How to subtract sensa on the mouse. How to increase mouse sensitivity in Windows systems and what to look for when setting up

The sensory responsiveness of the mouse in almost every single situation significantly affects the convenience of our work at the computer, the responsiveness of movements in modern games: especially in shooters and RPGs, the speed of scrolling when reading text notes on a web page, when navigating in a browser. ... And if the mouse responds poorly, all the pleasure literally comes to naught, since you have to spend more time accessing a particular tab, but it becomes almost impossible to play. One of the probable reasons for the failure of the manipulator response is the abundant ingress of dust into the device, as a result of which the laser sensor does not penetrate the surface of the coating on which the mouse lies. You can clean the internal blocks of the mouse using a solution with a low alcohol content (up to 60%) and a cotton swab. However, this is a topic for a separate article. If you recently cleaned your mouse or it is completely new, it is quite possible that there is no response due to the fact that the sensitivity of the pointing device has not been adjusted in the system settings. Today I will talk about how to change mouse sensitivity in the Windows OS parameters so that all clicks work correctly, without lags and unnecessary manipulations. Below we will talk about Windows 10, since this is the latest system at the moment, and not everyone can immediately figure it out with ease.

Why adjust mouse sensitivity?

Convenience is above all - this slogan is related not only to the technical aspect of our material world, but also to life in general. Why reinvent the wheel when you can make your task much easier by simple and simple actions, whatever it may be? The same goes for the sensitivity of the manipulator. It is expressed in the fact that this or that mouse button is correctly triggered, as well as a double click, as well as how fast you will scroll through the text in a text editor or browser using the wheel. You can change the sensitivity by adjusting a few sliders in the OS configuration accordingly. How can I change mouse sensitivity and where exactly can I do it?

Changing the scrolling tempo while reading from the screen

Scrolling text is especially important if you have loaded one of the sites in your web browser and it does not fit completely on the screen. It is very convenient to scroll the manipulator wheel up or down to move the text forward or backward several lines at once. You can customize how many lines of text to scroll at a time using one of the Windows options.

We go to the PC configuration menu using the start menu at the bottom left.

On the form that opens, select the "Devices" category, and in it go to the "Touchpad and Mouse" item.

If you carefully study the section that opens, you will notice several options for configuring the manipulator. We are interested in the "Scrolling with the mouse wheel" field and the number of lines by which the text will be scrolled with a single movement of the wheel. In the first paragraph, we set the value "Several lines at a time" so that the scrolling occurs smoothly and without undue noticeability. In the second field, set the available slider to the appropriate position, while simultaneously checking the scrolling speed on the external open web page.

Now that the value we need is set, close the window and move on.

Adjusting the double-click speed of the primary mouse button

When opening folders and launching applications, we almost always double-click and achieve the desired result. This operation has become so commonplace that we no longer even imagine how we could do without it. If double-clicking doesn't work, the mouse may be clogged and just need to be cleaned of dust. But if everything is in order with this, the obvious reason is that the rate of double-click of the main key of the manipulator is not configured. How do I adjust the mouse sensitivity by adjusting the double-click speed?

We go to the configuration panel by selecting one of the items in the start context menu, invoked by right-clicking on the "Start" button.

We go to the section "Sound and Equipment".

In the section where the mass of external devices (printers, faxes, sound cards) connected to the PC is configured, you can also configure the way to control such an accessory as a mouse. In the "Printers and Devices" section, open the "Mouse" subcategory.

Open the "Buttons" tab and set the "Double Click Speed" parameter. Nearby you can see a test folder icon on which you can check how well double-clicking works. After setting the slider in the desired position and checking its effect in action, we proceed to further customize the mouse sensitivity.

Changing the cursor movement speed on the screen

On the same form, open the "Pointer Parameters" tab. Here you can configure many parameters, including the speed at which the pointer moves, the display of the trail, the initial position of the cursor when the window is opened, and other settings. We set the parameter that is responsible for how to change the sensitivity of the mouse, namely the speed of the pointer movement.

You can check the mouse sensitivity setting by moving the indicator to the desired position and dragging the cursor to another place. Once the desired speed is reached, click "Apply" and OK.

If you have a custom style around everything, including your computer, you will love the ability to customize the look of your pointer. On the Internet, you can find a lot of topics from which you can choose something bright and eye-catching, or not so catchy and, rather, unassuming. To do this, go to the "Pointers" tab, select the cursor display mode that we need, press the "Browse" button and specify the path to the graphic file on the hard disk in which the corresponding cursor image is saved.

That's the whole instruction. I hope now you can probably figure out how to change the mouse sensitivity in a Windows family system. Comfort when working at a computer is the most important thing. Without it, you will not be able to achieve high results and productivity comparable to those of successful entrepreneurs and business people. And our article will help you with this.

Mouse responsiveness in Windows often has a huge impact on the convenience of working at the computer, comfort when surfing the web and navigating web pages, the speed of scrolling the wheel in fast-paced games and when reading from the screen. It would not be superfluous to say that in the top ten all these parameters can be flexibly adjusted by adapting and adapting the settings in accordance with their own personal preferences and needs. How to do this, and will be discussed in today's material.

Mouse sensitivity Is a rather subjective thing. Everyone prefers their own wheel speed, cursor speed, and double-click rate. To adapt all this "for yourself", the system has some mechanisms and tools.

How do I change the scrolling speed while reading text?

When reading web pages or Word documents, you often have to turn the text forward or backward using the wheel. To customize the speed of scrolling text, you can use a special slider available in the system settings.

We go into the Windows settings using the start menu "Start".

As you can see, there is a slider that is responsible for the number of lines that will be scrolled in one go when scrolling the mouse wheel once.

We set this slider to the desired position, while simultaneously testing the set values ​​on one of the documents in the browser or in a text editor. We stop and close the window when the position of the installed indicator satisfies you. Move on.

How do I adjust the speed of double-clicking the left mouse button?

When opening folders and launching programs, we often use a double click of the mouse. But sometimes it may not work. What could be the reason? If the mouse is not clogged and is working properly, the answer to this question is the incorrectly set value for the double-click speed of the accessory. Let's configure this parameter. We go into the control panel using the right click on the start button in the lower left corner, and select the corresponding item in the list that appears.

The interface of this section may differ slightly from what is available on your computer, but I can assure you that all options for downgrade and raising mouse sensitivities are centered here, and all you have to do is dig into the section of the control panel provided.

So, we go to the first tab "Buttons", and set the parameter corresponding to the speed of double pressing of the main controller key.

We increase or we reduce this indicator, having precisely selected the desired value on the scale and confirming it by pressing the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

How do I adjust the speed at which the cursor moves across the screen?

Go to the tab for configuring cursor parameters. The first section on this tab is just responsible for the speed of movement of the mouse pointer.

By dragging the corresponding slider to the left or right, you can change the speed of movement of the mouse exactly to the level that you need.

How do I change the appearance of the pointer?

If you like unusual designs and bright colors, you can change the appearance of the cursor to the one you like best. To do this, on the form responsible for the settings and configuration of the mouse, go to the "Pointers" tab, and in the main mode field, by pressing the "Browse" button, you can select any indicator you like, saved in a graphic file on the hard disk of your computer.

Also within your power tune cursor scheme by selecting the theme you need in the list above (fortunately, they are installed in the set and applied automatically so that after that you do not need to change and re-install anything).

In this material, I tried to outline all the ways mouse sensitivity settings... In addition, I touched on the topic of changing the appearance of the pointer, which, I hope, will also appeal to you. Use your computer for fun - read books, explore applications, play games. In a word, do whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that it brings benefit and moral satisfaction to you, your relatives and friends, and may everything work out for you!

Your success in games directly depends on the choice of a gaming mouse. The question is not so much choosing the right gaming mouse as choosing the best gaming mouse you can work with. You can buy the best mouse with the best specs, however, if you feel uncomfortable with it, the results may be disappointing. If you have already purchased a gaming mouse and are satisfied with the specifications, you will also need to properly set it up and have it serviced regularly. Otherwise, you will not see the benefits. Be sure to read 5 important tips to help you choose your mouse, as well as improve its performance, and ultimately your gaming results.

Tip 1: Optical or laser mouse

In order to be a successful gamer, choosing the right mouse is extremely important. This makes you wonder which mouse to choose - optical or laser? Generally speaking, you will see mice with two different types of sensors used in gaming mice: optical and laser. A mouse with an optical sensor can also be divided into two subtypes - with a red or blue LED. While red LED mice are the most common, blue LED optical mice, like laser mice, can work on more complex surfaces such as glass.

In contrast, red LED mice, on some computer mats and special surfaces, can be smoother. On the other hand, a laser mouse has higher sensitivity and DPI. Although the sensitivity of the optical mouse is not as high as that of the laser, the optical mouse exhibits higher accuracy. However, the cost of a laser mouse is usually higher than an optical one. Gamers should trust their feel more than just their performance when choosing a mouse.

Tip 2: DPI settings for different games

DPI (Dots per inch) is related to the speed at which the mouse moves. The higher the DPI value, the faster the cursor will move around the screen. Different games require different mouse movements and cursor movement speeds. The ability to control DPI is vital when moving from one game to the next. Choosing a mouse according to individual needs, as well as the ability to fine-tune the speed and accuracy, will help you seriously succeed in games or completely disappoint in them.

Tip 3: Customize Macro Buttons

The gaming mouse has special macro buttons (one or more) located on the side of the mouse under the thumb. The buttons can be located both on the left and on the right side of the mouse. This depends on whether the mouse is symmetrical and can be used with either hand, or has a special shape for use with the right hand only. Choosing a mouse that fits comfortably in your hand will allow you to easily control the macro buttons, which is very important. You can program the corresponding buttons for certain functions in the game, thereby reducing the reaction time when making important decisions.

Tip 4: Dedicated gaming port is optimized for gaming mouse

The MSI gaming port has a polling rate of 500-1000 MHz and has a triple gold plating of contacts, which increases the resource by the number of connections to the port by more than 10 times. In addition, a special coating of the port prevents its oxidation.

To summarize, the gaming port is specially optimized for connecting high-speed gaming mice and allows you to fully utilize their capabilities. Better sensitivity, smoother gameplay, quick response are the key reasons why it is worth having a motherboard equipped with a dedicated gaming port.

Tip 5: Use Teflon for Smoothness

Finally, we will talk about the mouse feet, which affect the smoothness and speed of movement. Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene), due to its special characteristics, such as resistance to temperature and oxidation, poor adhesion, the ability to self-lubricate and be an excellent insulator, is currently actively used in the manufacture of computer mice. Due to its very low coefficient of adhesion to surfaces of other materials, Teflon is a very smooth material.

However, one of the serious disadvantages of Teflon is its low hardness and tendency to abrasion. If you are using a hard plastic mouse pad, it is very likely that you will quickly scratch the Teflon mouse feet and render them unusable. With damaged mouse legs and increased friction, movement of the mouse will become difficult. If this happens, you have to think about replacing the worn out legs. You can also use a high quality coated computer mouse pad. This will extend the life of the legs, but it will be much cheaper to replace them. Depending on your preference, you can choose the most suitable option.

The first manipulators did not offer any customization options. An alphanumeric cursor was often used as a mouse pointer, or at least it was before the advent of graphical windowing interfaces. With their appearance, the situation changed - multitasking or pseudo-multitasking operating systems with a graphical interface usually allowed flexible configuration of the manipulator.

It was possible not only to change the shape of the pointer, but also to adjust the parameters of the cursor's sensitivity to various actions by the user. Almost every literate user knows how to change the shape of the cursor, but not everyone knows how to adjust the sensitivity. Let's learn how to adjust the mouse sensitivity settings on Windows 7, including on a laptop.

The modern user does not interact with the mouse directly (via firmware in the basic I / O system). Today, a special driver is used for this purpose - a program included in the Windows system software and intercepting actions such as clicks on device buttons (including the sensitivity of a double click) or movement. Such a program has a large number of possibilities, and there is a corresponding interface for their customization. We will consider it further.

Practice setting up your mouse

To adjust the sensitivity of a double click and other properties of the mouse, you need to turn to the window, which is called “Mouse Properties”.

You can get to this interfaces by following in "Control Panel"(via the "Start" menu) by selecting the group "All Control Panel Items" and clicking on the "Mouse" link. A window will open as in the picture below:

Different parameters can be adjusted on different tabs of this window:

  • Behavior of mouse buttons on single and double click.
  • Pointer behavior.
  • Wheel behavior.

Let's start with the "Mouse Buttons" tab - here you can adjust the sensitivity of the device's response to a double click. If you have a reduced reaction and want to increase the time between clicks when double-clicking, move the "Speed" slider to the left. If you are left-handed, then you will probably like the option to exchange button functions - to enable / disable it, you need to check or uncheck the box "Swap button assignments".

Having figured out how to set up a double click, let's find out how to set the proportion between the speed of moving the mouse across the table and the speed of moving the cursor across the screen. That is, how to adjust the sensitivity of the manipulator to movement.

If you can use a laptop without a mouse, then a computer simply cannot be used without it. The factory settings of the mouse may not satisfy everyone in terms of the speed of movement across the screen. But customizing it for yourself will not be difficult.

Principle of operation

A computer mouse is a mechanical manipulation tool that allows you to convert a mechanical action of a mouse into movement of a pointer (cursor) on a computer monitor screen.

A mouse can have two or more buttons for performing certain functions. As a rule, 2 buttons on the mouse are enough for office work. But for gaming purposes, more is often required. Up to 6-8 buttons are required for modern "heavy" games.

But all mice have a wheel. It is usually located on top and serves to scroll up and down in the monitor window. But even if the wheel breaks, nothing terrible will happen - you can scroll the page by holding down the left mouse button, while moving the mouse down or up.

Sensitivity setting

Everything is quite simple, and even a beginner can cope with adjusting the sensitivity of the mouse. First, you need to open the "Start" menu and find "Control Panel" in it. By clicking it, the user will open a new window. In it you need to select "Mouse".

Next, the following window will open: "Properties: Mouse". It has several functions related directly to the settings of the mouse parameters. Find "Pointer Options" and click it. A small window will open, which is responsible for the speed parameter.

The window is a speed slider. It then needs to be shifted to the left to reduce sensitivity. In the window, this parameter is called "Below". Accordingly, to increase the sensitivity, the parameter is called "Higher".


After all the actions have been completed, at the bottom of the window, click "OK", and thereby save the changes. If everything is done correctly, the mouse is adjusted and its sensitivity is reduced.

These manipulations are applicable for all editions of Windows, with minor differences that do not affect the order of actions and the names of the OS windows that open.

Some mice can be customized using the manufacturer's firmware. How to do this, you can find out from the documentation for the mouse, or from the driver menu, which will be installed with the first connection of the mouse to the computer. Older models of computer mice were supplied with a CD with this driver.