How to delete cookies in Google Chrome. Enabling Cookies in Google Chrome How to Clear Cookies in Chrome

Hello, dear readers! In this article, we will talk about cookies. Google browser Chrome. Let's figure out how to clean individual elements or remove them completely. Well, first, a little theory.

First, let's figure out what cookies are and what they are needed for. We will also find out what harm or benefit these cookies can bring.

Cookies are files necessary for the operation of the browser, which store information about the user, passwords to sites, accounts in in social networks and other confidential data. If malware will gain access to your cookies, then, naturally, all this information could fall into the hands or database of an attacker. Sometimes, viruses themselves can masquerade as cookies. This is why it is so important to clean them or remove them completely.

How to completely delete cookies

Click the browser menu button and select “Settings” from the drop-down list:

Scroll to the very bottom of the page and click on the link “Show additional settings»:

Find the “Personal Data” section and click on the “Clear History” button:

In the next window we indicate the period of time for which we need to delete cookies. If you want to delete them completely, then check “All time”, and also check only the “Cookies, as well as other site and plug-in data” checkbox.

Click on the “Clear history” button.

Cleaning individual cookies in Chrome

If you do not want to completely delete everything contained in your browser cookies, but just get rid of some of them, then the Chrome browser provides this opportunity.

To do this, we follow the path we already know: “Menu – Settings – Show additional settings.” Find the “Personal Data” section and click on the “Content Settings” button.

In the window that opens, in the “Cookies” section, click on the “All cookies and site data” button:

We load a list of all sites with saved data. If you want to delete some of them, then simply move the mouse cursor to one of them and click on the cross in the right corner.

This way you can clear a long list of cookies.

This function may be needed if you have been away from your computer for some time and left data on some sites; it is better to remove such sites from this list.

Extension for working with cookies in Chrome

In addition to standard functions in the browser, we can also use various additional extensions that will help us delete some cookies, as well as make backups of such files, etc.

In general, for general development I explain how to install such an extension and perform some tricks with it.

Click “Menu – Settings” and in the left menu go to “Extensions”, where we can see a list of all installed on our this moment extensions.

We go down to the very bottom of the page and click on the “More extensions” button:

We are opening a Google search service Chrome extensions. Let's use it and see what they offer us for cookies. Type the appropriate query into the search bar and press Enter.

Install the proposed extension under the same name cookies:

After installation, you will immediately see what this extension is. It looks like a small cookie editor.

If you click on one of the sites, we can immediately delete the cookie data, make a backup of it, or add the file to the white list.

In more detail, I drew which button is responsible for what in the screenshot:

Cleaning cookies using CCleaner

Who has it installed? this program, and he likes to use it, then you can immediately delete all cookies without going into the browser.

This is done very simply.

Let's launch the program. We remove birds from all marked points. In the “Applications” tab we find the browser “ Google Chrome", put a check mark next to Cookies and click on the "Cleanup" button.

Cookies are ordinary text files, which store information about the site on the user’s computer. They can be used to store authentication data, site settings, track the state of the current session and maintain statistics. If you disable the acceptance of cookies in your browser, then working with sites will become less convenient, in particular, you will have to enter logins and passwords every time, and working with online stores will become completely impossible, since most of them save information in cookies.

Why clear cookies?

As already stated, cookies contain confidential information. It is impossible to use this information, since it is encrypted, but you can log into user accounts. Therefore, after working on someone else’s computer, it is advisable to clear all Cookies.

How to clear all cookies in Google Chrome

Here is an algorithm for clearing cookies in the Chrome browser.

How to clear Cookies selectively

If you want to clear only some cookies, then Google Chrome also has this option. To do this, you need to follow the steps described above from the first point. And click on the “content settings” link below.

In the settings window that opens, click on the “All cookies and site data...” button.

Here you can view all the data that was saved by the browser for each site. To search for cookies, there is an input field in the upper right corner. The site address is entered into it and a search is made across all browser data.

Once the search is complete, a list of found sites is displayed. The list displays all stored information about the site. You can delete site data completely or selectively. To delete everything about a site, you need to click on the cross in the list.

Instructions in video format:

Plugins for working with cookies

To work with cookies, in addition to the standard functions of Google Chrome, you can use plugins. They provide greater opportunities. For example, a plugin called Cookies allows you to delete, change, add cookies, make backups and restore them, work with the list of trusted files. It is possible to protect all your cookies with a password.

Cookie removal programs

For complete removal cookies in Chrome you can use special programs, which can also delete other information about browser activity. For example, CCleaner program will help clear all cookies, as well as the list of visited sites, Internet cache, autofill forms and much more.

Sometimes users need to clear cache memory and cookies in Google Chrome, where temporary data of opened website pages is stored. For this purpose, this article was created to help such people and clearly demonstrate how easily and simply this can be done.

However, I would like to remind you that cookies from the pages you have visited and data in the cache of your web browser greatly simplify your work on the World Wide Web and speed up the loading of sites. But if you decide to clear the cache and delete cookies in google chrome, then remember that you will also lose all the information stored in the browser (I’m talking about logins, passwords, etc.). In this case, the pages will load more slowly, since all the graphics will be loaded anew.

How to clear Google Chrome browser cache

In order to clear the Google Chrome browser cache, you first need to open the “Clear History” window. To do this, while in the Chrome browser, press the key combination: Shift + Ctrl + Delete and go to step 5. You can take a longer route:

  1. We enter the browser menu by clicking on the button in the form of three marks;
  2. Go to the item “Additional tools”;
  3. Click “Delete data about viewed pages...”;
  4. In the window that opens, opposite “Delete the following elements:” select “for all time”;
  5. Place the bird next to “Images and other files saved in the cache”;
  6. Click “Clear history”.

As you can see, it’s very easy to clear the cache in Google Chrome.

Where is the Google Chrome cache located?

Various user data (cookies, cache and other files) browsers in different operating systems located in different directories:

Also, changing the cache storage location in different OS is done differently:

In order to change the storage location of the Google Chrome cache in Windows, you need to add the flag –user-data-dir in the “Object” field after chrome.exe and specify a new directory.

It looks something like this:

On Linux, you should specify the --user-data-dir flag and specify the path to the directory.

Cookies in Google Chrome

Cookies are files that are created when you visit websites and store user information(resource settings, information about logins and passwords). There are two types of cookies defined:

    Basic – created directly by the site you are on;

    Third-party - stored by other websites whose content is embedded in the page you are currently on (this could be ads, videos, images, etc.).

How to delete cookies in Google Chrome

There are two ways to clear cookies in Google Chrome:

  1. Go to the “Clear History” dialog box, as described above;
  2. Open the “All cookies and site data” window; read how to do this below.

You can also set your web browser to automatically clear cookies when you close all windows. To do this, go to dialog box“Content Settings” and check the “Delete local data when closing the browser” box. Or set up exceptions if you want cookies to be saved on some sites but not on others.

How to Set Cookies in Google Chrome

The Chrome browser provides full control over cookies. They are usually allowed, but this can be changed if necessary. When they are installed or blocked on the page, then at the end address bar the corresponding icon is added.

To go to the cookie settings in google chrome, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Chrome menu;
  2. Select "Settings";
  3. Click "Show advanced settings";
  4. In the “Personal Data” section, click the “Content Settings” button;
  5. In the "Cookies" section you can change the following settings.

Do not allow sites to save data - all cookies will be blocked. Therefore, do not be surprised that after selecting this setting, you will not be able to access sites that require login.

Block data and cookies from third-party sites – only third-party cookies will be blocked. Therefore, if a web resource was added to the exceptions, which made it possible to accept cookies from it, then third-party cookies on this site will continue to be blocked.

Exceptions for cookies from certain sites or domains - to do this, click on the “Configure exceptions...” button and you can set rules for processing cookies from certain web resources or domains. After clicking the button, the “Cookies and Site Data Exceptions” dialog box will open, where you should perform the following actions:

  • In the field, enter the name of the domain for which you want to create an exception;
  • In the drop-down menu, select a rule for the specified domain.

How to enable Cookies in Google Chrome

Sometimes, when you launch Google Chrome, you may receive a notification that the saving of cookies is disabled in your browser. Thus, you only need to activate this function.

  1. Go to the “Content Settings” dialog box as described above;
  2. Select "Allow saving local data (recommended)";
  3. Click "Done".

True, sometimes bugs appear and after enabling cookies, a notification pops up that they are still disabled, in which case you should restart the browser. If the problem is not resolved, then you should clear your browser cache and delete cookies in Google Chrome.

How to view Cookies in Google Chrome

  1. Go to “Content Settings”;
  2. Click on the "All cookies and site data" button.

Cookies are an excellent auxiliary tool that can significantly improve the quality of web surfing, but, unfortunately, excessive accumulation of these files often leads to poor performance of the Google Chrome browser. In this regard, to return the browser to its former performance, you just need to clear the cookies in Google Chrome.

When you visit sites in the Google Chrome browser and, for example, log in to the site using your credentials, the next time you visit the site you will no longer have to log into the site again, thereby saving time.

In these situations, the work of cookies occurs, which take on the function of storing information about login data. The problem is that over time using Google Chrome, the browser can write a huge number of cookies, and therefore the speed of the browser will fall and fall. To maintain browser performance, it is enough to clean your cookies at least once every six months.

How to delete cookies in Google Chrome?

1. Click on the browser menu button in the upper right corner and go to the section "History" - "History" . You can also get to this menu even faster by using a simple keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H .

2. A window will open with an expanded visit log. But we are not interested in him, but in the button "Clear the history" .

3. A window will appear on the screen in which you can configure settings for clearing browser information. You need to make sure that next to the column “Cookies and other site and plugin data” checkbox is checked (check if necessary), and all other parameters are at your discretion.

4. In the upper area of ​​the window near the item "Remove the following items" set parameter "During all this time" .

5. And to start the cleaning procedure, press the button "Clear the history" .

In the same way, do not forget to periodically clear other browser information, and then your browser will always maintain its qualities, delighting you with high performance and smooth operation.

How to clear cookies and cache.

The article was edited on 05/04/2017 and is current.

Today you will learn what “cookies” and “cache” are. They are available in all browsers and on all computers (phones).

Let's first understand the concepts of “cookies” and “cache”. What it is? Do they need to be cleaned? If necessary, how often? Or maybe this shouldn’t be done?

I often come across this definition in the settings of my browser, sometimes on the Internet, and more than once I caught myself thinking that I have no idea what we are talking about. When I was regular user PC, this information was not clear to me and is not always necessary. But 3 years ago I started doing business on the Internet. And I realized that this was the information I needed. After all, all my work on the Internet depends on the settings of the browser in which I work. And it is clear that each user simply needs to customize the browser for themselves.

Cookies- information that is recorded and stored on a computer. It contains data about your visits to any sites (web resources). These are all sites where you have visited once or recently. Information (address and passwords with logins) is saved in files on the computer. When you visit a web resource or site again, the browser requests information in cookies. Then he will transfer all the information that he remembers to the desired page. Thus, you can easily get to places you have already been before. For the browser to work correctly you need to do necessary settings. The default settings need to be changed. That is, customize the browser for yourself. And this must be done immediately after downloading the browser. You go to your browser settings and choose the ones that suit you.

What is "cache"?

The cache is located in each user's browser. It records all the pages that you visit. This is necessary so that the page or site does not need to be reloaded from the server when called again.

Think for yourself, you work on the Internet and go to the sites you need. Your browser has already remembered where you were. And then, you go and in the settings give the command to the browser to clear these same cookies and caches. It cleans and all information disappears. And after some time, you need to get to this page or site again. And, you discover that you cannot get there. And if the page on the site itself is updated, then your browser writes that it cannot find it. It was so?

And then, you need to look for this page again. That is, write the name in the search. Then go to it and enter your password and login.

Understand that the browser is not rubber. And it is configured in such a way that the information gradually disappears without your intervention. So, decide for yourself whether to delete or not delete. My advice is to delete it, just figure out what to delete first.

I want to attract your attention! You can go to the content tab and manually delete those “cookies” and “caches” that you do not need. After all, we visit some sites by accident. And we leave them immediately. Why do we need access to our data and the like to some suspicious sites? Figure it out. This is better than deleting everything.

Different browsers have their own settings. I’ll show you in screenshots how to clear cookies and caches in the Google Chrome browser.

To do this, go to the browser. Click on the three stripes in the upper right corner or the wrench ( old version browser). And click settings.

And scrolling down the page, select “show additional settings”.

Scroll down the page and select content settings.

Select what you want to delete (check the boxes). Select the period and click clear.

You can make settings using hot keys. For Google Chrome browser:

1. You need to open a new tab.

2. Press shift+ctrl+del on the keyboard (simultaneously)

3. Check the first 4 items and be sure to check the box next to Delete Cookie

4. Select a period

(which one we want to clean)

5. Clear history.

To do this, see the slide above.

Figure it out before you clean it.

That's all today. I'm waiting for your review. Write what is unclear. I will answer.