How to delete a Zen feed in Yandex. How to remove Yandex Zen service from the browser

A program such as “Zen” has recently become available to all regular users of Yandex.Browser; it works on Windows and even on the operating system Android system. She can determine your interests based on your browser queries and use them to look for interesting material for you. You will see such a feed on your updated browser tab.

What is Zen?

Zen is not a selection of editorial programs from developers. A person’s interests are determined in this way: the program launches an analysis and looks through the history of the entire browser, draws conclusions and searches the Internet for interesting materials that relate to your interests in the first place. Ultimately, all this is arranged into the final tape. All these processes are quite complex. The most interesting thing is that this program searches not only for interesting news based on your previous requests, but also for videos and pictures that you were looking for earlier, there is even Pikabu. The difference from the world-favorite Opera is that it searched only for RSS, while Yandex.Browser searches only for web pages based on queries and uses specially trained search engines for this purpose. Another interesting fact is that the program learns itself. If she learns more, her recommendations will become smarter and more useful. This also contains your help, since Zen provides the function of buttons for help, this is “more of this” or “less”, or you can completely block the site. If you are a new user of the Yandex browser, then you are given the opportunity to select your favorite sites, and then recommendations will come only from them. And in the future, the program itself will select sites for you, taking into account your activity on certain sources, and look at your behavior.

Since its release, the company has been trying to push its service further and further, because, as they believe, it brings enough benefits to its users, making it possible to stay informed about everything current news peace. Although, when the program was first created by the developers, it the main task was to introduce and provide browser users with new, interesting sites, on which from time to time links popped up that were absolutely not suitable for it. And of course, users will not like this and they are trying to find information on how to disable this zen in the browser.

Among other things, Yandex has its own official website, and if you find it in your account, you will be offered different types sites, this means that you do not yet have enough information for the program to work, which means you need to use the search more often.

How can I remove Yandex “Zen” from my computer browser?

If you want to take Zen out of your installed browser, all you need to do is open the settings, you need to left-click on the “Settings” icon in the corner. Find the line that says “Show Zen personal recommendations feed in new tab”, you will see a checkbox there by default, uncheck it.

If you want to completely get rid of this program so that it stops bothering you and selecting information for you and monitoring which sites you go to, then you just need to leave your Yandex account. You can simply uninstall and reinstall the application. And if you used it on a computer, then simply turn off this tab. You can remove all Yandex applications on your computer and then clean the registry or download the previous version.

How to disable an application on your phone

If you want to turn off Zen on your phone, then find the dots in the corner, there should be three of them. Click on "Settings", turn on "Advanced". Next you will find the “Display Zen Recommendations Feed” function.


In the end I would like to say that this application it can even be useful, because it helps to spend time on the Internet not only usefully, but also makes it much more interesting. Remember that the longer you have used the browser, the much better its options will work. The only problem remains is
that Zen can sometimes be annoying, and especially sometimes very distracting if you urgently need to go online for business and don’t want to be distracted by some toys. It is also very difficult to remove from a PC, so Yandex may lose its users because of this application and move to competitors.

Of course, it’s too early to judge the benefits and harms, but Zen has definitely already gained its audience and can be popular among its regular users.

If you don’t yet know how to remove it from your laptop, then just go to your browser and uncheck the default box, or you can remove the Yandex browser from your computer. In general, you decide whether you need this development, if the function does not bother you a little and you, on the contrary, are happy with it, then use it, and if you are still tired of it, then simply disable it. You can turn on this application and use it at any time.

To customize your feed, Zen analyzes your interests on the Internet using views, ratings, and subscriptions. Over time, the recommendations will adapt to you. On average it takes one to two weeks. Help Zen's algorithms understand what to show you:

Specify which posts you want to see in your feed and which ones you don’t

Use icons More like this And Less of this: And . They are not intended to evaluate the quality of the material. They tell Zen which posts you want to see more often and which ones less often.

Subscribe and unsubscribe to channels

Subscribing to a channel does not mean that all of its publications will be included in your feed. Zen will weed out channel materials that do not interest you. In addition, it will show posts on similar topics from other channels and sites.

To unsubscribe from the channel, go to the Subscriptions tab on the website. Open the desired channel and click the Unsubscribe button.

Block channels

You can block an uninteresting channel or report a channel that violates. You can do this:

All publications of the blocked channel will disappear from the feed. You can unblock the channel on the website on the page Blocked. To open it, on the right top corner Click your account photo.

Subscribe and unsubscribe to topics

A thematic feed is a selection of publications from different channels on a common topic. To subscribe to a topic.

How to disable Yandex Zen in different browsers and hide unwanted recommendations? What should I do to remove the display of personalized news? You will get answers to these questions right now - no matter what program you use, because we have collected instructions for the most popular web browsers.

Developer Browser

First, we will figure out how to disable Yandex Zen in Yandex Browser - by default, recommended content is activated when installing the software.

Tired of news cards? Then our instructions on how to remove Yandex Zen in Yandex Browser are intended for you!

  • Open any tab;
  • Click on the button with three horizontal stripes - it is located on the top panel on the right;
  • Select the line “Settings”;
  • In the “Interface” block you need to find a line called “New Tab”;
  • You will see the line "Show feed...";
  • Uncheck this box to opt out of displaying entertaining and educational content.

We figured out how to turn off Yandex Zen on a Yandex page - nothing is simpler, just a few clicks are enough right click mice. Go ahead? Our review also presents other popular programs.


Many users will be interested in how to disable Yandex Zen in Google Chrome - it is no coincidence that this browser is the most popular in the world. That is why you should carefully read our instructions - we have described in detail the steps that you should remember.

This instruction only works for users of the “Visual Tabs” extension.

So, to remove Yandex Zen from the browser, you need to do the following:

  • Open the Chrome home page;
  • Find the “Settings” button - it is located under the bookmark brick panel;
  • Click on the icon to open the menu;
  • You need a block "Extra options";
  • Uncheck the box “Show personal recommendations feed in a new tab”.

But that's not all - now you need to perform a complete shutdown:

  • Click on the button in the form of three dots in the upper right corner;
  • Select an item "Additional Tools";
  • And then go to the line “Extensions”;
  • Select from the list all add-ons related to the developer;
  • And click on the trash can icon - it may happen that the tape was installed without your consent, bundled with other software;

  • Now return to the menu selection and click on the line “Settings”;
  • Select the “Launch” line and set the value to “Google”;
  • Go to block « Search system» and install “Google” (or another).

As you can see, there is nothing complicated - a few simple steps are enough to turn off the annoying feed. Let's now talk about how to get rid of Zen in Yandex forever in Mozilla Firefox.

Once again we draw your attention to the fact that this instruction is only needed if you have the extension installed, but if you don’t have it, then you shouldn’t have a problem with disabling Zen.


If you want to disable Yandex Zen news in Mozilla Firefox– we have good news for you. This can be done quickly and easily! Let's discuss what actions will lead you to the desired result.

  • Open a new page;
  • You will see bookmark tiles;
  • Below them is the “Settings” button (small line in the right corner);

  • Scroll through the menu that appears on the screen until you see the option "Show recommendations...";

  • Disable the option;
  • Restart your web browser.

There is another answer to the question of how to completely disable the Zen feed in the browser - you can refuse any visual bookmarks, including personalized news and articles.

  • Open your browser;
  • Use the hotkey combination Ctrl + Shift + A ;
  • Click on the item “Extensions”;
  • Find the icon "Visual bookmarks";
  • Click on the “Disable” button located opposite.

Now the main page will change beyond recognition - unnecessary content will disappear forever.

Are you using another program? We have the answer for you! Read the instructions on how to disable Yandex Zen in Opera.


Many users appreciate this program for its convenience, simplicity and high speed. If you are one of the fans of the Opera web browser, then learn what you need to do to remove the Zen feed from Yandex on your computer.

Closing Yandex Zen is very simple - the main thing is to understand the available browser settings:

  • Open new tab;
  • You will see recommendations and a list of the most visited sites;
  • Scroll until you see a line that says “Stay informed!”;
  • In the same line there will be a button “Settings”. Feel free to click on it;
  • A menu will open where you need to find the section "Show news on home page";
  • Move the toggle switch, which is installed opposite, to the “Disable” position.

Well, that’s all, you managed to hide Yandex Zen on your PC! Congratulations to users of the Opera web browser.

And next up are instructions for those who use a smartphone! If you want to disable recommended content on mobile phone, it is important to know how to block Yandex Zen.

On the phone

The question of whether it is possible to disable Yandex Zen in a browser on a smartphone worries many - after all, a huge number of users use the mobile version.

If you are tired of your feed with news, videos and cards, you should disable Yandex Zen on your phone so as not to spoil your browsing experience. Anyone can do this!

The short instructions, which you will certainly find useful, consist of just a few steps:

  • Open the application on your phone;
  • Click on the button with three dots located in the search bar on the main screen;
  • Select the gear icon that appears in the pop-up menu;
  • Find the block "Additionally";
  • Go to line "Recommendation Feeds";
  • Move the toggle switch to the inactive “Disable” position (gray).

Now you know how to remove Yandex Zen on a mobile phone running operating system Android or iPhone. Even a beginner can cope - there is nothing complicated in our advice.

How to remove on Yandex. Phone

Separately, we need to talk about how to disable the service on the phone provided by the developer (Ya.Telephone).

  • Open the launcher settings;
  • Scroll the page until you see a block « Home screen» ;
  • Select the line “Desktops”;
  • Swipe left until you see the service displayed;
  • Click on this picture and hold your finger until the “Hide” icon appears;
  • Transfer the image to the Disable icon.

And finally, it’s worth talking about how to disable annoying cards again - you will be surprised, but such a bug can happen on any device.

Appears after shutdown

If something went wrong and you couldn’t remove the feed from Ya Browser the first time, learn some little tricks!

Are you using visual bookmarks?

  • Find the “Settings” button under the tabs;
  • Click and find the line in the menu that appears "Show in new tab...";
  • Uncheck the box opposite.

Antivirus will help!

  • Install Adblock Plus;
  • Open the main page of the search engine;
  • Click on the antivirus icon and select the line "Block element";
  • Point to any block on the page.

You can also use the light version of the software - available at

We have discussed all the popular browsers in detail - just find the option you need in the list and apply our instructions for its intended purpose! Enjoy working on the Internet, make using your PC or smartphone convenient, comfortable and simple.

Yandex Zen has been operating for more than 2 years. According to the developers, more than 20 million people read it every day. True, no one has calculated how many of these users it annoys. A news feed at the bottom of the search box with pictures, links, and distracting headlines can get in the way. Wondering how to remove Zen from home page Yandex, a person wants to increase his productivity. If you wish, you can watch the channels you subscribe to in Zen through your account.

Why remove Zen from the starting page?

The problem is familiar to everyone who works with search every day. We are looking for a transport company for work in Nizhnevartovsk, and now we are reading news from the lives of stars. And then we stay late at the end of the day to finish important things. Or we’re trying to write a thesis, but interesting articles distract us from the task.

You need to remove Zen from the starting page if:

  • Articles are distracting;
  • The browser loads slowly;
  • Your smartphone or tablet does not display search correctly.

Advice: to radically get rid of Zen services, you just need to uninstall all Yandex applications and remove its “branded” browser.

How to remove Zen from the Yandex main page in the browser

It will not be possible to get rid of the service when loading the search engine. It will always show articles at the bottom of the search page. You can only go to the “light” version of the search engine -, and then the search will load without articles.

Many people use the Yandex browser, and they are annoyed by loading articles in a separate tab. Disabling Zen in Yandex Browser is quite simple:

  • A menu opens in settings;
  • There is a line “Show Zen in a new tab”;
  • The checkbox opposite is removed.

That's it, articles and news will no longer load and irritate you, we managed to remove Zen in Yandex Browser.

How to disable Zen in Google Chrome

Unnecessary Chrome extensions slow down your work and are distracting. YandexZen users download and install along with the extension from this popular search engine. Disabling unnecessary functionality in Chrome is also quite simple.

  • You need to go into the settings and open the “extensions” tab;
  • Here you will need to uncheck all the boxes next to the menu items related to Yandex;
  • Next, you need to remove the start page from the browser (usually Yandex) and put Google in its place.
  • Click on the menu item “Open at startup” and enter the address of another search engine.

In the updated version of Chrome, you can simply hide Zen and not have to worry about deleting it.

How to remove Zen from Mozilla and Opera browsers

You can disable Zen on the main page of the Mozilla browser if you remove all bookmarks that the service automatically creates in browser extensions.

To do this you need:

  • Open settings;
  • Go to the “Add-ons” tab;
  • Delete everything related to Yandex Zen on the “Extensions” tab.

In Opera it is even easier to get rid of Zen. You need to press “Ctrl + Shift + E”, wait until everything loads installed extensions, and delete everything related to the service.

Advanced Browser Removal Methods

You can remove Zen using the Revo Uninstaller or Clean Registry programs. You need to download the program itself and use it to remove browser extensions. To do this you should:

  • Select the browser you have installed;
  • Click the “Delete” button and select the “Advanced” and “Scan” removal method.
  • After the program finishes, you will need to download a “clean” browser distribution and install it again.

Important: often downloadable software packages already contain changes and built-in Yandex services. If, after uninstalling and restarting the computer, Yandex services still pop up, it is better to try downloading the browser from the official website of its developer. Otherwise, you will have to get rid of Zen manually again.

How to remove Zen from mobile

The scheme for uninstalling a program on a mobile browser resembles what we do in Google Chrome:

  • Go to settings;
  • Select extensions;
  • Uncheck the boxes next to the Yandex service;
  • Reboot the device.

After this, you will no longer be annoyed or distracted by a selection of articles from Yandex.Zen.

Will subscriptions continue?

Let's say we just don't want to see articles and news while working, but we don't mind reading blogs in our free time. Then you will have to enter the Zen address in the browser, download it, and enter that account, with which subscriptions were made. Now you will see all the blogs that you previously subscribed to, and you can easily read the feed.

Disadvantage of this approach:

  • The intuitiveness of the service is lost. Yandex no longer displays publications that might be of interest. You have to subscribe to blogs manually;
  • There is no way to learn more about a topic right away, since the subscription is limited to the user's choice.

Therefore, if you want to read Zen as before, you just need to load the usual Yandex search in a separate window and scroll down the page. The service will appear there, and you can spend time reading the publications. You cannot delete a feed from a Yandex page.

How to avoid seeing individual user posts

Let's say that Zen himself is not annoying while working, but individual bloggers, news agencies or news feeds are annoying. It will help not to see such publications simple circuit:

  • Go to the channel;
  • Give any publication a thumbs down;
  • From the pop-up menu, click Block

Disliking a publication will help you see less similar materials in the Zen feed in the future, without turning off the feed itself.

Is it possible to delete my Zen channel?

The need to remove your Zen arises, for example, when applying for a job related to the public service. Such a specialist is obliged to inform his employer about all blog platforms on which he is registered, provide links to all his blogs, or delete information about himself on the Internet.

You can delete a channel in Zen through the service technical support. You need to write them a letter in free form, and justify that the channel is no longer needed, you need to delete it and all the information that it contains.

It's even easier to delete subscriptions in Zen. Just go to the channel you are subscribed to and click the appropriate button. If you also click to dislike some publications, such channels will disappear from your feed.

So, it is quite possible to remove Yandex Zen; you just need to remove extensions or add-ons in the browser so that you no longer see annoying additional downloads. If you wish, you can view the feed on the official Zen website in your free time, rather than being distracted by a selection of articles in the middle of work.

Good day to all! Something incredible is happening in our world, before I had time to write about it possible problems in the work of ZEN from Yandex and how to get it back, so my users are already asking me questions about how to disable Yandex Zen on a computer in a browser or on their Android smartphone.

Users of Yandex.Browser were among the first to feel the presence of this very Zen, which is quite logical - the service from the Yandex company was tested for the first time in its own browser.

I can’t say that the service was a complete failure; rather, quite the opposite – it throws up some interesting notes (although at the start I didn’t have much hope) and there is a desire to turn it off not because it is bad, but simply distracts from work... I decided to do some work, opened a new tab and hung there for half an hour re-reading the post on Pikachu.

The service also successfully captures mobile platforms, for example, it is part of Yandex Launcher, which is almost always used in FLY smartphones (if you are the happy owner of a smart phone from FLY, then you will definitely find the answer to your question... for some reason on the Internet they completely ignore Yandex Launcher and tell you how to remove it from mobile version browser from Yandex)

The service uses all the capabilities of the Yandex search engine to offer you the most relevant notes - it’s like advertising. If you are often interested in the lives of stars, then your feed will be filled with information about Olga Buzova... and if you constantly hang out on IT portals - jokes about computers, for those over 30 you are provided with.

If the feed of personal recommendations does not become outdated for you, I do not recommend cutting in the heat of the moment - give Zen a little more time, perhaps over time more suitable materials will be selected for you

I like that in Yandex Zen there is an opportunity to make it clear what information interests you more and what information you do not want to see in your feed. And if an annoying resource with yellowish headlines constantly flashes in the lists, you can simply block it and enjoy spending time in front of the monitor flipping through pages with cats and memes.

The good news is that the service is constantly evolving. If at the start it was just an aggregator of various useful information, then at this moment There are quite a lot of authors who write exclusively in their channel in Zen - a kind of exclusive that is not found anywhere else. It is worth mentioning the main feature of this service- this is the speed of loading content... all recordings are highly optimized and download instantly even with a poor Internet connection

However, if you are determined to disable Yandex Zen in your browser or phone, this is your right, and my task is to tell you how to do this... because there are some nuances and tricks.

How to disable Zen in Yandex

You should understand the difference between Yandex Zen in your browser and the recommendations feed directly on the Yandex website itself. Nobody will allow you to disable ZEN directly on the web resource - this is quite logical.

You can find Yandex Zen on the official website by just scrolling down the main page a little - ZEN is a Yandex service and it will certainly promote it. But in the Yandex Browser you can easily disable it without any problems...

How to disable Yandex Zen in the browser

It’s worth talking about the personal recommendations feed in the browser. Everything here is as standard as possible - ZEN is built into Yandex.Browser and can be disabled in the browser settings, but for others it exists as an extension or add-on (you can quite easily pick it up from bad webmasters who offer you to quietly install it along with the program you need).

After analyzing the situation, I decided not to describe each case separately, but to take the situation with Yandex.Browser and the most popular Google Chrome (by his analogy, everything is disabled in Firefox and Opera). I just don't see the point in rewriting the same thing over and over again, as some authors do.

How to remove Zen from Yandex Browser

With Yandex.Browser we make everything as simple as possible (like everything in this life)- open the browser, go to settings (three lines in the upper right corner and click on “Settings”).

In the "Settings" category appearance» Uncheck the box “Show Zen personal recommendations feed in a new tab”. Please note that you will have more points - I partially removed them to save space and time.

In this simple way you can remove Yandex Zen from your native browser (or rather, disable it, but the main thing is that the goal is achieved)

How to remove Yandex Zen from Google Chrome

In the case of third-party browsers (using Google Chrome as an example) everything is somewhat more complicated, because initially Yandex Zen was not installed there and it is not known how you got it in your specific case.

If Zen bothers you, there is no need to remove it from Google Chrome, because there are always simple ways turn it off. Look at the example, click on “Settings” as in the picture below and find there “Show in a new Zen tab - personal recommendations feed.” Just uncheck the box and ZEN will no longer bother you...

Some familiar wording, just like in Yandex.Browser, don’t you think? And all because, most likely, you installed an extension from the Yandex company called “Visual Bookmarks”, and so - Yandex.Zen is an integral part of these most convenient bookmarks. By deleting visual bookmarks, we will remove Zen from Google Chrome - it's simple!

To do this, go to the settings menu, select the "More tools" drop-down option and activate "Extensions" (note that some items may vary slightly depending on Google versions Chrome, but in general the algorithm of actions is always the same).

Find the “Visual Bookmarks” extension from Yandex and click on the “Trash” icon and confirm their deletion...

If you like visual bookmarks and are used to them, then simply disable Yandex Zen as I wrote above - it’s not difficult and the disabled functionality will not affect the performance of your computer in any way

What other nuances might there be with Yandex Zen and Chrome browser? At the very beginning of the note, I wrote that on the Yandex website it is impossible to disable or delete the personal recommendations service, so if you are an ardent opponent of Zen and Yandex, then after deleting visual bookmarks you will have home page Most likely, your hated Yandex is located with this very Zen.

Changing the start page in Google Chrome is quite simple - go to settings and scroll down the page with parameters to the section “ Launching Chrome", here you can set the page that will be launched when the browser starts (I’ll be a little arrogant and suggest that you specify the IT News Blog as your starting site - this way you can get useful information faster and more often).

We restart the browser and see that upon launch, the site we specified in the parameters opened, so we removed the functionality of the Yandex.Zen service from Chrome. Again, if you are used to using visual bookmarks from Yandex, then it is better to simply disable Zen than to delete useful extension fully.

How to remove Zen on Android

With mobile platforms, Zen is getting a little more interesting. Not long ago I reviewed a phone from the company FLY, which had a Yandex shell with a personal feed integrated into it. Unfortunately, in none of the notes did I find the answer to how to disable Yandex Zen on Android, and I found the answer to my question in an unexpected place - the official Yandex website.

To remove Zen on Android, answer one simple question... do you see the personal feed in the Yandex browser or directly in the shell itself (Yandex.Launcher)

Removing Zen from Yandex Browser for smartphones

In Yandex.Browser for Android, everything is similar to the version for a regular computer under Windows control, but with minor differences. Click on the “three dots” and select “Settings”. Scroll to the “Yandex.Zen” section and disable the “Display recommendations feed” option.

Thus, we have disabled Zen on Yandex Browser for Android. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Zen is never installed on phones in the form of extensions, because with add-ons for web browsers on smartphones, everything is still complicated.

Disabling Zen in the system (Yandex.Launcher) using FLY as an example

Now it’s worth touching on Zen and what all the notes don’t say a word about is how to remove Zen on Android devices. This is not a tricky matter - the fact is that many manufacturers give preference to services from Yandex and you use Yandex.Launcher (such a shell).

The first thought that comes after this information is to install a third-party launcher, because it is intuitively unclear where to find the Zen settings in the system. I just had a smartphone with a shell from Yandex in my hands, and using its example I will show how to disable Zen on Android devices.

To go to the shell settings, you need to hold your finger on any free area on the desktop. Go to the "Home Screen" section and select "Desktops". Scroll left to Yandex.Zen and swipe up until the “Hide” link appears. After this, ZEN will not appear on your device's desktop.

The interface may change from version to version of Yandex.Launcher, but in general the process of disabling Zen does not change.

How to disable Yandex Zen in a browser or phone? Conclusions!

People often ask me how to remove Yandex.Zen... or maybe it’s really worth giving it a second chance?! In the short time of its existence, it has really been developing rapidly and now you can find really useful information in it, and not simple reprints from the blogs we are used to.