How to create a new folder on iPhone 7. Creating photo albums on iPhone and iPad

Almost everyone iPhone owner Full of applications installed. And it’s not always convenient, having several desktop pages, to find something every time. Probably few people realize that it is possible create a folder on iphone using iOS itself and placing applications there. This way you can sort office applications, games, etc. In this short article we will talk about how to make a folder in an iPhone of any model.

Just keep in mind that this feature is only available in devices running iOS version 4.0 and higher (iPad 4.2.1 and higher). Folders in iPhone and iPad are limited in quantity: iPhone and iPod touch you can create 180 folders with 12 applications each, and on the iPad 220 folders with 20 applications.

How to create a folder on iPhone

(On the iPad, folders are created similar to these steps.)

1.Create a folder on iPhone is easier simple. First of all, unlock your device and enable desktop editing mode. To do this, press and hold one of the icons on the desktop for a few seconds. The icons will begin to shake and crosses will appear. In this mode, you can drag application icons and delete them permanently.

2. Grab the required application, drag it on top of the other (a frame will appear) and release it. A folder will appear with an automatically selected name, which you can immediately edit. Other applications can be placed in the folder in the same way.

3.Complete editing by pressing the single menu button.

You can see applications in a folder by clicking on it, as when launching an application. In the same way, you can then edit the name and applications in the folder in edit mode.

How to delete a folder on iPhone

Activate desktop editing mode. Press your finger on one of the icons on the screen and do not release until all the icons begin to shake. On the right top corner You will notice crosses on each icon. To delete a folder, click the folder icon and drag all application icons to the desktop (except for the folder), or delete them all if necessary. After all application icons have been moved from the folder or deleted, the empty folder will be deleted.

The topic of today's instructions: “ How to make a folder on iPhone and iPad" If you have already learned, then the working screens of your tablet or phone begin to gradually fill with a variety of games and programs. In order to restore some order and sort scattered applications, you can use folders, provided that your gadget supports their creation.

The fact is that support for creating folders for devices running on iOS-based, appeared in firmware 4.0 and higher, if lower, then you will not be able to create a folder using the operating system of your iPhone or iPod touch. Tablet Apple iPad began to support the creation of folders with the advent of firmware iOS versions 4.2.1.

Despite the fact that the process of creating folders is the same on all devices, we decided to create separate subsections for both iPad and iPhone users.

Creating a folder on iPhone and iPod touch
1. To start creating a folder, you need to activate the editing mode of the working screen; this can be done by touching any icon and holding it for several seconds.

2. The icons will begin to shake and it will be possible to move the icons around the screen; grab the icon of any application with your finger and drag it. As soon as you point one application at another, almost instantly a folder will be created into which these applications will immediately move.

3. In the created folder, you can see the name that the iPhone selects independently. If your phone makes a slight mistake with the name of the contents of your folder, you can tap the name and edit it. You can use standard .

To date iPhone firmware allows you to create 180 folders. One worker folder iPhone screen or iPod touch holds 12 application icons.

Create folders on your iPad

1. Making a folder on iPad is as easy as on iPhone. Hold any icon and jam until all the icons start shaking.

2. Select the icon that you want to place in the folder and attach it to another icon.

3. After being lost, the icons form a folder and move into it. The folder name can be edited; you can use .

The Apple iPad has the ability to organize 220 folders using the above method. Due to the size of its screen, the tablet can accommodate 20 applications in each folder.

Once you have learned how to create folders on your iPhone or iPad, your home screen will be organized. Puzzles to puzzles, races to races and so on. Created folders, like application icons, can be moved between screens in editing mode. Folders are a useful thing, so we recommend the instructions - “”.

Today we will talk about how to create a folder on iPhone. Let's look at all the steps step by step and make clear instructions.

Some iPhone owners use their gadget only as a phone, without revealing its full potential.

There are also Go users who try to “squeeze all the juice out of it” by installing a huge number of applications.

There is nothing wrong with this, but we all know that iOS does not have such a menu as in Android devices.

That is, the system is displayed in the form of many desktops, respectively, than more programs installed and displayed on the screen, the more time it takes to find what you need.

There are two methods to create a folder on iPhone. Next we will look at each of them in more detail.

Method No. 1: Create a folder directly on the phone

Let's take as an example the standard iPhone desktop with several installed programs(Fig. 1).

Storing programs in directories is really very convenient.

For example, the screenshot shows that the user uses applications such as Viber and Facebook, respectively, they can be combined into one, which will contain utilities for communication.

Click on the icon of one of them. When it starts to twitch, drag it over the icon of the application with which they should be together.

In Fig. 2 you can clearly see how Notes and Reminders are combined into one folder.

Once the directory is created and consists of two programs, you can add others to it.

For this we take a shortcut desired application and drag it into the folder created from Notes and Reminders. As can be seen in Fig. 3, we also added a Calculator there.

When creating such folders, keep in mind that each of them has a limit of 12 utilities, that is, you cannot add more.

To avoid confusion, the icon will contain small icons of the programs that are located there.

Catalogs move around the screen in the same way as applications.

Advice! Combine only applications of a similar nature into folders, otherwise you will only confuse yourself more!

How to rename a folder?

When a directory is created, the system automatically gives it a name based on the programs inside. If necessary, you can rename it.

To do this, you need to open it and click on the name.

How to remove an application from a folder?

Removing a program from the created directory is not difficult. Open it, and then hold down the unnecessary icon. She should shake.

As soon as this happens, take it and drag it outside, to the desktop. In Fig. 5 you can see how we “throw away” the Calculator.

How to delete a folder?

In order to delete a directory, you need to remove all programs from it one by one, as described in the previous paragraph.

As soon as it remains empty, it will instantly be removed from the screen.

Method #2: Create a folder via iTunes

First, connect your phone to your computer. After a few seconds, the program recognizes the device. Select your smartphone from the sidebar.

In Fig. 6 shows where you need to select a phone.

By clicking on the tab called “Applications”, you can open a copy of your phone’s desktop on your computer.

It allows you to move utilities around in the same way as you would on a smartphone screen.

See Fig. where you need to click and what it all looks like. 7.

If there are a lot of programs, it can be very difficult to find them. iTunes has a search bar specifically for this. How it looks is shown in Fig. 8.

The creation procedure is the same as directly on the phone.

You need to drag one application onto another, and then drag other necessary icons onto the icon of the created folder.

There is nothing difficult about creating a directory on the iPhone desktop. If there are very few epochs, the first method is ideal.

If there are a huge number of them, it will be more convenient to manage folders on the computer screen.

Instructional video:

How to create a folder on iPhone

How to create a folder on iPhone: Best solutions

iOS devices enable users systematize information by placing it on several menu tabs, as well as sorting applications into folders. Creating them is quite simple:

In addition, in the folder itself you can also create required number of work areas. In other words, you can place two applications in one folder in one workspace, and move the third to the second. This way they will scroll through like sections of the main menu.

This approach to data distribution may be quite good. protective tool. For example, if an unlocked smartphone suddenly ends up in the hands of a stranger, it will not be so easy for him to find the messenger and read the correspondence or find a gallery where personal photos are stored. Disadvantage This approach is for the user risk get confused in the intricacies of your folders and programs.

Changing the directory name

Everyone is free to choose the criteria according to which utilities will be located in one section. However operating system equipped scripts, analyzing the category of each application. Therefore iOS automatically assigns folder name based on the collected data. If you wish, you can change name any directory. To do this you need:

Setting a password

iOS for now does not provide setting a password for individual folders, relying on a password and a fingerprint scanner, which are quite sufficient in most cases.

There is a use case software products from third party developers. They are not allowed to set passwords on device directories, because providing this level of access to the system outside of Apple significantly reduces it safety. However, such software solutions How FolderLock allow you to save photos, videos, text documents or even audio files in the application itself. Directly when logging into the utility, you can set an additional password for more reliable protection of confidential data.

Scrolling through screens on your smartphone until you find the application you need is not always convenient, but you can put your iPhone desktop in order by organizing everything into folders. It’s not difficult, and it will save you a lot of time in the future. Let's figure out how to create a folder on iPhone 6.

Making a folder on iPhone

  • First, we decide on the applications that will go there. There should be at least two of them, preferably more.
  • Now press the icon of the required application until the screen reacts with a slight wiggle of all the icons on the desktop. You have entered the editing state; to exit it, press the Home key.
  • The time has come to create it; to do this, drag the icon of the selected application onto the icon of another program. When they touch each other, a folder is created that will contain both utilities you selected.
  • You can give it a different name and change the contents.

Managing folders

When you create a folder, it will be given a name automatically, depending on what applications are stored inside. If you are going to change the name, just go to the directory and then click on the name. A keyboard will open, with which you can enter any suitable name.

You can remove the application from there. To do this, click on the icon until it wiggles, and then drag it to the desktop. You can delete a folder, this is done in a few steps, just remove all applications from it. When you remove the last one, it will be gone. If you have a lot of folders, you can remove all applications from them at once; to do this, visit the settings section. There we look for the “Reset” menu, and in it the column responsible for resetting the desktop placement settings. All directories will be deleted, the programs that were in them will be transferred to the desktop, and then arranged in alphabetical order.

Create a folder using iTunes

There is another interesting way to create folders. Connect your iPhone to your computer and select the device in the iTunes panel. Now click on the “Applications” tab, where a copy of the smartphone screen will be displayed. You can drag and move programs using the same method you did on your phone, but now with your mouse. There is also a search function, from the search results of which you can move applications immediately to a specific location.

Such storage for applications has a certain limit - you cannot move more than 20 icons there. Now you know how to properly create folders in iOS, edit their content, rename them and perform other actions. Creating them is an excellent method of organizing the information that is contained on the desktop of your device. We hope that our instructions helped you.