How to strengthen the received Wi-Fi signal. How to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi network? Increasing Wi-Fi range

Nowadays, the computer has become an integral attribute of progressive life. It is used to perform a variety of tasks, not least to access the Internet. Since almost everyone at home has several devices with this capability, a router is used to meet the interests and needs of each family member.

But when several users simultaneously use the same access point, problems with Wi-Fi reception may occur. In order not to suffer from poor communication and not to run around the apartment looking for a signal, you can carry out some equipment upgrades. We would like to show you how you can increase the quality of reception with your own hands.

Reasons for a weak signal

Typically, a router with a built-in antenna has a coverage radius of a maximum of several tens of meters, and often even less. This is due to the fact that a cheap router has a low-power transmitter that is unable to provide high-quality Wi-Fi reception over the entire coverage radius. Also, when installing the router near sockets to which other devices are connected, radio signal interference may occur, which will affect the quality of reception and the wave propagation range will deteriorate.

Correct placement of the router indoors

To ensure uninterrupted reception of the wireless signal, you need to position the Wi-Fi router correctly. The operation of the network is affected by the walls located in the apartment and their thickness, the location of the computer, and the operation of electrical appliances.

The router should be placed as high as possible and close to the center of the apartment or house

The router should be installed in such a way as to minimize the number of walls the radio signal can overcome, because each of them significantly reduces the coverage radius. It is better when the signal passes perpendicular to the wall, and not at an angle.

Routers operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, which is also used by almost all other household appliances - refrigerators, microwaves, televisions. Therefore, try to place Wi-Fi equipment a few meters away from other equipment.

In addition, the following may cause interference:

  • glass and mirrors;
  • aquariums;
  • soundproofing of walls;
  • metal constructions.

Selecting a communication channel

To transmit the signal from the router to other devices, 11 communication channels are used. The router automatically changes the channel, choosing the optimal one. But sometimes the channels are not selected entirely correctly, which is why they overlap each other and the signal weakens. You can change the channel manually.

  1. Enter the router settings mode. To do this, enter the router's IP address (usually or, login (usually admin) and password (usually admin or password) in the browser.
  2. Go to the Wireless Network - Settings tab. In the Channel line, select one of the 11 available channels.

But which channel should you choose? You can use special utilities, for example, Free Wi-Fi Scanner on a laptop or WiFi Analyzer on Android. They will show which channels are free and which are busy.

Launch the utility on your laptop. Its task is to scan all available networks and show which channel each of them operates on. Information about each connection is displayed in chart form. Please note that some channels may overlap, which may impair reception. Connect to a completely free channel, then don’t forget to click the Save button.

Selecting a broadcast standard

All Wi-Fi equipment operates in one of four standards: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n. The most common of them are b, g, n. The latter provides better gain and stability. In the router settings you can determine which standard your device will operate in.

  1. Enter your router settings.
  2. Go to the Wireless network - Settings section, in the Mode line select 802.11n.

Wi-Fi wireless network parameter “Mode” – allows you to select the broadcast standard

Attention! Not all devices support this standard, so it is better to choose automatic standard selection.

During continuous operation, the router may malfunction due to heating of the board or software errors, for this reason Wi-Fi begins to work worse. It is best to reboot through the router’s web interface, for which you need to go to the settings mode, the System settings section, where you will find the corresponding button.

Making a booster antenna

Option 1. Parabolic antenna. We will need a metal beer or drink can, or food foil. We cut out a piece of foil as wide as the height of the router antenna, or we cut out the bottom and top from the can and cut it on one side to make a rectangle. The jar is already curved, but if we use foil, bend it so that it becomes parabolic. Now we need to attach our creation to the antenna. This way you can increase the coverage range, and Wi-Fi will be less scattered.

Parabolic antenna for router made from aluminum can

Option 2. Focusing attachment. You will need copper wire with a diameter of 0.8–1 mm and a piece of cardboard or plastic. We cut the wire into lengths of 48 mm (2), 50 mm (2), 52 mm (1) and 59 mm (1). They are attached to the cardboard exactly in the middle at a distance, as indicated in the diagram. We cut out the cardboard and attach the structure to the antenna. It will help to significantly enhance signal reception and coverage range. If the router has two antennas, we make an amplifier for each.

This method is suitable if the router has a weak translator or if the router is located at a sufficiently distant distance from the devices, due to which the connection is not stable and the network is constantly interrupted

Signal repeater

If no method brings the desired result, you should try a scheme with two routers, one of which will act as an amplifier. To improve reception in this way, you can buy a special device, but if you have an old router lying around, you can use it.

  1. Enter the router setup mode.
  2. In the Wireless network section, find the Operating mode item.
  3. Select the “Universal Repeater” mode.
  4. Click the "Search" button to find the network of your main router. Connect to it and reboot your device.
  5. Select an encryption algorithm and reboot again.


There are really many ways to strengthen your home Wi-Fi signal. To increase the coverage radius of your home network, a specific method is suitable for each user. For some, it will be enough to rearrange the router, while others will have to make an amplifier. But the truth is that you don’t have to resort to the services of specialists to do this.

How do you improve the signal quality of your wireless connection? Share your ideas in the comments.

Almost every user thinks about how to strengthen the signal of a wifi router at one time or another. As a rule, such a brilliant thought occurs to a “user” when, at the most inopportune moment, the WiFi signal disappears in an unknown direction: for example, there is an urgent need to send a message on a social network, or the climax has arrived in a favorite movie.

However, it is quite possible to strengthen the signal of a wifi router in an apartment with your own hands, and you don’t need to be a “hacker in a Guy Fawkes mask” to do this.

How to strengthen the signal of a wifi router with your own hands?

1. One of the effective ways to improve the WiFi signal is. Let's say you have a 4-room apartment, and in each room there is a device that requires a wifi connection (for example, a laptop, smartphone, telephone and tablet): in this case, the optimal solution would be to install a router in the center of the apartment, so that between the wifi transmitter and devices turned out to be the same distance.

Yes, modern router models “cannot be frightened” by small obstacles in the apartment (such as tables, headsets, refrigerators or thick walls), however, such “obstacles” have a significant impact on the propagation of the wifi signal from “early” router models.

2. A special device - a repeater - will help to strengthen the signal of the wifi router in the apartment.

This inexpensive device will cost several times less than buying a new, more powerful router, and by “cloning” the router signals, the repeater can improve the wifi signal several times.

To configure the repeater correctly you need:

  • - turn on the repeater and connect to it via cable or wifi connection;
  • - go to the repeater interface from your computer: to do this, enter and specify your login and password in the browser;
  • - on the main page, go to the “Repeater” section: after activation, the device will find all available wifi access points;

To strengthen the wifi signal in the apartment, select your access point and click “Apply”.

3. The network standard set in the router settings has a special impact on the wifi speed.

Today, the most common is 802.11n, which replaced 802.11g (we will not take the absolute leader 802.11ac as an example, since it has not yet entered mass production).

Setting the required standard is not difficult: the main thing is that your router fully “supports” it.

How to strengthen the wifi signal on a router?

4. On some models of D-link and Zuxel routers, it is possible to manually adjust the signal strength. To strengthen the wifi signal yourself, you need to find the “Transmit Power” (or “Wireless Transmit Power”) item in the router interface in the “Advanced settings” section and set it to 100%.

For this:

Let’s take as a basis that , and the main router (let it be “1”) successfully distributes wifi;
- go to router settings “2”;

Select “Wireless mode” and fill in the fields in the same way as on router “1”;

Go to the “Enable WDS” section: a window with available WiFi networks will appear here;

Here you will see the SSID (network name of router “1”) and BSSID (router “2”): click “Search” and in the “List of Access Points” window that appears, select the network distributed by router “1”.

This option for strengthening the wifi signal is suitable for routers equipped with WDS standard technology. If your router does not support it, then simply connect the routers with a cable and set up a “bridge” between them:

Connect the cable on router “1” to the LAN input and on router “2” to the WAN;

In router settings “1”, enable DHCP;

On router “2” go to “WAN” - “Connection type” - “Dynamic IP address”;

The parameters “Ip address”, “ ”, “ ” must already be specified: this means that router “2” acts as a “client” of router “1”, and the bridge is configured.

All these methods can be used individually or in combination. Particular attention should be paid to the “repeater” - the device famously burst onto the market and quite quickly “picked up” it for itself. And this is deserved: for its low price (for example, a decent option from TP-LINK TL-WA850RE can be purchased for no more than 1,500 rubles), the device will fully work out the money spent.

And, of course, you can increase the distribution of the wifi signal by purchasing a more powerful router: for example, the Tp-Link Archer C60 router, the price for this “miracle” varies around $100.

The convenience of using wireless technologies has led to the proliferation of gadgets that integrate WiFi. Of course, traditional LAN ports do not lose their relevance, but as a secondary means of accessing the network. Moreover, this port is not required at all on the street or in a public place. However, the use of wireless Internet access tools has its drawbacks in the form of interference or insufficient coverage area. Consequently, the question arises about the means by which a WiFi antenna can be strengthened for more efficient operation.

First of all, users turn to equipment manufacturers, who note the dependence of the quality of reception on factors such as the radius of network support, the type of access point, as well as the characteristics of the antennas themselves. Of course, the listed factors directly affect the signal quality, but if they do not allow you to achieve the required communication quality, then do not despair - there are many ways to solve this problem.

Correct device location

Before interfering with the settings and experimenting with upgrading devices, it is worth analyzing the very location of the device from the point of view of optimal reception. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that the access point must provide the maximum possible coverage of the potentially usable area - for example, in an office or apartment.

Also, in answering the question of how to strengthen the antenna, the signal of the WiFi router and the overall quality of reception, it should be noted the importance of free space for the passage of radio waves. That is, interior partitions act as quite a serious barrier and can impede signal transmission. Moreover, this also applies to modern cellular concrete walls with plasterboard finishing, and even more so to brick reinforced structures. The problem can be solved by choosing a point to locate the router so that it can be easily accessed.

Channel frequencies match - what to do?

Software methods of signal amplification, unfortunately, are the least popular among users, while a lot depends on the settings. Improving the performance of wireless devices at the software level should begin by analyzing the frequencies at which the equipment operates. For example, if there are 10-15 networks in a house, then it is obvious that you will have to forget about good quality, since the signals are more likely to intersect and interfere with each other.

If you choose the right channel for broadcasting radio waves, then all questions regarding how to strengthen the antenna of a WiFi router will disappear by themselves. But to select a channel you will need a special program - for example, you can use the InSSIDer system. This software must be used in parallel with a WiFi adapter. The InSSIDer program installed on your computer will display data about all available channels, identifying busy and free ones. In accordance with the information received, all that remains is to reconfigure the adapter’s operating mode to a suitable frequency.

Increasing router power

An unsatisfactory reception signal from a device may be due to the fact that the settings themselves impose restrictions on it. Actually, this is an elementary way to improve the quality of work on the network. To understand how to increase the power of a WiFi router antenna, you need to understand the settings of a specific device model. Typically, power adjustment is present in the “Advanced settings”, on which the network operating parameters depend.

One of the tabs should contain an inscription mentioning the transmission power. For example, in English this could be the string Wireless Transmit Power. The adjustment indicator itself can be presented in different ways, in percentages or levels such as “Low”, “High”, etc. Thus, in order to get high power from the router and strengthen the WiFi antenna, you should set this parameter to the maximum value. True, in SOHO-level modifications such settings may not be available, and then only special firmware will help, for the integration of which it is advisable to turn to professionals.

Setting by standard and range

Again, many users are not familiar with the standard their device runs on. At the same time, two network standards are relevant today: 802.11ac and 802.11n. The first is not yet available to a wide range of consumers, but the second is considered one of the most powerful. If you plan to strengthen the WiFi antenna because the device does not perceive the signal at all, then perhaps the equipment simply works on a different standard.

Converting a gadget to the 802.11n format is usually done in the main settings - in essence, this is a selection of operating mode parameters. Here it is worth mentioning the 5 GHz band, which is used by devices that support the 802.11n standard. Unlike the more common 2.4 GHz band, 5 GHz channels are still more or less free and not littered, so the quality of work in this format is an order of magnitude higher.

Disabling Power Saving Mode

When using modern computers, issues of power saving have become especially relevant. This mainly applies to portable devices that must operate for a long time without a charge. Unfortunately, only by improving performance can you improve WiFi reception on your tablet.

The antenna will operate at minimum power settings if the device is switched to power saving mode. This does not mean that it is necessary to set the most productive computer operating format, but it is better to avoid the minimum level of power supply. The best option is to use a balanced mode, which will not interfere with the full operation of WiFi.

Antenna modification

This is a favorite way for craftsmen to improve the reception quality of various antennas. Its essence lies in the fact that the working element of the reception is additionally equipped with metal devices in the form of pieces of foil, tin elements and cans. Since amplification using this scheme can be done without harm to the device itself, it makes sense to experiment with different designs. Although some users note a good effect from such modifications, you should not expect serious results. At least, this method of solving the problem is significantly inferior to simply replacing the antenna with a more powerful model. However, the coverage area should increase when using metal add-ons.

Repeater Application

Installing a WiFi repeater also leads to a direct increase in signal strength. The principle of operation of this device is that it is included in the network as a regular client, but then plays the role of a distributor of the received signal, expanding the coverage in accordance with the capabilities of its antenna. The repeater is identical in size to a standard power supply, so it will not take up much space. Also, its purchase is beneficial in terms of simple settings and maintenance in general.

Using a repeater, you can not only strengthen the WiFi antenna signal, but also expand coverage using WDS technology. That is, the device will allow you to combine different access points without the need to use wired contacts. The cost of budget repeater models varies on average from 700 to 1000 rubles. More productive and reliable devices with advanced functionality can cost 2000-3000 rubles.

Adapter extensions

To save yourself from problems with signal reception via WiFi, it is recommended to initially purchase powerful adapters and, most importantly, with an external antenna. In this regard, receiver models integrated into tablets and laptops are less effective. Nevertheless, for such devices it would not be a bad idea to provide an extension cord. With its help, you can move the modem in search of the optimal location for reception. If the question is how to strengthen the WiFi antenna on a laptop, then this option will be even more advantageous, since the mobility of the device itself will expand the possibilities for finding the best location. By the way, the length of cables for USB devices can be up to 3 m.


It is rarely possible to significantly improve the quality of WiFi signal reception by using one or even two methods. The fact is that the implementation of all recommendations can be nullified if, for example, the device settings indicate a minimum power level. And vice versa, if all program parameters are focused on the optimal operating mode of the equipment, then interference in the form of an interior partition will also spoil the potentially high quality of reception. Therefore, a WiFi antenna can be significantly strengthened only with an integrated approach to analyzing its settings and assessing its location. As practice shows, the most effective solution in terms of increasing reception power is still the purchase of more technologically advanced modern equipment. In particular, the latest models open up the possibility of working in new ones, providing high and stable data transfer.

Every year there are more and more different gadgets that have access to the Internet. Almost every apartment has a laptop, smartphone, tablet or TV, and maybe even a refrigerator with a Wi-Fi module. At the same time, users often face the problem that it is not possible to “catch” a connection to the Internet everywhere. The reason for this may be that the distance from the router to the device is too large. The coverage radius of the router is about 30 meters, and sometimes more. However, there are a number of other factors that can affect the signal level.

Interference can be caused by:

There are software and hardware methods that can help solve this problem. The following recommendations will help strengthen Wi-Fi and make Internet use more comfortable.

Software Gain

The most common mistake when using wireless access points is that owners pay too little attention to setting up the network. Often, users set a security key and change the SSID. This is where all the shenanigans end. At the same time, there are still a lot of parameters that remain by default. Setting them up will help increase the coverage area. Let's consider the main methods of programmatic signal amplification.

Video: Boost WiFi signal

Correct location

First of all, you need to pay attention to the location of the router in the apartment. It is recommended to place the router closest to the device from which you access the Internet. If it is difficult to figure out such a place, and the connection is made from different rooms in the house, then it would be best to install the router in the central part of the apartment.

This way, as much space as possible will fall within the range of action.

If the apartment or house has two levels, then the router must be placed on the ground floor at the highest point, this can be a mezzanine or a closet. You should not litter the area where the router is located with various objects (including metal ones). This will allow the signal to travel unhindered.

Device frequency matching

In apartment buildings, there may be up to 20, or even more, wireless networks in the accessibility zone. This is not very good for the performance of one particular device. All available networks tend to overlap and use the same frequency channel. As a result, the network supply level deteriorates even at a relatively close distance.

In this case, strengthening the Wi-Fi signal is very simple and easy; even the most inexperienced user can figure it out. First, you should install a special program on your laptop, which can be used to determine a free channel. The most commonly used is inSSIDer. After launching the program, the screen will display a list of all available wireless networks and the frequency channels they occupy. You must select a free channel. To do this, perform the following steps:

If all channels are already used by other people’s routers, you should choose the least loaded one. For the settings to take effect, click “Save/Change”.

Modern Wi-Fi protocol – 802.11n

Today, the 802.11n standard is the newest. In addition, it is also the fastest due to its increased coverage radius. If all devices in the apartment from which the Internet is accessed support this standard, then a transition to 802.11n is possible.

In order to switch to the 802.11n operating mode, you must:

Low transmitter power

Many router models are equipped with a function for adjusting the Wi-Fi signal strength. You need to make the appropriate changes in the router settings:

Transition to 5 GHz

Most routers operate in the 2.4 GHz band. However, more expensive router models can output signals in the 5 GHz band. Therefore, it is recommended to switch to this particular range, since it is practically free and not occupied by other devices. In this case, the coverage will spread over a larger area.

The transition to the 5 GHz band is possible if the connected devices can operate in this range.

Hardware Wi-Fi signal booster

If all the above steps have been carried out, but access to the network is interrupted, do not despair. Perhaps all is not lost yet. There are several tricks that can help solve this problem. To do this, you need to upgrade your wireless device. You can increase the coverage radius using a second router. To do this, you need to set up a wireless bridge between the two devices using Wireless Distribution System technology. It will allow you to increase your coverage area by combining several routers into one network.

You can also do some tricks with antennas. Most routers are equipped with external removable antennas. They are often underpowered by about 2 dBi, sometimes 5 dBi. They can be easily replaced with stronger ones. To do this, it is worth unscrewing the old ones and placing new ones with a higher coefficient in their place. In addition, you can purchase an antenna with a cable and a special stand. It connects to the router. At the same time, it can be moved around the apartment, thus providing coverage without changing the position of the router.

If the device has more than two antennas, then replacing them will be too expensive. It will be cheaper to purchase a repeater. It is also called a repeater. In other words - a repeater.

Using a repeater

Users often encounter the problem that in large apartments the range of the router signal is not enough to provide coverage in all rooms. To solve this problem, aids will be useful. A repeater can be used as a signal amplification device. This device connects to an existing network as a client. With its help, the coverage area expands. It must be installed between the router and the work computer.

The repeater is compact in size and relatively inexpensive. The repeater looks like a small power supply and operates from the network. There are many options for such devices on the market.

Improving the adapter on your computer

The reception of the distributed signal can also be enhanced on the client device. This advice will be useful to those users whose computers have adapters connected via a USB port. However, this option will be useless for owners of tablets, smartphones and laptops, since the antennas in such devices are built-in. When using a USB adapter to access the Internet, do not connect it directly to the computer. To begin with, you can use an extension cord,

and connect the device through it. A long cord will allow you to move the modem around the house, searching for a network.

You can also purchase a USB adapter booster. It is capable of providing network access in areas with weak signals. A modem is connected to this device and placed in a place with Wi-Fi coverage.

Rebooting the Router

A weak signal and interference may occur due to outdated router firmware or if the installed drivers require updating.

There is no financial cost required to update drivers. They can be downloaded for free on the official website of the router manufacturer. Install them on your computer, the level and quality of the signal will increase.

Antenna Upgrade

This method will help you upgrade your device using a reflector. To make it you will need foil and thick paper or cardboard.

A parabola with two holes for the antenna is cut out of paper and attached to a rectangle made of foil. The resulting device must be secured to the antenna. Thus, the signal will become directional. You can also use a drink can as a reflector by cutting it lengthwise, cutting off the bottom, and placing it behind the router. The reflector is directed in the direction where it is necessary to provide coverage.

By following these simple tips, you can significantly strengthen the Wi-Fi signal on your laptop. To do this, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on buying new devices. You just need to take a little time to study the router settings or use available tools and upgrade the device yourself.

We are all familiar with such concepts as the Internet and Wi-Fi; almost everyone knows how to log into the World Wide Web and work there, have fun and do many other things. But few people know what directed Wi-Fi is, how to organize and configure it. In this article we will tell you all the main points related to this topic.

Main types of antennas

Directional antennas are what help us establish a directional Wi-Fi signal. They are used to increase the signal transmission distance from the Wi-Fi router to the receiving point.

Wi-Fi antennas are divided into two types - directional and omnidirectional. Each of them is necessary to obtain certain results. For example, let’s take a directional antenna that concentrates incoming and outgoing signals into one band, which allows you to significantly increase the distance of transmission and reception of the Wi-Fi signal. This kind of antenna is ideal for creating a Wi-Fi network where it is necessary to transmit information from one point to another. In other words, if you see or know that there is a directional antenna near you, then you can try to install a Wi-Fi bridge by mounting your own directional antenna. The signal quality will be at a high level.

This happens because the signal is concentrated in one stream. To help you understand and manage signal transmission and reception distances, there are some factors to consider.

  • The first factor is transmitter power. The higher it is, the greater the distance you can transmit your signal.
  • The second factor is Wi-Fi antenna power. The quality of signal transmission and reception depends on it.
  • Third factor - cable and its length. Keep in mind that the longer it is, the worse the signal will become, and vice versa.
  • Fourth factor - interference. You should see in advance what will stand in the way of your signal and whether it will be able to break through them. The fewer obstacles and interference, the better the signal.

If we take an ideal example, which is almost impossible to meet in life, then 10 kilometers can pass from transmission to reception. In real life, such a distance would be barely one and a half kilometers.

Unlike the first antenna, the omnidirectional antenna distributes and receives signals from all directions. Accordingly, the distance over which it can distribute and receive a signal is several times shorter. If we take, again, an ideal example, the maximum distance will be up to 1 kilometer, and in reality even less. But you should understand and realize that a person who installs an omnidirectional antenna does not seek to distribute Wi-Fi over as great a distance as possible; this is a completely different goal. Such an antenna is installed on floors in offices, apartments, or on an entire building, if its structure allows the signal to break through.

How to install an antenna at home?

If you are installing an antenna at home, then you need to know where your signal will come from or is already coming from. In a modern city, it is very easy to lose the signal due to the fact that houses are located very close to each other and can simply interrupt or distort it. Every obstacle that comes in the way of a signal can either partially let it through, or reflect it, or not let it through at all.

Let's take the following example. Let's assume that you have a router at home that operates at 500 meters of excellent visibility. You are across the wall from him. Knowing that such a wall transmits the signal by 15% after itself, we get a distance of 75 meters. In other words, the router will distribute a signal through the wall at a distance of 75 meters. But if you connect an antenna to it, you can get rid of this problem.