How to create a new Apple ID: registering in the App Store without a card. How to create a new Apple ID from an iOS device

Surely most of our readers are registered and actively use the largest social network in Russia and the CIS, VKontakte, also known as Many also know that any page (be it a profile page, group page, public page or meeting) has its own unique identifier - VKontakte ID.

And if previously the digital ID was always displayed in address bar browser, then for quite some time now you can set for any page beautiful name of letters and numbers, which will be displayed instead of the "sequence number". But in some situations, we still need the digital identifier of a particular page, which is not so easy to find at first glance.

It's about what is VKontakte page ID what they are like, how to find out your or someone else's ID address in VK, as well as the ID of the public/group/meeting, you will learn today from this detailed instruction article.

What is a VKontakte id and what does it look like?

Before we figure it out, how to find out id the object you need in social network VKontakte ( we want to briefly tell you about what an id in VK is, why it is needed, and what types this identifier is.

VKontakte ID is a unique identifier that any page on VK has: user profile, public page, group or meeting. The IDs of these pages are slightly different. The ID is assigned when the page is created and cannot be changed in the future.

Let's first figure out what IDs we need to know and how to distinguish them. id 1234567890 - ID person profile public 1234567890 - ID public page(public) club 1234567890 - ID groups event 1234567890 - ID meetings

ID includes only one of the above Latin words and numbers (and only numbers, not letters!).

How to find out your VKontakte ID

Most often, users need to look at their ID in It couldn't be easier to do this. Your profile ID can be found in the address bar of your browser (if you have not set a nickname for yourself), or in your profile settings.

At first, all VKontakte users had only a digital ID, and there was no problem finding out yours at all, but for quite some time now everyone has been able to set a unique name for themselves, which is displayed instead of an ID in the browser.

If you haven't done this, just click on the link "My page" on the left side of the screen and you will see your ID in the address bar of your browser.

If instead of a digital identifier you see text in English, it means you have set yourself a beautiful address for your profile page. But it’s okay, in this case you can see the ID in the settings in just a couple of clicks.

Click on the VK profile name in the upper right corner and select the item in the drop-down menu "Settings".

Just below on the main settings screen you will see the page address you have set. Click the button "Change" next to him.

A field with the name will appear under the "Page Address" line "Page number"- this is your ID on the VKontakte social network.

Now you have found out your ID. But if it’s quite easy to look up your number, then in order to look up another person’s ID, sometimes you may need to work a little (just a little), and sometimes it’s no more difficult to do this than to find out your ID.

How to find out the ID of another VKontakte user

In order to find out someone else's ID, you need to do the following. Open the profile of the person whose ID you want to see and simply hover over his avatar. In most browsers, a pop-up address bar will appear in the lower left (or right) corner, in which you will find the person's ID.

IN in this case ID is set of numbers after the word photo And before the underscore, i.e. 1234567890.

If your browser does not show a pop-up message on hover, then this is also not a problem. Click on the user’s avatar and in the address bar of the browser you will also see the ID of this profile, similar to the option above, after the word photo and before the underscore there will be exactly what you were looking for.

Everything can be made even simpler if you have a correspondence with a VKontakte user whose ID you want to know. In this case, simply open your dialogue in the "Messages" tab and in the address bar of your browser you will see the ID of this profile immediately after the letters "im?sel=".

As you can see, finding out the id of any user is not at all difficult. However, none of the above methods (except the last one) will work if you are on a person’s blacklist. What to do in this case? Let's talk.

How to find out ID if you are on the black list (blocked)

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to find out the ID of the person whose blacklist you are on, i.e. locked down. In this case, you can also view his ID, but it’s a little more complicated; to do this you will have to open the code of his VKontakte profile page.

Open a page to which access is restricted for you, call context menu right-click anywhere on this page and select the item "View code"/"View element code" or similar, depending on your browser.

Enter the text in the search bar that opens using the page code "user_id". As a result of the search, you will see this text in the page code, followed by the digital ID of the VKontakte user, which is what we need.

As you can see, it is quite easy to find out the ID of any VK user, even if you are on his blacklist.

How to find out the ID of a public, group or meeting

The simplest thing in this entire instruction is to find out the public ID, group ID or VKontakte meeting ID. This can be done in many ways in various ways, and here are a couple of the simplest ones.

Click on the avatar of the public/group/meeting and you will see the identifier in the address bar of your browser immediately after the word "photo-" And before the underscore.

The group doesn't have an avatar? No problem. Open any post on her wall and you will find the desired ID still there, in the address bar, this is numbers before underscore and after "wall-".

In the same way, you can view the ID by opening albums or videos of the group. As you can see, it’s nothing complicated; one of the proposed methods will definitely help you find out the required identifier.

In order to fully use your iPhone you need create an Apple ID. With this user account you will be able to use AppStore and iTunes— download paid and free content (games, music, applications). Use a unique service IMessage, which allows you to receive and send free multimedia messages (between Apple users only). Make free audio and video calls to FaceTime.

And of course, use another one free service from Apple- iCloud. Thanks to which all your photos, videos, documents, music, applications and other files will be securely stored in the cloud and synchronized across all your devices. Therefore, you will always have access to the necessary files. Apple provides 5 free GB for its users. Detailed instructions By setting up iCloud you can find.

Tune Apple ID can be found in your phone settings. To do this, select the item in the settings menu App Store and iTunes Store, then create new apple ID.

This method is only for those who have a bank card and plans to link it to his account for future purchases, if there isn't one, then you won't be able to create an ID this way. If you still have a bank card, then you must follow the instructions, indicating your details. Next, you just need to fill out the form, as indicated below.

If there is still no card, you must create an account in a different way. Absolutely uncomplicated. For this we go straight to the AppStore and select any one you need free application and click download? then click “Create a new Apple ID.”

This is followed by standard ID registration, only the card is no longer required. You need to prepare in advance email, which you use, or will use on permanent basis, you also need to know the email password. Choose a country as desired (if you choose Belarus, the AppStore will on English language , Russia- in Russian), enter your address Email and password.

The email address is your Apple Id. The password must contain at least 8 characters, including numbers, upper and lowercase letters, and the same character cannot be repeated more than three times in the password, and spaces are not allowed.

Then, to enhance security, you need to answer three security questions. It’s better to answer them honestly in order to remember them better, or, alternatively, write them down. They can needed to recover your account.

The backup email field can be left blank. A bank card is not required in this case, mark this with a tick.

Paragraph Gift cards ITunes leave blank. Fill in your personal information (first and last name, postcode and phone number), click next. If you are registering a Russian Apple Id (so that it is in Russian), you must indicate the Russian postal code and phone number. Not necessarily existing.

Then you need check your email. On email, specified during registration, you should receive an email from Apple to confirm your account. Open this email, click Verify now. Enter your Apple ID (which is your email) and password. If suddenly the letter was not in the mail, check your spam folder.

Apple ID created, now you can go to the AppStore and download whatever your heart desires. The main thing is not to forget your password and security questions. Enjoy your use)

To have access to Apple services, each user must register an account, which is commonly called an Apple ID. Like any other account, this one also consists of a login and password. How is the login used? email address, which users “shine” always and everywhere, so it’s easy to recognize. Given the large range of programs for selecting and cracking passwords, it is possible to gain access to Apple ID today. Apple understands this, which is why they offer users the protection that is relevant today - two-step authentication. True, this requires a special code, and many users simply do not know where to enter the Apple ID verification code.

By the way, Apple offers two-step verification for iOS 8 (and earlier) users, and for those luckier (iOS 9 and older), two-step verification. You should still know where to enter the Apple ID verification code, because both methods are similar to each other.

What is two-step verification?

This is additional protection, thanks to which no one will gain access to the Apple ID even if he knows the login/password pair. To access it you will still need a specific set of numbers, which he will not have.

If you don't know where to enter your Apple ID verification code, see the following instructions.

  1. Go to the official website Enter your login and password, secret code.
  2. We study the information about the verification that is issued automatically. Next, click “Continue”. It may happen that information about two-step verification will not be displayed. You can find it in the section "Edit - Security - Configure - Two-step verification."
  3. In the next window you must enter your phone number. It will receive codes via SMS to complete the verification. It is not necessary to choose your phone number. You can indicate the number of your parents, wife, etc.
  4. On next page You need to check the phone number you provided. You should receive a code via SMS. Enter it in the window that appears. If it is not there, then click on the “Resend code” button.
  5. After entering the code, the program will prompt you to select auxiliary gadgets to receive a verification code. Here you can specify additional trusted smartphones. Each trusted smartphone will have to be confirmed via SMS.
  6. After confirmation, you will see the recovery key. It is complex and unchangeable. It needs to be kept in a safe place - it will be used if you suddenly forget the password to your Apple ID account or simply lose your trusted smartphone.
  7. In the next window you will have to enter again. This may seem strange to some, but this is normal. This step focuses the user's attention on the importance of the key. Enter the code from the sheet without copying it programmatically.
  8. Lastly, we accept the verification conditions.

That's it. The check is activated. Now when I try to log in Apple account ID will require an Apple ID verification code. You now know where to enter it. The attacker also knows, but he will not be able to log into the account, because he simply does not have a trusted smartphone.

By the way, it is best to indicate a trusted phone number not of your own, but of a close relative. If suddenly someone steals your iPhone, they can easily log into your Apple ID, because the verification code will be on the same phone.

Two-Step Verification

There is no practical difference between verification and authentication. At least the user won't notice them. In both cases, you need to know where to enter the Apple ID verification code. In both cases, an SMS with a verification code is sent to the phone, after specifying which access to the account is granted.

Authentication is enabled in the settings. There is a menu item "Password and...". Authentication may also be available in iCloud settings, in the Apple ID tab - “Password and Security”. Click on "Enable". The protection will be enabled, but not yet activated.

Now we need to configure authentication. We enter a trusted number, wait for the code, and confirm the smartphone. Now the protection is activated, next you need to figure out where to enter the Apple ID verification code. When logging into any Apple service, you will need to provide a login and password. And then the code will be sent via SMS. It must be entered after the login/password pair.

What is the difference?

It’s easy to see that there are practically no differences between two-step verification and authentication. Both require an Apple ID verification code to sign in, so what's the difference?

Apple claims that it is more reliable and modern protection. And although the user does not see the difference, the authentication system more effectively verifies devices and sends verification codes. Overall the optimization is much better.

Now you know where to enter your Apple ID verification code. But first the protection needs to be turned on.


I highly recommend using this protection. Regardless of what your operating system(old or new), use two-step authentication or verification, as this protection negates any efforts of thieves to find out access to your account. Well, if you don’t know where to enter the Apple ID verification code, then there will be no problems with this, because the user interface is so simple that even a child can figure it out.

All those who have switched to an iPhone are probably interested in how to create an Apple ID. After all, it is this identifier that allows you to download games and applications, as well as use other services of Apple services. In fact, this is the same Google account that Android users use for the same purposes.

Full list The capabilities that Apple ID provides on an iPhone or other Apple devices are as follows:

  • Installation Apps Store;
  • Using iCloud, Apple's cloud, which makes it possible to store all data without the risk of losing it;
  • Using iMessage, FaceTime and other instant messengers;
  • Search Apple devices if it is lost or stolen.

Now let's move on directly to creating this very Apple ID.

Method number 1. App Store

Most users use this method, since it is the simplest and does not require any special knowledge to perform it.

So, to create an Apple account on iPhone, you need to do the following:

  • We go to the App Store through the corresponding button on the desktop.

  • Choose absolutely any free application. It is better to choose what you really need, since at first the system will not allow you to install it without Apple ID, but then it will be installed anyway. On the application page, click on the “Free” button.

Clue: To select free applications, at the bottom of the App Store window you need to click the “Top Charts” button and select the “Free” category. You can also use the search.

  • The "Free" button will be replaced with "Install". We click on it too.

  • After this, a window will appear in which you will need to choose whether to download the application with your existing Apple ID or create a new one. In our case, click the “Create Apple ID” button.

  • In the next window you will need to select your country. If the iPhone was purchased in Russia, this country will be the default. The same applies to the others. To select another country, you just need to click on the country inscription (in Figure No. 5 this is Russia) and click on the desired country in the drop-down list. After that, click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.

  • In the next window we will be asked to read the license agreement. It is quite extensive here, but it is advisable to read it in its entirety. After reading, you will need to click the “Accept” button at the bottom of the page.

  • Click the “Accept” button again. If in doubt, click “Cancel”. This is a simple “fool test”, if we speak in programmers’ terms.

  • In the next window, you will need to enter your email address and create a password, and then enter it twice in the appropriate fields. Here you can use absolutely any e-mail you have, no Apple restrictions doesn't.

Important: Your Apple ID password must meet certain requirements. So it must consist of at least eight characters, contain numbers, one capital letter and one small letter. Otherwise, the system will not accept such a password and will ask you to come up with a new one. It is also advisable not to use the same characters in the password.

  • Now you will need to choose three secret questions and write down the answers to them. This is done in cases where the user forgets his data and needs to be restored.

  • You are then prompted to enter a backup email address. Again, it is needed in case of data loss. Although this is not necessary, it is better to enter an additional e-mail.

  • After this, you need to indicate your date of birth by clicking on the appropriate item and selecting the desired option.

  • Now you can subscribe to news iTunes Store and other newsletters from Apple. In most cases, users refuse such services. To do this, you just need to click on the corresponding switch (in Figure No. 12, these are circled with green ovals). After this, click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.

  • Next, you should indicate your payment information - the type of plastic card and its number. After completing these steps, you will need to click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.

Clue: You can create an account without credit card. To do this, you just need to click on “No” (highlighted in blue in Figure 13) on the payment details page. But without a credit card, you won't be able to purchase paid apps.

  • We indicate contact information - last name, first name, residential address, telephone number and other information. All this is needed in case you need to issue an invoice for any services, and the information about bank card No. After this, click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page again.

  • Now you need to look at the email address you specified earlier. You will receive a letter with a password, which you will need to enter in the window shown in Figure 15 and click the “OK” button.

That's all. Now you can freely use all the functions of Apple ID on your iPhone. Interestingly, you can create a new ID even if you already have an existing one. Now let's talk about the second method of creating an Apple ID.

Method number 2. iTunes

After the program is downloaded and installed, you need to do the following:

  • Launch the iTunes program and in the iTunes Store (you can select this in the panel on the left), select any free application and click on the “Free” button next to it (such buttons are shown in red lines in Figure No. 16). In the window that opens, click on the “Create Apple ID” button.

  • In the window that opens, click the “Continue” button. This is the page Apple presentations ID.

  • Next we will be asked to read a large license agreement. It is advisable to do this, and then click the “I Agree” button, that is, “I agree.”

  • On the next page we indicate all the same information as in the first method, that is, email address, password, three security questions, additional email and date of birth. Only here all this is collected on one page, and not on several.

  • On the next page you will need to provide your payment information. Most likely, you are not located in the USA, so you will need to indicate this by clicking on the “click here” inscription at the top of the page (highlighted with a red line in Figure No. 20). The payment information page itself will look exactly the same as shown in this figure, only instead of lines for states, there will be lines for country and region. After filling out this information, you need to click the “Create Apple ID” button.

  • On the next page, enter your address and click the “Create Apple ID” button again.

  • After this, the program will display a message stating that an email should be sent with a link to confirm your registration. We go to the mail, find the link there and confirm.

In the video below you can clearly see how an Apple ID is created in iTunes program on the computer.

Getting an Apple account is the first task of any owner of an iOS device. Moreover, it is better to do this immediately after purchasing it. Without an ID number, you will not be able to use the functionality of your iPhone or iPad 100%. If you want to purchase software from the AppStore or reflash a gadget, all these tasks will require ID confirmation. This number will allow you to activate the search option, and if you lose your device, you can easily find it. The same function will help you put a block on your gadget if it is stolen.

But the most attractive thing about having an ID is the ability to download hundreds of applications from the Apple store for free. Anyone here will find software to suit their taste. Programs are presented in a wide variety of categories - for work, entertainment, leisure...

In the “cloud” you will have access to 5 GB of space. All copies of your device data will be stored here. And if you set up automatic backup, they will be generated daily.

As a rule, an account is created during the very first launch of the iOS device. But if you prefer the representative of the sixth line to the old iPhone model, tie it to the current number.

To begin registration, create a new e-mail intended for this purpose. All data must be entered correctly, so that in case of problems, when you need to put a block on the gadget or remove it, you can easily remember everything.

Next, let's talk about the different options for creating an account. This operation is performed both from a PC/laptop through a well-known iTunes app, and through the device itself. Both methods do not require much effort and time. Read on for the procedure for each of them.

Here it is possible to undergo regular registration with or without indicating the bank account number. Specifying payment information is necessary for those who plan to purchase many different products in the AppStore. If you don’t need this, feel free to choose the second path.

In any case, you will have to go through the following steps to create an account:

  • At normal situation with a card - go to the iTunes Store section and select the option to create a new ID. If for some reason you categorically do not want to indicate the card number, go to the AppStore and find any freely accessible software there. Download and install it on your iPhone. A window will immediately pop up asking you to log in using your current account or creating a new one. Choose the latter.
  • The subsequent steps will be the same, regardless of your attitude towards using the card. You will need to select your country of residence. Here it is recommended to choose Russia, even if you are in the CIS. The fact is that for the Russian-speaking public the list of applications is more diverse.
  • Read and accept the license agreements.
  • Enter the requested e-mail data, a complex combination of password characters, remember. That it cannot be identical to the login, that is, the ID itself.
  • When entering age information, remember that there is an age limit. Thus, the company does not allow persons under 13 years of age to register. Downloading software is possible from the age of 18.
  • Provide answers to the questions and be sure to write them down on paper so you can recall them if necessary.
  • A window will pop up for you to enter payment information or with the line “No”, depending on the previously selected method. Write everything you need.
  • Click on the “Next” element, this step will complete the operation. All that remains is to go to the mailbox. There should be a message from apple asking you to confirm your ID. It will also contain a link that you need to follow.

Using iTunes to Create an ID

As in the previous method, there are 2 options here - work with or without a bank card. Choose what you need most. And the algorithm will be as follows:

  • Go to the iTunes menu, and then to the store. But this is only after providing a card number. If without this, select any free software for downloading and go to the menu through it.
  • From this step everything is normal for both methods. We get to the login field through the current or new account - your choice. We focus on creating a new ID number.
  • We provide real information about ourselves. If possible, we write down the answers and store them in a safe place.
  • We enter the data on the bank card, that is, payment details. If you logged in using free software, select “No”.
  • Find the button for creating an ID number at the bottom and click on it.
  • We are waiting for a message from the Apple company to our e-mail and follow the link. Keep in mind that it does not always arrive at lightning speed; sometimes you need to wait 1-2 minutes. In situations like these, it's a good idea to check the spare box. If you incorrectly specified at least one character in the main, then the message will arrive there. Double-check your spam folders and trash folder. Postal providers do not always identify them correctly.

Advantages of having an ID number

As you have already understood, creating an ID is a simple and time-consuming operation. But the result will be excellent. It will be expressed in such advantages as:

1 Access to a variety of software and other products. Other manufacturers mobile devices can't boast of anything like that. Moreover, most applications are distributed freely, that is, they can be downloaded without any payment. And if you decide to purchase a paid product, its cost is unlikely to exceed $7-10. Downloading can be done directly from an iPhone via the cloud or via a PC/laptop using iTunes. 2 Lots of free iCloud storage space. From here you can get any file or perform a backup at any time. It is very convenient that there is an option to generate copies automatically. If you activate it, they will be prepared daily. 3 Ability to activate the iPhone search option. This will protect the device in case of theft, as it will turn it into a useless piece of metal if the rightful owner activates this mode. The option allows you to put a block on the gadget and erase personal photographs so that they do not fall into the hands of scammers.

Thus, the ID number is our “passport” in the Apple ecosystem. By purchasing it, we can enjoy all the benefits available there and at the same time provide effective protection for our device.

How to remove Apple ID: choosing the best way

There are two options for how to do this:

  • Change your account information on the account management page.
  • Write to support on the company’s online resource.

The second method is not particularly difficult - you just need to fill out the form on the website. And let's talk about the second in more detail. To implement it, we need a PC/laptop on any operating system (or any iOS device) and a stable connection to the network.

Changing registration data is the easiest way to delete an ID. Moreover, you can change the information in any order. For example, this could be an address or any other data. The account is saved.

On your PC, you need to launch iTunes, go to the software store and click on the login button.

We go into its settings and enter the necessary changes to personal data and save them.

Keep in mind that connecting an invalid e-mail to your account will not work, since to confirm the changes you need to follow the link that should be sent to your e-mail.

The same process can be carried out through a resource on the network. To do this, follow the address: Enter your login and password characters. After completing these steps, your Apple ID account will be deleted. Is it possible to delete an ID on an iPhone 5 or another device in another way? Of course, this was also mentioned above. If it’s easier for you, contact support directly.

In general, how to create an account Apple records ID and its removal are standard operations that do not require special knowledge. Even a schoolboy can handle them.