How to remove automatic updates for android. Video: How to disable automatic Android updates

Not all smartphones are fast. Sometimes these devices come with slow memory or an unoptimized operating system. All this leads to the fact that updating each application greatly slows down the operation of the gadget. And this update can start at any moment, which can drive the user crazy. Fortunately, you can disable updates on Android without much difficulty. In this case, you will be able to install new versions of programs and games only at a time when it is convenient for you.

Stop automatic operating system updates

But we'll start with the update itself. operating system Android. Checking for a new version can also happen at the wrong time. To disable automatic checking for updates, do the following:

Step 1. Go to your operating system settings.

Step 2. Scroll down the list and go to the " About the phone».

Step 3. Click on the item " System update».

Step 4. Uncheck the box " Auto update" In our case, there is simply no such item - the system believes that regularly checking for updates will not hurt, and in any case, the user will make the decision to download the software independently.

Basically, system update settings are preserved on smartphones with an older version of Android. The creators rightly believe that a short call to the manufacturer’s servers will not harm the performance of the device.

However, the South Korean company did not get rid of the corresponding settings. But her latest smartphones turn out to be very powerful, and therefore it makes sense to abandon auto-update only if there is little space left in the built-in memory.

Depending on the characteristics of the device and the manufacturer, automatic downloading of updates can be disabled in different ways. For example, for modern devices(working on the MIUI shell) you must perform the following steps:

Step 1. In settings, select a section "Component Update" and go to settings. To do this, click on the gear icon.

Step 2. In the page that opens, find the item "Automatic update" and select "Do not update".

Step 3. After that, go back to settings and go to menu "About the phone". Select item here "System update".

Step 4. In the page that opens, click on the three dots icon and select "Settings".

Step 5. Find an item "Update automatically" and move the slider to state "Turned off". Here you can configure other settings.

Disabling auto-updates for apps and games

Default Google Play offers to automatically update every app you install. But, as mentioned above, this causes certain problems when using a budget device with slow memory. On such devices, auto-update should be disabled. But how to do that? Surely you remember that the question about automatic updating was asked to you only the first time using Google Play. Later, this item magically disappeared from the pages of games and programs. All this is for the sake of speeding up the download and installation process, as well as to make each page easier and, accordingly, speed up its loading. You can now find this item in another way:

Step 1. Open Play Store.

Step 2. Pull out the curtain with the main menu from the left edge, then click on the item “ Settings».

Step 3. Press " Automatic application updates».

Step 4 . Here you can disable this feature by checking the box next to " Never».

Step 5. If you do not want to receive notifications about the availability of updates, then a corresponding subsection has been created for you in “ Settings" Just uncheck the " Availability of updates».

This is how easy it is to disable updates on Android. But do not forget that from time to time you need to install new versions of programs and games, as developers regularly improve their stability and functionality.

How to disable automatic application updates on Android and what is it for? These are questions that arise for many users of modern information technologies. When a new smartphone appears on the market, its operating system (OS) (in our case, Android) often has shortcomings. It may be buggy, vulnerable, or missing useful features. To fix this, the OS manufacturer makes utilities to fix the flaws.

For the convenience of users, the developers have provided the ability to automatically update. However, this often consumes a lot of traffic and uses a large amount of random access memory. The question arises, how to disable this function on Android? There are several ways to do this.

The appearance of updates is the desire of manufacturers to improve the created product. When releasing it into life, the programmer does not always notice any shortcomings. Having subsequently discovered them, the software creator develops a new version of it. The name of the next product differs in digital format: 5.0, 4.4, and so on.

It is clear that the average user will not want to “demolish” a software version that has become outdated in a week and install a new one. Therefore, complementary versions are created that add new things and clear out unnecessary ones.

To save time, software stores include a function automatic download such products. For example, it may be included in Play Market. However, there is not always a desire to change something in software that is already familiar and quite satisfactory with its functional set.

Moreover, not everyone wants this to happen without their knowledge and at the expense of their traffic. In this case:

  1. Turn on the gadget, establish a connection to the Internet, tap on the Play Market icon.
  1. The program has started. We look for the “Settings” icon and open them.
  1. The next task is the “Auto-update applications” section. We will work with him.
  1. Open this tab and see three methods of autoloading:
  • Always;
  • Only via Wi-Fi.

The third option is convenient in that it makes it possible to update without using up traffic, but does not protect against the possible accumulation of junk information that ends up on the gadget.

  1. To turn off auto-update, select the “Never” column and put a dot in the desired circle.
  1. You can also choose to upgrade via Wi-Fi.
  1. If updates are completely disabled, it is recommended that you do not disable the item that notifies you of their availability. On Samsung it looks like this:

Now the update is only possible in manual mode. You can “go” home.

Disabling OS updates through settings

Sometimes it becomes necessary to stop the automatic update of the operating system itself. You can do this in your phone settings.

  1. Let's open them.
  1. Go to the “About the device” section. When working with Lenovo or HTC tablets, the tab may be called “About tablet”, “About tablet PC”.
  1. So, open the named page and find the “Software Update” or “System Update” item in the menu.

On some devices, “Software Update” is not hidden in the “About Device” tab, but is located directly in the phone settings. Like, for example, on a Samsung Galaxy with Android version 6.0.1

  1. Next, we disable automatic actions. To do this, you need to uncheck the corresponding box.

It is important to remember that if you refuse this option, you may miss a really important update. Therefore, it is recommended to check for new versions manually.

Disable notifications

To avoid being bothered by constant messages that there is a new update that is ready to download to your device, you can simply turn off notifications.

  1. In the settings, look for the “Notifications” page or, if there is none, “Applications”.
  1. If it is possible to select the first option, then by clicking on the inscription, we get a page with a list of all Android software.
  1. Next, we disable either all at once (arrow 1), or those that do not suit us (arrow 2). When you have to act through the “Applications” tab, select the one you need:
  1. Open “Notifications”.
  1. Let's turn them off.

Now messages will not bother you.

How to update manually

To keep up with the times and latest versions Android sometimes does a good job of updating the OS manually.

  1. To do this, follow the path described above and pay attention to “Manual loading”.
  1. We tap on this column and wait for the system’s proposals.

In our case, everything is at the last level. Otherwise, select the update option.

By the way, do not forget to connect to the network before performing manual control.

How to prevent auto-update of a specific application

If the user considers updating certain applications mandatory, but wants to deprive others of the ability to change automatically, it is quite possible to prohibit auto-update only for them.

  1. We go to Google Play and click on its menu.
  1. Next, go to “My applications and games”.
  1. From the list of software that, according to the green rectangles, can be updated, select the one for which you want to install or disable automatic improvement.
  1. IN in this case Viber is selected. Find the three dots icon and click on them.
  1. Check or uncheck the box next to auto-update and get the desired result.

This can be done with any application. But it’s worth saying that the security of your device still requires periodic software improvements. Therefore, if you decide to block it, you need to control it at least manually.

  1. To do this, click on the corresponding rectangle.

By the way, if you happen to have free Wi-Fi nearby and you decide to cancel the ban on updates, you can upgrade all applications at once. To do this, click the green button that says “Update all”.

Removing unnecessary things from Android

Installing updates helps individual applications run optimally. However, sometimes it turns out that the downloaded new product suddenly changes the operation of the phone and not for the better. Then you need to remove from the gadget what is preventing it from working.

  1. To remove the unsuccessful version, perform the following steps. Open the “Settings” of the phone and look for the “Application Manager” or “Applications” tab.
  1. Press the key, remove the updates and install the original version.

After this you can see that newest version replaced by the one that was previously on the phone. For example, from 5.1.1 to 4.2.2. In our case, version 1.3.01-3 rolled back to version 1. 3.00-41.


It is quite possible to update and remove the downloaded firmware yourself, following the simple tips in this article.


The main thing is to decide for yourself the question: do you need to update applications on Android? The following video may help with this.

Google Play sometimes goes crazy and starts updating all your applications that were already working stably. This often leads to financial losses, since traffic is not always free. Even if you have an unlimited tariff, updating applications will eat up useful gigabytes, after which your speed will drop. Fortunately, this can be avoided. We will show you how you can prevent automatic updates of Android applications through the Play Store.

As a rule, applications that you install from Google Play are regularly updated automatically to improve your productivity on your tablet or smartphone. Honestly, this is a good thing, but an unplanned update slows down your smartphone, uses up mobile data, and can prevent you from doing other things with your device. In this case, it is more rational to manually update applications.

How to disable automatic app updates on Google Play?

How to manually update applications on Android?

If you have blocked the Play Store from updating your applications, then you will have to do it manually. In fact, this is not difficult, because you will not update all applications, but only those that, for certain reasons, you consider necessary to update.

By the way, if the application does not update, complaining about lack of space, this is easy to solve. We have already written,

By default, applications installed through the Play Market are in all Android versions are updated automatically. Very few versions of the operating system automatically update the software. But any user can go to manual update applications and software.

How to activate or deactivate automatic software updates

The software updates itself only in unofficial Android builds. In other versions of the operating system, it must be updated manually by default.

Deactivating automatic software updates

But if you are faced with the fact that the software updates automatically, then follow these steps to prevent it from doing so:

Video: How to disable automatic Android updates

Activating automatic software updates

To enable auto-update, follow the three steps above, but in the last one, do not deactivate, but activate automatic update software.

Manual software update

If you have disabled automatic software updates, it is recommended that you constantly check for new versions manually.

How to enable or disable automatic app updates

Only programs installed from the Play Market update independently. Applications installed from the .apk file are updated only through deletion old version and installation of a new one.

Activating and deactivating automatic application updates in the Play Market

To enable or disable self-updating of programs, you need to follow these steps:

Video: how to disable auto-update of applications on Android

Manually updating programs from the Play Market

If you have disabled automatic receipt of new versions of applications, you will need to download them manually. Otherwise, some applications will refuse to work or will not receive new features added with updates.

What is needed to update applications in the Play Market

You can manually update the application like this:

Video: how to manually update applications in the Play Market

Possible problems when updating applications

When updating applications manually or automatically, the following problems may occur:

You can enable or disable automatic app updates on Android at any time. The same can be done with self-updating software, if such a function is present in your firmware. After deactivation automatic update Don't forget to manually update your system and applications.

operating room Android system by default updates applications on Google Play, but not everyone has a cheap one unlimited Internet! What to do in such cases?

Of course, automatic updating in Google Play is a very convenient feature, thanks to which all new versions installed applications and games always on your Android. Despite all the conveniences, sometimes it is necessary to disable updating google apps play and here's why:

  • Costly use of mobile Internet;
  • The release of a low-quality application, or it works with frequent failures;
  • A new design that fundamentally breaks usability;
  • With numerous updates, Android performance and battery life may be greatly reduced;
  • A new update in which functionality has been reduced, advertising has been added, or optional features have been imposed.

If you fall into one of these categories, or are afraid to end up in it, then let’s move from words to action - turn off automatic app updates on Google Play!

How to prevent applications from updating on Android?

  • Never- applications will never be updated until you manually do it yourself and install a new version.
  • Always— applications update themselves whenever you connect to the Internet
  • Only via Wi-Fi- updating applications only via wifi

If you want to completely disable the ability to update, then you need the item - Never.

How to disable auto-update in Android
for a specific application?

In new Google versions Play Google has provided the ability to enable or disable updates for individual applications. If an application is updated very often among others, and you don’t like it, then you can exclude it from “Auto Update”.

In order to enable/disable updates for a specific application, you need to do this - Go to my applications -> select the required application -> select additional. functions -> check or uncheck the “Auto updates” box. Now you can fully control the update process and not be upset by a zero balance or a non-working application!