How to create a new file in Excel. Excel

After starting Excel, a window opens with a blank workbook. By default, the document is given a name - Book1(Book1). The new name is specified by the user.

Rice. 13.8. Create a Book task pane

You can create a document in the following ways:

  • select from menu File(File) command Create(New). In the task area Creating a book(New Workbook) click the required hyperlink (Fig. 13.8). Links in the task pane allow you to use a blank workbook, templates on your computer, or templates on websites to create a book. If you save a workbook as a template, you can create a new workbook with the same formatting and styles by opening the template. (Using a template when creating a document is discussed in Chapter 9);
  • press the button Create(New) toolbar Standard. The button is located on the left edge of the panel and allows you to create a new document based on the Normal template. The button is duplicated by the keys CTRL + t (CTRL + N).

By default, the book template is named Book.xlt. (The purpose of a template is discussed in Chapter 9, in the section “Using a template when creating a document.”) Templates can be created for both workbooks and individual sheets. The default template for sheets is Sheet.xlt. To change the default view of the Excel workbook that opens, edit the new workbook and save it as Workbook.xlt in the Xlstart directory.

Saving a new toolbar customization

Using toolbars in Office 2003 program windows was discussed in Chapter 2, in the "Toolbars" section. Note that the configured sizes of several toolbars and their location on the screen can be saved for later work, which will save you from having to re-configure them on subsequent runs. Microsoft Excel. After adjusting the size of the toolbars and their location on the screen, exit Excel. Find the Excel.xlb file and change its name, leaving the same extension as .xlb. To reuse saved settings, open the renamed toolbar settings file with the command Open(Open) in the menu File(File).

Microsoft Excel 2007 program- one of the two most popular programs package Microsoft Office. The most popular, of course, Microsoft Word . Most recently latest version program was Excel 2003, but now both 2007 and 2010 Excel have appeared. Let's consider How work in Excel 2007. This program is designed for creating tables, presenting series of numbers in a visual form using charts and graphs. Also Microsoft Excel program used to carry out calculations and perform mathematical tasks of varying complexity: from simplifying routine mathematical operations to performing complex calculations. The most important thing is that all this can be done quite simply, and no special knowledge is required.

Microsoft Excel works with files. Each file is a kind of book consisting of sheets, where each sheet is a table. You can enter various data into the cells of these tables: letters, symbols, words, numbers. This data can be sorted, copied, moved. You can also perform other operations with data: text, logical, mathematical... Data can also be presented in a visual form - using graphs and diagrams.

Create an Excel file

Click on the button Start in the lower left corner of the computer, select All programs, find Microsoft Office(if you have it installed), click on it, select Microsoft Office Excel, and launch by double clicking.

After this, to create excel file, click on the large round button with squares on the left top corner. In the window that appears, select Save as. The computer will open a new window with the contents of your computer, in which you select a folder to save your file. In line File name, where the default name is Book 1, place the cursor and write a name for your future Excel file. There is no need to write an extension - it will be included in the name automatically. In the window below, where File type, leave Excel workbook.

While working on a file, save it periodically so that if your computer crashes or freezes, your work will not be lost. For subsequent saves, press the round button again and select

Excel file structure. Sheets

Excel file- a kind of book that consists of sheets. You can switch between sheets by clicking on the corresponding sheet below, or on the arrows Forward And Back to the left of the sheet tabs (at the bottom of the program’s working window). There can be a lot of sheets in a book, they may not even be visible, and then you can switch between them only with the help of arrows.

Every Excel sheet- separate table. Using the icon to the right of the sheet tabs, you can insert new sheets. Sheets can also be renamed, deleted, and moved. To do this, you either right-click on the sheet name. and select the desired operation in the window, or in the menu home select the items: Insert - Insert a sheet, Delete - Delete a sheet, Format - Rename a sheet, Format - Move or copy a sheet. You can also rearrange sheets by dragging the sheet tab to the right or left.

Now that you have learned how to create Excel files, Let's look at working with tables and cells in this program.

More details You can get it in the “All courses” and “Utilities” sections, which can be accessed through Top Menu site. In these sections, articles are grouped by topic into blocks containing the most detailed (as far as possible) information on various topics.

Sharing in Microsoft Excel allows multiple users to work with one file at once. Ten to twenty people on different computers simultaneously enter some data into one document. Where certain information is located, certain formulas work.

The "main user" has the ability to track actions working group, add/remove participants, edit conflicting changes. How to set up collaboration in Excel.

Features of working with a shared file

Not all tasks can be performed in a shared Excel workbook.

  • Create Excel tables.
  • Create, edit or view scripts.
  • Delete sheets.
  • Merge or split cells.
  • Work with XML data (import, add, update, delete, etc.).

Exit: disable general access– perform a prohibited task – enable access again.

Sharing also limits a number of tasks for participants:

Unacceptable Really
Insert or delete a group of cells Add a row or column
Add or change conditional formats Work with existing formats
Enable or change the Data Validation tool Work with existing scan settings
Create or edit charts, summary reports Work with existing charts and pivot tables
Insert or edit pictures and graphics View existing pictures and graphics
Insert or change hyperlinks Follow the available hyperlinks
Assign, edit or delete passwords Existing passwords work
Put or remove protection for sheets and books Existing protection works
Group, structure data; insert sublevels Work with existing groups, structures and sublevels
Record, edit, or view macros Run existing macros that are not associated with unavailable tasks
Change or delete array formulas Use existing formulas
Add new information to the data form Search for information in data form

How to share an Excel file?

First, we decide which book we will “open” for editing by several participants at once. We create new file and fill it with information. Or open an existing one.

  1. Go to the “Review” tab. Book Access dialog box.
  2. File access control - editing. Check the box next to “Allow multiple users to edit the file at the same time.”
  3. Head over to the More Info tool to configure your multi-user editing options.
  4. Click OK. If we open public access to a new book, we choose its title. If sharing is intended for an existing file, click OK.
  5. Open the Microsoft Office menu. Select the “Save As” command. We select the save file format that will work on all user computers.
  6. Select a save location network resource / network folder, which will be opened by the intended participants. Click “Save”.

Attention! Cannot be used for saving shared file web server.

  1. Data tab. "Connections".
  2. Change links/change links. If this button is missing, there are no associated files in the sheet.
  3. Go to the “Status” tab to check the existing connections. The OK button indicates that the connections are working.

Open a shared workbook

  1. Open the Microsoft Office menu.
  2. Click “Open”.
  3. Select a shared book.
  4. When the book is open, click on the Microsoft Office button. Go to the “Excel Options” tab (at the bottom of the menu).
  5. “General” - “Personal settings” - “User name”. Enter identification information (name, nickname).

All. You can edit information or enter new information. After work - save.

It happens that when you open an Excel workbook with shared access to a file, the message “File locked” appears. Can't save. When you open it again, it turns out that sharing is disabled. Possible reasons Problems:

  1. Several users edit the same part of a document. For example, they enter different data into one cell. A blockage occurs.
  2. While using a shared file, a log of changes is kept (who entered, when, what they did). The book is growing. It starts to glitch.
  3. They removed one of the users, but so far they have not told him about it. Then the blocking can only appear on his computer.

What you can do if file sharing is blocked:

  1. Clear or delete the change log.
  2. Clear file contents.
  3. Cancel and then reactivate sharing.
  4. Open xls workbook in OpenOffice. And save it again in xls.

It has been noticed that the entry “File locked” appears less frequently in latest versions Excel.

How to delete a user

  1. On the “Review” tab, open the “Book Access” menu.
  2. In the “Edit” section we see a list of users.
  3. Select a name and click “Delete”.

Verify that users are finished with the file before deleting.

How to turn off sharing mode in Excel

  1. “Review” tab - “Corrections” - “Select corrections”.
  2. Set the “Corrections” parameters. In terms of time – “everything”. The checkboxes opposite “User” and “In range” are unchecked. On the contrary, “make changes on a separate sheet” is worth it. Click OK.
  3. The Change Log will open. It can be saved either.

To disable sharing of an Excel file, on the Review tab, click Workbook Access and uncheck the box next to Allow multiple users to edit the file.

There should be one user left on the list - you.

Hello friends. Today I will tell you how to create an Excel file, open an existing one, save it and close it.

Each Excel workbook is stored in a separate file. Therefore, it is very important to be able to handle files correctly. Here I will describe several ways to perform actions with documents. I advise you to try each and choose which one is the most convenient, or maybe you will use many of them.

I quote all the calculations on this blog from Microsoft Office 2013. If you are using a different version, the appearance of some commands and windows may be slightly different, but their general meaning remains the same. If you do not find the described tools in your version of the program, ask in the comments or through the form feedback. I will definitely answer your questions.

Creating an Excel document

If you don't have Excel open yet, click on the MS Excel shortcut on the desktop or in the menu Start. After loading Excel, a start window will appear with a choice of templates. To create a new document, click on one of them, or select Blank Workbook.

Excel start window

If MS Excel is already running, for creating:

  1. Press the key combination Ctrl+N. After clicking, a new workbook will be immediately created
  2. Execute Ribbon Command File – Create. Its execution will lead to the opening of the start window, where you can create a file from the template, or a blank workbook.

How to open an Excel document

If Excel is not yet running To open the created file, find it in Windows Explorer and double-click on it. MS Excel will be launched and the document you selected will immediately open.

If the program is already running, there are several ways to open a workbook:

If you select the Computer - Browse location in the Open window, an Explorer window will open where you can select a filter for the file to open, as well as the opening method:

  • Open– opens the selected Excel file for editing
  • Open for reading– opens the file without editing
  • Open as copy– creates a duplicate document and opens it with the ability to edit it
  • Open in browser– if such a feature is supported, opens the workbook in an Internet browser
  • Open in Protected View– opens a document using Protected View mode
  • Open and restore– the program will try to restore and open a file that was closed abnormally without saving

Opening a file from disk

Saving an Excel document

Although Microsoft Excel has good tools Autosave and data recovery, I recommend getting into the habit of saving your workbook from time to time, even if you are not finished working with it. At a minimum, you will feel more confident that the results of your work will not be lost.

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S
  2. Use the key combination Shift+F12, or F12 (to save the document under a new name)
  3. Click Save on the Quick Access Toolbar
  4. Execute the ribbon command File – Save, or File – Save As (if you want to save the book as a new document)

If this is the first time you've saved your workbook, either of these commands will open the Save As window, where you can choose a save location, file type, and file name. To do this, click the Browse button.

If you saved the document previously, the program will simply save the file over the last saved version.

How to close an Excel workbook

When you are finished working with a file, it is better to close it to free it system memory. You can do this in these ways:

  • Click on the cross(x) in the upper right corner of the program window
  • Run command File – Close
  • Double click on the icon system menu in the upper left corner of the window
    Excel system menu icon
  • Use the key combinations Ctrl+W, or Alt+F4

If there are unsaved changes in the file at the time of closing, the program will ask what to do:

  • Save– save all changes and close the document
  • Don't save– close the workbook without saving
  • Cancel– do not close the file
    Closing an Excel workbook

That's all the ways to handle Excel files. And in the next post I will tell you how to set up autosave for your workbook. See you!

As part of the first material on Excel 2010 for beginners, we will get acquainted with the basics of this application and its interface, learn how to create spreadsheets, as well as enter, edit and format data in them.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Interface and control
  • Data entry and editing
  • Data formatting
  • Cell Data Format
  • Conclusion


I think I won’t be wrong if I say that the most popular application included in Microsoft package Office is a test editor (processor) of Word. However, there is one more program that any office worker rarely does without. Microsoft Excel (Excel) refers to software products, which are called spreadsheets. Using Excel, in a visual form, you can calculate and automate calculations for almost anything, from a personal monthly budget to complex mathematical and economic-statistical calculations containing large volumes of data.

One of key features spreadsheets is the ability to automatically recalculate the values ​​of any necessary cells when the contents of one of them change. To visualize the obtained data, you can create various types of charts, pivot tables and maps based on groups of cells. At the same time, spreadsheets created in Excel can be inserted into other documents, as well as saved in a separate file for later use or editing.

Calling Excel simply a “spreadsheet” would be somewhat incorrect, since this program contains enormous capabilities, and in terms of its functionality and the range of tasks it can solve, this application can perhaps surpass even Word. That is why, as part of the “Excel for Beginners” series of materials, we will only get acquainted with the key capabilities of this program.

Now that the introductory part is over, it's time to get down to business. In the first part of the series, for better assimilation of the material, as an example, we will create a regular table reflecting personal budget expenses for six months like this:

But before we start creating it, let's first look at the basic elements of Excel's interface and controls, and also talk about some basic concepts of this program.

Interface and control

If you are already familiar with the Word editor, then understanding the Excel interface will not be difficult. After all, it is based on the same Ribbon, but only with a different set of tabs, groups and commands. At the same time, to expand the work area, some groups of tabs are displayed only when necessary. You can also minimize the ribbon altogether by double-clicking on the active tab with the left mouse button or pressing the key combination Ctrl+F1. Returning it to the screen is done in the same way.

It is worth noting that in Excel, for the same command, there can be several ways to call it at once: through the ribbon, from the context menu, or using a hotkey combination. Knowledge and use of the latter can greatly speed up work in the program.

The context menu is context-sensitive, meaning its content depends on what the user is doing in this moment. The context menu is called by right-clicking on almost any object in MS Excel. This saves time because it displays the most frequently used commands for the selected item.

Despite such a variety of controls, the developers went further and provided users in Excel 2010 with the ability to make changes to the built-in tabs and even create their own with those groups and commands that are used most often. To do this you need to click right click mouse on any tab and select Customize the Ribbon.

In the window that opens, in the menu on the right, select the desired tab and click on the button Create a tab or To create a group, and in the left menu the right command, then click the button Add. In the same window, you can rename existing tabs and delete them. There is a button to cancel erroneous actions Reset, which returns the tab settings to the initial ones.

You can also add the most frequently used commands to Quick Access Toolbar located in the upper left corner of the program window.

You can do this by clicking the button Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, where it is enough to select the desired command from the list, and if the necessary one is not in it, click on the item Other commands.

Data entry and editing

Created in Excel files are called workbooks and have the extension "xls" or "xlsx". In turn, the workbook consists of several worksheets. Each worksheet is a separate spreadsheet, which can be interconnected if necessary. The active workbook is the one you are currently working with, for example, entering data into.

After launching the application, a new book is automatically created with the name “Book1”. By default, a workbook consists of three worksheets named "Sheet1" through "Sheet3".

The workspace of an Excel sheet is divided into many rectangular cells. Cells merged horizontally make up rows, and cells merged vertically make up columns. To be able to study a large amount of data, each worksheet of the program has 1,048,576 rows numbered by numbers and 16,384 columns designated by letters of the Latin alphabet.

Thus, each cell is the intersection of various columns and rows on the sheet, forming its own unique address, consisting of the letter of the column and the number of the row to which it belongs. For example, the first cell name is A1 because it is at the intersection of column "A" and row "1".

If the application is enabled Formula bar, which is located immediately below Ribbon, then to the left of it is Name field, where the name of the current cell is displayed. Here you can always enter the name of the cell you are looking for to quickly navigate to it. This feature is especially useful in large documents containing thousands of rows and columns.

Also for viewing different areas sheet, there are scroll bars at the bottom and right. You can also navigate around the Excel workspace using the arrow keys.

To start entering data into the desired cell, you need to select it. To go to the desired cell, click on it with the left mouse button, after which it will be surrounded by a black frame, the so-called active cell indicator. Now just start typing on the keyboard, and all the information you enter will appear in the selected cell.

When entering data into a cell, you can also use the formula bar. To do this, select the desired cell, and then click on the formula bar field and start typing. In this case, the entered information will be automatically displayed in the selected cell.

After finishing entering data, press:

  • "Enter" key - next active cell there will be a cage at the bottom.
  • Press the “Tab” key - the next active cell will be the cell on the right.
  • Click on any other cell and it will become active.

To change or delete the contents of any cell, double-click on it with the left mouse button. Move the blinking cursor to Right place to make the necessary corrections. As with many applications, you use the arrow, Del, and Backspace keys to delete and make corrections. If desired, all necessary edits can be made in the formula bar.

The amount of data you will enter into a cell is not limited to the visible part of it. That is, the cells of the program’s working field can contain either one number or several paragraphs of text. Each Excel cell can hold up to 32,767 numeric or text characters.

Formatting Cell Data

After entering the row and column names, we get a table that looks like this:

As can be seen from our example, several names of expense items “went” beyond the boundaries of the cell, and if the neighboring cell(s) also contains some information, then the entered text partially overlaps it and becomes invisible. And the table itself looks rather ugly and unpresentable. Moreover, if you print such a document, the current situation will remain - it will be quite difficult to make out what is what in such a table, as you can see for yourself from the figure below.

To do spreadsheet document more neat and beautiful, you often have to change the sizes of rows and columns, the font of the cell contents, its background, align the text, add borders, etc.

First, let's tidy up the left column. Move the mouse cursor to the border of columns “A” and “B” in the line where their names are displayed. When changing the mouse cursor to a characteristic symbol with two arrows in different directions, press and hold the left key and drag the dotted line that appears in the desired direction to expand the column until all the names fit within one cell.

The same actions can be done with a string. This is one of the easiest ways to resize the height and width of cells.

If you need to set the exact sizes of rows and columns, then on the tab home in Group Cells select item Format. In the menu that opens, use the commands Line height And Column width You can set these parameters manually.

Very often it is necessary to change the parameters of several cells or even an entire column or row. In order to select an entire column or row, click on its name at the top or its number at the left, respectively.

To select a group of adjacent cells, circle them with the cursor and hold down the left mouse button. If you need to select scattered fields of the table, then press and hold the “Ctrl” key, and then click on the necessary cells.

Now that you know how to select and format multiple cells at once, let's center the month names in our table. Various commands for aligning content within cells are found on the tab home in a group with a self-explanatory name Alignment. Moreover, for a table cell this action can be performed both relative to the horizontal and vertical directions.

Circle the cells with the names of the months in the table header and click on the button Align Center.

In Group Font on the tab home you can change the font type, size, color and style: bold, italic, underlined, and so on. There are also buttons for changing the cell borders and its fill color. All these functions will be useful to us to further change the appearance of the table.

So, first, let's increase the font of the names of the columns and columns of our table to 12 points, and also make it bold.

Now, first select the top row of the table and set it to a black background, and then in the left column to cells A2 to A6 - dark blue. You can do this using the button Fill color.

You've probably noticed that the color of the text in the top line has merged with the background color, and the names in the left column are hard to read. Let's fix this by changing the font color using the button Text color on white.

Also using the already familiar command Fill color We gave the background of the even and odd number lines a different blue hue.

To prevent the cells from merging, let's define boundaries for them. Defining boundaries occurs only for the selected area of ​​the document, and can be done both for one cell and for the entire table. In our case, select the entire table, then click on the arrow next to the button Other borders everyone in the same group Font.

The menu that opens displays a list of quick commands with which you can choose to display the desired boundaries of the selected area: bottom, top, left, right, outer, all, etc. It also contains commands for drawing borders manually. At the very bottom of the list is the item Other borders allowing you to specify in more detail required parameters cell boundaries, which we will use.

In the window that opens, first select the type of border line (in our case, thin solid), then its color (we will choose white, since the background of the table is dark) and finally, the borders that should be displayed (we chose internal ones).

As a result, using a set of commands of just one group Font we transformed the unsightly appearance tables in a completely presentable way, and now knowing how they work, you can independently come up with your own unique styles for designing spreadsheets.

Cell Data Format

Now, in order to complete our table, we need to properly format the data that we enter there. Let us remember that in our case these are monetary expenses.

In each cell of the spreadsheet you can enter different types data: text, numbers and even graphic images. That is why in Excel there is such a thing as a “cell data format”, which serves to correctly process the information you enter.

Initially, all cells have General format, allowing them to contain both text and digital data. But you have the right to change this and choose: numeric, monetary, financial, percentage, fractional, exponential and formats. In addition, there are date and time formats postal codes, telephone numbers and personnel numbers.

For the cells of our table containing the names of its rows and columns, the general format (which is set by default) is quite suitable, since they contain text data. But for the cells in which budget expenses are entered, the monetary format is more suitable.

Select the cells in the table containing information on monthly expenses. On the ribbon in the tab home in Group Number click the arrow next to the field Number Format, after which a menu will open with a list of the main available formats. You can select the item Monetary right here, but for a more complete overview we will select the very bottom line Other number formats.

In the window that opens, the names of all number formats, including additional ones, will be displayed in the left column, and in the center, various settings for their display.

Having selected the currency format, at the top of the window you can see how the value will look in the table cells. Just below mono set the number of decimal places to display. To prevent pennies from cluttering up the table fields, we will set the value here to zero. Next, you can select the currency and display of negative numbers.

Now our training table has finally taken its final form:

By the way, all the manipulations that we did with the table above, that is, formatting cells and their data, can be performed using the context menu by right-clicking on the selected area and selecting Cell Format. In the window that opens with the same name, there are tabs for all the operations we have considered: Number, Alignment, Font, Border And Fill.

Now, when you finish working in the program, you can save the result. All these commands are in the tab File.


Probably, many of you will ask the question: “Why create this kind of tables in Excel, when the same thing can be done in Word using ready-made templates?” That’s how it is, only you have to perform all sorts of mathematical operations on cells in text editor impossible. You almost always enter the information into the cells yourself, and the table is only a visual representation of the data. And creating large tables in Word is not very convenient.

In Excel, the opposite is true: tables can be as large as desired, and cell values ​​can be entered either manually or automatically calculated using formulas. That is, here the table acts not only as a visual aid, but also as a powerful computational and analytical tool. Moreover, cells can be interconnected not only within one table, but also contain values ​​obtained from other tables located on different sheets and even in different books.

You will learn how to make a table “smart” in the next part, in which we will get acquainted with the basic computing Excel capabilities, rules for constructing mathematical formulas, functions and much more.

You can use Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) to include content from other programs, such as Word or Excel.

OLE technology is supported by many different programs, and OLE technology is used to make content that is created in one program accessible in another program. For example, you can insert a document Office Word to an Office Excel workbook. To see what types of content you can insert, in the group text on the tab Insert click the button an object. In field Object type Only programs installed on your computer that support OLE objects are displayed.

General information about linked and embedded objects

When copying data between Excel or any program that supports OLE technology, such as Word, you can copy the data as a linked object or an embedded object. The main differences between linked and embedded objects are where the data is stored and how the object will be updated after you place it in the target file. Embedded objects are stored in the workbook in which they are inserted and are not updated. Related objects are saved as separate files, and they can be updated.

Linked and embedded objects in a document

1. The embedded object does not have a connection to the source file.

2. the linked object is linked to the source file.

3. The source file updates the associated object.

When to Use Linked Objects

If you want information in the target file to be updated when data in the source file changes, use linked objects.

When you use a linked object, the original data is preserved in the source file. The resulting file outputs a view of the linked data that stores only the original data (and the size of the object if the object is an Excel chart). The source file must be available on your computer or network to maintain a link to the original data.

Linked data can be updated automatically when the original data in the source file changes. For example, if you select a paragraph in a Word document and then paste it as a linked object in an Excel workbook, when you change the data in the Word document, you can update the data in Excel.

Using Embedded Objects

If you don't want to update the copied data when there is a change in the source file, use an embedded object. The source code version is fully embedded in the book. If you copy data as an embedded object, the resulting file requires more disk space than when data is bound.

When a user opens a file on another computer, they can view the embedded object without access to the original data. Because the embedded object has no links to the source file, the object is not updated when the source data changes. To edit an embedded object, double-click the object to open it and edit it in the original program. The source program (or another program that supports editing the object) must be installed on your computer.

Changing how an OLE object is displayed

You can display a linked or embedded object in a workbook as it appears in the source program or as an icon. If the book will be viewed online and you don't plan to print the book, you can display the object as an icon. This reduces the amount of display space occupied by the object. To view the view in which you want to display the information, double-click the icon.

Embedding an object on a sheet

Inserting a link to a file


Creating an object in Excel

Embedding an object on a sheet

Inserting a link to a file

Sometimes you just need to add a reference to an object rather than embed it. You can do this if the workbook and item you want to add are stored on a SharePoint site that is shared network drive or in a similar permanent location. This is useful if the linked object changes, since the link will always open the latest version of it.

Note: If the linked file is moved, the link will not work.

Creating an object in Excel

You can create an object using another program without leaving the workbook. For example, if you want to add more detailed description into a chart or table, you can create an embedded document in Excel, such as Word or PowerPoint. You can insert an object directly into a worksheet or add an icon to open the file.

Linking and embedding content from another program using OLE

You can link or embed content or portions of content from another program.

Embed content from another program

Linking or embedding partial content from another program

Changing how an OLE object is displayed

    an objectObject type(For example, Document object) and select the command convert.

    • To display the content, clear the checkbox Show as icon .

      To display the icon, select the checkbox in icon form. Additionally, you can change the default icon image or label. To do this, click the button Change icon, and then select the desired icon from the list icons or enter a label in the field title .

Managing updates to linked objects

You can set up links to other programs so that they are updated in the following ways: automatically when you open the target file; manually if you want to review previous data before updating with new data from the original file; or, if you request an update, regardless of whether automatic or manual updates are enabled.

Installing an update manually links to another program

Setting up automatic update of a link to another program

Issues: Unable to update automatic links in a worksheet

Parameter automatically can be overridden with the command update links in other documents Excel.

To provide automatic update automatic links with OLE objects:

Updating a link to another program

Editing content from an OLE program

In Excel, you can change content that is linked or embedded from another program.

Changing a related object in the source program

Changing an embedded object in the source program

    Double-click the embedded object to open it.

    Make the necessary changes to the object.

    If you edit an object in place in open program, click anywhere outside the object to return to the destination file.

    If you modify an embedded object in the source program in a separate window, exit the source program to return to the destination file.

Note: When you double-click some embedded objects, such as video and audio clips, the object plays instead of opening the program. To change one of these embedded objects, right-click the icon or object, select an objectObject type(For example, object clip media) and press the button change.

Changing an embedded object in a program other than the original one

    Select the embedded object you want to change.

    Right-click an icon or object, hover over an objectObject type(For example, Document object) and select the command convert.

    Perform one of the following actions.

    • To convert the embedded object to the type listed, click convert to.

      To open an embedded object as the type you specified in the list, without changing the embedded object's type, click activate.

Selecting an OLE object using the keyboard

    Press CTRL+G to open the dialog box Go .

    Click the button highlight, select item objects and then click the button OK.

    Press the Tab key until you select the item you want.

    Press SHIFT+F10.

    Hover over an object or diagram and select a team change.

Question: When I double-click a linked or embedded object, I receive a "cannot edit" message

This message appears when the source file or source program cannot be opened.

Make sure the source program is available If the original program is not installed on your computer, convert the object to the file format installed for the program.

Make sure the memory is suitable Make sure you have enough memory to run the original program. If necessary, close other programs to free up memory.

Close all dialog boxes If the original program is running, make sure there are no open dialog boxes. Go to original program and close all open dialog boxes.

Closing the source file If the source file is a linked object, make sure that it is not open by another user.

Make sure the original file name has not changed If the source file you want to change is linked, make sure it has the same name as when you created the link and that it has not been moved. Select the related object and then in the group " connections"on tab" data"click command" change links" to see the name of the original file. If the original file has been renamed or moved, use the button change source in the dialog box change of connections to find the original file and reconnect the link.

additional information

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Undoubtedly, when compiling tables, almost every user uses Excel, partly because it is easy to use, intuitive clear interface, and also has a powerful apparatus for creating colorful and professional diagrams. Everyone can easily learn the basics of working in Excel.

Let's consider the procedures for handling working documents. Using Excel, you can create a wide variety of documents. Worksheets can be used to create tables, calculate statistical estimates, manage a database, and create charts. For each of these applications, Excel can create a separate document, which is saved to disk as a file.

The file may contain several interconnected worksheets that form a single three-dimensional document (notebook, work folder).

1) Create a new document.

To create a new document from the File menu, you need to call the New directive. A document with the name Book2 will appear on the screen: Excel assigns the name Book to new documents with the addition of the current serial number.

To load a file with a working document located there from disk, you need to call the Open directive from the File menu.

In this window, in the Drives field, you need to specify the drive, and in the Directories field, select the directory where your file is located.

If the selection was made correctly, a list of file names will appear in the left field, among which the desired file should be located. If you click on the name of this file, it will appear in the File Name field. After this, you need to close the dialog box by clicking the OK button or double-clicking on the name of the file you are looking for.

3) Saving the document.

The first time you save your document, you need to call the Save As... directive from the File menu. After this, a dialog box will open in which you need to specify the name of the file to be saved, as well as the drive and directory in which it should be located. Excel by default offers a standard name (Book[ordinal number]), which the user can replace with any other. Default Suggested Excel program The file extension is .XLS and should not be changed. After all settings have been made, you need to close the dialog box by clicking on the OK button.

4) Adding worksheets.

Add directives are located in the Insert menu. The user can add the following types of elements to the document:

  • - worksheets for creating tables;
  • - diagrams (as a table element or on a separate sheet);
  • - a worksheet for recording a macro in the form of a program module (in the Excel4.0 macro language or in the VisualBasic language);
  • - worksheet for creating a dialog box.

A new sheet is always inserted before the active worksheet. If the sheet is intended to create a table, then regardless of the position it occupies, it will have the name Sheet17 with a subsequent increase in the number when adding new tables. New charts located on separate worksheets are numbered starting with Chart1, etc. If you need to delete a worksheet, you need to open it by right-clicking context menu and execute the delete directive.

5) Moving worksheets.

Place the mouse pointer on the spine of the worksheet you want to move and right-click to open the context menu. Using the MoveorCopy directive, open a dialog box with the same name and specify in it the new position of the sheet to be rearranged. Close the Moveor Copy window by clicking the OK button, and the worksheet will take its new position. If you enable the optional CreateaCopy button, then this worksheet will remain in its previous position, and its copy will take the new position. excel spreadsheet program editor

The name of the copy of the sheet will be formed by adding a serial number to the name of the copied sheet, for example, Sheet1(2)

6) Renaming worksheets.

Place your mouse pointer on the spine of the worksheet you want to rename and right-click. A context menu will open in which, using the Rename directive, you need to open the RenameSheet dialog box. This window can also be opened by double-clicking the left mouse button on the worksheet name. In the Name input field, enter a new name for the sheet, which must contain no more than 31 characters, including spaces. After entering the name, click OK and the new worksheet name will appear in the name index.

7) Correction of row height and column width.

First of all, the table row or column to be adjusted must be marked. To do this, you need to left-click on the number (coordinate) of a row or column. The Format menu contains the Row and Column submenus. Selecting one of these submenus opens the next level menu. In the Column submenu, call the Width directive, then a dialog box will open in which the user can specify the width of the column. One character can be used as a unit of measurement.

Correction can also be performed using the mouse manipulator. To do this, the mouse pointer must be positioned on the boundary between line numbers or column addresses. The mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow. If you now press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse pointer a little, you can see a dashed line that shows the offset of the line border. Move this line to the desired position and release the mouse button, then a new line border will appear in the table. If you double-click on the row number (column address), the height (width) of this row (column) will be automatically adjusted to its contents.