How to delete Skype history. How to clear history on Skype

Do you want to know how to clear Skype of messages? In this article you will find detailed description How to delete messages on Skype. Everyone has their own reasons for deleting: someone wants to delete their personal data that they wrote in correspondence or simply clear Skype of messages.

There are different removal utilities developed third party developers, and I don’t know how safe it is to use them. Therefore, we will use the usual cleaning method that is available in Skype.

Instructions on how to delete messages on Skype

I’ll say right away that it is possible to delete and edit texts that were written no more than 1 hour ago. How to do it? Right-click on the desired message and select the option that suits you.

We move on to completely erasing the entire history of calls and correspondence on Skype. Launch Skype and after loading the program, go to the top panel and we need “Tools”. Next, click “Settings”.

On the left side there is a “Security” tab, click on it. Next we are interested in the “Open additional settings” button.

We have different settings options open to us, but we need a “Clear history” button. By clicking on it, you will delete all correspondence with all subscribers who are in your contact list.

After clicking the button, a warning window pops up; if you are satisfied with everything, click “delete”.

You can also configure here automatic removal stories. If you want to control the deletion of messages yourself, then you can skip this step. If you want to install auto mode let's move on.

Here, next to the “Clear” button, there is “Save history.” I draw your attention to the fact that here you can select a time interval suitable for you, after which all your messages written on Skype will be deleted. Set the parameter you need and click “save”.

That’s all, as you can see, nothing complicated, everything is very simple. If the article helped you in solving your issue, share it on social networks. Subscribe to updates to always be aware of new articles published on the blog!

Despite the decline in popularity of a service such as Skype, for which Telegram, WhatsUp, Viber and others are now fighting for the throne, its customer base is still measured in millions of users around the world. Over such a long existence, the functionality of the application has expanded significantly and not everyone is familiar with some of its manifestations.

In this article, we intend to satisfy the requests of those who do not know how to delete messages on Skype. The process is not as complicated as it seems, but the knowledge of everyone possible solutions this problem will help you achieve your desired results in the most optimal way.

Uninstall on your computer

It’s no secret that the Swedish development received its first applause and worldwide recognition thanks to the launch of the service on Windows. Surely you also started your experience of using Skype on a computer, and perhaps you still use it on a PC to this day.

The user account stores data about all calls and correspondence made that have ever taken place. We don’t need all of them to this day, and therefore it wouldn’t hurt to put things in order.

All at once

Having the ability to delete the entire history with a specific person is convenient if you no longer intend to return to the conversation you had with him, but do not want to lose him as one of your contacts. Erasing data about correspondence with a user is quite simple, but the interface and method describing this process for different versions on different systems has differences. Let's sort them out.

Old version

It is in this version that users have the opportunity to delete all messages for all time from all contacts at once. First, open Skype itself. At the top of the window, you can see the “Tools” item. Clicking on it will bring up the menu, and then click on “Settings...”.

After opening the new menu, on the left side, select the “Chats and SMS” tab, and in it click on the “Chat settings” item. On the right side of the window, find the “Open advanced settings” button.oleguser

Here you can see the chat settings being configured. By finding the “Clear history” command and clicking on it, you will irrevocably get rid of all information and messages with all your interlocutors. In addition, here you can export this history or configure the transfer/deletion of data according to a specific mode. Having selected the necessary operations, click “Save” for the changes to take effect.

A new version

For those who keep their finger on the pulse of updates and are the owner the latest system from Microsoft, Skype developers have added the ability to install the application through the Microsoft store built into the system. The application downloaded from the store already has an updated look. All other users (who do not have ten installed) will also gradually have to switch to new interface messenger. It is different from what many of us are used to, but it looks much more interesting.

We are interested in the possibility of deleting chats, and the owners of this version will be upset, since clearing all the data en masse is impossible. Additionally, the way you manage chats with a specific person has changed. Let's carefully study the remaining methods.

Despite the lack of a key to clear the entire history, we can delete all correspondence with one specific interlocutor. To do this, we need to enter the profile of the person with whom we are interested in deleting correspondence. This is done by right-clicking on the nickname of the interlocutor in the friends list. In the context window that appears, select “View profile.”

At the bottom of the panel that opens, click on “Chat Settings”.

Select "Delete Skype Conversation."

Confirm the selected action.

Individual messages

In case you want to partially delete your correspondence history (for example, several messages written in haste), Skype has recently introduced the ability to delete messages, both from yourself and from your interlocutor (recently sent). You can do this as follows.

  1. Go to the dialog window and select the required message by simply hovering the cursor over it.
  1. Three vertical dots should appear in the right corner of it. Click on them with LMB. Select "Delete" from the context menu.
  1. Confirm deletion.

Erase messages on your phone

Convenience using Skype on the phone is beyond doubt. This is also due to the fact that “ mobile versions", due to the lack of conventions, retained the paths to the parameter management menu like their “big brothers”. For example, consider the possibility of deleting specific messages in an Android application.

  1. Select a dialogue with your interlocutor while on the main page.

The messenger user needs to clear Skype of messages. Versions of Skyp 7.x provided the ability to more fine tuning applications using the menu "Tools". The new version of the program deprives the client of such a section. Users of the application will have to decide whether this is good or not. On the one hand, the individual configuration of Skype is seriously limited, on the other hand, performing many actions in the messenger is simplified.

Method 1: Removing a chat from the conversation window

Skype 7.x provided a method for clearing history. IN new version A Skype client can only delete correspondence in the messenger with one person or group of people.

Since there is no menu in Skype 8 "Tools" and the ability to fine-tune the application; almost all actions can be performed in 2 mouse clicks through context menus. All you have to do is select an unwanted conversation and give a command "Delete chat«.

Afterwards, the user must confirm his intentions, because it will be impossible to restore the correspondence history. If the client really wants to erase the conversation from the application, they should select "Delete".

When pressed, the subscriber's profile icon and conversation will disappear from the left side of the screen. the contact itself will remain in your personal list "Skype". The main difference is that in previous version messenger, the client could select a time period for deletion and set parameters for automatically “clearing” the history.

Method 2: Delete a chat from a contact's profile

You can delete a Skype conversation of one contact by opening it "Profile". To do this, you need to click on the person’s nickname, after which the profile menu will appear.

Penultimate item on the list "Delete chat" will help erase the conversation without a trace. From the same window, if desired, you can block or delete an unwanted interlocutor.

If the list of contacts is large and finding the right person is not easy, you can use the search for a person in the contact book. To do this, you need to remember the person’s nickname and click on the icon "Contacts".

To speed up the search, select the desired tab (1):

  • "All"- if the person is not included in the personal list;
  • "Skype"— if the contact is included in the list of personal contacts;
  • "Active"— if the user is confident in the status of another application client.

Having selected the desired line, you need to call context menu right click and open "View profile".

Afterwards, the interlocutor’s profile will appear, from which it is easy to delete correspondence. The intuitive interface of the new release is undoubtedly a plus for the inexperienced user. However, there will be fans old version Skype, for whom the ability to personalize the messenger was more important than simplicity.

Skype is a program that makes our lives easier and more convenient. Through it you can make calls all over the world, and for free. You just need to have an Internet connection. This article will tell you how to erase history on Skype. You may not want other computer users to read your messages, or there may be some other reason. This can be done quickly and without extra effort. First you need to figure out where the Skype history settings are. Only by reaching them will we be able to access its removal.

Where can I find my Skype history?

First you need to figure out where the history of messages on Skype is. In order to find it, you need to select the “Tools” section in the top panel. By clicking on it, you need to select “Settings”. You can also use hotkeys to save time. Skype has many of these. IN in this case Just press the combination "Ctrl"+",". In this case, the result will be the same as if you enter manually.

So, here is the Skype settings menu. Here you can change various functions. But we are interested in Skype, so we select the “Security” section. There you can see information about the standard installed settings, and also change them. You can also clear your Skype message history there.

Security Settings

In the security settings you can set many different functions. Let's say you can set who you want to receive calls from - from all Skype users or only from those you have accepted into your contacts. You can define who to automatically accept videos or chats from. And also see what happens to your story. In Skype, you may choose to delete your history every week or month. Or you don’t have to delete it completely. You can also make sure that Skype does not save the history of your messages at all. In the second security tab, you can see a list of all blocked users (from whom you do not want to receive messages). Also in this section you can block any of your contacts if you need it.

How to clear history on Skype?

To do this, you need to follow the steps listed above. That is, go to “Tools”, then go to “Settings”, and selecting “Security”, get to the history. There you can clean it. Before clicking on the clear history button, you should decide from what time you want to delete it. Having decided on this issue, you can safely press the “Clear history” button. Sometimes this can take time, because there can be quite a lot of messages on Skype, and it may take several minutes to delete them all. But before clearing the entire history, it’s worth thinking a few times. There may be information that needs to be preserved. Therefore, it is worth remembering whether you store data that may be useful to you in the future. When you have already figured out how to clear your history on Skype, you may have a question about only one contact. This will be discussed in the following sections of the article.

How to clear the Skype history of one contact?

Maybe you are wondering how to delete just the communication history with one of your friends? Unfortunately, this feature is not available in Skype. You can often find programs on the Internet that offer this service. But there is no remedy that really works. Therefore, unfortunately, this is not possible. But there is one way out. In Skype, you can delete individual messages you have sent. This way you can erase all your messages. Of course, it will take a lot of time, but if you really need it, this is the only option you have. If this doesn't suit you, you'll have to clear your entire Skype history. And in the future, it is advisable, so that such situations do not arise, to disable saving history.

How to delete or edit one message?

As already mentioned in the article, in Skype you can delete messages sent by you. They can also be edited. If you made a mistake while writing a message, you can right-click to call it up and select “Edit message” to correct it. If you want to delete this message completely, you can do that too. Moreover, it will be deleted not only in your Skype. The person you sent this message to will also not be able to read it. For this you need right click Click on the message you need and select the “Delete” section. Afterwards, a window will appear in front of you confirming your actions. This way it is possible to delete messages and correct them.

We hope this article helped you understand the question of how to clear history in Skype, and you can complete this action without any problems.

For a long time, Skype has maintained its position as a leader in the virtual communication application market. Today, this video chat program is available to work not only on a PC, but also on an iPad and iPhone, on a tablet or smartphone on Android and Windows Phone, as well as others modern devices, including smart TVs and game consoles with Internet access.

However, despite the widespread use of this application, very few users are able to use its functionality to the fullest. Not for nothing, one of the most frequently asked questions how to use the program becomes the following: how to delete correspondence on Skype?

We delete our messages during/immediately after communication

If during the conversation you suddenly decide to delete your message, you can do this by right-clicking on it and selecting “Delete” from the menu.

The result will look like this:

You can delete messages in this way only within an hour after sending them to the user. We also note that in this way you can only delete personally sent information (that which was written/sent by you).

How to delete all messages in all conversations?

To delete correspondence on Skype for the entire period of its use, you must:

  1. Login to Skype.
  2. On the top menu bar, go to the “Tools” tab.
  3. In the list that appears, select “Settings”.

  1. Select the “Security” tab in the menu on the left.
  2. On it you need to select the “Security Settings” tab and click “Clear History”.

After these steps, a message will appear warning that all entries will be deleted. To confirm your intentions, click on the “Delete” button.

Please note that by using this method, you will delete all correspondence on Skype completely. It will be impossible to recover any important data deleted along with it.

If you want to clear your conversation history selectively, use the following method.

How to delete the history of one conversation?

Skype chat helper and SkHistory

Third-party utilities will help you clear the history of messages on Skype with one person, and not all contacts at once: Skype chat helper or SkHistory. The principle of their operation is the same.

Let's look at how to delete a conversation with an individual user on Skype, using the example of using Skype chat helper.

  1. We remember (or better yet, write down) the name of the contact on Skype, the conversation history with which we will delete.
  2. We create backup copy folders of your Skype profile (to be able to restore it along with the history in case of unsuccessful manipulations).

To do this, depending on the system installed on your PC, you need to find the profile folder on the C:\ drive and copy it to another location. For example, on a flash drive or drive D:\.

The location of the profile folder can be found in the following path:

  • C:\Documents and Settings\<ваше_имя_пользователя_в_Windows>\Application Data\Skype\<ваш_логин_в_скайпе>\ (if you have Windows XP installed);
  • C:\Users\<ваше_имя_пользователя_в_Windows>\AppData\Roaming\Skype\<ваш_логин_в_скайпе>\ (if you have Windows 7 or Vista installed);
  • C:\Users\<ваше_имя_пользователя_в_Windows>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.SkypeApp\Localstate\<ваш_логин_в_скайпе>\ (if you have Windows 8 installed).
  1. Before installation and when working with the program, you need to make sure that Skype is closed. Download the utility and install it on your PC.
  2. Delete history on Skype using this program is very simple: launch Skype chat helper. After launching it, a window will open, in the top line (Username) of which you need to enter your personal Skype login, in the bottom line (Contact) - the login of the person with whom you plan to delete the conversation.

  1. Now in the same window you need to confirm your action by clicking “Remove chat history”. After this, correspondence with the individual from your contact list will be deleted.

In addition to the two utilities mentioned above, which, by the way, are free, there is the SkypeX program, with which it is possible not only to delete a chat with an individual contact on Skype, but also to selectively erase correspondence in the dialogue history.

To delete messages on Skype using this utility you will need:

  1. Install it on your PC.
  2. Run the program.
  3. Enter your Skype login.

  1. Select conversation history.
  2. Using the mouse and the Shift key on the keyboard, mark unnecessary messages and click “Delete”.

Unlike Skype chat helper or SkHistory, the SkypeX interface is more understandable and convenient, even though it is English language. The only negative: the program is paid.

As of today, the beta version costs $4.99. Further, with the expansion of functionality and release full version, the author plans to raise the price tag to $19.99.