How to remove torrent protection by deleting. How to remove write protection from a flash drive - working methods

Video tutorial 1: removing protection from a memory card on Samsung phone by formatting on the phone itself or on a PC

Video tutorial 2: removing protection from a memory card using another mobile device

Methods for removing write protection on a memory card in Samsung phones

The most effective way to remove protection is to format the memory card.

Important: when resorting to this method of removing protection, you should not forget about the “second side of the coin”, because the problem is that in this case you may lose valuable files, and you will not have a chance to copy them.

Method one: format the memory card on a Samsung phone

To do this, go to “Phone Settings”, then to the “Memory” or “Options” section, depending on your model. Then select the “Format memory card” or “Format USB storage” field and click “Delete all”.

If this method does not work, the phone asks for a password that you do not remember, then you should try the following methods below.

The second method is formatting on a PC

Connect your memory card, depending on the size, through a card reader, adapter or adapter to the PC. Download one of the utilities for formatting SD cards, for example, SD Formatter. By following the instructions, you can easily restore the necessary parameters of your removable storage device.

The third method is to switch the lever

Another practical way to quickly remove write protection from a flash drive is a small switch that is located directly on the media. But if you have a micro card, insert it into the card reader first. Then look carefully, on one side you will see a switch that is fixed in a certain position (up or down). This switch completely blocks copying access to and from the flash card. You need to carefully inspect this switch, and if possible, try to switch it to a different position. Thus, by adjusting this lever, the vault can be locked and then unlocked again.

The fourth method is using another mobile device

If the above methods did not help you, then perhaps this method will be effective. First of all, you need to get mobile phone with Symbian OS, for example, Nokia, as shown in video lesson 2. Insert our password-protected memory card into this phone. Go to “Menu”, then to “Applications”, then look for the “File Manager” section and find our locked memory card. Select the “Memory card functions” field and select “Format”.

If none of the methods led to the desired result, then, most likely, your memory card has become unusable and it is unlikely that anything will help it.

One of the most reliable means of storing personal information is flash media. For many, such a device becomes the first assistant in their work; with its help, you can easily carry the necessary information just in your pocket. When it comes to storage security various programs and files, it is not uncommon to use a special software(BY). It is designed to protect the media from copying, deleting or moving materials, as well as from reading, without entering a special code.

But even if you have not used such programs, and when you run the command to transfer its contents, the error appears: “The disk is write-protected,” do not panic, determine the reason and use the suggested methods. Removing protection from a flash drive is not a difficult task at all, and most importantly, it can be solved and is more economical than buying a new one.


A flash drive can be blocked for many reasons. The most common ones are listed here:
  • Infidels Windows settings, for example, a software ban - installed in the operating system;
  • Failure of the media, often poorly produced “flash drives” - Chinese counterfeits of world leaders;
  • The physical switch is in the wrong position;
  • The host is infected with a virus;
  • Malfunction of computer USB ports;
  • Lack of a driver responsible for correct device recognition;
  • Incorrect use. For example, you cannot remove the media until the process is completed: writing, downloading, renaming, moving or reading;
These are not all the reasons that cause the consequences of the write protection of the media being triggered. But if you still encounter a similar error, this does not mean that you need to change the flash drive.

Proven methods for removing protection from a drive

On the Internet, a lot of recommendations are described for getting rid of such a problem, both hardware and software, and most importantly, the authors of such posts write that his method is “the best.”

We present to your attention “TOP 7 effective ways» how to remove write protection from a flash drive, all of them have been checked and confirmed big amount users.

Hardware method using command line Windows
First you need to start the line, we do this by simultaneously pressing two keys on the keyboard: Windows + R. The “Run” window will open and enter the command “ cmd"and press the OK button;

The system response is to open the command line;

Required to enter " Diskpart»;

and press Enter. A new window will open - disk management program;

To continue, enter " list disk", confirm the action by pressing the Enter button;

In the window that opens, a list will appear on which you need to determine the number required media, focusing on the amount of memory, in our case it is Disk 5 - an 8Gb flash drive. Select a disk using the command: select disk )(, where -)(, this is the disk number, in our case 5;

After it has written to you: “Disk selected )(”, enter the following command, which will remove the block from all protected files that had a “read-only” error when opened. Command: attributes disk clear readonly(can be copied);

When “Disk attributes have been successfully cleared” is displayed, you can exit the program by entering the “Exit” command.

After closing the utility, check the media for functionality. Once you are confident in the operation of the method, you can continue to use the device without extra costs.

Virus scanning
One of the most relevant ways to solve this problem is also to scan the media for virus infection. To do this, you will need to go to “My Computer” and right-click on the name assigned to the device by the operating system, for example, “Disk Z”.

Then select “Check for viruses” in the menu. After a few minutes, the scanning result window will appear on the screen. This method can be applied to any antivirus software installed on your PC.

The flash drive can be write-protected by unauthorized installation of virus software. A clearly demonstrated method will help solve this problem and also protect your computer from automatic installation unnecessary gadgets.

Hardware button on the carrier. Mechanical protection
Some models of portable USB drives have built-in protection that is turned on/off using an installed button. Be sure to pay attention to this; to allow recording and moving, the button must point to the “open lock.”

Often, to eliminate such an error, utilities created for formatting are used. Remember when using this method All files from the media will be completely deleted.

Application group policy Windows
It is possible to restrict local rights group policy, the elimination of such infringement of rights must be carried out following the algorithm:
Press Windows + R at the same time and enter the command gpedit.msc, click OK;

In the window that appears, go through the tabs sequentially:

  1. Computer configuration;
  2. Administrative Templates;
  3. System;
  4. Access to removable storage devices.

By clicking twice, an option window will open;

Check “Disable” → “Apply” → and confirm by clicking “Ok”.

By completing such a simple process, you can easily remove the interference in the infringement of the rights to use the media and continue working.

Programs to fix errors

If the above methods hardware elimination did not give the desired result, it is worth trying using software.

Soft disks are designed for expensive storage media; for less valuable storage devices there are also a lot of programs, for example:

JetFlash Recovery Tool - free program freely available, intended for media from A-Data and Transcend. Its main functionality includes the ability to eliminate writing and reading errors, as well as unlocking. After downloading the utility from its creator’s resource, run it using the file of the same name, .exe format. After waiting for installation, click the JFRecoveryTool.exe shortcut. When the working window opens, insert the USB flash drive into the USB input and click “Start”. After the process is completed, check the drive to see if the error has been resolved.

Apacer Repair- the utility is created individually for media produced by Apacer Technology Inc, and is also applicable for third-party drives. The functionality can eliminate recording problems. It is recommended to download the program from the official resource, where it is posted and is available for download completely free of charge. After completing the download process and connecting the USB drive, run the utility. First of all, she will do the formatting, for which there will be a warning. By clicking “Format”, the successfully completed process will allow you to forget about the recently disturbing problem.

Knowing the brand name of your carrier, it will not be difficult for you to select the required program; there are tons of them on the Internet. It is to solve such problems that manufacturers create them and post them on Internet resources; it is worth noting that they are all freely available.

It is not always possible to determine the true cause of a malfunction and remove write protection. But having used the above methods, based on the result you will understand exactly what to do next: safely use a working device, or buying a new one will become an inevitable event.

We do not guarantee the safety of information!

To install, view, change or delete special permissions for files and folders Windows Vista, using Windows XP, do the following:

1. Open File Explorer and locate the file or folder for which you want to install special permissions.

2. Click the file or folder right click mouse, select the Properties command and go to the tab Safety. To display the Security tab, click the Start button and then click Control Panel. Go to the Appearance & Themes category, then click the Folder Options icon. On the View tab in the group Extra options uncheck "Use simple" general access to files (recommended)".

3. Click the Advanced button and do one of the following:

Set special permissions for a new group or user.

Click the Add button. In the Name box, enter a name for the user or group, and then click OK.

Set specific permissions for an existing group or user.

Select a user or group name and click Edit.

Delete an existing group or user along with its special permissions.

Select a user or group name and click Remove. If the Delete button is not available, clear the Inherit permissions applied to child objects from the parent object by adding them to those explicitly set in this window check box, click the Delete button, and skip the next two steps.

4. In the Permissions list, select or clear the appropriate checkbox (allow or deny).
5. In the Apply column, select the folders or subfolders to which these permissions should be applied.
6. To prevent files and subfolders from inheriting these permissions, clear the Apply these permissions to objects and containers only within this container check box.
7. Click OK, and then in the Advanced Security Settings for Folder Name window, click OK again.

- If you select the "Replace permissions on all child objects with the permissions specified here that apply to child objects, adding them to those explicitly specified in this window" checkbox, then all permissions on subfolders and files will be revoked, and the permissions set on the parent will be assigned instead object. Once you click Apply or OK, this change can no longer be undone by unchecking the box.


To open File Explorer, click the Start button and select All Programs, Accessories, and File Explorer.

The Everyone group no longer includes a group with the Anonymous Login permission.

If you select the “Inherit from the parent object permissions that apply to child objects, adding them to those explicitly specified in this window” checkbox, then this file or the folder will inherit permissions from the parent object.

Permissions can only be set on drives formatted for file system NTFS.

If any of the checkboxes in the Permissions list are grayed out, that means the permissions are being inherited from the parent folder.

Only the owner of the object or those users to whom he has granted the appropriate permissions can change permissions.

Groups and users with Full Control permission on a folder can delete files and subfolders from it, regardless of the permissions they have on those files and subfolders.

Changing inherited permissions:

When you view permissions for an object, if the permission checkboxes are grayed out, the permissions are inherited from the parent object. There are three ways to change inherited permissions.

Make changes to the access permissions of a parent object, and those changes will be inherited by that object.

Change the permission to the opposite (Allow instead of Deny or vice versa) to override the inherited permission.

Uncheck the "Inherit from the parent object permissions that apply to child objects, adding them to those explicitly set in this window" checkbox.

You can now change permissions or remove users or groups from the Permissions list. However, after doing this, the object will no longer inherit permissions from the parent folder.
On the Advanced page, in the Permission Items list, there is an Apply To column that lists the folders and subfolders to which the corresponding permission applies. The Inherited From column indicates where permissions are inherited from.

If the Special permissions line in the Permissions for user or group name list is grayed out, it does not mean that this permission was inherited. This means that it is selected special permission.

The method will be useful to all owners of Total Commander:

1) Install Total Commander(TC).

2) Select in TC to the disk with installed Windows Vista, and when messages appear that the files cannot be deleted, click the Skip All button.

3) Select the folder Windows and go to the TC menu => Network => Become an owner and click OK

4) Select Windows folder and go to the TC menu => Network => Change access rights, check the box Change permissions for subdirectories, set yourself full access rights and click OK

We also repeat the steps for the Users and Program Files folders!

5) Select the Windows folder and go to the TC menu => Network => File audit, check the box Change audit for subdirectories, set yourself full access rights (check all the boxes) and click OK

We also repeat the steps for the Users and Program Files folders!

To learn how to use your computer to the maximum, you must install Total Commander on your PC. It's iconic file manager among experienced users, because the application has many functions not only for controlling the computer itself, but also connected devices: smartphones, flash drives, hard drives, etc. But in order to get real benefit from the Total Commander program, you must learn how to use this software. For example, solve various errors that may appear during your work with the Total Commander manager.

One of the popular errors that occurs when using a recording is the system message “Unlock recording protection”, which can pop up either when you open Total Commander or when you try to use one of the program options. This article will discuss the reason for this error, as well as methods for solving it.

Why does the “Remove record protection” error pop up in Total Commander?

Each computer can have users with different access levels. This is done so that not everyone can make some fatal changes to the PC, because not everyone can be trusted with administration. That’s why many devices have a root user and a regular user who can read data and, in some cases, edit it. As a rule, if you have one default user installed on your computer, then he has all possible rights, that is maximum level access. But it happens that a computer, trying to secure its operating system, automatically sets restrictions on certain actions.

If you are asked to remove write protection while using the Total Commander program, it means that you cannot edit certain files and folders.

More precisely, you cannot use Total Commander in such a way that the program writes some data to some files. And to remove this write protection, you need to find these files and change your user permissions.

How to remove record protection in Total Commander

The fact is that this error can appear in completely different cases. Some people are asked to remove write protection when they first launch Total Commander after installation. In this case, the error is clearly related to some main program files. Or this message may appear when you try to connect to an FTP server or change some option, or perform an action on removable media information.

To remove the recording protection and get rid of the intrusive system notice, you need to carefully look at the error message that pops up. Do not click OK until you have read it completely. In addition to the request to remove the recording protection, it also indicates a specific file or even several files that need editing. In addition to the names of the files, you will also see the path to them, that is, their location on your computer.

So, head to your files folder. Most likely you need to edit one of system files in ini format. These files are the dynamic component of Total. Take at least one of them: if you changed some system settings, for example, saved a new FTP connection, then the wcx_ftp.ini file will change, that is, data will be written. And since such writing to this file is not possible on your computer, a conflict between various services arises, and as a result, a message asking you to remove the protection. And this can happen with every configuration file of the Total Commander program.

After being found required file or multiple ini files, you need to right-click on one of them. After that, click on the “Properties” section in the context menu. Next, you need to find the “Security” tab - it is in this part of the settings that the user’s access to certain file options is regulated. After that, you will see various actions and checkmarks next to them. Where there is a checkmark, this is a permitted action, and where there is no checkmark, it is prohibited. All you need to do is check the box next to the word “Record”. Or you can immediately put a check mark next to all actions, thereby preventing other errors of this kind from occurring.

In general, everything can be made even simpler. But you will need to perform this simple action every time you log into the Total Commander application. All you need to do is not open Total Commander as usual double click mouse, but through the context menu. In it you will find an item like “Run as administrator”. As you know, the administrator has maximum rights everywhere, so writing files is allowed for him. Thus, you will be able to work with all the options of the Total Commander program and none system errors will not pop out.

Please note that running as administrator does not always work. Especially often, users with operating systems cannot solve the problem using this method. Windows system 8.1. Therefore, if you have such an OS installed, it is better to use the first method described - correct your rights for various files. To prevent similar problems from arising in the future, you can immediately check all the boxes in all ini files, that is, configuration files. There should be about 7 of them in total, but if you installed various plugins and add-ons, there may be more files. Pay attention to this, because write protection may cause one of the installed plugins to not work.

In some cases, it is not possible to use the first method, since it is impossible to change the rights for certain files through the context menu. You simply won’t be able to check the box next to the word “Record.” This means that these files are protected by the computer system, and you need to look for an even more sophisticated way to change attributes. You can use a third-party program, which is needed just to change rights in such difficult situations. For example, you can use Unlocker program, which is needed to change the access level. Typically, it is used in cases where it is impossible to delete or move a file, but this program is also well suited for solving the problem described.

Hello everyone friends. Today, I want to tell you about how to remove write protection from a flash drive in the shortest possible time and without much difficulty. The thing is that the other day, as usual, I wanted to copy a certain file to a flash drive, but in response I saw a message of a similar nature: “The disk is write-protected. Remove protection or use another disk." What kind of things are these? After all, such cases had never happened before and everything worked perfectly. As a result, I began to look for ways to solve this problem, which I will discuss in this article.

First, let's look at the main reasons why write protection may appear:

— The integrity of the file system was violated, for example, due to improper use of the flash drive (for example, after finishing work with the flash drive, the function is not used – safe removal devices)

— The flash drive was attacked and infected with viruses. The most common reason.

— Trivial damage to the flash drive itself. She fell somewhere or was subject to a strong blow.

— A special switch is installed on the flash drive, which prevents infection by viruses and puts write protection on the flash drive.

We have figured out the reasons, now I will tell you how to remove write protection from a flash drive using software and mechanical means.

  • We bypass the protection using a mechanical method
  • Diskpart utility
  • Local Group Policy Editor - gpedit.msc
  • Programs for removing protection from flash drives
  • Mechanical method of removing protection from a flash drive

    As for the mechanics, everything is very simple here. Carefully inspect your flash drive for the presence of a so-called switch, which mechanically installs protection on the flash drive. Below, I have given several examples of flash drives with such a switch. If yours has such a switch, just move it to the other side and everything will work.

    If the situation with the switch does not solve anything, we move on to software methods for removing protection from a flash drive.

    Removing protection using the OS registry

    1) In order to remove protection from a flash drive using the registry operating system we need to click the Start button and enter regedit (command for editing the registry) in the search field. After that, right-click (right-click) on the icon that appears and select the item – Run as administrator.

    2) Now we need to find a special section called – StorageDevicePolicies, which is responsible for prohibiting writing to the flash drive.

    It should be located in the following path:


    Important! If you do not find this partition at the specified path, you must create it manually. To do this, go to the parent section Control, right-click on it and select – Create – Section. Give it a name – StorageDevicePolicies.

    3) Go to the StorageDevicePolicies section we created and right-click in the right area of ​​the registry. Select the menu item - New - DWORD value (32 bits). We call it an arbitrary name, for example, WriteProtect.

    4) Now we just have to make sure that the value of the WriteProtect parameter is 0. To do this, double-click on this parameter with the mouse or right-click on WriteProtect and select the menu item - Change.

    Important! If the value in this parameter is set to 1, then change it to 0 and click OK.

    5) Close the registry editor window, remove our flash drive from the device, and reboot it. After the reboot, insert the flash drive and check whether files can be written to it.

    Removing protection from a flash drive via Diskpart

    If the option of removing protection using the registry did not work, let's try this operation through the command line interface.

    For this:

    1) Press the Start button, enter the command diskpart, then right-click on the icon that appears and select the item – Run as administrator.

    2) In the window that appears, enter the command – list disk and press the Enter key. A list of drives will appear in front of us, in which we need to determine the serial number of your flash drive.

    This is easy to do using the size of your flash drive. For example, my flash drive is 8 GB in size, so I can easily identify it in the list of media. If you don’t know the size of your flash drive, then double-click on the My Computer icon (usually located on the desktop) and see what size your flash drive is (RMB - Properties).

    After you have selected the desired media, enter the command select disk your media number(I have this 1). Press Enter and a message with the selected disk should appear.

    3) Enter the command - attributes disk clear readonly, which clears the read-only attributes for the flash drive and removes write protection from it.

    Press Enter and if everything is done correctly, the message “Disk attributes successfully cleared” will appear in front of you.

    Close the diskpart utility window.

    Removing protection using the Local Group Policy Editor

    Sometimes there are cases where the write ban is enabled through the Group Policy Editor in the OS itself. Let's check it out:

    1) Click the Start button and enter the command gpedit.msc in the search bar, then press the Enter button.

    2) In the window that appears, follow the path: Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Access to removable storage devices and in the right area of ​​the window select the item - Removable drives: Disable recording.

    At this point, we pay attention to the condition that appears next to the inscription. If the status is set to Enabled, then double-click on it and select Disable in the new window. Click Apply and OK.

    List of programs for removing protection from a flash drive

    HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool– a universal program that fits almost any flash drive and allows you to quickly remove protection. program, run the exe file (installation this program does not require) which is in the archive and the program itself will detect your flash drive. After that, you need to select the type of file system into which the program will format and click the Start button.

    JetFlash Recovery Tool - this program is only suitable for flash drives from the following manufacturers: JetFlash, A-DATA and Transcend. program, carry out a simple installation, and after launching it, press the Start button.

    Apacer Repair – this program only works with Apacer flash drives. If you have just such a flash drive, then in order to remove the program from the flash drive, simply launch it and follow the instructions on the screen.

    AlcorMP is one of best programs to carry out such actions. It works with AlcorMP controllers. archive, unpack it and run the file AlcorMP.exe from the folder itself. If your flash drive works on an AlcorMP controller, then the inscription in line G will be black and this means that everything is in order and you can work. If the inscription is red, then working with this flash drive is impossible. In order to remove write protection from a flash drive, simply press the Start button (A) after setting the switch to Russian.

    An important nuance. All programs for working with flash drives must be run with administrator rights. To do this, right-click on the program launch shortcut or on the program itself and with context menu select – Run as administrator.

    A couple of points. Before using the above programs, I recommend carrying out preliminary steps and if they do not help, only then resort to the help of software. What is this connected with? If you use software, then all your files will be deleted as the flash drive is formatted. To prevent this from happening, use the methods below, and if they do not help, then you can already start working with the programs.

    1) If your flash drive is infected with viruses (suspicious files on it), then scan it and remove all viruses found.

    2) There are times when it is enough to change the USB port and the data from the flash drive can be read perfectly.

    3) Be sure to check for a security switch on the flash drive. If it is in “Lock” mode, then move it to the other side.

    That's all the advice that I wanted to give you on the topic of how to remove write protection from a flash drive. I hope this article will help you in solving this problem.

    That's all for me. See you again!!!