How to remove a landscape page from a book page. How to make one page landscape in Word

By default, the page view is set to vertical, also called portrait view. For most text documents, instructions and even books, it is most suitable.

However, there are situations when a horizontal sheet is more convenient. For example, when inserting large graphs, photographs, and other wide visual objects. In this case, the pages need to be “upside down.”

By the way, what type of sheets in a document - portrait or landscape - is called page orientation.

How to make all pages of a document landscape

1 . At the top of the program, go to the “Page Layout” or “Layout” tab and find the “Orientation” button.

2. Click on it and select the “Landscape” option.

Now all sheets in the document will be horizontal. If you need to make them vertical again, we do the same thing, but instead of landscape orientation, choose portrait.

How to make only one (several) pages landscape

It often happens that you need to turn not all the pages, but only one. Well, or several. For example, in a term paper, where the main part of the document is text, but several sheets are allocated for images and graphs. Then it is much more convenient if they are horizontal.

1 . Place the cursor on the page that you want to make landscape. To do this, simply click on it so that the wand blinks.

2. Go to the “Page Layout” tab at the top of the program and click on the small arrow in the “Page Options” line (on the right).

In Word 2016, this is done a little differently: go to the “Layout” tab, select the “Margins” element and look at the bottom for the “Custom Margins” line. In earlier versions of Word: File → Page Options.

3. In the window that appears (in the “Fields” tab), in the “Orientation” section, click on “Landscape”.

4 . Then at the bottom of the window, in the “Apply” section, select “to the end of the document” from the list and click “OK”.

Now this page and everything after it will be in landscape orientation. If you need the document to have only one upside-down sheet or a couple, then do the same, but in reverse:

  • Place the blinking cursor on the sheet that should be portrait (just click on it).
  • In the Page Layout tab, click on the small arrow next to Page Setup.
  • In the window, select the orientation “Portrait” and select “to the end of the document” at the bottom.

The page will “turn” back, but the previously made landscape sheet(s) will remain. Now all subsequent pages will be book pages.

Quite often, when working with text in a program Microsoft Word, there is a need to rotate the sheet horizontally. And how to rotate a sheet in Word? Let's figure it out.

In Microsoft Word, there are two types of sheet layout - vertical and horizontal. The vertical arrangement of the sheet is called a book spread, the horizontal one is called landscape.

The default page orientation in Word is portrait. However, when you are working with charts for example, or when you are creating something like a leaflet, you may need to rotate the sheet 90 degrees, i.e. switch to landscape sheet.

Luckily, Word makes it easy to switch to landscape mode.

If you are using Word 2003, then select the menu item File -> Page settings.

Then in the dialog box Page settings select tab Fields.

Under the heading Orientation click Landscape. A blue outline should appear inside the edge of the window with a picture of a leaf in a horizontal position.

If you want all sheets in your document to be in landscape orientation, then simply click the OK button at the bottom of the dialog box. If you want to apply changes only from the current sheet and to all the following, then select the option until the end of the document Apply In chapter Sample, and then click OK.

In addition, you can make any pages in the middle of the document landscape. Simply highlight the pages you need before opening the " Page settings" And then, following the instructions described above, select the option to selected text in the drop-down list called Apply.

Landscape sheet in Word 2007, 2010

In newer versions Word programs(2007, 2010) changing the orientation of the sheet is even easier. Go to the tab Page layout main menu, in the command group Page settings select Orientation -> Landscape. All pages of the document will change orientation.

If you need to rotate only one or several selected pages, click on the button in the lower right corner of the command group Page settings.

Using the instructions below, you can learn how to make a book page in Word (for different versions program), in case your pages are displayed in landscape format.

Competent work with such a large word processor as MS Word requires the user to have knowledge of document formatting.

The portrait orientation of a document page is also called portrait - the text on the sheet is printed from bottom to top, and the height of the page must be greater than its width.

Classic documents (various reports, course and diploma papers, abstracts, etc.) are usually printed on sheets of portrait orientation.

Changing orientation in Word 2003

This version of Word is older and is no longer supported by Microsoft.

Some new editor formats may not be reflected correctly, and as a result, almost all file formatting may be lost.

Quite often, the page mode setting also gets confused - instead of portrait, it becomes landscape, and vice versa.

Also, the text moves beyond the document margins, so the file may require additional formatting and restoration.

Since the interface of this version of the program is somewhat different from the new versions, it is necessary to consider in more detail how to change the page to a book page.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Create a standard document and open it;
  • In the main program window, select “File” and open the options window. It will look like this;
  • The window consists of several tabs with which you can adjust the settings of document sheets. Find the Orientation field. It is located in the "Fields" tab. Select portrait as shown in the picture above. Click OK.

In this version of Word, you can also control how the layout of sheets is applied to the entire document.

To do this, in the sample field, set the application mode: to the entire file or only to its individual pages.

Advice! When creating a document in portrait orientation, you may need to adjust the margins. They can also be configured in the document page formatting window. This is especially useful when creating cheat sheets.

Changing orientation in Word 2007

This version of the word processor from Microsoft has updated interface, which is more open and user-friendly.

Due to the fact that the program supports most new file formats with office documents, they can be opened without encountering the problem of formatting failure, as often happens in earlier versions of the program.

To change the page orientation in this version of the program, follow the instructions below:

  • Go to the page layout tab, which is located on the toolbar in the program window;
  • Select the "Orientation" field and open the drop-down list;

  • You will be offered two options for possible layouts. Select bookstore. All pages will automatically accept the selected option. If necessary, adjust the document margin sizes so that the text does not extend beyond the page.

Make book orientation in Word 2010 and 2013

New versions of Word are practically no different in interface from the previous version.

However, when you try to change the page layout, the margins are automatically adjusted so that the text does not extend beyond the page.

To change the page mode, open the layout tab, select “Orientation” and in the drop-down list, click on book page view.

This process is shown in the figure below.

Creating landscape and book pages in the same document

To set up display of both portrait and landscape orientation in one document, follow the instructions:

  1. Select all the text you want to change;
  2. In the markup tab, select “Fields” and use the drop-down list to go to the document custom fields window;
  3. Select portrait orientation and in the Apply box select “to the end of the document.” Click OK.

The selected pages will have portrait orientation; to set up landscape for other selected pages, use the instructions above, only select landscape in the orientation column.

Using the same principle, you can make only 1 page portrait or landscape. Select the required page and customize its appearance according to the example shown in the figure.

Also, after all the manipulations,

When working in the Word text editor, portrait page orientation is not always suitable. Sometimes it is necessary for the pages to be like in an album, i.e. located horizontally. It's not at all difficult to do this. Much harder to do landscape page in Word in the middle of the document. This is where you have to work hard.

Default O The page orientation in Word is portrait, but it can be changed to landscape if necessary. How to do it?

This may be necessary when creating reports from or for an album.

  1. Select a team FilePage settings…

2. In the window that opens “ Page settings » select the tab « Fields" In chapter " Orientation» click on « Landscape" and save by clicking the " OK ».

If you want your document to have only one or more sheets in the middle of the document in landscape orientation,

then place the cursor on the page that should be landscape and select from the menu FilePage settings . In the window that opens " Page settings " on the " tab Fields" In chapter " Orientation» install « Landscape" Below in the section " Sample" in the window " Apply" in the drop-down list, select " until the end of the document " and click the " OK ».

Next, place the cursor on the page from which the book format, and do the same. Just select " Orientation » — « TOlower " And in the section " Sample" in the window " Apply" set also "to the end of the document".

As you can see, nothing complicated.

The same can be done in a text editor Word 2007/2010. To do this, open the menu Page layout and to the right of the block name Page settings Click on the little black arrow. A window will open Page settings .

Do everything else in the same way as described above.

This is how you can make a landscape page in Word in the middle of a document .

If you have Word 2007 or 2010 installed, you can watch a video tutorial on changing the page orientation:

We'll take the text editor package as an example. This editor is one of the most popular today. You can immediately note that this one has enormous functionality and each of its functions is not difficult to use. But still, many users experience various questions when working with Microsoft Word documents. Today we will look at another question related to this text editor. The question is: "how in Microsoft document Word makes one page portrait and the other landscape.

A task that seems difficult to some users is actually extremely simple. So, first of all, you need to open the Microsoft Word document itself. After opening, go to the page you need and place the cursor on it. Now in the document toolbar we look for the tab " Page layout"and in it we go to the menu" Page settings".

Here we select landscape page orientation and click on the item " Apply to the end of the document". We confirm our actions by pressing the button " OK".

If you want a portrait view of a document page, you need to select it from the Page Setup menu. But what if you need only one, for example, landscape page for the entire document? As you understand, using the above method, all your subsequent pages will have landscape view. The way out of this situation is also quite simple.

All you need to do is change the orientation of the document pages after the page you made landscape to portrait. That is, you need to place the mouse cursor on the page from which you will have a portrait page orientation, and perform the steps written above, only selecting the portrait page type. After this, all pages of your document will again take on a book appearance.

If you need to make one page portrait and the other landscape in a Microsoft Word document, then this is quite possible. All you need to do is follow the recommendations given in this article.