint to the Presidential Administration via the Internet, you need to go to To do this, find the "Case" tab in the "Case Processing Management" section. The standard part is filling out a form in which you will have to indicate your data: last name, first name, patronymic; (optional) name of the company or legal entity, your phone number and email, as well as your social status. In the case of an appeal to the head of state, this procedure is mandatory.

You need to write a complaint to the Presidential Administration in clear language, as competently as possible. Indicate the reason for your request, the fact of the incident or situation that is taking place. Give arguments why the president’s intervention is required on this issue (for example, all the authorities to which you have already addressed are inactive, corruption is taking place).

A sample complaint to the Presidential Administration is presented below.

How to inform the head of state about corruption?

Having become an eyewitness to the abuse of high official position by officials, or a witness to bribery (including extortion), commercial dishonesty, bribery and any other illegal use of official position that harms state and public interests, you have every authority to report this to the relevant authorities, including including the president of the country. This issue is regulated by Federal Law 273 “Anti-corruption”.

What should every law-abiding citizen do?

This law states that everyone, from citizens, local government departments, organizations and ending with federal government bodies, which are limited by their powers, when faced with corruption, are obliged to:

  • detect and eliminate the causes that led to the corruption situation;
  • prevent and suppress, as well as investigate corruption-related offenses;
  • eliminate or minimize the consequences of such offenses.

Rules for writing a complaint to the President of the Russian Federation

The requirements for this complaint are quite simple. Namely:

  1. The use of profanity, any kind of insults or obscene words in the text of the complaint is absolutely excluded. However, this general rule for any applications to authorities and government organizations. If you violate this rule, your complaint will not be accepted for consideration.
  2. The addressee of the complaint must be indicated very clearly - the President of the Russian Federation (and not any other authorities).
  3. You should not write a complaint regarding the consideration of judicial disputes, because this area is in no way controlled by the legislative and executive authorities.
  4. If a letter or electronic appeal to the head of state is sent from you personally, then you can attach all kinds of documents and certificates to it.
  5. The length of the complaint text should not exceed two thousand characters.
  6. Be sure to carefully check your address for accuracy, otherwise the response may not come to the right place.
  7. Also one of the requirements is compliance with the norms and rules of the Russian language.

How to write a complaint to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation so that it is considered?

This process addressed to the first person of the state should be focused on generally accepted norms of business style, as well as any other appeals to government agencies. So you can be guided by them if you have not found the exact sample.

So, having decided on the choice of delivering your message to V. Putin (by paper letter or electronic version), you draw up an appeal. The topic can be anything, but it is important that you understand that you have already used all other options for solving the problem that concerns you. Figuratively speaking, you should not complain to the president about the dirt in the entrance; there are other ways to resolve this issue.

In order to clarify any points from your complaint on the website of the Presidential Administration, specialists will call you at the address indicated in the letter phone number. If you applied through the website, it is possible that department employees will send questions to your email. You need to contact the president if the topic is topical, poses a threat to people’s health and lives, interferes with normal life, and its solution is delayed by local authorities or is not considered.

Deadlines for consideration of complaints

When contacting the President of the Russian Federation through the website, there is a very convenient opportunity to control the processing of your appeal through your Personal Area. You can see at any time of the day what stage the consideration of your complaint is at.

If you have chosen another way to contact the head of state, then the answer should come to you in paper form. You need to focus on the legally established period for processing and considering letters from Russian citizens addressed to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - 30 days from the date the complaint was received by the Presidential Administration. This is the maximum deadline for a response, so you can receive a decision on your appeal earlier.


So, an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation is a fairly simple procedure that is accessible to absolutely every citizen of the Russian Federation. It's just important to stick to simple rules how to submit a complaint to the Presidential Administration so that understanding of your problem when processing your appeal is accessible, and the answer is sure to reach its addressee.

In the life of any citizen, a situation may arise when, in order to solve a complex problem or in order to combat the injustice and arbitrariness of local officials, the only measure that can help restore rights remains the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

A lot of people, faced with injustice and gross violation of their civil rights and freedoms in Russia, do not apply to the highest authority with an official request. This is either due to fear, mistrust, or simply being lazy. In fact, writing is not only possible, but also necessary.

Signaling the excesses and arbitrariness of officials in the places where you are, which, unfortunately, are becoming a common occurrence, is also necessary because it is thanks to this news that the highest state power can restore order in the regions of Russia and restore the trampled rights of Russians.

Some people are stopped by not knowing exactly how to format a letter. Nowadays, anyone can contact Putin. And organizing this is very simple thanks to advances in technology.

A letter to Putin can be written in the usual way on paper and brought independently to the reception of the Presidential Administration. You need to make sure that it is registered and assigned an incoming number.

You can also send a letter to the following mailbox:

index 10132, Russian Federation, Moscow, Ilyinka street, building 23

The return address must be clearly indicated on the envelope, otherwise the letter will not be accepted.

How to write a message to V.V. Putin Online

One of the ways to send a letter to the President of Russia is the official website of the President of the Russian Federation http: //www. Anyone who wants to write to the President can take advantage of this opportunity by going to the special “Appeals” section at: Write a letter and send an email through this website directly to the President or his Administration.

The main requirement in order to write a message to the President is to have your own electronic mailbox.

An electronic mailbox is needed not only to send a letter to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, but also to receive a response to your letter.

Before writing a letter, you need to carefully read the rules for writing letters to the President.

The size of the email should not exceed 4 thousand characters. You can check the size of the letter in the “Statistics” section in Microsoft Word. Try to briefly present the information on the essence of the appeal and at the end write what decision you want from the local authorities that violated your rights.

You can attach documents or materials to your application in pps, wmv, tif, xls, png, ppt, txt, avi, pdf, mp4, mov, rtf, doc, flv, pcx, jpg, wma, mp3, bmp, mkv format. Files must not be zipped; the size of the attached file cannot exceed 5 MB.

Complaints to the President of the Russian Federation

Complaints to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin about illegal actions or inaction of an authorized person are also sent to the address: Write a complaint

In the life of any citizen, a situation arises when, in order to combat injustice and arbitrariness of local officials or resolve a complex issue, the only authority that can help restore rights remains Russia’s Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

A lot of people, faced with a gross violation of their civil liberties and rights and injustice in Russia, do not dare to contact higher authorities with an official request. This is due either to fear, mistrust, or simply laziness. In fact, writing to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is not only possible, but also necessary.

It is also necessary to signal the excesses and arbitrariness of local officials, which are commonplace, because thanks to these letters, the highest bodies of state power can restore order in the Russian Federation and restore the rights of their citizens.

Some of our fellow citizens are stopped by not knowing exactly how to write a letter to the President. Nowadays, everyone without exception can appeal to the President. And organizing this is very simple thanks to the achievements of information technology.

A letter to the President can also be written “The old fashioned way” on a piece of paper and brought to the reception of the Presidential Administration. Be sure to make sure that it is registered and an incoming number is assigned to your letter.

You can also send a letter to the following mailbox:

10132, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, no. 23

The return address must be indicated on the envelope, otherwise the letter will not be accepted.

How to send a message to the President online

One of the ways to write a message to the President of Russia is the official website of the President of the Russian Federation http: //www. Anyone who wants to contact the President can take advantage of this opportunity by going to the “Appeals” section at: Write a letter and send a letter directly to the President or his Administration.

The minimum requirement to write a letter to V.V. Putin needs his own electronic mailbox.

An email address is required not only to send your message to the President, but also to receive a return message to your letter.

Before writing a message, you need to carefully read the rules for writing letters to the President.

The length of the email should not exceed four thousand characters. You can check the size of the letter in the “Statistics” section in Microsoft Word. Try to briefly summarize the information on the topic of the appeal and at the end write what decision you want from the local authorities that violated your rights.

Materials or documents in xls, txt, mp4, avi, png, mkv, tif, ppt, pdf, mp3, jpg, wma, rtf, wmv, mov, pps, doc, flv, pcx, bmp formats can be attached to the message. Files must not be archived; the size of attached files cannot be more than 5 MB.

Complaints to the President of the Russian Federation

Complaints to Vladimir Putin about illegal actions or inaction of an official can also be sent to the following address: Write a complaint

Sergey Vladimirovich 18/02/2016 at 19:05

We ask you to consider the actions of traffic police officers in the city of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory. So, on April 26, 2015, at approximately 23:40 on Kirov Avenue, opposite house No. 67 in the city of Pyatigorsk, my friend and I observed such a moment as a traffic police patrol car, Hyundai Solaris, registration plate U 40-03 26, stopped an Audi A7 car. registration plate M002AE-26 black, which was in a circular film covering. A driver unknown to us got out and sat down in their patrol car, after about 5-7 minutes he got out of the patrol car, got into his car and drove away at high speed. After this, about 5 minutes passed and a traffic police officer with the rank of police major got out of the patrol car and went to the nearest trash can and threw the crumpled papers there and then left the place. After he left, we approached this trash can and saw two protocol forms there;
1) Protocol prohibiting the operation of land-based vehicle, number 26 ШШ 004565;
2) Protocol on the detention of a vehicle, number 26 PZ 004690; in which it is not clear that it is written, and along with copies of protocols, and as they say traffic police officers, strict reporting forms, but based on the actions of this employee, I think that there is no and they see a violation of the law.
Similar cases have happened before, copies of protocols were burned, copies of decisions that drivers who violated traffic rules should have received, and where there are video recordings as evidence.
Also, in similar cases, we turned to the head of the traffic police, police lieutenant colonel for the city of Pyatigorsk, Alexander Evgenievich Frolov, but he answered us “in words” that official checks are being carried out and these employees will definitely be punished, but everything continues as it was before and there are always no there have been no changes in the area of ​​traffic police work, and the head of the traffic police, A.E. Frolov, is aware of all violations of the law committed by traffic police officers, but no measures are taken by them.
We also asked the same question to the deputy head of the traffic police for the city of Pyatigorsk, police lieutenant colonel Vladimir Vladimirovich Khorogrov, but to which he answered us: deal with your problems yourself and escorted us out of the building of the traffic police department for the city of Pyatigorsk.
We sent the above protocols to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. of the city of Moscow to check and identify violations in the actions of a traffic police officer and whether the protocol data that ultimately ended up in the trash bin is genuine.
We believe that these are violations of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and the law on police, and where there is a corruption component in the actions of these traffic police officers, as well as the exercise of weak control over the work of the traffic police by the head of the traffic police, A.E. Frolov, and the deputy head of the traffic police, V.V. Khorogrov.
We ask you to objectively understand and conduct an internal inspection of this fact and bring these traffic police officers to justice under the law, and check how the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., actually conducts internal inspections for similar and similar violations by traffic police officers in the city. Pyatigorsk, and whether the above protocols are valid. We have made many appeals to different structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there is no result since the wife of the head of the traffic police, A.E. Frolov, works as a federal judge in the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory! If possible, bring this issue to the general council and television! We want the traffic police in Pyatigorsk to work according to the law and without any cronyism! We hope for your support!!!